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(A Mock Test)

GENERAL DIRECTIONS: Below are test items to assess the competencies of a school head. Read each item
carefully and choose the CORRECT answer from the given options. Shade the letter of your answer in the
Answer Sheet.


In promoting “One DepEd”, the Department enacts the adoption of its official vision, mission, and core values by
all offices and schools in the country. School heads, in particular, are expected to know it by heart and
communicate it to its stakeholders. Complete the missing words in the DepEd Vision and Mission statement.

DepEd Vision

We dream of Filipinos who passionately love their country and whose

1._________________ enable them to realize their full potential.

As a learner-centered 2. _______________, the Department of Education continuously

improves itself to better serve its stakeholders.


To protect and promote the right of every Filipino to quality, equitable, culture-based,
and complete basic education where:

Students learn in a child-friendly, 3.___________, safe and motivating environment;

Teachers facilitate learning and constantly 4. ____________ every learner;
Administrators and staff, as stewards of the institution, ensure an enabling and 5.
_____________ environment for effective learning to happen;
Family, community, and other stakeholders are actively engaged and
share responsibility for developing 6. __________.

1. A. competencies B. values C. competencies and values D. values and competencies

2. A. public office B. institution C. public institution D. government institution
3. A. peaceful B. comfortable C. community-centered D. gender-sensitive
4. A. develop B. nurture C. guide D. teach
5. A. safe B. conducive C. peaceful D. supportive
6. A. responsible learners B. good learners C. productive learners D. life-long learners

Communication skills are essential in efficient and effective school leadership and management. Fill in the
blanks with appropriate word that would complete the thought of the following correspondences.

October 5, 2017

The Schools Division Superintendent

Legazpi City Division
Legazpi City


7. _________ is our proposal for the forthcoming School-Based In-Service Training for teachers during the
semestral break.

Your kind approval for such activity is highly appreciated. Thank you and God bless.

8. ___________________,



7. A. Attached B. Attached hereto C. Enclosed herewith D. Enclosed herein

8. A. Truly yours, B. Sincerely, C. Respectfully, D. Very truly yours,


1st Indorsement
9. __________________

Respectfully 10. __________ to the Principal of Malayo Elementary School, the herein request for a
copy of the Permanent Record of Julius Ceasar Jr., Grade V pupil of this school, Malupit Elementary School,
School Year 2015-2016, for record purposes.

11. _____________________________

9. A. Title B. Date C. Salutation D. Inside address

10. A. transmitted B. forwarded C. referred D. submitted

11. A. Please reply. B. For information: C. Complimentary close D. No complimentary close

12. Use of technology facilitates work. Which of the following is NOT a part of the computer system?

A. CPU B. software C. graphics D. hardware

13. Which is known as an output process?

A. A document being encoded

B. A Microsoft excel program
C. A document being printed
D. A Microsoft word program

14. Interpersonal sensitivity is important to a leader. Which situation is most tactful in dealing with an erring

A. Correcting the teacher with a soft voice

B. Calling the attention of the teacher at once
C. Reprimanding the teacher inside the Principal’s Office
D. Confronting the teacher and letting him/her realize his/her fault

15. Social skill is a must for school heads. The ability to relate well with people usually brings positive results.
Which of these best illustrates such skill?

A. Inspiring and influencing people to gain their support

B. Listening to others with understanding and empathy
C. Making oneself popular in the community
D. Delegating some tasks to teachers

16. Which of these indicates that Project WATCH (We Advocate Time Consciousness and Honesty) is strictly
adhered to?
A. Deducting the salary of teachers for absences and tardiness incurred
B. Conducting an orientation to teachers and students about it
C. Monitoring the attendance of teachers and students
D. Having a lost and found corner in the school

17. Which of the following situations best demonstrates fairness of the school head?

A. Sending all teachers to training/seminars

B. Providing equal opportunities to teachers
C. Giving equal performance rating to teachers
D. Distributing loads and assignments equitably

18. Which does NOT pertain to integrity?

A. leading by example
B. keeping confidential matters
C. having the ability to do things
D. being responsible and accountable

19. RA 6713 establishes the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees. Which
refers to the performance of duties with the highest degree of excellence?

A. Professionalism
B. Justness and sincerity
C. Responsiveness to the public
D. Commitment to public interest

20. Which is a violation of the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Government Officials and Employees?

A. Wearing expensive jewelry in the course of duty

B. Appointing relatives to confidential positions
C. Ensuring openness of information to anyone
D. Requesting for travel abroad

21. School Improvement Plan serves as a roadmap of the school to attain its goals and objectives. Which is NOT
TRUE about SIP crafting?

A. It should be evidence-and results-based, child-and learner-centered.

B. Planning by team is necessary to nourish community spirit.
C. It integrates the principle of continuous improvement.
D. SIP process starts with the planning phase.

22. Strategic thinking is required in SIP crafting. In which phase is SWOT analysis done?

A. Setting and prioritizing goals

B. Assessing the school readiness
C. Building and analyzing school data
D. Collecting, sorting, and selecting data

23. Which of the following is the LAST STEP in the SIP Planning Cycle?

A. Identifying/reviewing priority improvement areas

B. Gathering and organizing the necessary data
C. Communicating the plan
D. Formulating solutions

24. The School Report Card is a tool to communicate the situation, context and performance of the school to the
stakeholders. Which is NOT included among the ways to disseminate the SRC?

A. School or Division website, bulletin boards, other public areas

B. Distribution of copies to the general public
C. Publication in the national dailies
D. School meetings and assemblies

25. Which is NOT TRUE about the use of the SRC?

A. It is a basis for accountability.

B. It is used for planning purposes.
C. It is a snapshot of the status of the school.
D. It is reported to the stakeholders at the end of the SY.

26. In School-Based Management (SBM), the school head has three major functions. Which is NOT included
among those functions?

A. Promote education quality improvement

B. Exercise administrative management
C. Exercise instructional leadership
D. Strengthen external partnership
27. Under the SBM-PASBE Operational Framework, schools are encouraged to improve continuously, thus,
assessment of level of practice has been categorized from developing to advanced. Which category is a
candidate for accreditation?

I. Developing
II. Maturing
III. Advanced

A. II only
B. III only
C. I and II
D. II and III

28. Which of the following situations best describes the relationship between leaders and their followers?

A. Leaders emerge because followers allow them to be on the lead.

B. Leaders are elected by followers, who provide the source of their authority.
C. Leaders inspire followers and provide direction for their efforts and commitment.
D. Leaders are chosen by followers based on their ability to communicate a compelling vision.

