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Science and Technology Studies in Greece
5:JenCL, iec0.Md2Cf1..'J £. ::Oae r:J Micha/is Assimakopou/os

Human beings become builders by building.

(Aristotle, 'Nicomachean Ethics')

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We argue that Science Technology Studies do not exist in Greece and we correlate this
116'.S r.M'O 515 ·Hu Ll~ . Ar· U n~-r~ fu:t with the low importance paid by the state and society to science and technology,
especially to the creation of science based artefacts. Data on R&D policies arc given.
We propose a narrative account of the history and philosophy of science in Greece,
where a serious development has taken place since the 1980s. We conclude that STS
can provide new tools foe problems the Greek people face, but foe this to happen civil
society must be stronger and Manichean practices in public life be reduced.

Science and Technology Studies (STS) do not exist in Greece and this
paper is a comment on that deficiency. Steven Shapin's well-known dictum
concerning the scientific revolution provides a framework to describe
activities relevant to STS, to think about the causes that contribute to its
non-existence, and to discuss problems upon which STS could focus .
We must note, however, that the History and Philosophy of Science
r (HPS) is developing in Greece; some argue that it is flourishing. Greek
historians produce studies that thirry years ago one could not have foreseen
regarding both the current methodological assumptions and the total
volume of scholarly production. Additionally, university research has con-
tinued to accumulate since the late 1970s. The national press emphasises
issues concerning science policy and advances the popularisation of science.
From another perspective, Athens lacked the 'science wars' that permeated
the US in 1996, although those American debates did create some ripples
in Greek academic circles. One can read this paper as supporting the idea
that science studies flourish where science practice flourishes. Further-
more, science studies are not 'against science' as some detractors contend.
168 Micha/is Assimakopoulos Srienct and Ttehnology Studies in Gt'tKt 169

B. Lat0ur's generalised notion of symmetry from bis 'Second Turn' The developments in HPS after Kuhn's Structure ofScientific Revolutiom
influences our concept of STS, especially when be states that science and led to a more socially cognisant treatment of the phenomenon of science
society must be explained in the same terms.1 This principle, we believe, thereby providing a philosophical cause for STS. Furthermore, the interplay
applies fully when considering the social environments in which science between the sociology of science and STS consumes a significant portion
is a substantial component within the whole communal life. of the relevanc literature since the early 1990s.
In this paper, we will exploit the idea that the factors that hinder the Within this section, we wish to examine the basis of HPS development
development of STS in Greece correlate with the relatively low importance in Greece.
directed towards science and technology (S&T) by the state and society, During the past 20 years-and not without birth-pains-Greece
especially concerning the creation of scientifically based artefacts. developed a successful HPS program that encountered an environment
traditionally dominated by Marxist criticism. The roots for the latter
extended back to the political crises in the 1940s, the main figures
during which were: N. Kitstikis, a resistance figure who served as
HPS and STS in Greece Rector of the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) during
We can define STS as mimicking the conceptual curricula of relevant the German occupation; D. Batsis, a communist executed in the early
academic programs. In other words, STS is a field that parallels studies 1950s who wrote an influential and well-documented book that argued
of science and technology in which a series of analytic tools from the for state-controlled technology as the basis of socialist development; and
traditional disciplines are exploited-such as history, philosophy, polit- the philosopher E. Bitsakis, who actively continues to produce research.
ical theory, anthropology, and social theory-but where no one holds a The same period saw the production of important works by non-Marxist
dominant position in the discourse. Within the climate of the histori- authors, such as G. Pezopoulos, K. Doxiades, and K. Varvaresos, who
cist turn of the 1960s, it was clear that the privileged discussants then wrote about the planning and development of technology. Significantly,
were history and philosophy, and that the research dealt with philo- the more politically conservative philosophers dealt with topics such as
sophical or historical problems as they related to S&T. The absence of ancient philosophy, political philosophy, and the history of culture; in
this reductionist project is the specific element of the new methodologi- other words, they avoided science. Although the impact of their prede-
cal conceptions. M. Biagioli writes that there is no need for defining cessors is clear, we still find it difficult co trace the impact of the scholars
'science studies' 'since the scientists did the job very well,' and 'science' from the mid-war and early post-war period, such as the influence of the
is a thoroughly described and respected enterprise that provides a unity historian of science M. Stephanides and the philosopher K . Logothetis,
in its object but a diversity in its methods, questions, and associated who dealt with 17th century science. We do not refer, however, in this
institutions. 2 paper to ethnic Greeks working abroad, such as the internationally
Scholars accept that one can trace the source of STS to the science renowned figures K. Kastoriadis, N . Poulantzas, and G. Vlastos.
policies connected with the practices at Los Alamos, which led to the HPS was initiated in the early 1980s by a group of young scholars:
first atomic bomb. The critical radicalism of the 1960s adds a humani- A. Baltas, K. Gavroglu, A. Koutoungos, and the late P. Nicolacopoulos
tarian component to the S&T enterprise. However, neither of these at NTUA and the University of Athens, and the late Y. Goudaroulis
documented factors applies to the Greek case. The animated Greek from the University ofThessaloniki. Other scholars moved into the field
radicalism of the 1960s-1970s never dealt consistently with science and later, most of them possessing a background in technology or the sciences.
technology as a social phenomenon. Many of these scholars were educated in America and the United
Scima and TNh110/ogy Studies i11 Grtter 171
170 Micha/is AJJimakopotJ/os

Kingdom, some in Paris, some in Moscow, and some in Greece. During important studies for the period between the l 7th and the early 19th
the same period, Y. Karras of the National Research Foundation developed century when Greek was che lingua franca of the Balkans. It is important
with his students a fundamental project for the study of Greek science co note that modern scientific and political ideas were transferred into
within a broader Balkan context during 16ch co 19th century. che region, which contributed co the consolidation of national conscious-
NTUA initiated an HPS postgraduate program in 1992, and some ness. To what extent these science-oriented ideas were assimilated by
years later the University of Athens created an HPS Department, which broader strat~ of the population is not clear.
additionally provided a new home for studies in philosophy in general. On the other hand, scholars accept chat the then newly-established
Both a professional society and a specialised journal, NeusiJ, were launched University of Athens possessed underdeveloped science departments
during this period, and series of international conferences were held. during the 19th century when che Department of Philology and che
Background works were done during the 1990s. NTUA reconstructed Faculties of Law and Medicine dominated the university. Hence, the
their early l 9th century library collection, while colleagues at the disciplines that controlled the universiry were those that proved significant
University of Athens electronically reproduced the vast collection of for the creation of the new state and for the national identity. We should
Greek scientific books published during the 16ch co 19ch century. remark that the new science professorate was created by sending young
NTUA created a bibliography of nearly 5000 scientific and technological graduates to France and Germany in order co complete their education
books published in Greek between 1830 and 1940, and formed a foun- and get familiar with research practices.
dation of nearly 2000 Greek scientific manuscripts principally originating HPS is currently making good progress in Greece, but STS is not
from European libraries. The EU, along with private donors, funded taught at the undergraduate level and the few topics taught at the
these projects. postgraduate level fall under the umbrella of the history of science, since
Historians at the University of Athens created a museum, and restored most philosophers are not happy with the empirical treatment of
and preserved their archive, since its founding in 1837, while at the normative issues. At the influential NTUA, probably che leading research
National Research Foundation colleagues worked on the collection of institution in che country/ teaching humanities co undergraduates is not
scientific instruments existing in Greece from the 19ch century. During considered an integral part of the curriculum-chat which is provided
this same period, several new technological museums opened: one in smacks of an amateurish version of a generalise education. We continue
Ermoupolis on the island of Syros, one in Thessaloniki, the Air Force co follow che central European tradition, co which our university has
Museum, and another containing a collection of scientific instruments at been linked since the late 19ch century, ignoring alternate tendencies
· the University of Athens. that approach che serious teaching of humanities for engineers, especially
We wish co describe the state of Greek studies on HPS on topics for their elite.
relating co Greece. We notice that the HPS research chat parallels chose
copies of international interest is successful in Greece. Our research
meets international standards of excellence, and it appears chat a new
REtD data
generation of Greek philosophers, for the first time in our history, is
emerging from graduate programs in Greek universities. We provide some data on R&D policies in Greece, which, although
Studies in Byzantine science and technology are underdeveloped partial, allow us to develop to our central argument. A diploma thesis
internationally and Greeks fare little better since we are in the formative that dealt with R&D indicators in Greece during 1993-1999 shows that
stage in regard co this area of study ourselves. There are, however, the total R&D expenditure held nearly constant (0.5% of GNP) while
172 MichaliJ Auimakopo11/os Scitnct and TKhnology Stllliies in Grttct 173

