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a Mechanics of Aprc

Pg 1 – 37


Pg 1 – 12


Pg 1 – 12

SEC – IV - SAMPLE APRC ATTK & DEF (Maj Abbas, 86 Fd Regt Arty)
Pg 1 – 20


Pg 1 – 8

The document “Understanding Aprc – I” contains guidelines on Aprc. Part – II of this docus is
separately formulated and contains scanned Coloured Maps (1993 – 2009) along with the salient
from the narratives of each. Being first effort of its kind, it is liable to mistakes and errors,
therefore definitely requires improvements. The readers can offer their comments, suggestions or
identify errors at . Of course the military contents MUST not be sent,
explained through Internet.
Moreover for secrecy and security reasons, the docus MUST not be sent or distributed through
Maj M Zeeshan Asghar Ch
b Mechanics of Aprc

MECHANICS OF APRC - DEF.............................................................................b
Pts to Remember ..............................................................................................1
Concepts ...........................................................................................................1
Planning Parameters.........................................................................................3
Decision About the Emp / Depl of Addl Resources ...........................................5
REQ WISE DISCUSSION ON APRC (AS PER PARA 3A)..................................7
Review of Sit .....................................................................................................7
Aim ....................................................................................................................7
Deductions ........................................................................................................8
Vis of En Op ......................................................................................................9
Plan .................................................................................................................13
Sketch Marking................................................................................................14
MECHANICS OF APRC - ATTK ........................................................................ 16
Pts to Remember ............................................................................................16
Planning Parameters.......................................................................................16
Tech Aspects in Attk........................................................................................18
Aspects Must be Adhered During Planning of Attk..........................................19
REQ WISE DISCUSSION ON APRC (AS PER PARA 3A)................................ 22
Review of Sit ...................................................................................................22
Aim ..................................................................................................................22
Deductions from Gr and Weather....................................................................22
Deductions from En Factor..............................................................................23
Own Sit............................................................................................................23
Vis of Battle .....................................................................................................23
Time and Space ..............................................................................................24
APRC DEF – FORMAT FOR WRITING ‘PLAN’ ................................................29
DEF – DETAILS TO BE MARKED ON SKETCH...............................................31
ATTK – DETAILS TO BE MARKED ON SKETCH ............................................ 34

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1 Mechanics of Aprc


Pts to Remember
1. Originality. Most imp factor to successfully attempt an aprc is to bring in
originality. To bring it, make sure that you do not write things academically but
always write them with ref to gr (area specific) and in a given particular sit. That
is relate it with fol: -
a. Area.
b. Forces.
c. Aim of the op. (Aim should be the riding factor for planning)
2. Practice. Must apply your knowledge of aprc to min 5 – 6 sits. This can
be done by attempting old aprc papers with timings.
3. Kinds of Questions that are Asked from Aprc
a. Def a. Attk
(1) Review of the sit. (1) Aim.
(2) Aim. (2) Deductions (G&W, En, T&S)
(3) Deductions (5 each G&W and en). (3) Vis of Battle (Once asked).
(4) Own Sit (Seldom asked) (4) Time & Space.
(5) Courses. (5) Courses & Plan
(6) Vis of Battle.
(7) Plan.
4. Misc Aspects
a. REMEMBER, time is the overriding factor.
b. To complete the aprc is the basic pri vis-à-vis adding beauty to your
paper and wasting time.
c. The format of aprc does not apply in SCEE in true spirit. It should
be attempted as asked (Question wise).
d. There is no need of putting chits / printed labels of SECRET and
5. Protective Dets. Often in exam a small, normally a mob force of sgn
armr, pl LAT/ HAT, etc are given. Candidates often confuse these addl resources
given to them b/w, Adv posns, Covering tps, Recce elms. This further gets
confusing once the examiner gives the same composn diff names.

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2 Mechanics of Aprc

6. How to decide that what should such force be named and where should it
be depl? There are three methods to identify that : -
a. Sort of gr on which it is depl
(1) Whenever protective dets are emp on a ‘def terrain’ or on an
obs, call it adv posn otherwise these would be covering tps.
b. From Composn Pt of View
(1) Recce Elms
(a) It is totally a mob force.
(b) Every thing taking part as recce elms needs to be on
trks. (e.g. Armr, SP Arty, MIB, Aslt Engrs etc)
(2) Covering Tps
(a) It is a predominantly mobility hy force.
(b) A bal force of all arms.
(c) Within its composn an elms hold the gr, while other
mov around.
(3) Adv Posn
(a) It’s an inf hy posn (incl LAT & HAT), may have some
(b) Preferably depl over a natural obs / line of def, like
water obs, a ridge etc.
c. From Disposn Pt of View
(1) Recce Elms. It is depl from 25 – 100 kms or plus.
(2) Covering Tps. From 15 – 25 Kms.
(3) Adv Posn. From 5 – 10 Kms.
(4) Screens. These are normally 1 – 1.5 Kms ahead oh FDLs.
d. Whenever there is a def of salient the examiner would normally call
the composn of these addl resources as protective dets.

7. At bn lvl the depth is equal to the frontage, however depth reduces to half
as compared to frontage at coy lvl

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Planning Parameters
8. There are 3 – 4 limitations which normally an examiners puts in the paper,
these can best be termed as planning parameters. In-fact these are there to
guide and help the candidates to arrive at the correct plan / solution. The most
imp thing in def is siting the FDLs on the correct line of def. These parameters
precisely guide were to place FDLs and remaining depl is done in relation to
FDLs. These are as fol:-
a. Be as Far Fwd as Tac Feasible. Whenever this limitation is
given, see the resources aval with you, which can be used ahead of
the defs and this is always in relation to what is aval to you to
extricate it subsequently. The wpn of max range (mostly BS) aval
with you to depl ahead of FDLs (in screens, i.e. 1 – 1.5 kms ahead)
leave that much dist from intl border, leave further 1.5 kms and
place FDLs there. Such kind of limitation is best suited (as in our
scenario) in fol sits : -
(1) If you don’t have space to leave without fighting.
(2) For a bn this dist comes to normally b/w 5 – 8 kms.
(3) The bottom line is, whenever this limitation is given JUST
RULER and place FDLs which so ever line is aval.
(4) Site depth on next line 3-5 kms away from FDLs.
(5) Put screens 1 -1.5 kms ahead of FDLs.
(6) Place the protective dets lving 1.5– 2 kms away from border.
b. No Pen Beyond – Line. Whenever this limitation is offered, do
(1) Just put depth on that line.
(2) Aim should rein superior in the plan.
(3) Put FDLs on any aval line 3 – 5 kms ahead of depth.
(4) Put screens 1 – 1.5 kms ahead of FDLs.
(5) Protective dets to be placed min 3 - 4kms ahead of Screens.
c. Def of Such and Such Locs at All Costs. In this sit too proceed
as fol:-
(1) Put depth on the area that is to be defended at all costs.
(2) Rest all locs to be sited as discussed above.
d. Attrition
(1) If given, it becomes a limitation.
(2) It is dir proportional to the cap of fighting on more than one

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(3) It essentially demands from the defender to fight the en on

more than one line of def.
e. In Case Def of a Salient is Given
(1) Look for the closest line to the base of salient. Put FDLs on
to that line.
(2) Subsequent depl would be in relation to FDLs.
(3) Salient is always defended at its BASE.
9. In a Sit Where En Has Pen the Defs. At times the examiner give a sit,
where en has already pen into the main def and the candidates are asked to
prep/ occupy C-Pen posn. In such like sits take the line of max pen as intl border
and just proceed as discussed in above paras.
Decision Whether to Go 2 up or 3 up.
10. The decision whether to go 2 up or otherwise can be taken basing upon
a. Locs are sited, so that they should be mutually sp each other.
b. Localities should be mutually sp each other. Mutually sp localities
are those, when they are so depl on gr that any en which tries to
pen through them and then mount an attk, cannot do so without the
serious interference from either of the too.
c. Mutually Sp Locs are said to be those locs where the fire of one
localities wpns covers the second localities front.
d. The secs are normally sited in 3 up posn, thereby leaving no depth
at pl lvl.
e. Preferably coy should have depth locs i.e. pls are normally sited in
2 up posn.
f. Never stretch the pl frontage i.e. max 500 ms. (because pl comd
has to con the battle with the word of mouth).
g. At bn Lvl Fol Would Dictate the 2 up 3 up Sit
Coy / Pl Coy Frontage
(1) Bn AOR upto 6.5kms - 2 up / 2 up. 2500 Ms
(2) Bn AOR lies b/w 7 – 10 kms - 3 up / 2 up. 3000 Ms
(3) Bn AOR is beyond 10.5kms - 3 up / 3 up. 3500 Ms
h. If the gap b/w pls exceeds 500 Ms, only then it would be considered
as extended frontage.

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5 Mechanics of Aprc

Decision About the Emp / Depl of Addl Resources

11. Fol addl resources usually are given in a particular sit in exams: -
a. Armr
(1) Always used in protective dets.
(2) Subsequently used in res.
b. LAT Coy / Pl
(1) Initially put them in protective dets.
(2) Later use on the flks protection where attk is expected.
c. HAT Coy / Pl
(1) Initially put them in protective dets.
(2) Later use in FDLs in the gaps, on the tk-able apch. (like a pl
each in each gap if it’s a coy given)
d. Coy Rangers / FC / Mjd
(1) Put them on least threatened posn in FDLs.

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(2) Preferred it to put them in depth. (Don’t disintegrate them)

(3) If three coys are up, these can be put on the least expected
e. Engrs
(1) Mine lay tasks.
(2) Gp them with protective dets after mine laying tasks.
(3) Subsequently put them in res or on the least threatened flk,
or the flk which is not imed threatened.
12. Res
a. Armr.
b. Engrs.
c. 2/3 of coy that is in depth.
d. LAT/ HAT will NOT form part of res.
13. Sufficient Stores are Aval. Whenever there is a statement in narrative
that, ‘Sufficient stores and mines etc are aval’, this may be an indication that
there is a need to convert one or max two locs into a str pt. however this should
be weighed against other factors also to cfm it. Max a pl lvl str pt.

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Review of Sit
14. Don’t go into unnec details, and write in your own words; don’t try to copy
the paper. There are only three things to be mention here i.e. en, own and air.
Whether to write it in an attk or def aprc it should always fol the same seq. This is
as fol: -
a. En
(1) What en is (two steps up).
(2) Where en is.
(3) What is the intent?
(4) In What time frame. If date is given give it, otherwise D/E
b. Own
(1) What you are (At two lvls up).
(2) Where you are.
(3) What is the intent (Task).
(4) In what time frame.
(5) Your bn? Its neighbouring units.
c. Air. As it is given in narrative.
d. NBC Conditions. Only incase it is given.
15. Candidates often write a wrong aim, it is seen diff for them to identify b/w
limitations and msn essentials. These are specified below:-
a. Limitations. These are those orders / instrs for planning comd
which does lve alternatives with you. In other words there are no
practical variants aval for it. Like:-
(1) Be as far fwd as tac feasible.
(2) Don’t go beyond this line.
(3) Def to be taken in given bdrys.
(4) Def area____, at all costs.
(5) Def line____, at all costs.
(6) Def to be ready by ‘such and such’ hrs.
(7) Don’t use more than three coys.
(8) Pl size protection to gd “those three” brs.

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(9) Anything which is a part of normal conventional def

CANNOT be a limitation. BUT if he says that you must have
a protective M fds of 260Ms depth, which must be ready by
1030hrs D day, it will become a limitation.
b. Msn Essentials. It’s a bind, however can be done in more than
single way. These are often those pts, which are normally part of
the def / op yet separately specified to further emphasize them,
(1) Must have protective M fd in front.
c. Crux
(1) Anything which effs the normal dev of def as taught is not a
(2) Anything which does not eff the timings, resources and
space of def is not a limitation.
(3) Anything which lve on to the planning comd more then one
practical variant is not a limitation.
d. Aim always starts with ‘To’ and preferably be given in a tabulated
e. If there is no time frame specified for def to be ready by but a time
frame of en attk is given say by first lt D day. Then draw limitation
for your self as, ‘Def is to be ready by last lt D-1’.
16. Your overall intent and En’s overall intent. All things are configured
around these two aspects during the dev of aprc.
17. Normally 5 deductions each from ‘gr and weather’ and ‘en’ factors are
asked. Never strat a deduction with words “Keeping in view”. After giving 2 x
deduction of Apchs and ITGs, give other three deductions from the narrative.
a. Gr and Weather
(1) Important tac gr.
(2) Pri of apchs.
(3) Def Possibility (DP): unless asked this deduction should not
be written as it is very lengthy and consumes lots of time,
while still chances of error are more.
(4) Anti-infil measures.
(5) Addl A-tk M fd to be laid in area _____ and _____.
(6) Use of moon lt hrs for prep of def.
b. En (En composn, disposn and dev of op)
(1) Cfm of 2 or 3 maj deductions.

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(2) Req of converting a loc into str pt.

(3) An example of ‘cfm’ or ‘change’.
(4) Other three deductions should be based upon en
peculiarities given
“Considering en likely dev of op, to capture azizpur in early
timeframe and as western apch provides her shortest dist
and opportunity to estb FUP in his own area, the pri of apchs
as deduced from gr and weather stands cfm”.
“Since Azizpur will facilitate en op south of DCB hence its pri
as deduced from gr and weather, stands cfm and pri of other
imp tac gr is changed (or modified as under)…….“
(5) A Tk M fds. Since en is str in str in armr, and area _____
facilitates the mob therefore I must plan A tk M fd in area
(6) If any en intension of “Subsequent dev of op” is given, just
note it. Anything which will facilitate his this dev of op will be
his option.
Vis of En Op
18. Fol must be kept in mind:-
a. It should be dev in mathematical and systematic way.
b. You don’t write, “En will…….”, you write “En is likely……”
c. Vis is broken into various paras.
d. You must give a logical success to en every stage of vis.
e. You must not incl your own response to it, i.e. you do not say
what you’ll be doing at various stages.
f. It is just the logical unfolding of en op.
g. There is NO NEED to give nitty-gritty details about every en action.
Highlt the decisive actions.
h. Broad Front
(1) The term does not mean that en will open at throughout the
length of border by putting his complete might in one line
and start moving.
(2) It shows the en intent or capability to open up from more
than one front.
(3) It is pertinent to mention that even if a force as much as an
armr div opening up from one front, will not be taken as
broad front, where as two armr regts opening up offn from

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two diff locs will be considered as broad front. This is simply

(a) It will draw the opponent’s attention at two places,
making it diff for him to conc on each.
(b) At the same time dissipating his resources.
i. Precise Calc of Timings, En Mov / Delays / Rate of Adv in SZ
(1) 1 kmph, normally during day and ni.(while clearance of SZ)
(2) Delay Expected at ‘Delay Lines (Sqn Coy Gp)’
(a) It is normally b/w 4 to 6 hrs.
(b) 6 hrs; If the delay line is along some obs like
distributaries, nullahs, BUA etc.
(c) 4 hrs; if it is in plains with no obs.
(3) Rate of Adv of the fol bde, which has to come for attk, after
the clearance of SZ will be 5 kmph.
(4) Clearance of ph-1 in a bn / bde size offn: -
(a) 4 hrs; if no str pt as obj.
(b) 6 hrs; if there if a str pt as obj.
j. If asked to delay en for 72 hrs. Vis will be given in the same way
even if en op is completed in 36 – 48 hrs. To cater for the addl
delay upto 72 hrs you will write your reactions in courses. These
may be by making a fall back posn or addl str pt etc etc.
19. Vis (Hypothetical Example)
a. En is likely to cross intl border with armr on axes ___ and ____ by
0600 hrs D-day. Is likely to contact covering tps depl along line ___
and ___ by 0830 D-day. (If the delay line is 2.5 kms from intl border)
b. Will try to out flk the covering tps / adv posns, failing which will depl
for a deliberate attk. Around 1430 hrs (if delay line is along an obs)
having pushed back C/tps from line ____ & ____will resume adv on
both the axes.
c. Is likely to contact screens depl along ____&____ line around 1700
hrs. (say , 2.5 kms from c/tps)
d. Having pushed back the screens is likely to contact main def by
1800 hrs. (say 1.5 kms from c/tps) Having contacted the FDLs will
utilize the remaining day lt hrs for probing activity and cfm recce.
(At this stage, never say ‘En is likely to take 36 – 48 hrs for
buildup’. This is because term ‘Buildup’ is used when en has to shift
ahead its entire sp echs i.e. arty along with its ammo, engrs and logs, to
sp the offn. Now in most of the prac sits given in Aprc for SCEE, the intl
border will be b/w 6 to 10 kms from FDLs, thus not putting a condition

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onto en to up stick its recourses and depl fwd therefore can continue sp
from the same areas where initially depl)
e. Having carried out cfm recce is likely to attk from west having FUP
in area____ with two bns in ph-1 and armr in CS. Commencing op
around 2200 hrs.
(Its because, on estb of contact with the main def, the bde which
will have to come for attk (break-in), will mov after last lt and will have to
traverse all that dist, the rate of adv of that force will be 5 kmph)
First ph of the attk will take 4 – 6 Hrs, 6 hrs if there is a str pt and
4 hrs, if otherwise.
f. Around 0200 hrs, having captured ___ & ___ he will be in a posn
with 3rd bn either to go towards ___ or ___. But his intention to
cross DCB in min time, he will likely to go towards ___ with third bn
in ph-2.
g. Is likely to complete the ph by 1st lt D+1
(Each coming ph after ph-1 will req 2 – 3 hrs to complete
depending upon presence of str pt or otherwise)
20. Fol to be taken care: -
a. It does not start from ‘To’.
b. It should be in paragraph form.
c. Def is divided into echs, which are in relation to FDLs. There are
Protective dets, FDLs, Depth.
d. Reactions are planned for these echs, like C/attk and C/pen.
e. Composn of each ech incl reactions, once dev in relation to
timeframe and expressed in a para form is called a ‘Course’.
21. Course (Pts those must be there). Def along line X along ___, ____ &
_____. FDLs comprising 3 coys, coy each in area ____, ____ & ____. Depth
comprising 2 coys, coy in area ___ and mjd coy in area ____. Screens
comprising an inf pl and addl A/Tk wpns along line ____, ____ & ____. Covering
tps, comprising sqn armr, pl LAT, Pl HAT and inf pl along line ____, ____ &
____. Flk protection on fall of covering tps in area ____ & ____. (Flk protection
will take posn b/w the front coy on likely apch and likely FUP). Res on fall back of
C/tps comprising sqn armr and ___ in area ____. C/Attk Objs in order of pri are
___, ___ & ___. C/Pen posns in area ___, ___ . Having bias of def towards
_____ ,and that of A tk def towards ______. Commencing prep of def by ___ hrs
and completing def by ___ hrs.
(There is no need of giving out the locs of Bn mors, BHQ arty OP, DFs etc etc)
(MUST GIVE: All Disposns (tps), reactions and timings)

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22. Analysis (Advs)

a. Don’t try to give many adv, only enlist those which are there on gr.
b. Fundamentals of def (EFTMADRAS) and Basic Considerations of
Attk (ISIFIS) may be kept in consideration while analyzing.
c. Always consider limitations (those listed in ‘aim’) before giving
(In case of any of the fol limitation the adv would be: -
 Def to be as far fwd as tac feasible - Def is as far fwd as tac
feasible, as no space is lt
to en without fighting
 Line of no pen - Line of no pen is being
def well as FDLs are
ahead of it.
 Def loc ___, at all costs - ____ & ____ loc being
def effectively by having
FDLs and depth both
ahead of it, or being
converted into str pt)
d. Provides bal and formidable def framework, as def is org on str
FDLs, backed up by extremely eff depth.
e. Sufficient space will be aval for emp of protective dets.
f. Def is based upon the line having most eff obs__ .
g. Str covering tps gd frontal & eastern apch.
h. Max attrition can be caused by covering tps by occ of successive
lines of def.
i. Localities along ___ cannot be out flanked.
j. All apch are effectively covered.
k. Well coord A Infil measures.
l. Br on ____&____ canal being held from out set.
(What ever tasks and limitation are given to you, convert them into advs)
m. Fol should be avoided, being non specific and generalized: -
(1) Def on higher gr.
(2) Def loc are mutually sp.
(3) Good depth. etc, etc.
23. Analysis (Disadvs)
a. Def is not as far fwd as tac feasible.
b. Area from ___ to ___ is given to the en from very outset.

