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 This topic aims to describe the project background, problem statement, objectives,
scopes, project significance and expected output of the system.

 The system is Burger Ordering System. This is online Customer Ordering System of
Restaurant, which in most cases; the company has problem with order and disordered order.

 This project intends to computerize Burger Ordering System to provide better customer
service. Because of that, the restaurant can provide the easier way of travelling to the customer.

 Burger Oder system aims to accelerate customer orders.

 Burger Ordering System used by servers and kitchen employees to accept customer

 An online ordering system is not a new concept to many as this has been running
successfully all over the world for quite some time now.

 The whole concept behind having a professional website along with a system shows
how you present yourself to the online world.


Objective of The project:

• Based on the problem stated above, the objectives of the project are :

• i. To develop online ordering and reservation system in restaurant.

• ii. To develop use interface for online restaurant management system.

• iii. To provide online menu information for customer.

• iv. Increase sales and productivity by knowing the status of all restocking and special

• v. Get better prices from vendors by ordering smarter, leveraging detailed purchase

• vi. Increase profitability by eliminating unnecessary and wasteful purchases.

• vii. Increase efficiency through detailed reporting.

Scope Of The Project:

• Administartor :
• i. Administartor is the person who will manage the entire system.

• ii. This type of user will also do maintenance and control the application of
the system.

• iii. Administrator takes a responsibility to register new customer, register new

menu into database.
 The online burger ordering system sets up a food menu online and customers can
easily place the order as per they like.

 The online customers can easily track their orders.

 The management maintains customer’s database, and improve food delivery service.

 This system also provides a feedback system in which user can rate the food items.
Also, the proposed system can recommend food, based on the ratings given by the user, the
hotel staff will be informed for the improvements along with the quality.

 The payment can be made online or cash or pay-on-delivery system. For more secured
ordering separate accounts are maintained for each user by providing them an ID and a password


 The proposed system helps in many ways.

 It helps to do billing very easily.

 Account maintenance also becomes easier.

 They can keep track of their purchases of inventories, staffs details, customer feedback,
sales of foods, and account details etc.

 The software is provided with the facilities to find out the favorite food of the
customers, and the seasonal foods, or customers to add or modify and delete their feedbacks and

 Managing data of daily customers, managing data of staffs, managing data of daily
expenses. It eliminates the drawbacks of existing system and also includes some more features.

Online ordering system, one of the trending technologies in the present food industry
will certainly build an online presence for your restaurant or an existing food business.

It enhances your digital survival with an increased customer reach. A few major advantages of
Burger ordering system that can merely boost your business sales are:
A. Improves customer convenience:

 Online Burger ordering system, one of the latest trends in the food industry makes
customers to enjoy their favorite burger at their convenience, without going to anywhere.

 This is quite beneficial for those people who don’t have enough time to go out for
food, especially during hectic office hours.

B. Flexible menu management:

 Burger ordering system provides you the flexibility and the easiness to update the
online menu at any time without any complications.

 It completely avoids the printing of menu cards again and again with the updated
price and pictures.

C. Enhanced productivity:

 By avoiding the phone ordering, online ordering system makes the food ordering
process entirely automated.

 This mainly saves a lot of time to the restaurant employees and increases the
productivity of the restaurant by avoiding unnecessary phone calls.

D. Effective online promotion:

 Online Burger ordering system comes with many useful features.

 One of the important feature is, it allows you to promote your restaurant or food
serving company online and enables you to attract more customers towards your restaurant.

 You can easily promote offers, combos, discount prices etc., and can stay in touch
with them frequently. It even helps you to send personalized emails to your customers on their
special occasions like birthdays, marriage days etc.
System Model:
The structure of the system can be divided into three main logical components.

 The first component must provide some form of menu management, allowing the

restaurant to control what can be ordered by customers.

 The second component is the web ordering system and provides the functionality for

customers to place their order and supply all necessary details.

 The third and final logical component is the order retrieval system.

