DLL - Mapeh 3 - Q1 - W8

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School: File Submitted by DepEd Club Member - depedclub.

com Grade Level: III

GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: File Created by Sir LIONELL G. DE SAGUN Learning Area: MAPEH
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: JULY 23-27, 2018 (WEEK 8) Quarter: 1ST QUARTER


A. Content Standard Demonstrates understanding of the Demonstrates understanding of lines, The learner demonstrates Demonstrates understanding Demonstrate
basic concepts of rhythm textures, shapes and depth, contrast understanding of body shapes of the importance of understanding on
through drawing. and body actions in preparation nutritional guidelines and the lesson learned
for various movement activities. balanced diet in good
nutrition and health
B. Performance Standard Create simple ostinato in 2’s, 3’s, Sketches and colors the view of the The learner performs The learner consistently Pupils should be able
and 4’s through baody movements province /region with houses and momentarily stillness in demonstrates good decision- to write the correct
buildings indicating the foreground, symmetrical and asymmetrical making skills in making food answer to the
middle ground and background by the shapes using body parts other choices questions
size of the objects than the feet as base support
C. Learning Competency/Objectives Create ostinato using different IMake sketches of historical houses Describe symmetrical and Identify and discuss Follow directions
Write the LC code for each. sound sources /buildings that show unique features asymmetrical body shapes. nutritional guidelines 6 for given
MU3RH –Id-h-5 such as windows made of shells. PE 3-BM-I-g-h-16 Filipinos.
A3 PR-I-i H3-N-Ig-h-16

Creating Ostinato Historical Houses and Buildings Shapes on Hold Grow with Healthy Foods Summative Test
Song:Bayang Sinta Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Nutrition Guidelines for
Shapes Using Body Parts Filipinos 6

D. References

1. Teacher’s Guide pages 23-25 147-149 242- 375-

2. Learner’s Materials pages 32-35 137-139 278-283 430-434

3. Textbook pages

4. Additional Materials from

Learning Resource
E. Other Learning Resource Crayon, pencil, bond paper,shell,
coconut leaves
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Clap the rhythmic pattern of” Ang Show sample of historical house. Show the picture or ask someone Let them sing. Prepare pupils for
presenting the new lesson Alaga Kong Hayop” Let them examine and identify the to do it? What is the message of the the test.
textures and shapes of the flowers. song?
B. Establishing a purpose for the Do you love your country? Why? Show sample of historical house. Show the picture or ask someone Let them sing. Prepare pupils for
lesson Let them examine and identify the to do it? What is the message of the the test.
textures and shapes of the flowers. song?
C. Presenting examples/Instances Present the rhythmic pattern of Let them tell something about the Present the two kinds of Present nutritional Give direction and
of the new lesson Bayang Sinta pictures flexibility. guidelines 6 for Filipinos examples
Ask: What can you say about the
Can describe it?
What are the body parts used?
D. Discussing new concepts and Let the pupils read the lyrics of the Ask: What are importance of these Explain and discuss symmetrical Discuss what is in nutritional Answering the test
practicing new skills # 1 song. houses? and asymmetrical shapes. guidelines
What is the song all about?
E. Discussing new concepts and Let them do the Activity in LM p. Art Activity: Let the Pupils Do “Be Group the class into two: Creating Instruct the pupils to Activity
practicing new skills # 2 Read and clap the pattern Creative on LM shapes 1 on LM p.
I-Perform symmetrical shapes Observe the pictures.
II-Perform asymmetrical shapes What is wrong in the
F. Developing mastery Create ostinato patter of tiririt ng Original File Submitted and
(leads to Formative Assessment Maya. Processing/Critiquing of output Formatted by DepEd Club
3) Member - visit depedclub.com for
G. Finding practical application of Why do you love to live in the Let them describe thekinds of lines and Performing the activities shown in Why do we need to eat clean
concepts and skills in daily living Philippines? shapes they used to make their the LM p. _____ and safe food?
drawings of historical houses Did you enjoy the activity?
H. Making generalizations and What is Ostinato? What have you learned in our art What is the difference of What are the ways to have a
abstractions about the lesson Ostinato is a repeated pattern used activity? Symmetrical and Asymmetrical clean and safe food?
to accompany a song. It can be Why do we need to preserve historical shapes?
played using rhythmic instruments. houses?
I. Evaluating learning Put a check on the appropriate Refer to Take the Challenge in LM p. Demonstrate the body shapes. Answer Activity 3 in LM p. Checking and
boxes Check (/) yes if you performed recording of test
Advanced, proficient, satisfactory, well and check No (/) if not. results.
J. Additional activities for Create a song with rhythmic Cut pictures of houses now and then. .Agreement : Study your lessons Make a script about healthy No assignment
application or remediation ostinatos. well. nutrition.


A. No. of learners who earned 80%

in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation

E. Which of my teaching strategies

worked well? Why did these

F. What difficulties did I encounter

which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other

File Submitted by DepEd Club Member - depedclub.com

File Created by Sir LIONELL G. DE SAGUN

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