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The Enforcement Division of the Fair Political Practices Commission received the
enclosed complaint, COM-03052019-00551, on 3/5/2019 8:12:00 AM. The information
filed in the complaint is below and any attachments filed will be included.

This complaint was submitted anonymously via the Enforcement Division’s electronic
complaint system.

The Complaint was formally filed against:

Vince Courtney

The following individuals were listed as witnesses:

Francesca Gaessner

Donna Hood

Yolanda Manzone

Cindy Charon

The Violations alleged are:

Conflict of Interest in Public Contracts (GC 1090)

In March 2018 in his role as SFPUC Commissioner, Mr. Courtney voted to approve a
grant agreement of which Local 261 is a direct beneficiary of the grant. Mr. Courtney is
employed by Local 261 and serves as its Recording Secretary, Field Representative, and
Political Captain.

Conflict of Interest in Public Contracts (GC 1090)

Mr. Courtney on several occasions directed/requested SFPUC staff to resource the
Gleneagles Job Training Program which is operated by Laborers Training Center. Mr.
Courtney founded Gleneagles and voted several times on agreements between the
SFPUC and Laborers Training Center.

Conflict of Interest
Legislature; Use of Position to Influence Decisions (87102.5)
Multiple occasions when Mr. Courtney directed SFPUC HR Director to fire an employee,
Manny Means who was a member of Local 261. The HR Director refused to do so since
there was no merit in his request. However,this type of interference continued for months
and resulted in the HR Director’s departure from the SFPUC in the Fall of 2018.

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