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Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ)

Customer Name
© 2015 NetSuite Inc.

Any reproduction or distribution of any part of this document without the prior written permission of NetSuite Inc. is
strictly prohibited.

The information included in this document is confidential and proprietary information of NetSuite Inc.

Version: 2015-01-14

NetSuite Inc.
2955 Campus Drive, Suite 100
San Mateo, CA. 99403-2511

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 1

Table of Contents

1 Introduction 10
2 Record to Report 12
2.1 Analyze Company Performance 13
2.2 Define Reporting Strategy 14
2.3 Define Company Structure 14
2.4 Define Financial Segmentation Strategy 14
2.5 Manage Accounting Periods 16
2.6 Manage Currencies and Exchange Rates 17
2.7 Manage Tax Rates 17
2.8 Manage Journal Entries 18
2.9 Manage Intercompany Journal Entries 19
2.10 Manage Bank Transactions 19
2.11 Manage Reconcile Bank Statements 20
2.12 Reconcile Credit Card Statements 21
2.13 Manage Budgets 21
2.14 Manage Fiscal Close 21
3 Design to Build 23
3.1 Analyze Inventory 23
3.2 Manage Item Master 24
3.3 Light Manufacturing – Assembly Build 30
3.4 Light Manufacturing - Unbuild 33
3.5 Light Manufacturing - Work Orders 35
3.6 Manufacturing Routing and Scheduling 37
3.7 Manage Inventory Transactions 41
3.8 Demand Planning 43
3.9 Inventory Reports 45
4 Lead to Order 49
4.1 Analyze Sales Performance 50
4.2 Define Reporting Strategy 50
4.3 Manage Leads 50
4.4 Manage Prospects 52
© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 2
4.5 Manage Contacts 52
4.6 Manage Partners, Resellers, and Distributors 52
4.7 Manage Sales Campaigns 53
4.8 Manage Opportunities 54
4.9 Manage Quotes 55
4.10 Manage Quotas 55
4.11 Manage Sales Rep Forecasts 56
5 Procure to Pay / Return to Debit 57
5.1 High Level Questions 58
5.2 Manage Vendor Master 59
5.3 Manage Purchase Requisitions 60
5.4 Manage Purchase Orders 61
5.5 Manage Purchase Order Item Receipts 62
5.6 Manage Vendor Bills 63
5.7 Manage Vendor Bill Payments 64
5.8 Manage Vendor Return Authorizations 65
5.9 Manage Vendor Return Shipments 66
5.10 Mange Vendor Credits 66
5.11 Manage Vendor Refunds 66
5.12 Manage Fixed Assets 66
6 Marketing Program to ROI 69
6.1 Analyze Marketing Performance 69
6.2 Define Marketing Strategy 70
6.3 Manage Groups 70
6.4 Manage Promotions 71
6.5 Manage Campaigns 71
6.6 Manage Keyword Campaigns 71
7 Order to Cash / Return to Credit 72
7.1 Manage Customers 73
7.2 Manage Sales Orders 75
7.3 Manage Payment Holds 76
7.4 Manage Sales Order Item Fulfillments 76
7.5 Manage Statement Charges 77

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7.6 Manage Cash Sales 77
7.7 Manage Invoices 78
7.8 Manage Revenue Recognition 79
7.9 Manage Finance Charges 82
7.10 Manage Customer Deposits 82
7.11 Manage Customer Payments 82
7.12 Manage Return Authorizations 84
7.13 Manage Credit Memos 84
7.14 Manage Cash Refunds 84
7.15 Manage Usage-based billing 85
7.16 Manage Subscription Renewals 85
7.17 Manage Subscription Upsells & Downsells 86
7.18 Manage Subscription Terminations & Suspensions 86
7.19 Manage Subscription Creation and Billing 87
7.20 Manage AR 88
7.21 Manage Commissions 88
7.22 Define Reporting Strategy 90
8 Project to Cash - OpenAir 91
8.1 Manage Projects 92
8.2 General 95
8.3 Security 96
8.4 Projects 96
8.5 Timesheets 97
8.6 Expenses 100
8.7 Resource Management 101
8.8 Invoicing and Billing 102
9 Project to Cash – Advanced Projects 104
9.1 Manage Projects 105
9.2 Billing 109
9.3 Manage Time Entry 110
9.4 Manage Expenses 111
9.5 Manage Resource Management 111
9.6 Manage Project Revenue Forecasting 112

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9.7 Manage Consultants 112
9.8 Define Reporting Strategy 113
10 Call to Resolution 114
10.1 Define Support Strategy 114
10.2 Analyze Support Performance 116
10.3 Manage Topics 117
10.4 Manage Knowledge Base 117
10.5 Manage Solutions 117
10.6 Manage Cases 118
10.7 Manage Issues 120
10.8 Manage Time Entry 120
10.9 Define Reporting Strategy 121
11 Hire to Pay 122
11.1 Analyze Workforce Performance 122
11.2 Define Compensation Strategy 123
11.3 Manage Workforce 124
11.4 Define Reporting Strategy 126
12 Web to Order 128
12.1 Ecommerce Strategy 129
12.2 Item Requirements 131
12.3 Order Requirements 132
12.4 Shopping Cart and Checkout Requirements 133
12.5 Manage Domains and Redirects 135
12.6 Web Presence Reporting 135
13 Not-for-Profit 136
13.1 Entities 136
13.2 Revenue Source 138
13.3 Accounting for Funds 140
1.3 Accounting for Expenses 141
13.4 Program/Project Tracking 142
13.5 Fundraising and Development 145
14 Other Activities 146
15 Role Configuration 149

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16 Data Migration 150
16.2 Subscription Data Migration 151

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1 Table of Figures

Figure 1 Composite Business Flow – Record to Report 12

Figure 2 Composite Business Flow – Design to Build 23
Figure 3 Composite Business Flow – Lead to Order 49
Figure 4 Composite Business Flow – Procure to Pay 57
Figure 5 Composite Business Flow – Return to Debit 58
Figure 6 Figure: Composite Business Flow - Marketing Process 69
Figure 7 Composite Business Flow – Order to Cash 72
Figure 8 Composite Business Flow – Return to Credit 73
Figure 9 Composite Business Flow - Project to Cash 91
Figure 10 Business Process - Manage Projects (1 of 3) 92
Figure 11 Business Process - Manage Projects (2 of 3) 93
Figure 12 Business Process - Manage Projects (3 of 3) 94
Figure 13 Composite Business Flow – Project to Cash 104
Figure 14 Business Process - Manage Projects (1 of 3) 105
Figure 15 Business Process - Manage Projects (2 of 3) 106
Figure 16 Business Process - Manage Projects (3 of 3) 107
Figure 17 Composite Business Flow – Call to Resolution 114
Figure 18 Composite Business Flow – Hire to Pay 122
Figure 19 Composite Business Flow – Web to Order 128
Figure 20 Composite Business Flow – Web to Order – My Account 129

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Document Version History

Rev Date Author(s) Change Summary

1.0 Initial version

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© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 11
1 Introduction

This document is the Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ). The Analyze stage involves
reviewing and questioning your business processes. This document contains questions
about your business processes. It is intended for the Business Process Owner (PBO) to
fill out. Your answers will provide the implementation team insight into your business
requirements of the system.

During BPM phase we will:

● Identify the people involved in the process
● Document the inputs/outputs of the process
● Determine ongoing integration touch points
● Identify existing problems and/or areas of concern with the process
● Explore opportunities for Improvement

NetSuite recommends having all related documentation available during the process
mapping sessions. Examples include samples of inputs/outputs, process flow diagrams
and organization charts.

For questions that are not relevant to your business, feel free to mark it as N/A (not
applicable). Once this document is filled out, the implementation team will have Business
Process Mappings (BPM) sessions.

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© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 13
2 Record to Report
This section documents responses to discovery questions for the composite business flow Record to
Report. The questions included focus on setting up the company structure and financial segmentation
strategy along with core accounting operations-based business processes.

Figure 1 Composite Business Flow – Record to Report

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 14

2.1 Analyze Company Performance

2.1.1 Identify any dashboard requirements for the CEO role and other roles within your
organization that will require customization of the standard dashboard.

2.1.2 Identify who within your organization will require access to this dashboard.

2.1.3 What are the reports that you currently (and wish to) use in the General Ledger area?

2.1.4 What type of financial reporting do you currently (and wish to) use? For example: Income
Statement, Budget vs. Actual Income Statement, etc.

2.1.5 What type of reports do you want made available for users in the area of tax?

2.1.6 What type of reports do you want made available to users in regards to the banking
process? For example: Bank Register Report

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2.1.7 What type of financial ratio reporting do you require? For example: Current Ratio,
Receivables Turnover, etc.

2.2 Define Reporting Strategy

2.2.1 Do you use Cash Based reporting?
(Note: accrual based accounting is used for all postings, this is reporting only)

2.2.2 When you age your Receivables and Payables, do you use Transaction Date or Due

2.3 Define Company Structure

2.3.1 Each Subsidiary will be assigned a base currency. Please list the subsidiaries and the
primary currency for each.
Also include operational currencies that will be available for each of these subsidiaries.

2.3.2 If you have different base currencies, you can use consolidated exchange rates to ensure
that the currency amounts translate properly from child to parent subsidiaries. Will you be
interested in maintaining consolidated reporting?

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2.4 Define Financial Segmentation Strategy
2.4.1 Do you have an existing chart of accounts that you wish to use?

2.4.2 Does your chart of accounts contain a parent/child hierarchy?

2.4.3 Do you use account numbers and if yes how many digits?

2.4.4 Do you use accounting segments (Class, Department, and Location)? And if so, what are
List of Departments
Department Sub Department (if applicable)

List of Locations
Location Sub Location (if applicable)

List of Classes
Class Sub Class(if applicable)

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2.4.5 What segments are mandatory?

2.4.6 Do you allow segments on a per transaction line amount as well as order level?

2.4.7 Do you restrict accounts to particular Subsidiaries?

2.4.8 Do you segment Departments, Classes and Locations by subsidiary?

2.4.9 Please provide a descriptive list of the reporting requirements of your organization.
Standard financial reports (Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow) are available in NetSuite.

2.5 Manage Accounting Periods

2.5.1 Will Accounting Periods be used?

2.5.2 If so, do you want to allow changes to past or future periods?

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2.5.3 Do you wish to provide administrator’s with the ability to update data within past or future

2.5.4 What type of Accounting Periods format do you currently use?

NetSuite offers the following:

● Calendar Months – 12 periods, one for each calendar month in the fiscal year
● 4 Weeks – 13 periods, each for every 4 weeks in the fiscal year
● 4–4–5 Weeks – A fiscal year so that there are two 4-week periods followed by one 5- week period.
This cycle repeats four times for a total of 13 periods in the fiscal year.

2.5.5 Will you have the need to apply adjustment periods? If so, how are they currently being

2.6 Manage Currencies and Exchange Rates

2.6.1 What will the base (functional) currency be for reporting purposes?

2.6.2 If using multiple currencies, what other currencies will be utilized?

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2.6.3 How will Exchange rates be maintained, manual or automatic?

2.6.4 Do you anticipate revaluating accounts for changing exchange rates?

If so, how often?

2.7 Manage Tax Rates

2.7.1 Provide a definition of your sales tax requirements by country, state/province including any
special circumstances related to the taxation of the products/services you sell.

2.7.2 What type of tax reporting will be required?

2.7.3 Will you be interested in using the United States Sales Tax Tables update?

These tables can be used to import up to date sales tax codes for the chosen states

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2.8 Manage Journal Entries
2.8.1 Do you allow selection of account segments on each line of a journal entry?

