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Form The coil pot has a very The coil pot has The coil pot has The coil pot has
random, out of control been built in a been built in a been in a
form. controlled vase form, all controlled vase
cylinder form. though it is Form(small base,
somewhat off wider middle and
centred—not small neck)
symmetrical . appears to be
symmetrical .
Building the coil None of the coils are Some coils are The majority of All of the coils are
pot frame neatly, all coil stacked evenly the coils are stacked neatly
are off balanced, pot is and neatly, only stacked evenly and evenly from
grossly lop sided or a few are off and neatly in an bottom to top in
unable to stand . balance. orderly fashion. an orderly
fashion .
Size The coil are cracked Most of the coil The majority of All of the coils are
and none of the coils are cracked and coils are smooth smooth and
are consistence in size. very few of the and closed in size. consistence in
coils are size.
consistence in
Coil The coil pot is not The coil pot is The coil part is The coil part is
craftsmanship smoothed out on the halfway smooth pretty smooth completely
inside or outside many on the inside inside or outside. smooth on the
coils are stretched or our outside. There is couple of inside or outside.
cracked. There are 4 or 5 cracked or There I no
cracked or stretched coil. appearance of
stretched coils. stretching and
Surface The coil pot has been The coil pot has The coil pot has The coil pot has
treatment carelessly covered, been covered been covered been
making the overall with a material, with a material appropriately
appearance very but the material that is interesting covered with a
distracting. not the right fit to the finished material that
for the pot form although it is shows overall
(sloppy). not unique. appearance of the
pot. The material
is unique and
craftsmanship and
patience is used in
covering form.
Height The height of the coil The height of The height of the The height of the
pot below 61/2”. the coil pot is coil pot is 71/2” to coil pot exceeds
61/2” to 71/2”. 8”. 8”.
Texture The pot has less than 2 The pot has The pot has The pot has more
textures with little or applied at least original textures and highly
no pattern. 2 textures to applied to the creative textures
the surface with surface creating a applied to the
minimal pattern . surface creating a
communication distinct pattern.
of pattern.
Hand Building The pot is poorly There is The top and The top and
Skills And constructed and inconsistency in bottom of the pot bottom of the pot
Technique structure is unsound. the structure are mostly are uniform in
from outside uniform and the thickness and the
and inside of knob and handle attached of knob
the pot. Handle has been attached and handle is
is not properly well. exceptionally
attached. strong.
Knob, Handle The coil pot has no The coil pot has The pot has a The pot has a
recognizable knob and a knob and knob and handle highly original
handle. handle that is that is knob and handle
not proportional to that is exceptional
proportional to the coil pot. Proportional to
the coil pot. the coil pot.
Creative design There was no sketch There was a There was a There was a
on the pot done and sketch of the detailed sketch of detailed sketch of
very little planning pot done ahead the pot done the pot done
involved little or no of time some ahead of time, ahead of time,
texture or pattern on planning and planning and lots of
the pot. involved, but is involved good planning involved.
inconsistence texture and Texture and
on the pot. pattern. pattern
complement each
other on the pot.

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