Heterotopic Muscle Pulleys or Oblique Muscle Dysfunction?

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Heterotopic Muscle Pulleys or Oblique

Muscle Dysfunction?
Robert A. Clark, MD, -aJoel M. Miller, PhD, -cArthur L. Rosenbaum, MD? and Joseph L. Demer, MD, P h I ~

Introduction: The description of connective tissue sleeves that function as pulleys for the rectus extraocular
muscles (EOMs) suggests that abnormalities of EOM pulley position might provide a mechanical basis for some
forms of incomitant strabismus. Pulleys determine the paths and thus the pulling directions of EOMs. Methods:High-
resolution magnetic resonance images spanning the orbits were obtained in primary position, upgaze, and
downgaze for each subject. Paths of the EOMs were measured with reference to the orbital center and permitted
inference of pulley locations. Results:Data from 18 orbits of orthotropic subjects defined means and SDs of normal
EOM pulley coordinates. Eight patients, aged 17 to 60 years, had heterotopic EOM pulleys, defined as displaced at
least 2 SDs from normal. We found one to eight heterotopic pulleys (considering both orbits)in each of four patients
who had been diagnosed with marked superior oblique (SO) overaction and mild to marked inferior oblique (10)
underaction. Each patient had superior mislocation of at least one lateral rectus pulley by 1.8 to 4.9 ram. Three
patients diagnosed with mild to moderate I0 overaction and mild to moderate SO underaction in only one orbit had
one to three heterotopic EOM pulleys. Each of those patients had at least one lateral rectus pulley inferiorly
dislocated by 1.9 to 4.9 ram. The final patient, who was diagnosed with mild I0 underaction and normal SO function
bilaterally, had bilateral superior mislocation of the medial rectus pulleys by greater than 2 mm. Computer
simulations using the Orbit program (Eidactics, San Francisco)incorporating individually measured pulley positions
reproduced the clinical patterns of incomitant strabismus in all cases without postulating abnormalities of oblique
muscle innervation or contractility. Conclusion: Heterotopic EOM pulleys can cause patterns of incomitant
strabismus that have been attributed to oblique muscle dysfunction. Even isolated mislocations of less than 2 ram,
coupled with smaller mislocations of the other pulleys, can produce the clinical appearance of bilateral oblique
dysfunction. Pulley heterotopy should be considered in the differential diagnosis of incomitant strabismus and
oblique dysfunction. (J AAPOS 1998;2:17-25)

he combination of modern orbital histologic tissue sleeves stabilize EOM bellies relative to the orbit,

T studies and high-resolution magnetic resonance

imaging (MRI) in alert humans has expanded our
knowledge of the mechanics of the rectus extraocular
permitting only the insertional ends of the muscles to move
with globe rotation. 4,5Effects of this suspension are clearly
seen in orbital images after muscle transposition surgery in
muscles (EOMs) and their associated connective tissues. which large transpositions of the anterior tendon insertion
Serial cross-sectional histologic studies have shown that fail to shift the posterior EOM path. 6,7 The tissue sleeves
each rectus EOM passes through a connective tissue sleeve function as mechanical pulleys, becoming the effective
composed of collagen, elastin, and smooth muscle in the origins of EOM action.
region of posterior Tenon's capsule, just behind the We have measured the normal positions of all the EOM
equator of the globe. 1-3MRI has demonstrated that these pulleys and found them to be stereotypic in normal
subjects, as would be expected for important mechanical
structures.i, 4, s In addition, significantly abnormal pulley
From the Departments of Ophthalmology ~and Neurology, ~ University of California, Los positions have been shown to cause incomitant strabis-
Angeles, and Smith-Kettlewell Eye Research Institute, c San Francisco. R. A. C. is a musfi, 8Abnormal radial displacements of pulleys (as might
Rosalind W. Alcott Fellow.
Supported by grants from the National Eye Imtitnte: consortium grant No. EY-08313 be associated with a large or small orbit) do not appear to
(y. L. D., J. M. M.) and coregrants No. EY-00331 (Department of Ophthalmology, Uni- affect binocular alignment, but abnormalities of pulley
versity of California, Los Angeles) and EY-068 8 3 (Smith-Kettlewell Eye ResearchInstitute). location perpendicular to a muscle's plane of action (i.e.,
Presented at the annual meeting of the American Associationfor Pediatric Ophthalmology
and Strabismus, Charleston, South Carolina, April 1997, under the title "HeterotopicRectus vertical displacement of horizontal rectus muscle pulleys or
Extraoadar Muscle Pulleys Simulate Oblique Mzacle Dysfunction." horizontal displacement of vertical rectus muscle pulleys)
Reprint requests: Joseph L. Demer, MD, PhD, Jules Stein Eye Institute, 100 Stein can cause incomitant strabismus. 5 These findings suggest
Plaza, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90095-7002.
Copyright © 1998 by the A~rican Associationfor Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabi~ma. that heterotopic pulleys may be an important cause of
I091-8531/98 5Y.00 + 0 75/1/85163 incomitant strabismus. 5