29. Both leadership and management skills are essential for individual and organizational success. Which situation
reflects both qualities of a school principal?

A. Designating a new teacher as adviser of school publication

B. Assigning the master teacher to take charge of the INSET
C. Giving special assignments to the most senior teacher
D. Delegating clerical duties to a utility teacher

30. Which of the following roles is more inclined to that of a leader?

A. organizing
B. motivating
C. controlling
D. delegating

31. In transformational leadership, leaders motivate employees and enhance productivity and efficiency through
communication and high visibility. Which situation illustrates this type of leadership?

A. Calling on key personnel to discuss solutions to problems

B. Meeting key personnel to address the problems in the school
C. Relying on key personnel in the school in solving its problems
D. Issuing a memo to key personnel to inform them of what to do

32. The revised SBM Framework and Assessment Process and Tools (APAT) adheres to the four principles of
ACCESs (A Child and Community-Centered School System). In which principle does MOOE liquidation fall?

A. Resource Management
B. Curriculum and Learning
C. Leadership and Governance
D. Accountability and Continuous Improvement

33. School leadership is the heart of School-Based Management. What percent is allotted for leadership and
governance when evaluating the level of practice of the school?

A. 10% B. 20% C. 25% D. 30%

34. DepEd has undergone structural change. Which division in the Regional Office takes charge of SBM?

A. Education Support Services Division

B. Field Technical Assistance Division
C. Administrative Division
D. Finance Division
35. In the Schools Division Office, which takes charge of ICT?

A. Office of the Schools Division Superintendent

B. School Governance and Operation Division
C. Curriculum Implementation Division
D. Basic Education Facilities Section

36. Which handles DText and other petty issues in the Central Office?

A. Information and Communication Technology Service

B. External Partnerships Service
C. Public Affairs Service
D. Legal Service

37. Which kind of power is accorded to a school head whose integrity is beyond question?

A. Legitimate Power C. Referent Power

B. Coercive Power D. Expert Power

38. Which situation demonstrates that the head of school exercises coercive power?
A. Recommending employees
B. Reprimanding employees
C. Ranking employees
D. Rating employees
39. The School Head chairs various committees in the school. What power does he enjoy?

A. Legitimate Power C. Referent Power B. Coercive Power D.

Expert Power

40. Mrs. Dina Padadaig would like to get things done and does not mingle with her people. Which leadership style
does she advocate?
A. Bureaucratic C. Laissez Fair
B. Transactional D. Autocratic
41. Which leadership style is ideal in a work place that involves serious safety risks?
A. Bureaucratic C. Democratic
B. Autocratic D. Transactional

42. Which leadership style is most appropriate when decisions must be made immediately?
A. Bureaucratic C. Democratic
B. Autocratic D. Transformational

43. Mr. Juan Tamad is a school head who usually delegates tasks and avoid making decisions. His subordinates like
him because they are free to make decisions and they set their own deadlines. What is his leadership style?
A. Laissez Faire C. Democratic
B. Autocratic D. Transformational

44. Which is NOT among the responsibilities of the School Head as embodied in Republic Act 9155?
A. Establishing school community networks
B. Administering and managing all personnel
C. Accepting donations, gifts, bequests, and grants
D. Approving the staffing complement of the school

45. Which activity is eligible in the School-to-School Partnership?

A. Hiring and payment of salaries of additional staff
B. Purchase and reproduction of NAT reviewers
C. Water, sanitation and hygiene
D. Payment of utilities

46. Being a leader and a manager are two different things. Which situation describes a manager?
A. Implementing policies and guidelines
B. Empowering teachers and parents
C. Creating opportunities for growth
D. Motivating people to attain goals

47. Principals play both leadership and management roles. Which requires leadership function?
A. Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses
B. Learner Information System
C. Inventory of properties
D. In-Service Training

48. Which of the following tasks is an administrative function of the school head?
A. Preparing report on attendance of teachers
B. Implementing co-curricular activities
C. Planning for remedial intervention
D. Conducting an action research

49. Part of school leadership is building high performance teams. Which situation best exemplifies this?
A. Listening to the opinion of teachers and parents
B. Conducting a meeting with teachers and parents
C. Asking for suggestions from teachers and parents
D. Involving the teachers and parents in decision-making process

50. Managing change is one crucial role of the principal. Both internal and external factors have to be taken into
consideration to attain organizational success. Which is considered an internal factor?

A. Technological advancement
B. Social communication
C. Political intervention
D. Strategic goals


51. Which of the following indicators is NOT covered by instructional leadership?

A. Empowers teachers and personnel to identify, initiate, and manage change

B. Creates and manages a school process to ensure student progress
C. Manages the processes in monitoring student achievement
D. Develops a culture of functional literacy

52. Which of the following is NOT a domain for assessing curriculum implementation effectiveness?
A. Curriculum plan
B. Teachers’ activities
C. Curriculum support materials
D. Student activities and achievements

53. Principals provide technical assistance to teachers for their personal and professional growth. Which principle is
no longer true about provision of technical assistance?
A. It is a cooperative and collaborative process.
B. It is focused on monitoring and supervision of teachers.
C. It is aligned with the vision and mission of the organization.
D. It is aimed at solving problems, improving performance, and getting results.

54. Technical assistance is a form of professional help, guidance or support to an individual or group. Which
strategy is most appropriate to guide master teachers in preparing an action research?

A. orientation-workshop C. coaching and mentoring B. direction-giving

D. seminar-workshop

55. Mentoring is one way of providing technical assistance. When is mentoring most effective?
A. When there is resistance
B. When there is deficiency in skills
C. When there is an attitude problem
D. When there is seen potential in the employee

56. Which situation demonstrates mentoring?

A. Assisting teachers in lesson planning
B. Giving tips on the art of questioning
C. Guiding teachers in preparing Table of Specifications
D. Encouraging teachers to pursue personal and professional advancement

57. Which is NOT an indicator of coaching?

A. It focuses on the performance of the individual.
B. It is satisfied with affirmation and learning.
C. It is satisfied with teamwork performance.
D. It facilitates on specific agenda.