the EU average for the same period ran at 1.92%.4 Within this amount, which analyses the values required for scientific work. Xenikos notes the
EU sources foe Greece wete 25% of the total expenditure, while they existence of some successful spin-off companies, and also stresses that the
contributed 6.5% in Spain and 2% in Germany. Hence, EU money is the Greek information technology industry generally works as a subcontractor
essential source for the development of new research projects, while the for foreign companies making no real hardware innovations. Furthermore,
sources from the Greek government principally support fixed overheads he reminds us about the very important human potential in the informa-
(salaries, etc.). An important factor also concerns the low expenditure by tion sector in Greece, which produced important contributions to design
the private sector-22% of the total, which is similar to the situation in planning and software.
Portugal-while the private sector in most EU countries contributes
approximately 50%. The combination of these data proves that the private
sector in Greece spends-with respect to the GNP--only one-tenth of Why STS?
the EU mean private expenditure on R&D.
R. K.ratsa, a Gceek deputy in the European Parliament, provides For Greece, the most accessible period (and probably the most important)
more data.' Participation in continuing education in Greece is 1.1 % for STS are the most recent years. As an aside, we must state that studies
within the age group of 25-64 year-olds, while the EU mean is 8.4% referring to periods after 1833, following the establishment of the Greek
participation. The newly registered patent factor is 0.5, the lowest in the State, do consider technological issues and that Greece continued to
EU, while Finland, which is ranked highest, has a factor of 80. maintain contact with the latest technological developments during the
The personal experiences and impressions from two scholars active entire 20th century.
in Athens regarding new technologies can give us a glimpse on the Ch. Agriantoni, who produced fundamental works on the history of
current climate, since official publications are rare (in any case, the goal Greek industrialisation, writes that Greeks lack the necessary patience
of this paper is not to give a complete picture of R&D policies). D . Yova, for encouraging industrial progress. This conclusion must function as
Professor of Applied Biophysics at NTUA, believes that biotechnological operative, not final or definitive. F. Kafatos, the Director of the European
procedures are only applied sparingly, and that there is no production of Laboratory of Molecular Biology at Heidelberg and an influential figure
any kind of hardware within her field, though the production of software within the development of contemporary Greek biology, does not avoid
meets international standards. She also notes that there is a dearth of asking himself whether Greek society possesses the maturity to create an
cultural dialogue on medical technology and its application in public enduring tradition in the scientific fields. 7 STS should think about these
hospitals, nor could she remember any spin-off companies in the discipline. types of questions.
Dr. D. Xenikos, an official at Greek Telecom (OTE), gives a slightly The historian G. Dertilis generalises his studies by declaring that
different picture about information technologies in Greece. Mobile the master narrative of Modern Greek history (19th-20th century) is the
telephone use meets the EU average, but Internet users are at the rate of nationalistic idea, until 1922 taking the form of irredentism, after the
10%-11 % where the EU average is 28% . There are obvious financial civil war (1946-1949) taking the form of correct thinking, and after the
considerations for Internet utilisation, following the general dichotomy fall of the military dictatorship in 1974 taking the complicated form of
of the information rich and poor, but these considerations do not explain collective insecurities. 8 He concludes by stating that Greeks preserve a
its limited use in commerce (10.2%) or in tourism (7.4%).6 However, it deep but poor relationship with their history, and as a friend reminds
would be interesting to investigate the factors for the differing use of me, we Greeks have not reconciled with our recent past, with the painful
mobile telephones and the Internet according to the Merton-Weber thesis, 20th century experiences: the national catastrophe, two world wars, a
174 Micha/is AJsimakop011/os Sdma and Ttthnology StuditJ in Grrm 175

civil war, and two military dictatorships. The existence of strong master thank Y Antoniou and G . Malamis for their comments on the manuscript.
narratives and the preservation of good versus evil dichotomy schemes in None of the above is responsible for the views expressed in this paper. I
historical studies make the introduction of new conceptual tools of study thank]. Sherrill for editing my text.
difficult, although the younger generation of historians are struggling
hard to overcome these obstacles.
We have started to study our S&T past using STS practices. Our Notes
main problem is the study of the social, economic, and political con- B. Latour (1992), 'One More Turn After the Social Turn', in E. McMullin (Ed.),
notations for our S&T present. We could study, for example, topics The Social Dimmsion of Science, Notre Dame Press.
ranging from large construction projects to the health system, from 2 M. Biagioli (Ed.) (1999), Sciena St11die.s Reader, London: Routledge: IX.
production problems associated with high technology to armament A recent NTUA official publication, The Absorption of NTUA Grad11ate.s to the
procurements to agriculture, the use of air conditioning, PCs, and the Work Markel, states that this institution comes fourth among all EU institutions
consumption junction in general, and remedy these deficiencies. with respect to participation in S&T projects financed by the EU. Furthermore,
STS practices are based on a notion of multiple narratives, which when considering ethnic affiliations within American academia, it is well known
that Greek scholars comprise one of the largest groupings.
presuppose a developed civil dialogue, which in the Greek case does not
exist. This component is missing from our puzzle. The study of science 4 A. Dikaiakos (2001), Diploma Thesis, E11al11ation of R&D Indicators in Greece
1993-97, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, NTUA: 84-87, 113.
in the making, which is a crucial focus of STS, brings difficulties to the
traditional, easily accommodated notion of science as part of a great To Vima, 25 November 2001.
metaphysical system related to the few and foreign. Such problems show 6 H. Kathimerini, 16 December 2001.
the importance of the question, why STS? 7 Op. cir.
G. Dertilis in his review of Greek economic history concludes this 8 G. Dertilis (1988), 'The Historiography of the New Hellenism Today', Syghrona
country presents a type of development different from the Western Themata: 86.
canon- not better or worse, simply different.9 One can agree with him 9 G . Dercilis (1999), 'Afterword', Oiconomikos Tahydromos, 23 December 1999: 97.
at the pragmatic and the moral level; but also can add that S&T in
Greece are linked to a mentality closely related to this western canon.
The colleagues at Graz showed us through their practices that STS
may take the form of systematic work by focusing on real problems in
small or larger communities. We thank them for this.