Journal ofAAPOS February 1 9 9 8 17

Journal ofAAPOS
18 Clark et al. Volume 2 Number 1 February 1998

contiguous images 3 mm in thickness were obtained with a

256 x 256 matrix over an 8 or 10 cm square field of view,
giving pixel resolutions of 312 or 390 gm, respectively.
Fixation targets were provided inside the scanner magnet.
Images of primary gaze, upgaze, and downgaze were
obtained for all subjects.
The digital MRI images were transferred to Macintosh
computers (Apple Computer, Cupertino, Calif.), con-
verted into eight-bit tagged image file format with use of
locally developed software and quantified with use of the
program National Institutes of Health (NIH) Image
(Rasband W, NIH, available by file transfer protocol from
zippy.nimh.nib.gov or on floppy disk from the National
Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road,
Springfield, VA 22161, part No. PB95-500195GEI).
Images of left orbits were digitally reflected to the
orientation of right orbits to allow uniform analysis of
EOM positions.
Normalization of image position and orientation
facilitated quantitative comparisons across subjects. For all
orbit and muscle locations the area centroid, defined by
FIG. 1. Coronal plane MRI of normal right orbit demonstrates the digitally tracing the outline of each structure and computed
angular correction used to rotate all orbits to bring interhemispheric by the area centroid algorithm in NIH Image, was used to
fissure of brain to vertical position (as defined by magnetic field determine the location of each structure to subpixel
coordinates of MRI scanner). SR, Superior rectus muscle; LR, lateral resolution. To normalize position in the scan plane, all
rectus muscle; IR, inferior rectus muscle; MR, medial rectus muscle; rectus EOM positions were translated to place the
SO, superior oblique muscle. coordinate origin at the area centroid of the orbit. The
magnetic field coordinates of the MRI scanner served as
Determining which subjects with incomitant strabismus references for rotational corrections. Rotation in the
may have heterotopic pulley positions currently requires coronal plane was normalized by rotating the image to
high-resolution imaging of the orbit and analysis of align the interhemispheric fissure of the brain with the
posterior EOM paths. This study was designed to scanner-defined vertical meridian (Figure 1). Finally, to
determine which clinical parameters may be important in normalize the anterior-posterior position, the image plane
predicting heterotopic pulleys. We analyzed cases that 3 mm anterior to the globe-optic nerve junction was
would ordinarily be diagnosed as oblique muscle dysfunc- selected for analysis in each subject. A more anterior image
tions and interpret them as something quite different. We plane, nearer to the globe equator, would have better
will therefore describe alignment "patterns" in terms that intersected the densest pulley regions, but the flatness of
are neutral with respect to etiology. muscle tendons and the density of connective tissue make it
difficult to distinguish contours by which muscle or pulley
SUBJECTS AND METHODS position in the slice plane could be judged. The "3 mm
Ten normal volunteers were recruited by advertisement anterior" image plane was the most anterior in which all
and were examined to verify normal ocular motility and the rectus EOM bellies could clearly be identified in every
absence of strabismus. Each subject was given a Hess subject (Figure 2). The average locations and SDs of the
screen test to quantify binocular alignment in 21 fixation area centroids of EOM bellies in this plane for normal
positions over a +30-degree field for each eye. After subjects were then calculated. Pulley positions were
informed written consent was obtained according to a estimated as the positions of EOM area centroids.
protocol conforming to the Declaration of Helsinki and With use of the same image alignment and analysis, eight
approved by the Human Subject Protection Committee at strabismic subjects from a continuing clinical series were then
the University of California, Los Angeles, these subjects identified as having one or more EOM positions more than 2
underwent high-resolution MRI scanning with use of a SDs from normal. Previous work has demonstrated that gaze
superconducting 1.5 T General Electric Signa (Milwau- does not significantly affectpulley position, allowing accurate
kee, Wisc.) or Picker Vista (Cleveland, Ohio) scanner by determination of pulley position in eyes that are deviated
techniques described in detail elsewhere.4-6 Briefly, sub- from primary position either from eccentric gaze or
jects' heads were stabilized with the axis of the scanned strabismus? Only pulley displacements perpendicular to
orbit vertical with use of foam cushions and tape. Then a each EOM's plane of action were considered,s In these
surface coil was placed over the scanned orbit, and multiple strabismic subjects we recorded age; duration of symptoms;
Journal ofAAPOS
Volume 2 Number 1 Febrnary 1998 Clark et al. 19

