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4/13/2019 Multiple Choice Questions | Biochemistry for Medics – Lecture Notes

11- The right answer is-a) excretion of excess fats in the feces, In this situation, bile salts cannot enter the digestive tract. therefore recycling and excretion of
bile salts, digestion of fats, and formation of chylomicrons is decreased. As a consequence fats in the feces are increased (Steatorrhea).

12- e), Neither hormone sensitive lipase nor lipoprotein lipase is a digestive enzyme. The patient’s symptoms are consistent with an inability to absorb
triglycerides, which would eliminate cholesteryl esterase from consideration. Since the patient did not have any problem while being breast-fed, then the most
likely enzyme to be deficient is pancreatic lipase, since gastric lipase is most active on short chain triglycerides, such as those that are found in breast milk.

13- e)- Unlike the liver, skeletal muscle cannot export glucose into the circulation.
Once glucose enters the myocyte, it is destined for use by that cell. Thus, intramyocellular glycogen is used as a fuel source by skeletal muscle and therefore
cannot contribute to the hyperglycemia observed in uncontrolled type I diabetes. In contrast decreased insulin mediated glucose utilization by skeletal muscle
and adipose will contribute to hyperglycemia, as will decreased insulin-mediated suppression of hepatic glucose output. Decreased insulin-mediated suppression
of lipolysis will indirectly contribute to hyperglycemia, by providing alternative, non-glucose, fuels (fatty acids and ketone bodies) or organs such as skeletal
muscle and the liver.

14- d)- This patient has exhibited symptoms of beriberi heart disease, which is a result of a nutritional deficiency in vitamin B1 (thiamine). The active form of
the vitamin, thiamine pyrophosphate, is a required cofactor for α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase.

15- d)- Hypoglycemia is a common complication associated with over supplementation of type I diabetics with insulin. This is less common in type II diabetics,
because insulin therapy generally occurs only in the later stages of the pathogenesis of this disease. Retinopathy, cardiovascular disease, and neuropathy are
common complications associated with both forms of diabetes mellitus. In contrast to type I diabetics, type II diabetics tend to be overweight. Whether weight
gain is a cause or consequence of disease progression is under current debate.

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Multiple Choice Questions- Pre- University Examination (Paper-2)

Published April 18, 2013 | By Dr. Namrata Chhabra

Q.1-The p H of the body fluids is stabilized by buffer systems. Which of the following buffers is the most effective buffer system at physiological

a) Bicarbonate buffer

b) Phosphate buffer

c) Protein buffer

d) Deoxy hemoglobin 63/102
4/13/2019 Multiple Choice Questions | Biochemistry for Medics – Lecture Notes

Q.2-Which of the following laboratory results below indicates compensated metabolic alkalosis?

a) Low p CO2, normal bicarbonate and, high pH

b) Low p CO2, low bicarbonate, low pH

c) High p CO2, normal bicarbonate and, low p H

d) High pCO2, high bicarbonate, High pH.

Q.3–Which of the following has the highest glycemic index?

a) Ice cream

b) Cucumber

c) Bread

d) Dextrose

Q.4-In diabetes mellitus there is reduced oxidation of carbohydrates; what will the effect of insulin administration on

a) It will increase

b) It will decrease

c) No effect

d) Initial rise and then fall

Q.5-Which of the following nutrients is rich in short and medium chain fatty acids

a) Milk

b) Peanut oil

c) Sunflower oil

d) Almond oil 64/102
4/13/2019 Multiple Choice Questions | Biochemistry for Medics – Lecture Notes

Q.6- A woman’s risk for developing breast cancer is greatest with:

a) Family history of breast cancer and a history of taking hormone replacement therapy

b) Early age at menarche and late age of first parity

c) A family history of breast cancer and a history of benign breast disease

d) A BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation.

Q.7-Reduction of the 2′-hydroxyl of purine and pyrimidine Ribonucleotides, catalyzed by-

a) Thioredoxinreductase

b) Ribonucleotide reductase

c) Dihydro folate reductase

d) Oxidoreductase.

Q.8-Human brain has a low level of which of the following enzymes?

a) PRPP synthetase

b) Amidotransferase


d) Adenosine deaminase

Q.9- The fragments of newly synthesized DNA are sealed by enzymes referred to as –

a) Restriction endonucleases

b) Topo isomerases

c) Telomerases

d) DNA ligases.

Q.10- In animal cells, including human cells, the replication of the DNA genome occurs only at a specified time during the life span of the cell. This
period is referred to as the 65/102
4/13/2019 Multiple Choice Questions | Biochemistry for Medics – Lecture Notes

a) gap 1(G1)

b) gap 2(G2)

c) M phase

d) S phase.

Q.11- The derepression of lac operon in the presence of lactose is an example of-

a) Positive regulation

b) Negative regulation

c) Double negative regulation

d) Double positive regulation.

