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Dr Tatjana KOKA

Fig germplasm in Albania

(Ficus carica)


Agriculture University of Tirana

Tittle: Fig germplasm in Albania

Author: Dr. Tatjana KOKA

Designer: Elvis BEJTJA

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The fig germplasm in Albania


1. The fig origin

2. The fig tree in world
3. Botanic Classification
4. Botanic Characteristic
5. Biology of fig
6. Fig tree in Albania
- Regional fig tree in Albania
- Climatic, soil conditions
- Phase of growth, maturity, harvest
7. Descriptor of fig tree
8. Varieties of fig in Albania
9. The study of molecular identification of the fig tree in our
10. Literature


Fig tree belonging to ancient, its existence thousand years, documented

in the bible, church tree as described in some legends, based on the
historical and scientific facts, certify the origin of fig. Fig culture has
undergone on evaluation in its spead and development through. Genesis
and title by arrived until today and spread the fig in our country. The
origins spent many generations and subjected to a natural, and human,
of self worth botanical, biological, genetic, economical, and medical. Fig
spread in cultivation areas and regions according given a table of fig
production in the world. Factors climate and geographical positions of
our country which creates possibilities for diversity of species and fig
trees occupies third place in the structure of fruit trees. In comparison
with other trees, fig trees in Albania is the ancient and economical
importance to the generation of mild climate. It is port of the family
but the yards of houses and household and industrial orchard. Fig is a
typical Mediterranean trees, which they put out Koplik in Saranda, and
inside it, which is under the influence of mild Mediterranean climate
with abundant solar lighting. Fig presents a rich diversity of species,
ecotypes, forms and population. In the book are 28 varieties to explore
the who country, mainly in its traditional areas, all varieties are exploring,
researching, characterizated by the unique methods developed by IPGRI.
This methods and this estimate is given for the first time in our country.
Can say with sure that the fig has a very rich diversity is in the former
of crown, shape and features of the leaf, in the formers of fruit, fruit
color, the baking time which begins in June end in late October, its
productivity once or twice, the destination of production which can
be for fresh consumption, drying and industry. Its biology is unique,
including two forms, commonly fig gives fruit (ficus carica) and wild
fig tree (ficus carica caprificus) that gives on edible fruit but serves for

pollination (clarification) cultivated fig. Pollination accomplished by a

fly called blastophaga psenses. All biology of the fig tree shall be made
know readers. Germplasm national wealth is inherited through the
centuries and carefully preserved by our ancestor. This fund is an asset
for us and for generation to come for them worth having. Thank to the
continuous cooperation with peer institutions counterpart continue
like Turkey, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Marok, Croatia, etc, is managed through
the intensification of studies on this plant until the her. Identification
molecular assessment of such international standards will make use
germplasm of this easier, not only for users, not only for users inside
the country, but also for other countries, which have interest. I think
book will save all concerned, students, scientific researcher within and
outside the country, farmers, processing industry.

Dr Tatjana KOKA
Tirana, December, 2010

1. Fig origin, Story

The fig tree is evaluated through countless millennia, gradually evolving

from a wild plant to a cultivated fruit tree.There arose numerous legends
concerning the origin, usefulness, and special properties of the fig tree
and its fruit, many of which have been preserved for us in ancient and
even in modern literature. One legends by Karl Boeticher (1856) Sykeus
and his mother, GE, were pursued by ZEUS in the war of the Titan; she,
in order to save her son, metamorphosed him into a fig tree.The city of
Sykea in Cilicia owes its name to this legend. Pausanias traveling through
Greece between A.D.160 and 180 recorded an epitaph on the tomb.
The opinion of some people that the fig tree, like the laurel, possessed
the power of averting lightning, is based on the myth that GE took
her son, as he was struck by the lightning of Zeus, into her castle, and
caused a fig tree to spring up in which he could live again.
It was predicted by Greek oracle that the Messenia’s would be
abandoned by heaven in their struggles with the Spartans whenever
a goat (tragos) should drink the water of the Neda. All goats were
therefore driven from the country. It happened that the wild fig, also
allied tragos, grew in Greece.
In Oriental countries, according to AIGREMONT(1908), The fig is a
symbol of fertility and of propagation.
Amulets, or phallic symbols, made of ivory, bronze, porcelain, and
other materials are worn in various countries, J.Leite de Vasconcellos
(1925) gives an excellent account of these amulets and illustrates over
threescore forms used in Portugal, Italy, and northern Europe.
In parts of England it is a common practice to serve fig pies on a certain
Sunday in Lent; hence the day is known as “FIG Sunday”.
In some cases this is the Sunday before Easter, in commemoration of
the day when JESUS desired to eat figs along the road to Bethany. The
day is also called “Fig pie Wake”. The pies, made of dried figs, sugar,
treacle, and species, are said to be rather too luscious for toes that are
not to the manor born.
The discovery of fossil figs in quaternary and tertiary deposits of France
and Italy testifies to the ancient origin of this species.
The fig in Bible times; Numerous references to the fig are found in
the Bible. In Genesis 3:7 we read that Adam and Eve sewed fig leaves
together, and made themselves aprons. The first fig season appeared
at the festival in honor of women, for this encourages making wreaths
with dry figs.In Curan book, cap 95, God has calls the fig tree, as a tree
with important nutrients and healing.

1/1. Propagation in ancient times.

The first migration of dry fig was brought from western Asia during
the Mediterranean coast. According to tracking have noticed a different
distribution of fig in the old commercial center.
Illustrations of fig and fruit found in Egyptian monuments from Ludwig
Reinhardt, who in 1910 presented clearly leaves lobbies.
There is a general opinion that fig culture has begun to cultivate in
Greece in the early 9th century. Essen in 1930 presents us fig trees
prevalent in the south of Italy, gives us to clarify the form of fruit, this
period is up to the first century BC Essen, on the ancient fig of Italy,
gives the similarity with Syria and Egypt, where fig out to be displayed in
a new century BC almost 18 earlier than in Greece. In fact, long past the
fig tree is known novels, which have better varieties importer directly
from Syria, but I have selected superior varieties.
The main differences in culture between Greece and Italy fig, noted the
practice of caprification. In Greece it is a known practice, while in Italy
there is lack of knowledge.
With the fall of the Roman Empire, the culture of the fig tree was
discovered, not only around the Mediterranean, but also in the Adriatic
coast, in Africa and southern France.

Grecian.Arabian invasion, allowed the extension of the fig through North

Africa, Spain and Portugal, where this culture became more important
than Italy and Greece. Fig Arabs regarded as superior to fruits with
other fruits.
The scope of this eastern culture was coming down after tree was
adapted to dry conditions and does not accept the tropical climate of
India and Southeast Asia. Eastern fig is Ficus palmate, whose fruits are
edible and are traded. It is believed that this culture have entered China,
by Berthold Laufer (1919), where the entrance and in Persia and India.
Chinese name is translated into the phrase “fruit without flowers.” Fig
However in China now plays an important role. In other parts of Asia,
within the fig spread Persian, Afghanistan, and Northern Indian. In these
areas only a few species of tree or subspecies, have edible fruits.
Vavililov NJ (1931) documented how apricot tree assortment of fruits,
pomegranates and figs that have entered China from Turkistan Asia
In Russia there is a more recent distribution, fig spread seems to be so
spontaneous and only in the Caucasus War. In the Transkaukaz is in the
form of shrubs.


The fig trees names have been applied to the fig through-out the
centuries have significant relation to its origin and distribution.The Latin
Ficus apparently is derived from an earlier Indian stem word such as fag,
or the Hebrew feg, from which come the Italian fico, the Portuguese
fig, the Spanish higo, the French figue, the German Feigen, the Dutch
vijg, and the English fig. In Greece the wild fig was called erineos, and
the edible fig was known as sykon from which is derived “ syconium”
the botanical name of the fruit. In Arabic paggin, in north Syrian pagga,
in Persian anjir. In Italy the names applied to the wild fig are profig and
caprifig, the latter coming from copra ( goat) and ficus (fig), referring to
the worthlessness of the fruit.
Names fig in some world countries:

Albania – Fig
Latin – Ficus
Hebrew – Feg
Italy – Fico
Greek – Scone
Turkey– Incir
Franc – Figue
Spain – Higo
Portugal – Figo
Germany– Feigen
England – Fig
Croatia – Smokva
Russian – Incira
Arabia – Tin
Persia – Anjir

II. Fig tree in the world

Currently, the fig is in all countries washed by the Mediterranean,Turkey,

Italy, Greece, Spain, and southern Portugal. Areas are also important in
Libya, Morocco, Egypt, Syria, Palestine, Lebanon and southern France.
Fig was introduced into the New Word by Spanish and Portuguese
missionaries.The Spanish historian Puente y Olea (1990) located records
of European fig shipments from Seville, Spain to the West Indies in 1520.
While the island was a Spanish colony, families were each allowed only
one fig tree to prevent competition with the mother country (Canova
1910). Simultaneously, the Spanish also introduced figs to Peru in 1526
(Acosta 1590). From the West Indies figs spread to both coasts of the
United States (Unger 1859). Initially, they were quickly adopted by local

Outside the Mediterranean cultivated in southern Russia,Arabia, Iran, India,

China, Japan, South Africa,Australia,Argentina and Chile. In the United States
is cultivated in California. From what is seen is a universal culture.
some experience in collect of Turkey,
Spanish, Maroc, Portugal, and Croatia.


