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“A Study on Digital marketing ”with reference to Media-Wedia BRAND WORK

Summer Internship Project Report

Submitted In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For The Award of the Degree Of

Submitted by
Deep Narayan Thawait
Enrollment no. : D0072
MBA 3rd Semester

Guided by
Mr. Rajesh Ubale
Associate Professor Management Department


Submitted to:


Declaration by the Candidate

This is to declare that this report has been written by me. No part of the report is plagiarized from other
sources. All information included from other sources has been duly acknowledged. I aver that if any part
of the report is found to be plagiarized, I shall take full responsibility for it.

Name of the Candidate: Deep Narayan Thawait Signature of the Candidate:

Enrollment Number: D0072 Date:

Certificate bytheOrganization

This is to certify that this project report entitled “A study on marketing mix environment on e-media”
Submitted to School of Management & Research, ITM University Raipur, is a bonafied record of work
done by “Deep Narayan Thawait” under my supervision from “3rd of June 2016 to “30th July 2016”.

Name of the Supervisor: Signature of the Supervisor

Mr. Amit Patel
Designation: Date:

Certificate By the institute

This is to certify that this project report entitled “Analysis of marketing mix environment” is a
bonafied work carried out by “Deep NarayanThawait” of MBA of School of Management & Research
for fulfilment of MBA degree course of ITM University Raipur.

Mr. Rajesh UbaleDr. Monika Sethi Associate Professor

Professor and Head,
School of Commerce Management and Research School of Commerce Management and Research
ITM University, Raipur ITM University, Raipur

Place :

Certificate By The Examiner

This is to certify that the project entitled “ Marketing Mix environment on e- media ” submitted by
Deep Narayan Thawait Roll Number : 15020333002. Enrolment Number: D0072 has been examined by
the undersigned as a part of the examination for the award of Master of Business Administration degree of
ITM University

Name of the Examiner: Signature of the Examination



An undertaking of work life - this is never an outcome of a single person; rather it bears the imprints of a
number of people who directly or indirectly helped me in completing the present study. I would be failing
in my duties if I don't say a word of thanks to all those who made my training period educative and
pleasurable one.
I am thankful to Media Wedia Brand Works, Raipur for giving me an opportunity to do summer
training in the company. I would like to express our immense gratitude towards our institution;
“Institution For Technology and Management- School Of Management & Research”, which created
a great platform to attain profound Management skills in the field of MBA, thereby fulfilling our most
cherished goal as well as our Head Dr. Monika Sethi who gave me the golden opportunity to do this
wonderful project on the topic “Analysis of marketing-mix environment which also helped me in doing
a lot of Research and I came to know about so many new things I am really thankful to them.

First of all, I am extremely grateful to Mr. Amit patel (Head, Raipur ) for his guidance,
encouragement and tutelage during the course of the internship despite his extremely busy schedule. My
very special thanks to him for giving me the opportunity to do this project and for his support throughout
as a mentor.
I must also thank my faculty guide Mr. .Rajesh Ubale (Associate Professor, ITM-SCMR) for his
continuous support, mellow criticism and able directional guidance and suggestions during the project and
for the completion of my summer internship and preparation of the report.I would also like to thank all the
respondents for giving their precious time and relevant information and experience, I required, without
which the Project would have been incomplete. Finally I would like to thank all lecturers, friends and my
family for their kind support and to all who have directly or indirectly helped me in preparing this project
And at last I convey my thanks to My Beloved Parents, who kept my motivation and zest for
knowledge always high through the tides of time and My Faculty who helped me directly or indirectly in
bringing this project successfully.


The successful completion of this project was a unique experience for us and we achieved a better
knowledge about Social media marketing in India. The experience which we got by doing this project was
essential to our future. The information in this project being submitted by us contains detailed analysis of
the research undertaken by us.
The research provides an opportunity to us to devote our skills, knowledge and competencies during our
knowledge gathering sessions of marketing management.
The research is on the topic “Social Media Marketing”.

This Project Report is the Property of



Table of Content

1.1 Introduction
I 1.2 Need, Objectives and Importance of Study

Company Profile

Review Of Literature (If Any)

Research Methodology (For Survey & Interview Method)
4.1 Research Plan
IV 4.2 Sampling Plan
4.3 Hypothesis of study

Data Analysis And Interpretations (For Survey & Interview

V 5.1 Introduction
5.2 Analysis of data
5.3 Interpretation of data
VI Result &Findings of The Study

VII Conclusion

VIII Suggestions & Recommendations

IX References / Bibliography

XAcknowledgement from Student

- Questionnaire
- Interview Schedules
- Raw data if any
- Weekly Progress Report (WPR)



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Introduction on digital marketing:
Digital marketing is an umbrella term for the marketing of products or services using digital
technologies, mainly on the internet, but also including mobile phones, display advertising and
any other digital medium.
Advertising is normally done by a third party known as advertising agency. An advertising
agency is a service based business dedicated to creating, planning and handling advertising for its
clients. An ad agency is independent from the client and provides an outside point of view to the
effort of selling the client's product or services. An agency can also handle overall marketing and
branding strategies and sales promotion for its clients.