Q.12- The operator locus is a region of double-stranded DNA-

a) To bind RNA polymerase

b) To bind lac repressor

c) To bind CAP-cAMP complex

d) To bind transcription factors

Q.13- Which of the followings is not a stop codon in prokaryotes?

a) UAA

b) UAG

c) UGG

d) UGA

Q.14- The ideal support medium for separation of nucleic acids is-

a) Starch gel 66/102
4/13/2019 Multiple Choice Questions | Biochemistry for Medics – Lecture Notes

b) Cellulose acetate

c) Agarose gel

d) Filter paper

Q.15- The drug Aspirin is detoxified by-

a) Methylation

b) Acetylation

c) Hydrolysis

d) Glucuronidation

Q.16- Which of the following enzymes is not a tumor marker?

a) Alkaline phosphatase

b) Acid phosphatase

c) Lactate dehydrogenase

d) Acid maltase

Q.17- DNA is assembled into nucleosomes with the help of special proteins called-

a) Prolamines

b) Histones

c) Chaperones

d) Protamines

Q.18- Burkitt’s lymphoma is caused by-

a) Adeno virus

b) Human Papilloma virus 67/102
4/13/2019 Multiple Choice Questions | Biochemistry for Medics – Lecture Notes

c) Hepatitis B virus

d) Epstein – Barr virus

Q.19- Which drug out of the following is not an anticancer drug?

a) Azaserine

b) Allopurinol

c) Cytosine arabinoside

d) Mercaptopurine.

Q.20- Which out of the followings is not a true mechanism for conversion of proto oncogenes to

a) Point mutation

b) Chromosomal translocation

c) Insertional mutagenesis

d) Histone acetylation

Key to answers-


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Multiple Choice Questions- Pre-University Examination (Answer Key)

Published April 15, 2013 | By Dr. Namrata Chhabra 68/102
4/13/2019 Multiple Choice Questions | Biochemistry for Medics – Lecture Notes

Q.1- S- Adenosyl Methionine (Active Methionine )is required for the synthesis of all of the following compounds except-

a) Thymine

b) Nor epinephrine

c) Epinephrine

d) Melatonin

Q.2-Which out of the following compounds is not an inhibitor of complex IV of electron transport chain?

a) CO

b) H2S

c) BAL

d) CN.

Q.3-The inner mitochondrial membrane is rich in which of the following phospholipids?

a) Cardiolipin

b) Lecithin

c) Cephalin

d) Plasmalogen

Q.4– The conversion of Pyruvate to Acetyl co A involves the participation of all except –
a) Niacin

b) Riboflavin

c) Biotin

d) Pantothenic acid.

Q.5– Which out of the followings is a fatty acid with 18 carbon atoms and one double bond in the trans configuration? 69/102
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a) Palmitoleic acid

b) Oleic acid

c) Erucic acid

d) Elaidic acid.

Q.6–Which out of the followings is an ω 6 fatty acid?

a) Linolenic acid

b) Linoleic acid

c) Palmitic acid

d) Arachidic acid.

Q.7-“Phospho enol pyruvate carboxy kinase”is an enzyme of which of the following pathway?

a) Glycolysis

b) Gluconeogenesis

c) Pentose phosphate pathway

d) Glycogenolysis.

Q.8-Which out of the followings is not a hemoprotein?

a) Tryptophan pyrrolase

b) Tyrosinase

c) Myoglobin

d) Cytochrome P450.

Q.9-Which of the following monosaccharides is not a carboxylic acid?

a) Glucuronate 70/102
4/13/2019 Multiple Choice Questions | Biochemistry for Medics – Lecture Notes

b) Gluconate

c) Glucose

d) Muramic acid.

Q.10– Which of the following apoproteins is an activator of lipoprotein lipase?

a) Apo A

b) Apo B

c) Apo C II

d) Apo D.

Q.11-Which of the following vitamins is used as a hypolipidemic drug?

a) Thiamine

b) Niacin

c) Folic acid

d) Pantothenic acid

Q.12-Malonyl co A is a direct inhibitor of which of the following enzymes of fatty acid oxidation?

a) Carnitine Acyl Transferase –I

b) Carnitine Acyl Transferase –II

c) Thiokinase

d) Thiolase

Q.13-Which of the following enzymes requires adenosine triphosphate (ATP) for its action?

a) Argino Succinate lyase

b) Argino Succinate synthetase 71/102
4/13/2019 Multiple Choice Questions | Biochemistry for Medics – Lecture Notes

c) Arginase

d) Glutaminase.

Q.14-Which out of the followings is not a fibrous protein?

a) Carbonic anhydrase

b) Collagen

c) Fibrinogen

d) Keratin.

Q.15-Which of the following enzymes is not present in muscle?

a) Phosphorylase b

b) Hexokinase

c) Glucose-6-phosphatase

d) Glycogen synthase

Q.16-A 78-year-old male is brought to emergency with acute myocardial infarction. Blood biochemistry reveals lactic acidosis. How much energy yield
(ATP) per mol of glucose is expected in such a condition?

a) 32

b) 2

c) 34

d) 36

Q.17-Pasteur effect is due to inhibition of glycolysis by high concentration of –

a) Creatine phosphate

b) ATP

c) ADP 72/102
4/13/2019 Multiple Choice Questions | Biochemistry for Medics – Lecture Notes

d) AMP

Q.18-The citric acid cycle is inhibited by which of the followings?

a) Fluoroacetate

b) Fluoride

c) Malonyl co A

d) Fluorouracil.

Q.19-The key regulatory enzyme of HMP pathway is-

a) Glucose-6-P dehydrogenase

b) Transaldolase

c) Transketolase

d) 6-P-Gluconate dehydrogenase.