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c. FDL based upon line of no pen.

d. Most expected course.
e. A formidable obs ‘DCB’ being left in depth.
f. Def is not based upon an eff obs/ BUA.
g. No suitable fall back posns aval for protective dets.
h. Resource intensive option.
i. En can reach to the depth localities in one ph.
24. En Actions and Own Ctr Actions
It is basically the own reaction over all those en activities which he will be fol as
discussed in vis, e.g.:-
a. The en should be dealt in three “Phs of Conduct of Def Battle”,
(1) Prep Ph (2) Aslt Ph (3) C attk Ph and should be responded
(1) Prep Ph
(a) Protective dets.
(b) Demolitions, nuisance mines and route denial.
(c) Harassing fire.
(d) Air recce and interdiction.
(2) Aslt Ph. Def battle will fol a seq as per pg 332 – 333 (IBIB)
(3) C Attk Ph. IBIB, Pg 335, Para 27, a – c.
b. En while xing intl border from____ will be subjected to mor, arty
and long range wpns fire from C/tps depl at ___ loc.
c. By depl C/tps on __ obs thus augmenting the obs value of ___.
d. Etc etc.
e. Suitable layout of sequential dev of op is at Anx A.
25. It is seldom that a plan is asked in ‘Def’ Aprc. Plan is a detailed exec way
of the adopted course, in which task of each and every ech is specified
separately with all con / adm pts. Exec para of VOs given in Annexes of IBIB. A
format for writing a Plan, at Anx B can be consulted.

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Sketch Marking
26. Gen. Fol should be remembered:-
a. Def layout is always marked two steps down i.e. for Bn aprc locs
down to pl lvl are to be marked.
b. On rough sketch; You must always mark terr/ en info on diff parts
of your rough sketch and also mark in BOLD, any line of denial/ no
pen or any other line which the higher comd might have given to
restrict the fwd/ rear limits of your def layout.
c. Never bring beauty in marking the ‘GOOSE EGGS’.
d. Mark the ‘GOOSE EGGS’ as per the layout of gr.
e. Rds or tr passing by a loc must be incl in the marking, by extending
the ‘GOOSE EGG’ up to it.
f. Adv posn once constituted of a bde gp, is marked in goose eggs.
Here at bn lvl plus a sqn, coy gp will be marked in flashes.
g. Once a tk tp is depl in adv posns it lves 500 to 1km area from tk to
tk. That means a tp from 1.5 to 2.5 kms.
h. FUP is marked in dotted, at least 1000 Ms away from FDLs.
i. Flk protection is marked in dotted.
j. Loc of res is marked in dotted too.
k. Normally C/Pen is marked with 1500 Ms of frontage on the most
threatened apch. Moreover it is normally marked at a dist of
1500Ms behind the FDLs.
l. M fds to be marked as per scale.
m. Tac HQ on the front coy on most likely apch.
n. Only protective M fds is to be marked.
o. SD Pts
(1) Writing inside goose eggs must fol its alignment.
(2) Names of the landmarks are written parallel to these. Like
rivers, nullah, canals, rly line, rds, hills etc.
(3) Writing associated with mil symbols will be of the same
(4) All other writings are in black.
(5) At least three map intersections of gridlines must be marked.
(6) Map Ref. “Map: West Pakistan 1:50,000, sheet 39N/13,
14 and 15, 44B/1 and 2.”
p. Anx Q, gives a list of things to be marked on sketch in def.

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27. Timeline
a. Theory - 45 mins.
b. Reading the narrative - 15 mins.
c. Review of sit - 10 mins.
d. Aim - 05 mins.
e. Deductions (5mins) - 30 mins.
f. Vis - 30 mins.
g. Courses - 1’ – 15 mins.
h. Plan - 15 mins. (If asked reduced 15
mins from courses)
i. Sketch - 30 mins.
Total - 4’00”
Seq of Actions Before Attempting the Aprc?
28. Analyze fol (A thought process):-
a. Own & en intent.
b. En peculiarities.
c. Gr peculiarities.
d. Now apply the planning parameters.
e. In the mind, decide how the def would look like.
29. Attempt in Fol Seq
a. Never give theory more than 45 mins.
b. Attempt the aprc in fol seq for speedy attempt:-
(1) Read the paper and hurriedly put fol details on sketch in
15 mins after analyzing it as per para 28.
(a) The line of def for FDL.
(b) The extents or frontage, and how many coys up.
(c) The apch, en will adopt.
(2) Write the courses.
(3) Mark the sketch.
(4) Give plan.
(5) Review of the sit and aim.
(6) Write en vis.
(7) Write deductions.

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16 Mechanics of Aprc


Pts to Remember
1. Kinds of Questions that are Asked from Aprc
a. Review of the sit. (Asked once or twice in attk)
b. Aim.
c. Deductions (G&W, En, T&S).
d. Own Sit (Seldom asked).
e. Time & Space.
f. Courses.
g. Vis of Battle (Seldom asked).
h. Plan.
2. Misc Aspects
a. Attk aprc is simpler, less confusing.
b. Attk mtd on the obj from both the apchs may prove workable,
provided you have solid reasons for that, i.e. there often
possibilities of more than one DS solution.
c. Normally in a sit, a delaying posn or a BOP is tasked to be reduced.
d. To complete the aprc is the basic pri vis-à-vis adding beauty to your
paper and wasting time.
e. The format of aprc does not apply in SCEE in true spirit. It should
be attempted as asked (Question wise).
f. There is no need of putting chits / printed labels of SECRET and
Planning Parameters
3. Configuration of Intl Border. At times the configuration of intl dictates
or provides some decisive concls, which can lead to the perfect sil. E.g:-
a. On one of the apchs the FUP can be kept in own area.
b. Or ; it can be sel just after xing intl border.
c. In such like sit IMED adopt that apch unless there is a grave
4. Ref to the Previous OP. If the exam makes a mention of some dev or
ref to previous/ simultaneous op. e.g. “BOPs on east have been captured in an
earlier op of neighboring unit”. We know the principle, that success must be
exploited, so adopt that apch, which lies on eastern dir.

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17 Mechanics of Aprc

5. Some Digging in Seen. At times a ref of some minor activity/ presence

of en is made to the east or west of the obj, which lies in one of the apch. In such
sit proceed as fol:
a. If Minor Tps/ Ptl. Minor force or a ptls cannot have a significant
value/ affect to justifiable to discard an apch.
b. Indication of a Large Force. If the presence of a large force is
indicated e.g. “A pl is seen east of the obj near vill ____ ”. in this sit
this apch cannot be adopted and discarded from the outset.
6. BUA in First Ph. In case if in one of the apch the force is to confront a
BUA. That apch may not have significance and must not be adopted. The
CONNOTATION of BUA is that it should be min 500 x 500 Ms area shown on the
sketch with description as Pakka houses. However if few huts are indicated with
a description of Kucha houses, is given that must not be taken as BUA.
7. Initial Ph is Ending Up on A Distinguishable Feature/ Landmk. If
through one apch the initial ph is terminating on a distinguishable gr feature or
landmk (Rly Line, Rd, bund etc); this entails a huge advantage. Unless some
other grave factor is stopping MUST adopt that apch.
8. Most ITG in Initial Ph. Invariably, the MITG is in depth, capturing which
will unhinge the entire def of en and the remaining posns will become untenable
by the en. The apch which will facilitate the capture of MITG in ph one should be
preferred, if nothing abnormal hinders its sel.
9. Once en Disposn are Shown in Linear Fashion. Adopt the apch/ dir
which would facilitate capture of most objs in initial ph.
10. Salient. Always adopt the dir from where the base of the salient can be

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18 Mechanics of Aprc

Tech Aspects in Attk

11. Capacity of An Apch
a. Bn Lvl

b. Bde Lvl

c. Div Lvl

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19 Mechanics of Aprc

Aspects Must be Adhered During Planning of Attk

12. While planning the aim of the attacker should be, to keep his en guessing,
which side is the main attk.
13. Addl recourses in attk may incl, LAT, HAT, armr and engrs.
14. Never pullout tps, from the coys going in attk in ph – I of the op specially
the coy going on the depth obj, for some other task like; blocking posns, feint
activities etc.

15. BOF
a. BOF should be in loc at min H – 45.
b. BOF is placed at a dist of 750 Ms backward (layered).

16. Blocking posn

a. These should be in loc min 15 – 20 mins before H hr.
b. An Inf pl will always accompany LAT or the armr recourses planned
for the blocking posns.
c. Apch to be Adopted by Tps for Block Posn
(1) If the tps are constrained or obj are more in no, then the
block should adopt the opposite apch from that of attk tps, as
this will also caters for the req for addl tps for feint.
(2) It is preferable that block should adopt the apch from where
the main attk is planned.
(3) The apch MUST have 4 – 5 kms dist b/w the BOPs (or
adjacent en locs), so that the tp of tks earmk for block can
mov to the posn. (At bn lvl op)
d. Circumstances Once Block is to be Mov from Opposite Dir.
Once the tps are constrained, the block should be preferably be
planned from the opposite dir of that of attk. This will serve the
purpose of Feint Activity too.

17. Feint Attk

a. The task of feint elms is to depict some activity simultaneously on
an apch other than of the main attk, to mislead and confuse the en.
b. This force does not have to pen deep in en area. Often it can
accomplish the msn while remaining on/ near the intl border but
distinctly on opposite apch.

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20 Mechanics of Aprc

c. Normally while attk on an en coy a pl lvl force, coupled with some

vehs and wpns is sufficient to depict some feint activity.
d. This pl can either be extricated from the coys moving in for ph – II
as fol: -
(1) From the Coy Asg FUP Protection. After H hr this coy will
retrieve itself back at a safe dist (3 – 4 Kms) from the fight of
Ph – I. Even if it is called for rft of one of the pinned down
coys of ph – I, it would be after a lapse of 1 hr. It is therefore
safe to pullout one of its pls from the very outset and tasked
for a Feint Activity on the other apch.
(2) Remaining Coy of Ph – II. The last coy, which has to in
any case mov for its asg task min 2 – ½ hrs after H hr, can
be conveniently asg the task to spare a pl for feint activity.
This force is otherwise placed at a safe dist of about
2 to 2 ½ hrs away from the fight at obj.
e. Tps for feint activity should depicting mov min 30 mins before H hr.
18. Emp of Armr
a. Advantage of armr in attk is mainly of its fire power.
b. Never take armr in CS, if there are mix M fds all around.
c. Armr is not incorporated with aslt tps in ph – II of the op.
19. How to Decide, Where to Put Armr (BOF or in Blocking Posn)
a. While in attk a tp of tk if altd, is mainly a firepower source.
b. Unless there is a limitation, “To ensure max Destruction at all
costs”, do not plan the block with armr. Just plan it with Inf pl plus
the aval LAT/ HAT elms.
20. FUP should be planned b/w 1000 – 1500 Ms.
21. For ni attk the aslt speed will be 100 Ms/ 3 mins.
22. Aslt line (AL) should be at a dist of 300 Ms from the obj.
23. There exists no concept of AL in day lt. As ALs are meant to coord the fire
from BOF. Since in day lt the tps posn is otherwise evident and vis from BOF
therefore there is no such concept in planning. Though at tps lvl they continue to
follow the typical drill of raising the slogan and charging the obj.
24. Be Prep Task
a. Whenever the task asg demands max destruction of en forces; a
“Be Prep Task” cannot be asg.
b. The “Be Prep Tasks” are marked with dotted lines.
c. A “Be Prep Task” for one of the coys of Ph – I can be to cater for
any 5th obj that needs to be reduced, not considered while planning.

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25. Timings of Fighting on Obj

Tough Area with Bunkers etc Normal Def
a. Ph – 1 2 hr 1 – ½ hr
b. Ph – 2 1 – ½ hr 1 hr
26. Loc of Other Coys After Launch of Ph – 1
a. Coy Asg the Task of FUP Protection. Can get back after launch
of ph – 1, at a safe dist of about 4 – 5 kms.
b. Fol up Coy (Forth). This coy can kept back at an interval of 2 hrs.
27. Loc of Assy Areas
a. Assy A - 20 Kms and Beyond.
b. FAA - 10 – 15 Kms.

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22 Mechanics of Aprc


Review of Sit
1. Don’t go into unnec details, and write in your own words; don’t try to copy
the paper. There are only three things to be mention here i.e. en, own and air.
Whether to write it in an attk or def aprc it should always fol the same seq. This is
as fol: -
a. En
(1) What en is (two steps up).
(2) Where en is.
(3) What is the intent?
(4) In what time frame. If date is given give it, otherwise D/E day
b. Own
(1) What you are (At two lvls up).
(2) Where is it.
(3) What is the intent (Task).
(4) In what time frame.
(5) Your bn? Its neighbouring units.
c. Air. As it is given in narrative.
d. NBC Conditions. Only in case it is given.
2. A single line aim should be written as normally there is only one limitation
asked in attk. However if the limitations are more it should be written in tabulated
a. Limitations. These are those orders / instrs for planning comd
which does lve alternatives with you. In other words there are no
practical variants aval for it. There are very few only a couple of
limitations in attk, like:-
(1) Time limitations.
(2) Cause max destruction; such limitation demands blocking of
en wdr routes before the commencement of attk.
Deductions from Gr and Weather
3. Apchs. I accord eastern as the pri one apch, other apch in the order are
western and central. My reason are: -
a. It ensures capture of more obj incl MITG i.e. ___ and ___ in ph – 1.
b. Prevent en’s wdr towards _____.
c. Hits the base of the obj _____.

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23 Mechanics of Aprc

d. Avoids ___ in first ph being a BUA.

e. Affords exploitation of success by blocking en at ___ from the very
4. ITGs. Identify the MITG, then in relation to that identify other ITGs.
Deductions from En Factor
5. Keeping in view en composn and disposn and his req to retain ____ for
the def of BOP the pri of MITG as deduced from Gr and Weather is confirmed.
The pri of other ITGs in view of en’s disposn alone is modified as under: -
a. ___.
b. ___.
6. As en is cap of fleeing from the battle area once subjected to reverses and
owing to the fact of the availability of TCVs as well as well connected rd
infrastructure. I must estb my block in area ____ and ____ before the
commencement of op.
7. As the en has ni surv / early wng cap, I must depict simultaneous activity
in area ____, _____ and ____ on commencement of the op to confuse him about
the actual dir of attk.
Own Sit
8. Normally not asked.
Vis of Battle
9. Normally not asked, since en is fixed and you are mov.