2.8.2 To void a transaction, do you wish it to be reversed, or removed from the accounting

2.8.3 Do you require approval on Journal Entries?

2.8.4 Please describe who within your organization is involved in the journal entry process, their
role (entry, approval, loading from external source, etc.) and any specific considerations
that should be incorporated into this process.

2.8.5 Identify any transactions where the associated expense is amortized and the
characteristics of the amortization.

2.8.6 Identify any transactions where the associated expense is allocated and the characteristics
of the allocation.

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2.8.7 How many lines is the largest journal entry to be created?

2.8.8 How often are Journal Entries entered into NetSuite?

Consider today and the future – how fast is your company growing?

2.9 Manage Intercompany Journal Entries

2.9.1 Do you need to post adjustments across subsidiaries via intercompany journal entries?

If so, how often and for what types of transactions?

2.9.2 How many lines is the largest intercompany journal entry to be created?

2.9.3 How often are intercompany journal entries entered into NetSuite?

Consider today and the future – how fast is your company growing?

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2.10 Manage Bank Transactions
2.10.1 Describe what bank accounts are used by your organization and details on the
reconciliation process.

Note that multiple bank accounts can be setup and managed in NetSuite.

2.10.2 Do you have bank accounts in different currencies?

2.10.3 Do you reconcile your bank accounts regularly?

2.10.4 Do you receive your bank information electronically from your bank?

If yes, what format is it in?

2.10.5 Default reconciliation by date or Check number?

2.11 Manage Reconcile Bank Statements

2.11.1 Do you reconcile your bank accounts regularly?

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2.11.2 Do you reconcile your Accounts Receivable regularly?

2.11.3 Do you reconcile your Accounts Payable regularly?

2.11.4 Do you have intercompany expense reconciliation?

2.12 Reconcile Credit Card Statements

2.12.1 Will you require the ability to reconcile Credit Card statements in NetSuite? If so, please
describe your current process.

2.13 Manage Budgets

2.13.1 Describe the process used by your organization to create and manage budgets.

Budgets can be loaded into NetSuite or keyed in directly for the generation of comparative financial

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2.14 Manage Fiscal Close
2.14.1 What is your operational year end?

2.14.2 How are your accounting periods structured for reporting (12 month, 4/4/5, other)?

2.14.3 Do you use an Adjustment Period?

2.14.4 Do you close off your periods regularly?

2.14.5 Do you backdate transactions to prior periods?

If yes than how often?

2.14.6 Do you post date transactions to future periods?

If yes, then how far into the future?

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2.14.7 Identify the financial year end of your organization.

2.14.8 Identify your period close activities that are to be performed in NetSuite.

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3 Design to Build
This section documents responses to discovery questions for the composite business flow Design to Build.
While there are several business processes that constitute the holistic business flow Design to Build,
some business processes are executed outside of NetSuite while others are executed within NetSuite.
Business processes that will be executed in NetSuite, either in part or in whole, include the item master
definition and processes that track the flow of inventory-related items.

Figure 2 Composite Business Flow – Design to Build

3.1 Analyze Inventory

3.1.1 What are the dashboard requirements for the Engineering Manager role within your
organization that will require customization of the standard dashboard?

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3.1.2 Who within your organization will require access to this dashboard?

3.1.3 What are the dashboard requirements for the Engineer role within your organization that
will require customization of the standard dashboard?

3.1.4 Who within your organization will require access to this dashboard?

3.1.5 Who within your organization will require access to this dashboard?

3.1.6 What are the dashboard requirements for the Warehouse Manager's role within your
organization that will require customization of the standard dashboard?

3.1.7 Who within your organization will require access to this dashboard?

3.2 Manage Item Master

3.2.1 Describe the types of items that your organization buys from vendors?
Item Type Description Your Items

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 28

Inventory An inventory item is a product that you
purchase and resell, or manufacture
into another item for resell.

Non Inventory A non-inventory item is a product that

you sell or purchase but do not record
into inventory.

Download A download item allows for customers

to purchase and download items from
the web store/customer center. If
required, a license code can be
specified and made available to
customers within the customer center.
(Note: NetSuite does not provide the
generation of the license key)

Service A service item is an item you create to

track time and record billable hours.

Other Charge Other charge items are typically used

to represent miscellaneous charges
that do not fall into other categories.

Item Groups Item groups are used to consolidate

items on invoices for either display to
customers, ease of entry or VSOE
bundling. The member items are
treated independently from a revenue

Discount/Markup These items can be applied as a line

item or to the total amount of the
transaction. The discount/markup
can be calculated as either a
percentage or a flat rate.

3.2.2 What are the types of products offered for sale (e.g. Inventory, Service, Non-inventory,
Download, etc.)?
- Are some or all of these products offered in a bundle/group? If so, explain the driver behind
selling the package as a bundle.
- Are there any restrictions with bundling/grouping these products (i.e. are there any items that
cannot be sold in combination to a single customer, and what kind of processes are in place to
ensure compliance)?
© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 29
3.2.3 How many items make up your Item Master?
Consider today and the future – how fast is your company growing?

3.2.4 What type of information do you need within your item records?

3.2.5 Will you need a Parent/Child relationship with your items?

3.2.6 Is inventory maintained for each child item?

3.2.7 How are your items serialized?

3.2.8 At what point in your process do you create the serialized number for the item?

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3.2.9 At what point in your process do you assign the serialized number to the customer?

3.2.10 What lot numbering system do you use?

3.2.11 Do you require expiration dates to be associated to each lot?

3.2.12 What is the process for lot numbered recalled items?

3.2.13 Do you ever have non lot numbered products recalled?

How do you handle this process?

3.2.14 Do you have the concept of item options with the items you sell?
i.e. to purchase a faucet, you can select the Nickel or Gold Plated options

3.2.15 Do you track specific inventory based on options? If so what kind of options are you
tracking the inventory for

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3.2.16 Do you have any items that you track inventory for but not down to the option level?

3.2.17 Do you have any items that are not tracking inventory, but still require options?

3.2.18 Will you be using item groups?

3.2.19 When printing/emailing/faxing transactions, will you require the item group name only or
the item group name plus all components?

3.2.20 When printing/emailing/faxing transactions, will you require the kits/packages name only or
the kits/packages name plus all components?

3.2.21 Do you have matrix items? What options do you have on matrix items?

3.2.22 What is the costing method that you are using?

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3.2.23 When printing/emailing/faxing transactions, will you require the kits/packages name only or
the kits/packages name plus all components?

3.2.24 For each product, describe the various pricing plans offered.
This should include (but is not limited to):
- Recurring fees
- License / Seat fees
- Usage plans
- Add-on components
- Bundles
- Non-recurring charges

3.2.25 What types of quantity based pricing do you support?

3.2.26 Will sales reps (or persons entering customer orders) have the ability to manually change
the pricing at the line item level for each item?

3.2.27 Will you be using marginal based pricing?

3.2.28 Do you have different pricing for the children?

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3.2.29 Will the sales order go through an approval process to verify pricing changes?

3.2.30 Will you be providing discounts/mark-ups for your customers?

Are these discounts/mark-ups going to be associated to the line item level of the transaction, the entire
transaction or both?

3.2.31 Will sales reps (or persons entering customer orders) have the ability to enter new
customers and associate a price level on the customer record?

3.2.32 What are your expectations on the types of information that you would like NetSuite to
provide to help with inventory replenishment?

3.2.33 How do you plan your inventory replenishment?

3.2.34 Will you be selling gift certificates to your customers?

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3.2.35 Do you use multiple units of measure?

3.2.36 What types of items will hold units of measure?

(inventory, non-inventory, matrix, etc)

3.2.37 Will you be using bins for each product?

3.2.38 Are all of your products designated to a specific bin, or is it a random bin put away

3.2.39 Items can be setup for a specific subsidiary or multiple subsidiaries, consider the
subsidiary structure for your item set up. Do you need the ability to add items at the
transaction level from different subsidiaries?

3.2.40 How do you handle inventory that has been received, but is damaged?

3.2.41 Is there seasonal or peak demand for items and/or services that you sell? How much over
regular periods?

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3.3 Light Manufacturing – Assembly Build
In NetSuite, an assembly item (parent item) is a single inventory item produced from one or several
members (components).

Note that the Bill of Material structure that defines the association between the parent (Assembled item) and
the component/s (member/s) items are contained within NetSuite Assembly Item records.

You create assembly item records to define the members of an assembly, and then NetSuite enables you to
track both the raw materials and the assembled items separately.

3.3.1 How are parent items tracked on the warehouse and on the floor? Is it by Serial Number,
by lot number or by item number?

3.3.2 Is there seasonal or peak demand for assembly items that you sell? How much over
regular periods?

3.3.3 Consider the type of items included in your bill of material (BOMs). When defining
member items in a BOM, what are typically included: raw materials, packaging items,
service items, etc?

3.3.4 Are any of the member items lot-controlled or serialized items? If so, then the parent item
must also be lot-controlled or serialized.

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3.3.5 Describe how bills of material are developed in your company.

3.3.6 Is there an Engineering department in charge of developing the bills?

3.3.7 Do you design builds by unit or by batch? If by unit, do you attach a Serial Number to the
final assembled item? If by batch, do you track the batch by lot number?

3.3.8 Assembly Levels. A flat (single-level) bill of material consists of a parent item made up of
one level of components that include parts, raw materials, and subassemblies.

3.3.9 How are BOMs structured? Provide examples

3.3.10 Other than the parent and component details, do you retain any other information as part
of the build (i.e. MSDS, Drawings, Instruction Manuals, Warranty Card or Assembly
Instructions, etc…)? Explain.

3.3.11 ECO (Engineering Change Order) Revision Levels. Changes to BOM structure may be
introduced to the Shop Floor from time to time. In NetSuite Light Manufacturing, use of
parent/child relationship is used to propose item changes.

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3.4 Light Manufacturing - Unbuild
In Netsuite, an option is available to allow you to unbuild previously processed assembly items. You can
unbuild the assembly items that are not sold and maintain the stock as raw materials, Unbuilding an
assembly updates inventory level changes on records for the finished assembly item and for each
member component individually. For each assembly you unbuild: the assembly item stock level
decreases while the member items' individual stock levels increase.

3.4.1 In NetSuite, an option is available to allow you to unbuild previously processed assembly
items. You can unbuild the assembly items that are not sold and maintain the stock as raw
materials, Unbuilding an assembly updates inventory level changes on records for the
finished assembly item and for each member component individually. For each assembly
you unbuild: the assembly item stock level decreases while the member items' individual
stock levels increase.

3.4.2 Do you have a procedure in place for assembly items received back from customers or
other locations for rework or unbuild process?

3.4.3 Are there BOMs designed for the unbuild process?

3.4.4 Are member components returned to inventory?

3.4.5 If packaging materials were consumed, what adjustments are made in terms of inventory
and GL?

3.4.6 For service items (i.e. labor component, overheads and machine run time, other charges
and setup time) were reported, what adjustments are made in terms of cost?

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3.4.7 Oneworld. Are BOMs designed from a central office and pushed to various subsidiaries?
Can subsidiaries modify the BOM’s based on their own shop floor requirements? Explain.

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3.5 Light Manufacturing - Work Orders
In NetSuite, Assembly work orders are requests to complete a given quantity of a specific item. With Work
Orders Netsuite track the production of assembly items needed for stock or to fill demands. It tracks
member components issued during the assembly process and quantities of the parent item built.

