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ABSTRACT : In this paper we examine in brief about how Fog computing is helping Traffic Controllers in
many Departments(Air traffic, Road traffic). Fog computing is the natural platform of IoT, and IoT is
performing major task in Fog computing .For Operating ground and Air level heavy machinery , using off Fog
makes certain task works easily.

Author Keywords
Fog Computing; Edge Computing; Cloud Computing; Intelligent Transportation System; Adaptive
Traffic Signal Control; Traffic Light Optimisation. ATC Air traffic controller , Airport Authority of


Living in metropolitan city, we come across heavy traffic problem in air as well as on the roads.
According to Air traffic Control department(ATC) a day is considered busy, if in a day there
are more than four hundred flights. A day on road will be considered busy if jam sticks for
about 2 to 4 hours of traffics jam. To reduce this traffic i would like to introduce you to a great
concept fog computing. This system will help in controlling and diverting traffic. Fog computing
will accelerate this approach by helping to distribute tasks to the edges of the network (i.e., fog
nodes), which are close to data sources. Consequently, it is crucial to propose an ATSC
(Adaptive Traffic Signal Control ) system based on Fog Computing to solve traffic jam problem
of air and road. [2]
Fog computing!
What is fog computing? and how it helps us to reduce air and road traffic?
Fog computing , known as fog networking or fogging, is a decentralised computing infrastructure in
which data, compute, storage and applications are distributed in the most logical, efficient place
between the data source and the cloud. Fog computing essentially extends cloud computing and
services to the edge of the network, bringing the advantages and power of the cloud closer to where
data is created and acted upon.

The goal of fogging is to improve efficiency and reduce the amount of data transported to the cloud
for processing, analysis and storage. This is often done to improve efficiency, though it may also be
used for security and compliance reasons. In this research paper i would like to

- Tell about the uses of fog computing and how effective it is.

- How It can reduce the traffic problems for both air and road.

- And how it can bring a revolutionary change in society for good.

Popular fog computing applications include smart grid, smart city, smart buildings, vehicle networks
and software-defined networks.

How fog computing works

While edge devices and sensors are where data is generated and collected, they don't have the
compute and storage resources to perform advanced analytics and learning tasks. Though cloud
servers have the power to do these, they are often too far away to process the data and respond in a
timely manner. In addition, having all endpoints connecting to and sending raw data to the cloud over
the internet can have privacy, security and legal implications, especially when dealing with sensitive
data subject to regulations in different countries.

In a fog environment, the processing takes place in a data hub on a smart device, or in a smart router or
gateway, thus reducing the amount of data sent to the cloud. The main idea behind Fog computing is
to improve efficiency and reduce the amount of data transported to the cloud for processing, analysis
and storage. But it also used for security, performance and business logical reasons.[3]

How Fog Computing is helping in traffic controlling

According to recent study fog computing is working on various technologies as well as many traffic
controlling department , here we are discussing in brief about how fog computing helping Road
Traffic Controlling and ATC department ( Air Traffic Controller ).

1. Road traffic Controlling

Some Cities are using fog computing to control the Road Traffic and this technique have been given
the name of FOG FLY. This technique resulted in less traffic and by this accuracy have also increased

It is working as it scans the load of traffic on the road and then clear the traffic by doing green signal
where the load of traffic is high. In this technique IoT is performing the major work by operating with
device the traffic police controls the loads of traffic and it can be done automatically Using the FOG

Sensing traffic flow:

One of many suggested solutions to traffic jam problem is applying the Adaptive Traffic Signal
Control (ATSC) that changes the signal cycles of traffic lights to dynamically adapt with current
traffic states. Such systems require a computation model to collect vehicle data to identify traffic state
(e.g., light or heavy traffic flows) and control the traffic lights with the ability to seamlessly scale and
provide ser- vices in a strictly low latency.

Traditionally, ITS applications in general or ATSC services in particular are provided by cloud-
based systems where all data gathering as well as computing tasks are performed
at centralized data centers (DCs) on the cloud. Although this scheme is robust for applications
requiring large com- putational resources and historical data, it is inefficient for delay-sensitive ITS
services such as the ATSC ones as it requires significant delays to communicate data and deci-
sions from vehicles or road-side IoT devices to the DCs, and vices versa.

Fog computing [2] has been introduced to accelerate this approach by helping to distribute tasks to
the edges of the network (i.e., fog nodes), which are close to data sources.

Consequently, it is crucial to propose an ATSC system based on Fog Computing to solve traffic jam
problem. This work devises a fog-computing based approach, namely the FogFly to which fog
nodes are distributed at traffic light con- trol units and regions to efficiently collect and process
traffic related data from vehicles for effective ATSC services. The FogFly is distinguished with
existing work by its main contri- butions as follows:

• We thoroughly analyze parameters that need to be real-time updated for efficient traffic lights
controls in ATSC services

• We proposes an appropriate fog-computing model which is effective for ATSC systems.

• We develop a prototype and conduct various eval- uations to prove the effectiveness of the
proposed approach in terms of latency, energy consumption and cost of operations.

2. Air Traffic Controlling (ATC)

By using IoT, the ATC Department is using FOG computing to maintain the load of air traffic as the
number of flights take off in a day is large,So it is hard to maintain the air traffic as the operator
should have have known about the route of each and every flight.So, here ATC is using the FOG for
tracking the location of every flight which becomes easy for the operators those are guiding the pilots
to maintain their own route which helps preventing the collisions between the planes.It also provides
the information regarding clear RUNWAY, so the pilots get a quick response in taking off as well as
in landing.

By the help of FOG computing the ATC Department also provides mobile application to travellers
regarding the information of their flight like Live tracking which is a key feature.
2. FogFly: A Traffic Light Optimization Solution based on Fog Computing .

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