Q.20-A mutation has changed an Isoleucine residue of a protein to Glutamic acid, which statement best describes its location in a hydrophilic exterior-

a) On the surface since it is hydrophilic in nature

b) Inside the core of the protein since it is hydrophobic in nature

c) Any where inside or outside

d) Inside the core of protein since it has a polar but uncharged side chain.

Key to answers- 1)-b, 2- c, 3)-a, 4)-c, 5)-d, 6)-b, 7)-b, 8)-b, 9)-c, 10)-c, 11)-b, 12)-a, 13)-b,14)-a, 15)-c,16)-b,17)-b,18)-a,19)-a,20)-a

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Revision Exercise- Multiple Choice Questions (Solved)- Set-3 73/102
4/13/2019 Multiple Choice Questions | Biochemistry for Medics – Lecture Notes

Published February 7, 2013 | By Dr. Namrata Chhabra

Q.1- A 50- year-old male is seen in the emergency with severe headache. His blood pressure is 210/130 mm Hg. An evidence of retinal hemorrhage and
epistaxis is also there. He has been given an infusion of nitroprusside. Which of the following processes is directly affected by the active metabolite of
this drug?

a) Phospholipase A2

b) Phospholipase C

c) Guanylate cyclase

d) Phosphodiesterase

Q.2- Phenylketonuria is characterized by-

a) Urine turning black on standing

b) Wolf like smell of urine

c) Mousy odor of urine

d) Smell of burnt sugar of urine

Q.3- The active form of Methionine is-

a) S- Acetyl methionine

b) S- Carboxyl methionine

c) S- Adenosyl methionine

d) N-acetyl methionine

Q.4- Patients with inherited defects of mitochondria involving components of the respiratory chain and oxidative phosphorylation present with all

a) Myopathy

b) Lactic acidosis 74/102
4/13/2019 Multiple Choice Questions | Biochemistry for Medics – Lecture Notes

c) Encephalopathy

d) Mental retardation

Q.5- Which of the followings best describes the toxicity associated with Atractyloside

a) Acts as an inhibitor of ETC

b) Acts as an uncoupler

c) Acts as an inhibitor of ATP/ADP transporter

d) Inactivates ATP synthase complex

Q.6- A given substrate may be acted on by a number of different enzymes, each of which uses the same substrate(s) and produces the same product(s).
The individual members of a set of enzymes sharing such characteristics are known as-

a) Group specific enzymes

b) Isoenzymes

c) Substarte specific enzymes

d) Allosteric enzymes

Q.7- Porphyrins are deposited in teeth and in bones. As a result, the teeth are reddish-brown and fluoresce on exposure to long-wave ultraviolet light,
so-called ‘Erythrodontia ‘, is a sign of which porphyria?

a) Variegate porphyria

b) Acute intermittent porphyria

c) Congenital Erythropoietic porphyria

d) Hereditary Coproporphyria

Q.8- Which of the following reactions generates ATP-

a) Glucose to Glucose -6-phosphate

b) Pyruvate to Lactate 75/102
4/13/2019 Multiple Choice Questions | Biochemistry for Medics – Lecture Notes

c) Phosphoenol pyruvate to Pyruvate

d) Glucose- 6-P to fructose-6 -P

Q.9- Formation of Galactose-1-P from Galactose is catalyzed by-

a) Hexokinase

b) Aldolase

c) Galactokinase

d) Galactose-1-P Uridyl transferase

Q.10-Which of the following is a cofactor in the reaction catalyzed by glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase?

a) ATP

b) Cu2+

c) Heme

d) NAD+

Q.11- Which out of the following enzymes is not TPP dependant?

a) PDH Complex

b) α- Keto glutarate dehydrogenase complex

c) Tryptophan pyrrolase

d) Transaminase

Q.12- Which out of the following amino acids carries a net positive charge at the physiological p H ?

a) Valine

b) Leucine

c) Isoleucine 76/102
4/13/2019 Multiple Choice Questions | Biochemistry for Medics – Lecture Notes

d) None of the followings.

Q.13- All of the followings except one are coupling agents for the detoxification of Xenobiotics-

a) Glutamic acid

b) Cysteine

c) Methionine

d) Glycine

Q.14- Which out of the followings is produced as a result of detoxification by Glycine?

a) Mercapturic acid

b) Hippuric acid

c) Kynurenine acid

d) Xanthurenic acid

Q.15- Which of the following is a non reducing sugar?

a) Arabinose

b) Trehalose

c) Erythrose

d) Ribulose

Q.16- Which out of the followings is not an uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation?

a) Atractyloside

b) Dicumarol

c) Thyroxin

d) Calcium 77/102
4/13/2019 Multiple Choice Questions | Biochemistry for Medics – Lecture Notes

Q.17- Which out of the followings is not a product of tyrosine metabolism?

a) Melanin

b) Melatonin

c) Thyroxin

d) Tyramine

Q.18- Spot the inborn error whose early diagnosis is essential to avoid permanent brain damage?

a) Phenylketonuria

b) Glycogen storage disease

c) Thalassemia

d) Acute Intermittent Porphyria

Q.19-Down regulation of LDL receptor occurs due to-

a) Influx of cholesterol

b) Decreased activity of LCAT

c) Steroid synthesis

d) Bile acid synthesis

Q.20- Which of the following hormones promotes hypoglycemia?

a) Epinephrine

b) Nor epinephrine

c) Glucagon

d) Insulin 78/102
4/13/2019 Multiple Choice Questions | Biochemistry for Medics – Lecture Notes

Key To Answers-

1)- c, 2)-c, 3)-c, 4)- d, 5)- c, 6)- b, 7)- c, 8)-c, 9)-d, 10)-d,11)-d,12)-d,13)-a, 14)-b,15)-b,16)-a,17)-b,18)-a, 19)-a,20)-d.

