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The Match

Commentator 1: Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen, and welcome to tonight’s matchup
between the Federalists and the Anti-Federalist.

Commentator 2: What we have here is a good solid match up between two well versed parties.
On the one side we have the Federalist who support big government and getting all the money
and distributing it as they see fit.

Commentator 1: And on the other side of the ring we have the Anti-Federalist who believes that
he money should stay with the people and states.

Commentator 2: The key component to tonight’s matchup is whether or not we will support
England, or France in the French Revolution.

Commentator 1: We have one amazing Referee in George Washington. He has been the leader of
the free world now for quite some time and has a good understanding of what going on.

Commentator 2: So here we go the Federalist come out swinging hard with not wanting to
support France because we don’t owe them anything.

Commentator 1: The Anti’s fire back with France gave us over 250 million dollars to support us
while we were fighting in our war against England.

Commentator 2: The shot really took the Federalist back a bit and they are trying to cover up but
George Washington steps in and breaks them up but before we can get back together the bell
rings. Ending round one.

Commentator 1: The coaches are working diligently to get their fighters back up and ready to go.

Commentator 2: I agree these fighters did not hold back in that first round and they not only
dished it out, but they took it as well.

Commentator 1: Here we go Round 2 and the Anti’s come out swinging first with we need to
support the revolution because the dictator is killing everyone that opposes him.

Commentator 2: The Federalist are hurt they are on the ropes barely holding on. They have their
hands up trying to protect themselves from these blows but it’s not looking good for them.

Commentator 1: It looks like this could be the end folks. WAIT the Feds counter with If we get
involved, we don’t have the money to support them, and that with this kind of revolution it could
give our own people an idea to rise up and try to over throw what we have done here.

Commentator 2: That’s it. George just stepped in and called it. Its all over.
Commentator 1: And here we go we have the decision from George Washington on who won
this epic battle between these two heavy weights. So, lets listen in.

George Washington: Good job tonight gentlemen I liked the good clean fight. I must say I was
not expecting that. This fight ends with us being Neutral. (The Crowd Erupts) We are going to
stay out of it and let them work out their own issues. The best thing that we can do is to protect
ourselves and try not to worry about what is going on everywhere else.

Commentator 1: Well there you have it. What a night! What a Battle!

Commentator 2: Until next time, I wish you all a good evening and pleasant time until we come

Commentator 1: For all of us here in Washington D.C. Good night.

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