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Time and Space

10. The speed of attk echs before the FUP - 5 kmph.
11. Speed of attk echs after FUP - 100 Ms / 3 mins.
12. Types of Calcs
a. Rearwards Calc. Once it is clearly spelt out that capture so and
so loc by this time.
b. Forward Calc. Once it is told that capturing so and so loc ASP.
13. Time Data
a. Time Now _____.
b. Time to Accomplish Msn _____.
c. First Lt _____.
d. Last Lt _____.
e. Time Aval _____.
(1) Day Hrs _____.
(2) Ni Hrs _____.
14. Time Req
Ser Events Time Req Running Time Remarks
a. Completion of op - 0600 Hrs D+1
b. Unforeseen Ph – II 20 mins 0540 Hrs D+1
c. Final Reorg 40 mins 0500 Hrs D+1
d. Fighting on obj Ph – II 60 mins 0400 Hrs D+1
e. SL to obj Ph – II 12 mins 0348 Hrs D+1  A Hr not later than
0348 hrs
f. Stay in FUP Ph – II 05 mins 0343 Hrs D+1
j. Unforeseen Ph – I 15 mins 0328 Hrs D+1
k. Reorg Ph – I 20 mins 0308 Hrs D+1
l. Fighting on obj Ph – I 90 mins 0138 Hrs D+1
m. SL to obj ph – I 28 mins 0110 Hrs D+1  H Hr 0110 hrs
n. Stay in FUP Ph – I 05 mins 0105 Hrs D+1  Block posn to be in-
loc by 0050 Hrs D+1
o. Mov from FAA to FUP 120 mins 2305 Hrs D Day  Tps for feint activity
to be ready by 0040
Hrs D+1
p. Rest and rehearsal 12 hrs 1105 Hrs D Day  BOF elms to be ready
by 0020 Hrs D+1
q. Recce, planning and orders 24 hrs 1105 Hrs D-1

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15. It should be written in paragraph form. An example can be: -
Attk from lt apch at ni, with a bn in two phs, having tks in fire sp role. In
ph – I, capture ____ and ____ with a coy each completing the ph in 1 ½ hrs. In
ph – II, capture ____ and ____ with a coy each, completing the ph in approx 1
hr. Keeping FUP for ph – I in area ____ protected by fol up coy and for ph – II
fwd line of tps. BOF comprising of LAT pl, ATGM pl and coy hy wpns in area
____ on the fwd edge of M fds to be estb by 0020 hrs D+1. Blocking posn
comprising 1x Inf pl and armr tp in area _____, by 0050 hrs. Conc A at ___and
FAA in___. H Hr being 0110 hrs D+1 and A Hr not later than 0348 hrs. Reorg in
horse shoe pattern incl ____, ____ and ____ facing_____. F-ech to be brought
fwd on rd _______ keeping RV at _____at 0040 hrs D+1. Feint activity to be
created on rt apch at 0040 hrs D+1 by the forth coy. Loc of Bn HQ after reorg at
____and Bn (Tac) at _____. Completing the op by 0600 hrs D+1.
16. Analysis
a. Adv
(1) The maj limitation should be converted into advs.
(2) Flking attk.
(3) Capturing MITG in ph – I.
(4) More no of obj can be captured in initial ph.
(5) FUP in own area.
(6) BUA is avoided in initial ph.
(7) Attk the base of enclave in ph – I.
(8) BSF Post in ph – II may not req any phy attk.
(9) En’s route of wdr/rft is blocked in ph – I.
(10) Accomplishment of msn in earlier time frame.
(11) BOF can sp both phs from same loc.
b. Dis Adv
(1) Most expected dir.
(2) FUP in open/ en terr.
(3) BOF close to intl border liable to interference.
(4) Mast expected dir of attk invites str def reactions.
(5) Breach in Cat A fence will give away surprise/intentions.
(6) More coord is needed.
(7) Attk will be in dark hrs and reorg under moon lt.

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26 Mechanics of Aprc

17. En Reactions and Own Ctr Actions. These should be the opposite to
those given for def.
18. Most likely to be asked in case of attk. Each ech has to be given exclusive
set of orders, explaining fol: -
a. There gping.
b. Task.
c. Time.
19. “Adm and log” and “comd and sig” aspects are to be filled in by the
relevant details worked out in aprc.

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27 Mechanics of Aprc

Anx A
30. Based upon a hypothetical sit/ names of various localities:-
En Actions Own Ctr Actions
(1) En is likely to complete the assy by - I must bring HF on en conc and gather
__hrs on D-1. max possible info on en’s intention.
(2) En is likely to X intl border at about 1st - Subj to Arty DFs.
lt D day on a broad front with armr ldg.
(3) Is likely to contact covering tps depl - C Tps along line ________will open fire
along line ___ and ___ by _____ D-day. at long ranges to force en to depl and
(ROA 1 kmph) thus impose delay.
(4) Is likely to try to out flk the covering tps - C Tps will engage the en and will not
/ adv posns, failing which will depl for a allow him to bypass before putting a
deliberate attk. min delay of 4 – 6 hrs.
(5) Around _____hrs (after 4 hrs for normal - C Tps will wdr. (if there is a 2nd def line
delay line & 6 hrs if it is along a def terr) the protective dets will fall to that)
after brushing aside C Tps from line
____ & ____will resume adv.
(6) After clearing delay line-1, en will I must carry out arty bombardment on
cautiously resume adv at ____hrs D day. en and ask for aerial engagement North
of line ______ – ______.
(7) En will contact C Tps at delay line-2 by - C Tps to engage en at longer ranges and
Consult only, If 2 DLs are planned

_____ hrs D day. Will try to out flk by force her to depl. A delay of 6-8 hrs will
finding some gaps(say, 3 kms from DL 1) be achieved by subjecting en through
Otherwise mov to ser “L"

attrition by Arty and A tk wpns.

(8) Having failed en will make a deliberate - After imposing delay of about 6-8 hrs, I
effort to clear the oppn and will do so must order my C Tps to wdr.
by _____ hrs D Day.
(9) En will contact screens at ___ hrs D Day  I must order my screen to engage en
and will try to clear them in same at longer ranges.
momentum. (say , 3 kms from DL -2)  After putting a delay of 1 to 1 ½ hrs,
the screens will wdr.
(10) At ____ hrs D Day en will clear screens. - I must cont engaging en with aval wpns
En will re-gp at ni and will resume adv and must keep a watch on her apch and
at 1 lt D+1. intents.
(11) Is likely to contact FDLs at 1st lt D+1 and I must engage en through arty fire and
will carry out probing activity / cfm keep eff con on fire thereby not giving
recce. (Mov to para 15) exact loc of my defs.

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28 Mechanics of Aprc

(12) En is likely to contact screens depl along -  I must order my screen to engage en
____ and ____around _____ hrs D day. at longer ranges.
(say , 2.5 kms from DL - 1)  After putting a delay of approx an
hour, the screens will wdr.
(13) Having pushed back the screens is likely - En will be subjected to the coord fire of
to contact main def by ____ hrs. (say SAs and A tk wpns.
1.5 kms from c/tps).
(14) Having contacted the FDLs will utilize - I must engage en through arty fire and
the remaining day lt hrs for probing keep eff con on fire thereby not giving
activity / cfm recce. exact loc of my defs.
(15) Having carried out cfm recce is likely to -  On cfm of en’s dir of attk, I shall re-adj
attk from west having FUP in area____ my def.
with two bns in ph-1 and armr in  I must launch a spoiling attk on en at
CS/Fire sp. Commencing op around FUP from standing ptl, ahead FDL’s
____hrs D Day. (___ hrs D+1) and bring eff arty/ mor on BOF to neut
(16) Is likely to breach my defs and take two -  Call for DF (SOS)
secs form lt fwd coy.  The coy comd will launch quick C attk
by the designated tps from depth pl.
(17) En will take two pls of my fwd coy and - I must launch C attk by the designated
widen the breach. tps from the depth coy (Cmt Bn Res).
(18) En will hold on to the breach and will - I must occ C pen posn AA south of Rakh
try to further widen it. Bhani.
(19) En will launch ph-II of her attk by - I must give a tough fight and consume
A spec sit (Only for C Pen)
Otherwise mov to ser “V”

____hrs D+2 at _____ and C pen posn another bn fighting through C pen posn.
____ and will clear them by _____hrs By this I must ensure, en should launch
D+2. ph-III to capture Azizpur, for that en
needs recycling of tps.
(20) En will have a pause in op for 12 hrs to - I must cont en’s engagement with fire
recycle her tps to clear Azizpur. and hold on to Azizpur.
(21) En will launch ph-III to clear Azizpur by - I will give a tough fight, later on wdr to
____ hrs D+2 and will clear it by ____ Nurkot after 0100 hrs D+3.
hrs D+3.
(22) En is likely to launch ph-II of her attk by -  I must give a tough fight.
____hrs D+1 at _____ and _____ and  In concert with Res create conditions
will clear them by _____ hrs D+1. for launching of Bde Res.

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29 Mechanics of Aprc

Anx B
1. Plan is based on the course adopted. Only essential details are covered.
A suggested layout is :-
2. Msn. Take up def posns along canal __________ from __________ incl
to __________ incl by 0600 hrs D minus 1.
3. Exec
a. Gen Outline. Anx P. Def in two coys up. A coy as lt fwd coy, B
coy rt fwd, C coy lt depth and D coy rt depth coy.
b. A Coy
(1) Grouping
(a) UC forthwith - PI ex C coy
(b) UC after Screen battle - PI LAT
- Pl HAT
(c) Arty Observer.
(d) Mor observer.
(2) Tasks
(a) Take up def posn from ___________ incl to _______
incl by 0600 hrs D minus 1.
(b) Asst engrs to lay Mfd in front of your posns.
c. B Coy.

d. C Coy.

e. D Coy.

f. Addl Coy (if any)

g. Asit pnr pi (Tasks)
h. Atkpl "
i. Mor pl "
j. Sig pl "
k. LAT pl "

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30 Mechanics of Aprc

l. HAT pl "
m. Fd Engrs pl "
n. Arty (Ds Bty) "
4. Coord Instrs
a. Timings.
(1) Occ to start by_______.
(2) Def to be ready by_______.
(3) Screens and Standing Ptls to be in posn by______.
(4) C pen to be ready by_______.
(5) Mines laying to be completed by______.
b. Bdrys.
c. Pri of Work.
d. Almt of Def stores.
e. Any other details considered essential to be given.
5. Adm and Log
a. Ammo Replenishment.
b. Med.
c. Food.
6. Comd & Sig
a. CP.
b. Altn CP.
c. BHQ.
d. Wrls Silence. At ____hrs on _____.
e. Tel line. Will be laid by ______ hrs.
f. Code Words - Will be issued separately.
g. Nick name - Will be issued separately.
Lt Col
(Abc Defgh Ijkl)
A - Mov Table
B – Bdrys
P - Obs plan
Q - Contingency planning
Distr. Att.

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31 Mechanics of Aprc

Anx P
1. Fol must be marked correctly on sketch with in 20 mins:-
SD Aspects
a. Page No,, security cl “EXAM SECRET”, Copy No, ref as “Anx P”, Main heading, Map
intersections etc.
Imp Marking
b. Coy locs down to pl lvl
(FDLs & Depth).. First mk the
pl locs and then around
these mk the coy goose-egg.

c. CAF, Mjds and Rangers. To be depicted with brown colour

d. A tk Wpns (RL,75RR,
105RR, ATGM)
e. Inf hy wpns(60&81
(60&81 Mor,
f. Wpn with its number on lt &
cal written on its rt side, e.g.
3 x 120mm mors
g. Inter unit/ fmn Bdrys
 Symbol of higher unit/ fmn
will be used.
 Bdrys b/w friendly units are
mk in blue. Those b/w en
units are mk red. (SD, 1208)
h. M fds with gaps/ Composn/
Number (In full green
colour).. From lt (clockwise),
A per, A tk, double A tk, and
A tk booby trapped mines. The number indicates the qty of mines.
i. Listening Posts and standing
j. Screen with composn &
 Lt top: Gen, Rt: at higher
lvl, lt bottom: one of the
three screen of sec lvl
each depl/ con by bn.
 Own with blue, en with
red. (SD, Pg 1210 )
k. Arty OP, Div Arty OP.

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32 Mechanics of Aprc

l. Mor Obsr

m. Arty DFs (8 x tgts per arty

bty),, Linear tgt as DF(SOS)

n. Mor DFs (8 x tgts per mor tp/

bn mors)

o. Bn HQ, Bn Tac

p. C Attk Objs
Gen 2 are mk on the most
likely apch. And 1 is mk on
the other apch. Mk covering
a pl or pl(plus area)
q. C Pen posns

r. Res – Composn & Loc

s. Adv posns.. A bde lvl &

above the adv posns are
always the proper def posns
and mk as such. However at
bn lvl they are mk with
flashes as done for
protective dets
t. Protective Dets

Minor Details
u. Delay Lines (DLs)

v. Fall back posns of SZ elms

w. Battle Handover line

x. Stay Behind Parties (SBPs)

y. Bias of Def Bias of def or A tk def is depicted by placing the forces

and siting max automatics/ Attk wpns towards that area
or apch.

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34 Mechanics of Aprc

Anx Q
1. Fol must be marked correctly on sketch with in 30 mins:-
SD Aspects
a. Page No, security cl “EXAM SECRET”, Copy No, ref as “Anx P”, Main heading,
Map intersections etc.
Imp Marking
b. Conc A & FAA.

c. Route to FUP

d. FUP.. Writing should be inline

with the goose-egg
e.  Lt : SL with H hr.
 Rt : Attk arrows with force
going in.

f. Ph line with Nickname, Time

of completion

g. Reorg plan

h. BOF with composn, loc and


i. F ech, and their route The route for F ech is mk with the help
marking,, RV and time at RV. of “F-ech
ech symbol” mk at the start pt. A
dotted line till the RV and a dotted
symbol of F echs at RV with DTG.

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j. Blocking posn, composn and


k. Feint Activity (tps etc), shown

with the broken line and
mentioned in legend.
l. A tk wpns in reorg Mk with the help of dotted symbols

m. DFs in reorg Mk with the help of dotted symbols

n. Surv elms in reorg Mk with the help of dotted symbols

o. Fixation

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1. Fol items have been practiced, evaluated and found to be the most
suitable for execution of the tasks, these may vary from per to per:-
a. Pen
(1) Write Up. Compo, Gel Pen, _____.
(2) Marking of Sketch. Thin nib marker, pointers of various
colours. Don’t use pentals or wide markers.
b. Scale. Good quality transparent scale (12 inches length).
c. Stencil. Particularly a custom made, not to be used for marking
goose eggs rather for marking “Standing Ptls”, round shapes,
rectangles etc.
d. Wooden board.
e. Highlighter set.
2. Time Scale (Self Prep), with moon qtr data (rising and setting timings)

Maj M Zeeshan Asghar Ch

38 Mechanics of Aprc

Maj M Zeeshan Asghar Ch



Maj M Zeeshan Asghar Ch

Continuation Sheet No. 1 Index No. APRC DEF .

Answer to Question 1a
1. Aim. To def given AOR with fol limitations:-
a. Def to be as per fwd as tac feasible.
b. Zafarwal to be def at all cost.
c. Cause max attrition / delay onto the en.
d. Defs to be ready by 0600 hrs D day.
e. Allow no pen.
f. Deny ________at all cost.

Answer to Question 1b
2. Review of the Sit.
a. En. En 5 Bde is def AOR with 2 x bns. 3rd bn is possibly held as bde res. Another bde sp
by a tk regt minus is likely to be aval to en for offn ops. Total offn force aval to en is
therefore a bde plus sp by tk regt minus.
b. Own. Own 40 Bde is def area with 3 x bns up, 19 Pb on lt, 10 FF in Cen and 1 Sind less 2
x Coys as rt fwd bn and 2 x Coys ex 1 Sind are bde res.
c. Air. Blue land will op under adverse air sit.

Answer to Question 1c
3. Deductions Gr and Weather
a. Pir of Apchs. The eastern apch has initial accessibility to dominating areas like
_____________and ___________, better depl areas in the from of __________, less
terrain friction due to flat gr and negligible obs value of _________, suitability of gr for
conduct of armr inf comb ops, allows by passing BUAs __________, _______, and served
with cl _____ rd / Tr, my relative pri of apchs is as under:-
(1) Eastern apch Along _____________________.
(2) Western apch Along ____________________.
(3) Cen apch along _________________________.
b. Imp tac gr. Since ______________forms Hub of AOR, dominates MSR______ being in
close proximity, offers formidable def str being BUA, if lost will render defs untenable
and facilitate op towards____________________, all apchs converge upon it therefore
is most imp tac gr. Rest in order of pri are as fol:-
(1) ________________________.
(2) ________________________.
(3) ________________________.
c. Pri of Lines of Def. Relative pri of lines of def is as under:-
(1) Line W along.___________________________________________.
Maj M Zeeshan Asghar Ch
Continuation Sheet No. 2 Index No. APRC DEF .

(2) Line X along, ___________________________________________.

(3) Line Y astride.__________________________________________.
(4) Line Z astride. __________________________________________.
(5) Reasons for sel line W as pri 1 line of def are:-
(a) As far fwd as tac feasible thus helping to achieve aim.
(b) Draws max str from gr having FDLs based on formidable obs/BUA
_________, ____________.
(c) Denying area _____from outset achieving aim of def.
(d) Ideal space aval for emp of protection dets to cause max attrition and
delay to en.
(e) Mutual sp b/w various locs like _________by obsn and fire.
(f) Aval of depth on formidable posns incl BUA like ______.
(g) Cohesiveness in def.
(h) Flks protected due to_________________.
d. Def Possibilities (DPs). Irrespective of line of def I adopt, considering msn, config of
ITGs, aval of diff hts, BUA, dictates of gr vis-à-vis need to emp all ech of def fol DPs
emerge in order of pri.
Loc DP1 DP2
a. Protective dets
b. FDLs
c. Depth
d. C attk objs in pri
e. C pen posn in pri.
f. Bias of def / A tk def.
e. Bias of Def / A Tk Def. Since area towards _____________ is flat due to non existence
of any natural obs, lesser terrain friction favoring X cty mob of wh and tr vehs, obs value
of ________favours armr in CS, Irrespective of DP I finally adopt I shall have my bias of
def / A tk def towards_________________________.
Answer to Question 1d
4. En Factor.
a. En Str and Composn. x x x x x.
b. En Disposn. Foxland ______ Div is presently loc in area_________.

