Pullman PD IA 17-09 Broughton Arrest

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Pullman Police Department

Complete Details For 17-09

Minor Complaint
Date Complaint Taken: 2/21/2017 Date Occurred: 2/18/2017 Racial: No Case No.: 17-p01964 No. Type: SUPERVISOR

Category: Admin Review Internal Complaint Type: MINOR Occured: On Duty

Location Occurred: 600 NE COLORADO District/Area: Not Stated

Video Available
Complainant: Tennant, Chris Sex: Race:
Complainant's Address: PPD, Not Stated ?? Unk Home Phone: Body Camera

Cell Phone: Business Phone: Email Address:

Assigned: COMMANDER TENNANT Date Assigned: 2/21/2017 Days Case Due In: Date Due:

Current Case Disposition: ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW Date Completed: 3/9/2017 How Complaint Was Reported: SUPERVISOR
Complainant Satisfaction: Satisfaction Comments:

Summary: Entered on 3/9/2017 3:30:27 PM by ctennant. Sgt. Opgenorth and Chief Jenkins expressed concern over the body worm camera footage of officer Harris and Emerson
of an arrest of 1 - Right to Privacy at Bob's Corner Market in Adams Mall on 2-18-17 for obstructing and resisting. Concerns on Emerson was going "hands on too quick"
and not "de-escalating" and verbal control. Verbal control concerns were also expressed on Officer Harris. After a complete administrative review, I agree with the
concerns over lack of professional verbal control on both Harris and Emerson. I spoke at length with Sgt. Hargraves as to solutions for improvement. Situation
documented and Hargraves will work with officers.
Type Of Complaint Description Complaint Disposition
Complaint #: 1 CHAPTER 7 (2.5) CONTACT WITH THE PUBLIC Lack of verbal control ADMINISTRATIVE REVIEW

Name ID Number Rank Division Shift Officer Disposition On Alert Camera


Narrative: Officer Emerson's Email Summary of Investigation:

From: Emerson, Shane
Sent: Saturday, February 18, 2017 3:51 AM
To: Jenkins, Gary <gary.jenkins@pullman-wa.gov>; Tennant, Chris <chris.tennant@pullman-wa.gov>; Sorem, Sam <sam.sorem@pullman-
wa.gov>; Hargraves, Dan <dan.hargraves@pullman-wa.gov>
Subject: 17-P01964


We had a 911 call from Bob’s Corner Market in Adams Mall this evening. The caller was hard to understand and said they were “okay now”
before hanging up. I arrived on scene and found 1 - Right to Privacy arguing with staff. 1 - Right to Privacy was found to be a WSU student and he
has just finished his last season with WSU football. I was advised by staff that 1 - Right to Privacy tried to use a fake $20 bill and left when
confronted, taking the bill with him. He returned and continued to be disorderly, that was why they originally called.

I had reasonable suspicion to detain 1 - Right to Privacy and investigate further. I asked him if he had his identification and he said he did, though
he was not going to give it to me. I went to place him in to handcuffs, advising him he was being detained. He physically resisted, while I
continued to give orders to stop resisting. Officer Gordon arrived on scene and we eventually were able to take him to the ground. Officer

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Pullman Police Department

Complete Details For 17-09

Minor Complaint
Gordon deployed his taser and we were able to place 1 - Right to Privacy in to custody. There appears to be no injuries to anyone involved, except
to 1 - Right to Privacy rom the taser probes.

Upon search incident to arrest, we found no paper money on his person, fake or otherwise. 1 - Right to Privacy was transported to the station and
eventually placed in to a restraint chair, as he was banging on the door and took all of his clothes off, except his underwear. He was
charged with obstruction and resisting arrest. I advised Bill Stevens of the incident. There were numerous football players on scene in the
hallway at Adams Mall, though none of them intervened, only arguing why we used force.


Shane E. Emerson #464

Pullman Police Department
260 SE Kamiaken St.
Pullman Wa, 99163


Tennant's Summary and Recommendatons:

The first concern brought up by Chief Jenkins was whether or not, EMS were called after the Taser was deployed since it was not
mentioned in the report. I was able to determine that EMS were called to the PPD holding facility for the post taser examination as per
policy, and the suspect refused treatment.
The second conern was brought up by Sgt. Opgenorth, who though Emerson might have go "hands on too quickly." This was later brought
up by Chief Jenkins, in addition to the lack of verbal control by officers Emerson and Harris. I reviewed the appropriate case reports and
body cam video's and asked Sgt. Hargraves to do the same. We then sat down and discussed this case at length.
I am of the opinion that the actual use of force used by Officers Emerson, Gordon, and Harris was lawful and within policy. Emerson "could
have/should have" waited/stalled for backup before deciding to go hands on. The verbal control desplayed by officers Emerson and Harris
was unprofessional, and not acceptable and needs to be addressed. (Repeated yelling, the same verbal commands at the top of their
voices, sounding out of control)

With Emerson, Sgt. Hargraves decided to give him a directive to not use profanity. It is thought that if he has to actually think about word
choice during stressful situations, that it will improve his verbal commands. With Officer Harris Sgt. Hargraves would speak with him and
the two of them were going to come up with an approach to improve this verbal commands under stress.

I told Sgt. Hargraves that further display of behavior similar to this would result in progressive discipline.

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Redaction Date: Thursday, December 13, 2018 1:40:02 PM

Total Number of Redactions: 8

By Exemption:

"RCW 42.56.050 - Invasion of privacy occurs if the disclosure of information 1. would be

highly offensive to a reasonable person and 2. is not of legitimate concern to the public. "
(Right to Privacy): 8 instances

By Page:

Page 1 - "RCW 42.56.050 - Invasion of privacy occurs if the disclosure of information 1.

would be highly offensive to a reasonable person and 2. is not of legitimate concern to the
public. " (Right to Privacy): 5 instances
Page 2 - "RCW 42.56.050 - Invasion of privacy occurs if the disclosure of information 1.
would be highly offensive to a reasonable person and 2. is not of legitimate concern to the
public. " (Right to Privacy): 3 instances

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