58. The National Competency-Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS) has been renamed as Philippine Professional
Standards for Teachers (PPST) in line with the changing national and global frameworks. Which is NOT TRUE
about the adoption and implementation of the PPST?
A. It shall be the basis for professional learning and development of teachers.
B. It shall be the basis for the selection and promotion of teachers.
C. It shall be the basis for the recognition and awards of teachers.
D. It shall be the basis for the performance appraisal of teachers.

59. Which is NOT a domain of the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers?
A. School Outcomes
B. Diversity of Learners
C. Personal Growth and Professional Development
D. Community Linkages and Professional Engagement

60. In which domain of the PPST does positive use of ICT fall?
A. Learning Environment C. Assessment and Reporting
B. Diversity of Learners D. Content Knowledge and Pedagogy

61. Career stages has been set in the PPST considering the continuum of development in the teaching profession. In
which career stage does a teacher consistently display a high level of performance in the teaching practice?
A. Beginning
B. Proficient
C. Distinguished
D. Highly proficient

62. Curriculum enrichment is defined by Glatthorn (1997) as the learning that goes beyond what is prescribed by
the core curriculum. Which of these principles is applied in enrichment learning and teaching?

I. Learning is better when teachers are given teaching guides.

II. Learning is more effective when classroom activities are digitized.
III. Learning is enhanced when students construct their own meaning through knowledge and
skills application.
IV. Learning is more meaningful and enjoyable when content and process are learned in the
context of a real and present problem.

A. I and II
B. I and III
C. II and III
D. III and IV
63. Which of these training methodologies geared towards teacher professional development follows the bottom-up
A. Scholarship program C. On-line training
B. Training-workshop D. Lesson Study

64. Learning Action Cell (LAC) is a continuing professional development strategy to improve teaching and
learning. Which is the correct sequence in undertaking LAC?
I. Assessment of needs
II. Formation of LAC
III. Scheduling of meetings
IV. Prioritization of topics or agenda
V. Identification of appropriate intervention

A. I, II, III, IV, V

B. I, II, IV, V, III
C. I, IV, V, II, III
D. I, IV, II, V, III

65. Which is NOT true as regards the conduct of School Learning Action Cell (SLAC)?
A. Teachers should prioritize their needs and should be reflected in their LAC Plan.
B. Teachers can collaboratively plan weekly lessons during the LAC session.
C. A school may organize as many LACs as may be deemed necessary.
D. Involving community partners during the LAC session is allowed.

66. What is the role of the school head in the Learning Action Cell?
I. LAC Leader
II. LAC Facilitator III.
LAC Documenter IV.
LAC Resource Person

A. I only
B. II only
C. I and II
D. I, II, and IV

67. Which program of Alternative Learning System (ALS) caters to illiterate adults?
A. Adolescents Friendly Environment Literacy
B. Accreditation and Equivalency Program
C. Family Basic Literacy Program
D. Basic Literacy Program

68. Which of the following is NOT among the learning areas in the Alternative Learning System?

A. Values Formation C. Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking

B. Communication Skills D. Sustainable Use of Resources/Productivity

69. The Senior High School Program has a total of 31 subjects that include core subjects, contextualized and
specialization subjects. How many core subjects are there which are true to all tracks?
A. 8 C. 12
B. 9 D. 15

70. Which of these describes the specialization subjects?

A. Same content, same competencies
B. Same content, different competencies
C. Different content, same competencies
D. Different content, different competencies

71. Which of the following is not a core subject in the SHS program?
A. Media and Information Literacy C. Personal Development
B. General Mathematics D. English for Academic and Professional Purposes

72. Technical-Vocational and Livelihood (TVL) track has 4 areas of specialization: Home Economics, ICT, Agri-
Fishery Arts, and Industrial Arts. Where does Electrical Installation and Maintenance fall?
A. Industrial Arts C. Agri-Fishery Arts
B. Home Economics D. Information and Communication Technology

73. Which specialization is NOT included in Home Economics?

A. Tour Guiding Services C. Horticulture
B. Care Giving D. Wellness massage

74. Grade 12 students in the Senior High School Program are required to undergo work immersion. What is the
minimum hours allotted for work immersion?
A. 60 hours C. 80 hours
B. 70 hours D. 90 hours

75. What is the percentage weight of rating work immersion in TVL?

A. 30% C. 50%
B. 40% D. 60%

76. DepEd Order No. 36, s. 2016 provides the guidelines on awards and recognition for K to 12 Basic Education
Program. Which is contrary to this policy?
A. Award is not given if no one qualifies.
B. Leadership Award is intended for all grade levels.
C. There can be two or more recipients of any award.
D. Academic Excellence Award is given to class and grade level awardees.

77. Which can be conferred with highest honors under the new guidelines on awards and recognition?
A. Learners who attained a general average of 95% and above
B. Learners who attained a general average of 96% and above
C. Learners who attained a general average of 97% and above
D. Learners who attained a general average of 98% and above
78. An Awards Committee (AC) should be organized to determine the school awardees. The committee must be
composed of at least three (3) members. Which is NOT a function of the AC?
A. Deliberate on the qualifications of the candidates for the awards.
B. Formulate the rubrics specific for the grade level awards.
C. Verify the authenticity of the documents submitted.
D. Approve the result of the deliberation.

79. In case of protest from the candidates for honors, how long should the school head act on it?
A. 1 day C. 3 days
B. 2 days D. 5 days

80. Which pedagogical approach in teaching espouses the idea that the learners are not empty receptacles of
knowledge and that they construct meaning from new knowledge and experiences gained?
A. Reflective Teaching C. Constructivist
B. Integrative Approach D. Inquiry-Based Approach

81. Which teaching strategy is an example of Integrative Approach?

A. Content-Based Instruction C. Focused Group Discussion
B. Cooperative Learning D. Laboratory Work

82. With DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015 or the new guidelines on assessment of learning, learners are graded based on
written outputs, performance tasks, and quarterly test effective SY 2015-2016. What is the weight given to
performance tasks in language subjects?
A. 30% C. 50%
B. 40% D. 60%

83. What is the percentage weight for quarterly test in all learning areas in Gr. 1-10?
A. 20% C. 30%
B. 25% D. 35%

84. Learners can be promoted or retained based on their performance. Which of these conditions retains Gr. 1 to 10
learner in the same grade level?
A. Did not meet expectations in a learning area
B. Did not meet expectations in 2 learning areas
C. Did not meet expectations in 3 or more learning areas
D. Did not meet expectations in 4 or more learning areas

85. Kindergarten has its own rating system. Which indicator calls for a rating of Beginning or B?
A. Shows interest in doing tasks but needs close supervision.
B. Progresses continuously in doing assigned tasks.
C. Always demonstrates the expected competency.
D. Sometimes participates, minimal supervision.