FI6.2. Coronal MRI scans of right orbit of normal subject in primary position. Image plane 3 mm anterior
(left) to globe-optic nerve junction (right) was used for analysis. SR, Superior rectus muscle; LR,
lateral rectus muscle; IR, inferior rectus muscle; MR, medial rectus muscle; SO,superior oblique muscle;
ON, optic nerve; LPS, levator palpebrae superioris.

refractive error; best corrected visual acuity; clinical binocu- TABLE 1. Position of normal rectus extraocular muscles
lar alignment deviation in upgaze, primary gaze, and (millimeters from orbital center)
downgaze at distance and in primary gaze at near; versions; X ¥
double Maddox rod measurement of torsion; and conven-
tional clinical diagnosis. Medial rectus 12.0 +0.6 0.6 +0.9
Pulley locations were inferred and binocular alignment Superior rectus -1.4 +0.8 12.6 +0.7
simulated with use of the Orbit 1.6 Gaze Mechanics Lateral rectus -11.9 +0.5 -0.6 +0.9
Simulation program 9 (Eidactics, San Francisco) running Inferior rectus 2.1 +0.9 -11.8_+0.9
on Macintosh computers. Orbit simulates binocular
Primary position of rectus EOMs in coronal image plane 3 mm anterior to globe-
alignment with use of static force balance equilibrium optic nervejunction, expressed as coordinates relative to orbital center. The x
equations that are based on orbital parameters such as coordinate represents horizontal position, with positive values representing
innervations, globe dimensions, and EOM insertions, medial displacement; ycoordinate represents vertical position, with positive
lengths, stiffness, pulley positions, and contractile forces. values representing superior displacement. The +errors shown represent 1 SD.
The program then calculates the behavior of the EOMs
and globes on the basis of equations and methods given, in
part, by Robinson, TMMiller and Robinson, 11and Miller and right medial rectus pulley was shifted inferiorly by 2.3 mm
DemerJ 2 Pulley positions (based on histologic studies2) in from normal. In the other subject the right lateral rectus
Orbit's description of a normal eye were taken as the pulley was shifted superiorly by 1.8 mm from normal. In both
starting point. 5 Then the lateral-medial and superior- subjects no other EOM pulley was displaced more than 1 SD
inferior coordinates of Orbit's pulleys were altered to from normal. Neither subject had any clinical abnormality on
match Orbit's simulated muscle paths to the paths observed examination or Hess screen test. In computer simulation
in the MRI scans. Small rectus muscle length changes were using the measured pulley positions, the maximum computed
then applied to account for horizontal deviations in deviation in primary gaze for both subjects was 0.6 degrees
primary gaze (i.e., shortening the medial rectus muscles to (1.1 PD) of horizontal deviation, 1.0 degree (1.8 PD) ofhyper
simulate esotropia). The investigator performing the deviation, and 1.3 degrees of cyclotorsion, all well within the
simulations did not know the observed pattern of deviation range of binocular fusion, r3 The maximum difference in
for each subject. horizontal deviation from upgaze to downgaze was 4.9
degrees (8.6 PD).
RESULTS Sixteen orbits in eight strabismic subjects were analyzed.
Eighteen orbits in 10 normal subjects were analyzed, Two subjects, No. 1 and No. 4, have been described
providing 72 rectus EOMs. The results for the 3 mm anterior elsewhere.S,s The eight strabismic subjects could be dMded
image plane are summarized in Table 1. Two normal subjects into three groups on the basis of clinical information and
each had one EOM pulley displaced more than 2 SDs from heterotopic pulley location; The first group of four subjects
normal. This number is not unexpected on the basis of a each had "A" pattern strabismus (eyes deviated outward more
normal distribution of pulley coordinates. In one subject the in downgaze than upgaze) and, on version examination,
Journal of AAPOS
20 Clark et aL Volume 2 Number I February 1998

FIG. 3. Clinical photographs of versions of subject 4 in nine diagnostic FIG. 5. Clinical photographs of versions of subject 6 in nine diagnostic
positions of gaze, demonstrating bilateral overdepression in adduction positions of gaze, demonstrating overelevation of left eye in adduction
("superior oblique muscle overaction") and underelevation in ("inferior oblique muscle overaction") and underdepression of left
adduction ("inferior oblique muscle underaction"). eye in adduction ("superior oblique muscle underaction").
15,0 - 15.0

