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P Failure to obtain a response from MMDA, he sent a formal

XII • DE CASTRO V. CARLOS, G.R. NO. 194994, 16 APRIL 2013 demand for his reinstatement to the Office of the President.
Principle: However, President Benigno Aquino III appointed respondent as
1. In a quo warranto proceeding, the person suing must the new AGMO of the MMDA. Hence, this petition.
show that he has a clear right to the office allegedly held
unlawfully by another. Absent a showing of that right, Petitioner’s contentiom:
the lack of qualification or eligibility of the supposed Petitioner contends that Section 2(3), Article IX(B) of the 1987
usurper is immaterial. Constitution guarantees the security of tenure of employees in
the civil service. He further argues that his appointment as AGMO
2. A petition for quo warranto is a proceeding to is not covered by OP Memorandum Circular No. 2, since it is not a
determine the right of a person to use or exercise a CES position as determined by the CESB.
franchise or an office and to oust the holder from the
enjoyment, thereof, if the claim is not well-founded, or if Respondent’s contention:
his right to enjoy the privilege has been forfeited. Where Respondent posits that the AGMO position belongs to the CES;
the action is filed by a private person, in his own name, thus, in order to have security of tenure, petitioner, must be a
he must prove that he is entitled to the controverted Career Executive Service official (CESO). Respondent maintains
position, otherwise, respondent has a right to the that the function of an AGM is executive and managerial in
undisturbed possession of the office. nature. Thus, considering that petitioner is a non-CESO occupying
a CES position, he is covered by OP Memorandum Circular Nos. 1
Facts: and 2. Respondent likewise raises the issue of procedural
Sometime on July 29, 2009, then President Gloria Macapagal infirmity in the direct recourse to the Supreme Court by
Arroyo appointed Emmanuel A. de Castro (Petitioner) as petitioner, who thereby failed to adhere to the doctrine of
Assistant General Manager for Operations (AGMO) of the hierarchy of courts.
Metropolitan Development Authority (MMDA). His appointment
was concurred by the members of MMDA and was able to Issue:
thereafter take his oath. Can a person without a clear right to the office allegedly held
unlawfully by another file a quo warranto proceeding?
Meanwhile, on July 29, 2010, Executive Secretary Paquito Ochoa
issued Office of the President (OP) Memorandum Circular No. 2 Held:
series of 2010, amending OP Memorandum Circular No. 1, series No.
of 2010 stating among others that:
In a quo warranto proceeding, the person suing must show that
2. All non-Career Executive Service Officials (non-CESO) occupying he has a clear right to the office allegedly held unlawfully by
Career Executive Service (CES) positions in all agencies of the another. Absent a showing of that right, the lack of qualification
executive branch shall remain in office and continue to perform or eligibility of the supposed usurper is immaterial.
their duties and discharge their responsibility until October 31,
2010 or until their resignations have been accepted and/or until The Petition must still be dismissed for lack of merit. "A petition
their respective replacements have been appointed or designated, for quo warranto is a proceeding to determine the right of a
whichever comes first, unless they are reappointed in the person to use or exercise a franchise or an office and to oust the
meantime. holder from the enjoyment, thereof, if the claim is not well-
founded, or if his right to enjoy the privilege has been forfeited."
On the basis of the order, Atty. Francis Tolentino, chairman of Where the action is filed by a private person, in his own name, he
MMDA, issued an office order designating a certain Corazon Cruz must prove that he is entitled to the controverted position,
as OIC of the Office of the AGMO thereby reassigning Petitioner to otherwise, respondent has a right to the undisturbed possession
Legal and Legislative Affairs Office, Office of the General Manager. of the office.
As a result, petitioner was stricken off the MMDA payroll, and he
was no longer paid his salary beginning November 2010. The controversy arose from the issuance of OP Memorandum
Circular Nos. 1 and 2, which applies to all non-CESO’s occupying
Aggrieved, petitioner sought a clarification from the Career CES positions in all agencies of the executive branch. Petitioner,
Executive Board (CESB) as to the proper classification of the being a non-CESO, avers that he is not covered by these OP
position of AGMO. The then Executive Director, opined that the memoranda considering that the AGMO of the MMDA is a non-
said position had not yet been classified and could not be CES position.
considered as belonging to the Career Executive Service (CES)
and that Petitioner was not covered by OP Memorandum In order to settle the controversy, there is a need to determine
Circulars 1 and 2. the nature of the contentious position of AGMO of the MMDA.