I want to thank M. Rentetzi who made this paper possible, T. Tympas
for his lengthy discussions on the future of STS in Greece, D . Yova and
D. Xenikos for their experience that they passed to me, and A. Romboli
who passed on to me the thesis of A. Dikaiakos, her student. I must also
HPS and STS: The Links
Aristides Baltas

The paper presents the large contours of the history of cwo academic fields, namely
History and Philosophy of Science (HPS) and Science and Technology Studies (STS),
from their inception until their present state, and within the strange relations, or
lack thereof, they have been entertaining with each other. The narrative tries co
bring into focus both the conceptual and che institutional lines of development of
those fields as well as to locate their progress in the various countries and traditions
implicated. Emphasis is given to the currents of thought that had emerged in the
intellectual scene of Paris in the 1960s because chese continue to be largely misun-
derstood, despite their present day importance

What I propose to examine in the present paper, and this in the extremely
cursory manner allowed, not only by my all too evident shortcomings
but also by the space and time at my disposal, are the developments
undergone by the two academic fields uniting all of us here today,
namely that of Histo.ry and Philosophy of Science (HPS for short) and
that of Science and Techflology Studies (STS for short). These developments
will be traced back to the beginnings of each field and will be followed
up to the state each finds itself in at the present time. It is my hope
that, my barbarously schematic treatment notwithstanding, we will
have the occasion for ascertaining-and hence the possibility of discus-
sing-the fact that these fields have followed separate paths and that
the two remain distinct, despite che all coo obvious links chat, as a matter
of philosophical principle at lease, hold, or rather should hold, between
It is evident that the view I am going co present could only have
been based on my readings, such as they are, and on the experience I
have gained while working on these matters in Greece. I mention Greece
178 Aristides Baltas HPS and STS: The Linles 179

explicitly, for even the very short time I have been in Graz has made me order to find jobs and to leave their mark on the fields we are discussing.
realize that, at least in matters intellectual but perhaps not only intel- From this point of view, Greece constitutes a kind of melting pot. But
lectual, Greece and Austria bear striking similarities: they both can a melting pot where nothing melts! Although each of us has at times
exhibit a glorious past, an uncertain present and a worrisome future. If either the opj>ortuoiry or the obligation to talk to colleagues on matters
the glory of the past and the uncertainty of the present are too obvious of supposedly common interest, the effective work that each one of us
to bear elaboration, che worrisome character of the future has to do with does still remains very much isolated from the work done by the others.
the face chat Austria and Greece, both having the size they do, lie on the Whatever we manage to come up with, we do it alone. It is for this
periphery of chose parts of the world, basically the US but also the bigger additional reason that what I am about to say is my responsibiliry and
countries of che EU, which play the leading tunes in respect to the pro- mine alone.
duction, the propagation and the reception of new ideas and of new fashions
within either HPS or STS, as well as in respect to the foreseeable future
of che related academic institutions and research organisations. In the The emergence of philosophy of science
case of Greece in particular, the upcoming Olympic games promise co
tear down everything that has managed to remain standing despite all The mother tongue of philosophy of science, at least as we conceive this
kinds of valiant efforts to the contrary. discipline today, is undoubtedly German, while equally undoubtedly, its
Regarding what is here at issue, the main difference between birthplace is Vienna. A good starting point for ascertaining what this
Austria and Greece lies in the fact that the German language relates both means and implies is the opening phrase of). Alberto Coffa's by
Austria directly to its glorious past while the same cannot be said of now justly famous book: For better and wor1e, every phi/01ophical development
Greece. Although important traits of continuiry tie Modern to Ancient of1ignificance since 1800 ha1 been a rt!!pome to Kant. 1 From the point of view
Greek, philosophy and the entire spectrum of humanities disciplines that concerns us here, I take this phrase as summarising succinctly both
have been practically non-existent throughout the four centuries of the sweeping scientific developments that cried for a new philosophical
Ottoman rule and for many years thereafter. Regarding the formulation framework, radically different from that of Kant and in direct response to
of new developments within those disciplines, Ancient Greek has given it, an~ the philosophical developments themselves, leading to che formu-
its place to Latin and Latin subsequently to French, Italian, German and lation of the Vienna Circle agenda, an agenda practically synonymous
now English. The modern Greek language has thus been severed from its with the entire field of philosophy of science, at least until the 1960s.
past and has become almost totally isolated: except for native speakers, and The story starts with Kant because it was Kant who had managed
it does not constitute a vehicle of thought and of expression as regards to give seemingly unshakable foundations to both the physics and
issues within either HPS or STS. Even if the situation is not so dramatic mathematics of his time, while encompassing these in a masterful philo-
for the German language, and hence for Austria, it is an indisputable sophical system of truly impressive uniry and convincing power.
fact that, here as in most other places, we are obliged to communicate in However, from the middle of the l 9th century onwards, the developments
English. first in mathematics and then in physics started exhibiting recalcitrant
On che other hand, Greece is, in some sense, much more like the characteristics: the Kantian framework experienced more and more dif-
US chao Austria. I mean that younger people having been obliged co ficulties in trying to accommodate them philosophically. Non-Euclidean
study abroad in various countries, and hence bearing all kinds of philo- geometries, Cantor's theory of sees, che arithmecisacion and the concomitant
sophical and intellectual traditions, have started to return co Greece, in rigorisation of the calculus by Bolzano, Weierscrass, Dedekind and others,
180 A riJtida Ballas HPS and STS: Tht Links 181

the fundamental crisis in mathematics, Hilbert's work on geometry and sophical endeavour itself could at last be established. The component of
on meta-mathematics, the new logic of Frege and Russell on the one the movement devoting itself to the philosophical analysis of science for
hand, together with the appearance and confirmation of the special and its part neatly separated the 'context of discovery' from the 'context of
then the general theory of relativiry, as added co the then incomprehensible justification' and concentrated on the latter in order to come up with a
developments of quantum mechanics on the other hand, were showing satisfactory analysis of the structure and of the logical characteristics of
more and more clearly that the Kantian pure intuitions and a priori mature science. It based itself on the new logic for the purpose, and
categories as well as the Kantian synthetic a priori itself were not up to resorted co some of the main ideas of either positivism or classical British
the task of accounting for chem philosophically. A radically new philo- empiricism while the concomitant ideas of empirical content, theory
sophical framework was called for. reduction and the like made the developments in physics appear as capable
The construction of such a framework, however, was neither easy nor of being finally accounted for philosophically. In the process, the philos-
straightforward. The Kantian views were so deeply entrenched during oEhY of mathematics became a fully separate discipline and was left to
all this period that, co give but a single example, all three major schools its own devices.
attempting to found mathematics on a secure basis (Hilbert's formalism, The rise of Nazism and the upcoming war dismantled the philo-
Frege's logicism and Brouwer's incuicionism) were obliged to appeal to sophical community in Austria and in Germany, obliging most of its
Kantian ideas, albeit to different ones, in order to formulate and to members to emigrate co the free English-speaking countries and particularly
implement their programs. the US. The philosophical soil there was relatively virgin and therefore
Nevertheless work continued unceasingly, work conducted mostly in particularly hospitable to new views while the philosophical schools
German. This is to say chat all the protagonists of the mathematical and already at work in that country, for example American pragmatism, tended
physical developments in question, with the exception of Russell and a to be congenial to the ideas brought in by the immigrants. Accordingly,
few others, were speaking German while also their main interlocutor, the within a relatively short period of time, these new ideas managed to
one proving incapable of accommodating such developments philo- dominate the American philosophical scene. By the end of the war,
sophically, was speaking German coo. It was thus only natural that the scientific philosophy and philosophy of science had established themselves
outcome of such work, the new philosophical framework required, would firmly in American academic and research institutions while, in this
itself be formulated in German. The logical positivism and the subsequent sense, Catnap, Reichenbach, Feigl, Hempel and others had been effectively
logical empiricism of the Vienna Circle finally emerged to fill the bill. transformed into major American philosophers. By the end of the war,
The agenda of logical positivism and of logical empiricism can be philosophy of science was already speaking English
conceived as part and parcel of the program making up the radically new
approach to philosophy named philosophical analysis. This was an approach
that cut philosophical questions down to size and analysed the language
From philosophy of science to HPS
they were cast in by means of the new logic of Frege and Russell, so as
to finally solve or dissolve chem once and for all. The program was The story has now to switch to the still independent discipline of history
particularly exciting, filling its protagonists with enthusiasm, for it of science for, by the end of the war, new and exciting developments had
appeared as itself scientific and thereby as capable of laying finally to already started to happen within it.
rest all the long-standing philosophical puzzles. The corresponding final It should be noted that long before that time, history of science was
solution was in sight and hence the true scientific character of the philo- already a legitimate academic discipline. This, although it represented-:::."'
182 Aristiries Baltas HPS and STS: Tht Links 183

