Answer To ECHR's Address From 23 March 2019: Correspondence

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The Registrar, European Court of Human Rights

Council of Europe
Dossier 31061/17 (56472/17) updated last in August 2018

I, the undersigned political refugee and human rights defender, with first name Tudor-Andrei,
last name Raneti, mother’s name Mariana, father’s name Viorel, legally domiciled in Romania,
Bucharest, sector 3, Theodor Pallady boulevard, no 2, M2A apartment block, entrance B, 6th floor, 61th
apartment, where I don’t live since 2009 – so don’t use it as address of correspondence, identified with
Identity Card series RT no 654712 emitted by SPCEP S3 bureau no 4 on 4th September 2009 and having
personal numeric code 1801010394508, with the chosen address of electronic

formulate the following

Answer to ECHR’s address from 23rd March 2019

1. It is denied the criminal ECHR “judge” denial of my legal demonstration not request that I
have the right to represent myself, demonstration that I made in paragraph -2.1 from my answer to
ECHR’s address from 18th September 2018, opposed to the criminal ECHR “judge” threat with denial of
justice if I don’t hire a Romanian “state” mafia associated “lawyer” to usurp my rights, given I’ve already
proven in my referenced ICC penal dossier published
Humanity, that all Romanian “lawyers” are mafia associates, and I’ve already opened penal dossiers
against at least a dozen of them recruited by the Romanian “state” mafia to usurp my rights, which the
Romanian “state” mafia never solved in any way nor can it, meaning it’s uselessly attempting to cover
up the truth in this particular case through inaction. It is a fundamental judiciary principle that anyone
can represent himself; it’s called the principle of disposition in Romanian because everyone has the right
to manifest his own will which is by definition the juridical act, and being a fundamental right it cannot
be legally denied, nor logically requested because it cannot be denied, it exists by default. Because the
criminal ECHR “judge” demonstrates logical incoherence and inherent occupational dysfunction by
breaking the law, along with failure to recognize what’s real meaning his obligation to obey the law and
not the organized crime he’s part of policy, it is proven according to this 3 main symptoms as defined in
the DSM-V “psychiatric” charlatanry manual of diagnosis and statistic that he is schizophrenic, and
because the criminal ECHR “judge” breaks the law to cover-up Romanian Crimes against humanity, he is
proven a sociopath - a maniacal lying and manipulative person who pervasively breaks the law and
rights of other people, sacrificing their lives to attain his petty illicit interests

1.1. The proof that the criminal ECHR “judge” is obsessed with the psychosis that I hire a
Romanian “state” mafia associated “lawyer” to usurp my rights, is his obsession of constantly pointing
me at the Romanian “state” mafia controlled “lawyer’s” bar as if there weren’t any other lawyer firms in

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the world. I’ve already opened a Romanian penal dossier against about a dozen Romanian “state” mafia
appointed “lawyers” to usurp my rights, and I’ve never otherwise hired a Romanian “lawyer” who didn’t
usurp my rights, nor have I ever heard of a competent lawyer in my life, and I’ve probed the entire world

