PR Analysis Thesis

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Analysis of Emotional Impact of Gossip on the

Selected Grade 11 Senior High School Students

of STI Academic Center of Las Piñas

In partial fulfillment of Practical Research 1

Presented to the Senior High School Faculty of STI College Las Piñas

Presented by:

Arciaga, Jann Angelo C.

Domingo, Theodore Edrian R.

Ferrer, Aliana Jediael R.

Silva, Nicholai Albert Daniel D.

Velasco, Jazzem D.

March 2019
D. Interpretation, Analysis, and Presentation of Data

This chapter shows the gathered data from the interviews, the analysis and the

interpretation of the data that has been gathered by the researchers. The aim for this

chapter is to present the gathered data from the researchers and also to present the

gathered data from the interviews that were held. Each student was given 5 questions


Presentation of Data

Question #1: Do you know what gossip is? What is your definition and

understanding of gossip? What are your thoughts on it?

Respondent A: So yung sa tanong mo uhh… oo, alam ko siya. And yung definition ko

ah- ayun yung mga usap-usapan na uhm… pa-pwedeng uhm.. May positive or tamang

uhh.. information na nakukuha nila sayo, pwede rin naman fake, fake, like, fake news,

ganon. Yung gawa-gawa lang. Ayun lang.

Respondent B: Gossip… Diba ano yun? Chismis mga ganun? (pause) Yung mga taong

pinag-uusapan ka sa likod mo. Merong mga taong pwede kang siraan mga ganun. (noises

in the background) Wag kayo maingay. Tapos yung what are your thoughts on it, uhm…

Wala naman masyado kasi nagtataka lang ako bakit nila kailangan gumawa ng gossip?

Wala ba silang ibang pwedeng gawin? Wala- ma- tawag dito? Ganun ba ka-importante

yung taong pinag-uusapan nila? Bakit pa kailangang nila gawin yun.

Respondent C: Uhh.. Para sa aking alam, ang gossip kasi para sa akin ay isang bagay na

ginagawa ng mga tao para makasira sa dignidad ng mga tao para mala- Para masabi nila

na mas-angat sila dun sa tao. Yun lang naman ang pagka- ayun, pero sa akin, maling-mali

yung gumagawa ka ng gossip sa mga taong hindi naman totoo.

Question #2: Have you ever heard of gossip of other people & have you felt pity or

empathy for them?

Respondent A: Yes. Uhhh… Kasi naging victim ako niyan. And uhh… i-ano harap-

harapan and minsan, na- naririning ko sa likod. Like, ung parinig-parinig, ganun.

Respondent B: Oo, nakarining na ako. Marami, as in. Tap- ano- ako, felt pity dun sa nag

go-gossip? Ahh, hindi. Mas mas naaawa ako dun sa mga gumagawa ng gossip. Kasi bakit

sila maninira ng tao? Eh, wla nman ginagawa yung tao, diba? Bakit kayo mambabaliktad

ng storya, eh wala naman ginagawa yung tao? Diba? Ano nalang sasabihin nung iba? Eh

hindi naman alam yung totoong storya.

Respondent C: Uhh… Kanino ako nakaka-feel ng pity? Dun sa nagkakalat ng gossip? Or

dun sa- Ah, victim. Oo, para sa akin naawa ako pero ang nasasabi ko rin, if ever na may

mag-gossip, gumawa ng gossip sayoe, make it as a stepping stone na i-prove sa kanila na

mali yung kinakalat nila.

Question #3: Have you ever taken action in an attempt to stop gossip?

Respondant A: Yes. Kaso, in a not nice way so na- napuno ako so hinamon ko siya ng

suntukan. Since alam ko naman yu- ako yung pinaguusapan dahil wala naman silang

ibang nakakasagutan or nakakaaway kung hindi ako lang. So, yun. Yun yung ginawa ko

yun yung maling way na nagawa ko sa pag gossip na yan. Uhh… Hinamon ko sila harap

harapan, suntukan sa tpt ng school. Exactly morning nauna na ako dun.

Respondent B: Hindi. Kasi bakit ko pipigilan eh wala rin naman akong magagawa kung

ayaw tumi- tumigil nung tao diba? Ma- masasayang lang yung effort tsaka energy ko.