only a relatively minor part of the programs of history departments, problems induced by the Duhem-Quine thesis, Hanson's arguments
focusing either on the aspects related to science of particular historical regarding the impossibility to cleanse observation from theory, were
periods, like the ancient world, or concentrating upon the description of perceived as so many blows to the ambition driving the supporters of
major scientific discoveries and the biographies of major scientists. It logical empiricism. In i:his climate, the importation of history of science
was the publication, among other works, of Herbert Butterfield's The within the discipline of philosophy of science and the concomitant creation
OriginJ of Modern Science in 1949, of The Mechanization of the World Picture of HPS appeared to promise a new way out.
by E.J. Dijksterhuis in 1950 and of various essays by Alexandre Koyre, And this is exactly what happened . Tom Kuhn's The Structure of
written between the 1930s and 1950s, and collected in different volumes, Scientific RevolutionJ, published in 1962, with its amazing worldwide
among which the Galilean Studies and the Newtonian Studies, which changed success, came as the thunder blow that changed the picture drastically.
the picture radically. From that point onward, a new domain of study New concepts, new puzzles, new areas of focus, new major approaches
had been established, a domain possessing its own object, its own took over HPS with remarkable rapidity. Philosophy of science had
conceptual means, and its own particular methods. This is the domain taken its historicist turn by marshalling history of science to serve its
that centred on the Scientific Revolution and which subsequently developed own purposes, while by the same token, logical empiricism was relegated
so as to encompass most of the later developments of science. This is the to the dustbin of history. Or so it seemed at the time.
domain that concentrated on the history of scientific concepts and the Theory change, theory comparison and theory choice, incommensu-
establishment of scientific laws and theories called 'internal history of rability and scientific progress, rationality and relativism, were the new
science' ever since. issues brought forth by the historicist turn which, in order to be tackled,
These developments affected philosophy of science almost directly. required the devising and the development of new conceptual means and
For it started to become obvious not only that the Scientific Revolution new general approaches. Kuhn's paradigms and scientific revolutions,
could and should form a major area of study in its own right but also La.katos's hard cores and research programs, Feyerabend's devastating criti-
that such study would be capable of shedding new light on the conceptual cisms and methodological anarchism, Laudan's research traditions, with
structure, on the methodology and on th~ various other internal relations all their close followers and bitter opponents, came thus to dominate the
a.n d characteristics of contemporary science: Contemporary science itself scene of HPS for almost two decades.
was not devoid of history and the careful study of this history should Subsequently however, a kind of disillusionment started to settle in.
be capable of providing important lessons for its own fuller under- The problems these approaches fuced multiplied with no definite solution
standing. In this way, all the ingredients for the establishment of HPS in view and no consensus forthcoming. The consequence was that all
were firmly set into place and the institution of the corresponding general approaches to science, of either the logical empiricist or the
departments or programs started to become almost an obligation for historicist variety, started to be perceived as congenitally incapable of
many universities. coming up with a viable overall picture of science. HPS then began to
By contrast, the program of logical positivism, despite the liberali- split into many sub-branches each of which followed its own path,
sation that turned it into logical empiricism, did not enjoy perfect health almost without regarding what was happening in the others. The most
during the same period. Among other things, the seemingly irresolvable important shift was a new in-depth concentration on the particular
problems of induction, the issues around basic statements, protocol sen- disciplines. Philosophy of physics proper, focusing on the particulars of
tences and the like, the insurmountable obstacles encountered by the quantum mechanics and on those of theories of space and time or on the
efforts to reduce systematically theoretical to observation terms, the peculiarities of statistical mechanics and of quantum field theory; philosophy
184 Ari11itks Baltas
HPS and STS: T IN Linh 185
of biology, focusing on the theory of evolution, on the neo-Darwinian had started to have troubles of its own, troubles that would become
synthesis or on issues regarding the autonomy of biology; philosophy of accentuated by ideas coming from a quite unexpected direction.
medicine at both the cognitive and the ethical levels; the workings of
psychology and of psychoanalysis; philosophical readings of the achieve-
ments of neuroscience or concentration on the philosophical dimensions
From sociar constructivism to science studies
included in cognitive science and related to various issues in the philosophy
of mind, started to gain many adherents and to form the main facet of A philosophical approach claiming to be a direct descendant of Kuhn's
the philosophy dimension of HPS. In addition, the more technical aspects was the 'Strong Program', the fundamentals of which were formulated
of philosophy of science, as centred on probability theory and on Bayes's by Barry Barnes's Scientific Knowledge and Sociological Theory, published in
theorem on the one hand, and on the methods brought in from the develop- 1974, and by David Bloor's Knowledge and Social Imagery, published in
ments in Artificial Intelligence on the other, attracted other adherents, 1976. Bloor and Barnes, two sociologists of science working at the
for these approaches promised to yield definitive results concerning at University of Edinburgh, claimed that the cognitive aspects of science
least the confirmation features of science. Finally, a return to more are in effect socially constructed and thus fully dependent on factors such
straightforwardly philosophical issues, such as the debate between scientific as interests, conventions, traditions, power relations and prestige.
realism and antirealism, as manifested in the works, among others, of Ian Accordingly, scientific achievements should be gauged in terms of social
Hacking, Bas Van Fraassen and Nancy Cartwright, added yet another success rather than truth. The program in question styled itself 'strong'
element in the breakup of the previously fully integrated HPS. In sum, precisely because it set as its task the establishment of this highly con-
the philosophy dimension of HPS became irremediably split into various tentious reduction of the whole phenomenon of science, as it was treated
distinct and fundamentally unrelated parts and has remained in that up to then by both philosophers and historians of science, to sociology
state ever since. of science, as conceived by these two authors.
We should note that Ian Hacking's RepreJenting and Intervening, The issue of relativism, brought forth by Kuhn's work and endowed
published in 1983, had important effects on the subsequent fate of this with additional vividness through Feyerabend's verve, offered grounds
breakup itself. For the work in question, while offering a concise, highly for an initial hearing of the claims the Strong Program was urging: the
articulate, summary of the development of HPS up to the period it was views. of Barnes and of Bloor were given the floor of HPS, gaining thereby
written, and while arguing for the author's specific brand of realism (the almost instant notoriety. But philosophers very soon turned their backs
realism of entities), it also opened up the issue of the relative autonomy on them. Very few were convinced while most considered the Strong
of experimental traditions in respect to theory construction. This aspect Program as too extravagant a hypothesis even to start to take seriously.
of the work led the way to in-depth studies of specific experimental pro- Paradoxically enough however, the program in question had decisive
cedures and on how experiments are actually being conducted, bringing corrosive effects on the history dimension of HPS as it was conceived and
into the picture the conventional and, more generally, the social aspects practiced up to then.
of experimental practice. A good example here would be Peter Gallison's To become at least viable, the main claims of the Strong Program
How Experiments End, published in 1987. It thus started to appear that had to pass the test of serious study of particular episodes in the history
internal history of science, focusing exclusively, as it did, on concepts, of science, viewed now as a field where social forces and social relations
laws and theories, could do no real justice to the complexiry of the had always been the exclusive actors. The notoriery already acquired by
scientific enterprise. This is to say that the history dimension of HPS the guiding ideas of the Program in question and the concomitant fact
186 Ari11idt.s Balta.J HPS and STS: The Linlu 187

