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STQA Question Bank

1. What is verification and validation? What is its need?

2. A program reads three numbers n1, n2, n3 in the range [-100, 100] and prints the smallest number.
Design test cases for this program using equivalence class testing techniques.

3. A program reads three numbers a, b, c in the range [1, 50] to print the largest number. Design test cases
for this program using boundary value analysis testing technique. Draw the data flow graphs for the
same program.

4. Draw control flow graph and find the cyclomatic complexity for the following PDL:

if(c1 or c2 c3) s1;

else s2;
while(c4) s3;
do s5;
while(c5) ;
5. Design test cases to find maximum of four numbers.

6. Explain static data flow testing with example.

7. Differentiate between
a. effective and exhaustive software testing.
b. top-down and bottom-up testing.

8. Explain Mutation testing with the help of example.

9. List and explain all the data flow anomalies in dataflow testing.

10. How does testing helps in producing quality software.

11. Explain bug classification based on SDLC.

12. Differentiate between CFG and DFG. Also draw both for largest of three numbers program
and find the cyclomatic complexity.

13. Write the difference between White Box and Black Box testing with example.

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