Petitioner was later offered the position of Direct IV of MMDA Evidently, an AGMO should possess all the qualifications required
Public Health and Safety Services and/or MMDA Consultant but by third-level career service within the CES. In this case,
petitioner declined. He then sent a letter to the AGM demanding petitioner does not have the required eligibility. Therefore, we
payment of his salary and reinstatement in the monthly payroll. find that his appointment to the position of AGMO was merely

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And so petitioner filed a petition for Quo Warranto against

Petitioner undisputedly lacked CES eligibility. Thus, he did not Limkaichong before the HRET. Petitioner asserted that
hold the position of AGMO in a permanent capacity or acquire Limkaichong was a Chinese citizen and ineligible for the office
security of tenure in that position. Otherwise stated, his she was elected and proclaimed. Petitioner asserted that
appointment was temporary and "co-terminus with the Limkaichong was a Chinese citizen and ineligible for the office
appointing authority." In Carillo v. CA, this Court ruled that "one she was elected and proclaimed. They alleged that she was born
who holds a temporary appointment has no fixed tenure of office; to a father (Julio Sy), whose naturalization had not attained
his employment can be terminated at the pleasure of the finality, and to a mother who acquired the Chinese citizenship of
appointing power, there being no need to show that the Julio Sy from the time of her marriage to the latter. Also, he
termination is for cause." Therefore, we find no violation of invoked the jurisdiction of the HRET for a determination of
security of tenure when petitioner was replaced by respondent Limkaichongs citizenship, which necessarily included an inquiry
upon the latter’s appointment to the position of AGMO by into the validity of the naturalization certificate of Julio Sy.
President Aquino.
For her defense, Limkaichong maintained that she is a natural-
All appointments to positions which have not been previously born Filipino citizen. She averred that the acquisition of
classified as part of the CES would be deemed co-terminus with Philippine citizenship by her father was regular and in order and
the appointing authority. (Emphasis supplied) had already attained the status of res judicata. Further, she
claimed that the validity of such citizenship could not be assailed
Therefore, considering that petitioner is an appointee of then through a collateral attack.
President Arroyo whose term ended on 30 June 2010,
petitioner’s term of office was also deemed terminated upon the However, petitioner Vilando argued that the quo warranto
assumption of President Aquino. petition does not operate as a collateral attack on the citizenship
of Limkaichongs father as the certificate of naturalization is null
Likewise, it is inconsequential that petitioner was allegedly and void from the beginning. He further asserted that as an
replaced by another non-CESO eligible. In a quo warranto incident in determining the eligibility of Limkaichong, the HRET,
proceeding, the person suing must show that he has a clear right having the plenary, absolute and exclusive jurisdiction to
to the office allegedly held unlawfully by another. Absent a determine her qualifications, can pass upon the efficacy of the
showing of that right, the lack of qualification or eligibility of the certificate of naturalization.
supposed usurper is immaterial.
The Office of the Solicitor General in siding with the HRET wrote
All the foregoing considered, the petition merits an outright that a collateral attack against a judgment is generally not
dismissal for disregarding the hierarchy of courts and allowed, unless the judgment is void upon its face or its nullity is
petitioner’s lack of cause of action against respondent for failure apparent by virtue of its own recitals.Thus, relying on the
to sufficiently show that he has undisturbed rights to the position presumptionn of validity of the naturalization of private
of AGMO of the MMDA. respondent Limkaichong's father - Julio Sy - the HRET dismissed
the petition and declared Limkaichong not disqualified as
VILANDO V. HRET, G.R. NO. 192147, 23 AUGUST 2011 Member of the House of Representatives grounded on
SURRALTA petitioner's failur to satisfy the quantum of proof to sustain their
theory that respondent is not a natural-born Filipino citizen.
Principle: Petitioner sought reconsideration of the aforesaid decision, but it
was denied by the HRET.
"The power of the HRET, no matter how complete and exclusive,
does not carry with it the authority to delve into the legality of ISSUE:
the judgment of naturalization which is raised as issue in the
petition for quo warranto. To rule otherwise would operate as a Can the Congress pass upon the validity of the naturalization
collateral attack on the judgment of citizenship which, is not proceeding raised as issue in the petition for quo warranto?