that sociol~gists of science were playing now at centre stage armed many STS and its development
of them with strong enough motivations to undertake painstaking work
in that direction. As a result, all kinds of studies of science were soon Sociology of science had existed well before these developments.
fl~ing the market, while quite a few historians of science of older per- Without touching the internal characteristics of science, it focused on
suasions were converted to the new kind of approach. Andrew issues related to the general social and political context within which the
Pickering's Constructing Quarks, published in 1984, Stephen Shapin's and scientific enterprise·evolves, on the social relations at work in scientific
Simon Schaffer's Leviathan and the Air Pump, published in 1985, and laboratories, on the various fuctors influencing the careers of scientists or the
Mario Biagoli's Galileo Courtier, published in 1993, are some notable reception of their work, and other issues of the kind. Obviously enough,
examples of studies carried in this direction. Works such as these, in sociology of science worked in tandem with the externalise history of
conjunction with the heated debates among their authors and the cor- science which brought in the time dimension characterising the social
res~onding supporters or opponents created a relatively large, closely aspects of science by studying these in different historical contexts. To
knit community wherein historians of science that had remained internalise the extent that sociology of science and externalise hiscory of science
did not have too big a role to play. To put it almost brutally, the internal concerned themselves with the products of scientific activity, with their
history of science became all but dead and buried while the ineradicable social functioning and their technological applications, they shared grounds
historical dimension of science became almost fully absorbed within the with the still underdeveloped field of history and philosophy of technology,
new imperium of this kind of sociology of science. often giving rise to the corresponding academic alliances.
In conjunction to these developments, instruments of work and On the basis formed by such alliances, some universities, most of
forms of approach peculiar to other disciplines which, up to then, had which included a strong engineering component, proceeded to the establish-
n~thing to do with the study of science proper were brought into the ment of specific academic units that would give structure to the forces
picture to underwrite, from yet another angle, the exclusively social at work in those areas by assigning to them well-defined aims. In this
character of science. For example, the conceptual means of social anthro- way, programs concentrating on the relations between science and technol-
pology and of ethnology were marshalled into the picture by Bruno ogy, science and society, and technology and society started to emerge.
La.tour's and Steve Woolgar's Laboratory Life, published in 1986, whereby a The name STS, standing either for Science, Technology and Society or
new and quite surprising view of the scientific enterprise in its entirety saw for Science and Technology Studies, was attributed at that time to the
the light of day. Quite a few others, needless to say, followed their example. new academic units in que;tion and has remained with us ever since.
To cover approaches as disparate as these, approaches whose sole The fact that STS programs were set up mainly in relation to the
unifying trait was the eminence accorded to the social character of engineering schools of the universities involved endowed at least some
science, a new name, carrying all the corresponding latitude, was required. of them with the corresponding practical orientation. The relations linking
In addition, and if at all possible, this name was also to rake into account science, technology and society were not only to be studied theoretically
the fact that this wholly new enterprise was launched and carried or in the abstract. Issues of science policy and science management, the
through initial stages by bona fide sociologists of science. Happily, the effective evaluation of the impact of technological products and innovations
two reqwrements could be simultaneously satisfied in the sense that a on specific social groups or on society at large, questions and methods
single name, already existing, could cover them both. This is the name related to risk assessment, the relevant ethical and political dimensions
'science studies' which, by then, had a short history of its own. This is or parameters, were supposed to form important aspects of the corre-
precisely the history of the beginnings of STS. sponding curricula. In some cases, the work done in those units should '1 1•'! •' 0:""''

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188 Ari1titks Baltai HPS and STS: The Linh 189

also be conceived of literally as fieldwork carried on outside the university On the other hand, no scholarly enterprise can move in a total theo-
bounds, in direct relation to the production units or the social group~ retical vacuum and do without philosophical views altogether. To be
implicated each time in the relevant issues. undertaken in the first place and in order to reach its assigned goals,
It was within STS already structured in these ways that the Strong every such enterprise requires at least the modicum of theory chat fixes
Program was formulated initially and had its subsequent explosive its orientation, that articulates its methods, and that assures the effective
effects, driving most STS programs to modify their aims and to con- functioning of the necessary normative constraints. While being
centrate their forces on studies of science of the kind we mentioned. But attenuated, the initial views of the Strong Program on what science is
the effects of this explosion did not remain merely an internal affair of and on how it works were still there to assure precisely these roles.
STS. In the process, the new ways of conceiving history and sociology However, it is a fact that these views did not remain alone for long. Very
of science acquired enough academic clout to boost the prestige of STS soon, an altogether novel theoretical configuration started to dominate
and turn it into a serious contender for hegemony in respect to the overall STS, a configuration that came effectively co occupy the place that philos-
study of science, in direct competition with HPS. The battle may not ophy used to occupy within 'classical' HPS, a configuration for which
yet have reached its definitive outcome, but the net result is that, for no better name than that of 'theory' has been coined yet. To see what
all practical purposes, the study of science can no longer be conceived 'theory' amounts to and how it functions within STS we have to pass
as falling under the traditional disciplines of philosophy, internal and through what we may call the 'French connection'.
external history, and sociology of science. By now, the study of science
is carried out within two distinct academic units, concentrating on very
different aspects of science and entertaining minimal relations with one The French connection
another, if not constituting irreconcilable enemies, units whose names
have remained the highly conventional and by now inaccurate HPS and In ways we will be examining shortly, the French connection brought
STS. into STS an array of names, such as Claude Levi-Strauss, Michel
As we said, although che Strong Program started as a fundamentally Foucault, Louis Althusser, Jacques Lacan, Jacques Derrida, among
philosophical perspective on science, the successes it scored had much others, names that had become famous in France, and not only in France,
more to do with history of science. But a work i".1 history of science cannot since the 1960s. These names were not only attached to the guiding
be successful, and cannot be recognised· as that, if it follows inflexibly a ideas of the corresponding authors, as these had been received at US uni-
dogmatic philosophical agenda, an agenda chat itself sets as its task to versities since then. They were also attached, in multiple and complex
'prove'. As everybody had known for a very long time, the history of ways, to a wholly new set of areas of study, all of which had something
science, of whichever variety, needs to be relatively independent from or other to do with the composite identity of people, that is with the
specific philosophical positions; it should both be and appear co be rela- various layers or strata that such an identity then began to be perceived
tively independent from very specific philosophical commitments. This as being made up from. The issues of gender, of race, of sexual orientation,
is to say that the protagonists of the approach we are discussing found of ideology and of popular culture, of power relations at the everyday
themselves obliged to attenuate substantially the stronger philosophical level, of the subaltern status of people excluded from decision centres
views they initially held and which had motivated them in the first place and from high culture, of the post-colonialist situation in various parts
and thus become much more 'reasonable'. Success could be bought only of the world, started to be considered as essential to the study of human
at this price. activity in general and of the products of such activity as well as for the
190 Aristides Ballas HPS and STS: TM Links 191