1.2. denial of justice is illegal hence a threat with denial of justice is illegal, as an illegal threat is
by definition a threat to commit an illegal act, which is a felony at least under the Penal Code of
Romania which also regards felonies committed by foreigners against Romanian citizens, legislation
otherwise harmonized with EU legislation. It is a fundamental judiciary principle that no law can impede
justice therefore any form of denial of justice is illegal as otherwise stated by article 21 of the Romanian
Constitution, the supreme law under which the parties in this ECHR dossier are judged, given the ECHR
Rules references the expression fair trial which means legal trial, which refers first of all to the national
legislation that was broken, which being harmonized with ECHR and UDHR means they’ve also been
broken. In conclusion the criminal ECHR “judge” makes illegal threats attempting to cover-up the
Romanian Crimes against humanity which are occurring continuously because the so-called Romanian
and European authorities are perpetrating them unhindered, such as chemically lobotomizing orphans
as again revealed in the Romanian press not a month ago - google: “cum se face lobotomizarea chimica
a copiilor” which means in English mot-a-mot: “how is chemical lobotomization of children done”. The
Romanian Crimes against humanity are also continuous against me because the 8th Crime against
humanity attempt is a proven murderous mafia order for my indefinite to life incarceration, and
incidental Torture and Bodily Harm to the mafia’s intent of Qualifiedly Murdering me to stop me from
denouncing its criminal activity, reason for which I’ve been forced to become a political refugee since 1st
September 2017, as demonstrated in paragraph 2.4^45 from annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent
request for interim measures. The criminal ECHR “judge” illegal denial of justice threat is empty because
I can lodge again and indefinitely the Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures, even more so
with this criminal ECHR “judge” inculpated invalidating any of his otherwise illegal, false and
syllogistically invalid decisions, under the conflict of interest fundamental principle - nemo iudex in sua
causa. I repeat in demonstration of the logical incoherence of the criminal ECHR “judge”, the obvious
logic presented in the paragraph -2.1 from my answer to ECHR’s address from 18th September 2018, that
is it not possible for ECHR to decide on behalf of the plaintiff that he retracts or not his petition evidently
because ECHR is not and can not be mandated by the plaintiff to exercise his will on his behalf, nor can
ECHR decide on behalf of the plaintiff that he must be represented and that cannot represent himself

2. The illegal ECHR request that I hire a Romanian "state" mafia associated "lawyer" to usurp
my rights is denied. I am not only not obligated to hire anyone to represent me, I am better than any
law practitioner in the world proven by my 9 years of human rights defending activity uncovering
inclusively the ECHR and CoE criminal activity of covering-up Romanian Crimes against humanity, and
the fact I am the only one in the world standing up against this international mafia proves there is
nobody that can represent me, lawyer or not, also proven by the fact I already contacted all of the
biggest lawyer firms in the world, and relevant European and Romanian ones, and all tacitly refused to
go up against this international mafia, being logical I have no interest to hire someone less competent
than me to represent me. Given my circumstances of being a political refugee fleeing from indefinite
to life incarceration, incidental Torture and Bodily Harm perpetrated by the Romanian “state” mafia

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with the intent of Qualifiedly Murdering me to stop me from denouncing its criminal activity which
I’ve already proven is covered-up by other factions of the same mafia from ECHR, CoE, EU and other
organizations such as the US propaganda and disinformation mills Amnesty and Transparency
international, it is clear nobody can be trusted to represent me because nobody has the knowledge,
competence and courage to represent me, all the more I’ve already been misrepresented by every
lawyer I’ve hired or was assigned to usurp my rights by the Romanian “state” mafia itself.
Furthermore I am not resident of any country but practically and legally stateless because I am a
political refugee. Lastly because I am a political refugee, and by definition as per reality of my
circumstances, I can not avail myself of the protection of any Romanian institution because there isn’t
any such protection or institutions as all are under the control of the Romanian “state” mafia which is
the old Romanian communist security forces and associates put in power through the 1989 coup
d’état which I’ve already proven in my ICC penal dossier published
Humanity, and which was again made evident not a month ago in the press that Augustin Lazar so-
called General Prosecutor of Romania was a communist torturer, which is of no surprise to me
because Augustin Lazar personally supervised the falsification of the 4 penal dossiers against me to be
used as cover-up and pretext for the Crimes against humanity perpetrated against me, proven by the
fact I’ve constantly petitioned him in this and related matter to prosecute the criminal so-called
prosecutors subordinates, and Augustin Lazar personally signed the falsified decision of illegal
rejection of my request that my 4 falsified penal dossiers be moved in another jurisdiction than the
one they’ve been falsified in, proven falsified in my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures
by the demonstration of the falsification of the 4 penal dossiers in which as short proof I’ve never
been indicted or convicted nor diagnosed for penal security measures or otherwise to be enforced
against me as shown in annex 17, annex 18, annex 19 and annex 22 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request
for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal complaint, regarding my empty judicial
history, the admittal by the mafia “magistrate” caporegimes I have no judicial history and respectively
the family doctor certified evidence that I’m army incorporable and apt for superior studies meaning
mentally healthy, corroborated with the fact I also have according to annex 20 of my Rule 39 ECHR
urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal complaint, 4 legal work
medicine certificates declaring I’m mentally sane and apt for work as correspondent to the 4 legal work
years as an IT programmer which stopped when the Romanian “state” mafia destroyed this career
definitively too in Romania as I objectivized in chapter IV of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim
measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal complaint, being before this licensed in mathematics -
informatics, informatics specialization after my 4 years in college meaning apt for superior studies, and
army incorporable all along, corroborated with the fact no falsified “psychiatric” charlatanry documents
were made official as proven by the fact my family doctor would’ve been notified through the Ministry
of Health informatic system. Augustin Lazar the communist torturer so-called General Prosecutor of
Romania is thus proven accomplice and instigator to the incidental felonies of Torture, Bodily Harm to
the principal murderous mafia intent of Qualifiedly Murdering me to stop me from denouncing its
criminal activity, corroborated with the fact the communist torturer Augustin Lazar lied at the
Constitutional Court of Romania through his subordinate Marinela Minca that suspects and the
accused can be chemically lobotomized without a deed proven to exist, proven to constitute a felony,

