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(sun) temple complex. On the basis of tract the enthusiastic reader from com-
available records, the author concludes pleting it in one go!
that the iron pillar was moved by Illut-
mish (AD 1210–1236) to its present loca- N. SATHYAMURTHY
tion in Delhi and even goes on to surmise
how the actual movement must have Department of Chemistry,
taken place. Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur,
What makes the Delhi iron pillar truly Kanpur 208 016, India
fascinating is its length (23′6″), diameter e-mail:
(ranging from 24.59″ at the bottom to
11.85″ at the top) and the fact that it has
not withered all these years. In addition,
Story of the Delhi Iron Pillar. R. it has a lustre that baffles the onlooker.
Balasubramaniam. Foundation Books Pvt Interestingly, the portion that was buried
Ltd, Cambridge House, 4381/4 Ansari underground shows signs of damage and
Road, Daryaganj, New Delhi 110 002. so does the hollow slot in the decorative
2005. 99 pp. Price: Rs 195. bell capital at the top. The latter has been
protected from further damage by filling
Anybody who has been to see the Qutab the cavity with wax.
Minar in Delhi would have been awe- On the basis of careful examination of
struck by an iron pillar standing in the the tell-tale signs on the pillar and his
complex. The person would have won- own knowledge of metallurgy, the author
dered what this iron pillar was doing makes the reader understand that the pil-
here, who built it and when, and how lar was made by forging iron lumps pro-
come it has not rusted all these years. duced by direct reduction of iron ore Fundamentals of Biochemistry. J. L.
The chances are he/she would have seen using charcoal in a bloomery furnace. If Jain, S. Jain and N. Jain. S. Chand & Co
people trying to hug it and see if their the reader was brought up in a village Ltd, New Delhi 110 055. 2005. 6th edn,
hands could meet. For most of the visi- (like the reviewer was) and had watched 1230 pp. Price: Rs 525.
tors, the matter ends there. But not for R. the local blacksmith heat up lumps of
Balasubramaniam (Department of Mate- iron to red-hot stage and forge them, The senior author, J. L. Jain had been teach-
rials and Metallurgical Engineering, IIT he/she would understand what the author ing biochemistry for several years. Using
Kanpur). is saying. But putting together lumps of his rich experience as only a teacher can,
He decided to find out the answers to iron to such magnificent proportions is Jain has organized the contents of this
all the questions raised above and share no mean achievement! It must have re- textbook to include all the necessary in-
them with the layman. The result is a quired all the ingenuity and technical formation, limiting it to about 1200 pages.
nicely written thin book, Story of the skill the artisans had 16 centuries ago. Classical topics such as vitamins, hormones
Delhi Iron Pillar, of about 100 pages and The author then outlines how this must and nutrition have been treated well add-
40 illustrations, with a photograph of the have been accomplished. ing newer developments, in contrast to
pillar donning the cover. It is based on The author goes on to unravel the mys- the neglect they received in some text-
extensive research by the author and the tery of the iron pillar not having cor- books. A welcome addition is the chapter
journal publications are listed at the end roded to the core all these years. He on biochemical techniques. Protein tar-
of the book. As a matter of fact, the pre- traces it to the high phosphorus content getting and degradation is dealt in a full
sent book is a sequel to a research mono- in the iron that went into the making of chapter. Information on fast-growing mo-
graph published by the same author a the pillar and the formation of a protec- lecular and cell biology are added at ap-
few years ago, this time written specifi- tive layer of crystalline iron phosphate propriate places as is necessary for a
cally to educate the lay reader of the rich just below the thin cover of rust on the biochemistry textbook. Sections on free
Indian metallurgical heritage. surface. What makes the crystalline radicals and antioxidants are rather poor.
The author has approached the prob- phosphate layer protective is a mystery Information provided on p. 1012 appears
lem with scientific zeal and informs the that remains to be solved. But the author to be from an obscure chemical source
reader that the iron pillar was constructed goes about describing spectral and X-ray on the formation of radicals by ionizing
during the time of Chandragupta II Vik- diffraction results that support his expla- radiation rather than biological. Oxygen
ramaditya (AD 375–414) and was located nation. radicals, reactive oxygen species and an-
at Vishnupadagiri, present-day Udayagiri Nicely written at a level that non- tioxidants could have given added value
in the vicinity of Vidisha and Sanchi in experts can understand, the book be- to this book, as they are current active
Madhya Pradesh. He comes to this con- comes slightly technical towards the end. fields. In fact, some misleading statements
clusion on the basis of the Brahmi in- The author could have easily avoided and presentations are allowed: ‘free radi-
scription on the iron pillar and other some of the typos. Perhaps most unfor- cals are very reactive. In fact many of
archaeological evidence. With an illus- givable is the incorrect spelling for phos- them react with H2O2’ (p. 1012, box);
trative diagram of Udayagiri, the author phorus in some places. But these minor box on p. 274 is a poor representation of
argues how the iron pillar played an im- imperfections in the book about the the radical species, as carbon or oxygen
portant astronomical function in a Surya nearly perfect iron pillar should not dis- atoms do not have the customary dot.

1436 CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 90, NO. 10, 25 MAY 2006

Illustrations, photographs (including Not many know about the loss of a hand far the best I have seen coming out of
three-dimensional ones of many proteins), of Sumner, but he carried on to prove Indian authors and the Indian press. Both
figures, tables and formulae are done that enzymes are proteins despite strong have to be congratulated for bringing out
with care. The colour, circles and boxing opposition from his peers. At the same this book at an affordable price.
have added easy expression, e.g. coordinated time I cannot understand omission in this
control of glycolysis and Krebs cycle by list of Y. Subba Row (of Indian origin),
effectors (p. 501). Boxes at many places who is credited with the discoveries of Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and
regarding personal anecdotes of scientists ATP, creatine phosphate and folate. Diagnostics,
are a good feature. It is often said their It is most pleasing to see a good qual- Hyderabad 500 076, India
science is used but scientists are forgotten. ity textbook produced in India. This is by e-mail:

CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 90, NO. 10, 25 MAY 2006 1437

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