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Digital Marketing


___________________________________________________ ____________
Submitted to:
Hasan Azam

The success and final outcome of this project required a lot of guidance and

assistance from many people and we are extremely fortunate to have got this all

along the completion of our project. Whatever we have done is only due to such

guidance and assistance and we would not forget to thank them.

We respect and thank Mr. Hasan Azam for giving us an opportunity to do the

project of Relaunching a product Hico Ice Cream and providing us all support and

guidance which made us complete the project on time. We are extremely grateful

to him for providing such a nice support and guidance. Particular Page no.
1 Executive Summary 4
2 Organization Background 5
3 Product Brief 6-8
4 Mission & Vision 9
5 Idea generation 10
6 PODs and POPS 11
7 Marketing Strategy 12-16
8 Current Market Situation 17-19
9 External Environment 20-21
10 Marketing Mix 22-28
11 Swot Analysis 29-30
12 Conclusion 31
Executive Summary

We are introducing our product in the market under the brand name of Hico Ice Cream. Special

factor of our product is that it is affordable. Strength of our product is that it will easily available

in masses & weakness of our product is brand equity, we spread our product in different cities of

Pakistan. Our threat is Walls and Omore. We intend to follow the (Prestige pricing) strategy

because our product is innovative and distribution is on selective outlets. We are going to

penetrate our product through the leading stores of Karachi (Naheed & Imtiaz) we have

segmented our product on the basis of geographic, demographic, psychographic & Behavioural.

Our product is focusing on “More for Less” strategy. Price of 1 litre would be _____150__
Organization Background

Hico was the first ice cream company in Pakistan. Established in 1958, we now offer many more

flavors in many more locations across the country. Ever since, we’ve been devoted to making the

best ice cream in Pakistan for you!

We manufacture 100% pure dairy ice cream. Our ice cream is made from dairy ingredients such

as fresh cream and milk, is free of vegetable oil, and contains no saturated fats. Our philosophy

is to procure the freshest and purest ingredients and make quality ice cream.
Brand Name:
Hico Ice Cream

Premium Dairy Ice Cream
Company’s Logo

Brief Description of the Product:

 Relaunching: Hico Ice Cream.
 Frozen Dessert

 Dairy product
 Milk and Cream

Hico Ice Cream produces a variety of flavors including standard flavors such as chocolate, vanilla,

and strawberry. It also produces specialty flavors such as Praline and Kulfa.

Hico is one of the only manufacturers in Pakistan that produces 100% dairy ice cream, which

requires at least 10 percent dairy fat.

Totty Fruity
Fruits n nuts
Chocolate Fudge
To deliver excellent quality & unique taste to our customers at a very effective price.

To become the leading frozen desert producer & to become a symbolic taste to our customers.

Points of Differentiation and Points of Parity

Points of Differentiation

We try to engage our customer strongly associated with our product, and it will be much

differentiated with respect to its competitive brands.

 Quality and standard of the product

 Quality pricing

 Customization of product is easy for special events

 Feasible for working women who get not much time for cooking.
Points of Parity

There will be less resemblance of our product to any other product because there is less

availability of such Desertwhich are great in taste and have reasonable prize.

 Distribution outlets will be Naheed and Imtiaz super markets as other competitors are

doing so.

 Variety and Flavours may be resembled to other competitors.

Market penetration as in existing market with the existing products.

We are setting low price for our Hico Ice Cream in order to attract a large number of buyers &

we want to develop a large market share in a short span of time. As we know that there are

several frozen Desertbrands are there but special thing about our Hico Ice Cream is affordability

by large market share production this can be easily available for the public very soon.

We will hope that our sales will be soared when we’ll launch our ‘Hico Ice Cream’ because

comparatively, As “Walls and Omore ”(other frozen Desert brands) are giving frozen Desert@

price 445 PKR for large & 380 PKR for small, so we are giving our ice cream at much lower prices

than our competitors with home delivery to selected areas of Karachi. Keeping affordability factor

in mind we have set up prices very low so that people from every class can afford it.