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Revision Exercise- Multiple Choice Questions (Solved)- Set-2

Published February 6, 2013 | By Dr. Namrata Chhabra

1) -Which of the following tests is undertaken to differentiate between Glucose and Fructose?

a) Benedict

b) Seliwanoff

c) Molisch

d) Osazone

2) – Sphingosine is not present in-

a) Cerebrosides

b) Sphigomyelin

c) Gangliosides

d) Plasmalogen

3)- Glycine and Alanine are the most abundant amino acids in the structure of-

a) Hemoglobin

b) Insulin

c) Myoglobin 79/102
4/13/2019 Multiple Choice Questions | Biochemistry for Medics – Lecture Notes

d) Collagen

4)- Al of the following amino acids are both glucogenic as well as ketogenic except –

a) Isoleucine

b) Tyrosine

c) Leucine

d) Phenyl alanine

5)-A recently diagnosed hypertensive patient has been prescribed an ACE inhibitor (Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor) which is known to act
by lowering Vmax, what is the possible mechanism of inhibition of this drug?

a) Competitive

b) Un Competitive

c) Non Competitive

d) None of the above.

6) –Which out of the followings is not a hemo protein?

a) Tryptophan pyrrolase

b) Myoglobin

c) Tyrosinase

d) Cytochrome P450

7)-In general, the porphyrias are inherited in an autosomal dominant manner, with the exception of

a) Acute intermittent porphyria

b) Variegate Porphyria

c) Porphyria Cutanea Tarda

d) Congenital Erythropoietic porphyria 80/102
4/13/2019 Multiple Choice Questions | Biochemistry for Medics – Lecture Notes

8)-All the following enzymes except one require NADP+ as a coenzyme-

a) Glucose- 6-phosphate dehydrogenase

b) Malic enzyme

c) Cytosolic Isocitrate dehydrogenase

d) Glucose-6-phosphatase

9) – Epinephrine is formed from nor epinephrine by-

a) Decarboxylation

b) Methylation

c) Transamination

d) Deamination

10)- Hydrolysis of glutamine is catalyzed by-

a) Glutamate dehydrogenase

b) Transaminase

c) Glutaminase

d) None of the above

11)-Epileptiform convulsions in infants are found in the deficiency of-

a) Riboflavin

b) Thiamine

c) Niacin

d) Pyridoxine

12) –In the fasting state there is considerable release of———– from the muscles. 81/102
4/13/2019 Multiple Choice Questions | Biochemistry for Medics – Lecture Notes

a) Glycine

b) Valine

c) Alanine

d) Glutamic acid

13)- All of the following are synthesized from Glycine except-

a) Heme

b) Creatine

c) Polyamines

d) Glutathione

14)-The Transaminase enzyme requires the presence of-

a) Inositol

b) B6

c) B12

d) B2

15)-Which essential nutrient participates as a coenzyme in the transport of high energy electrons and H+ ions during oxidative phosphorylation in the
mitochondria ?

a) Folic acid

b) Thiamine

c) Niacin

d) Ascorbic acid

16)- 5- hydroxy Indole acetic acid is the end product of which metabolite?

a) Serotonin 82/102
4/13/2019 Multiple Choice Questions | Biochemistry for Medics – Lecture Notes

b) Melatonin

c) Tyrosine

d) Histidine

17) –The coenzyme derived from Riboflavin is required by which of the following enzymes?

a) Lactate dehydrogenase

b) Glutamate dehydrogenase

c) Acyl co A dehydrogenase

d) Malate dehydrogenase

18)-Which of the following vitamins serves an antioxidant function and has a relation to selenium metabolism

a) Vitamin A

b) Vitamin C

c) Vitamin D

d) Vitamin E

19) – All of the following vitamins except one participate in the TCA cycle-

a) Pantothenic acid

b) Lipoic acid

c) Folic acid

d) Riboflavin

20) –The major metabolic product produced under normal circumstances by erythrocytes and by muscle cells during intense exercise is recycled
through liver in the Cori cycle. The metabolite is-

a) Oxaloacetate

b) Alanine 83/102
4/13/2019 Multiple Choice Questions | Biochemistry for Medics – Lecture Notes

c) Lactate

d) Glycerol

Key to Answers

1)-b, 2)- d, 3)- d, 4)- c, 5)- c, 6)- c, 7)- d, 8)- d, 9)- b, 10)- c, 11)- d, 12)- c, 13)- c, 14)- b, 15)- c, 16)- a, 17)- c, 18)- d, 19)- c, 20)- c.

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Revision Exercise- Multiple choice questions (Solved)

Published February 5, 2013 | By Dr. Namrata Chhabra

1)- The energy yield during the conversion of Succinate to Fumarate is-

a) 2ATP

b) 1ATP

c) 3ATP

d) No ATP

2) Which of the following occurs in non shivering thermogenesis?

a) Glucose is oxidized to lactate

b) Fatty acids uncouple oxidative phosphorylation

c) ATP is spent for heat production

d) Glycogen is excessively degraded

3) Which vitamin is required for almost all aspects of protein and amino acid metabolism?

a) Vitamin B6 84/102
4/13/2019 Multiple Choice Questions | Biochemistry for Medics – Lecture Notes

b) Vitamin B12

c) Vitamin C

d) VitaminB3

4) Which one of the following transfer acyl groups?

a) Thiamine pyrophosphate

b) Lipoamide


d) FADH2

5) Homocystinuria is due to the deficiency of-

a)Vitamin B12

b) B6

c) Folic acid

d) All of the above.