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that the accused committed it, and that the therefore condemned represents a proven danger to the
public and therefore must be subjected to so-called medical penal measures of security, lie which is
blatant evidence of communist torturer’s policy perpetuated 30 years after the 1989 Romanian coup
d’état spearheaded by CIA and its friends, because the CIA and friends backed Romanian “state” mafia
is in fact comprised of the old communist security members as proven by Augustin Lazar himself, and
as proven by the fact Kovesi Laura Codruta let Augustin Lazar be named into office although having a
penal dossier opened, Kovesi Laura Codruta being notoriously a Romanian traitor serving the illicit
interests of George Soros, mounted as the chief of National Anticorruption Direction only for covering
up the Romanian corruption and for falsifying penal dossiers to use as political police as notoriously
did again journalist Dan Diaconescu also to stop him from denouncing the criminal activity of the
Romanian “state” mafia, denounced for fraternizing with the CIA chief over the Balkans by the
Romanian mafia defector Sebastian Ghita, covering up Romanian Crimes against humanity since
2006, clearly favorite of the EU totalitarian organized crime regime given France and Germany
forfeited their candidacies to facilitate the ascension of the criminal Kovesi Laura Codruta as EU
prosecutor. In conclusion, the ECHR staff proves again schizophrenic by displaying the symptoms of
logical incoherence and intrinsic occupational dysfunction by breaking the law, and the symptom of
losing touch with reality since all the facts enumerated above are notoriously presented in the press,
meaning not only the ECHR staff falsely believes law breaking is not easily proven and does not
constitute blatant evidence ECHR and CoE are branches of a wider mafia cartel as I’ve proven in my
ICC penal dossier linked above, but this mafia cartel is already proven publicly to exist, and its criminal
activity is effortlessly proven, therefore ECHR’s lies and attempts of covering up the Romanian Crimes
against humanity are useless, it’s already notorious

2.1 The illegal criminal ECHR “judge” act of illegally withholding the Romanian "state" mafia
falsified response to my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures and my answer to ECHR’s
address from 18th September 2018, contrary to the principles of contradictoriality and disposition -
the right of the parties to posses the opponent’s claims, and the right to respond to them by disposing
of one’s will to use the opponent’s claims against him as evidence, demonstrates again the lack of
transparency of the ECHR trial in order to usurp justice, thus the criminal ECHR “judge” claim only a
Romanian "state" mafia associated "lawyer" has the right to administrate the falsified Romanian
"state" mafia’s response, evidently for the purpose to withhold this evidence from me, is denied - as I
predicted in paragraph 0.5 from my answer to ECHR’s address from 18th September 2018, because
there is no possible justification for Crimes against humanity any response is proven falsified even
before I see it and it can only be a mockery of justice and state of right to attempt to justify Crimes
against humanity, which is why ECHR and CoE are accomplice and intrinsic instigators to Crimes
against humanity against me since April 2017, through illegally destroying my urgent request for
interim measures 7 times, each time for different illegal reasons as short proof of illegality. I’ve
already demonstrated the first 6 illegal destructions of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim
measures in the penal dossier I published at:
complaint-against-D-Lupu-and-I-Banu-at-European-Court-of-Human-Rights, penal dossier through
which I also proven the cooperation between the obviously mafia owned French judiciary and the
Romanian “state” mafia controlled judiciary, and the 7th through this document and the previous