86. Which of these will you do in case a teacher assigned in your school does not have formal training on

A. Organize an INSET for kindergarten teachers

B. Tell the teacher to consult co-teachers in primary grades
C. Require the teacher to earn units in Early Childhood Education
D. Provide the teacher with instructional materials used in kindergarten
87. Which supervisory approach will work for teachers with attitude problem?
A. Diplomatic C. Collaborative
B. Self-directed D. Directive

88. Which is the second phase in the cycle on supervision?

A. Planning conference C. Feedback conference
B. Class observation D. Professional development

89. Which of these is a strong manifestation of collaborative supervision?

A. Offering solutions to the identified problem
B. Letting the teacher explore possibilities to improve instruction
C. Solving instructional problem by discussing and sharing options
D. Identifying the problem and soliciting clarifying information from teacher

90. Giving and receiving feedback is an important skill for school heads. Which of these should be done when
giving feedback?
A. Listen to the person.
B. Thank the person.
C. Be aware of time.
D. Ask questions.

91. Lesson planning is a must in the teaching-learning process. Who is exempted from preparing a Detailed Lesson
Plan (DLP) as stipulated in DepEd Order 42, s. 2016?

I. Master Teachers who will conduct demo teaching

II. Newly-hired teachers with VS or O rating in a year
III. Newly-hired teachers without teaching experience IV.
Teachers who earned a rating of Satisfactory

A. I only
B. II only
C. I and II
D. III and IV

92. Which of these is NOT TRUE as regards the preparation of Daily Lesson Log (DLL)?
A. It is a requirement for newly-hired teachers with teaching experience.
B. It should conform to the templates provided by the DepEd.
C. It should be prepared by teachers with satisfactory rating.
D. It should be considered in the IPCRF of all teachers.

93. There are five steps in the Spiral Model in conducting an Action Research. Give the appropriate sequence of
these steps.

I. Planning for improvement

II. Reflection
III. Reconnaissance
IV. Enacting the plan
V. Observing how it works

A. III, I, IV, V and II

B. I, III, IV, V and II
C. III, I, IV, II and V
D. I, II, III, IV and V

94. Which of the following is NOT a feature of Action Research?

A. Interprets what is “going on”

B. An approach to improve education.
C. A scientific method applied to teaching
D. Tries out ideas as a means of improving existing practices.

95. Which of these DepEd programs caters to working students?

A. Dunong Gulong in ALS
B. Open High School Program
C. Revitalized Homeroom Guidance Program
D. Balik Paaralan Para Sa Out-of-School Youth and Adults

96. RA 10157, otherwise known as the Kindergarten Education Act, is responsive to the goals of Education for All
as well as the Millennium Development Goals. Which is not covered by this law?

A. street children
B. gifted children
C. Muslim children
D. children with special needs

Analyze the results of the Philippine Informal Reading Inventory (Phil IRI) of Mabini Elementary School.

Phil-IRI Results in English

SY 2015-2016
Percentage of total test takers
Category Change
Pre Post

Frustration 53.67 27.03 - 26.64*

Instructional 28.12 41.32 13.20

Independent 13.85 30.95 17.10

Non Reader 4.37 0.70 -3.67*

*Negative values connote decreases

97. What conclusion can you derive from the table?

A. The dominant reading level is instructional.

B. Majority of the pupils are in the frustration level.
C. There is a significant decrease in the number of non-readers.
D. The number of independent readers increased more than did the instructional readers.

98. Based on the data, which is the best thing to do to make all the non-readers read?

A. Peer teaching by independent readers

B. Preparing reading exercises for pupils
C. Training of teachers on beginning reading
D. Organizing a pull-out remedial reading session

99. In a learner-centered environment, there are psychological and physiological factors that affect learning. When
young children are provided with tasks appropriate to their age level as well as interest, which of these
principles is adhered to?
A. Learning is most effective when developmental and social factors are taken into account.
B. Learning takes place when learners invest energy and exert effort into the lesson.
C. Learning is facilitated when learners are intrinsically motivated.
D. Learning is influenced by environmental factors.

100. Which is referred to when teachers cater to the multiple intelligences of the learners?
A. Cognitive and metacognitive factors
B. Motivational and affective factors
C. Developmental and social factors
D. Individual differences factors

101. When teachers use graphic organizers to explain certain concepts, which principle is applied?
A. Standards and assessment
B. Learning and diversity
C. Motivation and effort
D. Strategic thinking

102. Which of the following will you advise to teachers whose students are homogenously bright?
A. Ask the teacher to contextualize the lessons in the Teacher’s Guide
B. Ask the teacher to use technology in presenting the lesson
C. Ask the teacher to provide problem-solving situations
D. Ask the teacher to provide self-directed activities

103. As a school head, you see to it that children succeed in their schooling. In case there are learners who fail at the
end of the grading period, which of these will you ask teachers to do?

A. Peer teaching
B. Home visitation
C. Summer classes
D. Remedial classes

104. What principle in a learner-centered environment is applied when the teacher gives feedback on pupil’s works?
A. Developmental influences on learning.
B. Goals of the learning process

C. Standards and assessment
D. Context of learning

105. Which is NOT an indicator of intrinsic motivation?

A. praise
B. effort
C. curiosity
D. creativity

106. Social interaction greatly influences learning. Which classroom activity best illustrates this?
A. Students are asked to demonstrate a process.
B. Students are asked to debate about an issue.
C. Students are asked to do an experiment.
D. Students are asked to do an oral report.

107. Assessment is a process to keep track of learner’s progress. Which is NOT TRUE about formative
assessment in the K to 12 Curriculum?
A. It can be given before, during, or after the lesson.
B. It may be seen as assessment for, as, and of learning.
C. It is recorded but not graded as basis for instructional decision.
D. It measures whether learners have met the content and performance standards.

108. In his class, Teacher Jojo tries to find out prior knowledge of students. What is he engaged in?

A. Summative assessment
B. Diagnostic assessment
C. Formative assessment
D. Informal assessment

109. The heart of assessment framework is the recognition and deliberate consideration of learners’ zone
of proximal development. Which of these best explains this concept?