 Used by the restaurant to keep track of all orders which have been placed, this

component takes care of retrieving and displaying order information, as well as updating orders

which have already been processed.

Web Ordering Restaurant

Customer Database Order Retrieval
System Employee



3.1. Functional Requirements:

 A functional requirement defines a function of a system or its component.
 A function is described as a set of inputs, the behavior, and outputs.

As can be seen in the system model diagramed above, each of the three system

components essentially provides a layer of isolation between the end user and the database.

 The motivation behind this isolation is two fold.

 Firstly, allowing the end user to interact with the system through a rich interface

provide a much more enjoyable user experience, particularly for the non-technical users which

will account for the majority of the system’s users.

 In addition, this isolation layer also protects the integrity of the database by

preventing users from taking any action outside those which the system is designed to handle.

Because of this design pattern, it is essential to enumerate exactly which functions a user will be

presented and these functions are outlined below, grouped by component.

Functional requirement of this website include:

3.2. Non-Functional Requirements:

A non-functional requirement is a requirement that specifies criteria that can be used to judge

the operation of a system, rather than specific behaviors.

Non-Functional requirements are:

 Compatibility:

 The website should run compatibly with any browser.

 It should allow the users to register to the website and gives access to them.

 Reliability and Availability:

 The data should be available to the user whenever they want to book a

burger and beverages.

 System should be able to give response on time. Loading time of system

should not be too much but it depend on your internet.

 Performance:

 The system should enable the valid user to register to the system.

 The system should provide the information of food and beverages and display

with there respected images.

 Usability:

 Website should be easy to use.

 It should be easy to used, understandable, and attractive with there respected price

of foods.

 Maintainability:

 The website is often used over a long period, so it should maintain properly.

 We can add new product on the website.

3.3. User Requirements:

 Requirements of user can be system should be highly secure enough, portable,

system should be confident enough to fulfill the user requirements.

 System should be environment friendly to work with the user.

 System should be quick to provide management information.

 System should be error-free. It should run faster as to be designed.

3.4. Hardware Requirements:

 CPU: Intel Pentium Dual Core or above

 Input Device: Pointing device(Mouse), Keyboard

 512 MB RAM

 Color Monitor with resolution 1166x760

 500MB Hard Disk memory

3.5. Software Requirements:

Software plays an important role in any project development. One should understand which

software to use to develop the project.

 Microsoft’s Windows 7/8


 CSS3

 Microsoft’s SQL Server 2008



 Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox Web browser

The main purpose of feasibility analysis is to check the economic viability of the proposed
system. The result of the feasibility study will indicate whether to proceed with the proposed
system or not. If the results of the feasibility study are positive, then we can proceed to develop a
system otherwise project should not be pursued. Preliminary investigation examine project
feasibility, the likelihood the system will be useful to the organization. The main objective of the
feasibility study is to test the Technical, Operational and Economical feasibility for adding new
modules and debugging old running system. All system is feasible if they are unlimited resources
and infinite time. There are aspects in the feasibility study portion of the preliminary

1. Operational Feasibility
2. Economical Feasibility
3. Technical Feasibility

4.1 Operational Feasibility:

Operational feasibility study tests the operational scope of the system to be developed.
The proposed system must have high operational feasibility.

 In case of any mistakes while registering, the user or ordering system is made aware
about the error messages.
 The usability will be high.
 Response time of the website is fast.
 The website is developed with clear and easy to understand navigation that enables users
to find information quickly.
 The website itself does major task of the user, the only work for the user is to click on the
controls .
 Thus, the proposed system is operationally feasible.
4.2 Economical Feasibility:
The purpose of the economic feasibility assessment is to determine the positive economic
benefits that the proposed system will provide.

Proposed system requires development tools and software such as Microsoft’s SQL

Server 2008 which are free of cost and available on Internet. For developing proposed system,

we need various resources such as computer systems, internet connection and memory speed as

mention in requirement. By looking at all these expenses and comparing with proposed system,

we have many benefits from proposed system such are:

 An existing system is manual, where data may not available on time. But proposed
system will be computerized, so we can overcome all limitations of existing system.
 This system will reduce the paperwork.
 This system will save the time of the people.