•r •
i! I
10.0 - 10.0 -

5.0- E 5.0-

o--~ [] 0 o


LR MR 8 gE -I
.B 00
-5,0- ~ -5.0-
a a
-10.0 - IR

• •
-15.0 i i -15.0 I
-15.0 -10.0 -1.o 0'.0 ;.0 10.0 15.0 -15.0 100 -;0 010 ;0 '
10.0 15.0
X Deviation from the Orbital Center, mm X Deviation from the Orbital Center, mm

• Normal RectusPulley Positions • Subject 30D • Normal Rectus Pulley Positions • Subject 6 0 S

0 Subject 10D • Subject 3 0 S " 0 Subject 50D • Subject 70D

• Subject 10S =~ Subject 40D • Subject50S • Subject7 0 S

[] Subject 20D • Subject 4 0 S [] Subject 60D

• Subject 2 0 S
FIG. 6. Average positions (relative to right orbital center and viewed as
RG. 4. Average positions (relative to right orbital center and viewed if facing subject) of centroids of rectus EOMsfor primary gaze in coronal
as if facing subject) of centroids of rectus EOMs for primary gaze in image plane 3 mm anterior to globe-optic nerve junction for normal
coronal image plane 3 mm anterior to globe-optic nerve junction for subjects and for strabismic subjects with unilateral underdepression in
normal and for strabismic subjects with overdepression in adduction adduction ("SO underaction'). Left orbits have been digitallytransposed
("superior oblique muscle overaction"). Left orbits have been digitally to configuration of right orbits to facilitate data analysis. Error bands
transposed to configuration of right orbits to facilitate data analysis. shown represent + 2 SDs (95% confidence intervals) around normal
Error bands shown represent +_2 SDs (95% confidence intervals) means. SR,Superior rectus muscle; LR,lateral rectus muscle; MR, medial
around normal means. SR, Superior rectus muscle; LR, lateral rectus rectus muscle; IR, inferior rectus muscle.
muscle; MR, medial rectus muscle; IR, inferior rectus muscle.

showed marked overdepression in adduction ("superior Subject 4 was seen late in life with what was diagnosed as
oblique overaction") with marked underelevation in adduc- bilateral inferior oblique palsy. For subject 4, only the
tion ("inferior oblique underaction") (Figure 3, Table 2). right lateral rectus muscle pulley was displaced superi-
These subjects also all had at least one lateral rectus muscle orly more than 2 SDs from normal, but the other EOM
pulley displaced superiorly more than 2 SDs from normal pulleys in the right orbit were all displaced more than 1
(Table 3), from 1.8 mm to 4.8 mm above normal (Figure 4). SD from normal. Computer simulation of the measured
Three of the four subjects had several other pulley positions, without any changes in oblique muscle
heterotopic pulleys and had congenital strabismus. function, produced remarkably close agreement in the
Journal of M P O S
Volume 2 Number I February 1998 Clark et al. 21

TABLE 2. Clinical characteristics of strabismic subjects

Deviation in Deviation in Deviation in Deviation at Version Double Clinical
Subject Age(yr) Duration up-gaze primary down-gaze near abnormalities Maddox red diagnosis

1 30 Congenital X = 4, XT = 4, XT = 35, RH = 4 SO +4 OU, Not done "A" pattern XT with

RH = 4 RHT = 4 RHT = 15 LID -4 SO overaction OU
2 36 Congenital 2 XT Flick XT, 10 XT, 30 XT SO +40U, <5° intorsion "A" pattern XT with
5 LHT 8 LHT LR +1 OU, RIO -1 SO overaction OU
3 23 Congenital 3 LXT, 2 LXT, 18 LXT, 3 XT, RSO +2, 12° intorsion "A" pattern XT with
3 LHT 3 LHT 4 LHT 3 LHT RIO -2, LLR -1/2 SO overaction OD
4 50 3 yr 35 ET 30 ET, 16 ET 30 ET SO +30U, 1-3° intorsion Bilateral IO palsy
6 RHT I0 -30U
5 60 16 months 18 X(T), 6 X(T), 25 LHT Not done LIO +1, 5-6° extorsion LSO palsy
14 LH(T) 16 LH(T) LSO -2
6 36 7 months 8 RHT 16 RHT 12 RHT Ortho RSO -~/2, 10° extorsion RSO palsy
7 46 12-15 yr 10 LHT 10 LHT Ortho 6-8 LHT RSR -2, 5-10° extorsion RSR palsy
LIO +2, LSO -2
8 17 2-3 yr 10 E(T), 20 E(T), 30 E(T), 25 ET, LR -1/20U, Not done "V" pattern ET without
4 RH(T) 4 RH(T) 4 RH(T) 4 RHT IO -1 OU IO overaction
Summaryof the clinical information of all strabismic subjects. Deviationsare measuredin prism diopters. Versionsare graded on scale of -4 to +4, with a grade of 0 as
normal, -4 as maximalunderaction,and +4 as maximaloveraction. Onlyabnormal versionsare listed; X, exophoria;RH, right hyperphoria;XT, exotropia; RHT,right
hypertropia; SO, superioroblique muscle; OU, both eyes; LIO, left inferior oblique muscle; LHT, left hypertropia;LR, lateral rectus muscle; RIO, right inferior oblique muscle;
LXT, left exotropia;RSO, right superior oblique muscle; LLR, left lateral rectus muscle; ET, esotrepia;/0, inferior oblique muscle;X(T), intermittent exotropia;LH(T),
intermittent left hypertropia; LIO, left inferior oblique muscle; LSO, left superioroblique muscle; RSR, right superior rectus muscle; E(T)intermittent esotropia; RH(T),
intermittent right hypertropia.