Respondent C: Uhh ako, para sa akin kasi hindi mo mapipigilan ang gossip. Kasi sa

dami-daming tao dito sa buong mundo, mapipigilan mo ba kung may kumakalat tungkol

sayo? Para sa akin, ang kailangan mo lang naman gawin diyan is i-prove mo mali iprove

mo na mali ang mga kumakalat sayo na bad. If ever na yun nga, wag ka susuko na na i-

prove sa kanila na tama yung kinakalat nila, i-prove mo naman na mali, ganun lang.
Question #4: Have you ever unintentionally or intentionally started a gossip? If yes,

how did you feel and what are your thoughts on it?

Respondent A: Uhh.. Gossip, oo. Lahat naman ng tao nag- naggogossip eh. So, uhm…

yung para sa akin lang, ang napagusapan ko lang naman diyan uhh… Hindi naman siya

totally uhh.. negative like uhm… in a nice way ko siyang uhm… pinaguusapan ng mga

kagroupo namin like, parang open forum, ganun-ganun lang. Pero yung sabihin mong

uhm… Magsasalita ako sa tao ng masama, hindi- hindi ko ginawa yun. So laging may

point yung mga pinagsasabi namin sa bawat isa isa.

Respondent B: Ako, never akong nag start ng gossip. Kasi alam ko yung feeling na

mapag-usapan. Atsaka, kung ako ngang sarili ko ayaw pagusapan eh bakit ko paguusapan

yung iba, diba?

Respondent C: Uhh… Para sa akin kasi, alam ko yung feeling na may kumakalat na

chismis sayo or gossip. Kaya ako hindi never ko ginawa yun. Kasi it’s bad and it’s a sin

para sa akin na: Isipin mo yun, ikaw may kumakalat sayo tapos ikaw may ika- ikakalat

ka rin iba. Diba napaka i- ironic naman nun diba? Kung iisipin mo. Kaya it’s a no-no for

Question #5: Does gossip hold any siginificance in your life? If so, how siginificant is

it to you?

Respondent A: Uhh… May ano naman siya, kahit papaano. May… Tawag nito? May

point din siya kasi nalalaman mo kung ano yung mga pinagsasabi sayo whether negative

or positive uhh… Yun lang.

Respondent B: No, para sa akin hindi. Kasi ano.. Ano yung sinabi ko kanina? (Snicker)

Kasi ano, tawag dito? Marami naman puwedeng gawin bukod sa pag gogossip eh, ano-

ano naman maidudulot nito sayo diba? Hindi naman importante yung gossip eh. Bakit

niyo sinisimulan? Bakit niyo gagawin? May- pagka nagsimula ba kayo ng gossip, anong

maidudulot sa inyo? Makakataas ba yun sa pagkatao niyo?

Respondent C: Uhh.. For me uhh.. It does hold a significant, uhh… thing in my life

because uhh.. for me, the the biggest- in my past uhh… there are a lot of gossips about

me. And I- it did hold- held me back that and I- didn’t help me grow up and uhh… be

what I am today. So, it ma-ae, it became my strength to- to fulfill my dreams someday

because if- if I get uhh… eaten by the gossips, I will not be here or be with you anymore.
Interpretation and Analysis of Data

When the researchers conducted the interview, all of the interviewees stated that

they had experienced being gossiped about at one point in their life. They refer gossip as

information that has been passed around behind the person’s back that has not been

proven to be true, and that gossip is made to blemish one’s reputation around other

people. One respondent stated that there are occasionally gossips that instead of being

negative, gives out a positive effect when the information that is spread around is either

correct or praising them. Another said that they are wondering on what purpose does

gossip even provide towards gossipers? Is it even significant enough to gossip about a

certain person? In the second question, all of the interviewees said that they had heard

gossip about other people, and that they felt pity towards the victim. With one respondent

even saying that they experienced it themselves. Another one stated that if you are to be

gossiped about, then make it as a stepping stone to prove that the gossip is not true.