Maj M Zeeshan Asghar Ch

Continuation Sheet No. 3 Index No. APRC DEF .

c. En Capabilities. With the existing resources en is capable of launching main attk of a

______size force sp by a ___ of tks and feint attk with a ___ size force while keeping a
sizeable force as res to take initiative. His main capabilities are:-
(1) Cap – 1. En is capable of launching a __ size attk with an armr ___ from lt
at ni in three phases. In ph-I capture area ___ with a ___ sp by a ___ of tk in CS.
In ph-II clear area ___ with a __ sp by ___ and in ph-III (Be prep task) capture
area ___ with an inf ___ sp by ___ of tks. Fire base in area____. Feint attk with a
___ str on ___ loc completing op in ____hrs.
(a) Advs
i. Facilitate dev of op towards _________________.
ii. Gaining con over MSR in Ph – I.
iii. Capturing MITG in ph – I.
iv. Ideal depl areas for Base of fire and FUP.
v. Emp of armr in CS.
vi. Maint of momentum by keeping res in all phs.
vii. Oblique flking attk.
(b) Disadv
i. Most expected dir of attk.
ii. Hy cas due to bias of def.
iii. Separation of armr from inf.
iv. En has to phase out op.
(2) Cap – 2. x x x x.
(3) Common Caps
(a) Infil.
(b) Heliborne.
(c) Feint / Diversionary attks.
(d) Air attk.
5. Vis of Def of en Ops
a. En is likely to cross intl border with armr on axes ___ and ____ by 0600 hrs D-day.
b. Is likely to contact covering tps depl along line ___ and ___ by 0830 D-day. (If the delay
line is 2.5 kms from intl border)
c. Will try to out flk the covering tps / adv posns, failing which will depl for a deliberate
d. Around 1430 hrs (if delay line is along an obs) having pushed back C/tps from line ____
& ____will resume adv on both the axes.
e. Is likely to contact screens depl along ____&____ line around 1700 hrs. (say , 2.5 kms
from c/tps)
Maj M Zeeshan Asghar Ch
Continuation Sheet No. 4 Index No. APRC DEF .

f. Having pushed back the screens is likely to contact main def by 1800 hrs. (say 1.5 kms
from c/tps).
g. Having contacted the FDLs will utilize the remaining day lt hrs for probing activity and
cfm recce.
h. Having carried out cfm recce is likely to attk from west having FUP in area____ with two
bns in ph-1 and armr in CS. Commencing op around 2200 hrs.
i. Around 0200 hrs, having captured ___ & ___ he will be in a posn with 3rd bn either to
go towards ___ or ___. But his intention to cross DCB in min time, he will likely to go
towards ___ with third bn in ph-2.
j. Is likely to complete the ph by 1st lt D+1
6. Deductions – En Sit
a. Cfm of Basic Deductions. Considering en’s resources and cap to dev her ops on most
likely option vis-à-vis dictates of gr fol deductions from gr and weather stand cfm:-
(1) Pri of apchs.
(2) Pri of ITGs.
(3) Pri of lines of def.
(4) Pri of DPs.
b. Anti Infil Measures. Since en is cap of undertaking a coy size infill along western apch
through area ________________I must resort to fol in order to check infill:-
(1) Link ptl end to end across whole front.
(2) Elaborate E wng sys by sending SP/LP in area ____________.
(3) Mine the gaps along western apch.
c. Anti Armr Measures. Since en has cap of emp armr in CS fol will be done to deny this
(1) Emp of C Tps constituting A tk elms on successive lines.
(2) Depl Tk hunting parties in area_________________.
(3) Beef up long range A Tk wpns with screens.
d. Pri of C attk Objs. Having analyzed en caps and resources vis-à-vis tac imp of features in
AOR C attk objs in order of pri are _______________________________.
e. AA Measures. Since en enjoys favorable air sit I must resort to fol passive and active
(1) Digging in of men and material.
(2) Cam and clt.
(3) Def Prep and occ during dark hrs.
(4) Tr discp.
(5) Emp MGs on AA role.
(6) Rehearse air raid alarm scheme.
Maj M Zeeshan Asghar Ch
Continuation Sheet No. 5 Index No. APRC DEF .

f. Surprise and Deception. Since en has cap of misleading the def about dir of attk by
launching feint attk from west fol will be done to offset this:-
(1) Emp of Standing ptl near ____for E wing.
(2) Resist temptation of readjusting towards NW.
(3) Register_____________ as DF.
g. Denial of MSR. Rd _______ is the only rd aval which is likely to be used as MSR,
therefore in order to deny this cap I must resort to fol:-
(1) Carryout rd cratering / plugging north of Br __________________.
(2) Br on _______on Res Dml.
(3) Axial mining of rd _________from _______to _________.
h. Tk Hunting Parties. Since area on _______apch is suitable for armr use so I must send
my tk hunting parties in area ________________________.
i. Const of Str Pt (if applicable). Considering en’s intentions and threat it poses to area
Narot it has become imperative to org def in all rd fashion and hold it in str rt from
outset, therefore I must convert area Narot into coy str. Str pt and ask Bde Comd for
addl reqs of def stores and manpower to complete task.
Answer to Question 1e
7. Assessment of Tps to task
Loc Armr Inf LAT HAT Engrs
a. Protective dets.
b. FDLs.
c. Depth.
d. Res.
e. Obs laying.
8. Deductions Own Sit
a. Almt of TPs to task. Considering accomplishment of task with aval resources vis-à-vis
dictates of gr and impending threat aloc of tps to task is fol:-

Ser Task/Loc Inf Armr LAT HAT Engrs Remarks

(Pl) (TP) (Pl) (Pl) (Sec)
(1) Protective dets - 4 2@ 3@ - @ Reused after C
Tps Battle.
(2) FDLs
(a) Haresabad 4 - - - -
(b) Ali Pur -15r 2 - - - -
(c) Bilalnagar 3 - - - -

Maj M Zeeshan Asghar Ch

Continuation Sheet No. 6 Index No. APRC DEF .

Ser Task/Loc Inf Armr LAT HAT Engrs Remarks

(Pl) (TP) (Pl) (Pl) (Sec)
(3) Depth
(a) Danishabad 3* - - - - * MJD Coy.
(b) Sarosh Ht 2 - - - -
(c) 40r (Str Pt) 3# - - - - # Initially occ by Pl.
(4) Flk Protection - - 1 - -
(5) Res (Later Stage) - 4 2 3 -
(6) Obs Laying 1** - - - 3 ** Aslt Pnr Pl.
Total 18 8 5 6 3
b. Reuse of Tps. Since req of Tps is more than aval tps I will resort to fol:-
(1) Asg be prep task to coys.
(2) Posns / Areas which cannot be occupied will be dev into C pen posns.
(3) Re-emp of protective dets as res in area __________________.
c. Emp of Obsrs. In order to utilize indir fire of arty and bn mors during different stages of
battle I must gp arty and Mor obsrs with. Protective dets and FDLs respectively.
d. Emp of SP Arms. Since a LAT Coy and armr are placed under command I must utilize
them in protective dets and subsequently form part of Res in area ___________.
e. Emp of ATGM Elms, LAT/ HAT. Since I have been given sufficient A tk resources, I must
depl them aggressively, initially in covering tps role and later to beef up my def and for C
attk/ C pen tasks.
f. Emp of CAF. The cbt potential of Mjd /Rangers is less, hence I must emp them on less
sensitive tasks, like posns in depth, prep of def in ______ or on least threatened apch.
g. Larger Gaps in Def. Since AOR is large and the tps aval are less, I must accept larger
gaps b/w the coys, which must be covered with ptls and fire.
Answer to Question 1f
9. Time and Space Calc
a. Time Data
(1) Time now.
(2) Def to be ready by.
(3) First Lt.
(4) Last Lt.
(5) Time Aval
(a) Day lt hrs aval.
(b) Ni hrs aval.
(c) Total time.
Maj M Zeeshan Asghar Ch
Continuation Sheet No. 7 Index No. APRC DEF .

b. Time Req
Ser Events Time Req
(1) Battle procedure at all lvls. 12 hrs
(2) Mov and occupation 6 hrs
(3) Prep of main def (Altn / Sec) 36 hrs
(4) Prep of C pen Posn. 12 hrs.
(5) Prep of Screens 12 hrs
(6) C attk and C pen Rehearsals 8 hrs
(7) Mine Laying Pl hrs 100 hrs
(8) OHP 12 hrs
(9) Cam and clt 12 hrs
(10) Clearance of F of F 12 hrs
(11) Laying of wire obs 6 hrs
(12) Coord 12 hrs
(13) Participation in Bde Rehearsals 12 hrs
(14) Total Hrs 250 hrs
Answer to Question 1g
10. Deductions – Time and Space
a. Critical Timings. In order to achieve aim I must accomplish fol activities in time:-
(1) Mov from conc A to FDLs by _________hrs.
(2) Prep of main posn by ___________hrs.
(3) Prep of screens by _____________hrs.
(4) Obs / Mine laying by ___________hrs.
b. Simultaneous Recce. Taking into acct shortage of time after giving detailed wng O to
Coy Comds I‘ll dir them to conduct simultaneous recce with me fol by orders on wrls.
c. Utilizing Daylt Hrs. Since I am def of ni hrs I must do fol:-
(1) Prep of depth / C pen posns during day.
(2) Lay mines around depth, C pen posns and str pt during day.
d. In Case More Time Aval. Since enough time is aval to me for prep of my def so I must
give addl timings to cam and clt , clearance of F of F and Rehersals for C attk / C pen.
e. In case less Time Aval. Since time aval is less so I must ask for addl resources for Bde

Maj M Zeeshan Asghar Ch

Continuation Sheet No. 8 Index No. APRC DEF .

Answer to Question 1h
11. Def along line X along ___, ____ & _____. FDLs comprising 3 coys, coy each in area ____, ____
& ____. Depth comprising 2 coys, coy in area ___ and mjd coy in area ____. Screens comprising an inf
pl and addl A/Tk wpns along line ____, ____ & ____. Covering tps, comprising sqn armr, pl LAT, Pl HAT
and inf pl along line ____, ____ & ____. Flk protection on fall of covering tps in area ____ & ____. (Flk
protection will take posn b/w the front coy on likely apch and likely FUP). Res on fall back of C/tps comprising
sqn armr and ___ in area ____. C/Attk Objs in order of pri are ___, ___ & ___. C/Pen posns in area ___,
___ . Having bias of def towards _____ ,and that of A tk def towards ______. Commencing prep of def
by ___ hrs and completing def by ___ hrs.
a. En Actions and Own Ctr Actions
En Actions Own Ctr Actions
(1) En is likely to complete the assy by - I must bring HF on en conc and gather
__hrs on D-1. max possible info on en’s intention.
(2) En is likely to X intl border at about 1st - Subj to Arty DFs.
lt D day on a broad front with armr ldg.
(3) Is likely to contact covering tps depl - C Tps along line ________will open fire
along line ___ and ___ by _____ D-day. at long ranges to force en to depl and
(ROA 1 kmph) thus impose delay.
(4) Is likely to try to out flk the covering tps - C Tps will engage the en and will not
/ adv posns, failing which will depl for a allow him to bypass before putting a
deliberate attk. min delay of 4 – 6 hrs.
(5) Around _____hrs (after 4 hrs for normal - C Tps will wdr. (if there is a 2nd def line
delay line & 6 hrs if it is along a def terr) the protective dets will fall to that)
after brushing aside C Tps from line
____ & ____will resume adv.
(6) After clearing delay line-1, en will I must carry out arty bombardment on
cautiously resume adv at ____hrs D day. en and ask for aerial engagement North
Consult only, If 2 DLs are planned

of line ______ – ______.

Otherwise mov to para 12

(7) En will contact C Tps at delay line-2 by - C Tps to engage en at longer ranges and
_____ hrs D day. Will try to out flk by force her to depl. A delay of 6-8 hrs will
finding some gaps(say, 3 kms from DL 1) be achieved by subjecting en through
attrition by Arty and A tk wpns.
(8) Having failed en will make a deliberate - After imposing delay of about 6-8 hrs, I
effort to clear the oppn and will do so must order my C Tps to wdr.
by _____ hrs D Day.
(9) En will contact screens at ___ hrs D Day  I must order my screen to engage en
and will try to clear them in same at longer ranges.
momentum. (say , 3 kms from DL -2)  After putting a delay of 1 to 1 ½ hrs,
the screens will wdr.

Maj M Zeeshan Asghar Ch

Continuation Sheet No. 9 Index No. APRC DEF .

(10) At ____ hrs D Day en will clear screens. - I must cont engaging en with aval wpns
En will re-gp at ni and will resume adv and must keep a watch on her apch and
at 1st lt D+1. intents.
(11) Is likely to contact FDLs at 1st lt D+1 and I must engage en through arty fire and
will carry out probing activity / cfm keep eff con on fire thereby not giving
recce. (Mov to para 15) exact loc of my defs.
(12) En is likely to contact screens depl along -  I must order my screen to engage en
____ and ____around _____ hrs D day. at longer ranges.
(say , 2.5 kms from DL - 1)  After putting a delay of approx an
hour, the screens will wdr.
(13) Having pushed back the screens is likely - En will be subjected to the coord fire of
to contact main def by ____ hrs. (say SAs and A tk wpns.
1.5 kms from c/tps).
(14) Having contacted the FDLs will utilize - I must engage en through arty fire and
the remaining day lt hrs for probing keep eff con on fire thereby not giving
activity / cfm recce. exact loc of my defs.
(15) Having carried out cfm recce is likely to -  On cfm of en’s dir of attk, I shall re-adj
attk from west having FUP in area____ my def.
with two bns in ph-1 and armr in  I must launch a spoiling attk on en at
CS/Fire sp. Commencing op around FUP from standing ptl, ahead FDL’s
____hrs D Day. (___ hrs D+1) and bring eff arty/ mor on BOF to neut
(16) Is likely to breach my defs and take two -  Call for DF (SOS)
secs form lt fwd coy.  The coy comd will launch quick C attk
by the designated tps from depth pl.
(17) En will take two pls of my fwd coy and - I must launch C attk by the designated
widen the breach. tps from the depth coy (Cmt Bn Res).
(18) En will hold on to the breach and will - I must occ C pen posn AA south of Rakh
try to further widen it. Bhani.
(19) En will launch ph-II of her attk by - I must give a tough fight and consume
Otherwise mov to para 22

____hrs D+2 at _____ and C pen posn another bn fighting through C pen posn.
A spec sit (Only for C Pen)

____ and will clear them by _____hrs By this I must ensure, en should launch
D+2. ph-III to capture Azizpur, for that en
needs recycling of tps.
(20) En will have a pause in op for 12 hrs to - I must cont en’s engagement with fire
recycle her tps to clear Azizpur. and hold on to Azizpur.
(21) En will launch ph-III to clear Azizpur by - I will give a tough fight, later on wdr to
____ hrs D+2 and will clear it by ____ Nurkot after 0100 hrs D+3.
hrs D+3.
(22) En is likely to launch ph-II of her attk by -  I must give a tough fight.
____hrs D+1 at _____ and _____ and  In concert with Res create conditions
will clear them by _____ hrs D+1. for launching of Bde Res.

Maj M Zeeshan Asghar Ch

Continuation Sheet No. 10 Index No. APRC DEF .

a. Analysis
Ser Analysis Remarks
(1) Def is as far fwd as tac feasible, as no space is lt to en
without fighting.
(2) Line of no pen is being def well as FDLs are ahead of it. “Planning Parameters”
or “Aim”
(3) Ensure max attrition / delay upto 72 hrs to en.
(4) Br on ____&____ canal being held from out set.
(5) Def is based upon the line having most eff obs.
(6) Provides bal and formidable def framework, as def is org on Lines of Def
str FDLs, backed up by extremely eff depth.
(7) Sufficient space will be aval for emp of protective dets.
(8) Str covering tps gd frontal & eastern apch.
(9) Max attrition can be caused by covering tps by occ of Protective Dets
successive lines of def.
(10) Localities along ___ cannot be out flanked.
(11) All apch are effectively covered.
(12) Most likely tk apch gd eff.
(13) Well coord A Infil measures.
(14) MSR Secure.
(15) MITG in depth is held in str. Minor
(16) Compact all round def.
(17) Force en to ph out his attk.
(18) Def is not as far fwd as tac feasible.
(19) Area from ___ to ___ is given to the en from very outset. “Planning Parameters”
(20) Max attrition difficult. or “Aim”
(21) FDL based upon line of no pen.
(22) A formidable obs ‘DCB’ being left in depth.
Lines of Def
(23) Def is not based upon an eff obs/ BUA.
(24) No suitable fall back posns aval for protective dets.
Protective Dets
(25) No space for protective dets.
(26) En can reach to the depth localities in one ph.
(27) Resource intensive option.
(28) Most expected course.
(29) Readjustment difficult.
(30) More chances of infill due to wide gaps/extended frontages.
(31) FDLs over stretched.
(32) Flks vuln / exposed.
(33) More chances of MITG being taken in Ph-I.
Maj M Zeeshan Asghar Ch
Continuation Sheet No. 11 Index No. APRC DEF .

12. Course B. (On same lines as Course A but short one incl may factors only).
13. Course Adopted. I decide to adopt course A for fol reasons besides appended above:-
a. Optimum Utilization of terr.
b. Compatible with aval resources.
c. Accomplishment of asg task.
d. Countering all possible en caps.
Answer to Question 1b
14. Msn. Take up def along line A incl Haresabad to incl Bilalnagar by 0600 hrs D+15.
15. Exec
a. Gen Outline. Anx P. Def with 3x coys up. A coy plus at Haresabad, B Coy minus at Alipur
and Mjd Coy at Bilalnagar. C and D Coy minus to be in depth.
b. A Coy
(1) Grouping x x x x
(2) Tasks
 Def area from incl Haresabad to excl lone hunt.
 Send screen in area. _________________________.
 Be prep to asst C attk on code word _____________.
c. B Coy x x x x
d. C Coy x x x x
e. D Coy x x x x
f. Mjd Coy x x x x
g. Coy Rangers x x x x
h. Sqn Armr x x x x
i. Coy (LAT) x x x x
j. Fd Pl Engrs x x x x
k. Arty
(1) Loc of obsr.
(2) Tasks.
l. Coord Instrs
(1) Timings
 Def to be ready by __________.
 C pen to be ready by __________.
 Mine laying to be completed by__________.
 Screens to be estb by __________.
(2) Mov Table. Anx A (Not att)
(3) DF Tasks. Being issued later.
Maj M Zeeshan Asghar Ch
Continuation Sheet No. 12 Index No. APRC DEF .

(4) Bdrys. Anx P. x x x x

(5) Pri of Work x x x x
(6) Almt of Def Stores x x x x
(7) Killing Areas x x x x
(8) Screens x x x x
(9) SP / LP x x x x
16. Adm and Log. x x x x
17. Comd and Sigs x x x x
Lt Col
(AX .B Y . CZ)
A. Mov Table. (Not att)
P. Outline Plan and Bdrys.
Distr. Not att

Maj M Zeeshan Asghar Ch

Maj M Zeeshan Asghar Ch


Maj M Zeeshan Asghar Ch

Continuation Sheet No. 1 Index No. APRC ATTK .