TABLE 3. Pulley position deviations in strabismic subjects

Subject MR deviation (OD/OS) SR deviation (OD/OS) LR deviation (OD/OS) IR deviation (OD/OS)
1 Down 3.2*/down 4.8* Medial 2.0*/medial 2.6* Up 3.5*/up 4.8* Lateral 2.7*/lateral 5.0*
2 Down 2.7*/up 0.7 Medial 1.3/lateral 0.9 Up 3.1 */up 0.7 Lateral 3.1*/lateral 1.2
3 Down 1.1/up 0.8 Medial 1.2/medial 0.4 Up 2.4*/up 1.9" Lateral 3.6*/lateral 1.7
4 Down 1.1/down 0.4 Medial 1.2/medial 0.9 Up 1.8*/down 1.0 Lateral 1.4/lateral 0.5
5 Down 2A*/up 0.1 Lateral 1.4/lateral 1.8 Down 4.0*/down 4.9* Medial 0.3/medial 0.7
6 Up 0.5/up 0.9 Lateral 2.1*/lateral 2.8* Down 1.9*/down 0.6 Medial 2.0*/medial 2.3*
7 Down 0.1/up 1.3 Medial 1.0/lateral 0.2 Down 1.2/down 3.5* Medial 1.1/medial 1.2
8 Up 2.5*/up 2.1" Medial 1.3/no change Up 0.3/up 0.6 Medial 1.1/lateral 0.2
Values are millimeters of deviationfrom normal. Summaryof pulley position deviationsfrom normal in all strabismicsubjects. Onlydeviationsperpendicularto each
muscle's field of action are listed.
*Deviations more than 2 SDs from normal.

amount of "A" pattern deviation seen in each subject overelevation in adduction ("inferior oblique muscle
(Table 4), with the exception of subject 1, whose overaction") in one orbit (Figure 5, Table 2). One subject,
simulated deviation substantially overestimated the subject 5, also had a superimposed clinically significant
measured deviation. Before analysis, however, subject 1 "V" pattern exotropia (eyes deviated inward more in
underwent bilateral superior oblique tenotomies, which upgaze than downgaze), whereas the other two subjects
may have reduced the original amount of the "A" demonstrated a small "V" pattern on Hess screen test.
pattern deviation. These subjects all had at least one lateral rectus muscle
Each of the second group of three Subjects had pulley displaced inferiorly more than 2 SDs from normal
incomitant hypertropia and, on version examination, (see Table 3), from 1.9 to 4.9 m m below normal (Figure 6).
showed moderate underdepression in adduction ("supe- All three subjects had onset of symptoms in adulthood.
rior oblique muscle underaction") with moderate Computer simulation of the measured pulley positions,
Journal ofAAPOS
22 Clark et al. Volume 2 Number 1 February 1998


15.0 - •O
,..L SR
10.0 -
Fill. 7. Clinical photographs of versions of subject 8 in nine diagnostic
positions of gaze, demonstrating bilateral underelevation in
adduction ("inferior oblique muscle underaction") with normal
0.0- & I'-,'-I
1 MR
depression in adduction. E /
-5.0 -

without any changes in oblique muscle function, produced >-
-10.0 -
remarkably close agreement in the amount of"V" pattern T
deviation seen in each subject (see Table 4), with the
exception of subject 6, whose simulated deviation overes- -15.0-

timated his actual deviation.