So keeping all above mentioned benefits and comparing with various expenditures of
resources, we conclude that proposed system is economically feasible.
4.3 Technical Feasibility:
The technical feasibility assessment is focused on gaining an understanding of the present
technical resources and their applicability to the expected needs of the proposed system. It is an
evaluation of the hardware and software and how it meets the need of the proposed system.

This system will be developed using PHP,JAVA technology and so on. As we require
some time to learn these technologies, all these are easy to learn and can develop system very
rapidly. After developing and deploying the system, any user can view this site on the Internet.

It is a web based user interface thus it provides an easy access to the users.

Permission to the users would be granted based on the roles specified. Therefore, it provides the
technical guarantee of accuracy, reliability and security.

Thus, the proposed system is technically feasible.

5.1] Incremental Model:

In incremental model the whole requirement is divided into various builds. Multiple
development cycles take place here, making the life cycle a “multi-waterfall” cycle. Cycles are
divided up into smaller, more easily managed modules. Each module passes through the
requirements, design, implementation and testing phases. Each subsequent release of the module
adds function to the previous release. The process continues till the complete system is achieved.

For example:

In the diagram above when we work incrementally we are adding piece by piece but
expect that each piece is fully finished. Thus keep on adding the pieces until it’s complete. As in
the image above a person has thought of the application. Then he started building it and in the
first iteration the first module of the application or product is totally ready and can be demoted to
the customers. Likewise in the second iteration the other module is ready and integrated with the
first module. Similarly, in the third iteration the whole product is ready and integrated. Hence,
the product got ready step by step.
Diagram of Incremental model:

5.2] Advantages of Incremental model:

1. Generates working software quickly and early during the software life cycle.
2. This model is more flexible – less costly to change scope and requirements.
3. It is easier to test and debug during a smaller iteration.
4. In this model customer can respond to each built.
5. Lowers initial delivery cost.
6. Easier to manage risk because risky pieces are identified and handled during it’s

5.3] Disadvantages of Incremental model:

1. Needs good planning and design.
2. Needs a clear and complete definition of the whole system before it can be broken
down and built incrementally.

3. Total cost is higher than waterfall

5.4] When to use the Incremental model:

1. This model can be used when the requirements of the complete system are clearly
defined and understood.

2. Major requirements must be defined: however, some details can evolve with time.
3. There is a need to get a product to the market early.
4. A new technology is being used
5. Resources with needed skill set are not available
6. There are some high risk features and goals.

5.5] Justification:
We have implemented Incremental model because of following features:

1. The design phase goes much faster, as design are only done on the items in the current
release (for example, Release 1.0).
2. Coding and Testing go much faster because there are less items to code and test. If major
design flaws are found, re-work is much faster since the functional areas have been
greatly reduced.
3. If the user requirements are changes as per reviews mentioned in the blog, changes can be
incorporated in the next iterative release, allowing the software to be much more nimble.
4. As the software is implemented, the user can make recommendations for the next
iteration due to experiences learned in the past iteration.
5. Deliverables are produced early in the software development life cycle in each iteration.
6. It is flexible and easy to manage.
7. Risk management and Testing is easy.
6.1] Object Oriented Method:

Object-oriented methodology decomposes web application into components. Each

component (page, site etc) is defined in terms of its state and behavior. This approach maintains
support for software reuse, high level abstraction, run-time management and maintenance
throughout the development cycle of the web application.

When designing a website, the entire website itself is an “object”. An object can be
described as a noun – a person, place or thing. In this case, a website is a thing, obviously.
Furthermore, each separate piece that makes up the design of the site can be their own object
also. Take for example something as small as a button. Think of what creates a button. A button
may have a border, a border radius, a label, a font size, a color; the list goes on.

