Answer The Questions With Your Own Information.: What's Your First Name? Do You Have A Full-Time Job?

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Answer the questions with your own information.

1. What's your first name?

2. Do you have a full-time job?
3. Does your best friend live nearby?
4. What do you do on weekends?
5. What does your neighbor do for a living?
6. Do you live alone?

Check that:
• you write more than yes or no
• the verbs match the subjects, for example, "No, I don't. I don’t live alone."; "No,
she doesn't. She lives very far from here."
• you use a variety of words and expressions about home and family, school and
work, and free time and friends

Type your answer in the box below and then submit it. Go to the next screen to see
the sample answer(s).

What's your first name?

My first name? Christopher, but my friends call me Chris.
Do you have a full-time job?
Yes, I do. I'm a server in a fish restaurant.
No, I don't. I don't have a job. I'm a full-time student.
Does your best friend live nearby?
Yes, he does. He lives two blocks away from me.
No, she doesn't. She lives very far from here in _________ .
What do you do on weekends?
Let me think. In the summer, I often go to the beach. In the
winter, I go shopping at the mall. In the evenings, I often go to
the movies.
What does your neighbor do for a living?
My neighbor is a writer. He writes blogs and sports reports for a
news website.
Do you live alone?
Yes, I do. I love it. But my apartment's not far from my parents'
No, I don't. I live with my parents, my brother, and my

1. I always eat chocolate after dinner.

2. I'm not a baseball fan.
3. I can't drive.
4. I don't have a pet.
5. I'm allergic to bananas.
6. I can cook Italian food.

Check that:
• you use too to agree to affirmative statements
• you use either / neither to agree to negative statements
• you use be, do, and can correctly before too, either, and neither
• you give more information, for example, "I can cook Italian food." "I can too. I love
to make lasagna."

Type your answer in the box below and then submit it. Go to the next screen to see
the sample answer(s).

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