Another respondent said that they felt pity for the gossiper, because of them blemishing

the reputation of the victim. In the next question, one respondent said that they took

action to stop gossip. They challenged the gossiper in a fight to stop the gossip from

gossiping about her/him. The other respondents said that they never have taken action to

stop gossip because it is simply a waste of effort and energy if the gossiper didn't want to

stop. The other one said that we can't stop gossip because of the numerous people who

make it, also adding that we simply just need to prove them wrong. The interviewer then

asked if they have ever started a gossip. A respondent said that we all gossip, but some

gossipers cause a positive effect. The other respondents said the they never gossiped

before, simply because they know the feeling of the being gossiped. In the last question
of the interview, one of the respondents said that gossip had never held any significance

because there are many things that we can do besides making gossip, which does not do

anything good. The other respondents said that it holds importance in their life because

through gossip you can know the rumors about you, another one said that in his/her past

there has been a lot of gossip about himself/herself and has used gossip as their strength

that developed the respondent’s character today.

E. Summary, Conclusions and Recommendation

Summary of Findings

As the researchers had discovered the different factors which affect the victims of

gossip at an emotional level, it has been found that each of the respondents have their

own interpretation of what gossip is to them, how it affects themselves, and others. In

reality, it affects both the victims and the gossipers themselves. Gossip may lead to

different sides which are positive and negative, or what we call the malicious ones, but

majority of the impacts are negative. Whether it may be those two sides, depending on

the severity, victims may face distraction, stress, aggression, self-pity, loss of self-esteem,

lack emotional strength, depression and selfishness. They most likely to suffer from

malicious gossips about them being spread to ruin their reputation causing them to be a

social snob. However they can choose to stand up against this and take actions for

themselves by using it as a stepping stone to self-improvement, making them gain some

emotional strength to face their future struggles and be more mature. In this struggles and

circumstances it might also be a way to success, victory or true happiness. The reason as

to why other students start gossips is because it is a part of their environment and they’re

not knowledgeable enough about it. It impacts by gossipers being unconscious about their

gossip to the victims. And by the victim’s struggles and circumstances, they worry about

the possible things to happen since they lack some chance or time to defend themselves.

Insecurities contributes to the cause of malicious gossips that are set as a coping

mechanism to a student’s mental development. Gossiping gives the gossiper a sense of

pride and accomplishment through bringing others that they dislike down and looking
them as inferior which they may then later regret in life and cause them to improve

themselves for the greater good. Victims of gossip could change into a selfish, less

confident, and pitiful or may also use all of it to be just what they really are as a person.

There is always a grey area in every situation, and that area is where both sides' positives

and negatives are visible. Which is why it affects both the gossiper and the gossiped in

both ways. It is only up to the discretion of either one to choose what they will do about

their actions and their experiences.


Conclusively, the researchers have been able to learn that gossip might be

common in our environment, especially to those who are young; they’re not aware that,

in some cases, they start gossip unintentionally. Most of the impacts of gossip are

negative, especially when their emotions are involved, which may potentially lead to

depression, frustration, and sadness. Based on the results of the study, the victims may

develop sudden depression or stress because of the possible scenarios that they worry

might happen and the lack of chance to defend themselves from the gossip. Gossip not

only results in the victim experiencing emotional problems, but it can also result in

developing behavioral problems that will affect their intrapersonal relationships with

others. Gossip can cause selfishness, because the victims experience their loss of

confidence and self-esteem towards their surroundings, and tend to feel pity for

themselves. As victims of gossip, they come up on struggles, they face distractions,

stress, depression, and selfishness. Those are the factors that contribute to being impacted

negatively including possessing paranoia or worry about the possible things to happen.
Being gossiped about can affect the everyday behavior of the victim depending on the

severity of the situation. Somehow, gossip has a positive side wherein the victim might

decide to turn the situation into something positive. The victim might prove that the

gossip about them is wrong. The victim could also gain emotional strength to face their

struggles and be more mature for the situation.


The researchers recommend this study towards those who have been a victim of

gossip in any possible way, which includes malicious gossip in workplaces, schools, or

even in their own village, those who have either intentionally or unintentionally gossiped

about other people, in order to open their minds and show them the negative

consequences of their actions, those who have witnessed gossip theirselves, in order to

encourage them to take action in reducing the number of gossip victims within the world,

and to fellow researchers alike conducting on a similar study, if not the same study, in

order to enhance the knowledge and aid in the advancement of similarly-related studies

which may eventually help improve the world from a moral standpoint.

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