Channels of digital marketing:

Display advertising:
This channel involves designing graphical advertisements and placing them next
to content on websites, e-mails and other digital format, and instant messaging applications. The
advertisements can be text, images, audio or video clips, animation, or other interactive content.
While surfing the internet or going through your mails, you may often be presented with advertisements of
all sorts. That’s exactly what display advertising is, but it’s important for your adverts to be relevant to
what people are looking for. That’s because the success of a display advertising campaign is determined
by calculating the number of clicks an advert receives given the number of times it was displayed to the
consumer or made an impression on him/her.
Display advertising not only helps to promote new products or offers, but it helps to increase the online
presence and reach out to the customers. Display advertising can help drive leads and increase brand
awareness too.

E-mail advertising:-
As the name suggests the market products or service with the targeted customers via e-mail. E-mail
marketing is a great way to gain new customers or improve relationships with existing customers.
E-mail marketing campaigns are good for companies that may not be able to shell out a lot of dough for
promoting their business. E-mail marketing also allows companies to promote other marketing channels
effectively. However, building customer database and designing newsletters/e-mails can be very time

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Affiliate marketing:-
Affiliate marketing is performance-based marketing involving a business owner and one or more websites
or affiliates. The affiliate website owners place advertisements on their own websites to market the
business owner’s goods or services in exchange for a percentage of profits.
Considering an affiliate marketing campaign for company is generally a good choice; the company get
mass coverage at no additional costs. You also get more exposure when more websites are affiliated to

Social media marketing:-

Social networks like Face book, MySpace, and LinkedIn, blogs, micro blogging websites like Twitter,
forums, wikis or open encyclopedias, content communities like Flickr and YouTube, and podcasts are all
forms of social media. All of these forms involve the building of networks or communities by allowing
users to interact with each other.
Social media tools encourage users to share opinions, participate in discussions and engage with others in
real time. As such, social media marketing can be the best way to market your brand or company, and
connect with the customers.

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Need and importance of the study:
Digital Media is the current big buzzword in the world of Internet Marketing, and with good reason. It is
already such a big part of the Internet culture. It is important to understand why people use these digital
marketing strategies,. Some people use them for business purposes, to network and find new deals. Then
there are others who use social networking sites for purely personal reasons and are totally oblivious to the
fact that there is a business presence in the social networking environment at all.


1. To studies the importance and development of an advertisement agency in the today's scenario.
2. To understand the various marketing strategies.
3. Familiarize with the business organization.
4. To understand how the key business process are carried out in an organization.

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Company Profile
Media Wedia is a creative advertising agency who loves to design. It was started as a joint venture
between two partners Mr. Amit Patel and Mr. Vikas Agarwal on 1st September 2014.

Our work:-
We are an advertising agency who love to create design (brochure, leaflets, newsletters, letterheads,
hoarding, standee etc.)
We provide our clients with all printing facilities too which may be digital, offset, and outdoor.
We also provide other services like media planning, media buying, promotions, events, seminars and

What we do?
Anything and Everything that helps you take your brand to the people.
What we believe?
We firmly believe we grow only when our client’s business grow.

Who We Are?
We are a young advertising agency, we create and execute communication designs that interact with your
customers to build brand image and loyalty our advertising solutions are workable, effective and adaptable
to the constantly changing market trends.

Our Vision
Our vision is to provide more and more satisfaction to our clients and help them to foster their brand

Our Mission
The focus of our business is our client’s business – we will, hence, always provide them superior
communication services to give our clients/their brands a competitive edge to make them market leaders.

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Our Service
1. Advertising & Branding
We leverage our extensive experience across categories and 360 degree communications expertise
to help brands make an impact in the marketplace. Our service include print,electronic,radio and
outdoor advertising.
2. Web & New Media
We add relatively new concept used by businesses in developing an online community, which
allows satisfied customers to congregate and extol the virtues of a particular brand. Our services
include social media,corporate presentations,mailers,radio jingles.
3. Design
At Media Wedia we are aimed at boosting up the sales through the unmatched creativity by our
expert team of graphic designers and visualizers. Our thoughts and designs simply follow one
trend – uniqueness that makes an impact.
4. Media Buying & Planning
5. Promotions & Events
From design to execution of our client’s customized event promotions, to the development and
management of our own proprietary events, we understand how event marketing works and how to make
it work for your business.