Turkey gives the main fig producing

world. There are approximately 11 mi-
llion trees and produce approximately,
300 thousand tons. Fig plantations of the
Aegean region occupied on 99% of Sari
lop variety. Most popular varieties are
Sari lop and Calmyrnia, which is mainly
used for drying, while a small amount of
variety Sari lop fig marketed fresh Tur-
key fig spread throughout the Research Collect fig in Turkey
Institute of the fig has a rich collection where be studied, 272 varieties
mainly for fresh consumption, together with 86” Sari lop clones” and
51 native caprifig varieties. Fig collections are present at Ege, Uludag
etc. Fresh fruit figs from the well established orchards in these three
locations are generally exported. The major export markets are Saudi
Arabia, Germany, England, France and Holland.
Collect fig in Spanj


The fig production in Spain every year goes no less

than 50 thousand tons. About 20 thousand ha are in
regular blocks Balearic me 8500 ha. Is more prevalent
in the island Balearic with 8500 ha. Extremadura in
Andalusia in 5200 and 4700 ha. Cultivars for drying
are concentrated in urban centers. The fig production
exported a shortage in Germany and France. Fig
toothpaste exported to America and Venezuela. For fresh fruit syrup
and use a small amount. fig ). Among the most common varieties are:
Calabacita (for drying, fig paste and syrup) variety Dame de Cuello
Blanco (for drying and fresh) variety, La Caste (fig paste) Napolitano
variety (fresh).


The fig tree has been present in Italy since ancient times, is an important
fruit crop mainly in some areas of central and southern Italy. The Italian
production is calculated to be around 40000 tones, and is mainly
concentrated in the southern part of Italy. The first place is occupied by
Campania region with about 50% of the national total, followed by Sicilia
(13 %), Calabria (12%) and Puglia (8%). Italy annually imports very few
fresh figs (from o.5-1 ton), the quantity of imported dried figs is much
higher (from 4000 – 7000 tons), 80 % of which comes from Turkey.
100-500 tons of fresh figs are exported above all to France and other
European countries and from 300 – 1000 tons of dried figs mainly to
Central Europe. Among the many varieties cultivated in Italy the best
one is the Dottato cultivar which can be used fresh, dried or in syrup.


The fig tree in Portugal occupied 9600 ha. The production is 12300
t, 10% of total production is festinate for commercialization and rest
is sort use for alcohol industry. Mainly traditional regions of the fig
tree are Algarve, Torres Novas at High Douro. The modern Algarve are
plantations of Torres Novas, fresh is oriented consume. The interesant
variety for consum fresh destination are: Lampa Preta, Princessa and
Bebera Branka. In the feature will multiplication and selection of quality

Collect fig in Portugalia


The common fig occupies 42000 ha and supplies a production of 5500 t

of first and second crop fruit (fresh and dry). It is one of the economically
most important fruits, especially in some regions of northern Morocco.
In these areas, the abundance of this culture shows its striking adaption
to local climatic conditions and leads to protect lands from erosion.The
culture is mainly oriented towards the production of dry figs.
Important cultivar variability exists in fig. This is particularly true for
fruit pomological traits which are used to
characterize the different cultivars. Based
on shape diversity and fruit color. Condit
described over 650 varieties originating from
diverse countries presenting a warm and dry
climate (Condit, 1955).

Collect fig in Marocco



The common fig (Ficus carica L) is an ancient fruit tree thriving in

warm climates. In Istria, it is usually found on the ridges of olive groves,
vineyards, fields, pastures and in garden. As agricultural selection has not
been performed so far, this small geographical area is home to a number
of fig varieties-types that considerably differ in their genotypes and
morphological characters. For a long time, the fig used to be a somehow
neglected fruit and now have becoming increasingly aware that biotic
diversity is not only important from the environmental point of view,
but also provides an opportunity to develop agricultural activities and
tourism in the countryside.

Collect fig in Croatia



In Greece about 4 million fig trees are cultivated. About 2 million trees
are for dry fig production and 2.5 million for fresh fig production. The
organized orchards occupy an area of 9000 and 700 hectares for dry
and fresh fruit production respectively. The fig tree is cultivated almost
everywhere in Greece, from the northern areas of Macedonia and Thraki
to the southern areas of Create, but the majority of fig cultivation exists
in Paleoponnissos, in Evia, and in the Aegean islands.
A number of about 25 local fig varieties have been selected and evaluated
from the existing local fig population. The fig cultivars “Kalamon” and
“Kim’s” are two of the most important local ones with white fruits
suitable for dried fig production, both cultivars are also consumed
as fresh 90 % of the dried fig production in Greece is produced in
Peleoponnissos from the cultivar “ Kalmon” mainly.

Production of fig in the world 1990 - 2010

NR Production of fig 1990 1995 2000 2001 2002

1990-2002/faosat [t] [T] [t] [T] [t] [T] [t] [T] [t] [T]
1 1 Africa 261.044 418.051 371.534 310.873 346.879
Alzir 58.390 60.008 54.326 40.864 41.000
Egypt 81.485 236.915 187.698 150.200 188.039
Libya 34.665 26.920 29.500 29.500 29.500
Morocco 58.200 67.000 68.000 69.400 68.400
Tunisia 27.000 26.000 30.000 19.000 18.000
2 2 Asia 478.255 484.952 446.643 429.959 454.682
Afghanistan 9.000 9.100 -- - - 16.000
Cyprus 2.600 3.500 3.900 3.850 3.850
Jordan 4.231 2.500 2.501 1.730 2.600
Celestial empire 1.000 2.000 3.000 4.000 4.500
India 4.800 7.700 10.500 10.500 10.500

Iraq 18.500 16.000 13.000 13.000 13.000

Iran 77.734 69.489 78.163 71.228 71.228
Yemen 1.435 2.874 3.482 4.218 4.218
Lebanon 10.000 8.500 17.800 16.500 16.500
Syria 36.900 48.106 44.071 40.019 43.400
Turkey 300.000 300.000 240.000 235.000 235.500
3 3 Europe 270.847 198.640 201.335 213.571 207.667
15 EU-15 247.482 182.610 178.466 182.943 183.695
France 2.011 1.951 3.375 3.140 3.695
Greece 120.000 82.086 80.000 80.000 80.000
Italy 31.510 21.439 25.000 21.803 22.000
Portugal 37.000 25.250 13.908 15.000 15.000
Spain 56.961 51.884 56.183 63.000 63.000
Albania 12.600 9.000 13.000 22.790 14.500
Croatia 10.265 4.194 4.890 6.000 4.453
Black Mountain “ “ “” 1.740 3.627 878 4.210
4 4 Amerika e jugut 32.156 24.108 25.338 33.923 24.883
Bolivia 3.010 3.250 3.600 3.605 3.068
Brazil 24.482 15.924 17.207 25.981 18.000
Peru 3.663 3.924 3.716 3.519 2.895
5 5 America 48.418 50.938 53.137 39.168 47.252

3. Botanical classification

Common tree is known as Ficus carica botanikisht and is included

in family Moraceae. Carica name of Asia Minor and times of old kun
grow fig I dry perfectly match that of today Smyrna fig. Some early
Botanist, including Kaspar Bauhin in 1623, and Giulio Pontedera 1720,
considered the edible fig species and kaprifikun as special.Bauhin used
the terminology and Ficus Ficus communis humilis for two forms of fig.
John Parkinson in 1640 gives the following classification.

1) Ficus sativa community’s vulgaris (common trees)

2) Caprific (wild)
A) Ficus migra community’s praecox, flowering fig tree (with
early maturing).