Answer to Question 1i
12. Aim. To capture Vijaynagar Salient by 0600 hrs D day.
Answer to Question 1j
13. Review of the Sit
a. Foxland is likely to launch a tac offn through Vijayangar Salient to capture Omerkot HW
and absorb area up to Salal R any time after D plus 1. To this end Vijaynagar Salient has
been rft with reg tps and extensive def prep are in progress.
b. 35 Blueland Div is def the sec with 2 x bdes fwd and 1x bde res in area NW of Dina.
24 Bde (Div Res) has been tasked to eliminate Vijaynagar Salient imed on outbreak of
hostilities before en offn materializes. 24 Bde plans to capture the Salient by 0600 hrs
c. Foxland is likely to enjoy air superiority (not incl in Narr).
Answer to Question 1k
14. Deductions – Gr and Weather Factor
a. Pri of imp Tac Grs (ITGs): Relative pri of ITGs is as fol:-
(1) Vijaynagar.
(2) 30 r.
(3) 20 r.
(4) 10 r.
(5) Reasons: Reasons for sel Vijaynagar as most ITD are as fol:-
(a) Offers formidable def str being a built up area/relative ht.
(b) Dominate the area all around.
(c) If captured, will render the defs untenable and will facilitate op towards
(d) Dominates MSR_____being in close proximity.
(e) All apchs converge on it.
(f) Loc is hub of AOR.
b. Pri of Apchs. Considering depth, capacity, terr friction, aval of depl area and where
these lead to, pri of apchs is as under:-
(1) Eastern. Clump – 1r – Vijaynagar.
(2) Western. Clump – 2r – Vijaynagar.
(3) Central. Clump – 3r – Vijaynagar.
(4) Reasons. Reasons for sel Eastern Apch as Pri 1 are:-
(a) Eastern apch ensures the capture of most dominant feature____ in early
hrs of battle. OR
(b) Eastern apch ensures the capture of more no of features incl most
dominant feature ____ in early part of en op.
Maj M Zeeshan Asghar Ch
Continuation Sheet No. 2 Index No. APRC ATTK .

(c) Affords an easily distinguishable / recognizable feature rd ___ (or RL) as

ph line.
(d) Eastern apch affords FUP in own area and affords capture of MITG in
ph – I.
(e) Hits the base of the obj _____.
(f) Avoids _____ in Ph – I, being a BUA.
(g) Prevents an blocks en’s wdr towards ____.
(h) Avoid confrontation of a maj obs like ____ present on the western apch.
c. Attk Possibilities (APs). The loc of various ITGs, apchs ldg thereto, obs enroute and aval
of possible depl areas like ____, ____, ____ and ____ lead to fol APs: -
(1) AP – I. Attk from southern dir in two phs. In ph – I, capture area upto line ____,
and in ph – II, capture area upto line _____.
(2) AP – II. Attk from northern dir in three phs. In ph – I, capture area upto line
____, in ph – II, capture area upto line _____ and in ph – III capture _____.
d. Phs of Attk. The configuration of the enclave, intl border, loc of various ITGs and layout
of natural / artificial obs dictates phasing the attk. The possible phs of attk are: -
Apch Ph - I Ph - II Ph - III
Southern Line 9r - Lal Line Patel Line Kali Nadi-
Central Line Lal-Mandir Line 9r-Patel Line of Fence
Northern Line Kali Nadi Line Patel Line 9r - Lal
e. Depl Areas. Considering aval of dominance, obsn and FofFs, cover, fol depl areas are
aval on diff apchs: -
Apch FUP Fire Base FAA
f. Emp of Armr. Since the gr is open and firm, offering min terr friction, hence, armr will
be emp in CS role irrespective of the attk option I adopt.
g. Base of Fire. Considering the dist from the obj, obsn and F of Fs, concealed posn for
depl of hy wpns and being sq to the obj, I will sel area Mound as Base of Fire.
Irrespective of the apch adopted, gr suggests loc of Base of Fire at _________ to neut
_____ and ____.
h. Route for F ech. Since Rd Zafarwal – Ramgarh is the only rd aval, which leads dir to the
obj area / Vijaynagar, it will be used as route for F ech, irrespective of the Attk Option
I adopt.

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Continuation Sheet No. 3 Index No. APRC ATTK .

The rd ____, _____ is a major comm link and is passing right through the obj, so
Irrespective of the AP, I shall adopt this route for mov F-echs.
i. Eff of Moon. Moon is in 3rd qtr, hence moon lt will be aval in the later part of the ni.
Therefore, the attk should be timed in a manner so that all mov is carried in early hrs
and reorg in the later part of the ni.
j. Securing Br. In order to attk from the north, brs on _____ will have to be secured intact
to facilitate further ops down south.
k. Fd Pl Engr. To overcome the obs and maint requisite mob, engr elms may be tasked: -
(1) Recce, dev and improvement of the xing sites.
(2) Improvement of trs for mov of F-echs.
(3) Accompany ldg elms in the xing of obs.
(4) Neut dml of brs over ______ and ______.
(5) Irrespective of the dir of attk, task engrs to clear mines astride the rd and dev
xing sites over ______ nullah and _____ nadi.
Answer to Question 1l
15. Deductions – En Sit
a. Pri of ITGs .Keeping in view en composn and disposn and his req to retain ____ for the
def of BOP the pri of MITG as deduced from Gr and Weather is confirmed. The pri of
other ITGs in view of en’s disposn alone is modified as under: -
(1) ___.
(2) ___.
b. Pri of Apch. Keeping in view en’s composn and his disposn spec on ____ and _____ and
effs that eastern apch is defendable only on bottlenecks along canal ____, my pri of
apch as deduced from gr and weather stands cfm.
c. Ctr En Ni Vis Cap. As the en has ni surv / early wng cap, I must depict simultaneous
activity in area ____, _____ and ____ on commencement of the op to confuse him
about the actual dir of attk. OR
d. Ctr En Ni Vis Cap. Since the en has cap of observing mov at ni in the vicinity of his
defs and beyond, using ni vision means, fol will be done to offset this:-
(1) Cam and clt.
(2) Sel FUP at 1000 – 1200 m away from the obj.
(3) Covering fire of max of HE and smk shells.
e. Block. As en is cap of fleeing from the battle area once subjected to reverses and owing
to the fact of the availability of TCVs as well as well connected rd infrastructure. I must
estb my block in area ____ and ____ before the commencement of op.

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Continuation Sheet No. 4 Index No. APRC ATTK .

Regardless of my attk dir, I must prevent en rfts from interfering, therefore, I must
engage en depth posns especially br on drain and also send a blocking force North of
f. Ctr Spoiling Attk Measures. Since the en has cap of launching a spoiling attk in FUP,
fol will be done to defeat his efforts:-
(1) Earmk coy size force for FUP protection.
(2) Sel an altn FUP in area Svy Tree.
(3) Be prep to opt for a ‘Running FUP’ if need arises.
As FUP can be interfered by en, I must secure it regardless of my dir of attk.
g. Feint Activity. As the en has ni surv / early wng cap, I must depict simultaneous activity
in area ____, _____ and ____ on commencement of the op to confuse him about the
actual dir of attk.
h. Ctr Readjustment Measures. Since en has the cap of readjusting his posn in order to
face the attk squarely, fol will be done to offset this:-
(1) Deceive the en by launching a feint attk from the lt.
(2) Engage the loc under attk with Base of Fire / arty.
(3) Conceal own intentions for as long as possible.
i. Anti C Attk Measures. Since en is capable of launching a C attk at every tier, fol will be
done to offset this cap:-
(1) Initial reorg imed after capture of an obj.
(2) Ph 2 of the attk must fol in quick succession.
(3) Blocking Posn at Br 1 to prevent mov of en res.
(4) Engage depth locs with arty / Base of Fire elms.
j. Anti Rft Measures. Keeping in view en’s cap of reinforcing weakened/threatened
posns from within / beyond his defs, fol ctr measures will be taken:-
(1) PB / covering fire will be spread over the entire obj area to prevent initial rft.
(2) Base of Fire will keep en pinned down preventing any mov.
(3) Blocking Posn at Br 1 will be timely posn to preclude any external rft from that
k. AA Measures. Since en enjoys air superiority / favourable air sit, I must do fol:-
(1) Optimum use of cam and clt.
(2) Attk during dark hrs.
(3) Reorg before 1st lt.
(4) Siting of AA guns.
(5) Curtail all day’s activities.
(6) Strict tr discp.
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Continuation Sheet No. 5 Index No. APRC ATTK .

l. En Obsn Towers. As obsn towers dominate the area I must destroy / neut them at the
m. Dir of Attk. If attk from the lt / rt dir, en posns at ____, _____ and ____ must be
engaged with arty and sp wpns during ph – I.
n. Avoiding an Apch. In view of en ptl activities, ____, _____ and _____ must be avoided
during apch.
o. Cat A Fence. Considering en’s security arrangements all along intl border to incl cat A
fence, search lts and obsn towers, vis-à-vis need to conceal my intentions and dir of
attk, I must do fol: -
(1) Breaching of Cat A fence at four diff places on initiation of hostilities, with the
asst of holding tps.
(2) Carry out sniping of search lts.
(3) Destruction of obsn towers with ATGMs.
Answer to Question 1m
16. Deductions – Own Sit
a. Almt of Tps to Task. Taking into acct the msn, aval resources vis-à-vis dictates of the gr
and weather and impending threat, aloc of tps to task is as fol:-
Ser Task/Loc Inf Armr LAT HAT Engrs
(Pl) (Tp) (Pl) (Pl) (Sec)
(1) Ph – I
(a) Vijaynagar 4 1 - - -
(b) 20r 3 1 - - -
(2) Ph – II
(a) 30r 3 1 - - -
(b) 10r 2 1 - - -
(3) FUP Protection #3 - - - -
(4) Blocking Posn *1 1 1 - -
(5) Base of Fire - - 1 3 -
(6) Mine Clearance @1 - - - 3
(7) Remarks
(a) # Depth Coy
(b) * Cdo Pl
(c) @ Aslt Pnr Pl
b. Emp of Armr. Considering the char / caps of armr, the aval tk sqn will be utilized as fol:-
(1) In CS of the attk tps.
(2) Part of it will be emp in Blocking Posn.
(3) During reorg, as res to beat back en C attk.

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Continuation Sheet No. 6 Index No. APRC ATTK .

c. Emp of LAT. Talking into acct the firepower char of LAT, it will from part of Base of Fire
and during reorg, will be emp in FDLs to strengthen the defs.
d. Emp of HAT. In view of its char, HAT elms will be utilized initially, in Base of Fire and
Subsequently, will form part of Res to beat back en C attk.
e. Emp of Engrs. Keeping in view its caps and need to overcome obs to maint requisite
mob it will be emp in clearance of M Fds, clearance of route for Fech and Aslt dml.
(1) Clearance of M fds.
(2) Clearance of route of F ech.
(3) Aslt dml.
f. FUP Protection. Since en is capable of launching spoiling attk while I am forming up,
therefore, I must do fol:-
(1) Secure FUP with protection party.
(2) Sel altn FUP.
(3) Opt for ‘Running FUP’, it need arises.
(4) Mov tks in FUP as late as possible.
g. Reuse of Tps. Keeping in view the resources made aval and almt of tps to accomplish
the msn, I must reuse my tps as under:-
(1) Protection of FUP to be carried out by fol up coy being launched in ph – II.
(2) Engr and aslt pnr pls to be used for breaching of Cat A Fence, clearance of route
for F-ech on successful termination of ph-II then for laying protective M fds
after reorg on the obj.

Answer to Question 1n
17. Time and Space Calc
a. Time Data OR
(1) Msn to be accomplished by - 300600 Sep 05 0600 Hrs D+1.
(2) Time now - 261000 Sep 05 1000 Hrs D-1.

(3) First lt - 0600 hrs 0600 Hrs.

(4) Last lt - 1800 hrs 1730 Hrs.
(5) Total time - 96 hrs 44 Hrs.
(a) Day lt hrs aval - 48 hrs 19 Hrs.
(b) Ni hrs aval - 48 hrs 25 Hrs.

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Continuation Sheet No. 7 Index No. APRC ATTK .

b. Time Req
Ser Events Time Req Running Time Remarks
(1) Completion of op - 0600 Hrs D+1
(2) Unforeseen Ph – II 20 mins 0540 Hrs D+1
(3) Final Reorg 40 mins 0500 Hrs D+1
(4) Fighting on obj Ph – II 60 mins 0400 Hrs D+1
(5) SL to obj Ph – II 12 mins 0348 Hrs D+1  A Hr not later than
0348 hrs
(6) Stay in FUP Ph – II 05 mins 0343 Hrs D+1
(7) Unforeseen Ph – I 15 mins 0328 Hrs D+1
(8) Reorg Ph – I 20 mins 0308 Hrs D+1
(9) Fighting on obj Ph – I 90 mins 0138 Hrs D+1
(10) SL to obj ph – I 28 mins 0110 Hrs D+1  H Hr 0110 hrs
(11) Stay in FUP Ph – I 05 mins 0105 Hrs D+1  Block posn to be in-
loc by 0050 Hrs D+1
(12) Mov from FAA to FUP 120 mins 2305 Hrs D Day  Tps for feint activity
to be ready by 0040
Hrs D+1
(13) Rest and rehearsal 12 hrs 1105 Hrs D Day  BOF elms to be ready
by 0020 Hrs D+1
(14) Recce, planning and orders 24 hrs 1105 Hrs D-1
Answer to Question 1o
18. Deductions - Time and Space
a. Estb of Base of Fire. To provide eff fire sp to the attk tps and prevent internal
readjustment of en posns, if must be estb at Mound by 0125 hrs (H-20 mins).
b. Estb of Blocking Posn. In order to eff fire block en’s C attk tps / rft / wdr, blocking Posn
must be eff at Br 1 by 0145 hrs (H+10 mins).
c. Time of Attk. Since moon is in the 4th qtr, in order to conceal mov of attk tps, H hr must
be kept during the hrs of darkness.
d. Essential Timings. In view of the qtr of moon and time req as above, I must adv all
timings by 4 hrs as under:-
(1) Completion of op by - 0200 hrs D+1.
(2) H Hr - 2130 hrs D Day.
(3) A Hr - 2345 hrs D Day.
(4) Time for BOF to be in loc - 2045 hrs D Day. (Min 30 mins before H hr)
(5) Tps for feint to be in loc - 2115 hrs D Day. (15 mins prior to H hr)

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Continuation Sheet No. 8 Index No. APRC ATTK .

e. More Time is Aval. In view of the sufficiency time for completion tasks, so I must
dedicate more time to fol activities:-
(1) Recce of obj area.
(2) Coord and rehearsal of attk fmns.
(3) Coord with holding tps.
(4) Coord of fire sp of all echs.
(5) Battle drills and procedures.
Answer to Question 1p
19. Analysis of En Sit
a. Str and Composn
(1) Inf coy plus.
(2) Tp of tks.
(3) Fd Pl Engr.
b. Disposn. En coy plus size force is vis to be disposed off as under:-
(1) Vijaynagar. Pl plus.
(2) 20r. Pl.
(3) 30r. Pl.
(4) 5r. Pl.
c. Caps
(1) Ni Firing Cap. En is capable of observing mov in the vicinity of FDLs and beyond
using NVDs etc.
(2) Readjustment. Having ascertained the dir of attk, en is capable of readjusting
his posns within 10-15 mins, to face the attk squarely.
(3) Spoiling Attk. En has the cap of launching spoiling attk during assembly and
forming up of attk tps.
(4) Rft. En has the cap of reinforcing the most threatened loc with sec size force
within the defs in 10-15 mins.
(5) C Attk. En has the cap of launching local C attk of a pl size force within 15-20
mins and C attk by bn cmt tps from Ramgarh within 30-45 mins.
(6) Wdr. En has the cap of wdr towards its main def posn (Ramgarh) having
suffered defeat / losses.
d. Dev / Vis of En Sit
(1) On discovery of mov from intl border to assy A and assembly in Orchard and
then mov towards FUP in Line of Trees, en is likely to subj it to HF and aerial
(2) During forming up in FUP, en is likely to launch a spoiling attk to disrupt the attk.

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Continuation Sheet No. 9 Index No. APRC ATTK .

(3) Having ascertained the dir of attk, en is likely to readjust towards NE to face the
attk squarely. Besides, en might reinforce 20r with a sec from 30r.
(4) Having lost up to a sec in any of the localities under attk, en will launch local
C attk from the depth.
(5) Having lost up to a pl in any of the localities under attk, en is likely to launch C
attk with coy size force sp by armr from Remgarh.
(6) Should en reckon that it is no longer able to hold its own in the Salient, will chose
to wdr towards Ramgarh to augment the main defs.
Answer to Question 1q
20. Course A. Attk from east with two coys up in two phs with armr in fire sp role at ni. Ph – I,
capture ___ and ___ with a coy each. Ph – II, capture vill ___ and ___ with a coy each. Blocking posn
comprising (cdo pl and tp of tk)___ and ___, in area ___. Feint comprising (pl size force) ___ in area
____. FUP in area ___, FUP protection party comprising ___ in area ____. Fire Base comprising (tks, LAT
etc) ___ in area ___. Starting mov from present loc at ___ hrs, H hr ___ hrs, A hr not before ___ hrs, B
hr not before ___ hrs, Block to be in posn by ____, feint to be in posn by ___, fire base to be in posn by
___. Re-org facing NE and NW, 400-500m ahead of objs area. Msn to be accomplished by 0600 hrs D+1.
a. En Reactions and Own Ctr Actions
En Reactions Own Ctr Actions
Discovery of Mov from FAA To FUP
(1) While mov from FAA, when tps reached - (a) I’ll mov well dispersed with min gap
line ____ en is likely to subj me to indir of 15 – 20 mins b/w coys.
fire. (b) Mov from assy A to FUP will take
place during dark hrs.
(2) When tps reach area ____, there is a - I will mov under the protection of coy
chance of an ambush through a fighting detailed for task of security of route and
ptl of en. FUP by ____ hrs. (This coy must mov 15
– 30 mins before start of mov from FAA)
Occupation of FUP
(3) Nearing FUP and while in the process of (a) Launch feint attk from NE dir
forming up en surv elms will be (Clump) to misguide en the en about
desperately cfm the actual dir of attk the dir of attk.
(b) Covering fire must be spread over
the entire obj to pin the en down
and make him uncertain about the
dir of attk.

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Continuation Sheet No. 10 Index No. APRC ATTK .