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answer to ECHR’s answer from 18th September 2017, pending inculpation of actors involved in the ICC
penal dossier and re-lodging of the Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures. I suspect even
in fact knowing now the stereotypical mafia “magistrate” capo regime, that the criminal ECHR “judge”
is overwhelmed and expects a mafia “lawyer” to falsify a credible plead on which to lean, which is
hilarious as there can be no such plead given all the law, logic and moral high ground belongs to me.
One may even say, God is on my side

3. The illegal act of the criminal ECHR “judge” declaring that the flagrant Crimes against
humanity or infringement of my right to life and torture prohibition and continuous immediate
danger of repeated infringement is not a Rule 39 urgent request for interim measures matter, and
therefore inadmissible, is denied because it's illegal and illogical, and is a grave mistake I will fully
exploit against ECHR and CoE by inculpating the criminal ECHR and CoE Crimes against humanity
accomplices and instigators in my ICC penal dossier which I evidently use for public denunciation just
as I’ve proceeded against the Romanian “state” mafia which stirred its Stalinist paranoia to perpetrate
8 Crimes against humanity against me and get nowhere but provide proofs for my human rights
defender activity of denouncing its criminal activity, ECHR and CoE proving they are nothing more
than criminal organizations, mafia cartel branches comprised of the criminal members of various
European national mafia groups, which is why ECHR and CoE directly attempts to cover-up the
Romanian “state” mafia Crimes against humanity, because they are part of the same international
mafia cartel. Furthermore the criminal ECHR staff is already inculpated at ICC for complicity and
intrinsic instigation to Crimes against humanity not only against me but for example a member of the
Rroma minority named Ivascu in ECHR dossier 41719/12 who’s been incarcerated and chemically
lobotomized thus Tortured and Bodily Harmed also for demanding justice, and against who the
Romanian “state” mafia in cahoots with ECHR and CoE also attempted to cover-up the gravest
infringement of the right to life downplaying it as the least important infringement to the right of
private life just as the Romanian “state” mafia in cahoots with ECHR and CoE attempted in this ECHR
dossier, meaning it’s the mafia modus operandi which has a history far greater than I’ve proven, all of
which is imperative to be investigated and the mafia members hunted down and convicted to life
incarceration for taking destroying lives. The criminal ECHR and CoE staffs being mentally alienated
don’t understand I’m fishing for evidence to use against them at ICC and to denounce publicly, being
as I’ve stated before, a human rights defender. ECHR and CoE legitimate authority is denied, being
proven just redundant (with no use other than false propaganda and disinformation that there is such
a thing as rule of law in EU or any of its member states) branches of a bloated international mafia
cartel comprised in reality of the EU and CoE member “states”, who is playing right into my human
rights defending activity, ECHR hence having no longer has any legitimate authority to judge anything,
not from the law it breaks, not from the people it doesn’t represent, least of all to judge its own
criminal acts already exposed in my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures referencing my
ICC penal dossier which is thus included. Lastly it is mandatory after the trial of the Rule 39 urgent
request for interim measures matter that the other human rights infringements enumerated become
subject of judgment, and no petition about the infringement of any right can be declared inadmissible
without a particular factual premise correlated with an universal law premise, because all juridical
acts in the world are syllogisms therefore a juridical act comprised improperly said even only of a

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conclusion, is invalid for having no premise, while the criminal ECHR “judge” act of declaring my Rule
39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures inadmissible is also proven falsified by the fact it did not
even try to contradict my plead, because it’s impossible to justify Crimes against humanity or
breaking the law in any matter, so the criminal ECHR “judge” simply broke the law with no