VILANDO vs. HRET, G.R. Nos. 192147-49, Aug. 23, 2011
The Court ruled, the HRET has jurisdiction over quo warranto
Petitoner Vilando and private respondent Limkaichiong were petitions, specifically over cases challenging ineligibility on the
candidates for Congressman. Petioner filed a disqualification case ground of lack of citizenship. No less than the 1987 Constitution
before the Comelec against respondent questioning her vests the HRET the authority to be the sole judge of all contests
citizenship. In the meanwhile, respondent was proclaimed as the relating to the election, returns and qualifications of its Members.
duly elected Congressman and thereby assumed office. The
disqualification case filed against her by petitioner Vilando was
Time and again, this Court has acknowledged this sole and
dismissed by the Comelec and directed the latter to seek relief
exclusive jurisdiction of the HRET.The power granted to HRET by
before the HRET by way of a petition for Quo Warranto.
the Constitution is intended to be as complete and unimpaired as
if it had remained originally in the legislature. Such power is
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regarded as full, clear and complete and excludes the exercise of The power of the HRET, no matter how complete and exclusive,
any authority on the part of this Court that would in any wise does not carry with it the authority to delve into the legality of
restrict it or curtail it or even affect the same. the judgment of naturalization which is raised as issue in the
petition for quo warranto. To rule otherwise would operate as a
Such power of the HRET, no matter how complete and exclusive, collateral attack on the judgment of citizenship which, is not
does not carry with it the authority to delve into the legality of permissible.
the judgment of naturalization in the pursuit of disqualifying
Limkaichong. To rule otherwise would operate as a collateral TOPACIO V. ONG, GR NO. 179895, DECEMBER 18, 2008
attack on the citizenship of the father which, as already stated, is BITANGJOL
not permissible. Principle:
For a quo warranto petition to be successful, the private
Evidently, there is no basis to oblige the Tribunal to reopen the person suing must show a clear right to the contested office. In
naturalization proceedings for a determination of the citizenship fact, not even a mere preferential right to be appointed thereto
of the ascendant of respondent. A petition for quo warranto is not can lend a modicum of legal ground to proceed with the action.
a means to achieve that purpose. To rule on this issue in this quo In the instance in which the Petition for Quo Warranto
warranto proceeding will not only be a clear grave abuse of is filed by an individual in his own name, he must be able to
discretion amounting to a lack or excess of jurisdiction, but also a prove that he is entitled to the controverted public office,
blatant violation of due process on the part of the persons who position, or franchise; otherwise, the holder of the same has a
will be affected or who are not parties in this case. right to the undisturbed possession thereof.
Long digest:
Well-settled is the principle that the judgments of the HRET are Facts:
beyond judicial interference. The only instance where this Court Ferdinand Topacio (petitioner) via the present petition
may intervene in the exercise of its so-called extraordinary for certiorari and prohibition seeks, in the main, to prevent
jurisdiction is upon a determination that the decision or Justice Gregory Ong (Ong) from further exercising the powers,
resolution of the HRET was rendered without or in excess of its duties and responsibilities of a Sandiganbayan Associate Justice.
jurisdiction, or with grave abuse of discretion or upon a clear
showing of such arbitrary and improvident use of its power to On July 9, 2007, Ong immediately filed with the
constitute a denial of due process of law, or upon a Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Pasig City a Petition for the
demonstration of a very clear unmitigated error, manifestly “amendment/ correction/ supplementation or annotation of an
constituting such grave abuse of discretion that there has to be a entry in [his] Certificate of Birth,” docketed as S.P. Proc No.
remedy for such abuse. In this case, there is no showing of any 11767-SJ, “Gregory Santos Ong v. The Civil Registrar of San Juan,
such arbitrariness or improvidence. The HRET acted well within Metro Manila, et al.”
the sphere of its power when it dismissed the quo warranto Meanwhile, petitioner, by verified Letter-
petition. Request/Complaint of September 5, 2007, implored respondent
Office of the Solicitor General (OSG) to initiate post-haste a quo
warranto proceeding against Ong in the latter’s capacity as an
incumbent Associate Justice of the Sandiganbayan. Invoking
paragraph 1, Section 7, Article VIII of the Constitution in
Vilando vs. HRET conjunction with the Court’s Decision in Kilosbayan Foundation
v. Ermita, petitioner points out that natural-born citizenship is
Petitioner Karingking filed a petition for quo warranto before the also a qualification for appointment as member of the
HRET questioning the citizenship of respondent Winjalingling. Sandiganbayan and that Ong has failed to meet the citizenship
Petitioner argued that respondent father 's naturalization from requirement from the time of his appointment as such in October
Chinese to Filipino was null and void as it was attended by 1998.
