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Dr. T. Ratna Reddy Evolution of various languages. Initially, when the computers were invented, the binary language was used to write the programs. ‘As the programs grew in size, it became dificult to write programs using binary language. Then the assembly language was invented to write large programs which was also not user friendly, ‘Then high level languages such as BASIC and FORTRAN were developed. But these languages tre unstructured programs. In unstructured programming paradigm, all the instructions of 2 program were writen one after the other in 8 ingle function and hence, was suitable for writing only small and simple programs. For large and complex programs, it became dificult to trace and debug errors. To overcome the limitations of unstructured programming paradigm, other programming paradigms such as procedural, functional, modular, object oriented were developed. Among these the procedural and Object oriented are the most commonly used programs. Procedural programming paradigm Structured programming also. known as procedural programming was a powerful and eas Approach of writing complex programs in procedural programming, programs ere divided into different procedures (also known a8 functions, routines or subroutines) and each procedure contains a set of instructions that perform a specific task. This approach folows the top-down approach for designing the program. rammins ‘Main program aneton 3 OOP with C++ (PARTI) 2018-19 ‘The emphasis is on the software rather than the data used by the functions. Procedural programming allows data to move freely from one function to another function without any ie the data to be shared among many globally so that all the functions Due to this corruption of data seourit functions is dectared can easily access it may be possible. ‘The procedural programming approach does not represent realworld models very well 35 real-world sntity is characterized not only by the functions it performs but also the properties or dale it posses. Pethaver, in procedural approach the data and the esociated functions are loosely related. ‘Te large programs developed using this approach re difficult to maintain, debug and extend. ‘The object oriented paradigm To overcome the limitations of procedural programming, ‘object-oriented programming paradigm eewipoen developed which has revolutionized the process of software development. It includes the best Features of structured programming but also some new and powerful features. These new OOP features have tremendously helped in the development of well-designed high-quality software. ‘OOP emphasizes on data rather than the functions or the procedures ‘OOP models the real world very well by binding the data and associated functions together under a single unit and thus, prevents the free movement of data from one function to another. The data of one object can be accessed by the associated functions of that object only. Other functions are not allowed to access that ata. In other words, data is hidden from the outside world. However , the functions of one object can access the functions of other object. The objects of entire system can interact with each other by sending messages to each other. The programs written in OOP are easy to maintain and extend as new objects can be easily added to the existing system whenever required without modifying the other objects. Di, RATNA REDDY Associate Professor, CBIT. Mobile: 9985 666 778 Page 1 Dr.T. Ratna Reddy OOP with C++ (PART-I) 2018-19 COP follows the bottom-up approach for designing the programs. That is, first objects are designed and then these objects are combined to form the entire program. Basic concepts of OOP To understand the concept of object-oriented programming, it is necessary to know the fundamental terms and concepts of this approach. These include objects, classes, data abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, message passing and dynamic binding. Object: Objects are the small, self-contained modular units. An object consists of a state and behavior. The state of an object is one of the possible conditions that an object can exist in and is represented by its characteristics or attributes or data, The behavior of an object determines how an object acts or behaves and is represented by the variables and the operations are represented by the functions. = date rt 4 a SS rn Class: A class is defined as a user defined data type, which contains the entire set of data and the functions that the objects possesses. A class serves as a blueprint or template for its objects. ‘Once a class has been defined, any number of objects belonging to that class can be created. The objects of a class are also known as the instances or the variables of that class and the process of creating objects a class is known as instantiation. Note that a class does not represent an object, rather than it represents the data and functions that an object should have. Dr. T.RATNAREDDY Associate Professor , CBIT. Mobile: Abstraction: abstraction is a mechanism to hide irrelevant details and represent only the essential features so that one can focus on important things at a time. For example, while driving a car, a driver knows the essential features to drive a car such as how to use clutch, brake, accelerator, gears etc, and least bothers about the internal details of the car like engine, wiring etc. ‘Abstraction is of two types namely Data abstraction and control abstraction. Data abstraction means hiding the details about the data and control abstraction means hiding the implementation details. Encapsulation: encapsulation is the technique of binding or keeping together the data and the functions that operate on them, in a single unit called a class. Encapsulation is the way to implement data abstraction. A well-encapsulated object acts as a ‘black box’ for other parts of the program. That is, it provides services to the extemal functions or other objects that interact with it, However these external functions or objects do not need to know its internal details. Inheritance: Inheritance can be defined as the process whereby an object of a class acquires characteristics from the object of the other class. As stated earlier, all the objects of a similar kind are grouped together to form a class. However, sometimes a situation arises when different objects cannot be combines together under a single group as they share only some common characteristics. In this situation, the classes are defined in such a way that the common features are combined to form a generalized class and the specific features are combined to form a specialized class. The specialized class is defined in such a way that in addition to the individual characteristics and function, it also inherits all the properties and the functions of its generalized class. 9985 666778 Page 2 OOP with C++ (PART-1) 2018-19 Dr. T. Ratna Reddy Vehicles “Automobiles Palledwehicles a scooter | [Richa | [ Bicycle Polymorphism: It allows single nameloperator to be associated with different operations depending on the type of data passed to it. In C+* it is achieved by function over loading, operator over loading and dynamic bindingjvirtual functions). Message Passing: The process of invoking an operation on an object. In response to a message, the corresponding method (function) is executed in the object. Procedure oriented | Object Oriented T. | Programs ‘are | Programs care divided into smaller | divides into objects sub-programs & classes known as functions 2, | Here global data is | Objects are easily shared by most of | communicated the functions with each other through function. 3, |It is a Top-Down | It is a Bottom-Up ‘Approach ‘Approach 4, {Data cannot be|Data can be secured and | secured and can available to all the | be available in the function lass in which it is declared Here, the | Here, we can reuse 5, | reusability is not|the exising one | possible, hence | using the redundant code | Inheritance cannot be | concept avoided. Dr. T.RATNAREDDY Associate Professor , CBIT. Mobi |. Tokens ‘Atoken is the smallest element of a C++ program that is meaningful to the compiler. The C++ parser recognizes these kinds of tokens: Identifiers, Keywords, Literals, Operators, Punctuators, and Other Separators. A stream of these tokens makes up a transtation unit. . Comments ‘A comment is text that the compiler ignores but that is useful for programmers. Comments are normally used to annotate code for future reference. ‘A C++ comment is written in one of the following ways: v The / (slash, asterisk) characters, followed by any sequence of characters (including new lines), followed by the */ characters. The II (two slashes) characters, followed by any sequence of characters. A new line not immediately preceded by a backslash terminates this form of comment. Therefore, it is commonly called a *single-line comment.” This is an example of comments in a program */ FileName = String( "hello.dat" ); // Initialize file string ‘An identifier is a sequence of characters used to denote one of the following: Object or variable name Class, structure, or union name Enumerated type name Member of a class, structure, union, or enumeration ¥ Function or class-member function typedef name ¥ Label name The first character of an identifier must be an alphabetic character, either uppercase oF lowercase, or an underscore ( _ ). Because C+ identifiers are case sensitive, fleName is different from FileName. SA848 : 9985 666 778 Page 3

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