1. Chamaeficus (Tree heath).

In the years different scientists study the opinion of the classification
evolution botanic fig culture.
Opened in 1907, proposed nomenclature:
Ficus carica sylvatica - caprific not edible
Ficus carica fruit sub sativa not well formed and not fully edible.
Ficus carica sativa - fig tree with edible seeds fertile (fertile species) and
sterile seeds (110 species more improved).
Classification of Tschirich 1911: Tschirich 1911:
Ficus carica erinosyce - The wild fig tree.
F. F. carica alpha caprificus F. F. carica beta domestica -beta carica - fig
Another type of fig tree as described by Erynosyce Pontedera 1720.
Regarding this Eissen 1896 describes the profiku of this type contains
male flowers, with flowers and mizzen gale, containing mammoni
perfect flowers and female flowers fly gale. Intermediate forms between
different species show extensive natural hybridization, which helps us,
insights into the diversity of Systematic botanist. Format the following
are descriptions of specific species such as Ficus geranifolia.
Warburg switches built from herbarium material which limited the
amount, he also built and switches that form Ficus carica was found
in the Middle East. Bed all the fruit of Ficus species has evolved from
the primitive forms in that the thjeshten. In the fig fruits, flowers beds
lulor arise within more or less sealed the ends. Polenizimi we become
primitive forms through wind. The fig pollenition or Blastophaga made
through which life passes inside the fig ovarium. Exactly when and
how it was born symbiosis between fig and insect remains as an issue
Grandi 1936 has discussed the evolution of fiqve about Blastophagen.
Four types of the fruit of Ficus carica are regarded as primitive, both
male and female flowers are the same bed net lulor. Type developed by
Common fig tree, I have all the flowers female and all net partenocarpic
fruits of the tree varieties. Common fig is believed to be a fuel not only
from the wild species but by several. In southwestern Persine different
species are found or other subspecies by F.carica such as F. persica, Ficus
virgata and Ficus johannis. Similar are found in Mesopotamia and Arabia.
In California and in Algeria. F. F. palmate dhe F. and F. palmate pseudo
carica, pseudo carica, these two species have been acclimatize and are
used in addition.
The final classification fig:
1. Capri fig (not edible)
2. The soft tree (edible)
A Smyrna (polenizim needs and produces several times a year)
B. San Pedro (polenizim needs and produces twice)

4. Botanical characteristics

Fig (Ficus), gender is part of the same name and belongs to the Moraceae
family. In this genus includes about 100 species, mostly located in the
Tropical belt but to cultivate interest represents two nenlloje fig The
common fig (Ficus carica L) and wild fig (Ficus carica caprificus) that
gives no edible fruit, but serves to pollination (caprification) of the
cultivated fig. Ficus carica a species characterized by only unisexual
axillary flowers and by gynodioecism.

Latex Cells – Figs contain latex cells (Condit 1947). Ubiquitous and
numerous throughout the tree and fruit, these single cells grow in plant
tissues.These cells produce the caustics milky exudates characteristic of
all fig tree parts. The resulting skin irritations are due to the proteolysis
enzyme, ficin, and is exacerbated by the spicules stidding the leaf

Root - the fig tree has fibrous root system with

considerable lateral and vertical spread. Root systems
(Theophrastus 1916) can reach 11-15 m laterally A
and from 2 m deep in calcareous clay soils. Roots of
fig tree in Albanian country go from 8-10 m depth.
Often increases net of Carr’s walls, or even on trees.
Roots go from 8 to 10 m depth.


Wood - Fig wood is soft, pithy, and of little value
accepted as kindling (Theophrastus 1916), is colored
light. The wood core is homogeneous. Lenticelet are
visible in new branches. The wood was also used for
bow crosspieces (Cato 1933) and, due to its ability to
absorb oil and emery, has been used to polish metal
guns or locks ( Noisette 1829). Compared to olive or
citrus, fig wood is soft and easy to prune. D

Growth Habit – Varies with different cultivars

ranging from open and drooping to upright and

Branches and Twigs – Ficus carica is among the

large – leafed species Ficus; twigs can be up to 1.5
cm in diameter and are filled with homogenous, E
spongy, white pith. Very young twigs are commonly
glabrous, green, but quickly change to gray. The Grouth Habit
prominent lenticeles of young twigs become corky, rough, and darker
with increasing age.

Barr knots – there are often near nodes and on the internodes.There
are found more frequently on trees in the humid coastal climates.
Common figs do not produce aerial roots as do other Ficus spp. But,
when placed in a suitable medium, burr knots produce root profusely.

Bark Tubers – tubers ranging in size from 2 to 20 mm. These tubers

are commonly found on or near the bark of nodal swellings, which were
formed from dormant buds whose apex died but whose base retained
its vascular connection with the wood.

Nodal Swellings – The branches of most common figs have prominent

enlargements at the nodes. These swellings seldom appear during the
early growing seasons but gradually become apparent with ensuing
seasons and continue to enlarge indefinitely. They form under and on
both sides of the leaf scar and gradually encompass over half the branch

Buds - buds are divided net ordinary and mitake. In the most commen
included flower buds, mixed, wood of sleep.itaket formed by callus after
stabbing or cuts, buds are formed in the armpit of 3 to 4 lastarit upper
leaves. Buds are usually involved at the top of lastarit, have a conical shape
and color of fruit such as white or purple - pink, with a hue. After the
opening, in spring, and extended lastari sqetullen the leaves of the second,
third and on the flowers appear (fig).Vegetative buds are distinguished by
their smaller size, conical shape, altenuate tip, and apical location. Fruiting
buds are distinguished by their large size, plump appearance, and lateral
location. Terminal vegetative buds and lateral fruiting buds of different
cultivars can be distinguished by color: green fruited cultivars have green
buds and dark fruited cultivars have dark buds.

Leaves – Fig leaves can be differentiated by form, size, sinuses, margin,

color, surface, texture, petiole, etc. These characteristics are sufficiently
stable to aid in cultivar identification.

Fig leaves are petiolate, large is, 3-7 lobed. Although varying considerably
throughout the season leaves have deeper sinuses and narrower lobes
than fruiting leaves. Between the lobes are the five sinuses: two upper, two
lower, and the petiole sinus. The deep green of the leaf contrasts sharply
with the almost white veins. These same hairs on the lower surface are
numerous and soft producing a velvety surface. The leaf itself is thick and
stiff. The petiole is variable in length, thickness, surface and color.


Formers leave

Flowers - Are unique in its case sensitive. Flowers is

closed. Flowers placed in the most butchers of floral
bed. flower is a single and a called sikon, established
a. short styled (male flower)
in the armpit of the leaves.  On top of the fig is a
small hole y sis, called Eye of the fig (ostiolo) flowers
connecting with an external atmosphere, inside
the eye continues with a short tube, whose walls
are filled with normal pollinate. Fig is dioike plants,
cultivated fig has female flowers with long styles,
caprfig has male flowers with short styles, which are
called gale.

b. long -styled (female flower)



Fruit is very important organ for determining the variety. Indicators of

fruit that are taken in the study were fruit shape, size, color, fruit cavity,
pedicel color, the amount of seed, the taste of fruit, depth of ostiol,
internal color, length neck. At all indicators are characterized according
to fig descriptor. On the basis of these indicators to determine the
destination of consumption of fresh fruit, their commercial value, quality
and advertisement.

Forms Fruit


5. Biology

Fig tree is dioik with cross pollination.

Fig flower are found within the syconium on both pistil late and
monoecious fig trees.They are tiny, pedicel late, hypoynous and unisexual
with a 5- part perianth. Fig possesses three types of flowers: short-
styled pistil late, long- styled pistil late, and staminate.
Both pistil ate flowers are single carpel led with a bifid stigma.The major
differences between them are their ovary shapes and their adaption for
ovipositor. The short – styled pistil late flower, sometimes erroneously
called a gall flower.
Flowers fig of the soft and wild fig are monosexsual and present some
changes in their construction.
1. Male flowers,. Female flowers, fertile with short styles, on-fertile
female flowers with long style.
These are needed for pollination by fly Blastophaga psenses that the
people known as “fly the fig. There are three generations, associated
with the fruits of caprifig generations. Blastofages role in pollination
is known from the ancient Greeks, who are the first to have used
marriage fig. Even in our country recognized this phenomenon was used
in ancient times. Tree is dioik plants. In determining biomorfological,
caprifig flowers are functional male flowers, while the cultivated fig
flowers are female functional. Flowers the fig is hidden, closed, located
within the scions, in the flower bed meet and atmosphere associated
with the eye or Ostia fig. We sikons baking fruit is hollow, composed
mainly of floral bed, where are located seeds, who are the real fruits.
Developed three types of fig flowers: female, who have ovary and a long
pistil, which ends with two flagellate (crest), on which grain pollinate fall.
Flowers related to bed with a string; all part of the interior is filled with
flowers. Figs cultivated lukle have only female with long style. Capri fig
has female flowers with short style, with curved kreze, which is called
“gale” and their place within blastofaga. Male flowers are located within
the collar as the orbital space of fig, have bags pollinate 3-5, in the form
reins, white - cream. There are the first to generation sikon to caprifig,
called profichi and the small amount of the second generation, called
mammon. Pollen is shallow powder, cream color, its grain sizes are 10-
12 micron.

