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Advertisement Appeals and AIDA Principle: A Correspondence

Analysis Purview.

Cyril P Chacko, Govind S Menon, Febin Paul, Eldho John, Nibin Nizar, Muhammed
Suhail, Hafis Nizam

Author Affiliation

Scholar (All Authors)

Department of Management Studies
Toc H Institute of Science and Technology
Arakkunnam, Kochi, KERALA, INDIA – 682313

Corresponding Author
Cyril P Chacko
Department of Management Studies
Toc H Institute of Science and Technology
Arakkunnam, Kochi, KERALA, INDIA – 682313
E mail –
Phone - +91 9961613271
Advertisement Appeals and AIDA Principle: A Correspondence
Analysis Purview.


Advertisement is an effective tool used to create positive opinion among the consumers about the
brand/product. Advertisement has a significant impact on the consumer at a subconscious level.
The primary purpose of this study is to find the correspondence between the various
advertisements appeals associated with the outcomes. And this study has examined the
relationship between appeals and outcomes in a multi-dimensional space. Five appeals have been
taken and the perception of these appeals has been ranked. Questionnaires were used to collect
the data. The research design was descriptive in nature. The target population for the present
research is focused on youth in the age group of 19-30 years and the number of respondents
selected for conducting the study was 114. When correspondence analysis test was conducted, it
was found that humor is highly associated with interest, desire is highly associated with rational
and sensuality, humor is closer to attention, fear is closer to action, bandwagon is closer to action
and desire which signifies that different advertisement appeals have different perpetual impact on
consumer buying behaviour.

Keywords: Perception of appeals, youth, correspondence analysis, AIDA


The modern society is society of consumers. The intensive now a day’s globalization and
competition regarding consumers make searching for alternative methods of influence of
consumers. Advertising has become one of the most important commercial activities in the
modern emulous environment. Advertisements are a kind of convincing communication that
offers product information to every consumer via institutions in charge of production or supply.
Companies spent a large part of their budget to produce and run advertisements for promotions
to communicate information about their company and products. Companies hope that consumers
will purchase their products due to the advertisements, which deliver messages about certain
brand and its products. (Thorson & Leavitt, 1992) Stated that the best forecaster for purchase is
advertising. (Kotler P. , 1997) In his study pointed out that advertising appeal is the theme of an
advertisement. To make the audience receive a necessary message, advertisers have to put some
driving power in to the message. This driving power is appeal. Every advertising appeal
represents an attraction, which arouse consumer desires. In the words of (Berkman & Gilson,
1987) advertising appeals as an attempt at creativity that inspires consumer’s motives for
purchase and affect consumers attitude towards a specific product or services.


Advertisements are playing a major role in influencing buying behaviour of consumers. An

advertiser needs to make their advertisements attractive and persuasive so that consumer mind
will develop to purchase the product after watching the advertisement. Would consumers be
influenced by the various advertisement appeals?


 To find the correspondence between various advertisement appeals and their outcome
(AIDA) in multi-dimensional space


From a study conducted on Effects of Advertising Appeals on Consumer Brand, it was

established that the consumers are highly dependent on advertisements from the aspect of brand
preference, purchase decision and brand recall. The companies use advertisements for their
products so as to influence consumers towards their brand. Consumer perception of a brand can
either be positive or negative depending upon the type of advertising appeal used. Emotional
appeal is the most commonly used appeal by most companies for their ad as it focus on the
emotional aspects of the consumers like some occasions, family lifestyle, relationships, social
gathering etc. Advertisement agencies now create quality and practical ads that show the brand
maturity and status, and this also shows that the advertisements agencies are also more mature
and responsible towards society (Nabeel, 2012).
The study on Indian perspective about advertising appeal indicated that consumers see the
advertisements as a person and thus demographic and psychographic traits are quite significant
in developing the advertising appeals. The level of trust and the kind of relationship that the
consumer has with the product is affected by the advertising appeal. Advertising appeal is
helpful in positioning of the product in the mind of the consumers. The study also shows that the
advertising appeal works on the whole brain concept as the dimension are both logical and
emotional. The right brain works on the creative thinking while the left brain works on the
rational thinking and therefore, while designing the advertising appeal, it needs to be both
(Mishra, 2009).