Market Targeting

 We are basically targeting the working ladies who don’t have time to make dishes.
 Our competitors are giving frozen products like nuggets, kabab etc. But due to less

publicity, public is unaware of their frozen Desert item.

 Our target is mass promotion of our product to make people try our delicious Hico Ice

Cream .

We are focusing on middle class people so we target the middle class areas & as we are not

opening our franchise in any part of the city. We will only distribute our product (Frozen Pizza) in

the leading super stores & stores within peoples reach. We are dividing customers on the basis

of their cultural and social environment. Culture and social plays a vital role in our market

segmentation process in which the people who love loves traditional deserts, are convinced to

add frozen ready made desert as their must meal. Desert than we divide every people according

to their social class which bring great change amongst them.

Geographic Segmentation

We are focusing on Karachi initially

 Country Region: East.

 Density: Urban.

 City: Karachi.

 Climate: Northern.
Demographic Segmentation

 Age: 5+.

 Gender: Male & Female.

 Family Size: It includes youngest to oldest.

 Income: Middle Class 10,000 & Above.

 Occupation: DesertLovers Don’t Need Any.

Occupation for eat it. Anyone can eat it.

 Education: Everyone.

 Religion: For Hindu

For Muslims (Everything Include Only Halal Food).

Psychographic segmentation

 Social Class: Middle class & upper middle class.

 Occasions: Regularly & Special offers on Occasions.

 Benefits: Quality, Service, Economy

 Convenience & Speed.

 User Status: First time user.

 Usage Rate: Not right now.

 Readiness Stage: Unaware.

Current Market Situation

Product Preview

We observed that many working women do not have time to make and bake Desertbecause of

her busy schedule. So, after realizing this factor we are launching a frozen item i.e. frozen

Desertname “Hico Ice Cream” in the market for those who don’t have time to make items like
Desertwhich takes a quite long time. Special factor of our product is that we are giving high

quality, hygienic frozen Desertat affordable price. So that everyone can easily buy the product.

Product Specification:

 Less time consuming.

 Affordable.

 Variety of flavours.

 Superb quality.

 High standard product.

 Hygiene factors are carefully considered.

Competitive Review
 Through survey we founded that so many brands are giving frozen pizza, our many

competitors already exist in the market who will give the competition to our product

“Hico Ice Cream”.

 Our competitors are (Walls and Omore) they are providing same frozen Desertproduct

 But we are giving frozen Desertat affordable and reasonable price that factor will be

differentiation our product in the mind of our customers.

 Our competitors have a very solid weak point that they don’t promote their product

even after long period still masses are unaware of existing frozen Desertbrands. This will

give us a competitive edge over our competitors.

 We are going to do mass promotion of our product.

Distribution Review

 We are distributing our product in different leading stores of Karachi like (Imtiaz,

Naheed & Metro) we are giving a frozen Desertwith free home delivery through our

outlet also.

 And we are going to distribute our product through online services as well. We’ll hire

some distributors who will go to distribute our product to the stores.

External Environment
Economic Environment

 As looking at the environment masses can’t afford the luxuries item Desertis one of

them & many people want to have it but they don’t have enough buying power to have

it. So we are giving them “Hico Ice Cream” which is very affordable for public but still

have a very good quality.

 As we have promised we will not compromise on quality.

 At affordable price which is Rs.335 for large Desert(excluding delivery in case if u order.)

& Rs.220 for regular pizza.

 Competitors i.e. Royqual & Syma’s brand that are giving it at the price of Rs.145 for large
& Rs.95 for small pizza.
Competitive Environment

 There are several local brands who are giving frozen Desertin super markets.

 The public are usually unaware of it because of their less publicity.

 Walls and Omore are the competitors of our brand “Hico Ice Cream”.

 We can have a competitive edge over our competitors because of the price element.

Marketing Mix

It’s an innovation in frozen meals as many companies are giving frozen food like nuggets, kababs,

etc. But no one as such is giving Frozen Desertwidely. So our product is Frozen Desert(Which will

be available in large variety of flavours & you may customized it as well according to your taste

bud. We will promote our product through pamphlet, internet, and television commercials & by

showing trailers on local cable channels.