The final subject, subject 8, had an unusual "V" pattern -20,0 i , ; , , , I
esotropia with underelevation in adduction ("inferior -20.0 -15.0 -10.0 - .0 0.0 5 0 10.0 15.0 20.0

oblique muscle underaction") (Figure 7, Table 2). Both X Deviation from the Orbital Center, mm

medial rectus muscle pulleys were displaced superiorly • Normal Rectus Pulley Positions

more than 2 SDs from normal (see Table 3), from 2.1 to O Subject8 0 D
2.4 mm above normal (Figure 8). Computer simulation of • Subject8 0 S
the measured pulley positions, without any changes in
oblique muscle function, underestimated the amount of FI6.8. Average positions (relative to right orbital center and viewed
"V" pattern deviation clinically seen (see Table 4). After as if facing subject) of centroids of rectus EOMs for primary gaze in
the subject underwent uncomplicated bilateral medial coronal image plane 3 mm anterior to globe-optic nerve junction for
rectus muscle recession of 4.5 mm with infraplacement 4.0 normal subjects and for subject 8. Left orbits have been digitally
mm, the "V" pattern collapsed and the subject was transposed to configuration of right orbits to facilitate data analysis.
orthotropic on cover-uncover testing. He complained of Error bands shown represent + 2 SDs (95% confidence intervals)
severe tilting and diplopia, however, and on double around normal means. SR,Superior rectus muscle; LR, lateral rectus
muscle; MR, medial rectus muscle; IR, inferior rectus muscle.
Maddox rod testing was found to have 15 degrees of
relative extorsion postoperatively. Computer simulation
of the actual surgery with the measured pulley positions
predicted the generation of greater than 10 degrees of displacement of the lateral rectus muscle, resulting in
extorsion postoperatively. esotropia and hypotropia as the normal abducting action
In both normal and strabismic subjects the cross- of the lateral rectus muscle is converted to depression. TM
sectional area of the superior oblique muscle was measured This study demonstrates that small mislocations (<2 nun)
in primary gaze, upgaze, and downgaze with use of analysis of the rectus EOM pulleys can also cause incomitant
techniques described elsewhere. 14-16No strabismic subject strabismus. Computer modeling indicates that these pulley
had a superior oblique muscle palsy by MRI criteria, with a displacements alone can account for the incomitancies,
range of superior oblique muscle maximum cross-sectional without supposing any abnormalities of the oblique muscles.
area in primary gaze of 0.16 cm z to 0.33 cmz (normal Although our sample is small, three distinct patterns of
average 0.19 cm2) Is and minimum contractile change in incomitant strabismus were associated with heterotopic
cross-sectional area from 23 degrees upgaze to 23 degrees pulley position.
downgaze of 0.03 cm2. The first pattern consists of overdepression and
underelevation in adduction and has been called "marked
DISCUSSION superior oblique muscle overaction with inferior oblique
Many clinical cases show that large rectus EOM pulley muscle underaction." The pathophysiologic mechanisms
abnormalities can cause incomitant strabismus. Cranio- of this common syndrome may be complex. For cases in
synostosis syndromes (i.e., Apert, Crouzon, and Pfeiffer which muscle overaction is really involved, causes might
syndromes) are associated with small, laterally rotated include abnormal innervation resulting in increased muscle
orbits, abnormally located EOMs, and a marked "V" stimulation or an abnormally powerful muscle that
pattern exotropia. 17 Similarly, "heavy eye syndrome" is responds excessively to normal innervation. A short, stiff
associated with high axial myopia and a large inferior ("contractured") muscle can produce somewhat similar
Journal ofAAPOS
Volume 2 Number 1 February 1998 Clark et aL 23