overall role and function of these products themselves. Hence also for the The paradigm was the structural linguistics of Ferdinand de
study of science and technology and of their products. Saussure whose Cours de Linguistique Genirale was published posthu-
Both the importation of these French names and the formation of mously by his students in 1916. Most of the protagonists of the movement
the new areas of study were not particular to STS. Practically all the in question considered Saussure as having endowed linguistics with its
humanities and social science departments of most US universities were proper scientific status by pr~eepipg to I\ p~rticµlar ~~t of s11pstantial
correspondingly affected, the most notable exception being perhaps and methodological move~. Speaking extremely schematically, this
those of philosophy and of HPS. The net result was a set of very important, means that this work was considered as having for the first time carved
though controversial, changes in the curricula, in the internal organisation out the proper object of study of linguistics with the help of a particular,
and in the corresponding interdepartmental relations, changes that had systematically knit together, set of concepts established for the purpose,
important repercussions in the overall structure of at least the relevant among which that of 'structure' played a preponderant role. To put it
faculties of arts and sciences. To see how these changes occurred and very roughly, the object in question is made up from the structure of
became stabilised, we need to go through a detour whose main station is langue, as distinguished from the workings of parole that covers all the
various acts of actual or possible enunciation. Langue itself, split into the
precisely Paris of the 1960s.
levels of phonology, morphology and syntax, can then be studied by the
system of concepts, which establish in the first place these distinctions
themselves as well as their consequences. This co-constitutive relation
Paris in the 1960s between the object of linguistics and the system of concepts offering its
In the 1960s, Paris witnessed a radically novel movement of ideas, which knowledge was taken to be the paradigmatic move that all disciplines
many people at the time perceived as a kind of philosophical renaissance. should go through, if they were to be accorded the status of proper
This is to say that a new philosophical agenda was put forth, an agenda sciences. For reasons we will broach in a moment, it was taken for granted
containing many and extremely varied side issues, but appearing neverthe- that, in becoming what they are, the physical sciences had already passed
less as possessing a single unifying thread. At the time, commentators through such procedures.
named this thread 'structuralism' and more or less stuck to it despite the Levi-Strauss was the first to take the lead and present his structural
fact that practically all the authors concerned denied vehemently that anthropology as founding scientifically the discipline of social anthro-
such an appeilation had anything to do with what they . were actually pology: More or less at the same time, the Annales historians claimed
doing or trying to achieve. To keep the measure of such denials, com- that their way of practicing history was scientific while Althusser pre-
mentators sometimes named the movement in question 'post-structuralism', sented Marx's The Capital as founding the 'scientific continent' of
without, however, clarifying much either what exacdy this 'post' was history, that is as forming the basis for the scientific study of everything
supposed to have modified or replaced or what is the exact content of social and everything historical. Lacan, on his part, claimed that,
this 'post' itself. To my mind at least, although the concept of 'structure' through his reading, Freudian psychoanalysis had acquired the status of
did play various roles within this movement, the philosophical agenda the science of subjectiviry while we can see under a similar light what
in question had aims much more ambitious than the elaboration and Foucault tried to do in respect to the history of ideas and institutions or
application of a concept. These aims amounted to no less than the ele- what Derrida was after with his 'science' of the letter or 'grammatology'.
vation of the social and human disciplines to the dignity of proper Roland Barthes came up with a theory of literature and of general semi-
sciences. ology also claiming scientific status while theoreticians of the cinema
192 Amtidts Ba/taJ HPS and STS: Tht Links 193

tried to achieve something analogous in respect to their own object of Bachelard's ideas in respect to the biological and medical sciences. And
study. We see then that the protagonists of the movement in question last, there is Jean Cavailles, a philosopher of mathematics executed by the
may have worked on different existing disciplines or on none in particular Nazis and close friend of Canguilhem, whose work can be covered by
(in that respect, Derrida as well as Gilles Deleuze are cases in point), the motto 'Autrement dit, ii y a une objectiviti, fondle mathimatiquement, du
they may not have appeared as agreeing much with one another, they, or devenir mathimatique'. 2 Cavailles's last work, Sur la Logique et la Thtorie de la
at least some of them, would not perhaps accept the placing of their Science, written in prison, was published posthumously by Canguilhem
work under such a banner, but there is enough textual and inter-textual with a preface by Bachelard. Although Cavailles was not the direct teacher
evidence that can buttress our thesis: if Spinoza was imbued with the of the authors we are discussing, the strong endorsement of his views by
idea of God, the protagonists of the Parisian philosophical renaissance of both Bachelard and Canguilhem, to say nothing of his heroic death, made
the 1960s were imbued with the idea of science. his few surviving works very important to all our authors.
The same thesis can be corroborated from yet another angle. At the We can see now in what sense the guiding ideas of those four philos-
time all these authors started to work, the dominant intellectual figure ophers cum historians of the physical and mathematical sciences were
in France was undoubtedly Jean-Paul Sartre. Practically all of our authors transposed into the guiding thread of the philosophical movement of the
acknowledge his preponderant influence at the time they were studying 1960s. To put it extremely schematically, the autonomy of scientific
while practically all admit that their own work constituted something development that Bachelard was claiming for the case of physics and
like a revolt against his ideas. To be effectively carried out, such a revolt chemistry, Canguilhem for the case of the biological and medical sciences
had to rely on external help and the best source for such help would be and Cavailles for mathematics, could be based only on the co-constitutive
the ideas promoted by the germane teachers. Given the tightly knit relation between the object and the conceptual system of these disciplines.
structure and the various other unique characteristics of the elite institu- Once Saussure was perceived as having repeated this kind of move for
tions of higher education in France, it is no surprise that practically all establishing the scientific status of linguistics, the way was open for trying
the authors in question had the same teachers while it is a fact very seldom to do the same for all the human and social disciplines. The revolt
noticed that these teachers were philosophers and historians of the physical against Sartre is therefore synonymous with the effort of our authors to
and mathematical sciences who, at least in that guise, had very little to do emulate their teachers and do for the social and human disciplines what
with Sartre. the teachers themselves had already achieved for the physical and mathe-
Four such teachers can be singled out. In addition to Alexandre matical ones. Given the Parisian intellectual atmosphere where everybody
Koyre who, as we said, was one of the founders of internal history of is supposed to know everything, there was no need for long explications
science, there is, first and foremost, Gaston Bachelard, whose work on as to what they were after. They could take for granted that everybody
physics and chemistry analyses the autonomous character of scientific understood that their approach to the human and social disciplines was
development, a development which, by its very nature, goes against the analogous to what they considered as established for the case of the physical
grain of allegedly inescapable empirical or philosophical requirements. and mathematical sciences. Their vehement denial of 'structuralism' can
The work of Bachelard t ies indissolubly together both the philosophical thus be easily explained.
and historical aspeets of the study of science, coming up with his particular However, this mis-appellation had important effects, if not on the
brand of historicist philosophy of science, which, at least in France, bears self-awareness of our authors themselves, certainly on the overall reception
the name ' historical epistemology'. Next, there is Georges Canguilhem, of their ideas in France and abroad, and all particularly in the US. It is
the successor of Bachelard at the University of Paris, who developed to this that we must now turn.
194 Arotitkr Baltas HPS and STS: The Links 195