Another study was conducted on the impact of advertising appeals and advertising spokesperson
on advertising attitudes and purchase intentions, it was inferred that advertisement appeal has a
significantly positive influence on purchase intention. This study clarifies that the three variables
(advertising appeals, advertising spokespersons and advertising attitudes) have a significant
relation which each other. This study also reveals that a blend of advertising appeals and
advertising spokes-persons will have a significantly positive effect on advertising attitudes (Lin,

The study discuss about the wide use of humour appeal in advertising. Although humour appeal
has attained popularity in advertising, its practice is continuously being debated. The reason for
this debate is that there are a number of both positive and negative effects that can be attributed
to the use of humour appeal. As per the study, humour appeal was not taken in a negative manner
by the respondents if it was used in a limit for the significant products to make creative ads. The
research shows that there is a thin line difference between the opinion of both males & females
but as per the chi-square there is no significant difference in the views of both males & females
towards the advertisements. Humour appeal used in advertisements resulted in motivating the
respondents to purchase the product but the attributes of the product also plays a vital role in
buying decision of the consumers (Motwani & Agarwal, 2013).


The research design that used for the study is descriptive in nature. Descriptive design results in
a description data, whether in words, pictures, charts or tables and whether the data analysis
shows statistical relationship or is merely descriptive. Google forms are used to collect the data’s
directly from the respondents. Convenience sampling method is being used for the data
collection using questionnaire. Google forms are being shared with respondents. Youth between
19 and 30 years are focused as the target population for the present research and there were 114
respondents selected for conducting of the study.

The two major concerns associated with the questionnaire design are relevancy and accuracy.
Relevancy refers to questions being asked that are relevant to the identified variables, whereas
accuracy refers to information that is reliable and valid (Zikmund, 2003). It relates to principles
of wording that includes content and length, wording and language and forms of questions.
Content of questions should properly measure respondent’s attitude, belief and opinions based on
the variables of a conceptual model (Sekaran, 2000).Words and wording use for this research
were reviewed for further corrections to ensure that the questions being asked are well
understood by the respondents. This ensures that the questions were developed based on the art
of asking questions, which is using simple and conversational language and avoiding leading and
ambiguous questions (Zikmund, 2003).

The questionnaire is divided into three sections-in the first section information collected on
general information such as age and gender. Second section was designed to collect information
regarding rank and medium of advertisement. The next section which is third one was used to
understand correspondence between the perceptions outcome associated with advertisement

The major tool used for the analysis was correspondence analysis. Correspondence analysis is a
descriptive/exploratory technique designed to analyses simple two-way and multi-way tables
containing some measure of correspondence between the rows and columns. The measures of
correspondence can show the similarity, affinity, confusion, association or interaction among
rows and columns. One of the goals of the correspondence analysis is to describe the relationship
between two nominal variables in a correspondence table in a low dimensional space, while
simultaneously describing the relationships between the categories for each variable. For each
variable, the distance between category points in a plot reflect the relationship between the
categories with similar categories plotted close to each other. Projecting points for one variable
on the vector from the origin to a category point for the other variable describe the relationship
between the variables (IBM Knowledge Center, 2018).


Two variables were considered namely outcome and the other is appeal. The variable ‘outcome’
is represented in columns and variable ‘appeal’ is represented in rows. This table is called
correspondence table and the values given in the tables are called as score or frequency. In table
1, the respondent have opted ‘humor’ as the best appeal for gaining attention and generating
interest, ‘rational’ as the best appeal for creating desire and taking action. Majority of the people
responded for the appeal ‘humor’ and ‘rational’.

Table.1 Correspondence Table.

Appeals Active
FEAR 23 5 11 29 68
HUMOR 42 59 22 10 133
RATIONAL 28 26 39 31 124
SENSUALITY 17 17 26 21 81
BANDWAGON 4 5 16 23 48
Active Margin 114 112 114 114 454
Source: Survey Data

Inertia per dimension shows (Table 2) the decomposition of the total inertia along each
dimension. Two dimensions accounted for 97% of the total inertia. Adding the third dimension
adds only 3% to the accounted for inertia. Thus, it is desired to use a two-dimensional
Table 2. Summary. Source: Survey Data
Confidence Singular
Proportion of Inertia Value
Singular Chi Accounted Standard
Dimension Value Inertia Square Sig. for Cumulative Deviation 2
1 .401 .161 .809 .809 .040 -.054
2 .180 .032 .162 .971 .044
3 .076 .006 .029 1.000
Total .199 90.362 .000 1.000 1.000
a. 12 degrees of freedom

Source: Survey Data

Table 3. Overview Row Pointsa.