6.2] Justification:

We have used Object oriented method because of following features:

1. The components created can be reused later on in other subsystems.

2. Scalability and reliability also make it towards object-orientations.
3. The requirement specifications are to be done with UML diagrams for front-end and
processing which consist of:
1. Use-Case diagrams
2. Activity Diagram
3. Sequence diagram
4. Class diagram
4. An ER-model will help to incorporate the information storage in form of relational tables,
in the chosen SQL Server database.

A use case diagram contains four components:

 The boundary, which defines the system of interest in relation to the world around it.
 The actors, usually individuals involved with the system defined according to their roles.
 The use cases, which are the specific roles played by the actors within and around the
 The relationships between and among the actors and the use cases.

The actors can be human user, some internal applications or may be some external applications.
So in a brief when we are planning to draw an use case diagram we should have the following
items identified.

i. Functionalities to be represented as an use case

ii. Actors
iii. Relationships among the use cases and actors.

Use case diagrams are drawn to capture the functional requirements of a system. So after
identifying the above items we have to follow the following guidelines to draw an efficient use
case diagram.

i. The name of the use case is very important. So the name should be chosen in such a way
so that it can identify the functionalities performed.
ii. Give a suitable name for actors.
iii. Show relationship and dependencies clearly in the diagram.
iv. Do not try to include all types of relationships. Because the main purpose of the diagram
is to identify requirements.
v. Use note whenever required to clarify some important points.

Class diagrams are the most popular UML diagrams used for construction of software
application. So it is very important to learn the drawing procedure of class diagram.

The purpose of the class diagram is to model the static view of an application. The class
diagrams are the only diagrams which can be directly mapped with object oriented languages and
thus widely used at the time of construction.

Class diagrams have lot of properties to consider while drawing but here the diagram will
be considered from a top level view.

Class diagram is basically a graphical representation of the static view of the system and
represents different aspects of the application. So a collection of class diagrams represent the
whole system.

The following point should be remembered while drawing a class diagram:

i. The name of the class diagram should be meaningful to describe the aspect of the system.
ii. Each element and their relationships should be identified.
iii. Attributes and methods of each class should be clearly identified.
iv. For each class minimum number of properties should be specified. Because unnecessary
properties will make the diagram complicated.

Activity diagram is another important diagram in UML to describe dynamic aspects of

the system.

Activity diagram is basically a flow chart to represent the flow form one activity to
another activity. The activity can be described as an operation of the system.

So the control flow is drawn from one operation to another. This flow can be sequential,
branched or concurrent.

Before drawing an activity diagram we must have a clear understanding about the
elements used in activity diagram. The main element of an activity diagram is the activity itself.

An activity is a function performed by the system. After identifying the activities we need to
understand how they are associated with constraints and conditions.

So before drawing an activity diagram we should identify the following elements:

 Activities
 Association
 Conditions
 Constraints

A Sequence diagram is an interaction diagram that shows how processes operate with
one another and in what order. It is a construct of a Message Sequence Chart. A sequence
diagram shows object interactions arranged in time sequence. It depicts the objects and classes
involved in the scenario and the sequence of messages exchanged between the objects needed to
carry out the functionality of the scenario. Sequence diagrams are typically associated with use
case realizations in the Logical View of the system under development. Sequence diagrams are
sometimes called event diagrams or event scenarios.

A sequence diagram shows, as parallel vertical lines (lifelines), different processes or

objects that live simultaneously, and, as horizontal arrows, the messages exchanged between
them, in the order in which they occur. This allows the specification of simple runtime scenarios
in a graphical manner.
7.5] E-R Diagram

In software engineering, an entity–relationship model (ER model) is a data model for

describing the data or information aspects of a business domain or its process requirements, in an
abstract way that lends itself to ultimately being implemented in a database such as a relational

The main components of ER models are entities (things) and the relationships that can
exist among them. An entity relationship diagram shows the relationships of entity sets stored in
a database. ER diagrams illustrate the logical structure of databases.

Entities may have various properties (attributes) that characterize them. Diagrams created
to represent these entities, attributes, and relationships graphically are called Entity-
Relationship diagram

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