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This section deals with the algorithms used in each module for implementation.

Algorithm 1: Bipartite graph construction

Input: Click through data CT, Extracted Concepts E.
Output: Bipartite Graph G.
1: Obtain the set of unique query, Q from CT
2: Obtain the set of unique concepts, C from extracted concepts
3: Select each node {Graph} g as QՈC
4: If a web snippet is obtained as s, q € Q; edge = (q; c)

Algorithm 2: Agglomerative clustering

Input: Query-concept bi-partite graph.
Output: Clustered bi-partite graph.
1: Obtain similarity scores of each possible queries in G, by using noise tolerant
2: Merge queries of highest similarity scores
3: Obtain similarity scores of each possible concepts C, by using noise tolerant
4: Merge queries of highest similarity scores
5: repeat until termination reached

Algorithm 3 :Similarity clustering

Input: Similar inputs to that of similarity checking.
Output: Basic similarity tested concepts and keywords.
1: Initialize with concepts to be checked its similarity
2: Merge concepts having higher similarity
4: Merge queries having higher similarity
5: repeat until threshold obtained as zero

Algorithm 4: Community clustering

Input: Clustered concepts and queries obtained.
Output: Final and maximum clustered output.
1: Obtain the similarity scores in G for all possible pairs of queries using the
noise-tolerant similarity function given
2: Merge the pair of most similar queries qi ; qj that contains the same queries
from different users
3: Unless termination is reached, repeat

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