There are two types of Work Orders supported in Netsuite: Special Order Work Orders and Production Work

Special Work Orders

Special order work orders track assemblies to be built for a particular sale. The work order can be linked to
the originating sale. When assembly items are sold and the finished goods are not in stock but the
member items are, a work order is automatically added to the work order creation queue. Based on
the amount of finished product needed for the order, member items are committed to the work order
to build the finished assemblies.

Production Work Orders

Production work orders track assemblies that need to be built to increase stock and are not intended for a
particular sale. Production work orders are not linked to a sales order and have no customer

3.5.1 What triggers are used by your company in generating work orders i.e. Sales demand,
below safety stock, build points for assemblies, (reorder point for normal items), etc?

3.5.2 Are assemblies build to order or pre-built? Explain.

3.5.3 Is there seasonal or peak demand for assembly items that you sell? How much over
regular periods?

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 40

3.5.4 Are work orders automatically created from a sales order for an Assembly Item? What
steps are taken prior to shop floor execution (i.e. work order has to go through an approval
process from the shop floor manager prior to shop floor execution before inventory is
committed)? Explain.

3.5.5 Describe how the end items are assembled and elaborate on the associated processes.

3.5.6 Do you separate the assembly process into a single or multi step process?

3.5.7 Are there any build restrictions? Do you allow build quantities to be greater than the
quantities committed to a work order?

3.5.8 For multi-level assemblies, when a work order is generated for the top level item, do you
automatically generate work orders to build the sub-assembly items?

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3.5.9 Do you contract work orders out? Are there operations that are defined as outside
operations? If so, what are your procedures in generating a purchase order? Explain.

3.5.10 What information is included in your work orders (i.e. BOM, Parts list, Work Order
Instructions drawings, etc.?

3.5.11 Do you log hours spent on a work order? What types of hours are recorded (labor,
overhead, machine)?

3.5.12 What additional information do you capture on a work order?

3.5.13 At what stage do you report component or member items consumed? Note: NetSuite
currently supports backflush in which inventory of components is automatically reduced
when the assembly build is completed.

3.6 Manufacturing Routing and Scheduling

3.6.1 Do you currently use routings?

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 42

3.6.2 Provide an example of the manufacturing tasks (steps/processes/etc.) that a standard
assembly item will be routed through.

3.6.3 What is the average length of time it takes to complete a finished assembly (from entry of
work order to completion)?

3.6.4 Are any of the steps in your routing schedules subcontracted to a 3rd party?

3.6.5 Do you utilize the same routing schedule for a single assembly item across all locations?
Can the routing for a single assembly item vary between different locations?

3.6.6 Do you require the ability to assign multiple routing schedules to a single assembly item?

3.6.7 What costing method do you use i.e., LIFO, FIFO, average or standard?

3.6.8 If standard costing method is utilized, how do you roll-up the labor and machine costs into
the cost of the final assembly?

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 43

3.6.9 Do you use serialized or LOT controlled items?

3.6.10 Do you track direct costs on your work orders?

3.6.11 How do you determine your direct labor cost?

3.6.12 How do you track labor setup time for a manufacturing task?

3.6.13 How do you track labor run rates for a manufacturing task?

3.6.14 How do you track machine setup time for a manufacturing task?

3.6.15 How do you track machine run rates for a manufacturing task?

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 44

3.6.16 Do you track your overhead costs on your work orders?

3.6.17 How do you determine your overhead cost?

3.6.18 How do you track labor setup overhead for a manufacturing task?

3.6.19 How do you track labor run overhead for a manufacturing task?

3.6.20 How do you track machine setup overhead for a manufacturing task?

3.6.21 How do you track machine run overhead for a manufacturing task?

3.6.22 What decimal precision do you require for entering costs per hour?

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3.6.23 Do you require the ability to track service costs in a unit of measure other than hourly?

3.6.24 Do you require the ability to assign varying hourly rates to specific manufacturing tasks?

3.6.25 Please provide some examples of the cost categories tracked during the manufacturing

3.6.26 Do you assign a single scrap account to an assembly item?

3.6.27 List the Scrap and PPV general ledger accounts that can be assigned to your assembly

3.6.28 Do you have work centers?

3.6.29 Are your shop floor resources assigned to a specific work center or are they assigned to
multiple work centers?

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3.6.30 Who is responsible for recording the completion of manufacturing operation tasks?

3.6.31 How many shifts and days of the week do you work? What is the duration of the shift?

3.6.32 What unique information do you need to track on operation tasks and routing schedules?

3.7 Manage Inventory Transactions

3.7.1 How do you handle inventory that has been received, but is damaged?

3.7.2 Do you allow for consignment in your warehouse?

3.7.3 If on consignment, how do you currently handle their transactions/inventory?

3.7.4 When transferring inventory between locations, will you allow the warehouse in need of
product to enter a request that will process approvals?

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3.7.5 What requirements will be needed when processing inventory transfers?

3.7.6 What is your current inventory count process? Do you perform a Physical Inventory, Cycle
Counting, or both?
How often do you recount inventory?
What is the largest number of items included in an inventory count?
Consider today and the future – how fast is your company growing?

3.7.7 What type of information is needed for your bar coding?

3.7.8 Are assemblies built to order or pre-built?

3.7.9 Are damaged goods stored in a separate inventory location to separate from sellable

3.7.10 Do you have an inspection location for product until confirmed by a quality assurance

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 48

3.7.11 Will you be transferring product between bins?

3.7.12 Will you need to monitor the transfer products in transit from one location to another?

3.8 Demand Planning

3.8.1 How do you intend on calculating demand? Will you be using Demand plans or Supply
Demand Planning uses demand plan and supply plan records to track anticipated supply and demand.

Demand plans record the future demand for an item based on previous demand. You can forecast demand
for items using one of the following methods:
(1) Determine a time frame for examining an item’s historical sales data (or data of a different item) to
analyze previous sales trends.
(2) Determine demand based on actual sales data.

Supply plans record the recommended schedule for purchasing or manufacturing additional supply of an
item. The supply plan provides a list of recommended purchase orders and work orders to augment
item supply in a timely manner based on lead times and expected demand.
Safety stock level settings are considered in supply calculations. Also, the supply plan incorporates lead
times so you place orders in time to receive the items when the demand is increased. Purchase
orders generated from supply plans use the preferred vendor from the item record.
For assembly item supply plans, all levels of a multi-part assembly are considered and work orders are
planned for all sub-components of the build, as well as purchasing of required raw materials.

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 49

3.8.2 What will be your inventory preference?
There are two preferences you can set that affect how Demand Planning functions: (1) Orders (2) Actual
This preference setting affects demand planning calculations by determining the transactions that are
included in demand calculations.
(1) Choose the Orders setting to use approved, non-canceled sales orders to calculate demand. Work
Orders are also considered if the feature is enabled.
(2) Choose the Actual Sales setting to use cash sales and invoices to calculate demand. Then, sales orders
are not used to calculate demand. Only the cash sales and invoices that bill them are included in
demand calculations. Assembly builds are also considered if the Assemblies feature is enabled.

Note: If you use both sales orders and standalone cash sales/invoices, you should choose the Actual Sales

3.8.3 If you are using assembly items, will you all purchase of assembly items?
This preference allows the option to create purchase orders instead of work orders when making supply
recommendations for assemblies. You can also define purchase pricing on assembly item records.
This preference also enables you to add assembly items to purchase orders, vendor bills, checks, credit card
transactions, and vendor credits.

3.8.4 What location will be using demand planning?

If you have enabled Multi-Location Inventory (MLI)

3.8.5 What projection method do you intend on using?

Projection methods you can use include:
(1) Linear Regression – Use previous demand to project future inventory needs assuming a steady linear
(2) Moving Average – Use previous demand to calculate the overall average stock level needed, and then
project future stock levels using that overall average.
(3) Seasonal Average – Use previous demand to examine the seasonal trend of inventory flow, then project
a similar seasonal trend for future stock levels.
(4) Sales Forecast – When using NetSuite for your sales operations, this option uses forward looking sales
forecast data to project inventory demand.

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 50

3.8.6 What will be your projection interval?
If you are using the Seasonal Average method, only a Monthly interval is supported.

3.8.7 What will be your projection duration?

In the Projection Duration field, define the number of periods to calculate projected future demand. For
example, enter 6 to calculate demand over a six month period. Note: This number cannot be a
decimal value.
For example, if you enter 3 in this field and selected an interval of Months, then demand is forecast for a
three month interval.

3.8.8 What will be your Historical Analysis Duration?

Historical Analysis Duration – Define the number of periods in the past to calculate demand projection
(1) For Moving Average, enter the number of periods in the past to calculate the next moving average value.
(2) For Linear Regression, enter the number of periods in the past to determine the linear regression
(3) This field is not required when using the Sales Pipeline projection method.
(4) For Seasonal Average, enter the number of periods in the past to calculate the buckets in the future.

3.8.9 Who will be viewing and editing a demand plan?

3.8.10 Who will be viewing and editing a supply plan?

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 51

3.8.11 Who will be creating orders from supply plans?

3.8.12 Who will be creating orders from demand plans?

3.9 Inventory Reports

3.9.1 What type of inventory reports do you currently (and wish to) use? For example: Inventory
Profitability, Current Inventory Status, etc.

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 52

3.9.2 Who will be monitoring reports?
These reports are available at Reports > Demand Planning:
(1) Demand History by Item – This report displays the historical data used for item demand analysis based
on transaction history. See Demand History by Item Report in the Help Center.
(2) Item Demand Plan by Item– This report displays the item demand quantity by item. See Item Demand
Plan by Item Report in the Help Center.
(3) Item Demand Forecast vs. Actual – This report shows the forecasted demand for an item compared to
the actual demand for the item across a given period of time. This report helps you determine the
accuracy of the forecast and whether supply or pricing needs to be adjusted for an item.
The following report is available at Transactions > Demand Planning:
(1) Gross Requirements Inquiry – This report enables you to have an overview of the progressive supply and
demand cycle by listing quantities required and quantities supplied on each transaction date listed.
Each transaction and date is listed along with the more-on-hand or less-on-hand quantity of the
transaction, as well as the resulting total quantity on hand for the item. See Gross Requirements
Inquiry in the Help Center.

3.9.3 How are purchases orders and work orders planned?

1) Build to Order - supply based on actual orders entered by customers or sales rep. If they use build order
process flow, the demand source should be "planned and actual orders" for the assembly. 2) Build to
Stock - supply is planned based on a sales forecast. If they are using build to stock process flow, the
demand source should be "Forecast from Demand Plan".

3.9.4 Assembly and Work Order Items: For build to order business process flow, how are the
ordering requirements of components initiated?
1) If all components are planned based on the initial sales order of the assembly, then demand source for all
components should be "planned and actual orders".
2) If some components are planned based on forecast, demand source for those items should be "forecast
from demand".

3.9.5 Work Order Scheduling: How do you schedule your work orders? Do you schedule your
work orders based on a start date or a due date?
Scheduling of Work Order is based on dynamic lead time. 1) Forward Scheduling: When a work order is
entered and the start date is entered, the system automatically calculates the end date based on the
work order lead time x quantity to be produced. This is done only when the due date is not manually
© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 53
2) Backward Scheduling: When a work order is entered and the due date is entered, the system
automatically calculates the start date based on the work order lead time x quantity to be produced.
This is done only when the start date is not entered.

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 54

4 Lead to Order
This section documents responses to discovery questions for the composite business flow Lead to Order.
Included in this composite business flow are business processes that focus on sales force automation.
From the master data perspective, this includes the evolution of leads to prospects to customers; and from
the transaction perspective, this includes progression from opportunity to quote to order. On the
periphery, this composite business flow also includes the managing of contacts, sales campaigns, and
quotas. Combining quota management with transactional monitoring thereby allows vary types of
forecasts to be produced for management analysis.