effects. Clinical examples exist, however, including subject TABLE 4. Variation in horizontal alignment in strabismic subjects from
1 in this study, in which complete superior oblique muscle up-gaze to downgaze (positive values more exotropic on down-gaze)
tenotomyis ineffective in relieving the presumed overaction. Actual change in Simulated change in
Such cases may be better explained by noting that horizontal deviation horizontal deviation
abnormal superior displacement of a lateral rectus muscle Subject (degrees) (degrees)
pulley can generate the clinical pattern called "superior 1 11 (19.4 PD) 30 (57.7 PD)
oblique muscle overaction." Computer simulation shows 2 6 (10.5 PD) 7 (12.3 PD)
that a superiorly displaced lateral rectus muscle pulley can
3 9 (15,8 PD) 9 (15.8 PD)
generate "A" pattern strabismus. Two lines of clinical
reasoning also support a potential role for a superiorly 4 5 (10.5 PD) 6 (10.5 PD)
displaced lateral rectus muscle pulley in this syndrome. First, 5 -5 (-8.8 PD) -7 (-12.3 PD)
superior transposition of the lateral rectus muscle tendon can 6 -5 (-8.8 PD) -11 (-19.4 PD)
correct "V" pattern strabismus. Therefore superior transpo- 7 -7 (-12.3 PD) -9 (-15.8 PD)
sition of the lateral rectus muscle tendon in a normal subject 8 -14(-24.9 PD) -7 (-12.3 PD)
would be expected to give the lateral rectus muscle excessive
passive tension in downgaze, generating "A" pattern Summary of observed versus simulated change in horizontal deviation from 30
degrees upgaze to 30 degrees downgaze in all strabismic subjects, as measured
strabismus. Second, during version examination a superiorly by Hess screen. In subjects 1 through 4, horizontal deviation widened in
displaced lateral rectus muscle pulley would elevate the globe downgaze (i.e., increasing exotropia or decreasing esotropia), consistent with "A"
during abduction to the affected side. To maintain fixation by pattern strabismus. In subjects 5 through 8, horizontal deviation narrowed in
the affected eye, the inferior rectus muscle on the affected downgaze (i.e., decreasing exotropia or increasing esotropia), consistent with "V"
side would need to contract to maintain constant vertical eye pattern strabismus.
position. Through Herring's law, the inferior rectus muscle
on the other, adducting eye would also receive this
innervation and contract. The nonfixating, adducting eye pulleys should be displaced to the same degree, not just the
would then exhibit excessive depression, the clinical hallmark lateral rectus muscle pulley. In addition, recent experi-
of "superior oblique muscle overaction." mental data suggest that only the medial rectus muscle
A similar analysis can be made regarding the second pulley position is significantly affected by superior oblique
pattern of incomitant strabismus, called "superior oblique muscle palsy, and the magnitude of the effect is much less
muscle underaction with inferior oblique muscle than 2 SDs from the normal positionfl 2 Finally, from
overaction." Is superior oblique muscle palsy the cause of simple geometric analysis an extorsion of 10 degrees in a
this incomitant strabismus? Recent studies with high- 24 mm globe would generate less than 2 mm of
resolution MRI demonstrate that one third to one half of displacement of the anterior, tendinous insertion of the
presumed superior oblique muscle palsies do not have the EOMs. This is the maximum displacement of posterior
expected atrophy and impaired contractility of the involved EOM bellies, supposing the pulleys have no intrinsic
superior oblique muscle belly) 9, 20 Computer simulation stiffness and, so, displace freely with the EOM tendon.
shows that an inferiorly displaced lateral rectus muscle However, even with muscle transposition surgery of more
pulley can generate "V" pattern strabismus and apparent than 6 mm, posterior muscle bellies do not displace
superior oblique muscle underaction without any contrac- significantly from normal. 6 It is therefore unlikely that
tile weakness of the superior oblique muscle. Likewise, torsion, which displaces muscle insertions less, could
during version examination, an inferiorly displaced lateral significantly displace EOM pulleys.
rectus muscle pulley would depress the globe during An argument could also be made that true oblique
abduction to the affected side. T o maintain fixation, the muscle dysfunction, not heterotopic pulleys, must be the
superior rectus muscle on the affected, fixating side would primary cause of most cases of clinical overelevation and
need to contract to maintain constant vertical eye position. overdepression in adduction because surgery on oblique
Through Herring's law, the superior rectus muscle of the muscles is effective in correcting the patterns of strabismus.
opposite, nonfixating adducting eye would also contract. The fact that a surgery is successful, however, does not
The adducting eye would then exhibit excessive elevation, imply that the surgery directly reversed the pathophysi-
the clinical hallmark of "inferior oblique muscle overaction." ologic features that created the strabismus. Few would
An argument might be made that the change in position argue, for example, that anterior placement of the medial
of the pulleys could be a secondary phenomenon related to rectus tendon causes esotropia. Many successful surgeries
torsion of the globes. 2~ For example, during an acute to correct esotropia, however, involve posterior reinsertion
superior oblique muscle palsy, the resulting extorsion of of the medial rectus tendon. Similarly, recession of the
the globe might be supposed to drag the lateral rectus inferior oblique muscle in patients with overelevation in
muscle pulley inferiorly, where it might hypothetically adduction may correct the clinical problem by weakening a
remain after the acute palsy had resolved. If simple muscle that elevates the eye in adduction, regardless of
extorsion were the explanation, however, all the EOM whether the inferior oblique muscle itself is at fault.
Journal ofAAPOS
24 Clark et al. Volume 2 Number 1 February 1998

