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English Language: Nouns


Exercise 1

Directions (1-25): Identify the nouns in the following sentences and say whether they are

common, proper, collective or abstract

1. Always speak the truth

2. We all love honesty

3. I have two children

4. The lion is the king of the beasts

5. Solomon was the wisest of all kings

6. Cleanliness is next to godliness

7. Birds of a feather flock together

8. Who teaches you grammar

9. The Nile is the longest of all rivers

10. A committee of six was appointed to assess the situation

11. Jawaharlal Nehru was the first Prime Minister of India

12. The boy was rewarded for his honesty 1
English Language: Nouns

13. He gave me an apple

14. I recognized his voice at once

15. You should never tell a lie

16. Wisdom is better than riches

17. He is on the jury

18. Silver and gold are precious metals

19. Still waters run deep

20. The cackling of geese saved Rome

21. Tubal Cain was a man of might

22. Old habits die hard

23. The early bird catches the worm

24. It was Edison who invented the phonograph

25. You can’t pump the ocean dry 2
English Language: Nouns

Exercise 2

Directions (1-22): Fill the gaps with the correct form of the nouns (singular or plural)

1. They ate some (tomato)______

2. You can put (sugar)_________ in your tea

3. We have to buy new (furniture) ___________

4. I need to wash my (hair)_______

5. We had lots of (fun) ______

6. The Milfords have a lot of (money)______

7. How many (people)_______were at the cinema with you?

8. Could you give some (information)_________on your project?

9. In this hotel, (family)___________ are very welcome

10. Those (man) ______seem to be very tired

11. The fairy told the girl she could make three ________. (wish/wishes)

12. I think her ________ watch far too much television. (child/children)

13. Look! The ______ has just stolen that man’s hat. (monkey/monkeys) 3
English Language: Nouns

14. It's difficult being a ________ these days. (parent/ parents)

15. Why do ________ always come in threes? (bus/buses)

16. Does anyone know the ______ to the station? (way/ways)

17. ________ are usually shorter than men. (Woman/ Women)

18. A lot of ________ use this street. (lorry/lorries)

19. He's the sort of ________ you can trust. (person/people)

20. I can hear something in the roof. Have you got ________? (mouse/mice)

21. The ________ they wanted to buy has been sold. (house/houses)

22. The most interesting ________ I have visited are in Asia. Video (country/countries) 4
English Language: Nouns


Exercise 1

1. Truth – abstract noun

2. Honesty – abstract noun

3. Children – common noun

4. Lion – common; king – common; beasts – common

5. Solomon – proper noun; kings – common noun

6. Cleanliness – abstract noun; godliness – abstract noun

7. Birds – common noun; feather – common noun

8. Grammar – abstract noun

9. Nile – proper noun; rivers – common noun

10. Committee – collective noun; situation – abstract noun

11. Jawaharlal Nehru – proper noun; Prime Minister – common noun; India – proper noun

12. Boy – common noun; honesty – abstract noun

13. Apple – common noun

14. Voice – abstract noun 5
English Language: Nouns

15. Lie – abstract noun

16. Wisdom – abstract; riches – abstract

17. Jury – collective noun

18. Silver – material; gold – material; metal – common

19. Waters – common noun/material noun

20. Cackling – abstract; geese – common; Rome – proper

21. Tubal Cain – proper; man – common

22. Habits – abstract noun

23. Bird – common noun; worm – common noun

24. Edison – proper noun; phonograph – common noun

25. Ocean – common noun

Exercise 2

1. Tomatoes

2. Sugar

3. Furniture 6
English Language: Nouns

4. Hair

5. Fun

6. Money

7. People

8. Information

9. Families

10. Men

11. Wishes

12. Children

13. Monkey

14. Parent

15. Buses

16. Way

17. Women

18. Lorries

19. Person

20. Mice 7
English Language: Nouns

21. House

22. Countries 8

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