Figure 3 Composite Business Flow – Lead to Order

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 55

4.1 Analyze Sales Performance
4.1.1 Identify any dashboard requirements for the sales person role within your organization that
will require customization of the standard dashboard.

4.2 Define Reporting Strategy

4.2.1 NetSuite comes with many reports. List in the response area any information that may be
needed when running reports.

4.3 Manage Leads

4.3.1 Identify any dashboard requirements for the sales executive role within your organization
that will require customization of the standard dashboard.

4.3.2 Identify who within your organization will require access to this dashboard.

4.3.3 How does your organization define a “lead”?

4.3.4 How do you currently acquire leads?

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 56

4.3.5 How often will leads be entered/updated?
What are the data volumes and through what method will be entered or updated?
Consider today and the future – how fast is your company growing?

4.3.6 Is there seasonal or peak demand? How much over regular periods?

4.3.7 Who is responsible for follow up with the leads?

4.3.8 What is the expectation for lead to first contact?

4.3.9 How are leads assigned to sales reps/account managers?

4.3.10 If using an online lead form what information will you need to collect to determine routing of
the leads as they come into NetSuite through the web?

4.3.11 Are contracts/memberships part of the sales process?

If yes, please give example.

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4.3.12 What types of communication or interactions would you like to track on the prospect

4.3.13 Do you have any specific information that you track for your prospect that must be included
in NetSuite?

4.4 Manage Prospects

4.4.1 Are prospects categorized?

4.4.2 What types of communication or interactions would you like to track on the prospect

4.4.3 Do you have any specific information that you track for your prospect that must be included
in NetSuite?

4.4.4 How often will prospects be entered/updated?

What are the data volumes and through what method will be entered or updated?
Consider today and the future – how fast is your company growing?

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 58

4.4.5 Is there seasonal or peak demand? How much over regular periods?

4.5 Manage Contacts

4.5.1 Do the standard (out-of-the-box) Contact fields and forms satisfy your needs? If not,
please explain.

4.6 Manage Partners, Resellers, and Distributors

4.6.1 If Partner relationships exist, are they considered Customers, or are they just referenced
for purposes of compensation or reporting?

4.6.2 Do you have a parent/child relationship between partners?

4.6.3 Are partners categorized?

4.6.4 Do your partners need to be associated with more than one subsidiary?

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 59

4.6.5 Do you have a need to associate sales transactions and customers with multiple partners?

4.6.6 Do you offer your partners system access to view their transactions and basic information?

4.6.7 What types of communication or interactions would you like to track on the partner record?

4.7 Manage Sales Campaigns

4.7.1 Do Sales Reps create their own personal marketing campaigns?

4.7.2 What is the largest number of customers or contacts a single sales rep would run a sales
campaign against?

4.7.3 What is the total number of customers or contacts all sales rep would run a sales
campaigns against?

4.7.4 Is there seasonal or peak demand? How much over regular periods?

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 60

4.8 Manage Opportunities
4.8.1 Who will be responsible for creating opportunities?

4.8.2 Are you currently using opportunities within your organization?

4.8.3 Is there any other documentation required when creating an opportunity?

4.8.4 In what form will you be communicating the opportunity to the lead (customer)?

4.8.5 Do you run forecasting as a weighted value?

4.8.6 What is the average number of items entered on an opportunity?

4.8.7 Is there seasonal or peak demand? How much over regular periods?

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 61

4.9 Manage Quotes
4.9.1 How do you currently utilize quotes?

4.9.2 Will NetSuite Quotes or Opportunities be utilized before the Sales Order is processed? If
so, describe the typical sales process (i.e. multiple quotes are presented, what information
is displayed on the quotes, etc)

4.9.3 Who is responsible for creating and maintaining the quotes?

4.9.4 How will you communicate the quote to the customer?

4.9.5 Is signature required from the customer prior to creating a sales order?

4.9.6 What is the average number of items entered on a quote?

4.9.7 Is there seasonal or peak demand? How much over regular periods?

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4.10 Manage Quotas
4.10.1 Do you assign Quotas to your Sales Force?

4.10.2 What interval quotas are established (monthly, quarterly, yearly)?

4.11 Manage Sales Rep Forecasts

4.11.1 How do you manage Sales Rep Forecasts?

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 63

5 Procure to Pay / Return to Debit
This section documents responses to discovery questions for the composite business flows Procure to
Pay and Return to Debit. These composite business flows contain business processes for managing a
company’s relationships with their vendors. On the edges, this includes vendor mastering, purchasing,
payments, returns and debits (aka. vendor credits).

Figure 4 Composite Business Flow – Procure to Pay

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 64

Figure 5 Composite Business Flow – Return to Debit

5.1 High Level Questions

5.1.1 Identify full description of the procurement process within your organization complete with
an understanding of roles and responsibilities of those involved.

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 65

5.1.2 Describe the process used by your organization to enter purchases, who is involved and
what information is tracked.

5.2 Manage Vendor Master

5.2.1 Describe the vendors that you interact with, the nature of those interactions and provide a
full list of information that you would like to track on the vendor record.

5.2.2 Are vendors categorized?

5.2.3 Do you have vendor relationships that require 1099 filings?

If so, in what capacity? Describe the relationship you have with 1099 vendors.

5.2.4 What types of communication or interactions would you like to track on the vendor record?

5.2.5 Do you offer your vendors access to view their transactions and basic information?
If so, what other capabilities do vendors have?

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5.2.6 Do you have terms with your vendors?

5.2.7 What credit limits do you have established with your vendors?

5.2.8 Do you wish to be warned if the Vendor Credit limit is reached?

If yes, include open orders in limit?

5.2.9 How often will vendors be entered/updated?

What are the data volumes and through what method will be entered or updated?
Consider today and the future – how fast is your company growing?

5.3 Manage Purchase Requisitions

5.3.1 Describe your current requisition process.
If you have a sample of a current requisition that is submitted, please include.

5.3.2 Reason codes for purchase needed?

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 67

5.3.3 What types of approvals are needed for your employee purchase requisitions?

5.3.4 Will you require categories to be created on the purchase requisition to identify expenses
that employees have/will purchase?

5.3.5 Will you assign employees expense limits?

If yes, who will approve the expense if the limit is reached?

5.3.6 What types of purchase requests will employees enter?

5.3.7 Will it be billed back to a customer?

5.3.8 How often will purchase requisitions be entered?

What are the data volumes and through what method will be entered or updated?
Consider today and the future – how fast is your company growing?

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5.3.9 What is the average number of items entered on a purchase requisition?

5.3.10 Is there seasonal or peak demand? How much over regular periods?

5.4 Manage Purchase Orders

5.4.1 What do you purchase?
Goods? Services?

5.4.2 How do you currently communicate purchase orders to your vendors?

5.4.3 Do you process blanket purchase orders?

5.4.4 How often will purchase orders be entered?

What are the data volumes and through what method will be entered or updated?
Please include Drop Ships and Special Orders
Consider today and the future – how fast is your company growing?

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5.4.5 What is the average number of items entered on a purchase order?

5.4.6 Is there seasonal or peak demand? How much over regular periods?

5.5 Manage Purchase Order Item Receipts

5.5.1 What person(s) within your organization will be completing receipt of items?

5.5.2 Will you allow overage receipt of items?

Example: Order 15 and Vendor sends 20

5.5.3 Will you allow partial receipts?

Example: Order 15 and Vendor sends 5

5.5.4 If allowing for partial receipts, what will determine if the remaining should remain pending
or be closed?

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5.5.5 Who is responsible for reconciling the vendor received invoice with the NetSuite purchase

5.5.6 How do you handle price discrepancies?

5.5.7 Do you include Landed Costs in the value of the materials received?

5.6 Manage Vendor Bills

5.6.1 Are there approval processes required for vendor bills?
If yes, who are the persons responsible for your approval process?
How many vendor bills will be approved at the same time?
Consider today and the future – how fast is your company growing?

5.6.2 How do you pay your vendors?

5.6.3 Do you prepay vendors prior to receipt of the items?

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5.6.4 Do you receive discounts from your vendors if you pay prior to the terms negotiated?

5.6.5 How often will vendor bills be entered?

What are the data volumes and through what method will be entered or updated?
Please include Drop Ships and Special Orders
Consider today and the future – how fast is your company growing?

5.6.6 What is the average number of items entered on a vendor bill

5.6.7 Is there seasonal or peak demand? How much over regular periods?

5.7 Manage Vendor Bill Payments

5.7.1 Highlight the specifics around the processes your company uses to identify bills to pay,
and the payment method used to pay those bills.

5.7.2 Do you plan to print checks from NetSuite?

Provide a sample of your current check stock.

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5.7.3 What payments will be processed with credit cards?
These payments will not be associated to any transactions created within NetSuite.

5.7.4 Do you use ACH payments for direct deposit of employee expenses?

5.7.5 What type of payments will be printed by check?

5.7.6 Do you pay bills online?

Note: Online bill pay is subsidiary specific and will be based on the vendor's subsidiary as to which bank
account is selected for processing.

5.8 Manage Vendor Return Authorizations

5.8.1 What return types are considered?
- Damaged Goods
- Quality Assurance
- Package Damaged

5.8.2 Do the vendors require proof of damage?

Such as pictures?

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5.8.3 Do the vendors require return of product or allow you to destroy damaged product?

5.8.4 Are there any forms that are required to be completed for return of product?
If yes, please provide a sample.

5.8.5 Please describe your process around vendor credits.

5.8.6 What are your report requirements in Purchase Orders?

5.8.7 A vendor can only be associated to one subsidiary. Consider if your vendors will need to
be associated with more than one subsidiary.

5.9 Manage Vendor Return Shipments

5.9.1 Will you require the need to process vendor return authorizations? If so, how do you
currently handle your vendor return authorizations?

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5.10 Mange Vendor Credits
5.10.1 Do you process vendor credits? If so, how do you currently handle the process of vendor

5.11 Manage Vendor Refunds

1.1.1 Do you process vendor refunds? If so, how do you currently handle the process of vendor

5.12 Manage Fixed Assets

5.12.1 Do you own fixed assets? How many? Do you lease assets? How many?
Consider today and the future – how fast is your company growing?

5.12.2 What are the requirements when you capitalize an asset? For example, does an asset
have to be valued at a certain amount to be considered an asset?

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5.12.3 Will assets be grouped into a primary and subordinate relationship? For example, will a
particular car phone be associated with a specific vehicle?

5.12.4 Do you group your fixed assets? Is it grouped so that you can retrieve the information in
ways that are meaningful to your business operation?

5.12.5 How do you keep track of your assets? Do you assign asset numbers or will you allow the
system to assign numbers?

5.12.6 How many fixed asset transactions are processed monthly?

5.12.7 What types of depreciation books do you maintain?

5.12.8 Which depreciation methods do you use?

5.12.9 How often is depreciation run?

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5.12.10 Can you provide us a listing and copies of your critical fixed asset reports? Include
reports used for regulatory reporting, general ledger audit and reconciliation, and income
and property taxes?

5.12.11 What additional information do you need which is not included on these reports?

5.12.12 What is your month end reporting schedule?

5.12.13 What year end reporting requirements do you have?

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6 Marketing Program to ROI
This section documents responses to discovery questions for the composite business flow Marketing
Program to ROI. At the core, this composite business flow focuses on the management of campaigns.
Business processes include marketing strategy definition, campaign setup, campaign execution and
campaign return on investment analysis.