irregularities and thus, this being the case, respondent
Winjalingling is not a Filipino. Petitioner urged the HRET to look The OSG, by letter of September 25, 2007, informed
upon the validity of the naturalization proceeding of resondent's petitioner that it “cannot favorably act on [his] request for the
father. Respondent countered that the HRET has no power to filing of a quo warranto petition until the [RTC] case shall have
delve into that issue as it would tantamount to collateral attack been terminated with finality.” Petitioner assails this position of
on the citizenship of his father; and further argued that a direct the OSG as being tainted with grave abuse of discretion, aside
action for attacking the validity of her father's citizenship should from Ong’s continuous discharge of judicial functions.
be filed instead of a petition for quo warranto. But petitioner
Karingking contended that the HRET, having the plenary, Hence, this petition, positing that:
absolute and exclusive jurisdiction to determine her
qualifications, can pass upon the efficacy of the naturalization. IN OCTOBER OF 1998, RESPONDENT WAS NOT DULY-
Is petitioner Karingking correct? SECTION 7, OF THE 1987 CONSTITUTION, TO BE APPOINTED AN

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CERTIFICATE INDICATED THAT RESPONDENT IS A CHINESE the discharge of its task, the Solicitor General must see to it that
CITIZEN AND BECAUSE, AS OF OCTOBER 1998, THE RECORDS the best interest of the government is upheld within the limits set
A NATURALIZED FILIPINO CITIZEN. In the exercise of sound discretion, the Solicitor General
Petitioner thus contends that Ong should immediately may suspend or turn down the institution of an action for quo
desist from holding the position of Associate Justice of the warranto where there are just and valid reasons.
Sandiganbayan since he is disqualified on the basis of citizenship, Upon receipt of a case certified to him, the Solicitor
whether gauged from his birth certificate which indicates him to General exercises his discretion in the management of the case.
be a Chinese citizen or against his bar records bearing out his He may start the prosecution of the case by filing the appropriate
status as a naturalized Filipino citizen, as declared in Kilosbayan action in court or he may opt not to file the case at all. He may do
Foundation v. Ermita. everything within his legal authority but always conformably
with the national interest and the policy of the government on
Ong, on the other hand, states that Kilosbayan the matter at hand.
Foundation v. Ermita did not annul or declare null his It appears that after studying the case, the Solicitor
appointment as Justice of the Supreme Court, but merely General saw the folly of re-litigating the same issue of Ong’s
enjoined him from accepting his appointment, and that there is citizenship in the quo warranto case simultaneously with the RTC
no definitive pronouncement therein that he is not a natural-born case, not to mention the consequent risk of forum-shopping. In
Filipino. He informs that he, nonetheless, voluntarily any event, the OSG did not totally write finis to the issue as it
relinquished the appointment to the Supreme Court out of merely advised petitioner to await the outcome of the RTC case.
judicial statesmanship.[9]
Petitioner cannot file a Quo Warranto.
By Manifestation and Motion to Dismiss of January 3,
2008, Ong informs that the RTC, by Decision of October 24, 2007, By petitioner’s admission, what is at issue is Ong’s title
already granted his petition and recognized him as a natural- to the office of Associate Justice of Sandiganbayan. He claims to
born citizen. The Decision having, to him, become final,[10]he have been constrained to file the present petition after the OSG
caused the corresponding annotation thereof on his Certificate of refused to heed his request to institute a suit for quo warranto.
Birth.[11] Averring that Ong is disqualified to be a member of any lower
collegiate court, petitioner specifically prays that, after
Invoking the curative provisions of the 1987 appropriate proceedings, the Court:
Constitution, Ong explains that his status as a natural-born
citizen inheres from birth and the legal effect of such recognition . . . issue the writs of certiorari and prohibition against
retroacts to the time of his birth. Respondent Ong, ordering Respondent Ong to cease and desist
from further exercising the powers, duties, and responsibilities of
Ong thus concludes that in view of the RTC decision, a Justice of the Sandiganbayan due to violation of the first
there is no more legal or factual basis for the present petition, or sentence of paragraph 1, Section 7, of the 1987 Constitution; . . .
at the very least this petition must await the final disposition of issue the writs of certiorari and prohibition against Respondent
the RTC case which to him involves a prejudicial issue. Ong and declare that he was disqualified from being appointed to
the post of Associate Justice of the Sandiganbayan in October of
Issue: 1998, considering that, as of October of 1998, the birth certificate
1. Whether or not the OSG committed grave abuse of of Respondent Ong declared that he is a Chinese citizen, while
discretion in deferring the filing of a petition for quo even the records of this Honorable Court, as of October of 1998,
warranto. declared that Respondent Ong is a naturalized Filipino.