4. The mafia so-called general prosecutor of Romania Augustin Lazar has been uncovered to
be an ex-communist torturer not a month ago which explains perfectly why I was Tortured and Bodily
Harmed and 8 attempts at Qualified Murder have been perpetrated against me and others for
political and genocidal reasons constituting thus Crimes against humanity. The ex-communist torturer
Augustin Lazar abusing the office of General Prosecutor of Romania was let in function by the
notorious criminal Kovesi Laura Codruta expunged from the office of chief-prosecutor of the
Romanian National Anticorruption Direction for corruption, or better said because of mafia political
games as she should’ve been imprisoned for life for her crimes if Romania was a state of right, as her
falsified penal dossiers even led to deaths or better said assassinations, such as the dossiers of Dan
Adamescu or “judge” Mustata. These animals are notoriously known to be in cahoots with CIA and its
friends as revealed by the Romanian “state” mafia defector Sebastian Ghita, so they’re proven traitors
not just murderers. EU and UK are parting ways, while EU is notoriously known as a criminal
supranational organization and its days are numbered judging by its inner social turmoil. The idiot US,
EU and CoE politicians meddling with what the judiciary sector should do just proves the organized
crime's dictatorship and lack of any judiciary independence, proving therefore democracy a lie and an
utopia for pervasively failing in every country of the world in favor of corruption and totalitarianism.
Not a month ago another press article demonstrated the chemical lobotomy of orphans in Romania
for the mafia's illicit profit, just as I've denounced and predicted the mafia is doing as a human rights
defender. The mafia's crimes are popping in view everywhere, and so is ECHR and CoE's involvement
in these crimes, so I would say things are going well and there's no reason to wait for the ECHR and
CoE’s staff to make life hell for everybody until they die and will be instantly judged to hell, but must
and will pay for their crimes before man as well, which is part of the satisfaction I’m after. In
conclusion mafia hubris denied - keep falsifying meaningless papers, besides the fact I can re-lodge
the Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures at any time for being hunted by the Romanian
“state” mafia through the 8th continuous Crimes against humanity attempt, I can reinsert the Rule 39
ECHR urgent request for interim measures for each falsified ECHR act emitted, and the emitter will be
condemned for each one

5. Obligate the Romanian “state” mafia to pay up the 24,200,722,222 billion dollars I rightfully
claimed according to international jurisprudence for the 8 Crimes against humanity it perpetrated
against me as demonstrated in section IV.6 from annex 23 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for
interim measures, or I shall use ECHR’s continuous denial of justice against itself. It’s ECHR’s only way
out, shaky as it is, because my priority is the murderous Romanian “state” mafia regime who
perpetrated the 8 Crimes against humanity against me and others

5.1 Also the proposals for urgent interim measures enumerated at section IV from annex 23 of
my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures stand:
5.1.1. the repeal of all laws infringing on the presumption of innocence and other human
5.1.2. the ban on “psychiatric” charlatanry drugs, in reality deadly neurotoxic poisons, the
immediate incarceration of all “psychiatrist” charlatans who ever poisoned anyone, and the

