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Character File

Note: Really try to spend time and engage fully, ie mentally and physically, with each of
these questions and exercises. It really is worth it!


1. Name:

2. Age:

3. Sex:

4. Social/Economic Status:

5. Marital status, family relations and relation to other characters in the play:

6. Education:

7. History/Backstory/Biography: (Imagine yourself 24hrs, 1 week, 1 year, 10 years, 20

years etc before the play began.

8. What do you say about yourself in the play?

9. What do others in the play say about you?

10. What do you say about others?

11. What do I do to others?

12. What do others do to you?


13. Goal: What do I want? What is your main motivating need. What are you pursuing
through your actions? Why do you want it? How important is this need? What will
happen if you don´t get it? (The stakes). This is your Superobjective your overarching
objective that motivates and sustains you throughout the whole play. Then what are
your sub-objectives for each scene you are in that bring you a step closer to reaching
your Superobjective.

14. Other: From whom do I want it? Who/what can help? Who/what can hinder me?

15. What Obstacles (inner and outer) must I overcome to achieve my objective?

16. Tactics: How can I overcome or get around the obstacles to achieve my goal? What
doable and achievable actions will I take?

17. Expectation: What does the attainment of my goal look like/ how will I know? What
will I do when I achieve my goal?


18. Describe in detail your physical characteristics. Height, weight, build, eye colour, hair
length and colour etc.

19. Describe your personal/psychological characteristics/traits. Body, quality of

movement, vocal quality.

20. What is your animal? Be detailed and specific in answering this in thought and
practical physical exploration. Be detailed in considering what animal characteristics
fit your character´s psychological and physical qualities and characteristics. Bird,
insect, mammal, fish, reptile etc

21. How is the character different from you? Mentally, Emotionally, Physically etc.
Discover the differences between the character and yourself. The similarities will look
after themselves – Michael Chekhov

22. What is your state of tension Tension?: 1. Jellyfish/puddle, 2. Out of Bed, 3.

Californian/surfer dude, 4. Neutral/Ideal/Economic/Present, 5. Alert/Stage Manager,
6. Suspense/John Cleese, 7. Unresolvable/The Bomb is about to explode!

23. What is your archetype? Based on the actions I take and how I take them in relation
to my overall aim. Eg. Hero, fool, mother, trickster, king, queen, master, servant etc.

24. What is your Psychological Gesture? Explore physically based on your super
objective/aim/need and draw below.

25. Think of a celebrity or public figure who is similar to your character ie, Political
Leader, TV personality, famous artist etc

26. Think of someone you know in your own life who is similar to your character ie,
family member, friend work colleague, Teacher etc.

27. Name one piece of clothing/costume piece/accessory that you feel

captures/represents your character’s internally and externally

28. What is your character’s theme song? This can be any piece of music that gives you
a strong emotional connection to the character. You can also choose several songs
that for you capture your character at different stages throughout the play. The
song/music doesn’t have to be literal ie of the period of the play. If AC/DC does it for
you that’s fine!

29. If I was…I would be…/why?

 Animal
 Tree
 Music/song
 Colour
 Food
 Emotion/feeling
 Chakra (Root-earthed, Sacral-sexual, Solar-will & force, Heart-love, Throat-
expression, Third Eye-insight/wise etc)
 Place
 Climate
 Historical figure
 Sculpture
 Painting
 Dance
 Texture
 Cartoon character
 Element/s (Earth, wind, fire, water)

30. Draw: Your face, your whole body, your whole-body silhouette.

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