A. Assessment should serve as guide in designing teaching-learning activities.

B. Assessment should provide feedback for students monitoring their own learning.
C. Assessment should measure the knowledge and skills learned everyday by the learners.
D. Assessment should ensure learner’s success in moving from guided to independent display
of knowledge and skills learned.

110. Which of the following describes a lesson outcome in the highest level of Bloom’s cognitive domain?
A. Creating
B. Analyzing
C. Evaluating
D. Synthesizing

111. Which activity requires students to analyze?

A. Paraphrasing the stanza of the poem
B. Describing the character in the story
C. Organizing sentences into a unified paragraph
D. Analyzing the content and form of the story read
112. Teacher May constructed a matching type test. In her columns of items are combinations of events, people and
circumstances. Which guidelines in constructing matching type of test did she VIOLATE?
A. List options in an alphabetical order.
B. Make list of items heterogeneous.
C. Make list of items homogeneous.
D. Provide more options than stems.

113. Teacher Wendell gives his students opportunities to be creative because of his conviction that much learning
results from the need to express creativity. On which theory is Teacher Wendell’s conviction anchored?
A. Humanist
B. Behaviorist
C. Cognitivist
D. Associationist

114. Which theory of learning operates on a principle of “stimulus-response”?

A. Humanist
B. Behaviorist
C. Cognitivist
D. Associationist

115. Which is satisfied in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs when schools organize clubs and organizations?
A. Physiological needs
B. Self-actualization
C. Belongingness
D. Safety needs

116. Which is NOT a feature of the Junior High School? A.

Sustainable use of resources/productivity B.
Effective communication
C. Critical problem solving
D. Work immersion

117. Which is a violation of the principles in handling responses of students?

A. Discourage students from answering in chorus.
B. Mark the class record during class recitation.
C. Never allow wrong answers to slip by.
D. Clarify answers given by students.

118. Which pedagogical approach in K to 12 allows students to look at what they do, think about why they do it, and
think about if it works?
A. Reflective
B. Integrative
C. Collaborative
D. Inquiry-based

119. Teacher Terry provides developmental activities for students to master the competency. Which principle of
teaching is applied?
A. Children learn by doing.
B. Learning should be gradual and continuous.
C. Education means improving the quality of living.
D. Instruction should be adapted to individual needs.
120. According to John Dewey, teaching is good when it is based on the psychology of learning. Which of these
best exemplifies this principle?
A. Gr. VI pupils are asked to sing a nursery rhyme.
B. Gr. VI pupils are required to write a business letter.
C. Gr. VI pupils are given exercises on reading for appreciation.
D. Gr. VI pupils are encouraged to join the tour to Metro Manila.

121. Independent Cooperative Learning (ICL) allows students to be more self-directed and self-managing. Which
is NOT TRUE about ICL?
A. It is a two to four hours weekly separate period for students in Junior and Senior High School.
B. It is an open time for learning in order to give students the option to learn on their own.
C. It is an option that schools might wish to consider for classes that can benefit the most.
D. It may be utilized by teachers as teaching strategy or instructional activity.

122. Which is a violation of the principles of good teaching?

A. Children are asked to repeat after the teacher in reading a poem.
B. Children are assigned by group and made to work by themselves.
C. Children are told to listen and sit up straight while the teacher delivers her/his lesson.
D. Children are allowed to raise their questions regarding the concept which they don’t

123. Which is an indicator of extrinsic motivation?

A. Exploring new and interesting idea
B. Manipulating and constructing things
C. Associating actively with other people
D. Longing for appreciation after doing something good

124. Which of these domains takes into consideration the psychological aspect of the child?

A. Cognitive and metacognitive domain

B. Individual differences domain
C. Personal and social domain
D. Affective domain

125. Positive discipline teaches adults to employ kindness and firmness at the same time, and is neither punitive nor
permissive. Which principle violates positive discipline?

A. It helps children feel sense of belongingness and significance.

B. It invites children to correct their own mistakes.
C. It teaches valuable social and life skills.
D. It is respectful and encouraging.


126. The Performance-Based Bonus (PBB) is a top-up bonus to reward regular employees for their good
performance. Who is NOT entitled to the full grant of the PBB?

A. Those who rendered nine months of service in the current rating period.
B. Those who are on vacation or sick leave with pay for the entire year.
C. Those who belong to the third level positions.
D. Those who earned “satisfactory” rating.
127. All EXCEPT one renders an employee ineligible to the grant of the PBB.

A. non-liquidation of cash advance within the reglementary period

B. disciplinary penalty meted in the current rating period
C. late submission of SALN
D. resignation from service

128. Which is NOT TRUE about the grant of PBB?

A. Contractual and casual employees are not entitled to PBB.

B. Employees under “Good” category shall receive a PBB of 50% of their salary.
C. An employee who has retired already shall be given a PBB on a pro-rate basis.
D. Individual ranking of employees in a delivery unit is not required in the grant of PBB.

129. New guidelines on Automatic Payroll Deduction System (APDS) have been issued to protect and secure the
welfare of DepEd employees. Which statement is contrary to this policy?

A. The loan term for loans under the APDS are allowed only up to 3 years.
B. Borrowers are not required to give any kind of collateral for their loans under the APDS.
C. Only permanent DepEd employee who has rendered at least one month can apply for a loan.
D. The Lender shall not enter into any contract or MOA with DepEd Offices other than the
Central Office regarding salary loans under APDS.

130. Section 47 of the General Appropriations Act (RA 10924) mandates the Net Take Home Pay (NTHP) of
government employees, thus, no deductions from salary should be made that would reduce the NTHP. How
much is the minimum NTHP of an employee?

A. Php3 500.00 C. Php4 500.00

B. Php4 000.00 D. Php5 000.00
Please refer to the Table below to answer questions 131-132.

Performance Indicators of Sinag-tala Elementary School

Indicator 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

Participation Rate 93 % 95 % 96 %
Cohort Survival Rate 97 % 95 % 100 %
Completion Rate 92 % 86 % 100 %
Drop Out Rate 0.4 % 0.1 % 0%
Failure Rate 5% 7% 6%
Promotion Rate 95% 93% 94%

131. As gleaned on the Table, which of the following programs do you think would be effective in attaining 100%
promotion rate?