Caprificus (Ficus carica caprificus)

The wild fig (2n = 26) is under sort of Ficus species. Spontaneously
sprout from seeds figs cultivated or spontaneous, that the distributed
eaten by birds. Germinate and grow in dry places, ruins walls, crack
reef, and old trees, so called the caprifig, words composed of kapra
and fig-goat. We view differs from the fig tree crops, because in winter
there are grains in the bare branches of leaves. Capri fig sikons form
three generations, the versification one after another, who called profig,
mammon and mamme.Caprifig have sikons the form of different sizes
in each individual, not only externally but also internally. Changes have
also form sikons size of each, generation of the same plants, it is noted
in all kaprifig there sikon of various shapes such as oval, spheroid, etc.
flat section. Sikons of large floral profig channel have abundant amounts
of male flowers was also down the channel of the eye.Caprifig value is
determined by the quantity and quality of production sikoneve. Their
feature is that the generations of sikon differently caprifig come on
time. During the whole year and herbal calendar caprifig we have the
crown sikon different stages of development. Time of departure and
their development is harmonized with the annual cycle and pollinate
blastofages of the cultivated fig.

1. Fig spring (profig)

Begin in the autumn, the leaves differentiated pit, on top of the branches
year. Spend winter in a state dorminanc. Growth made in spring, appear
just before exit new leaves. In Tirana happens ten days first of March,
which was distinguished by size reach the eye. With heating time and
the beginning of plant growth when the exit time provides blastofages
profichi to develop reach 2.8-3 cm size. Profichi are galikole filled with
flowers, while the channel of the eye has a collar with male flowers.The

second half of April, setting blastofaga eggs left in the gale. If you do not
put eggs, profichi fall to the ground. Continue to grow rapidly until the
beginning of June and after a short break, have a magnification of the
latter, at the time of baking. The internal mitigated, the color goes from
purple to green in the pan, mature male flowers, which arises from
pjalmi pjalmoret ostiolit channel fills. This is the time when blastofaga
has completed the cycle and comes out. After this profichi shriveled.
Profig have extended form, with more venous, color green, white,
average tail. Annealing performed 17 - `18 days, and the chance to fig
sikons appearance of crops, which flowers at this time are ready for
pollination. Profichi serve not only as the generation of crossing and the
pollination blastofages but the fig that are necessary fertilization. Their
quality is determined by the amount of flowers galikole, which provides
access to the full blastofages and male flowers, which provide abundant
quantities pjalmi.

2. Summer Fig (mammon)

The second generation is sikons. Emerge and grow in the armpit of
the leaves of young scion caprifig. Have round-conical shape, tail length
average. In comparison with profig, are very few in number.At the time of
baking, it is yellow at the top and the rest color violet. The bed of white
floral, fibers connecting the gallic in the purple blown. Appear at the
end of May, in the district of Tirana. We put eggs generation blastofaga
second. They grow slowly and fail to mature, starting from the second
ten day of September, to keep almost all of October. Generation of
them out of third blastofages, which decides that pass the winter sikons
eggs on trees. In floral bed include: long style female flowers, flowers
galikole short style eye and neck with the male flowers slightly delay
baking. With rain starting to fall, a part of mammon blastofaga rotting
and fails to appear.

3. Figs fall-winter (mamme)

It is the third generation, galikle flowers only. Axial appear in the
leaves in the middle of the year lustrate following herbal. Begins to
appear detached from buds, in ten days the first second of August and
reach blastofaga size to accept it by the end of October the second
of September, go hand-hand and hands-hands is growing, with nearly
one-month extension of time . This generation remains in the branch
during the winter and is their trademarks.After passing the winter in
tranquility conditions during March begins rapid growth. In the first
April, reach the first feature size, and mature them blastofaga flight
departed, to resume its annual cycle.Size mamme form is characteristic
for each individual, but overall is that their forms move from spheroidal
to oblate, leather green, in baking pan with the purple hue, the eye has a
sitting, as compartment.Mamme mature in mid-April and continue fresh
in the spring about a month.Their cycle is the longest: stay in the branch
nine months, from August to April next year. In our winter condition as
favorable for resistance mamme.

Fly the fig (Blastofaga psenses)

The name of this insect comes from blastos-embryo and phage-
eating. Agonaideae is representative of the family, the himenoptereve
calcidoide.Her life is connected in symbiosis with the caprifig sikonet.
Blastofaga pollinate insect is beneficial, the particular for some cultivars.
Morphology: insect is small, 8.1-2mm in length, black color. Head
triangular, with two eyes, the jaw of acute, with two short aerials. In
the chest, at the top have the wings, the translucent extremity that
keeps us stay up. There are three couples walking, with which goes
quickly. Makes short flights, the ventral part has six segments, which end
with egg-placing, that seems clear. Males are small, brown colored pan,
that goes to the yolk of egg, arms and eyes to
fragment, but short legs developed final part of
the abdomen curved under them, I developed
sexual organ, in the form of hose. Men are
very few in number (from the surveys show
that for every female has a male 12-15).
The man born and die within sikon, with
little to see the light of the sun.

Biological cycle

In spring, when the weather is warm and the insect has increased
within the mammever gallic, first brought men, women 2-10 days
before. Women can not go themselves, without the help of men. Man
with feet firmly taken before and after a gale his powerful jaws real-
izes fertilization, the process repeated for every gale and then die
inside this sikon. Impregnate women, with its jaws, leave the darken
and exit through the channel eye of the fig tree, which is already
open. Lies on sikon, exposed in the sun makes test flight. The sikons
be found among the new generation caprifig was flush them, submit
the ostiol head, which is almost closed and covered with some se-
vere laminated. She encountered resistance, but, relying strongly on
its feet, use the entire force and comes within sikon. From this effort,
it mutilate, lost wings and antennas. In a few women enter sikon.
Once within reach, a woman lies above the stigma egg-putting, gaul
and channel inserts, put an egg-shaped with long tail, the nucleon
located in the ovary. Along with eggs injects a small amount of the
hormone, which stimulates the action of multiplication partogenetik
endosperms cells, which then serves to feed the blastofages larven,
is expected to arise. The presence of egg in the floral ovary sikonit
oosferes and prevents the development of the embryo formation,
but the hormones promote the development of endosperms par-
togenetik, it ensures the development of the ovary and prevents
collapse of sikonit. Opening the egg becomes a few days. Larvae is
almost transparent, it performs the following full metamorphose,
feather and turns into the adult insect. In every generation the same
phenomenon repeated. This performance is normal climate, life cy-
cle performed for about two months, while the generations that to
winter mamme takes 7-8 months (September to April). From obser-
vations that our country comes blastofaga passes in three genera-
tions. Generation first: the second ten April blastofaga sikons emerg-
es from the mommon and put eggs in profig, which have reached the
proper size, ends in early May. Generation second: the first is in ten
days to June from the profichi sikons, is charged with granules polli-
nation, appearance and finish.
Third generation: eggs laid in the gale of the complete cycle mammon
eve the second half of September, blastofaga out and put the eggs in
sikons mammon, where to winter, to start the cycle next spring.

Caprification or Pollination

On the demand we have for pollination and the way of making fruit,
divided into several groups:
1. Partenocarpic cultivars, linking the fruit without pollination,
but pollination, if it occurs, affects the taste of fruit. From our
cultivars mention, Roshnikun, Cipullin,, etc..
2. Linkage cultivars that fruit need for pollination.  If this
phenomenon does not happen, flowers taken down and not
maturity. From our cultivar mention, Perdhiku, Bajun, Kallamata,
3. Intermediate cultivars two times. The first generation flowers
does not need pollination, fruits are formed in the street
partenocarpic, while the second generation pollination needs, if
don’t happen, fall flowers.  Can mention, Shengjinas, Bradashesh,
Kraps black.
Blastofaga conception and
during April comes from the
eye of the fig tree, and after
it flies matured, finds caprifig
and put eggs in flowers short
styl.. Blastofaga finishes growth,
conceived and appears in at-
mosphere, the eye of caprifig,
being taken away pellets of pol-
lination. Looking for mammone
passes from the soft figs and
put eggs - placing in the floral
tube. Fig flowers soft feminine
are long - styles and putting

Three growth cycles of the caprifig


egsc - placing in the floral tube, inserts the grain of caprifig polli-nate,
which make a soft fig pollination. When it finds mammon enters the
fruit and put eggs in the Gallic short styles. After the growth, comes
next generate, putt eggs in Mamma, where winter. Profig is realisaing for
Caprification accomplished and practical way: wild figs transferred strings
and depend on fig tree branches that need pollination. This process is
repeated several times, since Flourishing has a long period.