En Reactions Own Ctr Actions

(4) While forming up at FUP en can launch - (a) FUP securing tps will cater for any
spoiling attk in comb with a standing ptl spoiling attk by en tps.
depl in ___, some maj wpns from ____ (b) I’ll opt for Running FUP, and will
and ___ and arty fire. imed lve for obj.
(c) Covering fire must be spread over
the entire obj to reduce en’s dir
(d) Base of Fire at Mound will keep en
pinned down to prevent mov within
the defs.
Mov from FUP to obj
(5) Having cfm the dir of attk en may - I’ll engage en with max fire from arty
readjust his posn on ___ and ___ by and fire base to prevent him in
depl her fwd tps on area ___, ___ and execution.
rft this loc by some tps from ___
(Max a pl).
Local C attk
(6) Having lost up to a sec in any of the loc - Fol will be done to off set this:-
under attk, en will launch local C attk (a) Covering fire will prevent en’s mov.
from depth. (b) Initial reorg at each tier will imed fol
overrunning / capture of an obj.
(c) Minimal time spent b/w launching of
various phs of attk.
En Rft
(7) After the loss of a pl from the fwd coy, - Fol will be done to prevent this:-
en will try to rft the def and launch a (a) Blocking Posn at Br-1 will try to stop
deliberate ctr attk. mov of en’s res from Ramgarh.
(b) Quick reorg after capturing the obj
to be ready to face en’s C attk.
(c) Bn Ph 2 must go in with min delay.
(d) Dir arty fire at Vijaynager to disrupt
en’s mov.
(8) Should en reckon that it is no longer - Fol will be done to prevent en’s wdr:-
able to hold its own in the Salient, will (a) Blocking Posn at Br 1 will try to
wdr towards ___ to augment Bde main inflict max cas on the wdr en.
defs. (b) Arty fire and fire of all long range
wpns will try to take hy toll of the
retreating en.
(c) Bn will reorg to face any threat from
the en.
(d) Likely avenue of en apch/ depl areas
will be earmk as DFs.

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Continuation Sheet No. 11 Index No. APRC ATTK .

b. Analysis
(1) Advs
(a) The maj limitation should be converted into advs.
(b) Flking attk.
(c) Capturing MITG in ph – I.
(d) More no of obj can be captured in initial ph.
(e) FUP in own area.
(f) BUA is avoided in initial ph.
(g) Attk the base of enclave in ph – I.
(h) BSF Post in ph – II may not req any phy attk.
(i) En’s route of wdr/rft is blocked in ph – I.
(j) Accomplishment of msn in earlier time frame.
(k) BOF can sp both phs from same loc.
(2) Disadvs
(a) Most expected dir.
(b) FUP in open/ en terr.
(c) BOF close to intl border liable to interference.
(d) Mast expected dir of attk invites str def reactions.
(e) Breach in Cat A fence will give away surprise/intentions.
(f) More coord is needed.
(g) Attk will be in dark hrs and reorg under moon lt.

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Continuation Sheet No. 12 Index No. APRC ATTK .

21. Course B. x x x x x x x x x x
22. Course Adopted. I decide to adopt Course A for the reasons appended at.
23. Msn. Capture Vijaynagar Salient by 0600 hrs 30 Sep 2005.
24. Exec
a. Gen Outline. Anx P, Attk in 2x ph from the lt; in Ph – I, capturing Vijaynagar and 20r
with a coy plus and a coy respectively, using tks in CS. In Ph – II, capturing 30r and 10r
with coy each having tks in CS.
b. A Coy
(1) Grouping. x x x x x x x x x
(2) Tasks. x x x x x x x x x
c. B Coy. x x x x x x x x x
d. C Coy. x x x x x x x x x
e. D Coy. x x x x x x x x x
f. Armr. x x x x x x x x x
g. LAT Pl. x x x x x x x x x
25. Coord Instrs. x x x x x x x x x
26. Adm and Log. x x x x x x x x x
27. Comd and Sigs. x x x x x x x x x

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Maj M Zeeshan Asghar Ch

Answer to Question 1a

1. 10 (F) Div with an armr regt is assembling in area Samba and is expected to attk Nurpur
any time after D+3. In my AOR, en is expected to clear Azizpur salient with Bde (+) force sp by an
armr regt.
2. 101 (B) Bde is def Nurpur sec by keeping defences on DCB with 161 Baloch, 34FF and 501
Mjd Bn as lt fwd, rt fwd and depth bns respectively. 160 FF with addl elms to act as res at Nupur.
3. Foxland enjoys favourable air sit.
4. Met
a. First lt - 0600 Hrs
b. Last lt - 1930 Hrs
c. Moon - 2nd Qtr
d. Weather - Sky over cast
Answer to Question 1b
5. To def Azizpur Salient with fol limitations:-
a. Def to be as far fwd as tac feasible.
b. Cause max attrition on the en.
c. En be denied contact with DCB for 72 hrs.
d. Def to be ready by 1st Lt D Day.
Answer to Question 1c
6. Deductions from Gr and Weather
a. Pri of Apchs
(1) After analyzing various factors considered for apchs and the significance, I
accord fol pri to apchs:-
(a) Lt Apch. Originates from samba, passes through Jamake, Bhura
Rakh, Nizamke and terminates at Azizpur.
(b) Centre Apch. Originates from Ramgarh, passes through Dera
Gujran, piaka and terminates at Azizpur.
(c) Rt Apch. Originates from Intl border, passes through Macchi,
Nidoke, Tibba and terminates at DCB.
(2) Reasons for pri
(a) Shortest Apch.
(b) Flking in nature.
(c) Shoulder of salient can be exploited.
(d) No obs till DCB.

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(e) Facilitate speed in dev ops.
(f) Can generate max cbt power by bringing tks in CS.
b. Pri of ITGs
(1) As per dictates of gr, layout of various features, Azizpur emerges as my
MITG. Other ITGs in the order of pri are:-
(a) Rajoke.
(b) Bhura Rakh.
(c) Nizamke.
(d) Jamke.
(e) Khakeke.
(f) Piaka.
(g) Dera Gujran.
(2) Reason for Sel of MITG
(a) Cannot be bypassed.
(b) All apchs terminates at it.
(c) Can act as pivot for launching res.
(d) Provides depth to all ITGs.
(e) If lost will Jeopardize the msn.
(f) Facilitate further ops towards DCB.
c. Pri of Lines of Def
(1) In view of layout of various ITGs and other gr features, for lines of def
emerge in AOR, in the order of pri.
(a) Line Y. Along Bhura Rakh, Rajoke, Kakeke.
(b) Line X. Along Jamke, Piaka and Nidoke.
(c) Line Z. Along Azizpur Town.
(d) Line X. Along Intl border.
(2) Reasons for According pri
(a) FDL’s based on formidable terr i.e. BUAs.
(b) Sufficient space aval for emp of protective dets.
(c) Emp of all ech of def.
(d) Compact def.
(e) Domination of all apch.
(f) Tps to space ratio will be justified.

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d. Def Possibilities (DPs)
DP-1 DP-2
(1) FDL’s Along Line Y Along Line X
(2) Depth Along Line Z Along Line Y
(3) Protective Dets Along Line W&X Along Line W
(4) Bias of Def Towards lt & cen Towards lt & cen
(5) Obs Plan Mfds infront & on flks Mfds infront & on flks
(6) C attk Objs Rakh Bhami, Bhura Rakh Jamke, Piaka
(7) C pen posns Rakh Bhani, NE of Azizpur South of Jamke &
(8) Loc of Bn HQ Azizpur Rajoke
(9) Loc of Bn Mor Rakh Bhani Rajoke
e. Ctr Mob Measures. Since terr offers no resistance to mobility & facilitates armr
ops, therefore I must do fol:-
(1) Ask for def M fds to be laid in front of FDL’s.
(2) Lay protective M fds in front and on flks of depth posns, C pen posns and
delay lines.
(3) Inc the density of A tk mines towards lt and centre.
f. Use of Armr. Since gr permits eff use of tks, therefore I must use my armr
aggressively in:-
(1) Protective dets.
(2) In masking posns.
(3) Res.
g. Use of LAT. In view of non aval of any worthwhile A tk obs and ideal tk-able terr,
I must use my LAT/ BS as fol:-
(1) In protective dets.
(2) In masking posns.
(3) In FDL’s.
(4) In depth.
(5) In res.
h. Use of Arty. Purely from gr and weather pt of view, likely depl areas and
dominating features, I must sel fol as arty tgts:-
(1) For HF - Sita, Ramgarh, Lone Hut.

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(2) For DF -20r, Dera Gujran, Macchi, Jamke, Khori, Piaka, Nidok, Piara Pakh.
(3) For covering fire in C Attk. Bhura Rakh, Rajoke.
Answer to Question 1 d
7. Deductions from En Factor
a. Basic deductions. considering en’s composn, disposn and intention fol
deductions as deduced from gr and weather, stands cfm:-
(1) Pri of apchs- cfm.
(2) Pri of ITGS- cfm.
(3) Pri of lines of def- cfm.
(4) Def possibilities – cfm.
b. Favorable air sit. Since en enjoys favorable air sit, therefore I must do fol to ctr
her hostile designs:-
(1) Carry out all my movs at ni.
(2) Adhere to tr discp.
(3) Emp air sentries in fwd coys.
(4) Ensure proper cam & clt.
(5) Rehearses air alarm scheme.
c. A Tk Plan. In view of en’s cap of using armr in CS role, I must endeavour to
separate armr from inf by fol:-
(1) Inc the density of A tk mines towards lt and cen.
(2) Keep bias of A tk def towards lt and cen.
(3) Emp tk hunting tps (THTs) in area south of jamke and Piaka.
(4) Make aggressive use of LAT, HAT and armr aval to me.

d. Delay. In view of en’s unfolding in my AOR, I must try to delay dis org en’s
adv/attk by:-
(1) Spoiling attks by standing ptls.
(2) Laying def M fds ahead of FDL’s.
(3) Laying protective M fds in front and on flks of depth, C pen posn and……?
(4) Asking my protective dets and screens to open fire at longer ranges.

Maj M Zeeshan Asghar Ch

Answer to Question 1 e
8. Dev of En Ops. En is expected to emp Bde/ Bde (+) size force with addl armr regt to
reduce Azizpur salient as under:-
a. Preliminary Ops. En will adv on broad front and cross intl border by first lt D day.
En will clear BOPs with sqn/ coy gps in 2 hrs approx. En will estb contact with
protective dets by about 0900 hrs D day and will push them back in 6 hrs approx.
En will estb contact with screens by about 1600 hrs and will clear them in 2 hrs
approx. En will estb contact with main defs in Azizpur salient and will 2 hrs in
recce, probe fwd and final preps for attk.
b. Ph – 1. En will attk from lt, exploiting shoulder of the salient with two bns sp by
armr sqn each, at about 2000 hrs D day. Keeping FUP south of Jamke and BOF
south of Piaka. Completing the ph by mid ni by securing lines Bhura Rakh and
c. Ph – 2. On success of Ph-1, en will attk through secured line on Nizamke and
Azizpur with two bns sp by armr sqn each. Keeping FUP at the southern edge of
secured line & BOF at same place. Completing the ph in 2-3 hrs.
d. Subsequent Ops. En will resume adv towards DCB and will estb Contact with
main defs of bde by 0800 hrs D+1.
Answer to Question 1 F
9. Basic Deductions. In view of the resources aval and their possible emp the basic
deductions from Gr and weather and en factors stands cfm as under:-
a. Pri of Apchs - cfm.
b. Pri of ITGS - cfm.
c. Pri of lines of def - cfm.
d. Def Possibilities - cfm.
10. Almt of Tps to Task
Ser Loc Inf Armr LAT/ HAT Arty/Mor Engrs/ Aslt
a. Protective Dets
(1) Line alongwith border 4 3 3 FOO -
(2) Line Jamke- Nidoke 4 3 3 FOO -
b. Screens
(1) South of Jamke 1 - 1 MFC -
(2) South of Piaka 1 - - MFC -

Maj M Zeeshan Asghar Ch

(3) NE of Tibba 1 - - MFC -
c. FDL’s
(1) Bhura Rakh 3 - 1 FOO -
(2) Rajoke 3 - - FOO -
(3) Kakere 3 - - FOO -
d. Depth
(1) Azizpur 3 - - - 1
(2) Nizamkre 3 - - - 1
e. Res
(1) C Attk 2 3 3 FOO -
(2) C Pen 2 3 3 FOO -
f. Obs Laying - - - - 2

11. Reuse of Tps. Since tasks envisaged are more than the tps aval therefore I must reuse
my tps as under:-
a. Protective dets fall bask as res at Azizpur.
b. Str for screens to be taken from FDL’s.
c. Engr and aslt pnr pls to str def in depth after mine laying.
12. Addl Resources. Keeping in view the paucity of resources, vis-à-vis the tasks asg, I must
ask for fol addl resources from higher HQ:-
a. Engr coy to lay def M fd ahead of FDLs.
b. Air sortie to engage en armr north of line Jamke – Nidoke after the battle of
protective dets.
c. Def stores for OHC and OHP.
Answer to Question 1 G
13. Time Data
a. Time to accomplish Msn - 0600 Hrs D Day.
b. Time now - 1000 Hrs D -10.
c. First lt - 0600 Hrs.
d. Last lt - 1930 Hrs.
e. Time Aval
(1) Day Hrs - 131 Hrs.
(2) Ni Hrs - 105 Hrs.

Maj M Zeeshan Asghar Ch

14. Time Req
Day Hrs Ni Hrs
a. Battle Procedures & orders 8 -
b. Mov from assy A to defs - 6
c. Occ of def - 12
d. Digging of main defs - 12
e. Digging of screens - 12
f. Digging of altn posns - 6
g. Digging C pen posns - 6
h. Prep of posn of protective dets - 24
i. OHP 6 12
j. Rehearsals for C attk 12 12
k. Rehearsals for Occ of C pens 12 12
l. Rehearsals of protective dets battle 12 12
m. Cam & Clt 6 6
n. Clearance of F of Fs 6 6
o. Mine Laying - 48
p. Improvements of defs 6 6
q. Rest and adm 24 24
Total 92 Hrs 216 Hrs
15. Deductions
a. Less Time Aval. Since time aval to me is less than time req for various activities,
therefore I must do fol:-
(1) Prep of depth posn and C pen posn during day.
(2) Reduce the timings fro rest and adm.
(3) Simultaneous digging of FDL’s screens and delay lines.
(4) Laying of M fds in front of depth and C pen posns during day.
(5) Reduce timings for rehearsals if C attk and C pen posns.
(6) Cam & Clt, OHP and clearance of F of Fs by day.
b. Pri of Work. In view of the paucity of time, I must prioritize work as under:-
(1) Digging.
(2) Mining.
(3) Clearance of F of Fs.

Maj M Zeeshan Asghar Ch

(4) Cam and Clt.
(5) Rehearsals of C attk and C pen.
c. Essential Timings
(1) Battle Procedures to start at - 1000 Hrs D-10
(2) Mov/ Occ of def by - 2000 Hrs D-10
(3) Prep of mian def by - 0600 hrs D-3
(4) Laying M fd by - 0600 hrs D-2
(5) Def to be ready by - 0600 hrs D Day

Answer to Question 1 H
16. Course A. To take up def with three coys up from Bhura Rakh incl to Kakeke incl. Lt fwd
coy at Bhura Rakh with LAT pl in loc, cen fwd coy at Rajoke with ATGM pl in loc and Mujahid coy
at kakeke as rt fwd coy. Depth coys at Nizamke – Azizpur with res in loc. Protective dets
comprising of two CATs; armr sqn less a tp, HAT pl and 2 x inf pls along lt and cen apch and LAT
Coy less a pl and 2x inf pls alongwith rt apch .Protective dets to fight delaying battle at successive
delay lines along intl border and line Nidoke – Janike and thereafter form part of res at Azizpur.
Screens in south of Janike comprising of inf and LAT pls in south of Piaka comprising of inf and
ATGM pl and NE of Tibba comprising of Mjd Pl. Screen to fall back to FDL’s. Standing ptls on all
apchs from fwd coys 800 M ahead, of sec str. C attk objs in the order of pri Rajoke, Bhura Rakh,
Kakeke. C pen posns of coy size, in south of Rakh Bhani and NE of protective M fds in front and
on flks of all def posns. Arty obsr with protective dets and FDL’s, mor obsr with screens and
FDL’s. BHQ at Azizpur and Bn Mors at Rakh Bhani. Def to be occ by 2000hrs, D-10 and ready by
0600 hrs D day.
a. Advs
(1) Compact def.
(2) All echs of def are emp.
(3) Aim of def is achieved.
(4) All apchs are guarded adequately.
(5) Sufficient depth is retained.
(6) Max attrition and sufficient delay is imposed on the en.
b. Disadvs
(1) Def based on most likely def possibility.
(2) En can exploit shoulder of the salient to overturn battle of protective dets.
(3) Depth of def is close to DCB.

