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The concept of labour welfare is flexible and elastic and differs widely with time,
religion, industry, social values and customs, degree of industrialization, the general social
economic development of people the political ideologies prevailing at a particular time. It is
also molded according to age group, sex, socio-cultural background martial and economic
status and educational level of the workers in various industries.
"According to Balfour committee about welfare in its widest sense, itcomprises all
matters affecting the health, safety comfort and general welfare of the workmen and includes
provision for education, reaction, theft, schemes, convalescent houses".
According to the committee on labour welfare, the welfare services should mean:
'Such services, facilities, and amenities, adequate canteens, rest and recreation facilities,
sanitary and medical facilities, arrangement of travel to and from place of work, and for the
accommodation of workers employed at a distance from their homes and such services,
amenities and facilities, including social security measures as contribute to the condition under
which workers are employed.
The encyclopedia of social science has defined labour welfare work as: "The voluntary
efforts of the employees to establish, within the existing industries system, working, and
sometimes, living and cultural conditions of employees beyond what is required by law, the
custom of the country and conditions of the market".
According Asia Regional Conference defined labour welfare as a term which is
understood to include such services, facilities and amenities as may be established in (or) in
the vicinity of undertakings to enable the persons employed in them to perform this work in
healthy, congenial surroundings and to provide them with amenities conducive to good health
and high morale.
Employee welfare is a term including various services, benefits and facilities offered to
employees by the employers. The welfare measures need not be monetary but in any
kind/forms. This includes items such as allowances, housing, transportation, medical insurance
and food. Employee welfare also includes monitoring of working conditions, creation of
industrial harmony through infrastructure for health, industrial relations and insurance against
disease, accident and unemployment for the workers and their families. Through these
generous benefits the organisation makes life worth living for employees. Welfare includes the
activities that is done for the improvement and comfort of employees and is provided over and
more than the wages.


Statement of problem
Employee welfare includes everything, such as facilities, benefits and services, that an
employer provides or does to ensure comfort of the employees. Good welfare helps to
motivate employees and ensure increased productivity.

Providing good welfare to employees may be a costly decision, but the long-term benefits are
immense. It is one way of complying with the law, thus ensuring that an employer avoids
legal issues. It allows acompany to retain its good and skilled employees for long periods of
time. Employees work well in workplaces where they are treated well and respected. Good
welfare also helps to create a good company image for a particular employer.

Objectives of Study
Employee welfare is a major concern of employers. Prior to the labor union movements of
the early 20th century, employers cared little about employee welfare and instead thought of
employee labor as something to be bought at the lowest price possible. In today's world,
employers must be more careful to watch out for employee welfare. In short, employee
welfare involves watching out for the good of all employees. Employers should seek several
different objectives in promoting employee welfare.

An employer may voluntarily initiate employee welfare measure in his undertaking with the
following objectives:
❖ To give expression to philanthropic and paternalistic feelings.
❖ To win over employee's loyalty and increases their morale.
❖ To combat trade union and socialist ideas.
❖ To build up stable labour force, to reduce labour turnover and absenteeism,
❖ To develop efficiently and productive among workers.
❖ To save one self from heavy taxes on image.
❖ To reduce the threat of further government intervention.
❖ To earn goodwill and enhance public image.
❖ To make recruitment more effective (Because these benefit add to job appeal).
❖ Production
❖ Loyalty


❖ Organizational Improvement
Industrial progress of a country depends on its committed labour force. In this regard the
importance of labour welfare was recognized as early as 1931, when the royal commission on
labour stated that the benefits, which go under this nomenclature, are of great importance to
the worker who is unable to secure himself. Twenty years later, the planning commission
realized the importance of labour welfare. In order to be improved to a large extent the workers
should at least have the means and facilities to keep him in a state of health and efficiency.
Labour welfare is an important fact of industrial Relation, the extract dimension, giving
satisfaction to the workers in a way which a good wage cannot with the growth of
industrialization and mechanization, it has acquired added importance. The workers both in
industry and agriculture cannot copy with pace of modern life with minimum sustenance
amenities. He needs an added stimulus to keep body and soul together. Employees have also
realized the importance of their role in providing these extra amenities and yet, they are not
always able to fulfill workers demands however reasonable they might be. They are primarily
concerned with the inability of the enterprise.
Employee welfare raises the company’s expenses but if it is done correctly, it has huge benefits
for both employer and employee. Under the principles of employee welfare, if an employee
feels that the management is concerned and cares for him/her as a person and not just as another
employee, he/she will be more committed to his/her work. Other forms of welfare will aid the
employee of financial burdens while welfare activities break the monotony of work.

An employee who feels appreciated will be more fulfilled, satisfied and more productive. This
will not only lead to higher productivity but also satisfied customers and hence profitability for
the company. A satisfied employee will also not go looking for other job opportunities and
hence an employer will get to keep the best talents and record lower employee turnover.

During employment, the offered benefits will determine whether an employee commits to an
organization or not. As such, good employee welfare enables a company to compete favorably
with other employers for the recruitment and retention of quality personnel.

The quality of well-being that employees of a specific company enjoy is a reliable measure of
the health of that company as a whole. To keep a workforce mentally and physically healthy


comes down to several types of services, as well as benefits. Here are a few ways that it is
important to be mindful of employee welfare.


❖ His/her actions and interaction with in the industrial framework will have a great impact
and influence on industrial development.

❖ Welfare may not directly increase productivity, but it may add to general feelings of
satisfaction with the company and cut down labour turnover.

❖ His/her labour creates and transmits power, and, through various phases of
manufacturing, patterns raw materials into finished products of necessity as well as of

Organizational Study

Review of Literature

Exploration of Research Problem

Analysis and Interpretation of Data

Review of Literature

A literature review is a scholarly paper, which includes the current knowledge including
substantive findings, as well as theoretical and methodological contributions to a particular

This would help in the solutions of the various labor problems and enhance the well being of
the various labor problems and enhance the well being of the working class, which is vital for
the development of our country's economy.

Exploration of Research Problem

Research is a "systematic investigation to establish facts." It is conducted for the purpose

of shaping policy development and social programmes, such as need analyses, programmes
evaluation and advocacy. The research could utilize both qualitative and quantitative research
designs and could be participatory

Analysis and Interpretation of Data


The purpose of analyzing data is to obtain usable and useful information. The analysis,
irrespective of whether the data is qualitative or quantitative, may:

describe and summarize the data

To answer the research questions and to help determine the trends and relationships among the

Data analysis and interpretation is the process of assigning meaning to the collected
information and determining the conclusions, significance and implications of the findings. It
is an important and exciting step in the process of research. In all research studies, analysis
follows data collection


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