6) – Which out of the followings is not a substrate-specific enzyme?

a) Glucokinase

b) Fructokinase

c) Hexokinase

d) Phosphofructokinase

7) – A 67- year-old army officer in good health previously presented with sudden pain in the great toe. Serum uric acid was high, and a diagnosis of
gouty arthritis was made He was advised bed rest, pain killers and Allopurinol. What is the mechanism of action of Allopurinol in lowering serum uric
acid levels?

a) Suicidal inhibition 85/102
4/13/2019 Multiple Choice Questions | Biochemistry for Medics – Lecture Notes

b) Non competitive inhibition

c) Allosteric inhibition

d) Feedback inhibition

8) The mother of a mal- nourished child has been instructed to include a complete protein in the diet of her child, which out of the followings proteins
should be recommended?

a) Pulses

b) Wheat

c) Soy Protein

d) Milk

9) Which of the following peptides is cyclic in nature-?

a) Glutathione

b) Gramicidin-S

c) Met encephalin

d) Leuencephalin

10) All the below mentioned proteins are metalloproteins except-

a) Carbonic anhydrase

b) Xanthine oxidase

c) Lactate dehydrogenase

d) Superoxide dismutase

11) – Which of the following supplies the 2 carbon units that are added to the elongation of fatty acid chain?

a) Acetyl co A

b) Malonyl co A 86/102
4/13/2019 Multiple Choice Questions | Biochemistry for Medics – Lecture Notes

c) β- Keto acyl co A

d) Glucose.

12) Glucose can be converted to glycerol-3-P through which of the following intermediates?

a) Glycerol

b) Dihydroxy acetone phosphate

c) Acetyl co A

d) Pyruvate

13) The complete oxidation of odd chain fatty acid produces which of the followings?

a) Acetyl co A only

b) Acetyl co A and Propionyl co A

c) Butyryl co A

d) Palmitoyl co A

14) In which of the following porphyrias, cutaneous hypersensitivity is not observed?

a) Variegate Porphyria

b) Acute intermittent Porphyria

c) Congenital Erythropoietic Porphyria

d) Hereditary Coproporphyria

15) All are correct about pyruvate dehydrogenase complex except one-

a) The formation of acetyl CoA from pyruvate is an irreversible step

b) Pyruvate dehydrogenase is switched off when the energy charge is high

c) Phosphorylation switches off the activity of the complex. 87/102
4/13/2019 Multiple Choice Questions | Biochemistry for Medics – Lecture Notes

d) Pyruvate as well as ADP (a signal of low energy charge) inhibit the complex.

16) Which of the following is a cofactor in the reaction catalyzed by glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase?

a) ATP

b) Cu2+

c) Heme

d) NAD+

17) The citric acid cycle is inhibited by which of the following?

a) Fluoroacetate

b) Aerobic conditions

c) Malic acid

d) Fluorouracil

18) Which out of the following fatty acids is a precursor of series -1 Eicosanoids?

a) Linoleic acid

b) Arachidonic acid

c) Eicosapentaenoic acid

d) Linolenic acid

19) Cholesterol is a precursor of all except-

a)Bile salts,


c) Steroids

d) vitamin D 88/102
4/13/2019 Multiple Choice Questions | Biochemistry for Medics – Lecture Notes

20) Polyamines are formed from which of the following amino acids?

a) Citrulline

b) Ornithine

c) Arginine

d) Argino succinic acid.

Key to answers- 1)-a,2)-b,3)-a, 4)-b,5)-d,6)-c,7)-a,8)-d,9)-b,10)-c,11)-b,12)-b,13)-b,14)-b,15)-d,16)-d,17)-a,18)-d,19)-b,20)-b

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Biochemistry-Practice Questions (Problem based multiple choice questions)

Published December 21, 2012 | By Dr. Namrata Chhabra

1)- Several complexes in the electron transport chain contain non heme iron. The iron in these complexes is bound tightly to which of the following
amino acids ?

a) Serine

b) Tyrosine

c) Cysteine

d) Methionine

e) Glutamine

2)- A 27 –year-old female with epilepsy has been taking Phenytoin to control her seizures. She is pregnant and considering the risk of potential
bleeding episodes in the infant, her physician is considering to change her medicine. What biochemical activity might be deficient in the baby if her
medication is continued as such? 89/102
4/13/2019 Multiple Choice Questions | Biochemistry for Medics – Lecture Notes

a) Hydroxylation of proline

b) Gamma carboxylation of glutamic acid residues

c) Glucuronidation of bilirubin

d) Oxidation of lysine

e) Oxidation of glutathione.