Figure 6 Figure: Composite Business Flow - Marketing Process

6.1 Analyze Marketing Performance

6.1.1 Identify any dashboard requirements for the marketing executive role within your
organization that will require customization of the standard dashboard.

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 78

6.1.2 Identify who within your organization will require access to this dashboard.

6.2 Define Marketing Strategy

6.2.1 Describe the channels used to market your business and how leads are generated?
Examples include: Email, Web, Tradeshows, etc.

6.2.2 Describe the types of campaigns used to market your business.

6.2.3 Describe the factors that determine how and when to schedule and execute campaigns
and their frequency.

6.3 Manage Groups

6.3.1 Describe how the target audience is selected for a campaign?
Are both customers and leads potential audiences? Are customers targeted based on purchase history?

6.3.2 Are leads captured from your website?

Describe the information that is recorded.

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 79

6.3.3 What is the size of the largest group of people to be marketed to?

6.4 Manage Promotions

6.4.1 Describe the materials and promotions used in marketing campaigns.
Examples include: newsletters, 20% off items, etc.

6.5 Manage Campaigns

6.5.1 Describe the information required and methods used to track the quality of leads and
(i.e., # sent, # viewed, # clicked thru, etc…).

6.5.2 Identify any additional information that the project team should understand about the
marketing organization and the marketing automation process.

6.5.3 Can customers subscribe to campaigns or mailing list?

(i.e. do you have separate mailing lists by product line, or business line).

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 80

6.5.4 Is there seasonal or peak demand? How much over regular periods?

6.6 Manage Keyword Campaigns

6.6.1 Describe the search engines used for Keyword Campaigns, if required.

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 81

7 Order to Cash / Return to Credit
This section documents responses to discovery questions for the composite business flows Order to Cash
and Return to Credit. These composite business flows contain business processes for managing a
company’s relationships with their customers. On the edges, this includes customer mastering, order
management, invoicing, returns and credits.

Figure 7 Composite Business Flow – Order to Cash

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 82

Figure 8 Composite Business Flow – Return to Credit

7.1 Manage Customers

7.1.1 What information from the customer is collected as a Lead, Prospect or first-time

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 83

7.1.2 What information from the customer is collected at time of sales order?

7.1.3 How often will leads be entered/updated?

What are the data volumes and through what method will be entered or updated?
Consider today and the future – how fast is your company growing?

7.1.4 Is there seasonal or peak demand? How much over regular periods?

7.1.5 Do you share resellers and or distributors globally?

If so, how are resellers and distributors shared between subsidiaries?

7.1.6 Do you have a parent/child relationship between customers?

If so, is an invoice typically sent to the parent, or does the children receive separate invoices?

7.1.7 Are customers categorized?

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 84

7.1.8 Will your customers need to be associated with more than one subsidiary?

7.1.9 Do you offer your customers system access to view their transactions and basic

7.2 Manage Sales Orders

7.2.1 Please define your high level use cases in terms of B2B, B2C, direct customers, and
channel sales. In each, explain what defines the Bill To Customer?
Is the Bill To Customer always defined as the End User, or can the Reseller or Distributor be the Bill To
If the Bill To Customer is different than the ‘End User’, are there any sales tax implications with regards to
the end user’s ship to address?

7.2.2 How many orders are received per day/week/month?

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7.2.3 Are there approval processes required for sales orders?
If yes, who are the persons responsible for your approval process?
How many orders will be approved at the same time?
Consider today and the future – how fast is your company growing?

7.2.4 Will you provide copies of the sales order to the customers?
If yes, how will this be communicated to the customer?

7.2.5 Are there agreements that need to be signed by the customer for contract terms etc?
Will you be storing this document in NetSuite?

7.2.6 How will you communicate to the vendors the need for product at time of sales order

7.2.7 How do you currently accept payments from customers?

7.2.8 What is the average number of items entered on an order?

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7.2.9 Are customers given free trial periods for their purchases?

7.2.10 Is there seasonal or peak demand? How much over regular periods?
Do you have a peak daily rate? Is there a peak hourly rate?

7.3 Manage Payment Holds

7.3.1 How do you handle Payment Holds?

7.4 Manage Sales Order Item Fulfillments

7.4.1 What is your current fulfillment process?
Can you identify a variation above that will support your requirements when using NetSuite?

7.4.2 Describe the departments and persons responsible for each step.

7.4.3 What printed forms are required to support your process?

7.4.4 What carriers will you be using in NetSuite?

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7.4.5 What features does your current shipping carrier provide?

7.4.6 Do you have negotiated rates with your shipping carriers?

7.4.7 Do you give term discounts on Shipping?

7.5 Manage Statement Charges

7.5.1 Do you have customers that require recording several accumulated charges prior to

7.6 Manage Cash Sales

7.6.1 Do you have cash or credit card sales?
How frequently and what volume?

7.6.2 Will you process sales in a walk-in/walk-up environment?

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7.6.3 What credit card processors are currently used?

7.6.4 What payment gateways are currently used?

7.6.5 What are the approximate number of credit card transactions per month?

7.6.6 What are the approximate dollar amount of credit card sales per month?

7.6.7 If you will not be using NetSuite credit card processing, will you be managing credit card
authorizations manually?
Who is your current provider?

7.6.8 What is the average number of items entered on an invoice?

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7.6.9 Is there seasonal or peak demand? How much over regular periods?

7.7 Manage Invoices

7.7.1 Is the billing date for all customers a specific day of the month, or is it determined by the
date on which they finalized their purchase? Or does this vary by product line (or some
other attribute)?

7.7.2 Do you bill customer over a range of time or a contract term?

7.7.3 What are the terms that you establish with your customers?

7.7.4 What is the most common billing frequency (e.g. monthly/quarterly/yearly)? Is this the only
billing frequency used, or are there different types?

7.7.5 Who will be responsible for producing invoices?

How will these invoices be communicated to the customer?

7.7.6 Will you be using finance charges for late invoices?

If yes, please describe your process and types of fees.

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7.7.7 What is the average number of items entered on an invoice?

7.7.8 Is there seasonal or peak demand? How much over regular periods?

7.8 Manage Revenue Recognition

In NetSuite, a revenue schedule can be associated with a sales transaction resulting in the amortization of
revenue. Revenue that is not recognized at the time of sale is tracked in the deferred revenue account.

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 91

7.8.1 Describe whether this is a requirement for your organization and any associated
NetSuite allows for the creation of Revenue Commitments that splits the revenue treatment from the
receivables aspect of a sale.

7.8.2 What are the types of items that will be used for revenue recognition?

7.8.3 Will revenue be deferred for any Subscription or non-Subscription items?

7.8.4 Are there any requirements to allocate revenue between items (Subscription and non-
Subscription components, or between Subscription components)?
If yes, please explain.

7.8.5 Describe whether your organization has this process, who is involved and what information
is tracked.
The recognition process begins with the creation of a revenue schedule that is used to generate monthly
revenue recognition journal entries.

7.8.6 Describe whether your organization performs revenue recognition using the procedures
identified in the American Institute of Certified Public Accounts (AICPA) Statement of
Position 97-2 (SOP 97-2) an.
NetSuite provides the ability to use VSOE allocations.

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 92

7.8.7 How often will you be recognizing revenue per day/week/month?

7.8.8 Is there seasonal or peak demand? How much over regular periods?

7.8.9 Vendor Specific Objective Evidence (VSOE) You can track Vendor Specific Objective Evidence (VSOE), which is used to
describe the fair market value of an item sold individually, as opposed to the
assigned sales value of the item sold as a member of a multiple-element bundle. In
the response area below, describe the VSOE scenarios that will be used.

7.9 Manage Finance Charges

7.9.1 How are overdue balances and collections handled?

7.9.2 Is there an annual percentage rate of interest applied to overdue payments? If so, what is

7.9.3 What is the amount of grace period days (if any) applied to overdue balances?

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7.9.4 Are charges assessed based on due date or transaction date of the invoice?

7.9.5 How are collection letters handled? Are they sent in bulk or individually?

7.9.6 Are there existing templates used for collection letters? If so, please describe.

7.10 Manage Customer Deposits

7.10.1 Do you accept/require customer deposits on Sales?

7.11 Manage Customer Payments

Some of these questions may be already answered in section 6.9 if Cash Sales are in scope.

7.11.1 What credit card processors are currently used?

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 94

7.11.2 What is your current merchant account provider, if any?

7.11.3 What payment gateway product is currently in use, if any?

7.11.4 What are the approximate number of credit card transactions per month?

7.11.5 What are the approximate dollar amount of credit card sales per month?

7.11.6 What countries do you have opened merchant account services?

7.11.7 If you will not be using NetSuite credit card processing, will you be managing credit card
authorizations manually?
Who is your current provider?

7.11.8 How often will you be processing payments?

Consider today and the future – how fast is your company growing?

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 95

7.11.9 Is there seasonal or peak demand? How much over regular periods?

7.12 Manage Return Authorizations

7.12.1 What is your current return process?

7.12.2 Are customers responsible for shipping the item back?

7.12.3 Will you apply credits to customer’s accounts?

7.12.4 How often will you be processing return authorizations?

7.12.5 Is there seasonal or peak demand? How much over regular periods?

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7.13 Manage Credit Memos
7.13.1 How often do you issue Credit memos on Customer Accounts?

7.14 Manage Cash Refunds

7.14.1 Do you issue refunds to Customers?

7.15 Manage Usage-based billing

7.15.1 If you have products that charge based on a usage component, please provide the various
plan structures you utilize (i.e. flat rate, rating or pricing using tiers, included usage, etc).

7.15.2 Is historical usage factored in for rating purposes? For example, do you bill for usage
monthly, but use a rolling 12 month aggregate usage to determine the price per unit?

7.15.3 Are there parent/child considerations with usage where the usage should be aggregated
across children to determine the tier at which each child should be rated?

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7.15.4 What units of measurement are tracked for purposes of billing (minutes, emails, GBs,
Is each unit of measure fixed (i.e. seat licenses) or variable throughout the month/quarter/year/given billing

7.16 Manage Subscription Renewals

7.16.1 Are Subscription terms typically perpetual / evergreen, or do they have set terms? Are
terms the same for each item for the life of the subscription, or will they vary?

7.16.2 If terms are leveraged, what is the renewal process? For example, do they auto-renew for
same price and term? Or do they go perpetual? Do they migrate to a new price plan (i.e.
a then current rate)?

7.16.3 Will Opportunities be created as a means to remind the sales rep that they need to
propose the following term’s agreement with the customer?

7.16.4 What happens to the Subscription when a Renewal is rejected?

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7.17 Manage Subscription Upsells & Downsells
7.17.1 Are upsells/downsells permitted within the Subscription period or only upon renewal?

7.17.2 In terms of downsells, should the credit be represented on the Subscription and/or

7.18 Manage Subscription Terminations & Suspensions

7.18.1 Are Subscriptions typically terminated/cancelled at the end of billing period, or on an adhoc

7.18.2 Are temporary suspensions to Subscriptions utilized?

e.g. seasonal business

7.18.3 Are termination penalties applied when termination occurs during a Subscription term?

7.18.4 If a customer has paid for their service / subscription in advance, will they be given credit
upon termination? If so, how is the credit refunded?

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7.19 Manage Subscription Creation and Billing

7.19.1 At what point in the order process should the subscription be created? Upon Approval of
the order? Or at some later point (define the trigger that represents the start date of the

7.19.2 Outside of the customer, start date, items, and price plan information, is there any specific
data that will need to be captured on the Subscription, so that it may in turn be presented
on the Invoice or Cash Sale?