Products variety: we are offering numbers of variety in term of flavours in frozen Dessert. This

will make the customers to try some new flavours time and again.

Quality: The quality of the product is standardized we will care for the quality and taste to be

the very first preferences for us. Because it will make the customers buds to be loyal with the

product as well..

Brand Name: Hico Ice Cream itself representing Italian name although our product is a new

entrant to the market so it is not a known product. But soon it will capture a great market volume

and become a known brand as well.

This is the most important factor that we are going to implement on our product. Our product

will go to basically focus on pricing. We are targeting middle class & upper middle class for our

“Hico Ice Cream”. Because the major problem that masses are still unable to buy Desertat a low

price with an excellent option for readymade pizza. We are giving them this opportunity by giving

regular size Desertat price of Rs.135 PKR which is very affordable for middle class customers.

Some private stores are giving frozen pizzas at a high price. So after considering this fact we are

presenting frozen Desertin an affordable price. Basically this pricing is planned in sense of “More

Benefit & Less Profit” that we should earn our customer product satisfaction. We intend to follow

the Prestige pricing strategy because our product is innovative and distribution is on selective

Pricing strategy (Value Based Pricing)

The Price can be set to maximize profitability for each unit sold or from the market overall.

Finding the right pricing strategy is an important element in running a successful business. We

are tempting consumers with value based pricing first we use Survey methods that are

sometimes used to determine the value of customer attributes to a product or a service. This

may include evaluation of customer operations and interviews with customer personnel.

Through different methods we come to know about customer insights during the pricing process.

The results of such surveys often depict a customer's 'willingness to pay. And for capturing the

value that customers place on a product so we think like a customer than we evaluate other

frozen Desertalternatives than we decided to provide the best deal which include price and



We are producing Desert in a bulk quantity like (100 units per day). So that we should earn

profit quickly. As we are new entrant in the market than it should be difficult to sell as our

competitor are placing on eye on our company and product. That’s why we have chosen Site

Area for production that no one can think that what this company about.
We are placing our product at:

Naheed super store.

Imtiaz super store.

Metro. And

at different stores in different areas.


Doing Promotion By:

 Place ads on website and create page on

Face book and Twitter that people

should attract to our product quickly.

 Internet Marketing.

 Offline Advertising.

 Mouth Advertisement.

 Posters.

 Other Marketing Programs.

Social Media for a Launch?

 Social media has changed everything when it comes to marketing.
 Now, instead of spending a ton of money hoping to get in front of the “press,” you are

the media. Social media allows you to connect with people and encourage engagement

with very little money and only a nominal effort.

 Like Social Media Examiner, you may have a blog or podcast—or perhaps a video series.

This means you are a media outlet and can leverage that following every time you


 Even if you don’t produce content, chances are pretty good you’ve developed

relationships across social channels. All of these outposts provide a great opportunity to

take the launch process to an entirely new level.

 Let me show you how. Below are nine ways we employed social media to help launch a

new initiative called My Kids’ Adventures.

Create a Teaser Campaign

 When your idea is nothing more than a thought, start brainstorming ways you can

employ social media to hint that something exciting is coming. campaign was code-

named “Dessert of Happiness” and I referred to it every now and again on Facebook. As

you can see below

Starting months before launch posted design picture of frozen desserts

Created a special page
created a special page I could direct people to. On that page was the video and a simple option for folks
where they’d get insider updates.

Create Weekly “Behind the Scenes”

it’s important to provide something of value to them. With nothing more than a smartphone, you can
create personalized “behind the scenes” videos that get people excited about your launch.

Make the Launch Educational

Teach your audience how to launch while using your launch as the case example. In my Social Media
Marketing podcast I added a short segment at the beginning of the show on how to launch.

