Flood Codex

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Codex: The Flood

0-1 Proto-gravemind 135pt
Ws Bs S T W I A Ld Sv
0 0 0 6 5 1 0 10 3+
Unit type: Infantery
Unit size: 1 Proto-gravemind
Weapons & equipment: none
A Proto-gravemind must choose one psychic power and may choose
an second psychic power for the point costs listed.

The relentless 35pt

Welcome to your tomb 25pt
Join us 20pt
Consume! 25pt

The Proto-gravemind may have a retinue of 5-10 warrior forms or 1-3
pure forms for their respective point costs.

Special rules:
We are one!
Feel no pain

0-1 Pure form 60pt/model
Ws Bs S T W I A Ld Sv
X 4 X 5 3 2 4 10 X
Unit type: Infantery
Unit size: 1-3
Weapons & equipment: Varies
Special rules:
Carrier form 20pt/model
Ws Bs S T W I A Ld Sv
0 0 1 4 1 1 0 10 -
Unit type: Infantery
Unit size: 3-9 models
Weapons & equipment: none

Scouts 2pt
1-3 warrior forms (at respective point cost)

Special rules:
Slow and purposeful

Infection forms 7pts/base
Ws Bs S T W I A Ld Sv
X 0 X 2 3 3 3 10 -
Unit type: Swarm
Unit size: 4-12 bases
Weapons & equipment: none
Special rules:
Eternal warriors(against non-blast/template attacks)
Warrior forms (Human) 10pt/model
Ws Bs S T W I A Ld Sv
4 2 3 4 1 3 2 10 5+
Unit type: Infantery
Unit size: 8-24 models
Weapons & equipment: Flak armour(5+sv)
Upgrades: Warrior forms must have the same close combat weapons,
They may not have duplicates of any weapon.
They may only have one type of ranged weapons per unit.

Rending claws 2pt

Close combat weapon 1pt
Laspistol 1pt
Bolt pistol 2pt
Shotgun 2pt
Carapace armour(+1sv) 3pt
0-3 infection forms 7pt/base(Infection forms counts as a separate unit
in combat)

Special rules:
Warrior form

A unit of warriors numbering 12 or less models may buy dispersal
pods for 4pt/model
These are counted as Fast attack choices and gains the “deepstrike”
Warrior form (Xeno) 13pt/model
Ws Bs S T W I A Ld Sv
5 2 3 4 1 3 2 10 6+
Unit type: Infantery
Unit size: 8-16 models
Weapons & equipment: leather hides,
close combat weapon

Rending claws 3pt

Extra close combat weapon 0pt
pistol 2pt
Carapace armour(+1sv) 3pt
0-3 Infection forms 7pt/base(Infection forms counts as a separate unit
in combat)

Special weapons: only two special weapons are allowed per unit.
This is fired one handed so close combat weapons can still be
Missile launcher 10pt
Melta gun 15pt
Flamer 5pt
Machine gun 15pt

Special rules:
Furious charge
Warrior form

A unit of warriors numbering 12 or less models may buy dispersal
pods for 4pt/model
These are counted as Fast attack choices and gains the “deepstrike”
Fast attack
Flood swarms 12pt/model
Ws Bs S T W I A Ld Sv
2 3 2 3 1 4 1 10 -
Unit type: Jump infantery
Unit size: 18-32 models
Weapons & equipment: Razor spines
Fleet of wing 4pt
Special rules:
Jump infantry

Infected bikers 35pt/model

Ws Bs S T I W A Sv
4 2 3 4(5) 2 1 1 4+
Unit type: Infantery(Bikes)
Unit size: 3-8 bikers
Weapons & equipment: twin-linked bolters, close combat weapon

May replace 1 twin-linked bolter with a twin-linked plasma gun 15pt

May have a flamer 10pt
Extra close combat weapon 0pt
Rending claws 5pt
Power weapon 15pt (only one per unit)

Special rules:
Warrior form
Heavy support
Assault forms 25pt/model
Ws Bs S T W I A Ld Sv
4 2 4 4 2 3 3 10 4+
Unit type: Infantery
Unit size: 5-8 assault forms
Weapons & equipment: Missile launchers

May exchange their Missile launchers for Melta guns 10pt

Close combat weapon 0pt
Extra close combat weapon 3pt(replaces shooting weapon)
Large barbed arms 10pt(replaces shooting weapon)
Machine gun 8pt(3 max)
Scouts 6pt

Special rules:
Warrior form

Infested wreck 90pt

Ws Bs S Front Side Rear I A
4 3 8 12 11 10 2 3
Unit type: Vehicle(Walker)
Weapons & equipment: 2xBarbed spikes & Huge spiky arm

Additional Huge spiky arm 15pt

Exchange one Barbed spikes for a missile launcher 5pt
Exchange both Barbed spikes for missile launchers 15pt
Flamer 10pt
An infested wreck may transport up to 8 infection form bases
at their respective cost

Special rules:
Slow and purposeful
Psychic powers and special rules
Psychic powers:
The relentless – All Warrior forms within an 18” radius of the model
using the power gains the “feel no pain” rule

Welcome to your tomb – Enemy models within 24” of the model using
this power must take a morale test when assaulting a Flood unit.
Enemy models within 18” of the model using the power must also take
a morale test when assaulted by a Flood unit.