7.19.3 Which subscription components are billed in arrears, and which are billed in advance?

7.19.4 Are advance payments / deposits accepted? If so, are they applied to the initial invoices?

7.19.5 Can customers opt to be charged by Credit Card?

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7.19.6 Please provide examples of current/to-be Subscription invoice printouts/PDF’s expected
from NetSuite.

7.20 Manage AR
7.20.1 Do you accept payments for AR via parent companies?

7.20.2 Do you wish to be warned if the Days Overdue reaches a specific age?
If so, how many days?

7.21 Manage Commissions

7.21.1 Do you require the ability to automate the process of calculating commission amounts,
recording the corresponding journal entries, and issuing payment to employees for

7.21.2 Do you require the use of commission schedules? They can be based on a number of
items individually or in combination (e.g. Sales, Sales Categorized by Segment, Sales
Categorized By Items, Quotas, Quota Attainment and Payout Categorization, Quantity,
Period, and Transaction Totals)

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7.21.3 What methods do you typically use to calculate commissions? NetSuite standard methods
are Flat Rate, Marginal, and Linear.

7.21.4 Do you require the ability to assign multiple commission programs to an employee by way
of Commission Plans made up of one or more Commission Schedules? If so, please

7.21.5 What is the structure of any existing commission-based compensation plans?

a. Criteria
b. Types
c. Approvals
d. Structure of managerial plans

7.21.6 Are partner commissions tracked?

7.21.7 What steps are involved in the payout of commissions?

7.21.8 What reporting metrics are required to assist in managing this area of the business?

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7.21.9 Do you have any relationships with partners that provide customers for you?
Do these partners receive commission or other compensation from your company? If so, how is the
commission calculated?

7.22 Define Reporting Strategy

7.22.1 What type of reports do you currently (and wish to) use throughout your Order to Cash
process? For example: Open Sales Order, Sales Back Order, etc.

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 103

8 Project to Cash - OpenAir
This section documents responses to discovery questions for the composite business flow Project to
Cash. Included in this composite business flow are business processes that focus on the management of
projects, which covers project setup and time entry. Advanced capabilities include the ability to manage
expenses and billings associated to projects.

Figure 9 Composite Business Flow - Project to Cash

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 104

8.1 Manage Projects

Figure 10 Business Process - Manage Projects (1 of 3)

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Figure 11 Business Process - Manage Projects (2 of 3)

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Figure 12 Business Process - Manage Projects (3 of 3)

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8.2 General
8.2.1 Who will have responsibility for administering the OpenAir account?

8.2.2 How many different company schedules are users assigned to (e.g., U.S. vs. Canadian,
part time vs. full time)? What are they?

8.2.3 How is your services group organized (e.g., department, service lines, geography etc.) and
how are users affiliated (e.g., department, service lines, geography etc.)?

8.2.4 Should users only be able to view projects that they are booked-to/assigned-to/or own?
Are there other restrictions on which customers, projects, and other users they should be
able to see?
Within OpenAir, clients can develop filter sets that enable selected users to view only certain customers,
other users, projects, and even time and activity types.

8.2.5 Are there specific "job codes" or positions that you would like to use to classify users (e.g.,
analyst, consultant, associate, manager)? What are they?
In OpenAir, you can use job codes to set loaded user costs, billing rates, and search for available resources.
Job codes should be classifications shared by multiple users, and can be different from an
individual's title.

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8.2.6 How do you determine the billing rates that you charge your customers? Does each
individual have a unique billing rate? Do users with the same job code have the same
billing rates? Do you charge different customers different rates? Does the billing rate
change by activity?

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 109

8.3 Security
8.3.1 How many characters will your passwords be for users? What convention will you use for
the user IDs (e.g. first half of email address, network ID, etc.)?

8.3.2 Will the user's OpenAir session expire after a period of time? If so, how long?

8.3.3 Are passwords case sensitive? Should they be different from the user ID and should this
be enforced? Should it be required to contain both alphabetic and numeric characters?

8.3.4 Should people be allowed to "proxy" or act on the behalf of another within the system?

8.3.5 Should proxies have expiration dates?

8.4 Projects
8.4.1 How do you define a Project? Is there a 1:1 correlation with a statement of work? Can
there be multiple projects per customer? Relatively speaking, are your projects "big and
few" or "small and many"?
Many customers correlate projects 1:1 with contracts (SOWs) signed by customers. This approach ensures
consistency and integrity through reporting. In addition, the system can accommodate elaborate
project plans consisting of phases/tasks, dependencies, and assignments as well as simpler

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 110

8.4.2 Do you define an estimate (targeted budget) for a project?

8.4.3 Do you categorize your projects by type or stage (e.g., internal, pre-sale, active, closed)?
If so, what are the stages?
OpenAir recommends that you define categories you want to group your projects for reporting and
organizational purposes. These groupings often reflect the lifecycle of a project. For example:
internal, templates, pre-sales, active and closed are regularly used project stages

8.4.4 Do you require a task-level breakdown of time reported for a project?

8.4.5 What are the key metrics you use to monitor and manage your projects?

8.4.6 What "internal" projects do you require to capture non-billable time?

8.4.7 Do you want Project Managers to see all time submitted, or only the time associated with
their respective projects? Do you want them to approve time, expenses, and invoices for
their projects?

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8.4.8 Do you want Project Managers to be able to create a new client/project from scratch, or
just be able to edit a project that has been created by someone else?

8.5 Timesheets
8.5.1 What is the duration of your timesheets and when does that period start (e.g. day of

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 112

8.5.2 What information should an employee provide for each entry on their timesheet?
Most clients select a sub-set of options which balance reporting and invoicing needs with user burden. For
example: require customer, project and task reporting, with notes as optional, or Customer and
project reporting with notes required.
Another consideration is: "which information should users be responsible for reporting?" Some clients prefer
to have a project manager or administrator flag tasks or hours as billable or non-billable, or use
project billing rules to automate conventions such as overtime and double-time.

Optiona Require Disabled/unavailabl

l d e

Customer and project

Task (from project WBS)


Whether work is

Time type (e.g., regular

time, overtime)

Estimate of time to

8.5.3 On their timesheet, should users see all projects and tasks or only those tasks that they
are assigned to?

8.5.4 Are timesheets always approved by the same person(s) or does the approver change
depending on what the work is? Is the role of the approver(s) or the process always the
same (e.g., always a project manager then the HR/line manager)?
Approvals in OpenAir can be person specific (all time sheets go to Jim Admin), role specific (all time sheets
go to the project manager) or process specific (all time sheets go to project manager and then line
manager). Approvals can also be over-written at the project level

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 113

8.5.5 For the following hypothetical week, when is time for the month ending Tuesday the 31st
required to be submitted?
Often, companies have specific rules around timing of data submission for month close. In the given
example, they might require time to be submitted by close of business on Wednesday the 1st. In
order to accommodate this requirement, OpenAir offers functionality for users to submit two
timesheets for specified weeks. In this example a user would submit a timesheet on Wednesday for
the first two days of the week and then a second for the last three days. Ultimately this is a question
relating to timing/frequency of your invoicing process.

Monda Tuesda Wednesda Thursda Frida

y y y y y

30th 31st 1st 2nd 3rd

8.5.6 Are there requirements for the number of hours on a timesheet?

8.6 Expenses
8.6.1 Is there a period requirement for expense reports?
From an expense submitter’s perspective, it’s easiest if there isn’t a restriction on when (s)he has to submit
an envelope or the number of envelopes that (s)he can create.

8.6.2 Please provide a list of expense items to appear in OpenAir expense reports.
The default values are:
● Mileage
● Lodging
● Postage
● Airfare
● Entertainment

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 114

● Business meal
● Miscellaneous
● Phone
● Ground Transit

8.6.3 Please specify whether the following attributes are required on expense receipts.


Expense Location:

Expense can be marked as non-


Payment type:


Payroll Type:

8.6.4 Are expenses always approved by the same person(s) or does the approver change
depending on what the work is? Is the process the same as for timesheets?

8.6.5 Are physical receipts required for reimbursement?

OpenAir has functionality for an employee to attach a soft copy of a receipt (e.g. a PDF version of their hotel
bill) to the respective expense envelope. If you will accept the soft copy of the receipt for
reimbursement then this can be a valuable feature for your users

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 115

8.7 Resource Management
8.7.1 How are employees allocated to work on projects? Does a centralized resource manager
book users to projects? Does a project manager assign resources to tasks?
Generally speaking, resources are either assigned on a calendar centric basis (e.g. Bob is working on
Project X for the next 2 days) or they are assigned on a task basis (e.g. Bob will work on Task 1 and
then when that’s done he will work on Task 4). In other words, is work assigned bottom up or top
bottom. In some cases an organization will use both methods of scheduling

8.7.2 On what basis do you typically search for the best resource for a project (e.g., availability,
skills, job code/position, prior industry experience, etc.)?

8.7.3 Do you use different types of "bookings" (e.g., a "soft" booking for pre-sale projects, a
"hard" booking for active projects)?
OpenAir can enable different booking types to reflect different levels of "certainty" or types of projects.

8.7.4 Do project managers typically request resources for a project (i.e. specific individuals or
"generic resources")?

8.8 Invoicing and Billing

8.8.1 Do you plan to send customer-facing invoices from OpenAir?
Even if you don’t plan to send invoices from OpenAir, you many still want to use the Invoicing module for the
purpose of defining billings for respective projects and clients.

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 116

8.8.2 How are projects typically billed (e.g. time and materials, fixed fee, milestone/deliverable)?
Many clients have a dominant billing method but will use other methods from time to time for specific projects
or customers. OpenAir supports most billing approaches and allows companies to duplicate billing
rules from project to project

8.8.3 How do you recognize revenue (e.g. percent complete, as-billed)? Is revenue ever

8.8.4 Do you use a standard invoicing template? Are there multiple templates? If so, what
determines which is used (the customer, the service)?

8.8.5 Do you process invoices all at once or process your customers on one of several cycles
throughout the month (e.g. 10th of the month, 20th of the month, end of the month)?

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 117

9 Project to Cash – Advanced Projects
This section documents responses to discovery questions for the composite business flow Project to
Cash. Included in this composite business flow are business processes that focus on the management of
projects, which covers project setup and time entry. Advanced capabilities include the ability to manage
expenses and billings associated to projects.

Figure 13 Composite Business Flow – Project to Cash

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 118

9.1 Manage Projects

Figure 14 Business Process - Manage Projects (1 of 3)

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Figure 15 Business Process - Manage Projects (2 of 3)

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Figure 16 Business Process - Manage Projects (3 of 3)

9.1.1 Describe the types of projects that your organization creates and tracks.

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 121

9.1.2 Provide a full list of information that you would like to track on the project record.

9.1.3 Will projects be created for each opportunity?

9.1.4 Who will be responsible for ongoing management of the project through the sales

9.1.5 Describe how projects are created, managed and closed within your organization.
Include who is involved and what information is tracked.

9.1.6 How many projects are created per month?

Consider today and the future – how fast is your company growing?

9.1.7 Is there seasonable demand? How much over regular periods?

9.1.8 Do you use Sub-Projects?

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 122

9.1.9 Is schedule or task information tracked on your projects within your organization?

9.1.10 What information is captured about tasks?

9.1.11 Who is responsible for the creation and maintenance of this information?

9.1.12 Do your projects follow a defined set of steps/tasks or is each project unique?

9.1.13 Describe how your organization assigns resources to projects and specific tasks.
Also include any reporting requirements to facilitate this process.