6. The fig tree in Albania

In the structure of the planting fig occupies third place after plum, with 11%
of the number of trees. Fig cultivation areas are mainly Berat, Fier, Elbasan,
Vlore, Permet, Shkoder, Gramsh, etc. Largest production has been
Berat with (44 thousand quintal), Fier (9.9 thousand quintal), Elbasan (6
thousand quintal). Economical change after 1990 were accompanied by
an erosion of trees for social and economical reasons. Our country has
been exporting of dry fig, while today is decrease but recent years there
has been a return to tradition of our farmers, the new planting and the
additions of figs with varieties typical of the area. The fig tree has been
and continue to be associated of all generation, the family garden it is
everywhere, from the formers block of fig trees, the farmer has remained
only Uznova in Berat with Roshnik variety.The varieties selected for high
– quality exported trade is more like Roshnik, Perdhikuli, Melacak, etc,
which can compete in the market. Our country have about 80 varieties
of figs but so for identified and explored are about 40.

Economic important

Fig tree is valuable plant, notional, pleasant as fruit, used fresh, use
processed (jam, baking fig, etc) and use dry.Wild fig well food for animals.
The economic important lies in the diversity of it use destination.

Regional of fig tree in Albania

Area Adriatic - Ionian

Space includes the western coastal ultesires from Koplik to Saranda,
while inside, extended to the borders of the Mediterranean climate,
hilly area. Range from north to south and from west to the east, makes
the action of factors klimeformues and geographic scope, to distinguish
three nenzona:
North: around Louth, Shkoder, Lezhe, which values these climate:
Absolute minimum temperature - 50C to - 70C, 30 days of icy,
temperatures around 100C vegetative priil - November, precipitation
from 1500 to 1800 mm. This nenzone has 11% of the number of root
Central: about Kurbin, Kruje, Durres, Tirana, Kavaje, Peqin, Elbasan,
Nikaia, Fier and Berat, with these indicators: Absolute minimum
temperature - 30C to - 50C, March 10 to December 10, precipitation
from 950 to 1200 mm. There are 74% of the area fiqve roots.
South: includes the districts of Vlora, Saranda Delvina of mainly Ionian
coast and the interior part, which is under the influence of this sea,
with these climatic indicators. Minimum temperature absolute 00th - to
- 20C 2-3 icy day; vegetative temperatures about 100C, 20 February-
November, rainfall from 1600 to 1800 mm. Represents 15% of the
fund of the area first fig. Is the appropriate areas for the cultivation
of fig, but, as seen from the indicators, on the outskirts of northern
nenzones periodically descend in minimal thermal damage threshold of
the branches year (- 130C to - 150C) temperatures and come with plant
growth nearly a month late, but that summer is hot, baking and allows
sufficient collection of sugar in fruit. Underzones other two restrictions

are not climate. Early period of the winter vegetable and delays make it
appropriate for a wide open and ecotypes cultivars. In this area there
are 83% of figs nationwide and handles 91% of its production.

Mediterranean hilly area

District includes, Gramsh, Tepelene, and Gjirokaster Permet. Tree
cultivated in countries that are under the influence of Mediterranean
climate, mainly in the valley of rivers Osumi, Vjosa Drino has absolute
minimum temperatures did not go down under - 80C. Has 30 to 40
days of icy. Temperatures suitable for plant growth starts in early April
until the end of November, rainfall vary between 1500 -1700 mm per
year. In this area there are 10% of the number of roots and made 5%
of production. Figs are grown mainly for table for consume and less for
market and industry.

Internal Area
Includes the distal part of the fig tree cultivation, and lies on the lower
part of Puka luginore and hilly, Mirdita, Librazhd, where Leskovik to
buffer the impact felt sea currents. Absolute minimum temperatures
down to - 70C to - 80C and in particular years and up - 120C and -
130C, causing injury and producing annual degzave year. In this area is
mainly fig consume family once cultivated figs for fresh consumption.
The amount of roots of cultivated voice fiqve 7% of the number of
roots and gives 4% of production. Net sticky fig three areas in different
altitude from 300 to 400 m and 600 to 800 m in Tomorr mountain of
Berat. In areas of high Puke Mat in the cold winters injuries occur yearly

Climatic and soil

Fig plant is considerate subtropical climate and warm. It like long summer,
abundant lighting and air drought. Amount is 600-900 mm annual rainfall
well distributed. Rains at the time of baking lowers sugar content and
break fruit.Times of dry and and warm winds help in baking production.
Warm nights help increase and improve the quality of fruits. Provision
of normal moisture in the soil, especially in dry months, at a rate 60 %
of field capacity, assist in maintaining fruit related and achieve optimal
size, especially for the table figs.

Fig grows in soil types different, as well as clayey soil, deep, penetration
the optimal moist. In heavy clay soil gives fig fruit small. Grow poorly even
industry soil, as branches remain short and few buds forwed flowers. In
fresh soil fertile deep, plant the fig reaches large size and fruit quality for
fresh consumptation. We ground the dried, light by content calcareous,
are made with quality fruit.

Phase of growth, maturation and harvest

The growth process starts with the emergence of leaves in front, and
extend the spray, the armpit of figs appear leves (flowers) that are
distinguished by eye. From this moment on words, growth process
accurse. This process takes 30-40 days. The fruit reaches normal
size. Then, for 50-60 days (for once figs fruits grow slowly. Which is
associated with increased fruit size, changing the Wcolor and increase
the percentage of sugar.The process of baking the fruit lasts 15-20 days;
baking second production lasts 30-40 days, while simultaneously figs last
40-50 days. Growth and bakery early and middle lasts 60-70 days, and
about 120-130 days late. It is test that throwing point oil accelerates the
ripening of fig two weak before, the beginning of baking by the end of
baking lasts 3-8 days.

Picking- Ripe fruit is very delicate and can easily deteriorate mainly
when the fruit ripens in rainy and wet periods. The harvest, which,
preferably must carried out during the milder hours in the morning.
The fig which are harvested must be placed in shallow coated baskets.
While the harvest is being carried out, the hands should be protected,
because some harshes can appear in the skin, besides the hands, other
parts of the body must also be protected, such as arms and the face.The

swollen figs must be harvested

in shorter intervals, trying to
collect figs which are around
40 -50 grams, or rather, 20-25
figs for kilogram.

Drying – Figs for drying left

the branch, to on maturity
and begin shriveling, then
collected. Before, deciding on
drying, the fruit submerged in cold
water to raise the dust, left and
runny, then, becomes of bleach
disinfection by fumigation sulfur
gas in closed rooms or plastic
tunnel. Used 1.5-2 kg sulfur in
a most figs. Sulfur is burned in a
brazier with coals and left there
for 2-3 hours. Drying is done in
the sun, putting in wooden layer,
layer height of 70-80 cm. Drying
continues 5-10 days and end.
When humidity in fruit arrived
22to 24 %. Dry figs before
package, deification with
fumigim or boiled.Formars of
packaging one different. In the
tradition of our country, dry
figs go by file and dress verses
celefon sheet. Dry figs are best
preserved in environments with
temperature 20C. During storage, the
sugar appears on the skin and look online
figs coated with frost. Delvina

Zones of fig explorated


Fig in the structure of fruit tree in Albania









1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

Fig in the structur of fruit tree Tirana zone










1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Fig in the structur of fruit tree Vlora zone

13 1
10% 2
12 % 2% 11%
11 3
10 0% 5%
9 5% 2% 4
8 0% 11%



Fig in the structur of fruit tree Berat zone

te tjera molle
4% 0% 11% dardhe


Fig in the structur of fruit tree Shkodra zone








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13


7. Fig descriptor

1. Name
2. Sinonimi
4. Insitu exploration
5. First exploration

Fruit use
1. Fresh consumption
2. Drying
3. industrial use

Identification of material
1 = verified
2 = probalble
3 = uncertain

Plant use

1.0 = no use
2.1 = fruit/production
3.3 = ornamental

Grouth Habit
1= Erect
2= Semi-Erect
3= Compact
4= Spreading
5= Weeping

Tree vigours
1 = low
2 = medium
3 = high

Shot color
1= green
2= gray
3= brown
4= others

Type predominant leaf (Numbers of lobes on one tree)

1 = undivided
2 = three
3 = five
4 = seven
More than seven

Leaf dimensions
1= very small
2= small
3= medium
4= large
5= very large

Shape of lobes
1= Spatulate
2= Linear
3= Latate
4= Lyrate

Shape of base (petiole sinus)

1= truncate
2= cordate
3= calcarate
4= decurrent

Leaf color
Light green
Dark green

- length
- Short
- Medilum
- Long

Color petiole
Light green

Further characterization and evaluation

Full maturity (50% of the fruits mature)

1. Breba
1.1 = very early: before 15 May
1.2 = early: 16-31 May
1.3 = mis-season: 1-15 June
1.4 = late: 16-30 June
1.5 = very late: after 1 July