I. School-Based Feeding Program

II. Drop Out Reduction Program

III. Remedial Reading Program

IV. School Greening Program

A. I and II
B. I, and III
C. I, II, and III
D. I, II, III, and IV

132. Which of these will help reduce failure rate?

A. Remedial Class Program

B. Adopt-A-School Program
C. Drop-out Intervention Program
D. School-Based Feeding Program
For item nos. 133-136, please refer to the given Table about Pag-Asa Central School.

Grade Level No. of No. of No. of Enrolment

Classrooms Teachers Classes Male Female Total
Kindergarten 0 0 1 9 12 21
1 1 1 1 10 15 25
2 1 1 1 15 20 35
3 1 1 1 17 23 40
4 2 2 2 32 40 72
5 1 1 1 22 18 40
6 1 1 1 18 18 36
Total 7 7 9 123 146 269

133. What is the retention rate of the school if the previous enrolment in Gr. 1 to 5 is 275?
A. 79.5% C. 81%
B. 80% D. 93%

134. With the teacher-pupil ratio of the school, what is its teacher deployment analysis?
A. Manageable ratio C. Surplus teacher provision
B. National mean ratio D. Generous teacher provision

135. What is the color spectrum of the teacher deployment analysis of the school?
A. Blue C. Yellow
B. Sky Blue D. Orange

136. Considering the number of pupils per class, what color is its instructional room analysis?
A. Blue C. Gold
B. Yellow D. Red

137. Which is the most practical way to address the need for kindergarten classroom?

A. Schedule a morning and afternoon session for kinder and Gr. 1 pupils
B. School Head should handle the class of kindergarten in the Office
C. Request for additional classroom for kindergarten class
D. Combine the kindergarten children with the Gr. 1 class

138. Bullying or peer abuse refers to willful aggressive behavior that is directed towards a particular victim who may
be out-numbered, younger, weak, with disability, less confident, or otherwise vulnerable. If an offending child
commits bullying for the first time, which of these measures should be imposed by the school head?
A. expulsion
B. reprimand
C. counselling
D. suspension

139. How many days should an offending child be suspended for committing bullying for subsequent times?

A. 3 days
B. 4 days
C. 5 days
D. 6 days

140. Who is NOT a member of the Child Protection Committee?

A. PTA Representative
B. Teacher Representative
C. Student Representative
D. DSWD Representative

141. Which of these is NOT a function of the Child Protection Committee?

A. Establish a system of identifying students who may be suffering from any form of abuse
B. Give assistance to parents/guardian in securing expert guidance from appropriate office
C. Submit report on child abuse to the Department of Social Welfare and Development
D. Coordinate closely with the PNP, LSWDO, other government agencies or NGO’s

142. Which provision of the Family Code is NOT a responsibility of the school head, teachers, and non-
teaching personnel in terms of exercising loco parentis?
A. Give children love and affection, advice and counsel, companionship and understanding
B. Furnish school children with good and wholesome educational materials
C. Practice positive and non-violent discipline
D. Provide children with all their needs

143. The School Screening Committee plays an important part in the hiring of teachers. Which of these is NOT
covered by its functions?

A. Verifies documents
B. Receives application
C. Conducts interviews
D. Evaluates documents

144. Which is NOT TRUE in hiring senior high school teachers?

A. Teacher III position is given to applicants with at least 15 MA units aligned with baccalaureate
B. TVL teachers with technical skills but without eligibility can be hired on contractual basis.
C. Teacher applicants who earned 65 points and above can be given a permanent item.
D. TVL teachers with NC II alone qualify for Teacher I.

145. What is the qualification standard for assistant principals in the SHS?
A. Bachelor’s Degree + 18 professional units, 2 years relevant experience, 8 hours relevant training,
RA 1080

B. Bachelor’s Degree + 24 professional units, 2 years relevant experience, 8 hours relevant training,
RA 1080
C. Bachelor’s Degree + 18 professional units, 1 year relevant experience, 8 hours relevant training,
RA 1080
D. Bachelor’s Degree + 24 professional units, 1 year relevant experience, 8 hours relevant
training, RA 1080

146. In consonance with the latest guidelines on hiring of new teachers, which is not required from teacher

A. Performance Rating
B. Transcript of Records
C. Certificate of Eligibility
D. Certificate of Specialized Training

147. Which is a violation of the Basic Rules on Hiring and Deployment of Teachers?
A. Hiring qualified applicants from other divisions
B. Refusing an applicant with incomplete documents
C. Accommodating transferees over that of new applicants
D. Allowing the teacher to transfer after rendering two years of service

148. Which is NOT TRUE in hiring senior high school teachers?

A. Interview is 15 points for both academic and TVL track
B. Portfolio is given 10 points for both academic and TVL track
C. Training is not a requirement for both academic and TVL track
D. Teaching experience is not required for Teacher I item for both academic and TVL track

149. You encourage teachers to join the open ranking for Teacher III item. What is the maximum point given to
A. 20 C. 30
B. 25 D. 35

150. What is the percentage weight given to performance rating of applicants for principal?
A. 20 C. 30
B. 25 D. 35

151. Regular publication of existing vacant positions in government offices is required for how many days?
A. 5 days C. 15 days
B. 10 days D. 20 days

152. Which is NOT given points for Master Teacher position?

A. Certificate of Commendation as Demo Teacher
B. Performance rating for the past three years
C. Action research conducted in the school
D. Meritorious achievement as coach

153. Whom will you recommend for Teacher III position?

A. Teacher I with 3 years experience, VS performance, MA graduate
B. Teacher I with 9 years experience, VS performance, 18 units in MA
C. Teacher I with 10 years experience, VS performance, 24 units in MA
D. Teacher I with 5 years experience, Outstanding performance, MA-CAR

154. Teacher X, a DOST scholar, met all the qualifications except that of eligibility. Which appointment should be
issued to Teacher X?
A. Contractual C. Provisional
B. Regular Permanent D. Substitute

155. Permanent laborers, whether skilled, semi-skilled or under skilled are grouped under what category?
A. Clerical Service C. Custodial Service
B. Non-career Service D. Career Service

156. Who is NOT exempted from the rule on nepotism?

A. Teachers and physicians C. Persons employed in a special capacity
B. Members of the AFP D. Persons with disability

157. In which phase of the RPMS is summative evaluation of employee’s performance done?

A. Performance review and evaluation

B. Performance monitoring and coaching
C. Performance planning and commitment
D. Performance rewarding and development planning

158. Guidelines on the establishment and implementation of the Results-based Performance Management System
(RPMS) have been set to rate each employee objectively. Which is NOT TRUE about RPMS?