2. Whether or not the petitioner (who did not show any While denominated as a petition for certiorari and
clear right to the contested office of the respondent) can prohibition, the petition partakes of the nature of a quo warranto
file a petition for quo warranto. proceeding with respect to Ong, for it effectively seeks to declare
Ruling: null and void his appointment as an Associate Justice of the
The OSG did not commit grave abuse of discretion. Sandiganbayan for being unconstitutional.
Grave abuse of discretion implies such capricious and Being a collateral attack on a public officer’s title, the
whimsical exercise of judgment as is equivalent to lack of present petition for certiorari and prohibition must be dismissed.
jurisdiction, or, in other words, where the power is exercised in
an arbitrary or despotic manner by reason of passion or personal The title to a public office may not be contested except
hostility, and it must be so patent and gross as to amount to an directly, by quo warranto proceedings; and it cannot be assailed
evasion of positive duty or to a virtual refusal to perform the duty collaterally, even through mandamus or a motion to annul or set
enjoined or to act at all in contemplation of law. aside order.
The Court appreciates no abuse of discretion, much less, A quo warranto proceeding is the proper legal remedy
a grave one, on the part of the OSG in deferring action on the to determine the right or title to the contested public office and to
filing of a quo warranto case until after the RTC case has been oust the holder from its enjoyment.[33] It is brought against the
terminated with finality. A decision is not deemed tainted with person who is alleged to have usurped, intruded into, or
grave abuse of discretion simply because the affected party unlawfully held or exercised the public office,[34] and may be
disagrees with it. commenced by the Solicitor General or a public prosecutor, as the
The Solicitor General is the counsel of the government, case may be, or by any person claiming to be entitled to the
its agencies and instrumentalities, and its officials or agents. In

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public office or position usurped or unlawfully held or exercised trace his title to the same source. This follows from the nature of
by another. the writ of quo warranto itself. It is never directed to an officer as
Nothing is more settled than the principle, which goes such, but always against the person.
back to the 1905 case of Acosta v. Flor, reiterated in the recent
2008 case of Feliciano v. Villasin, that for a quo warranto petition Facts:
to be successful, the private person suing must show a clear right On March 1, 1988, Mendoza was appointed Customs Service Chief
to the contested office. In fact, not even a mere preferential right of the Customs Intelligence and Investigation Service (CIIS). In
to be appointed thereto can lend a modicum of legal ground to 1989, the position of Customs Service Chief was reclassified by
proceed with the action. the Civil Service as "Director III" in accordance with Republic Act
No. 6758 and National Compensation Circular No. 50. Petitioner's
In the present case, petitioner presented no sufficient position was thus categorized as "Director III, CIIS" and he
proof of a clear and indubitable franchise to the office of an discharged the function and duties of said office.
Associate Justice of the Sandiganbayan. He in fact concedes that On April 22, 1993, petitioner was temporarily designated as
he was never entitled to assume the office of an Associate Justice Acting District Collector, Collection District X, Cagayan de Oro
of the Sandiganbayan.[39] City. In his place, respondent Ray Allas was appointed as "Acting
Director III" of the CIIS. Despite petitioner's new assignment as
In the instance in which the Petition for Quo Warranto Acting District Collector, however, he continued to receive the
is filed by an individual in his own name, he must be able to salary and benefits of the position of Director III.
prove that he is entitled to the controverted public office, In September 1994, petitioner received a letter from Deputy
position, or franchise; otherwise, the holder of the same has a Customs Commissioner Cesar Z. Dario, informing him of his
right to the undisturbed possession thereof. In actions for Quo termination from the Bureau of Customs, in view of respondent
Warranto to determine title to a public office, the complaint, to be Allas' appointment as Director III by President Fidel V. Ramos.