9.1.14 Do you restrict tasks to assigned resources?

9.2 Billing
9.2.1 Please describe the various billing scenarios for your projects.

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 123

9.2.2 How many projects are billed per month?
Consider today and the future – how fast is your company growing?

9.2.3 Do you use Milestone Billing?

9.2.4 Do you use Fixed Bid Billing?

9.2.5 Do you use Time & Material Billing?

9.2.6 Do you use Percentage of Completion Billing?

9.2.7 Who is responsible for defining the billing terms/schedule on a project?

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 124

9.3 Manage Time Entry
9.3.1 What is your current time tracking and utilization process?

9.3.2 Do employees have to book time directly against projects and task?

9.3.3 Do you compare actual time entered to estimated work for each task to provide an
estimate completion percentage?

9.3.4 Who can approve the time entry? Project Managers? Supervisors? Alternate Time

9.3.5 Can project manager only approve time for employees assigned to project they managed?

9.3.6 How do you calculate utilization? Is it generally any customer facing work?

9.3.7 How do you define productive time for a project?

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 125

9.3.8 What is included is exempt time that would reduce total number of hours in the
denominator of utilization and productivity equation?

9.3.9 Is there seasonal or peak demand? How much over regular periods

9.4 Manage Expenses

Employee expense reports record employee expenditures. The following information about expenses can
be tracked and routed for approval in NetSuite: what was purchased, how much was spent, reason for the
purchase and whether it will be billed back to a customer.

9.4.1 Describe the expenses policies of your company, information tracked through this process
and the reimbursement of these expenses.

9.4.2 How do you pay expense reports?

9.4.3 How are expense reports approved?

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 126

9.5 Manage Resource Management
In NetSuite, resources can be assigned to projects and provided with roles. In addition, when a project is
created it can be set so that any resource assigned to a project task will have ‘planned time’ entries
created for them (based on the start date and estimated work of the task combined with the work calendar
of the resource). Planned time can be reported and searched on just like actual time entered for a better
understanding of future resource availability across the organization.

9.5.1 What is your current resource management process?

9.5.2 How do you assign resources to projects and are assigned roles?

9.5.3 Do you track ‘planned times’ (based on start date and estimated work of task combined
with work calendar of the resource) for each resource assign to the project?

9.5.4 Do you do reporting on planned time against a project?

9.6 Manage Project Revenue Forecasting

9.6.1 Do you require revenue forecasts to be created and associated to projects? If so, please

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 127

9.7 Manage Consultants

9.7.1 Does your organization engage with partners to perform services? If so, please explain.

9.8 Define Reporting Strategy

9.8.1 What type of reports do you require for your reporting processes?

9.8.2 What type of custom searches do you require for your reporting processes?

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 128

10 Call to Resolution
This section documents responses to discovery questions for the composite business flow Call to
Resolution. Included in this composite business flow is the support process.

Figure 17 Composite Business Flow – Call to Resolution

10.1 Define Support Strategy

10.1.1 The above process flow shows how a typical Call to Resolution process takes place in
NetSuite. What does a typical Call to Resolution process look like in your organization?

10.1.2 What is the overall structure of your support organization including channels and roles?

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 129

10.1.3 Who is responsible for case management tracking, resolution and customer satisfaction?

10.1.4 What type of support plans do you offer to your customers? (e.g. time-specific support
contracts, number of incidents, or a block of hours)

10.1.5 How will the support information be tracked and captured in NetSuite? Will you use Case
forms or will you use custom fields on the Customer record?

10.1.6 What is your current time tracking process for your support organization?

10.1.7 What is your current billing process for support activities?

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 130

10.1.8 Do you require the support team to keep track of time spent on cases?

10.1.9 Do you bill customers for actual time spent working on cases?

10.1.10 What is the overall structure of your support organization including channels and

10.2 Analyze Support Performance

10.2.1 What are the dashboard requirements for the Support Manager role within your
organization that will require customization of the standard dashboard?

10.2.2 Who within your organization will require access to this dashboard?

10.2.3 What are the dashboard requirements for the Support person role within your organization
that will require customization of the standard dashboard?

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 131

10.2.4 Who within your organization will require access to this dashboard?

10.2.5 What are the dashboard requirements for the Product Manager's role within your
organization that will require customization of the standard dashboard?

10.2.6 Who within your organization will require access to this dashboard?

10.3 Manage Topics

10.3.1 Do you keep a repository of support topics to help with case resolution?

10.3.2 Who or what group is responsible for maintaining these topics?

10.4 Manage Knowledge Base

10.4.1 Does your support organization maintain a knowledge base for information about the
products you offer?
What information will be setup in NetSuite?

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 132

10.5 Manage Solutions
10.5.1 Do you have a solution library to provide quick replies to recurring issues?

10.6 Manage Cases

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 133

10.6.1 NetSuite cases can be created through email case capture, manually or with an online
form. How do you capture cases?

10.6.2 What is your process for assigning/grabbing cases?

Your response should address what criteria are used in the assignment and process (manual, automated).

10.6.3 What is your process to manage and escalate cases within your organization, including
information on the templates used for responding, escalation processes, and final
resolution steps?

10.6.4 What entities (end users, resellers, prospects) are allowed to create cases and any details
related to support entitlement?

10.6.5 Does your company intend to use this functionality for reporting purposes?
NetSuite provides the ability to track time against cases.

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 134

10.6.6 Do you use an internal help desk to respond to questions/issues from employees?
Explain the nature of issues that will be logged and the process used to manage and resolve them.

10.6.7 How many cases are received per day/week/month?

Consider today and the future – how fast is your company growing?

10.6.8 Is there seasonal or peak demand? How much over regular periods

10.7 Manage Issues

10.7.1 Who in your organization will be responsible for the initial creation of an Issue?
As an example, when a case contains a bug that needs to be fixed, a Customer Support Representative can
create an Issue and attach the appropriate case to it.

10.7.2 What types of data are required to be tracked for an issue?

For example, what are the types of issues that are recorded, sources that they come from, how they are
reproduced, etc.

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 135

10.7.3 How do you use issue management within your organization?
Issues are typically used to track bugs coming from reported cases or to track new development

10.7.4 How does your organization determine Severity and/or Priority?

Are both types of classifications used or only one? Examples of Severities are: Blocker, Critical, Major,
Normal, Minor, and Trivial. Examples of Priorities are: Urgent, Must Have, High.

10.7.5 How issues are assigned to resources?

10.7.6 What are the different steps involved as an issue moves through the development

10.8 Manage Time Entry

10.8.1 What parameters are used to define utilization for support staff who enter time?

10.8.2 How is time booked "approved"?

10.8.3 How many employees enter time?

Consider today and the future – how fast is your company growing?

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 136

10.8.4 Is there seasonal or peak demand? How much over regular periods

10.9 Define Reporting Strategy

10.9.1 What type of reports do you currently (and wish to) use in the area of Support? For
example: Closed Case Analysis Summary, Open Case Analysis, etc.

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 137

11 Hire to Pay
This section documents responses to discovery questions for the composite business flow Hire to Pay.
The questions included focus on setting up a company’s workforce, which at the core contains activities
around defining the employee master along with the compensation strategy.

Figure 18 Composite Business Flow – Hire to Pay

11.1 Analyze Workforce Performance

11.1.1 Do you have any specific requirements for reporting apart from the existing standard
reports in NetSuite?
Standard Reports are:
a. Payroll Check Register
b. Payroll Liability
c. Payroll Journal
d. Payroll Summary by Employee
e. Payroll Summary by Item
f. Payroll Detail
g. Hours and Earnings
h. State Withholdings
i. Quarterly Federal Tax Return (Form 941)
j. Annual Federal Unemployment (Form 940)
k. Form W-2
l. Form W-3
m. Time by Employee
n. Time by Payroll Item

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 138

11.2 Define Compensation Strategy
11.2.1 What date do you plan to go live with payroll?

11.2.2 Do you run separate pay roll out of multiple subsidiaries?

11.2.3 Do any of the States you have employees/locations in have Local Taxes?
If so, how many Local Tax Jurisdictions apply?

11.2.4 How do you allocate your payroll expenses?

11.2.5 What is your pay frequency?

(Weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly, etc.)

11.2.6 Do you want to pay employees by check or direct deposit, or both?

How many of each?

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 139

11.2.7 Do you pay commissions to employees?

11.2.8 What sort of earnings, benefits and deductions do you have? Please explain.
a. Salary
b. Hourly
c. Overtime – at what rate?
d. Vacation time
e. Sick/personal time
f. Commissions
g. Bonus
h. Other earnings
i. Employee deductions (List all current deductions)
j. Employer contributions / benefits (List any contributions and benefits)

11.2.9 Please name the agencies (tax, insurance companies, etc) you have relationships with.
E.g.: FICA, FUTA, State Departments of Revenue, etc.

11.2.10 Are you currently utilizing a full service payroll or do you manage payroll in-house?

11.2.11 What payroll system are you currently using, if any?

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 140

11.3 Manage Workforce
11.3.1 Describe the employee/subsidiary relationships you will create with your employees.
Each employee will be assigned to a subsidiary. The employee will only be able to access information
associated with this subsidiary.

11.3.2 Do you have any specific information that you track for your employees that must be
included in NetSuite?

11.3.3 Do all employees require access to NetSuite?

11.3.4 Do you require a supervisor / subordinate reporting hierarchy?

11.3.5 How many employees are on the payroll?

Consider today and the future – how fast is your company growing?

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 141

11.3.6 Are the employees salaried, hourly or both?

11.3.7 Can you please describe the various users and roles that will use the payroll feature?

11.3.8 Are there any contractual employees?

If so, how many?

11.3.9 Are employees required to fill out timesheets?

Approximately how many?

11.3.10 Do you plan to use the time feature in NetSuite?

11.3.11 How many payroll items do you presently have?

i.e., 401(k), State Withholding Taxes, etc.

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 142

11.3.12 How many locations does your company operate from?
Please specify the states?

11.3.13 Where do your employees work?

(i.e., main office, multiple offices, home, or remote offices in other states)

11.3.14 At how many employee tax jurisdictions do you have staff operating in?

11.3.15 How often will employee data be updated and by what means?
Consider today and the future – how fast is your company growing?

11.4 Define Reporting Strategy

11.4.1 What type of reports do you currently (and wish to) use in the area of Incentive
Compensation? For example: Commissions Pending Authorization Summary/Detail,
Partner Commissions Pending Authorization Summary/Detail, etc.

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 143

11.4.2 Do you have any custom reports that need to be created to report on incentive

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 144

12 Web to Order
In the NetSuite model, the items that are sold on the Web Store become the backbone of your site.
Campaigns generated within NetSuite become your engine for driving leads to your Web Site. The site
customizations within the product provide you a means of branding the site, allowing you to continue a
sense of continuity from your existing web site. Items once again play an important factor in the Content
and Catalog of the store. Upon adding items to the shopping cart and moving through checkout, the store
will allow your customers to register and provide order fulfillment details. Once the order has been placed,
post sales support is administered through the Customer Center. The following diagram represents the
typical Composite Business Flow related to Web to Order, providing an outline of how the E-commerce
process becomes an extension of Lead to Order and Order to Cash:

Figure 19 Composite Business Flow – Web to Order

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 145

Figure 20 Composite Business Flow – Web to Order – My Account

12.1 Ecommerce Strategy

12.1.1 Do you currently have a web presence?
If so, what is the URL?

12.1.2 How does your web site promote your company and how do customers use your website?

12.1.3 Is there any functionality that you feel is missing from your existing web presence set up?
If so, please explain.