1. Seminar & Conferences

At Media Wedia, We provide full service in arranging seminar & conferences. Our team of skilled
professionals is prepared to handle every event, regardless of size, with dedication and care.

Our Clients

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Literature review:
Scott (2009) states the reasons for brand promoters preferring online web for marketing is that the tools,
techniques and content are constantly evolving. The buyers reward creativity by responding to the online
efforts like:
“If you are open to trying out new things, you can be first in your industry to use something new to
communicate to your buyers”.
Marketing in some social networking websites are still the most popular in their niche. Shih (2009) says
that there are hundreds of millions of active users across sites like Face book, Hi5, Orkut and MySpace.
2.6 billion min are spent on Face book each day. These websites are enabling brands to engage the right
people in the right conversation at right time. Marketing the brands through social media is becoming
precise, personal, interesting, interactive and social.
Weber (2009) says promoting a community is just like as promoting a new brand product or service to the
consumers. Social media is used to communicate people in the promotional aspect and inclined to involve
thepeople. Traditional advertising and direct marketing in social media is to send people to the digital
community to be informed, entertained and heard. Users find appealing, a value high enough to encourage
them to participate.
Borges (2009) finds that today's buyers want to be engaged differently than in years past and many
traditional marketing tactics simply do not work anymore. Social media marketing is a revolutionary way
to build solid relationships with buyers. Low cost, brand building, staffing advantages, loyalty and level
playing field are key benefits of social networking sites as a successful marketing media.
Zarrella (2010) says the roots of online social networking can be traced to the 1980s bulletin board
systems (BBS). These systems allowed the users to create personal profiles, helps to share information by
sending private messages, public messages and post events at low speed connectivity. After emanation of
social networking technology in the internet world, it grew higher and popular among the internet user.
Lacy and Hernandez (2009) says Twitter gives the ability to share nearly 140- characters thoughts in a
split second, where user can easily share links to press releases and stories about their business, service or
product. Making tweets interesting and diverse, there is a more possibility of increasing the followers, by
consider with news sharing and stories about the industry that they serve.
The rules of marketing had to change and the web has proved a catalyst in bringing the changes forward
and amplifying their scale. The sudden emergence of the Web 2.0 marketing techniques demand
additional approaches, while most marketers are still wrestling with the first generation, savvy brands are

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exploring the landscape that social media and social networks create for marketers. These techniques are
allowing much deeper drivers in social change to be unleashed, with a profound impact on planning
customer connections. The new generation of relationship marketing responds to the additional challenges
of digital media literacy and in the right hands can trigger a rebuild of the entire marketing mix through
different strategies. Relationship marketing for the Face book generation demands both thinking and
acting differently (Chaffey 2003).
Stroud (2007) says that the ability of social networking sites to generate these huge volumes of web traffic
is proof of their huge popularity. Google, Yahoo and News International have bought themselves a
presence in the social networking arena. The detailed rationale for these acquisitions differs but all have a
common theme of wanting access to the enormous audiences.
Ricadela (2007) says, Coca-Cola has been running promotions on MySpace for the past two years for
brandsincluding Cherry Coke and Fanta and has promoted Diet Coke and other drinks on Google's
Smith (2010) says that Face book is becoming one of the great internet communications of people time
now days. Whereas many companies have tried to emulate Face book’s success or challenge it in one
geography or another, Face book has proven that the core asset on which all of its services are built - the
social graph - is much more defensible and powerful than many others once anticipated.
Visitors to social networking sites are significantly more likely than average to visit leisure-oriented retail
site categories, such as music, jewelry/luxury goods/ accessories, consumer electronics and apparel.
Heavy social networking visitors are defined as the top 20% of visitors based on time spent on social
networking sites. People typically enjoy sharing their experiences with these products, whether it is to talk
about their new iPhone or the pair of designer jeans they just bought. Social networking sites offer the
venue for those conversations to occur. Social media advertising is ideal for promoting brand recognition,
although click-through rates are not so strong. Still, there is no doubt that advertising via social media sites
is an effective way to increase your overall revenue stream (Brinlee, 2007).

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To analyze and find the effectiveness of communication strategy in developing brand, communication
through social networking sites was done with the survey method and content analysis in the research.