sufficient in form, must show that the plaintiff is entitled to the On December 2, 1994, petitioner filed a petition for quo warranto
office. In Garcia v. Perez, this Court ruled that the person against respondent Allas before the Regional Trial Court,
instituting Quo Warranto proceedings on his own behalf, under Paranaque, Branch 258.The case was tried and on September 11,
Section 5, Rule 66 of the Rules of Court, must aver and be able to 1995, a decision was rendered granting the petition.
show that he is entitled to the office in dispute. Without such Respondent Allas appealed to the Court of Appeals. On February
averment or evidence of such right, the action may be dismissed 8, 1996, while the case was pending before said court,
at any stage. respondent Allas was promoted by President Ramos to the
position of Deputy Commissioner of Customs for Assessment and
The rightful authority of a judge, in the full exercise of Operations. As a consequence of this promotion, petitioner
his public judicial functions, cannot be questioned by any merely moved to dismiss respondent's appeal as having been rendered
private suitor, or by any other, except in the form especially moot and academic. The Court of Appeals granted the motion and
provided by law.To uphold such action would encourage every dismissed the case accordingly. The order of dismissal became
disgruntled citizen to resort to the courts, thereby causing final and entry of judgment was made on March 19, 1996.
incalculable mischief and hindrance to the efficient operation of On May 9, 1996, petitioner filed with the court a quo a Motion for
the governmental machine. Execution of its decision. On July 24, 1996, the court denied the
Short Digest: motion on the ground that the contested position vacated by
Petitioner (Topacio) filed petition certiorari and respondent Allas was now being occupied by respondent
prohibition, in the main, to prevent Justice Gregory Ong (Ong) Godofredo Olores who was not a party to the quo warranto
from further exercising the powers, duties and responsibilities of petition.
a Sandiganbayan Associate Justice, alleging that Ong is not a
natural born Filipino citizen. ISSUE:
On July 9, 2007, Ong immediately filed with the WON the court can executed the judgement eventhough Olores
Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Pasig City a Petition for the was not a party to the quo warranto petition?
“amendment/ correction/ supplementation or annotation of an
entry in [his] Certificate of Birth,” which the same court ruled and RULING:
recognized on October 24, 2007 that Ong is a natural born No.
Filipino citizen. A judgment in quo warranto does not bind the respondent's
Petitioner implored (OSG) to initiate post-haste a quo successor in office, even though such successor may trace his title
warranto proceeding against Ong in the latter’s capacity as an to the same source. This follows from the nature of the writ of
incumbent Associate Justice of the Sandiganbayan. The OSG quo warranto itself. It is never directed to an officer as such, but
deferred from filing the petition because of the pending case of always against the person-- to determine whether he is
Ong in the RTC regarding his citizenship. constitutionally and legally authorized to perform any act in, or
Hence, petitioner filed a certiorari and prohibition exercise any function of the office to which he lays claim.In the
against the OSG and Ong. case at bar, the petition for quo warranto was filed by petitioner
solely against respondent Allas. What was threshed out before
MENDOZA V. ALLAS, G.R. NO. 131977, FEBRUARY 4, 1999 the trial court was the qualification and right of petitioner to the
GIME contested position as against respondent Ray Allas, not against
Godofredo Olores. The Court of Appeals did not err in denying
PRINCIPLE: A judgment in quo warranto does not bind the execution of the trial court's decision.
respondent's successor in office, even though such successor may

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Court Branch 23, Naga City which under A.M. No. 00-11-03-SC
BAR EXAM: has been designated as special court to try and decide intra-
X files a quo warranto proceeding against Y. The trial court corporate controversies under R.A. 8799. xxx The scheduled
granted the petition of X and ordered Y to vacate the position. Y hearing on the prayer for temporary restraining order and
filed for appeal. Pending such appeal Y was appointed into preliminary injunction set on July 18, 2005 is hereby
another posistion. Z was appointed in the vacated posistion of Y. cancelled.For reasons of comity the issue of whether Quo
Can X execute the judgement against Z eventhough he is not a Warranto is the proper remedy is better left to the court of
party to the quo warranto? competent jurisdiction to rule upon."
Petitioners no longer moved for reconsideration of the foregoing
ANSWER: Order and, instead, immediately elevated the case to this Court
NO. via a petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45 of the 1997
The nature of the writ of quo warranto itself. It is never directed Rules of Civil Procedure.
to an officer as such, but always against the person.