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 146

12.1.4 How will you and your customers be using your web presence in the future?
(i.e., information, sales, both?)

12.1.5 Should all customers receive the same access to your website?

12.1.6 Is your website password protected?

(i.e., login is required for access)

12.1.7 What reporting metrics do you need to help you manage this area of the business?

12.1.8 Who is your current DNS (Domain Name Service) provider?

12.1.9 What domains will be used for your web presence?

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 147

12.1.10 What tools or programs have you used to obtain the look and feel of your existing
website/web store?

12.1.11 What entities do you expect to use Intranet functionality for?

For those entities that you specify, what specific information would you post?

12.1.12 How will your information be categorized?

(i.e., HR, Sales Tools, Q&A, Engineering, etc.)

12.1.13 Would you like to publish an employee list?

If so, what roles will have access to the employee list? Will you include photos?

12.1.14 What information will you post publicly on your website?

12.1.15 What information would you like your customers to search on?

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 148

12.1.16 Who will be developing your website? NetSuite SuiteCommerce, a third party or

12.2 Item Requirements

12.2.1 What type of items do you wish to include in your Web Store? Available Item Types within
NetSuite include the following:

Inventory Items

Non-Inventory Items

Download Items

Service Items

12.2.2 Are your items categorized on the website? How many?

Please provide examples.

12.2.3 What item attributes are displayed on the website?

12.2.4 How many items will be sold on your website?

Consider today and the future – how fast is your company growing?

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 149

12.2.5 Do the number of items sold on your website increase seasonally? If so, how much over
regular periods?

12.2.6 Will you be selling gift certificates online?

12.2.7 Would you like your customers to search for items based on specific criteria?

12.3 Order Requirements

12.3.1 Do you use eBay Integration?

12.3.2 Do you allow your customers to check out using terms (i.e. invoice me later) or do you
force customers to pay up front?

12.3.3 On the average, how many items are added to an order?

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 150

12.3.4 Is there seasonal or peak demand? If so, how much over regular periods?
Do you have a peak daily rate? Is there a peak hourly rate?

12.3.5 Will we need to consider web store orders when creating Subscriptions?
If so, is there a separate price list maintained for online orders?

12.3.6 Are there any self-service requirements for customers to manage their Subscriptions (e.g.
process renewal by themselves, terminate, etc)?
If so, please describe.

12.4 Shopping Cart and Checkout Requirements

12.4.1 Do you require the customer to register before processing checkout?

Customers may provide only their shipping and billing details (anonymous), you may require the customer to
sign up for an account which allows them to login (password required) or customers may optionally
provide a password to login again in the future to purchase.

12.4.2 What payment methods do you accept online?

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 151

12.4.3 Do you allow customers to redeem purchased gift certificates online?
(only NetSuite gift certificates are currently accepted)

12.4.4 Do you maintain separate online pricing from your catalogue pricing?

12.4.5 Is there a particular checkout domain you wish to use?

● [subdomain].checkout.netsuite.com
● [subdomain].securedcheckout.com
● [subdomain].onlinecheckout.com
● [subdomain].webstorecheckout.com
● [subdomain].suitecheckout.com
● A custom secure domain – an SSL certificate will be required

12.4.6 How many page views per day will be processed through your store?
Consider today and the future – how fast is your company growing?

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 152

12.4.7 How many transactions per day will be processed through your store?
Consider today and the future – how fast is your company growing?

12.4.8 Is there seasonal or peak demand? If so, how much over regular periods?
Do you have a peak daily rate? Is there a peak hourly rate?

12.5 Manage Domains and Redirects

12.5.1 Will you use the default NetSuite hosted domain or use your own domain name for the
online shopping web site? If you will use your own, please list the domain here.

12.5.2 Will you use the default NetSuite secured domain pages or use your own custom secure
domain for Web Store checkout, Account pages, and other secured pages? If you will use
your own, please list the respective domains here.

12.5.3 Will you use a 301 redirect in NetSuite to direct visitors from deprecated Web pages to the
correct pages on your web site?

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 153

12.6 Web Presence Reporting

12.6.1 What type of reports do you currently (and wish to) use in the area of Web Presence? For
example: The Page Hits, Page Hits by Category, etc.

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 154

13 Not-for-Profit
This section is for NFP customers only. Please delete this section for non-NFP customers.

13.1 Entities
13.1.1 Donor/Grantor /Customer Who are the entities from which you receive grants and donations? Are there company and individual donors? Do you track household accounts? Are there pledges placed by an individual family member that is being paid by
the household account? Do you categorize Donors/Grantors, if yes, what are the categories? Do you track employee giving?

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 155 Do you track donor relationships? What information is being tracked? Do you have customers who buy products that you sell? What are your sales channels? Are these Cash Sales or based on terms?

13.1.2 Grantee/Contractors/Suppliers (Vendors) Do you have a process of screening grantees?

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 156 Do you have an approval process? Is this approval process going to be handled in NetSuite? What is the relevant information that you want to track in grantees? Do you have contractors who execute projects/programs funded by your

organization? Do you categorize vendors? If yes, what are the categories?

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 157

13.2 Revenue Source
13.2.1 Grants Do you receive grants? From which entities? What is your process for acquiring grants? Do you need to track the status of grants request?

13.2.2 Donations Do you receive Donations? How do you capture potential donors (leads and prospects)?

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 158 Are there campaigns, follow up emails or calls to leads? What are the channels and payment methods in which you receive
donations? Do you also receive cash donations? How do you record this transaction?

13.2.3 Pledges Do you receive pledges from donors? How does a donor communicate their willingness to give a pledge? Are there
written contracts required to enforce an obligation?

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 159 Do you account for both written and verbal pledges? What are the payment terms? What is the recurrence of payment? Do you send a reminder (in the form of a letter or invoice) to the donor every
time a periodic pledge is due?

13.2.4 Other Revenue Sources Are there items that you sell for profit? Are these sales transactions taxable?

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 160

13.3 Accounting for Funds
13.3.1 Are there restrictions to Net Assets? How are these accounted for?

13.3.2 Is there a requirement to balance out funds? Please specify the accounting entries to
balance-out funds.

13.3.3 What fund reports are required?

1.2 Accounting for Expenses

13.3.4 Are there expenses allocated to different departments every period?

13.3.5 What is the allocation basis? Equally?Based on metrics that change every period?

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 161

13.3.6 Aside from Project/Program related expenses mentioned above, what is the nature of your
organization’s spending?

13.4 Program/Project Tracking

13.4.1 Projects/Programs What are projects? What are programs? What are the transactions related to programs/projects?

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 162 Are there KPIs that measure the success of a program/project? How are projects being tracked? What are the attributes of a project record (or fields that you need)? Is there any project being funded by multiple donors/grantors?

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 163

13.4.2 Project Team Who are the project team? Are they employees or vendors? Will there be multiple members in a project team?

13.4.3 Project Expenses and Time Accounting How are project/program related expenses being tracked? How are expenses recorded in the system? Please narrate the process.

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 164 Are there expenses billed directly to a grantor? Is there an expense approval policy? Please provide us with your approval matrix. Do you track time spent on these projects? Is time spent on these projects billed to the donors/grantors?

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 165 Please provide us with sample reports pertaining to Projects/programs

13.5 Fundraising and Development

13.5.1 Does your organization have a Fundraising / Development team?

13.5.2 What are their roles and activities?

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 166

14 Other Activities
14.1.1 A saved search is a reusable search definition, that can have many advanced search
filters and results display options. What are your saved search requirements? Please list.

14.1.2 Do the standard saved searches satisfy your business needs or do you require custom
saved searches?

14.1.3 Do you require the option to save email threads, calendar meetings, tasks, and other
Outlook items into NetSuite and are associated to the relationship records in NetSuite?

14.1.4 Which roles will use this Outlook integration?

14.1.5 Below are the entity records that can be imported into NetSuite via the CSV tool. Please
indicate which records you will need imported into NetSuite using CSV files.
● Chart of Accounts
● Employees
● Vendors
● Leads, Prospects, Customers
● Projects
● Partners

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 167

● Contacts
● Issues
● Items
● Topics, Solutions
● Budgets
● Journals
● Custom Records
● Usage Notes
● Opportunities
● Estimates (Quotes)
● Sales Orders

14.1.6 Will you use the CSV import tool to import only entity records in your current system or
also to import future/new entities (customers, leads, prospects, contact, etc)?

14.1.7 Do you print mailing and shipping labels for your customers, vendors, partners,
employees, or contact? If yes, what is your current mail and shipping label printing

14.1.8 Do you use label layouts that match the layout format for Avery 5160 or Avery 5260?

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 168

14.1.9 Mass update functionality can be used for updates on a variety of record types and fields
in NetSuite. Do you require the option to mass update the following record types and
● Sales Force Automation
● Contact Management
● Activities
● Files
● Group Records
● Customer Support and Service
● Opportunities
● Marketing
● Items

14.1.10 Do you require alerts to be sent on important business data including Key
Performance Indicators, Events, Tasks and Dashboard portlets? Please explain.

14.1.11 Do certain roles require alerts when records are updated? For example, sales rep
can receive email and alert when one of the rep’s customer records is updated.

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 169

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 170
15 Role Configuration
15.1.1 Do you have roles that require access to specific subsidiaries only? If so, please list the
roles and subsidiaries.

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 171

16 Data Migration
16.1.1 Please list the types and approximate number of records that you plan to migrate from
your current system. Please include transaction records (e.g. orders, journal entries) as
well as master data (e.g. customers, contacts)
Record Type Transaction / Master Data? Approx. Number of Records

16.1.2 Will historical data be migrated?

16.1.3 If you are currently using Quick Books, what is the approximate size of the file that you
wish to bring into NetSuite?

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 172

16.1.4 What will your import schedule look like? (i.e. one import at the start, one at the end, or
just one at the start with manual entry of interim data)

16.1.5 Do you anticipate any specific items that need to be re-configured before or after imports?

16.1.6 Please provide the desired list data that you wish to import into NetSuite. (for example:
Chart of Accounts, Employees, Customers, Vendors, Items, etc.)

16.1.7 Please provide the desired transactional data that you wish to import into NetSuite. (for
example: General Ledger Balances, Open Accounts Receivable, Open Accounts Payable,
Deferred Revenue, etc.)

16.1.8 What is your desired import strategy? Please include the following:

When will the imports take place? (i.e. 2 weeks before go live)
How long will the imports take? (rule of thumb is 1 second per record; 3600 per hour)
In what environment will the imports take place? (for example: Live, Sandbox)
Are there specific data dependencies during import? This will affect the order of how data is imported.

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 173

16.2 Subscription Data Migration
16.2.1 Where are the Subscriptions, Invoices and Usage currently tracked, and how will the data
be migrated to NetSuite? Any integration plans/requirements?

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 174

16.2.2 Will historical (inactive) Subscriptions be imported?

16.2.3 Please fill out the table below.

Statistic Today Planned Planned Planned
In 3 Years In 5 Years


# of Customers? (Active, not


# of Partners (Active)?

# of Renewals? (Auto-Renewal)

# of Plans? (unique types)

# of Renewals? (% of Active cust.)

# of New Renewals per month?


# of New Orders per month?

# of Invoices a month?

# of Line Items on an Invoice?

# of Unique Invoice Types?

# of Add-ons / Upsells to Renewals

per month?

# of Edits / Downgrades to Renewals

per month?

# of Cancelled Renewals per month?

USAGE (if Any)

# of Units of Measure
(GB, CPM, etc.)

# of Usage Rows per month?

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 175

Summary or Detail?

Average # of Tiers per Plan?

© NetSuite 2014. www.netsuite.com Business Process Questionnaire (BPQ) 176

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