Maj M Zeeshan Asghar Ch

Answer to Question 1j
17. En Reactions and Own Ctr Actions
En Reactions Own Ctr Actions
a. En will complete the assy by 1930 hrs - I must bring HF on en conc and gather max
on D-1. possible info on en’s intention.
b. En will adv on broad front with Bde (+) - I must bring HF on en and ask air recce to
sp by armr regt by 0600 hrs D-Day. cfm en area of interest and likely apch.
c. En will cross intl border and contact my - I must ask my protective dets to engage
protective dets by 0700 hrs D-Day en at longer ranges and force her to depl.
d. En will probe fwd, feel the flks and try - I must ask to attrite en and order my
to clear the delay line by 0900 hrs protective dets to delay the en for min of
D-Day. 6 hrs.
e. En will try to launch a deliberate attk to - I must ask my protective dets to wdr to
clear the delay line by 1100 hrs D Day. delay line – 2 , after imposing 6 hrs delay
f. After clearing delay line-1, en will - I must carry out arty bombardment on en
cautiously start adv at 1300 hrs D day. and ask for aerial engagement North of
line Jamke – Nidoke.
g. En will contact protective dets at delay - I must ask my protective dets to engage en
line-2 by 1500 hrs D day. at longer ranges and force her to depl.
h. En will again try to find out gaps and - I must stand on my gr and impose delay of
flks to clear oppn at delay line-2 by 8-10 hrs, due to ….attrite the en to max
about 1700 hrs D day. through …..A tk wpns and arty
j. En will again make a deliberate effort - After imposing delay of about 8-10 hrs, I
to clear the oppn and will do so by 0100 must order my protective dets to wdr to
hrs D+1. depth lines and form part of res.
k. En will re-gp at ni and will resume adv - I must cont engaging en with aval wpns
at 0700 hrs D+1. and must keep a watch on her apch and
l. En will contact screens at 0900 hrs D+1 - I must order my screen to engage en at
and will try to clear them in the same longer ranges, force her to depl and make
momentum. deliberate … attk.
m. En will make deliberate efforts to attk - I must inflict hy cas on the en forces,
on screen posns by about 1100 hrs D+1. cause delay and cfm en’s apch and intents.
n. En will clear screen by about 1200 hrs - I must order my screens to wdr to FDL’s
D+1 and will resume adv to contact def after imposing nec delay and inflicting cas.
in Azizpur Salient.
o. En will carryout recce, probe fwd and - I must engage en through arty fire and
bring fwd attk echs and engr elms for keep eff con on fire thereby not giving
deliberate attk for next 8 hrs or so. exact loc of my defs.
p. En will launch deliberate attk at 2000 - On cfm of en’s dir of attk, I shall re-adj by
hrs D+1 with inf bde (+) sp by armr regt def. I must give determined fight to en on
to reduce the salient. every tier and must not allow him to gain a
foothold in my defs.
q. En will form up in south of Jamke and - I must launch a spoiling attk on en at FUP
keep BOF south of Piaka. from standing ptl, ahead FDL’s and bring
eff arty/ mor on BOF to neut it.
r. En lve FUP and adv towards my def - I must engage en with suitable DFs and
under covering fire from arty. open up long range wpns to disorg its attk.

Maj M Zeeshan Asghar Ch

s. En will enter M fds ahead of FDL’s. - I must cont engagement of en with
arty/mor fire and bring max coord fire of
auto on him.
t. En will cross Mfd and aslt on my def. - I must lift the arty fire and cont
engagement of en with autos.
u. En will breach my defs and take two - I must encourage my coy to launch C attk
secs form lt fwd coy. by the designated tps from other pls.
v. En will take two pls of my fwd coy and - I must launch C attk by the designated tps
widen the breach. from the depth coy (Cmt Bn Res).
w. En will hold on to the breach and will - I must occ C pen posn AA south of Rakh
try to further widen it. Bhani.
x. En will launch ph-II of her attk by 0100 - I must give a tough fight and consume his
hrs D+2 at Nizamko and C pen posn AA another bn C pen posn. By this I must
and will clear them by 0600 hrs D+2. ensure, en should launch ph-III to capture
Azizpur, for that en needs recycling of tps.
y. En will have a pause in op for 12 hrs to - I must cont en’s engagement with fire and
recycle her tps to clear Azizpur. hold on to Azizpur.
z. En will launch ph-III to clear Azizpur by - I will give a tough fight, later on wdr to
2000 hrs D+2 and will clear it by 0200 Nurkot after 0100 hrs D+3.
hrs D+3.

Maj M Zeeshan Asghar Ch

Answer to Question 1a
1. En is depl for def of Vijanagar sector with main defs at drain. En is carrying out mining
along drain. Coy (+) size str of BSF is looking after BOPs in Vijaynagar sector and has been
strengthening it with reg tps. Protective M fds have been laid in front and on flks of BOPs besides
Cat A Fence is laid all along the border.
2. Own 188 (B) Bde has been ordered to improve def posture by reducing Vijaynagar
enclave. Own 127 FF loc at Nurkot has been tasked to capture Vijaynagar by 0800 hrs D+1.
3. Air is not likely to be used in this sec.
4. Met
a. First Lt - 0600 Hrs.
b. Last Lt - 1730 Hrs.
c. Moon - 3rd Qtr.
d. Weather - Dry.
Answer to Question 1b
5. To capture Vijanagar Enclave with fol limitations:-
a. Attk to be conducted at ni.
b. Vijaynagar to be captured by 0600 hrs D+ 1.
Answer to Question 1c
6. Deductions from Gr and Weather
a. Pri of ITGs
(1) By virtue of its loc, layout of the gr and aim of the op, Vijaynagar emerges
as my MITG. Other ITGs in the order of pri are:-
(a) Hut.
(b) Knoll.
(c) BSF Post.
(2) Reasons for Sel of MITG
(a) Provides depth to all ITGs.
(b) Dominates MSR rd Nurkot – Ramgarh.
(c) Dominates all other ITGs.
(d) If captured will unhinge the def in the enclave.
(e) Its capture facilitates reduction of entire enclave.

Maj M Zeeshan Asghar Ch

b. Pri of Apchs
(1) Having analyzed various factors considered for apchs and their significance
I accord fol pri to apchs:-
(a) Lt Apch.
(b) Rt Apch.
(c) Central Apch.
(2) Reasons for Accord Pri
(a) Capture of MITG in ph – I of op.
(b) Capture of 2x ITGs in ph – I of op.
(c) Op will have 2 x phs only, thus completed in early time.
(d) Cuts off the base of enclave.
(e) Flking in nature.
(f) En def at BSF post may not be attk phy.
(g) Early access to rd Nurkot- Ramgarh.
c. Attk Possibilities
(1) Attk Possibilities -I. To attk from lt with two coys up in two phs starting
the op in the early hrs of darkness as fol:-
(a) Ph – I. Capture Vijaynagar and hut with a coy each in two hrs.
(b) Ph – II. Capture Knoll and BSF post with a coy each, completing
the ph in approx 1 ½ hrs.
(c) Depl Areas
i. FAA - Basti.
ii. FUP - Sq 0595 and 0594.
iii. BOF - NW of br on fwd edge of Mfd.
(2) Attk Possibilities – II. To attk from rt in three phs with one coy in res
starting the op in early hrs of darkness as fol:-
(a) Ph – I. Capture area knoll with a coy completing the ph approx
1½ hrs.
(b) Ph – II. Capture area Vijaynagar and Hut with a coy each
completing the ph in approx 2 hrs.
(c) Ph – III. Capture BSF Post with a coy, completing the ph in approx

Maj M Zeeshan Asghar Ch

(d) Depl Areas
i. FAA - Dera.
ii. FUP - Sq 1194 and 1195.
iii. BOF - NW of br on fwd edge of Mfd.
d. Loc o BOF. Irrespective of the attk possibility I adopt, due to the dominance,
coverage of entire obj area, protection/ security it affords and ease of access, I
must depl my BOF NW of br on Azadi DCB the fwd edge of M fds.
e. Route for F ech. Due to aval cl 50A2 rd Nurkot –Ramgarh and its alignment
bisecting the obj area, regardless of attk possibility I choose, I must sel it as route
for F-ech to be brought fwd.
f. Reorg Plan. Considering the loc o ITGs, alignment of intl border and main defs, I
must reorg upon success in horse shoe pattern from knoll incl to Vijaynagar and
NW of BSF Post for both attk possibilities.
g. Time of Attk. Since the moon is in 3rd qtr, meaning thereby, it will rise around
midnight, therefore I must plan my attk in the early hrs of darkness and carryout
reorg in the moon lt.
Answer to Question 1d
7. En Caps. En has fol caps:-
a. En can bring observed arty and mor fire.
b. En can readjust posns on either of the flks.
c. En can launch a spoiling attk with a sec size str in likely FUP area.
d. En can rft the enclave at Vijaynagar only in 30 mins.
e. En can launch coy size C attk at Vijaynagar and Knoll within 40 mins.
f. En can wdr to main defs at drain within 2 hrs due to success of attk.
8. Deductions of En Factor
a. Cfm of Basic Deductions. Having seen en caps, pattern of depl, options aval to en
against attk possibilities, fol deductions from gr any stands cfm.
(1) Pri of ITGs - Cfm.
(2) Pri of Apchs - Cfm.
(3) Attk Possibilities - Cfm.
b. Spoiling Attk. En enjoys the cap of launching a spoiling attk with sec size ptl in
likely FUP areas, therefore I must do fol:-
(1) Ensure proper protection of FUP, with a coy.

Maj M Zeeshan Asghar Ch

(2) Activities to deceive en with regards to dir of attk.
(3) Sel an attn FUP, 400/ 500 M away from actual FUP.
c. Readjustment of Def Posn. Since the en is cap of carrying out well, the
readjustment of def posn after ascertaining the dir of attk, so to prevent him from
readjustment, I must do fol:-
(1) Subj en locs to conc arty/ mor fire.
(2) Task elms of BOF to eff engage en wpn posns denying readjustment.
(3) Use of air burst ammo during covering fire.
d. C Attk. En posns along the drain are cap of dispatching coys size str to regain
Vijaynagar and Knoll within an hour, I must do fol:-
(1) Reorg facing northern dir in horse shoe pattern.
(2) Sel DFs astride various routes apch towards Vijaynagar and Knoll.
(3) Early Launching of ph – II of the op.
(4) Quick depl of surv elms on apchs ldg into captured area.
(5) Quickly coord of def of the bn in obj area.
e. Protective Mfds. Since en has laid protective Mfds around def area, therefore I
must task aval engrs elm and aslt pnr pl to make lanes in area Hut and BSF Post
for mov of F-ech and BOF elm during reorg.
f. Cat A Fence. Considering en’s security arrangements all along intl border to incl
cat A fence, search lts and obsn towers, vis-à-vis need to conceal my intentions
and dir of attk, I must do fol.
(1) Breaching of Cat A fence at four diff places on initiation of hostilities, with
the asst of holding tps.
(2) Carry out sniping of search lts.
(3) Destruction of obsn towers with ATGMs.

Maj M Zeeshan Asghar Ch

Answer to Question 1e
9. Assessment of Task
Ser Task Inf LAT Engrs/Aslt PnrArty Arty ATGM
a. Ph – I
(1) Vijaynagar 3 - - 1 -
(2) Hut 3 - - 1 -
b. Ph – II
(1) Knoll 3 - - 1 -
(2) BSF Post 3 - - 1 -
c. BOF - 1 - - 1
d. FUP Protection 3 - - - -
e. Clearance of Route for - - 2 - -
f. Mining after Reorg - - 2 - -
g. Breaching of Cat A Fence - - 2 - -
10. Deductions Own Factor
a. Cfm of Basic Deductions. Having analyzed the gr and weather and en sit vis-à-vis
resources made aval for envisaged task, fol deductions stands cfm.
(1) Pri of ITGs - Cfm.
(2) Pri of Apchs - Cfm.
(3) Attk Possibilities - Cfm.
b. Almt of Tps to Task
Ser Task Inf LAT Engrs/Aslt PnrArty Arty ATGM
(1) Ph – I
(a) Vijaynagar 3 - - 1 -
(b) Hut 3 - - 1 -
(2) Ph – II
(a) Knoll 3 - - 1 -
(b) BSF Post 3 - - 1 -
(3) BOF - 1 - - 1
(4) FUP Protection 3@ - - - -
(5) Clearance of Route - - 2 - -
for F-ech.
(6) Mining after Reorg - - 2@ - -
(7) Breaching of Cat A - - 2@ - -
Maj M Zeeshan Asghar Ch
c. Reuse of Tps. Keeping in view the resources made aval and almt of tps to
accomplish the msn, I must reuse my tps as under:-
(1) Protection of FUP to be carried out by fol up coy being launched in ph – II.
(2) Engr and aslt pnr pls to be used for breaching of Cat A Fence, clearance of
route for F-ech on successful termination of ph-II then for laying protective
M fds after reorg on the obj.
d. Asst from Holding Tps. In view of the paucity of resources vis-à-vis successful
accomplishment of msn, I must get fol asst from holding tps.
(1) Fixing en def at BSF post.
(2) Fixing en def at Knoll.
(3) Depict feint activity with a pl size force on rt apch.
(4) Provide protection to elms of BOF.
(5) Breach Cat A fence at two locs on rt apch.
Answer to Question 1f
11. Time Data
a. Time of Accomplishment of Msn - 0600 Hrs D+1.
b. Time Now - 1000 Hrs D-1.
c. First Lt - 0600 Hrs.
d. Last Lt - 1730 Hrs.
e. Time Aval - 44 Hrs.
(1) Day Hrs - 19 Hrs.
(2) Ni Hrs - 25 Hrs.

Maj M Zeeshan Asghar Ch

12. Time Req
Ser Events Time Req Running Time
g. Completion of op - 0600 Hrs D+1
h. Final Reorg phase – II 60 mins 0500 Hrs D+1
i. Unforeseen phase – II 10 mins 0450 Hrs D+1
j. Completion phase – II - -
k. Fighting on obj phase – II 60 mins 0350 Hrs D+1
l. SL to obj phase – II 5 mins 0345 Hrs D+1
m. A Hr (Not later than) - 0345 Hrs D+1
n. Stay in FUP phase – II 5 mins 0340 Hrs D+1
r. Reorg Phase – I 20 mins 0320 Hrs D+1
s. Unforeseen 10 mins 0310 Hrs D+1
t. Fighting on obj phase – I 90 mins 0140 Hrs D+1
u. SL to obj phase – I 10 mins 0130 Hrs D+1
v. H Hr - 0130 Hrs D+1
w. Stay in FUP 10 mins 0120 Hrs D+1
x. FAA to FUP 60 mins 0020 Hrs D+1
y. Unforeseen 10 mins 0010 Hrs D+1
z. Rest and rehearsal 12 hrs 1210 Hrs D
aa. Recce, planning and orders 26 hrs 1010 Hrs D-1
13. Deductions
a. More Time is Aval. In view of the sufficiency time for completion tasks, so I must
dedicate more time to fol activities:-
(1) Recce of obj area.
(2) Coord and rehearsal of attk fmns.
(3) Coord with holding tps.
(4) Coord of fire sp of all echs.
(5) Battle drills and procedures.
b. Essential Timings. In view of the qtr of moon and time req as above, I must adv
all timings by 4 hrs as under:-
(1) Completion of op by - 0200 hrs D+1.
(2) H Hr - 2130 hrs D Day.
(3) A Hr - 2345 hrs D Day.
(4) Time for BOF to be in loc - 2100 hrs D Day.
Maj M Zeeshan Asghar Ch
Answer to Question 1g
14. Course A. To reduce Vijaynagar Enclave using lt apch with a bn in two phs. In ph – I,
capture Vijaynagar and Hut with a coy each completing the ph in 2 hrs. In ph – II, capture Knoll
and BSF Post with a coy each completing the ph approx in 1 ½ hrs. Keeping FUP for ph – I in sq
0594 protected by fol up coy and for ph – II, fwd line of tps. BOF comprising of LAT pl, ATGM pl
and coy hy wpns in sq_____ on the fwd edge of Mfds to be estb by 2100 hrs D Day. Conc A at
Nurkot and FAA in Basti. H Hr being 2130 hrs D Day and A Hr not later than 2345 hrs. Reorg in
horse shoe pattern incl Knoll, Vijaynagar and BSF Post, facing_____. F-ech to be brought fwd on
rd Nurkot – Ramgarh keeping RV at Hut at 0100 hrs D+1. Feint activity to be shown on rt apch at
2100 hrs D Day by holding tps. Loc of Bn HQ after reorg at BSF Post and Bn (Tac) at Vijaynagar.
Completing the op by 0200 hrs D+1.
a. Advantages
(1) Flking attk.
(2) Capturing MITG in ph – I.
(3) Attk the base of enclave in ph – I.
(4) BSF Post in ph – II may not req any phy attk.
(5) En’s route of wdr/rft is blocked in ph – I.
(6) Accomplishment of msn in earlier time frame.
(7) BOF can sp both phs from same loc.
(8) Attk will be in dark hrs and reorg under moon lt.
b. Disadvantages
(1) FUP in open/ en terr.
(2) BOF close to intl border liable to interference.
(3) Mast expected dir of attk invites str def reactions.
(4) Breach in Cat A fence will give away surprise/intentions.
15. En Reactions and Ctr Actions
a. Mov from Conc A to Assy A. On move from conc A to assy A, the en GSRs and
other svy means will try to detect my mov and use arty to disrupt it. Therefore I
must ctr it by:-
(1) Con dispersion in the colms by keeping inter veh gap of 200 M.
(2) Coord with own arty for CB through obsrs.
(3) Have a platform/ debussing at rel P to avoid giving a conc tgt to en

Maj M Zeeshan Asghar Ch

b. Mov from Assy A to FUP. My mov upto Azadi DCB is covered but the moment I
will cross the br, en will be observing my mov from Indra Chowki and BSF post
obsn towers. En will try to block xing of cat A Fence by a sec str in area south of tr
Indra Chowki – Vijaynagar in 20 mins. To ctr the en reactions I must do fol:-
(1) Keep Indra Chowki engaged by a bty till the flk is secured.
(2) Destroy BSF Post obsn tower with ATGM from BOF.
(3) CB to be called if engaged by arty/ mor.
(4) Keep area bounded by easting 05, 03 as an on call tgt of air burst.
c. Occ of FUP. En will try to disorg my forming up by bringing coord fire and spoiling
attk by a sec size str from Indra Chowki. En can also make FUP compromised by its
prior occ by a pl(-) size force. To ctr this I must do fol:-
(1) Ensure that FUP protection party reaches FUP by 2100 hrs.
(2) Keep a pl screen to ctr threat from Indra Chowki along easing 04.
(3) Sel an altn FUP to minimize effs of compromised FUP.
(4) Call for CB if engaged by en arty/ mor.
(5) Occ altn FUP if en launches spoiling attk.
d. Ph – I
(1) Readjustment of Def. On detection of FUP, en will be sure of dir of attk
and will resort to readjustment of def posn in the enclave to face
______.To thwart this, I must resort to:-
(a) Pin down en posns by covering fire.
(b) Subj en to conc fire from BOF to neut en wpns.
(c) Stay for min time in FUP.
(2) Use of SAs. Once the covering fire would lift, en will subj me to SAs fire
and to ctr his I must do fol:-
(a) Neut en wpn emplacements by BOF elms.
(b) Obscure en vision by using smk at Vijaynagar and Hut.
(c) Resort to fire and mov.
(3) Local C attk/ Rft by En. Before completion of ph – I, at 2215 hrs, en may
launch a local C attk by pl(-) from Knoll or get rft from the s____. I must do
(a) Subj Knoll to arty/ mor fire and fire from BOF.
(b) Quick initial reorg.
(c) Impetus should not die down and ph – II to be launched ASP.