Join us – Infection forms re-rolls all attempts to infect a target.

Consume! – All Flood creatures gain a re-roll to-hit in close combat.

Special rules:
Infect! – Infection forms always hit on a 4+, they always wound on a
4+ and for every unsaved wound inflicted roll a D6. On a 4+ the
target is infected and becomes a Warrior form forming a separate unit
engaged in close combat. All warrior forms created in the same
combat are of the same unit. Unless the target is Human the warrior
forms are considered Xeno, They have the same equipment as the
targets but cannot use grenades or other equipment besides ranged,
close combat weapons and the targets armour. If the target does not
have the “furious charge” rule this is discarded. Infected units do not
count as kill points as long as they are in combat with their original
unit. Infection forms must assault the closest enemy non-
demonic/monstrous and all organic units.
Infection forms may resurrect a friendly killed warrior form on a 4+.
Monstrous creatures cannot be infected.
Demonic units cannot be infected
Non-organic units cannot be infected(necrons, wraithguard, drones
Warrior forms that has suffered instant death or has been killed by a
power weapon/powerfist or a template weapon or an Ap1-2 weapon
cannot be resurrect since their body has been destroyed.
For every successful infection the infection forms loses 1wound, this
does not affect combat resolution.
Open-topped vehicles are infected on a 6+.
Carrier – When a Carrier form dies roll a dice 3-6 place a blast
marker over the model, this is a S4 Ap- hit, then place two Infection
form bases where the Carrier form was. On a 1-2 place a Large blast
marker over the carrier, this is a S4 Ap- hit then place two Infection
form bases where the Carrier form was. Carriers must assault the
closest enemy non-demonic/monstrous and all organic units.

Transform – Pure forms may transform once every turn.

This is done at the start of the movement, but if they do they cannot
move in the movement phase. They may however make a “Run!” move
in the shooting phase and may still assault, the normal restrictions for
running apply. Pure forms may not Transform in combat.
They may transform into one of the following each turn:

Stalker form – A stalker gains the beast rule, a S4, Ws4, “rending”
and a 5+ armour save it also gains a +2I and -1T.
All Pure forms start as Stalkers.
Ranged form – A ranged form gains two of the weapon “Barbed
spikes” and a 3+ armour save they are also relentless and may fire
both their “Barbed spikes” they also gain S3 and Ws 2.
Tank form – A Tank form gains a S5 Ws4 a 2+ armour save and
“Feel no pain” they also gain rending claws.

Immobile – Proto-graveminds are immobile and cannot move, thus

they cannot attack. The Proto-gravemind and its retinue are fearless.

We are one! – all wounds that a Proto-gravemind suffers are

redirected to it’s retinue, also any “No retreat” wounds only affects
the retinue.

Warrior form – Warrior forms may option to disengage their

infection form when in close combat, this is worked out as a normal
infection form attack. But the warrior form dies, any infected targets
join the warrior unit that issued the attack. Imperial forces, Eldar,
Small targets and Tau forces are counted as Human warrior forms
when infected.
Weapons and equipment

Barbed spikes Razor spines Shooting

Range S Ap Type Range S Ap Type
36" 5 4 Heavy 3 24" 3 5 Assault 2

Laspistol Shotgun
Range S Ap Type Range S Ap Type
12” 3 - Pistol 12” 3 6 Assault 2

Boltpistol Missile launcher

Range S Ap Type Range S Ap Type
12” 4 5 Pistol 36” 4/7 5/3 Assault1, blast, unreliable

Melta gun Machine gun

Range S Ap Type Range S Ap Type
18” 8 3/1 Assualt2/1, 36” 5 5 Heavy3
Rending claws | Flamer
Models with rending claws | Range S Ap Type
Gain the rending rule, this | template 4 5 assault1, unreliable
counts as a Close combat |_________________________________
weapon in all respects (dah) Close combat

Power weapon Large barbed arms

Power weapons counts as Models with large barbed arms
Power weapons (dah) Count as equipped with Chainfists

Huge spiky arm

Huge spiky arms are Dreadnought close combat weapons
Special rules
Weapons with this special rule
Suffer from Gets hot!
When using the second profile
Made solely by Robin Landin with help from friends in play testing

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