2. Main crop
2.1 very early: end July
2.2 early: 1-10 August
2.3 mid-season: 11-31 August
2.4 late: 1-30 September
2.5 very late: after 1 0ctober

Polination requirement for fruit set

1.1= Caducous (non-parthenocarpic)
1.2= Persistent (parthenocarpic)
2. Main crop
2.1 Caducous (non-parthenocarpic)
2.2 Persistent (parthenocarpic)

2.1 very early: end July

2.2 early: 1-10 August
2.3 mid-season: 11-31 August
2.4 late: 1-30 September
2.5 very late: after 1 0ctober

Form fruits
2.1 = spheric
2.2 = oblatus
2.3 = ovoid
2.4 = pyriform
2.5 = turbiniform
2.6 = cucurbiform

Length neck
1.1 = absent
1.2 = short
1.3 = medium
1.4 = e gjate

Ostiol width
2.1 = 0-1 mm
2.2 = 1-3 mm
2.3 = 3-5 mm
2.4 = mbi 5 mm

Skin cracks
2.1 = checked skin
2.2 = scarce lontidudinalcracks
2.3 = minute cracks

Shape of the fruit stalk

2.1 = variously enlarged
2.2 = long and slender
2.3 = short and thick

Skin color

2.0 = ground color

2.1 = purpulish black
2.2 = purple
2.3 = brown(bronze, copper, loght violet)
2.4 = light green
2.5 = green
2.6 = dark green
2.7 = bluish green
2.8 = light yellow
2.9 = yellow

Pedical color
1. = Breba
1.1 = te bardha

Internal color
2.1 = white
2.2 = amber(light brown)
2.3 = pink
2.4 = dark pink
2.5 = red
2.6 = dark red

Fruit cavity
2.0 = none
2.1 = very small
2.3 = medium
2.4 = large

Amount seed
2.0 = none
2.1 = low
2.2 = medium
2.3 = hight

Fruit flavour
2.1 = neutral
2.2 = little flavour
2.3 = aromatic
2.4 = strong

Fruit dimension
Width max Wdth min Length
Small 28mm 38mm 29-46mm
Medium 35mm 49mm 28-54mm
Small 41mm 56mm 52-70mm
Very small 60mm 60mm mbi 75mm

Resistance to environmentai conditions

2.1 = drought
2.2 = sunscald

Resistance to deseas
2.1 = fig mosaic virus
2.2 = souring

Resistance to transportion
2.1 = very high
2.2 = high
2.3 = medium
2.4 = low
2.5 = very low

Leinght of natural drying period

1. short =: less than 7 days
2. medium =: 7-14 days
3. Long=: more than 14 days

Dried fig size (number of fruit per kg)

1. Very large < 46
2. Large = 46-60
3. Medium = 61-80
4. Small = 81-100
5. Very small > 10

Fig varieties

Variety Kraps I zi-

- Ngjyra e frutit eshte e zeze- Color fruit is black

- Ngjyra e tulit eshte kafe ne roze te erret- Internal color
fruit is dark pink
- Masa e frutit eshte mesatare - Size fruit is medium
- Forma e frutit eshte pllocake - Form fruit is oblatus
- Shija e frutit eshte aromatike - Flavour fruit is aromatic
- Sasia e fares eshte mesatare – Amount seed is medium
- Gjatesia e bishtit eshte e gjate – Length neck is long
- Kaviteti I frutit I vogel- Cavity fruit is few
- Koha e pjekjes 15 Qershor,15 Gusht-Maturity is 25 June,15
- Prodhimi dy heresh – Productivity two crop (beferous)
- Destinacioni per konsum te fresket- Destination for fresh

Variety Cingell

- Ngjyra e frutit eshte jeshile- Color fruit is green

- Ngjyra e tulit eshte e kuqe– Color internal fruit is red
- Masa e frutit eshte e vogel – Size fruit is small -
- Forma e frutiteshte sferike – Forms fruit is spheric
- Shija e frutit eshte e embel– Flavour fruit is sweet
- Gjatesia e bishtit eshte mesatare – Length neck is medium
- Sasia e fares eshte e vogel – Amount seed is small
- Kaviteti I frutit mesatar – Cavity fruit is medium
- Koha e pjekjes 15-30 shtator-Maturity is 15-30 September
- Productiviteti nje heresh-productivuty one crop( uniferous)
- Destinacioni per konsum te fresket, industry-Destination
for fresh consum, industry

Variety Allaxhir

- Ngjyra e frutit eshte jeshile e celet ne violet-Color fruit is

hight green to violet
- Ngjyra e tulit eshte kafe e celet -Internal color fruit is light
- Masa e frutit eshte mesatare -Size fruit is medium
- Forma e frutit eshte sferike ne ovale-Form fruit is spheric
to ovoid
- Shija e frutit eshte neutrale - Flavour is neutral
- Gjatesia e bishtit eshte gjate– Length neck is long
- Sasia e fares eshte e ulet – Amount seed is few
- Kaviteti I frutit eshte I vogel- Cavity fruit is small
- Koha e pjekjes 20 gusht-10 Shtator- Maturity is 20 Agust-
10 September
- Produktiviteti nje heresh – Productivity is once crop (uniferous)
- Destinacioni per konsum te fresket –Destination for fresh


Variety Rotllar

- Ngjyra e frutit eshte e zeze-Color fruit is black

- Ngjyra e tulit eshte e kuqe -Internal color is red
- Masa e frutit e frutit eshte mesatare -Size fruit is medium
- Forma e frutit eshte ovale -Form fruit is ovoid
- Shija e frutit eshte karamele -Flavour fruit is caramel
- Gjatesia e bishtit eshte e shkurter -Length neck is short
- Sasia e fares eshte e vogel -Amount seed is few
- Kaviteti I frutit eshte mesatar – Cavity fruit is medium
- Koha e pjekjes 20 gusht-20 Shtator – Maturity is 20
August-20 September
- Produktiviteti nje heresh- Productivity is on crop( uniferous)
- Destinacioni per konsum te fresket- destination for fresh


- Ngjyra e frutit e jeshile- Color fruit is green

- Ngjyra e tulit eshte e kuqe-Internal color fruit is red
- Masa e frutit eshte mesatare - Size fruit is medium
- Forma e frutit pllocake - Form fruit is oblatus
- Shija e frutit pak e embel - Flavour fruit is neutral
- Gjatesia e bishtit e vogel -Length neck is small
- Sasia e fares mesatare -Amount seed is medium
- Kaviteti I frutit I vogel – Cavity fruit is small
- Koha e pjekjes Korik, Shtator -Maturity is July, September
- Productiviteti dy heresh- Productivity two crop(beferious)
- Destinacioni per konsum te fresket- Destination for fresh

Variety CERLIN I bardhe

- Ngjyra e frutit- e verdhe e celet - Color fruit is hight yellow

- Ngjyra e tulit eshte roze - Internal color fruit is pink
- Masa e frutit mesatare - Size fruit is medium
- Forma e frutit pllocake - Form fruit is oblatus
- Shija e frutit e embel - Flavour fruit is sweet
- Gjatesia e bishti I shkurter - Length neck is short
- Sasia e fares e ska – Amount seed is none
- Kaviteti I fruiti I madh - Cavity is big
- Koha e pjekjes 20-30 Gusht - Maturity 20-30 August-
Prodhimi nj eheresh - productivity is one crop(uniferous)
- Destinacioni per konsum te fresket - Destination for fresh

Variety CERLIN i zi

- Ngjyra e frutit e zeze -Color fruit is black

- Ngjyra e tulit e kuqe -Inside color fruit is red
- Masa e frutit mesatare -Size fruit is medium
- Forma e fruit pllocake -Form fruit is oblatus
- Shija e frutit e embel-Taste fruit is sweet
- Gjatesia e bishtit- e vogel - Length neck is small
- Sasia e fares eshte e paket-Amount seed is few
- Kaviteti I frutit I vogel – Cavity fruit is small
- Pjekja e fruiti Gusht-Shtator – Maturity is August - September
- Prodhimi nje heresh-productivity is on crop(uniferous)
- Destinacioni per konsum te fresket-Destination for fresh

8 Variety SHQAU

- Ngjyra e frutit e verdhe e celet - Color fruit is whitte

- Tuli I frutit- e kuqe e erret - Internal color fruit is dark red
- Masa e frutit mesatare- - Size fruit is medium
- Forma e frutit pllocake - Form fruit is oblate
- Shija e frutit shume e mbel - Flavour fruit is very sweet
- Gjatesia e qafes e shkurter - Neck length is short
- Sasia e fares e vogel – Amount seed is few
- Kaviteti I frutit I vogel - Cavity fruit is few
- Koha e pjekjes 15-30 Gusht - Maturity is 15-30 August
- Prodhimi nje heresh - Productivity is one crop (uniferous)
- Destinacioni per frut te fresket - Destination for fresh