Methods of data collection:

The survey method helped to identify the reach of the brand among its target audience, ways of impact,
usage of these social networking sites and access to these form of communication. And the content
analysis is another method used to analyze the communication strategy of different social network.

Research design:

This research study adopted survey and content analysis in order to find the effectiveness and the impact
of communication in branding any product or the service among the target market through face to face


Non probability sampling technique is used to collect the opinion from the online respondents. The total
population is social networking user community, but to collect the effective data the sampling is
constrained to the target population like young adults, graduates within the age of 16 years to 30 years.
The sampling size is 100.

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1) Do you know the website?
a. Yes
b. No

yes no



Interpretation: The above mentioned graph shows that 60% of the respondents are aware about the website
and the remaining 40% of the people are not known very deeply about the website.

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2) Do you require any website?

Buy website
yes no



Interpretation: The above graph shows the 75% of the respondent are in need or willingness to buy
website for their business and the remaining 25% of the respondent are not in interested to buy website.

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3) Why do you not buying the website?
a) High cost
b) Regular maintenance

Not buying
high cost regular maintanace



Interpretation: The above graph shows that the 80% of the respondent are not interested to buy
website with their website and the 20% of the respondent says these always need a high level of

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4) Which type of medium or strategies do you want use to reach customer?

a. Print medium
b. Digital medium

print medium Digital medium



Interpretation: The above graph states that the 90% of the respondent says they use digital medium for
their advertisement and the remaining 10% of the respondent says they use print medium for their

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5) How you manage your social account?
a. Internal
b. External

Internal External



Interpretation: The above mentioned graph shows that 70% of the respondent says they manage their
social account from the media agencies and the remaining 30% of the respondent says they manage
itself their social account.

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6) Does your face book marketing go beyond one way post?
a. Yes
b. No

Face book
yes no



Interpretation: The above mentioned graph states that 60% of the respondent says no their face book
marketing is not the one way post

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7) Do you hire any advertising agencies for your digital marketing?
a. Yes
b. No

yes No



Interpretation: The 96% of the respondent says that they hire the media agencies for their advertisement..

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8) Where do you want to place advertisement in social sites?
a. Face book.
b. What’s app.
c. YouTube.
d. Instagram.

Facebook Whats'app Youtube Instagram All of the above


5% 0%


Interpretation: The above graph shows that 20% of the respondent states that they placed their
advertisement only in face book, 5% of the respondent states that they placed their advertisement only
in the whats’app, 3% of the respondent states that they placed their advertisement in the instagram
and 72% of the respondent states that they placed their adds in every medium i.e in facebook,
whats’app, YouTube and instagram.

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Finding of the survey

It’s found through the study that social networking boots the benefits of advertising agencies in the Raipur
region based on the responses the benefits includes that it increases the product and services among the

Through with the help of social media the marketer has identified it’s product service awareness and
build’s more business connection this will gave positive impact in maling good connection between
business owner (marketer) and the consumer.

In the research it’s found that marketing strategies through social networking sites is relatively effective
and efficiently directly reach to customers.

The most common marketing tool used by marketer is social networking sites for posting of their product
detail and wall post of their image.

Customer demographic plays a vital role in nature of business with respect to the social networking sites
or medium.

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The summer internship project helped me to understand how the corporate business works. The various
departments and its functions and how all are interrelated to each other. Media-wedia is a Raipur based
advertising firm which shows me the complete process of how they work at each functional level,
especially about the business development as it was my job profile. It is a basic process for which
intensive research is to be conducted to find out the target audience, clients, sponsors, vendors etc. The
business development process starts from research and ends at project closure. This project has made me
understand the various key- points which are is considered to crack a deal, how to deal with different

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Suggestion and recommendation:
1. Increase man power which will increase company’s sales.
2. Co-operation should be provided at all level for better management and better relation.
3. New promotional tools should be adopted to promote their company.

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Questionnaire for customers:
1) Do you know the website?
a. Yes
b. No
2) Do you require any website?
a. Yes
b. No

3) Why do you not buying the website?

a. High cost
b. Regular maintenance

4) What type of medium or straregy do you want use to reach customer?

a. Print medium
b. Digital medium

5) How you manage your social account?

a. Internal
b. External

6) Does your face book marketing go beyond one way post?

a. Yes
b. No

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7) Do you hire any advertising agencies for your digital marketing?
a. Yes
b. No

8) Where do you want to place advertisement in social sites?

a. Face book
b. What’s app
c. YouTube
d. Instagram
e. All of the above

Weekely progress report

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