Score in
Dimension Contribution
Of Point to Inertia of Of Dimension to
Dimension Inertia of Point
Appeals Mass 1 2 Inertia 1 2 1 2 Total
FEAR .150 .622 .916 .046 .144 .699 .507 .492 .999
HUMOR .293 -.896 .099 .096 .587 .016 .988 .005 .994
RATIONAL .273 .137 -.251 .007 .013 .096 .311 .470 .780
SENSUALITY .178 .171 -.311 .006 .013 .096 .368 .544 .912
BANDWAGON .106 .961 -.398 .045 .243 .093 .864 .066 .930
Active Total 1.000 .199 1.000 1.000
a. Symmetrical normalization
Source: Survey Data

The Table 3, displays that appeal ‘fear’ contribute more to the first dimension, whereas
‘bandwagon’ contribute most to the second dimension. Aspects ‘rational’ and ‘sensuality’ lie
close to the origin. As ‘humor’ lie close to zero point, it cannot be categorised in the dimensions.
Row points for Appeal

Symmetrical Normalization

Figure 1: Row Points for Appeal, Source: Survey Data

Table 4. Overview Column Pointsa

Score in
Dimension Contribution
Of Point to Inertia of Of Dimension to Inertia
Dimension of Point
Outcome Mass 1 2 Inertia 1 2 1 2 Total
ATTENTION .251 -.279 .552 .023 .049 .426 .339 .594 .932
INTEREST .247 -.857 -.168 .075 .451 .039 .963 .017 .980
DESIRE .251 .268 -.586 .024 .045 .480 .302 .644 .946
ACTION .251 .853 .199 .076 .455 .055 .959 .023 .982
Active Total 1.000 .199 1.000 1.000
a. Symmetrical normalization
Source: Survey Data

Table.4 displays that Attention contributes a substantial portion to the inertia of the first
dimension. Attention and Action contributes the largest among to the inertia of the second
dimension. The column point slot shows that Interest and Desire are both very close to the origin,
indicating that they differ from the average column profile.

Figure 2: Column Points for Outcome, Source: Survey Data

The appeals humor, rational, sensuality and bandwagon shows positive correlation (Table 5)
whereas fear shows negative correlation.

Table.5 Correlation, Confidence Row Points

Standard Deviation in Dimension Correlation

Appeals 1 2 1-2
FEAR .212 .138 -.558
HUMOR .073 .125 .223
RATIONAL .111 .140 .083
SENSUALITY .104 .109 .133
BANDWAGON .205 .318 .180
Source: Survey Data

The outcomes such as attention and desire show a positive correlation whereas interest and
action shows negative correlation.
Table 6. Correlation. Confidence Column Points
Standard Deviation in Dimension Correlation
1 2 1-2
ATTENTION .157 .158 .209
INTEREST .100 .175 -.238
DESIRE .159 .155 .229
ACTION .091 .159 -.105
Source: Survey Data

From the Figure 3, it has been found that humor is highly associated with interest, desire is
highly associated with rational and sensuality, humor is closer to attention, fear is closer to
action, bandwagon is closer to action and desire.

Figure 3: Row and column points, Source: Survey Data

Different appeals have different perpetual impact on consumers. Majority of the respondents
preferred the appeals because it greatly influences the buying behaviour of the customers and
that marketers have a higher chance of influencing people for purchase by using those appeals in
their advertisements.

Advertisement appeals can arouse the interest and thus create the desire to purchase the product.
Advertising appeals in marketing directly affect the consumer buying behaviour and the effects
of appeal determine the behaviour of many consumers. The result of the study indicates that
advertisement appeals can stimulate the attention, interest and desire to purchase the product.
Each advertisement appeals must be used in suitable products according to its characteristics.
Depending upon the target audience marketers should choose advertising appeals for the product.
Research related to choice of advertisement appeals should be conducted and concluded before
introducing the advertisement.

Every respondent had differing perception to the primary advertising appeal. Each appeal was
associated with different outcomes so as to understand each of these aspects is perceived in the
consumers mind. The appeals were ranked differently by each respondents and conclusion was
based on their response. It was found that among the given set of appeals humor was the most
preferred appeal and rational was the least preferred advertisement appeal. It has been found that
humor is highly associated with interest, desire is highly associated with rational and sensuality,
humor is closer to attention, fear is closer to action, bandwagon is closer to action and desire.
From this study, it was identified that majority of the respondents preferred the humor
advertisement appeal which shows that humor advertisement appeal has significant influence on
consumer buying behaviour.

IBM Knowledge Center. (2018). Retrieved 2018, from IBM Knowledge Center:

Berkman, H. W., & Gilson, C. C. (1987). Advertising, Concepts and Strategies. New York: Random House.

Kotler, P. (1997). Marketing Management: Analysis, Planning, Implementation, and Control. Delhi:
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Lin, Y. L. (2011). The impact of advertising appeals and advertising spokespons on advertising attitudes
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Mishra, A. (2009). Indian Perceptive about Advertising Appeal. International Journal of Marketing
Studies, 23-34.
Motwani, D., & Agarwal, K. (2013). Impact of Humorous Advertisments on Customers Behavior.
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Sekaran, U. (2000). Research Methods for business: A Skill Business Approach. New York: John Wiley &

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