Variety Red fig

- Ngjyra e frutit e kuqe - Color fruit is red

- Ngjyra e tulit e kuqe- Internal color fruit is dark red
- Masa e frutit mesatare -Sise fruit is medium
- Forma e frutit ovale - Form fruit is ovoid
- Sjija e frutit karamele – Favour fruit is caramel
- Bishti I frutit I shkurter - Length neck is short
- Sasia e fares mesatare- Amount seed is medium
- Kaviteti - frutit mesatar-Cavity fruit is medium
- Koha e pjekjs se fruitit eshte 11-31 Gusht- Maturity is 11-
31 August
- Prodhimi nje heresh- Productivity is one crop (uniferous)
- Destinacioni per konsum te fresket – Destination for fresh

Variety CIPULL

- Ngjyra e frutit eshte jeshile e erret -Color fruit is dark

- Ngjyra e tulit eshte e kuqe e erret -Internal color fruit is
dark red
- Masa e frutit- eshte mesatare - Size fruit is medium
- Forma e frutit eshte konike - Form fruit is turbiniform
- Shija e frutit pak e embel-Flavour fruit is neutral
- Gjatesia e bishtiti gjate -Length neck is long
- Sasia e fares pak - Amount seed is few
- Kaviteti I fruiti eshte I madh - Cavity fruit is big
- Koha e pjekjes 15-30 Gusht - Maturity is 15-30 August
- Prodhimi nje heresh - Productivity one crop(uniferous)
- Destinacioni per konsum te fresket - Destination for fresh


- Ngjyra e frutit e zeze – Color fruit is black

- Ngjyra e tulit eshte kafe – Internal inside fruit is brown
- Masa e frutit eshte emadhe – Sise fruit is big
- Forma e fruit- eshte ovale – Forms fruit ovoid
- Shija e frutit eshte e embel – Flavour fruit is sweet
- Gjatesia e bishtit eshte evogel – Length neck is small
- Sasia e fares nuk ka – Amount seed is none
- Kaviteti i frutit i madh – Cavity fruit is big
- Koha e pjekjes Qershor – Maturity is June
- Prodhimi nje heresh – Productivity one crop (uniferous)
- Destinacioni i frutit per konsum te fresket – destination
fig is fresh consum

12 Variety DIMRAK

- Ngjyra e frutit eshte jeshile e erret - Color fruit is dark green

- Ngjyra e tulit eshte e kuqe e erret - Internal color is dark red
- Masa e frutit eshte mesatare - Size fruit is medium
- Forma e frutit eshte pllocake - Form fruit is oblatus
- Shija e frutit eshte neutrale - Flavour fruit is neutral
- Gjatesia e bishtit eshte e vogel - Length neck is small
- Sasia e fares eshte mesatare - Amount seed is medium
- Kaviteti I frutit eshte mesatare - Cavity fruit is medium
- Pjekja e frutit eshte Tetor- Maturity is October
- Prodhimi I frutit nje heresh - Productivity is one crop
- Destinacioni I frutit per konsum te fresket-Destination of
fruit for fresh consum

Varety BULL

- Ngjyra e frutit eshte e zeze - Color fruit is black

- Ngjyra e tulit e verdhe- Internal color fruit is yellow
- Masa e frutit eshte mesatare- Size fruit is medium
- Forma e frutit eshte sferike pak pllocake - Form fruit is
spheric to ovoid
- Shija e frutit eshte e embel– Flavour fruit is sweet
- Gjatesia e bishtit ska- Neck length is none
- Sasia e fares eshte e vogel – Amount seed is few
- Kaviteti I frutit ska-Cavity fruit is none
- Koha e pjekjes eshte Shtator-maturity is September
- Prodhimi nje heresh-productivity once crop (uniferous)
- Destinacioni per konsum te fresket-Destination for fresh


- Ngjyra e frutit eshte e zeze -Color fruit is black

- Ngjyra e tulit eshte roze -Internal color is pink
- Masa e frutit eshte madhe- Size fruit is big
- Forma e frutit eshte sferike-Form fruit is spheric
- Shija e frutit- eshte Flavour fruit is aromatic
- Gjatesia e bishtit e shkurter -Length neck is short
- Sasia e fares eshte mesatare – Amount seed is medium
- Kaviteti I frutit eshte I vogel-Cavity fruit is small
- Koha e pjekes 25 Qersor, 10 August-Maturity is 25june,
- Prodhimi I frutit dy heresh-productivity is two crop beferous)
- Destinacioni I frutit per konsum-Destination for fresh


- Ngjyra e frutit eshte zeze - Color fruit is black

- Ngjyra e tulit eshte kafe e celet - Internal color fruit is
white brown
- Masa e frutit – e vogel Size fruit is small
- Forma e frutit ovale- Form fruit ovoid
- Shija e frutit neutrale - Flavour fruit is is neutral
- Gjatesia e bishtit eshte e shkurter- Length neck is short
- Sasia e fares e paket - Amount seed is few
- Kaviteti I frutit mesatar-Cavity fruit is medium
- Pjekja e frutit 11-30 Gusht- Maturity is 11 - 30August
- Prodhimi njeheresh – Productiviteti once crop (uniferous)
- Destinacioni per konsum te fresket-destination for fresh

16 Variety MORAIT

- Ngjyra e frutit eshte jeshile - Color fruit is green

- Ngjyra e tulit eshte roze- Internal color fruit is pink
- Masa e frutit eshte e vogel- Size fruit is small
- Forma e frutit eshte ovale- Form fruit is ovoid
- Shija e frutit eshte neutrale– Flavour fruit is neutral
- Gjatesia e bishtit eshte e shkurter- Length neck is short
- Sasia e fares ska- Amount seed is none
- Kaviteti I frutit eshte I vogel- Cavity fruit is small
- Koha e pjekjes 11-31 Gusht – Maturity is 11-31 August
- Prodhimi nje heresh – Productivity is once group (uniferous)
- Destinacioni per konsum te freket – Destination for fresh

Variety PASTUN

- Ngjyra e frutit eshte e verdhe - Color fruit is yellow

- Ngjyra e brendshme e frutit eshte e kuqe - Internal color
fruit is red
- Masa e frutit e vogel – Size fruit is small
- Forma e frutit dardhe - Form fruit is pyriform
- Shija e frutit e embel - Flavour fruit is sweet
- Gjatesia e bishtit e gjate - Neck length is long
- Sasia e fares mesatare - Amount seed is medium
- Kaviteti I frutit ska -Cavity fruit is none
- Koha e pjekjes 11-31 - Gusht-Maturity is 11-31 August
- Prodhimi nje heresh - Productivity is once crop (uniferous)
- Destinacioni I frutit – Destination for fresh consum


- Ngjyra e frutit eshte jeshile e erret - Color fruit is dark

- Ngjyra e tulit eshte roze- Internal color fruit is pink
- Masa e frutit eshte mesatare- Size fruit is medium
- Forma e frutit eshte sferike - Form fruit is spheric
- Shija e frutit eshte aromatik- Flavour fruit is aromatic
- Gjatesia e bishtit ska- Length neck none
- Sasia e fares eshte e paket- Amount seed is few
- Kaviteti I frutit eshte I vogel- Cavity fruit is small
- Koha e pjekjes 15-30 Gusht- Maturity is in 15-30 August
- Prodhimi nje heresh -Produktiviteti - One crop,( uniferous)
- Destinacioni per tharj, konsum te fresket, -Destination for
dry, fresh consum


- Ngjyra e frutit jeshile e celet - Color fruit is whitte green

- Ngjyra e tulit kafe e celet- Internal color fruit is whitte
- Masa e frutit eshte mesatare-Size fruit is medium
- Forma e fruitit konike- Form fruit is turbiniform
- Shija e fruitit e embel – Favour fruit is sweet
- Gjatesia e bishtit te frutit – Length of neck is medium
- Sasia e fares mesatare – Amount seed is medium

20 Variety I LASHTI

- Ngjyra e frutit kafe ne violet - Color fruit is brown to violet

- Ngjyra e tulit kafe ne roze - Internal color fruit is brown
to pink
- Masa e frutit e madhe- Size fruit is big
- Forma e frutit sferike - Form fruit is spherick
- Shija frutit neutrale-Taste fruit is neutral
- Gjatesia e bishtit e gjate- Neck length is long
- Sasia e fares mesatare - Amunt seed is medium
- Kaviteti I frutit mesatare-Cavity fruit is medium
- Koha e pjekjes 1-10 August-Maturity is 1-10 August
- Prodhimi nje heresh-Productivity is one crop (uniferous)
- Destinacioni per konsum te fresket-Destination for fresh