3)- A 75-year-old female is seen in the emergency room with fractured arm. Physical examination reveals multiple bruises, perifollicular hemorrhages
and bleeding gums. Her diet consisted mainly of plain buns, pasta, rolls and coffee. Laboratory result indicates Microcytic hypochromic anemia.
Which of the following enzymes should be less active than the normal in this patient?

a) Glutathione peroxidase

b) Prolyl hydroxylase

c) Gamma Glutamyl transferase

d) ALA synthase

e) Glutathione reductase

4)- An 8-year-old child of IDDM (Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus) has been brought to emergency in a semi conscious state. History reveals that he
had flu like episode 8 days back. His breathing is rapid and his breath has a fruity odor. His blood glucose is 345 mg/dl. The physician has started with
I/V fluids, Insulin and potassium chloride. Insulin under such condition would rapidly stimulate which of the following processes-

a) Gluconeogenesis in liver

b) Glycogenolysis in liver

c) Uptake of glucose in peripheral cells

d) Lipolysis in adipose tissue

e) Ketone body utilization in brain cells.

5)- A 55-year-old chronic alcoholic was brought to emergency by his friends. During their night time gathering in the local bar he fell unconscious and
they had been unable to revive him. The attending physician ordered for I/V Glucose and an injection of Thiamine. The patient was well oriented and 90/102
4/13/2019 Multiple Choice Questions | Biochemistry for Medics – Lecture Notes

alert next morning, his vital signs were stable, blood glucose was normal and he was discharged from the hospital. Which of the following enzymes is
thiamine dependent and vital for glucose oxidation in brain?

a) Transketolase

b) Transaldolase

c) Transaminase

d) Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex

e) Alpha keto acid dehydrogenase complex

6)- During acute myocardial infarction, the oxygen supply to an area of heart is reduced forcing the cardiac muscle cells to switch to anaerobic
oxidation. Under this conditions the activity of which of the following enzymes is increased by the increasing concentration of AMP?

a) Phospho fructo kinase-1

b) Pyruvate kinase

c) Citrate synthase

d) Lactate dehydrogenase

e) Succinate dehydrogenase

7)- A 50- year-old male is seen in the emergency with severe headache. His blood pressure is 210/130 mm Hg. An evidence of retinal hemorrhage and
epistaxis is also there. He has been given an infusion of nitroprusside. Which of the following enzymes is directly affected by the active metabolite of
this drug ?

a) Phospholipase A2

b) Phospholipase C

c) Guanylate cyclase

d) Phosphodiesterase

e) Adenylate cyclase 91/102
4/13/2019 Multiple Choice Questions | Biochemistry for Medics – Lecture Notes

8) A 16-month-old girl was found to have ingested approximately 30 mL of an acetonitrile-based cosmetic nail remover when she vomited 15
minutes post ingestion The poison control center was contacted, but no treatment was recommended because it was confused with an acetone-based
nail polish remover. The child was put to bed at her normal time, which was 2 hours post-ingestion Respiratory distress developed sometime after the
child was put to bed, and she was found dead the next morning.

Inhibition of which of the following enzymes was the most likely cause of this child’s death?

a) Cytochrome c reductase

b) Cytochrome oxidase

c) Coenzyme Q reductase

d) NADH dehydrogenase

e) Succinate dehydrogenase

9)- Excess of nitroprusside sometimes causes cyanide toxicity and is treated by giving thiosulfate, Which complex associated with electron transport
chain or oxidative phosphorylation gets inhibited by the toxic metabolic product of nitroprusside?

a) ATP synthase complex

b) Succinate dehydrogenase complex

c) ADP/ATP transporter

d) NADH dehydrogenase complex

e) Cytochrome a-a3 oxidase

10)-A patient has been exposed to toxic compound that increases the permeability of mitochondrial membrane for protons. Which of the following will
not be observed in the liver cells ?

a) Increased glycolysis

b) Increased activity of ATP synthase complex

c) Increased concentration of ADP

d) Increased activity of PFK-1 92/102
4/13/2019 Multiple Choice Questions | Biochemistry for Medics – Lecture Notes

e) Increased activity of pyruvate kinase

11) – A 56-year-old man with a history of genetic disease underwent hip replacement surgery for arthritis. During surgery black stains were observed
in the cartilage. These stains are usually observed in patients suffering from Ochronosis, a condition initially characterized by darkening of urine upon
standing (Alkaptonuria). There is deficiency of Homogentisic acid oxidase in this condition. Which of the following vitamins acts as a coenzyme for the
above said enzyme ?

a) Vitamin B12

b) Folic acid

c) Ascorbic acid

d) Niacin

e) Riboflavin

12) In a patient with Abetalipoproteinemia, abnormal red blood cells (Acanthocytes- thorny looking cells) are observed, there is defective synthesis of
Apo B protein in this condition. Which of the following would have impaired absorption, the deficiency of which leads to impaired membrane
formation in this condition ?

a) Folic acid

b) Ascorbic acid

c) Palmitic acid

d) Arachidonic acid

e) Linolenic acid

13) Failure of down regulation of extra hepatic receptors for oxidized LDL is mainly responsible for the formation of foam cells and for triggering the
process of atherosclerosis. This process can be prevented by timely supplementation of antioxidants. Which of the following should be considered the
best choice to be considered as an antioxidant ?

a) Vitamin B6

b) Vitamin K

c) Vitamin D 93/102
4/13/2019 Multiple Choice Questions | Biochemistry for Medics – Lecture Notes

d) Vitamin E

e) Folic acid

14)- A factory worker is on hunger strike from the last 3 days. Beta oxidation is presumed to be highly active, under such condition. What would be the
expected fate of mitochondrial pyruvate ?

a) Oxidatively decarboxylated to form Acetyl co A to be used in TCA cycle

b) Carboxylated to Phosphoenol pyruvate to be used for gluconeogenesis

c) Reduced to lactate to be used for gluconeogenesis

d) Oxidatively decarboxylated to form Acetyl co A to be used for ketogenesis

e) Carboxylated to Oxalo acetate to be used for gluconeogenesis.