I ran this segment for five weeks. Each segment lasted from 5 to 10 minutes and focused on a different
part of the launch process with simple riddles and puzzles

I know our audience is largely comprised of marketers, not all of whom are parents, but I still wanted
this content to be very useful to all of them. By doing this, I am accomplishing two objectives. First I am
delivering value to everyone with the educational content. Second, some of the audience is naturally
going to want to discover more about our My Kids’ Adventures project.

“Coming Soon” Messages

Close to launch is the right time to let your audience know that something is coming soon.

There are many ways to do this effectively. One of the best ways is to leverage some of the existing
assets you have already created

also leveraged our newsletter to let folks know about the upcoming launch.

In both the Facebook update and the newsletter blurb, I made sure to link to a special page with the
video and the option to get on the Founders List.

Spread the Word

A key advantage to all the tips listed above is that you can build a loyal following of people who are very
interested in your launch. When the time is right, why not ask the people on your list to help spread the

The easiest way to do this is to ask them to coment, tag and share and get a chance to win IphoneX

Launch social media campaigns

Instagram, Facebook Tumbler Each of these social media platforms provides you with an authentic way
to reach a wide audience. You can update your Facebook page with current flavors, ongoing
promotions, and pictures of customers enjoying a frozen dessert. Facebook also allows customers to
"check in" at a location. Consider offering customers a discount on the total bill if they "check in" on
Facebook. They'll receive a discount on their dessert and your business will benefit from the exposure to
all of their Facebook friends. You can also invite customers to like either your Instagram or Twitter
account. Sharing regular updates, photos, and store information is a great way to market your frozen
dessert business.

Highlight new flavors

Spring is an excellent time to launch new flavors while marketing your frozen dessert business.
Customers may be looking for something different to try and might want recommendations for new
flavor combinations. One successful marketing strategy is to create a flavor calendar and post it both in
store and online. You can highlight these new flavors with specialized products and suggestions for
creating an incredible dessert. You might want to tie new flavors in with a strong spring promotional
event. Consider planning a "Grand Spring Opening" or other event that allows customers a chance to
have fun and try out your new flavors. You can keep the event small or go all out to attract as many
customers as possible
Bounce back coupons
Bounce back coupons give your customers reason to spend more. Evaluate your typical customer
purchases and patterns to create the perfect bounce back offer. You can offer a return coupon for later
the same day or set the coupon for a future date. Printing the bounce back offer directly on the
customer's receipt is a simple way to make the offer automatic and ensure it reaches every qualified

Packaging as a Fifth P’
As packaging is the buyer’s first encounter with a product. So we intended to provide a good
packaging along with the quality and taste of the products. It will achieve a number of
objectives. We are using a cardboard box in a different shapes we will go to customize our
packaging for children and students and for youth. We are basically going to target children
more in our initial stage as they are really attracted towards the colourful things.

Swot Analysis
 Provide high quality product at affordable price.
 Friendly environment to create strong relationship with the customers.
 We promote our product in masses.
 Lower price as compare to competitors.
 Effective home delivery option.
 The struggle to build brand equity.
 Brand loyalty.
 Weakening bottom lines due to slow growth.
 Outlets lack space.

 Expand our product in other cities of Pakistan like (Hyderabad.
Lahore, Islamabad).
 Introduction of new flavours additives and Desert topping
that are region specific.
 Online services will help to increase the demand.

 Threats of substitute Brands.
 Slow market growth.
 Brand name such as “Walls and Omore’s”.
 New Entrants.
 Changing consumer habits toward healthier food choices.

It is the new product in the market so initially customers have no image of Hico Ice Cream in
their minds but as we are going to do mass promotion of Hico Ice Cream. We are very sure that
soon we can able to build an image of our product via the affordability factor.


In this competitive era, we have to give something new & innovative to our customers. Using

the expertise of our chefs we will give new range of frozen Desserts at very affordable price.

We have developed our product which is already been in the market but don’t have the mass

promotion. We have planned that if our business will become successful we’ll launch new

frozen product as well. Hico Ice Cream development idea is basically based on customers’ needs

& Due to their shortage of time they won’t be able to have Frozen Deserts

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