- Ngjyra e frutit eshte jeshile - Color fruit is green

- Ngjyra e tulit eshte e kuqe - Internal color fruit is red
- Masa e frutit e mesatare - Size fruit is medium
- Forma e frutit sferike - Form fruit is spheric
- Shija e frutit e neutral – Flavour fruit is neutral
- Gjatesia e bishtit mesatere - Length neck is medium
- Sasia e fares e paket -Amount seed is few
- Kaviteti I frutit I vogel-cavity fruit is small
- Koha e pjekjes 1-20 Shtator – Maturity is 1-20 September
- Prodhimi nje heresh – One crop(uniferous)
- Destinacioni per konsum te fresket-destination for fresh


- Ngjyra e frutit jeshile celet - Color fruit is white green

- Ngjyra e tulit eshte kafe e celet - Internal color fruit is
light brown
- Masa e frutit – mesatare - Size fruit is medium
- Forma e frutit konike - Form fruit is turbiniform
- Shija e frutit e embel - Flavour fruit is honey
- Gjatesia e bishtit - Length neck is small
- Sasia e fares e madhe- Amount seed is big
- Kaviteti I frutit I madh-Cavity fruit is big
- Koha e pjekjes 5-20 G usht-Maturity fruit is 5-20 August
- Prodhimi nje heresh – Productivity one crop uniferous)
- Destinacioni per konsum te fresket, tharje – Destination
for fresh consum, dry


- Ngjyra e trurit baker - Color fruit copper (green pink)

- Ngjyra e tulit e kuqe- Internal color fruit is red
- Masa e frutit mesatare- Size fruit is medium
- Forma e frutit dardhe - Form fruit is pyriform
- Shija e frutit e embel- Flavour fruit is sweet
- Gjatesia e bishtit eshte e gjate- Length neck is long
- Sasia e fares e vogel - Amount seed is small
- Kaviteti I frutit I vogel-Cavity fruit is small
- Koha e pjekjes 11-31 Gusht – Maturity fruit is 11-31 August
- Prodhimi nje heresh – Productivity one crop (uniferous)
- Destinacioni per konsum te fresket, tharje- Destination
for fresh consum, dry

24 Variety BAJUN

- Ngjyra e frutit kafe ne violet - Color fruit is brown to

- Ngjyra e tulit e kuqe- Internal color fruit is red
- Masa e frutit mesatare - Size fruit is medium
- Forma e frutit konike - Form fruit is turbiniform
- Shija e frutit eshte e embel - Flavour fruit is neutral
- Gjatesia e bishti - Neck length is short
- Sasia e fares mesatare - Amount seed is small
- Kaviteti I frutit eshte I vogel- Cavity fruit is small
- Koha e pjekjes 11-31 Gusht – Maturity is 11-31 August
- Prodhimtaria nje heresh – Productivity is one crop (uniferous)
- Destinacioni per tharje – Destination for dry

- Ngjyra e frutit violet - Color fruit is violet
- Ngjyra e tulit e kuqe e erret -Internal color fruit is dark red
- Masa e frutit mesatere - Size fruit is medium
- Forma e frutit patellxhan - Form fruit is cucurbiform
- Shija e frutit caramel - Flavour fruit is caramel
- Gjatesia e bishtit e vogel - Length neck is small
- Sasia e fares mesatere - Amount seed is medium
- Kaviteti I frutit e madhe – Cvity fruit is big
- Kohe pjekjes 11-31 Gusht – Maturity is 11-31 August
- Prodhimi nje heresh – Productivity one crop (uniferous)
- Destinacioni per konsum te fresket – Destination for fresh


- Ngjyra e frutit eshte jeshile ne te verdhe- Color fruit is

whitte green to yellow
- Ngjyra e tulit eshte e kuqe e erret - Internal color fruit is
dark red
- Masa e frutit mesatere - Size fruit is medium
- Forma e frutit sferike ne pllocake- Form fruit is spheric to
- Shija e frutit karamele - Flavour fruit is caramel
- Gjatesia e bishtit e vogel - Length neck is small
- Sasia e fares mesatere - Amount seed is medium
- Kaviteti I frutit eshte I vogel – Cavity fruit is small
- Koha e pjekjes 1-10 Gusht- Maturity is 1-10 August
- Prodhimi nje heresh –Productivity one crop(uniferous)
- Destinacioni per tharje-Destination for dry


- Ngjyra e frutit violet - Color fruit is violet

- Ngjyra e tulit roze- Internal fruit is pink
- Masa e frutit e vogel - Size fruit is small
- Forma e frutit sferike - Form fruit is spheric
- Shija e frutit e embel- Taste fruit is sweet
- Gjatesia e bishtit e shkurter - Length neck is short
- Sasia e fare ska – Amount seed is none
- Kaviteti I frutit I vogel – Cavity fruit eshte I vogel
- Koha e pjekjes 11-31 – Maturity 11-31 August
- Prodhimi nje heresh – Productivity one crop uniferous)
- Destinacioni per konsum te fresket- Destination for fresh

28 Fruti I eger- Wild FIG

- Ngjyra e frutit jeshile te celet- Color fruit is light green

- Ngjyra e tulit eshte e bardhe – Internal color fruit is whitte
- Masa e frutit eshte mesatare– Sise fruit is medium
- Shija e frutit –ska- Favour fruit -none
- Sasia e fares e paket- Amount seed is small
- Prodhimi nje heresh-Productivity one crop(uniferous)
- Destinacioni per kaprifikim-Destination for caprification

mammon mamme

Format e gjethes-Forms leave


L2= Average length of the L3= Average length of the

L1 = length of main nerve
right and left nerves right and left nerves

3 lobe 4 lobe 5 lobe


open calcarate



Central lobe small lobe

leaves for shoots


Central +lateral





Format e kururos
Forms habit

1/2 Erect



Hight Open

Length of main nerves

Roshnik / Uznove in situ

Kallamata/ Borsh in situ

Perdhikul, Delvina in situ

Tragjas,Vlora in situ

Morphological characteristic fruit

Tekstura e pulpit - Pulp textur

Coarse Fine

Kaviteti I frutit- Fruit cavity

large medium

none small

Ostiol fig (figure)

Very large medium

Amount seed

small medium none

large small pink small


Neck of fruit

Fruit skin cracks (figure)

Cracked skin Minute ckracks Cracked


Lenticeles (figure)


width width

subconic dry fig

Trunk of fig tree


Faza e lulezimit-Bloom phase

Rrenjezimi I fikut – Rotting fig tree

1.Rotting with plastic

bags (65-75%) in field
2. Rotting with screen
house condition (70
- 80 %)

Valias collect, 2005 multiplication with scion

grafting with buds

Valias field germplasm 2005


Figs collect in Valias

2009 2005 2007

Tregtimi - Marceting

Rotllar fig Tivaras fig Kraps i zi fig

Pastun fig Tragjas fig


Identification molecular of figs in Albania

Ndroqi zone (P. Resto) june 2006 Uznova zone (T.Koka, F. Lamaj) june 2006

In june 2006 were realised cooperation work among researchers from

Albania and Italian Universities, from Dr Tatjana Koka and Dr Palo
The initial stages of this study are presented i.e the description of the
variation of molecular and morphological traits in fig samples from
several sites of Albabnia. In all 23 leaf samples were collected from
different orchards corresponding to 23 variety denominations. Their
DNAs were exctrated and amplified by SSR primers, the PCR products
were seperated by denaturing acrylamide gels, and detected with silver
staning. Some of the denominations were characterizated also through
morphological analyses(fruit and leaves shape, ripening time, etc).The
data from tree microsatelite primers were analysed for both genetic
distance and similarity coeficient by NTSYS Program. Although a few
of the denominations may have the same genotype, the results show a
great deal of variation.

Moment to take AND june 2006

Screenhouse in Vlora june 2006 Ndroqi zone (P. Resto, L Curri)

Koha e pjekjes – Maturity Time

No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 Kraps I zi + +
2 Cingell +
3 Allaxhir +
4 Rotllar +
5 Italian +
6 Cerlin e bardh +
7 Cerlin I zi +
8 Shqau +
9 Red fig +
10 Cipull +
11 Shengjinas +
12 Dimrak +
13 Bull +
14 Tragjas +
15 Peshtanak +
16 Morait +
17 Pastun +
18 Kallamata +

19 Roshnik +
20 I lashti +
21 Stambolliu +
22 Tivaras +
23 Melacak +
24 Bajun +
25 Patllixhan +
26 Perdhikul +
27 Shkronjes +
28 Bradashes +


I Like to thank specialists of Ndroqi, Berati, Vlora, Shkodra, for good

contribution in cooperation of fig expedition, and researchers and
lecturs in Agriculture University of another countries for cooperation.


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fi g

r e s h
F y fig
u s t r
n d
I y fig g
D ation fi
lo l i n

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