Maj M Zeeshan Asghar Ch

e. Ph – II
(1) En Engagement of DFs. En may call for DF (OL) and subj me to hy arty
shelling, I must do fol:-
(a) Ask for CB.
(b) Imed launch ph – II after initial reorg.
(c) Initial reorg 300 M east of Vijaynagar and Hut.
(2) Readjustment of Depth Loc. Since en is going to readjust the depth loc at
Koll to face west. I must undertake fol measures:-
(a) Subj Knoll to arty/ mor fire.
(b) Maint impetus of attk by early launch of ph – II.
f. Final Reorg. En will resort to engagement by arty fire and will cont to fight with
remnants. He may also resort to C attk at Vijaynagar by about 0100 hrs D+1. I
must do fol:-
(1) Speed reorg in horse shoe pattern to incl Knoll, Vijaynagar and NW of BSF
(2) Quickly clear route for F-ech.
(3) Send ptls and OPs area ahead of captured objs in the dir of drain.
(4) Coord of coy defs.
(5) Sel and adjustment of DFs.
(6) Hasty mining of apchs ldg towards captured obj.
(7) Imed arrangements of cas evac and ammo replenishment.

Maj M Zeeshan Asghar Ch

Maj M Zeeshan Asghar Ch

Maj M Zeeshan Asghar Ch

Review of Sit Plan Courses
Statement En Actions Own Ctr Actions
a. En. What en is (two steps up), where en is, 1. Msn. Take up def Disposn Def along___, FDLs, Depth, Screens, C Tps, Res. Starts from Assy A.  HF, gaining info.
what is the intent? In what time frame. If along line X incl__to incl__by Reaction C Attk Objs, C Pen Posns. Cross intl border.  Arty DFs.
date is given give it, otherwise D/E day. 0600hrs D+15.
2. Exec Bias Bias of Def & A tk Def. Contact C Tps.  Fire at long ranges.
b. Own. What you are (At two lvls up), where a. Gen Outline. _________ Timings Commencing Prep by __hrs, completing def by __hrs Try to out flk, else prep  Resist bypass, delay of
you are, what is the intent (Task), In what b. A Coy Analysis for del attk. 4-6 hrs.
time frame, Your bn? Its neighbouring units. (1) Grouping x Brushing aside C Tps.  C Tps to wdr. (If there is
(2) Tasks. Adv Disadv
_________ a. As far fwd as tac feasible. a. Isn’t as far fwd as tac feasible. a 2 line then to that
c. Air. As it is given in narrative.
c. B Coy x x b. Line of no pen is being def. b. Area_to _given from outset. line)
d. NBC Conditions. Only in case it is given. d. C Coy x x c. Ensures max en attrition. c. Max attrition difficult. En resumes adv.  Arty & air engagement.
e. D Coy x x En contacts DL – 2.  Engage at long ranges
Aim d. Brs are held from outset. d. FDL based on line of no pen.
f. Mjd Coy x x
To def given AOR with fol limitations:- g. Coy Rangers x x e. Line, on obs with most eff obs e. Formidable obs ‘DCB’ being lt force her to depl.
(1) Be as far fwd as tac feasible. h. Sqn Armr x x f. Formidable def framework. in depth. En makes a deliberate  Resist bypass, delay of
(2) Don’t go beyond this line. i. Coy (LAT) x x g. Sufficient space for C Tps. f. Def isn’t based on an eff obs/ effort. 6-8 hrs.
(3) Def to be taken in given bdrys. j. Fd Pl Engrs x x BUA. En will contact screens.  Engage at loner ranges.
k. Arty h. Str C Tps gd front/east apch.
(4) Def area____, at all costs. g.
i. Max attrition -successive DLs. No suitable fall back posns En will re-gp at ni & Wdr after putting a
l. Coord Instrs
(5) Def line____, at all costs. aval for protective dets. st
resume adv at 1 lt. delay of an hr.
(1) Timings. _______ j. Locs along _ can’t be out flk.
(6) En be denied contact with DCB for 72 hrs. (2) Mov Table. Anx A (Not k. All apch are eff covered. h. No space for protective dets. st
Contact FDLs on 1 lt  Use arty. Eff fire con to
(7) Def to be ready by ‘such and such’ hrs. att)
l. Most likely tk apch gd eff. i. En can reach to the depth D+1. not to reveal def layout.
(8) Don’t use more than three coys. (3) DF Tasks locs in one ph. Brushing aside C Tps and  Con engagement with
(9) Pl size protection to gd brs. (4) Bdrys. Anx P. m. Well coord A Infil measures.
(5) Pri of Work x x n. MSR Secure. j. Resource intensive option. contacts screens. arty & other wpns.
(6) Almt of Def Stores x o. MITG in depth is held in str. k. Most expected course.  Engage en at longer
(7) Killing Areas x x l. Readjustment difficult. ranges. Wdr after a
(8) Screens x x p. Compact all round def. m. More chances of infill.
(9) SP / LP x x q. Force en to ph out his attk. delay of 1-1 ½ hrs
n. FDLs over stretched. En will push back  En will be subjected to
3. Adm and Log. x x
4. Comd and Sigs x x o. Flks vuln / exposed. screens and is likely to the coord fire of SAs and
p. More chances of MITG being contact main def. A tk wpns.
taken in Ph-I.
Contact main def by__  Use arty. Eff fire con to
Deductions from Gr & Weather Deductions from En Deductions from Own Sit Deductions from Time & Space
not to reveal def layout.
a. Pri of Apchs. a. Pri of Apchs. (Cfm) a. Pri of Apchs. (Cfm) a. Essential Timings:
Probing activity.  Keep eff con on fire.
b. Imp Tac Gr. b. Imp Tac Gr. (Cfm) b. Imp Tac Gr. (Cfm) (1) Battle Procedures to start
at__, After cfm recce, likely to  Re-adj accordingly.
c. Def Possibilities (DPs). c. DPs. (Cfm) c. DPs. (Cfm)
(2) Mov/ Occ of def by__, launch Ph 1 by__hrs Launch Spoiling attk.
d. Pri of C attk objs. d. En air superiority. d. Almt of tps to task.
(3) Prep of main def by__, D Day (__hrs D+1).
e. Anti-infil measures. e. A tk plan. e. Reuse of tps.
(4) Laying M fd by__, En takes 2 x secs.  DF(SOS), Spoiling attk.
f. A tk measures. f. Separating armr from inf. f. Demand for addl resources.
(5) Def to be ready by__, En takes 2 x pls.  C attk by depth coy.
g. Use of moon lt hrs. g. Delay. g. Emp of addl A tk resources.
b. Less time aval- Simultaneous En widens the breach.  Occ C Pen posn.
h. Emp of fd pl engrs. h. Anti infil measures. h. Use of def bricks / stores.
activities. En will launch Ph – II.  I must give a tough
i. Emp of LAT / HAT elms. i. Pri of C attk objs. i. Use of armr.
c. Pri of work. fight.
j. Emp of tks. j. Surprise and deception. j. Tk hunting parties.
d. Utilizing day lt hrs.
k. Denial of MSR. k. Anti Heliborne force.  In concert with Res
e. Incase more time is aval/
l. Const of str pt (If applicable). l. Emp of bn cdo pl. create conditions for
m. Method of covering large gaps. launching of Bde Res.
Maj M Zeeshan Asghar Ch

Maj M Zeeshan Asghar Ch

Review of Sit Plan Courses
Statement En Actions Own Ctr Actions
a. En. What en is (two steps up), where en is, 1. Msn. Capture Vijaynagar Statement & Phs Apch, _coys up, tks, day/ ni. Ph- I __, Ph – II__. Mov from FAA To FUP
what is the intent? In what time frame. If Salient by 0600 hrs 30 Sep 2005. Feint & Block Block & Feint comprising __in area __, En is likely to subj me to  I’ll mov well dispersed.
date is given give it, otherwise D/E day. 2. Exec
a. Gen Outline. Anx P, _____. FUP & BOF FUP in area __protection Party comprising __, indir fire.  Mov during dark hrs.
in area __, BOF comprising ____ in area ____. En ambush enroute  Mov under the security
b. Own. What you are (At two lvls up), where b. A Coy
(1) Grouping xTimings Starting mov at _, H hr_, A hr_, block in posn_, of coy detailed so.
you are, what is the intent (Task), In what
(2) Tasks. feint in posn_, BOF in posn_ completing ops by Occupation of FUP
time frame, Your bn? Its neighbouring units.
_________ Analysis
c. B Coy x x Surv elms will be cfm dir  Launch feint attk.
c. Air. As it is given in narrative. Adv Disadv
d. C Coy x x of attk.  Covering fire.
a. The maj limitation should be a. Most expected dir.
d. NBC Conditions. Only in case it is given. e. D Coy x x While forming up at  FUP securing tps.
f. Sqn Armr x x converted into advs. b. FUP in open/ en terr. FUP.  Opt for Running FUP.
Aim g. Coy (LAT) x x b. Flking attk. c. BOF close to intl border liable
To capture ____ Salient by 0600 hrs D day. h. Fd Pl Engrs x x c. Capturing MITG in ph – I.  Covering fire, to reduce
to interference.
To capture area upto Devi Nadi incl 12r i. Arty d. More no of obj can be d. Mast expected dir of attk en’s dir engagement.
premnagar 15r and steel OP by 0600 hrs j. Coord Instrs captured in initial ph. invites str def reactions.  Base of Fire, to prevent
D+1. (1) Timings. _______ mov within the defs.
(2) Mov Table. Anx A (Not e. FUP in own area. e. Breach in Cat A fence will give
To secure area upto _____ insl ____, ___ f. BUA is avoided in initial ph. away surprise/intentions. Mov from FUP to obj
and ____ with fol limitations: - (3) Bdrys. Anx P. x x g. Attk the base of enclave in ph f. More coord is needed. En may readjust  Max fire from arty and
(a) Area to be secured by 1 lt D+1. (4) Pri of Work x x – I. g. Attk will be in dark hrs and fire base.
(b) Cause max destruction of the en. (5) Almt of Def Stores x h. BSF Post in ph – II may not reorg under moon lt. Local C attk
(6) Killing Areas x x req any phy attk.
(7) Screens x x En will launch local C  Covering fire.
(8) SP / LP x x i. En’s route of wdr/rft is attk from depth  Initial reorg at each tier.
3. Adm and Log. x x blocked in ph – I.  Minimal time spent b/w
4. Comd and Sigs x x j. Accomplishment of msn in launching of various phs
earlier time frame. of attk.
k. BOF can sp both phs from En Rft
same loc.
After the loss of a pl en  Blocking Posn at Br-1.
Deductions from Gr & Weather Deductions from En Deductions from Own Sit Deductions from Time & Space
will try to rft the def.  Quick reorg after
a. Imp Tac Gr. a. Imp Tac Gr. a. Almt of tps to task. a. Estb of Base of Fire.
capturing the obj.
b. Pri of Apchs. b. Pri of Apchs. b. Emp of armr. b. Estb of Blocking Posn.
 Bn Ph – II must go in
c. Attk Possibilities (APs). c. APs. c. Emp of LAT/ HAT. c. Time of Attk
with min delay.
d. Phs of Attk/ objs. d. Phs of Attk/ objs. d. Emp of engrs. d. More Time is Aval.
e. Depl Areas. e. Ctr En Ni Vis Cap. e. FUP protection. e. Essential Timings.  Dir arty fire at ___to
a. Emp of armr. f. Deception: Feint / diversionary f. Reuse of Tps. (1) Completion of op by____hrs. disrupt en’s mov.
activities. (2) H hr ____. Wdr
f. Loc of base of fire. g. Asst from Holding Tps.
g. Route for F-echs. g. En rft cap / Block. (3) A hr_____. En will wdr towards ___  Blocking Posn at Br 1 will
h. Eff of Moon. h. Ctr Spoiling Attk Measures. (4) BOF to be in loc by ____ hrs. to augment Bde main inflict max cas on en.
i. Feint Activity. (5) Tps for Feint in loc by ___hrs. defs.  Arty fire and fire of all
i. Securing Brs.
b. Emp of fd pl engrs. j. Ctr Readjustment Measures. long range wpns.
k. Anti Ctr attk measures.  Bn will reorg to face any
l. AA Measures. threat from the en.
m. Destruction of en obsn towers at  Likely en apch/ depl
outset. areas will be mk as DFs.
Maj M Zeeshan Asghar Ch

Maj M Zeeshan Asghar Ch

Remarks Timings En’s Dev of Op Dist (Kms)
Max Min
0700 hrs, D+3 0500 hrs, D+3


STR - PT 70 hrs

 En can at best start re-org, consolidating and re-gp, simultaneously probing activity will also be
carried out throughout the day. Ph – III of the op will force the en to recycling tps and replenish
the ammo.
64 hrs

Maj M Zeeshan Asghar Ch

 En can have H Hr at best not before 2300 hrs, D+2. In either case.

0800 hrs, D+2 0500 hrs, D+2 DEPTH OR

46 hrs


2-3 Hrs

0200 hrs, D+2 0200 hrs, D+2

44 hrs

 En can at best start Probing Activity at 0600 hrs D+1, The time from 0100 hrs to 0600 hrs will be
utilized for re-grouping etc. The Buildup of attk elms will begin after 1800 hrs D+1.
40 hrs

 En can have H Hr at best not before 2200 hrs D+1. In either case.

0600 hrs, 0100 hrs, D +1


0500 hrs, D+1 0000 hrs, D +1

18 hrs


2300 hrs, D Day


2200 hrs, D Day



2100 hrs, D Day


2400 hrs, D Day 2000 hrs, D Day

14 hrs

DL - 2

1600 hrs, D Day


1500 hrs, D Day


1400 hrs, D Day


1500 hrs, D Day 1300 hrs, D Day

7 hrs

DL - 1

0900 hrs, D Day


Arty Re-depl as 0800 hrs, D Day Fd Arty

part of Built up INTL BORDER

0700 hrs, D Day


1 Hr

0600 hrs, D Day Fd Arty

Remarks Timings En’s Dev of Op Dist (Kms)
Max Min

0500 hrs, D+2 0400 hrs, D+2 DEPTH OR
46 hrs


2-3 Hrs

0200 hrs, D+2 0200 hrs, D+2


Maj M Zeeshan Asghar Ch

44 hrs

 En can at best start Probing Activity at 0600 hrs D+1, The time from 0100 hrs to 0600 hrs will be
utilized for re-grouping etc. The Buildup of attk elms will begin after 1800 hrs D+1.
40 hrs

 En can have H Hr at best not before 2200 hrs D+1. In either case.

0600 hrs, 0100 hrs, D +1


0500 hrs, D+1 0000 hrs, D +1

18 hrs


2300 hrs, D Day


2200 hrs, D Day


2100 hrs, D Day


2400 hrs, D Day 2000 hrs, D Day

14 hrs

DL - 2

1600 hrs, D Day


1500 hrs, D Day


1400 hrs, D Day


1500 hrs, D Day 1300 hrs, D Day

7 hrs

DL - 1

0900 hrs, D Day

SIT 2 – INTL BORDER IS 10 Kms Plus

Arty Re-depl as 0800 hrs, D Day Fd Arty

part of Built up INTL BORDER

0700 hrs, D Day



1 Hr

0600 hrs, D Day Fd Arty

Remarks Timings En’s Dev of Op Dist (Kms)
Max Min

0600 hrs, D+2 0400 hrs, D+2

46 hrs
 En can at best start re-org, consolidating and re-gp, simultaneously probing activity will also be
carried out throughout the day. Ph – III of the op will force the en to recycling tps and replenish
the ammo.
40 hrs

Maj M Zeeshan Asghar Ch

 En can have H Hr at best not before 2200 hrs, D+1. In either case.

0700 hrs, D+1 0400 hrs, D+1 DEPTH OR

22 hrs


2-3 Hrs

0400 hrs, D+1 0200 hrs, D+1

 En will start with Probing Activity at 1800 hrs D Day. The attk tps will begin mov after 1800 hrs
D Day.
20 hrs 16 hrs

 En can have H Hr at best not before 2200 hrs D Day. In either case.

2000 hrs, D Day 1800 hrs, D Day


1900 hrs, D Day 1700 hrs, D Day

11 hrs


1600 hrs, D Day


1500 hrs, D Day


1400 hrs, D Day


1500 hrs, D Day 1300 hrs, D Day

7 hrs

DL - 1

0900 hrs, D Day


Arty Re-depl as 0800 hrs, D Day

DEF - SIT 1 – INTL BORDER IS B/W 5 – 8 Kms

part of Built up INTL BORDER


0700 hrs, D Day


1 Hr

0600 hrs, D Day Fd Arty

Remarks Timings En’s Dev of Op Dist (Kms)
Max Min

0200 hrs, D+3 0100 hrs, D+3 DEPTH OR

66 hrs
 En can at best start re-org, consolidating and re-gp, simultaneously probing activity will also be
carried out throughout the day. Ph – III of the op will force the en to recycling tps and replenish
64 hrs

the ammo.
 En can have H Hr at best not before 2300 hrs, D+2. In either case.

Maj M Zeeshan Asghar Ch


0400 hrs, D+2 0400 hrs, D+2



2 Hrs

0200 hrs, D+2 0200 hrs, D+2

 En can best start Probing Activity at 0600 hrs D+1, The time from 0100 hrs to 0600 hrs will be
utilized for re-grouping etc. The Buildup of attk bde will begin after 1800 hrs D+1.
44 hrs 40 hrs

 En can have H Hr at best not before 2200 hrs D+1. In either case.

0600 hrs, 0100 hrs, D +1


0500 hrs, D+1 0000 hrs, D +1

18 hrs


2300 hrs, D Day


2200 hrs, D Day


2100 hrs, D Day



2400 hrs, D Day 2000 hrs, D Day

14 hrs

DL - 2

1600 hrs, D Day


1500 hrs, D Day


1400 hrs, D Day


1500 hrs, D Day 1300 hrs, D Day

7 hrs

DL - 1

0900 hrs, D Day


Arty Re-depl as 0800 hrs, D Day Fd Arty


part of Built up INTL BORDER


0700 hrs, D Day


1 Hr

0600 hrs, D Day Fd Arty


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