amounted to and how it was practiced in Paris. For such students, phi-
The passage to America
losophy was strictly identical to analytic philosophy, as based on the
Americans have always considered Paris a particularly excmng city. logic of Frege and Russell and as occupying itself with its various pet
Following time-honoured traditions, many American students, therefore, puzzles; it had nothing to do either with literature or with grand ideas
have always deemed it a must to spend time in Paris in order to study, that could inspire people and ask for life-long commitments. Accordingly,
what else, the French language and literature, while delving into the the major French intellectual figures who at the time were putting forward
intricacies of Parisian culture and exploring what is new in respect to grand schemas.and all-encompassing political ideals could not be phi-
literary criticism. losophers. At best, they could be theorists of the text, where text was
For the American students visiting Paris in the 1960s, the city was supposed to cover practically everything. Derrida was already taken to
even more exciting than expected for, among many other things, a wholly have said that much: 'ii n'ya pa1 de hor1-texte' .
new movement of ideas was then in full swing, a movement which every- What these students were actually blind to was the fact that the
body was calling 'structuralism'. To them, 'structuralism' appeared as a French educational system did not make a clear distinction between philos-
movement that concentrated on texts and on the 'elementary' operations ophy as such from what, in other parts of the world and especially the US,
of reading texts, of writing texts and of speaking about texts. In one would fall under specific branches of the arcs, the humanities or the social
word, for the students in question this was a movement about literature. sciences. This is to say that the way philosophy and its history are taught
Given the importance accorded at the time to Saussure's linguistics in French high schools or in the Ecole Norma/e Superieu,.e, the most pres-
as well as the common knowledge that Levi-Strauss, the initiator of tigious of the elite institutions of French higher education, in addition
'structuralism', owed a lot to the poetics of his friend Roman Jacobson, to the kind of preparation required for passing the equally prestigious
this view of what was then happening in Paris is hardly surprising. In post-graduate national examination of the agrlgation, makes philosophy
addition, if we take into account the fact that, at the same period, the mother discipline pa,. excellence, the knowledge of which allows the
Althusser was urging everybody to read Marx, that Lacan was expressly effortless movement of graduates from this to that area while taking for
presenting his own work as a 'simple' re-reading of Freudian psychoanalysis, granted that they are thus actually practicing philosophy. This is to say
a re-reading based, moreover, on Saussurean linguistics, that Foucault that no barrier is erected, institutionally or otherwise, between philosophy
was talking a lot about texts, of what they allow to be formulated and of and other disciplines of the arts, the humanities and the social sciences,
what they exclude, that Derrida was sharply distinguishing writing from with the result that practically all major intellectual figures, regardless
speech, reversing, or rather deconstructing, all the relevant hierarchies, of where they concentrate their work, are first and foremost philosophers
that Barthes was promoting a new 'scientific' way to approach literature almost by definition. It was merely a contingent fact that the philosophers
and all systems of signs, that cinema theorists were talking about reading in question tended to occupy themselves at the time mainly with texts;
films as texts, it was only natural that the American students, witnessing they themselves would laugh heartily if they were told that this made
all this activity for the first time, would perceive all the major figures of them literature specialists, in the way this qualification could be understood
the philosophical renaissance of the 1960s as literary theorists and literary in the US.
critics, not as philosophers. The mistake may perhaps be understandable but its consequences
This mistake is understandable, for the education of students coming were momentous. The passage to America of the French thought of the
from the language and literature departments of US universities could 1960s appeared as merely amounting to the importation of a set of
not arm them with the means for understanding what philosophy exciting new theoretical approaches to literature, an importation that
196 AriJtides Ballas HPS and STS: The Links 197

could therefore be initially hosted only by language and literature 'Theory' in this sense envelops an extremely large and extremely
departments and nowhere near philosophy. The event marking this loosely connected set of ideas that may refer at one and the same time to
importation was a big conference at Johns Hopkins University held in all kinds of disparate disciplines, approaches, areas of study and singular
1966, where many of the protagonists of the philosophical renaissance of names. Philosophy, the history of ideas and of institutions of all kinds,
the 1960s appeared in the US in person, and together for the first and the arts, popular culture, most of the social and political disciplines fall
last time. The proceedings were published in 1970 by Richard Macksey under it, while structuralism of either the Saussurean or the Levi-
and Eugenio Donato as The Structuralist Controversy: The Languages of Straussean variety, semiology and semiotics, deconstruction, Marxism in
Criticism and the Sciences of Man. the different receptions of the term and especially those of Althusser and
Although the little phrase 'the sciences of man' should have warned of the Frankfurt School, psychoanalysis, feminism, gay studies, subaltern
people that what was at stake covered much more than mere literary or post-colonialist studies, in conjunction with the work of some major
criticism, che storm that the importation in question brought about philosophers mainly of the 19th century, brush shoulders with bona fide
wiped out this clause and erased it from memory; criticism became the literary texts of all periods and of all countries, from the Ancient Greek
only qualification chat stood up to the test of time. In retrospect, the authors to contemporary fiction writers of differing genres and of unequal
reasons appear as obvious. Language and literature departments could value. The idea that we are all living in some kind of 'post-modern' era,
boast for the first time of a wholly new and particularly exciting set of where no 'master narratives' can be put forward and argued for, an idea
theories of their own, a set of theories which, in addition, bore the in-built that gained centre stage through a radical misreading, at least in my
potential for influencing lastingly other departments, a set of theories view, of a work by another major figure of the philosophical movement
allowing language and literature to compete seriously, therefore, for we are discussing, namely Jean-Fran~ois Lyotard's La condition post-moderne:
money and prestige, a set of theories that would enhance enormously rapport sur le savoir, published in 1979, added its own twist to things
their position in the university hierarchy. Language and literature would while appearing as legitimising this smashing to smithereens with all
thus cease to be a mere cultural appendix to the study of the 'serious' the attendant haze of ambiguities and confusion.
scientific disciplines or of philosophy and could legitimately aspire to To close our story, we can say that, in conjunction with the ideas left
become the undisputed centre of the faculties of arts and sciences. over from the evolution of the Strong Program, this is the theoretical
And this is more or less what has happened. Students started configuration that presently dominates STS, playing, as we noted, the
flocking in and money started to flow, grants were won, new positions kind of normative role that philosophy used to play in 'classical' HPS.
were assigned, new areas of specialisation became instituted, new major And we should underline once again that, ironically enough, although
figures emerged from American soil. In addition, as these new ideas were philosophy and HPS should be the natural hosts of the French philo-
capable of legitimising theoretically all the areas of study related to sophical renaissance of the 1960s, for the protagonists of that movement
identity that we mentioned, the curricula as well as the barriers separating were, if anything, philosophers and philosophers of science at that, these
departments started to undergo pressure to the point of explosion. The have remained practically the sole academic units that continue to resist
Sokal affair is but one instance of the kind of episode that such tensions them. The fact that philosophy and HPS departments have been doggedly
would sooner or later bring about. The net result, however, is that a adhering, almost with no exception, to the analytic tradition in philosophy
wholly new theoretical configuration started to dominate the humanities can perhaps explain for the most part this peculiarly acute manifestation
and thereby STS, a configuration which, as we have already said, continues of blindness.
to be called simply 'theory'.