Additional arguments have been made that aberrant resulting binocular deviations probably remain well
innervation of the sixth nerve can cause "V" and "Y" controlled through motor fusional mechanisms until an
pattern strabismus, 23,24 using as evidence abnormal elec- event later in life disrupted binocular fusion and allowed
tromyographic recruitment of the lateral rectus muscle the underlying incomitance to become unmasked acutely.
during elevation in adduction. This explanation supposes Such events could include the formation of a cataract with
coinnervation of lateral rectus and superior rectus muscles. resultant decreased vision or anisometropia or an acute
We have no reason to think that this is not possible. We illness that transiently impaired fusion. Then, because of
offer another mechanism that could explain lateral rectus the imbalance inherent from the heterotopic pulley
muscle contraction during elevation, on the basis 0flateral positions, fusion could not be restored and incomitant
misplacement of the superior rectus muscle pulley, seen in strabismus persisted.
two of the three subjects with "V" pattern strabismus and Currently, it is unknown whether heterotopic pulleys
overelevation in adduction. If the superior rectus muscle is generate the same patterns of incomitant strabismus in
laterally misplaced on the fixating eye, the medial rectus infants and children as they do in adults. Because our MRI
muscle would need to contract to maintain alignment technique requires cooperative subjects, the youngest
during elevation. Through Herring's law the lateral rectus subject of the current study was 17 years old. Unpublished
muscle of the opposite, nonfixating, adducting eye would analyses of coronal computed tomography scans suggest
also contract, giving rise to the abnormal recruitment of that similar heterotopic pulleys may occur at much
muscle fibers during elevation. younger ages. These findings are consistent with the early
The third pattern of incomitant strabismus, exhib- onset of strabismus in subjects with craniosynostosis
ited by subject 8, is an uncommon "V" pattern esotropia syndromes. It remains unknown, however, how the EOM
with underelevation in adduction. Typical "V" pattern pulleys develop and maintain ocular alignment as the orbit
esotropia would be expected to be associated with grows and matures. It should be recalled that the pulleys
overelevation in adduction, resulting in the characteris- are active structures, containing abundant smooth muscle
tic excessive abduction in elevation. Subject 8 was with rich innervation. 27 Pulley abnormalities therefore
unusual also in that the medial rectus pulley, not the could also have a neural basis. In addition, connective
lateral rectus pulley, was abnormally elevated. Given tissue disorders such as Marfan's syndrome may also be
the magnitude of the clinical deviation versus the much associated with pulley abnormalities (unpublished data).
smaller deviation predicted by computer simulation, it In summary, abnormal EOM pulley position should be
is possible that other, unknown factors beside hetero- included in the differential diagnosis of abnormal eleva-
topic pulley position may be contributing to his tion or depression of the globe during adduction and
incomitant strabismus. This highlights the fact that atypical incomitant strabismus. Superior mislocation of
properties of the pulleys, particularly the inferior the lateral rectus pulley of less than 2 ram, supported by
oblique pulley and its attachment to the inferior rectus smaller mislocations of other EOM pulleys, can produce
muscle 2s through Lockwood's ligament, 26require better in the fellow eye the clinical pattern of overdepression in
quantitative characterization in the Orbit model. adduction ("superior oblique muscle overaction") and
More interesting, however, is subject 8's highly underelevation in adduction ("inferior oblique muscle
anomalous result after uncomplicated medial rectus underaction"). Inferior mislocation of the lateral rectus
transposition surgery. On postoperative day 1 the patient pulley of less than 2 mm, with smaller mislocations of
appeared to have a new-onset bilateral superior oblique other EOM pulleys, can produce a clinical pattern of
muscle palsy with 15 degrees of extorsion. Although the underdepression in adduction ("superior oblique muscle
exact insertions of the medial rectus tendons were not underaction") and overelevation in adduction ("inferior
measured intraoperatively, they certainly did not appear oblique muscle overaction") that masquerades as a
clinically to be elevated 2 to 3 ram. Assuming the medial superior oblique palsy. Heterotopic pulleys can also
rectus tendons inserted in the normal position, approxi- generate undesirable torsional results from muscle trans-
mately 2.5 mm below the heterotopic medial rectus position surgery.
pulleys, inferior transposition of the medial rectus tendons It has become conventional to describe particular
by 4.5 mm effectively moved the insertions 7 mm below patterns of ocular motility with names that refer to
the pulleys. Thus the medial rectus muscle was surgically presumed causes. Terms such as "superior oblique muscle
turned into an excyclotorter in both eyes, capable of underaction" are convenient shorthand expressions but
generating the high degrees of extorsion seen both only if the motility disorder is truly related to impaired
clinically and predicted by computer simulation. superior oblique muscle contractility. Otherwise, such
Another clinical parameter of interest was age at onset expressions mislead; they beg questions of etiology and
of symptoms. Subjects with congenital incomitant strabis- lead to the wrong answers. We would suggest that
mus had multiple markedly heterotopic pulleys. Other strabismologists gradually abandon the practice of describ-
subjects with adult-onset strabismus had fewer muscles ing motility disorder observations with diagnosis-laden
involved and smaller changes in pulley position. The terms, except in cases where the etiology is clear.
Journal of AAPOS
Volume 2 Number I February 1998 Clark et al. 25

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