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accreditation removal of the “psychiatry” charlatanry because I’ve proven in section I.A.1.2.1 of my
ICC penal dossier linked above the “psychiatry” charlatanry is neither medicine nor science and is
abused as state terrorism and political repression by totalitarian regimes around the world just like it
was used in Nazi death camps and Soviet gulags, and before against anti-corruption fighters like the
Romanian national poet Mihai Eminescu;
5.1.3. the immediate incarceration of the members of the Romanian Constitutional Court,
Government, Public Ministry, Parliament and Romanian Ombudsman for the abolishment of the
presumption of innocence through Decision no 25 from 19th January 2017, and concomitantly
declaring that any innocent can be arrested from the street or his home and be chemically
lobotomized, instigating the rest of the mafia to commit Crimes against humanity;
5.1.4. the immediate incarceration, following trial and conviction of all mafia “magistrates”
caporegimes, meaning “prosecutors” and “judges” who ever proposed respectively issued and order
for obligation to chemical lobotomy;
5.1.5. the immediate incarceration, following trial and conviction of all the mafia soldiers
“masked policemen”, “policemen”, “secret policemen” and “gendarmes” who executed falsified
mandates from the mafia “magistrate” caporegimes involving the “psychiatry” charlatanry;
5.1.6. the immediate incarceration, following trial and conviction of all the mafia “secret
servicemen” who are accomplice by not denouncing the Romanian “state” mafia knowing as
obvious it’s a national security issue
5.1.7 the immediate incarceration, following trial and conviction of all the mafia associated
“lawyers” who ever pleaded for anything related to the “psychiatric charlatanry instigating their
crimes instead of denouncing them
5.1.8 the immediate incarceration, following trial and conviction of all the other mafia
associated “public functionaries” who can directly be proven have taken part in the “psychiatric”
charlatanry poisoning of institutionalized children, youngsters, elders, the Rroma minority,
dissidents or human rights defenders
5.1.9 the enforcement of the lustration directive <8 of the <1989 Timisoara declaration,
meaning expulsion from public function of all Romanian “state” mafia members from the
“communist” regime, and their relatives, partners of affairs etc., following the convening of a
hierarchy of committees to investigate all the mafia members activity throughout Romanian
5.1.10 the reform of Romanian judicial system to become jury based courts, so as there’s less
chances of judiciary abuse
5.1.11 the reform of Romanian education system so that the law is an obligatory discipline
just like logic which together should be expanded in importance just like mathematics, so that
everyone shall know its rights and uphold them
5.1.12 the elaboration of militia legislation and the right to perform immediate civil arrest of
criminal public functionaries caught red-handed, which exists as article 310 from the Romanian
Penal Procedure Code but can’t be applied currently against the mafia because it will simply
falsify penal dossiers, incarcerate, murder or chemically lobotomize anyone who would legally
catch any mafia “magistrate” caporegime, mafia soldier etc.
5.1.13 The “magistrate” and “dignitary” titles must be removed along with all privileges
according to the egalitarian nature of democracy, as judges, prosecutors and politicians are
nothing but public functionaries which must function only according to the principle of
abnegation since in function they are acting in the interest of the function not personal interest

6. All that is necessary and sufficient has been communicated to ECHR, to which Romania
could’ve only falsely accused me of the felonies of False declarations by lying, Inducing the judiciary

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bodies into error by falsifying evidence, and Disseminating false information by publishing for example
my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures in which I’ve demonstrated the criminal activity
of the Romanian “state” mafia. Under the law of the excluded middle, or juridical logic principle of the
excluded third as I’ve learned in law college before I was arrested by the Romanian “state” mafia
Tortured and Bodily Harmed with the proven intent of Qualifiedly Murdering me to stop me from
denouncing its criminal activity, because Romania’s Public Ministry meaning the Romanian
prosecution did not accuse me as obligated, it admits everything I’ve said before ECHR and ICC for that
matter, again making any other response more than redundant - self-defeating

6.1. In conclusion ECHR’s lies that my I haven’t clarified my representation in my last

communiqué or presented my damage claims and proposals for urgent interim measures are denied.

6.1.1. I proven nobody can or will represent me because my case is not only at least 900 pages
long meaning the referenced documents combined, representing a summary of an investigation
spanning many years that nobody else has the intellect to grasp as proven by the fact nobody else did,
but nobody has the integrity to do it also as proven by my very same investigation that has shown there
is no such thing as a judiciary system anywhere on the European continent at least

6.1.2. I’ve already made my objectivized claims totaling 24,200,722,222 billion dollars in
section IV.6 from annex 23 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures, updated in
August 2018, known by the crooked ECHR staff as proven because it triggered the communiqué from
18th September 2018, then the ECHR staff tried to pass an earlier version of the dossier as officially
last to cover-up the tremendous extent of the dossier update, incriminating inclusively ECHR and CoE
reason for which ECHR’s reaction is laughable because of nemo iudex in sua causa principle, being a
fundamental conflict of interest for ECHR to administrate the dossier in which it is accused

10th April 2019

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