HPS and STS: The Links 199
198 Aristirks Baltas

answer questions that have either not been properly raised before or that
The present landscape still remain in limbo without, in the process, falling into the traps
One should stress, I believe, that this situation should not be considered dispersed into the paths of the logical empiricist, of the historicist, or of
as merely negative. The continuing existence and institutional stabilizat_ion the social constructivism program. If we hold fast to the lesson drawn by
of 'theory' manifests, at least in retrospect, that curricula as well as barriers the developments I tried to sketch, namely that the traditional distinctions
between disciplines and departments had been drawn, if not artificially, among philosophy, internal and external history, and sociology of science
at least by obeying a kind of 'logic' that was indebted overmuch to the cannot hold much water, there is, again, no deep philosophical reason
positivist views prevailing at the time in philosophy and in_ the sciences. forbidding us to pose directly and try to answer how all these undeniable
Today the friction resulting from bringing together such disparate ar~ facets of science, conceptually transformed by our own work if necessary,
of study, genres, and kinds of approach has already started to make dis- do effectively hang together and how they manage to do this in the case
cernible theoretical allegiances and solidarities that were invisible before; of each particular scientific discipline. To go one step further, we can ask
has already given rise to new theoretical kinships and alliances; has ope~ed whether such a hanging together is similar in all disciplines or whether
the way for new guiding ideas, promising perhaps a fuller understanding each carries its own particular configuration and thence ask what are the
of all the intricacies of our present condition. For this to happen however, conditions assuring the identiry of each and of its way of development.
the requirements of philosophy should not be pushed under t~e ~able. Logical empiricism had hidden issues such as these behind logic and
Together with Kant, we can maintain that, to orient ourse~ves within_ the method; the historicist approach had hidden the same behind overarching
present maze, we need a scrupulous guide, which only the ngour of philos- historical schemes; and the social constructivist program has hidden
ophy can provide. The fact that the openness of 'theory' has alr~y started everything behind the interplay of social forces, undeniable per se. On the
to undermine irreversibly the distinction between the analytic and the other hand, what the French philosophers we have been discussing propose,
'continental' tradition in philosophy, the fact that the study of Hegel, of namely that the subject matter of the various scientific disciplines cannot
Nietzsche, of Heidegger, and of practically all the philosophers ha~ing amount to an empirical given, for the effective carving out of such subject
influenced the French authors of the 1960s is carried out in many philos- matter is inseparable from the effective establishment of the concepts
ophy departments without raising too many eyebrows, are, I believe, signs that provide its knowledge, i.e. that the object and the conceptual
promising that the road has started to open f~r a de:per philosophic~ system of a scientific discipline are co-constituted by a unique process,
renaissance, one that would bring together what is best 10 both the analytic has not benefited yet from a fair hearing within either HPS or STS.
and the 'continental' traditions in philosophy. For example, I see no deep To conclude, I am convinced that all these issues and all these questions
philosophical reason forbidding John McDowell, s~y, fr~m t~ng dire~cly are of the sort that can assure viable and productive links between HPS
to Jacques Derrida, for the deeper philosophical mtultlons behind and STS at the expense of neither but for the benefit of both and for that
Derrida's 'ii n'ya pas de hors-texte' are not that different, I presume,. from of the rest of us.>
those of McDowell when he maintains that even our starkest experiences
of the world are articulated through our conceptual capacities.
Regarding the study of science proper, the insights gained t~ro~gh Acknowledgements
work done in both HPS and STS should be brought together withi~ a
unified perspective, articulated with all the requirements of philoso~hical It must be evident that the preceding does not pretend to be a close
rigour. To be viable, this should be a perspective that poses and mes to study of the theoretical traditions and the institutional peculiarities of
200 AriJtides Baltas

the disciplines and countries mentioned. At best, its ambition is limited The Dilemma of Case Studies Resolved: On
to drawing the bare contours, the large-scale outlines, of the story I have
been trying to cell. Despite appearances, the story is told from the view- the Usefulness of Historical Case Studies
point of Greece, that is from a place where one is obliged to try to make
some modicum of sense of wildly different traditions and points of view, in the Philosophy of Science 1
coming from all over the place, each pretending to bring the truth, the Richard M. Burian
whole truth and nothing but the truth to the backward natives. The
story is centred on the US because, for better or for worse, the present
dominant position of this country, even in matters such as the ones we
have been discussing, cannot be denied. My first band knowledge of
what was happening in Paris in the late 1960s and early 1970s as well Joseph Pitt argues in this volume chat historical case studies are of limited value co
as what I have managed to understand through my frequent visits to the philosophy of science. This essay replies co Pitt, showing that case studies, at their
best, illustrate novel modes of evidential support and argumentation and present
US after 1986 have undoubtedly helped me co clarify things while
styles of scientific work calling for philosophical analysis over and above che standard
adding co the inevitable bias chat an account such as the above cannot
analyses currencly available. I adumbrate exemplary findings from case studies co
but harbour. To conclude, it is a real pleasure to thank Micbalis illustrate modes of exploratory experimentation and co show how interdisciplinary
Assimakopoulos, John Beverley, Stathis Gourgouris, Peter Machamer, co-operation within science can provide multiple independent means of access co
Alexander Nehamas, Maria Rentetzi and Liana Theodoratou for numerous theoretical entities. As the latter examples show, case studies illustrate some of the
discussions chat helped me significantly to shed some necessary light on means used by scientists to support claims for the reality of theoretical encicies in
much of the above. ways noc scandardly available from work performed within a single discipline. They
also illustrate devices employed co correct systematic biases chat stem from che
commitments of each discipline taken separately. Such findings illustrate the power
of case study methods.
J. Alberto CotFa (1991), The Semantic Tradition: Prom Kant to Carnap lo the Vienna
Station, Cambridge University Press.
Pitt's dilemma restated
2 'In other words, there is an objectivity, mathematically founded of the develop-
ment of mathematics.' From his Phi/osophie Mathbnatique, Hermann, 1962, p. 28. Joseph Pitt argues for the following dilemma. If we generate general
3 Lese I should be perceived as merely waving my hands ac what others should philosophical or methodological claims about science and then turn to
be doing, I presume to refer to my 'Physics as a Mode of Production', Science in case studies co test or support them, our sampling procedures and our
Context, 6 (2), 1993, pp. 569-616, as well as co my still in progress 'Physics as interpretation of the cases are necessarily systematically biased. Our
Self Historiography in Actu: Identity Conditions for che Discipline', which try choice and interpretation of the case studies will be shaped by the
co walk some first steps in che direction indicated. methodological claim(s) to be tested. We will be prone to reinterpret the
historical record anachronistically, in terms of the methodological thesis
that is at stake, and co ignore those parts of science to which the thesis
being considered is not germane. (This position is not unique co
Professor Pitt; similar claims have been put forward in the writings of

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