15) -In the fed state after a very heavy meal, there is active lipogenesis in the adipose tissue. Glycolysis must go on at the same pace to provide which of
the following intermediate from glycolysis required for fat storage ?

a) Acetyl co A

b) Pyruvate

c) Glucose-6-P

d) Glycerol

e) Dihydroxy acetone phosphate

16) A child is diagnosed with congenital deficiency of medium chain Acyl co A dehydrogenase. Which of the following biochemical finding would be
observed in the fasting state ?

a) Hyperglycemia

b) Low blood lactate level

c) Ketosis

d) Dicarboxylic acidosis 94/102
4/13/2019 Multiple Choice Questions | Biochemistry for Medics – Lecture Notes

e) Alkalosis

17) A 6-year-old child has been brought with impairment of vision. He is diagnosed with Galactosemia. Which enzyme is responsible for causing
premature cataract in such affected children ?

a) Sorbitol dehydrogenase

b) Aldose reductase

c) Galactokinase

d) Galactose-1-P- Uridyl transferase

e) Aldolase -B

Key to Answers-

1)- c, 2)- b, 3)- b, 4)- c, 5)- d, 6)- a, 7)-c, 8)- b, 9)- e, 10)- b, 11)- c, 12)- d, 13)-d, 14)- e, 15)-e, 16)-d, 17)-b.

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Solution to Practice Questions Biochemistry (Set-1)

Published November 15, 2011 | By Dr. Namrata Chhabra

Q.-1- All amino acids except one participate in phase 2 reactions of detoxification
a) Serine 95/102
4/13/2019 Multiple Choice Questions | Biochemistry for Medics – Lecture Notes

b) Glycine
c) Glutamine
d) Cysteine
Q.2- Which out of the following pathways helps in reductive biosynthesis
a) Uronic acid pathway
b) HMP pathway
c) Glycolysis
d) All of the above
Q.3- All of the following clinical manifestations except one are present in hemochromatosis-
a) Bronze discoloration of skin
b) Diabetes mellitus
c) Iron overload
d) Hemolytic anemia
Q.4- A person on ingestion of Primaquine develops hemolytic anemia, what is the possible defect?
a) Deficiency of Iron
b) Vitamin K deficiency
c) Glucose-6-P dehydrogenase deficiency
d) Vitamin C deficiency
Q.5- The enzyme responsible for conversion of Biliverdin to Bilirubin is-
a) Bilirubin esterase
b) Bilirubin oxidase
c) Glucuronyl transferase
d) Biliverdin reductase
Q.6-Biotin is involved in which of the following types of reactions-
a) Deamination
b) Decarboxylation
c) Carboxylation
d) Transamination
Q.7-The Xanthurenic acid test (Xanthurenic index) can be used to measure pyridoxine deficiency, it involves the metabolism of-
a) Glycine
b) Histidine
c) Tryptophan
d) Tyrosine 96/102
4/13/2019 Multiple Choice Questions | Biochemistry for Medics – Lecture Notes

Q.8-McArdle’s disease is characterized by the deficiency of-
a) Muscle phosphorylase
b) Liver phosphorylase
c) Glucose-6-phosphatse
d) Phosphofructokinase
Q.9-Out of 24 mols of ATP formed in citric acid cycle, 2 mols of ATP can be formed at substrate level by which of the following reaction?
a) Citrate——> Isocitrate
b) Isocitrate——–>Oxalo succinate
c) Succinate——-> Fumarate
d)Succinyl co A–> Succinate
Q.10- All of the following metabolic abnormalities are observed in Diabetes mellitus, except-
a) Increase plasma free fatty acids
b) Increased pyruvate carboxylase activity
c) Decreased PDH complex activity
d) Increased lipoprotein lipase activity

Q.11-Beta oxidation of odd chain fatty acids yields

a) Succinyl co A
b) Propionyl co A
c) Acetoacetyl co A
d) Dicarboxylic acids
Q.12-Iron therapy is ineffective in which of the following conditions-
a) Chronic blood loss
b) Inadequate iron intake
c) Thalassemia major
d)Acute blood loss
Q.13-Which of the following vitamins is not a component of electron transport chain-
a) Nicotinamide
b) Ubiquinone
c) Biotin
d) Riboflavin
Q.14-Which of the following enzymes does not have an impaired activity in Vitamin B1 deficiency? 97/102
4/13/2019 Multiple Choice Questions | Biochemistry for Medics – Lecture Notes