A. Contractual employees/Job Orders are required to submit their IPCRF, for purposes of
performance appraisal only.
B. The Assistant Schools Division Superintendent is the approving authority for school heads.
C. In rating the employee, quality or effectiveness pertains to getting the right things done.
D. “Very Satisfactory” rating ranges from 3.500 to 4.499.

159. An employee may be rated from 1 to 5 depending on his/her performance. When is a rating of 3 or
“Satisfactory” given to an employee?
A. Performance met expectations
B. Performance exceeded expectations
C. Performance failed to meet expectations
D. Performance represents an extraordinary level of achievement

160. Which is NOT TRUE about the grant of vacation service credits to teachers?
A. Service credit can be granted to teachers with teaching overload not compensated by honoraria.
B. Service credits shall not be granted to INSET programs fully funded by the government.
C. Service credits granted to a teacher shall not exceed 15 days in a year.
D. Vacation service credits of teachers shall not be converted to cash.

161. Special emergency leave can be granted to government employees in case of natural calamities. Which
condition is NOT allowed under this policy?
A. It can be availed of to care for immediate family members affected by the calamity.
B. It can be applied for straight 5 days or on a staggered basis.
C. It can be availed of by affected employee within the year.
D. It is not deductible from the employee’s leave credits.

162. Which of the following administrative cases is NOT subject to preventive suspension upon issuance of a formal
A. Dishonesty
B. Oppression
C. Disgraceful and immoral conduct
D. Neglect in the performance of duty

163. A teacher is accused of sexual harassment. How many days will he be suspended?
A. Not exceeding 70 days C. Not exceeding 90 days
B. Not exceeding 80 days D. Not exceeding 60 days

164. Which is NOT an alternative mode of settling dispute?

A. Litigation C. Arbitration
B. Negotiation D. Mediation

165. Which refers to the process wherein a third party brings two disputing parties together, encourages them to
discuss their differences and assists them in developing their own proposed solutions?
A. Arbitration C. Negotiation
B. Mediation D. Reconciliation

166. Which of the following should NOT be acted upon through the grievance machinery?

A. Unreasonable withholding of salaries

B. Failure to observe selection process
C. Petty quarrel between employees
D. Tardiness and absences

167. The Grievance Committee is organized in order to resolve conflicts expeditiously at the lowest level. How
many days should a Principal render a decision?

A. 3 days C. 7 days
B. 5 days D. 10 days
168. DepEd Order 40, s. 2015 provides specific guidelines on K to 12 Partnerships. Which of these disallows an
interested private party to forge partnership with DepEd?

A. Credible track record

B. Business existence for only one year
C. Payment of taxes within the fiscal year
D. Affiliation or connection to tobacco industry

169. Which legally-binding document between and among parties should be done at the school level?
A. Memorandum of Understanding
B. Memorandum of Agreement
C. Resolution
D. Contract

170. Which of the following can be a potential partner of a public school?

A. Promil Kid
B. Fortune Tobacco Corporation
C. Coca-Cola Bottlers Company
D. Philippine Charity Sweepstakes

171. Below is a model on stakeholder analysis. Which statement is TRUE based on this model?

A. Low power, low interest people need more effort to keep them satisfied
B. High power, high interest people must be fully engaged to sustain their interest
C. Low power, high interest people need less communication in order to cooperate
D. Low power, low interest people need not be monitored and find excessive communication boring

172. RA 8525 or Adopt a School Program Act provides tax incentives to Adopting Private Entity (APE). Which
statement is NOT TRUE as regards this law?
A. The Bureau of Internal Revenue shall determine the valuation of assistance given to schools.
B. Tax deduction can be claimed or availed of by APE during the taxable year it was incurred.
C. The adopting company or enterprise is entitled to have its name emblazoned, under the Adopt a
School Program.
D. Additional tax deduction equivalent to 60% of expenses for Adopt a School Program shall be
deducted from the gross income of APE.

173. DepEd has issued its operational manual to implement the law on people’s Freedom of Information (FOI).
Which of the following provisions are stipulated in said manual?
I. Disclosure of information should be authorized by existing laws, rules or regulations
II. FOI request should be acted upon as soon as practicable but not exceeding 30 days
III. FOI Decision Maker may grant or deny any request based on the law, facts and circumstances IV.
Printing or reproduction of documents may be charged from the requesting party.

A. I and II
B. I, II, and III
C. I, III, and IV
D. I, II, III, and IV

174. Membership in PTA is limited to parents, or in their absence, the guardian of duly enrolled students.
Which of the following qualifies as a guardian?

A. An individual or institution who has the custody of the student

B. An individual authorized by the parents to take care of the student
C. A relative of the student within the fourth degree of consanguinity or affinity
D. An individual appointed by a competent court as legal guardian of the student

175. Parent Teachers Association plays an important role in improving the school. They have their rights and
responsibilities as primary stakeholders. Which of the following activities is a prohibition to PTAs?
I. Giving feedback about teacher performance
II. Participating in the implementation of the AIP/SIP
III. Selling insurance, pre-need plans or similar schemes or programs to students and/or their parents
IV. Operating a canteen/school supplies store, or being a concessionaire thereof inside the school or
nearby premises

A. I and II C. III only

B. III and IV D. I, III, and IV

176. The PTA is allowed to collect authorized voluntary contributions. How much can be collected for BSP/GSP?
A. Php 35.00
B. Php 40.00
C. Php 50.00
D. Php 60.00

177. DepEd Order No. 13, s. 2017 promotes healthy food and beverage choices in schools and DepEd offices.
Pinggang Pinoy is highly recommended to address the alarming health problems as reported by the World
Health Organization. Which of the following should NOT be sold in school canteens?
A. cereals
B. pan cakes
C. burger patties
D. energy drinks

178. School canteens can either be school-managed or teachers’ cooperative-managed. Which condition allows
teachers’ cooperative to manage school canteens?
A. When enrolment in secondary school is less than 1 500
B. When enrolment in special secondary school is less than 500
C. When enrolment in rural elementary school is less than 1 000
D. When enrolment in urban elementary school is less than 1 000

179. To keep learners safe and healthy, DepEd launched the comprehensive Water Sanitation and Hygiene in
Schools (WinS) program. Which of the following targets is NOT TRUE?
A. 100% of students shall perform supervised daily group hand washing and tooth brushing
B. 100% of schools shall have adequate, clean, functional, safe, and accessible toilet
C. 100% of schools shall have adequate and safe drinking water
D. 100% of students shall be dewormed semi-annually

180. Basic requirements and standards are set to implement successfully WinS program. Which is contrary to these
A. Rainwater catchment system should be installed in areas without regular water supply
B. School canteens must secure a Sanitary Permit from the Department of Health
C. Mechanism for effective menstrual hygiene should be functional
D. Food handlers should be properly trained and certified

181. To encourage more schools to implement more conscientiously the Brigada Eskwela, the Search for Brigada
Eskwela Best Implementing School was launched. Which of these criteria is NOT in accordance with the
guidelines set for the purpose?
A. Resource generation has a weighted percentage of 20%.
B. Scope of work completed has the highest percentage of 50%.
C. Alignment of the maintenance effort to the theme is allotted 10%.
D. Participation of volunteers from various sectors has a weight of 30%.