a) Succinatedehydrogenase
b) Pyruvate dehydrogenase
c) Transketolase
d) Alpha keto glutarate dehydrogenase
Q.15- Considering the citric acid cycle steps between alpha keto glutarate and Malate, how many high-energy phosphate bonds or net ATP molecules
can be generated?
a) 5
b) 6
c) 8
d) 10
Q.16- The standard free energy change (in terms of net ATP production) when glucose is converted to 6CO2 and 6H2O is about how many times as
great as the free energy change when glucose is converted to two lactate molecules ?
a) 2
b) 4
c) 19
d) 10
Q.17- The rate of flow of electrons through the electron transport chain is regulated by
a)ATP:ADP ratio
b) Concentration of Acetyl co A
c) Feed back inhibition by H2O
d) Catalytic rate of cytochrome oxidase
Q.18- The major product of fatty acid synthase complex is-
a) Oleate
b) Palmitate
c) Palmityl co A
d) Stearoyl co A
Q.19- The primary enzyme for utilization of ketone bodies is-
a) Thiokinase
b) Thioesterase
c) Thiophorase
d) Thiolase
Q.20-All of the following processes except one are mitochondrial-
a) Glycolysis 98/102
4/13/2019 Multiple Choice Questions | Biochemistry for Medics – Lecture Notes

b) TCA cycle
c) Beta oxidation of fatty acids
d) Ketogenesis
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Posted in Multiple Choice Questions, Practice Questions

Practice Questions Biochemistry- set-1(Unsolved)

Published November 14, 2011 | By Dr. Namrata Chhabra

Q.-1- All amino acids except one participate in phase 2 reactions of detoxification-
a) Serine
b) Glycine
c) Glutamine
d) Cysteine
Q.2- Which out of the following pathways helps in reductive biosynthesis-
a) Uronic acid pathway
b) HMP pathway
c) Glycolysis
d) All of the above
Q.3- All of the following clinical manifestations except one are present in hemochromatosis-
a) Bronze discoloration of skin
b) Diabetes mellitus
c) Iron overload
d) Hemolytic anemia
Q.4-A person on ingestion of Primaquine develops hemolytic anemia, what is the possible defect?
a) Deficiency of Iron
b) Vitamin K deficiency
c) Glucose-6-P dehydrogenase deficiency
d) Vitamin C deficiency
Q.5- The enzyme responsible for conversion of Biliverdin to Bilirubin is-
a) Bilirubin esterase
b) Bilirubin oxidase
c) Glucuronyl transferase
d) Biliverdin reductase 99/102
4/13/2019 Multiple Choice Questions | Biochemistry for Medics – Lecture Notes

Q.6-Biotin is involved in which of the following types of reactions-

a) Deamination
b) Decarboxylation
c) Carboxylation
d) Transamination
Q.7-The Xanthurenic acid test (Xanthurenic index) can be used to measure pyridoxine deficiency, it involves the metabolism
a) Glycine
b) Histidine
c) Tryptophan
d) Tyrosine
Q.8-McArdle’s disease is characterized by the deficiency of-
a) Muscle phosphorylase
b) Liver phosphorylase
c) Glucose-6-phosphatse
d) Phosphofructokinase
Q.9-Out of 24 mols of ATP formed in citric acid cycle, 2 mols of ATP can be formed at substrate level by which of the
following reaction?
a) Citrate————-> Isocitrate
b) Isocitrate———-> Oxalo succinate
c) Succinate———> Fumarate
d) Succinyl co A—–> Succinate
Q.10- All of the following metabolic abnormalities are observed in Diabetes mellitus, except-
a) Increase plasma free fatty acids
b) Increased pyruvate carboxylase activity
c) Decreased PDH complex activity
d) Increased lipoprotein lipase activity
Q.11-Beta oxidation of odd chain fatty acids yields-
a) Succinyl co A
b) Propionyl co A
c) Acetoacetyl co A
d) Dicarboxylic acids
Q.12-Iron therapy is in effective in which of the following conditions-
a) Chronic blood loss
b) Inadequate iron intake
c) Thalassemia major
d)Acute blood loss 100/102
4/13/2019 Multiple Choice Questions | Biochemistry for Medics – Lecture Notes

Q.13-Which of the following vitamins is not a component of electron transport chain-

a) Nicotinamide
b) Ubiquinone
c) Biotin
d) Riboflavin
Q.14-Which of the following enzymes does not have an impaired activity in Vitamin B1 deficiency?
a) Succinate dehydrogenase
b) Pyruvate dehydrogenase
c) Transketolase
d) Alpha keto glutarate dehydrogenase
Q.15- Considering the citric acid cycle steps between alpha keto glutarate and Malate, how many high-energy phosphate
bonds or net ATP molecules can be generated?
a) 5
b) 6
c) 8
d) 10
Q.16- The standard free energy change (in terms of net ATP production) when glucose is converted to 6CO2 and 6H2O is
about how many times as great as the free energy change when glucose is converted to  two lactate molecules ?
a) 2
b) 4
c) 19
d) 10
Q.17- The rate of flow of electrons through the electron transport chain is regulated by
a) ATP:ADP ratio
b) Concentration of Acetyl co A
c) Feed back inhibition by H2O
d) Catalytic rate of cytochrome oxidase
Q.18- The major product of fatty acid synthase complex is-
a) Oleate
b) Palmitate
c) Palmityl co A
d) Stearoyl co A
Q.19- The primary enzyme for utilization of ketone bodies is-
a) Thiokinase
b) Thioesterase
c) Thiophorase
d) Thiolase 101/102
4/13/2019 Multiple Choice Questions | Biochemistry for Medics – Lecture Notes

Q.20-All of the following processes except one are mitochondrial-

a) Glycolysis
b) TCA cycle
c) Beta oxidation of fatty acids
d) Ketogenesis
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