182. To give schools fair chance to win in the Search for Brigada Eskwela Best School Implementer, schools are
categorized into small, large, and exceptional. What is the ceiling amount for small schools to be able to get a
perfect score of 20% along resource generation?
A. Php 75 000 to Php 199 000
B. Php 100 000 to Php 199 000
C. Php 200 000 to Php 499 000
D. Php 500 000 and above

183. For uniformity and corporate look, DepEd has prescribed standard color for classrooms. Which color scheme is
according to standard?
A. Roof – green; ceiling – white; walls – beige; door – palmyra green
B. Roof – green; ceiling – beige; walls – beige; door - chocolate brown
C. Roof – green; ceiling – beige; walls – white; door - palmyra green
D. Roof – green; ceiling – white; walls – white; door – chocolate brown

184. Which is the standard measurement of a Science Laboratory room?

A. 7 x 9 m C. 7 x 14 m
B. 7 x 12 m D. 7 x 18 m

185. The Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE) of the school can be utilized for minor repair. In
preparing the Program of Works, what percent of the budget is allotted for labor?
A. 10% C. 30%
B. 20% D. 40%

186. Under the revised RA 9184, shopping is one type of alternative mode of procurement. Which is NOT TRUE
about shopping?
A. It can be resorted to in procuring supplies less than Php1 000 000.00.
B. It can be done only if supplies are not available in the DBM-PS.
C. It is applicable to all types of procurement.
D. It allows at least one canvass to return.

187. Which type of alternative mode of procurement is most appropriate for catering services worth Php 20 000.00?
A. shopping C. limited source bidding
B. small value procurement D. direct contracting

188. What is the role of the school head in procurement?

A. BAC Chair C. Head of Procuring Entity
B. BAC Adviser D. Canvasser

189. Which is NOT TRUE about displaying the Philippine flag?

A. It may be displayed flat against the wall vertically with the sun and stars on top.
B. It may be hanged in a vertical position, with the blue field pointing west.
C. It should be placed on the left side of the stage when one enters the hall.
D. It is hanged day and night at the Congress of the Philippines Building.
190. The Philippine Flag may be flown at half-mast as a sign of mourning on the death of an official. Which official
is given that kind of respect for 5 days?
A. Official of an institute C. Chief Justice
B. President of the Senate D. President or former president

191. In the Pledge of Allegiance to the National Flag, which is mentioned third?
A. Makabansa C. Makakalikasan
B. Maka-tao D. Maka-Diyos
192. Which particular law supports the No Collection Policy of the DepEd?
A. RA 5546 C. RA 9079
B. RA 6713 D. RA 9155

193. DepE Order No. 43, s. 2012 stipulates the Guidelines on the Implementation of Executive Order No. 66
prescribing the rules on suspension of classes. Which of the following provisions of said order is NOT TRUE?

A. Classes in all levels are automatically cancelled when typhoon signal no. 2 is raised by PAGASA.
B. Work in all DepEd offices in the affected areas is cancelled when typhoon signal no. 3 is raised by
C. Classes in public and private preschool and kindergarten in the affected areas are automatically
suspended when typhoon signal no. 1 is raised by PAGASA.
D. School officials, members of the DRRMCs in schools designated as evacuation centers are
expected to render service even when classes are suspended.

194. School MOOE is released in the form of cash advance. Which principle on disbursement policy is true?
A. Failure to liquidate cash advance within the prescribed period is a valid cause for withholding
of one’s salary
B. Cash advance for local travel should be liquidated 30 days after completion of the official travel.
C. A cash advance can be granted to an official or employee with or without fidelity bond.
D. A cash advance can be used for encashing checks.

195. Schools receive their MOOE in the form of cash advance. When should it be liquidated?
A. After 30 days
B. After 45 days
C. After 60 days
D. After 75 days

196. Which is the correct sequence in the procedure for acquiring an Original Certificate of Title?

I. Furnishing the register of deeds the original and duplicate copies of the decree of registration.
II. Filing of application for land registration at the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of the province
or city where the land is located.

V. Hearing of case in court.

A. III, II, IV, V and I

B. I, II, III, IV and V
C. II, III, IV, V and I
D. III, IV, II, V and I

197. Which is NOT a requirement for the titling of school sites?

A. Tax clearance
B. BIR clearance
C. DAR clearance
D. DOJ clearance

198. DepEd has issued its Drug-Free Workplace policy to promote a safe and healthy work environment in offices
and schools. Conduct of mandatory, random, and suspicionless drug testing shall be done. Which of the
following found positive for the use of dangerous drugs shall undergo counseling and regular monthly drug
testing for 6 months?
A. Chronic user
B. Experimenter
C. Occasional user
D. Drug dependent

199. Any employee found to be a chronic user is required to undergo a mandatory rehabilitation program. Which of
these does not apply under such condition?

A. Employee shall be on sick leave with pay.

B. Employee shall shoulder his/her expenses.
C. Employee shall be charged with Grave Misconduct if found using dangerous drugs during the
rehabilitation period.
D. Employee shall be charged with Grave Misconduct if he/she refuses to undergo rehabilitation
program or fails to complete his/her treatment.

200. Random drug testing will be conducted in public and private secondary schools. Which is contrary to the
guidelines on random drug testing?

A. It shall be a collaborative effort among LGU, school, students and parents.

B. It shall guarantee and respect the privacy and dignity of the student.
C. It shall be used a ground for disciplinary action against the student.
D. It shall be implemented primarily for prevention and rehabilitation.


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