HELD: It should be noted that allegations in a complaint for quo
DAMASEN V. TUMAMAO, G.R. NO. 173165, FEBRUARY 17, warranto that certain persons usurped the offices, powers and
2010 ESPARAGOZA functions of duly elected members of the board, trustees and/or
officers make out a case for an intra-corporate controversy. Prior
CALLEJA V. PANDAY, G.R. NO. 168696, FEBRUARY 28, 2006 to the enactment of R.A. No. 8799, the Court, adopting Justice Jose
GUANTERO Y. Feria’s view, declared in Unilongo v. Court of Appeals that
Section 1, Rule 66 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure is “limited
FACTS: Respondents filed a petition with the RTC of San Jose, to actions of quo warranto against persons who usurp a public
Camarines Sur for quo warranto with Damages and Prayer for office, position or franchise; public officers who forfeit their
Mandatory and Prohibitory Injunction, Damages and Issuance of office; and associations which act as corporations without being
Temporary Restraining Order against herein legally incorporated,” while “[a]ctions of quo warranto against
petitioners. Respondents alleged that from 1985 up to the filing corporations, or against persons who usurp an office in a
of the petition with the trial court, they had been members of the corporation, fall under the jurisdiction of the Securities and
board of directors and officers of St. John Hospital, Incorporated, Exchange Commission and are governed by its rules. (P.D. No.
but sometime in May 2005, petitioners, who are also among the 902-A as amended).”
incorporators and stockholders of said corporation, forcibly and
with the aid of armed men usurped the powers which supposedly However, R.A. No. 8799 was passed and Section 5.2 thereof
belonged to respondents. provides as follows:

RTC-Br. 58 issued an Order transferring the case to the RTC in 5.2. The Commission’s jurisdiction over all cases enumerated
Naga City. According to RTC-Br. 58, since the verified petition under Section 5 of Presidential Decree No. 902-A is hereby
showed petitioners therein (herein respondents) to be residents transferred to the Courts of general jurisdiction or the
of Naga City, then pursuant to Section 7, Rule 66 of the 1997 appropriate Regional Trial Court: Provided, That the Supreme
Rules of Civil Procedure, the action for quo warranto should be Court in the exercise of its authority may designate the Regional
brought in the RTC exercising jurisdiction over the territorial area Trial Court branches that shall exercise jurisdiction over these
where the respondents or any of the respondents cases. Xxx
resides. However, the Executive Judge of RTC, Naga City refused
to receive the case folder of the subject case for quo warranto, Therefore, actions of quo warranto against persons who usurp an
stating that improper venue is not a ground for transferring a quo office in a corporation, which were formerly cognizable by the
warranto case to another administrative jurisdiction. Securities and Exchange Commission under PD 902-A, have been
The RTC-Br. 58 then proceeded to issue and serve summons transferred to the courts of general jurisdiction. But, this does
on herein petitioners (respondents below). Petitioner Tabora not change the fact that Rule 66 of the 1997 Rules of Civil
filed his Answer, raising therein the affirmative defenses of (1) Procedure does not apply to quo warranto cases against persons
improper venue, (2) lack of jurisdiction, and (3) wrong remedy of who usurp an office in a private corporation. Presently, Section
quo warranto. Thereafter, the other petitioners also filed their 1(a) of Rule 66 reads thus:
Answer, also raising the same affirmative defenses. All the parties Section 1. Action by Government against individuals. – An action
were then required to submit their respective memoranda. for the usurpation of a public office, position or franchise may be
RTC-Br. 58 issued the assailed Order: "xxx xxx commenced by a verified petition brought in the name of the
Under Section 8, of the Interim Rules, [a] Motion to Dismiss is Republic of the Philippines against
among the prohibited pleadings. On the otherhand, the Supreme (a) A person who usurps, intrudes into, or unlawfully holds or
Court under Administrative Order 8-01 has directed the transfer exercises a public office, position or franchise;
from the regular courts to the branches of the Regional Trial xxxx
Courts specially designated to try and decide intra-corporate
dispute. xxx The Motion to Dismiss is DENIED pursuant to the As explained in the Unilongocase, Section 1(a) of Rule 66 of the
Interim Rules of Procedure for Intra-Corporate Controversies present Rules no longer contains the phrase “or an office in a
(A.M. No. 01-2-04-SC) which mandates that motion to dismiss is a corporation created by authority of law” which was found in the
prohibited pleading (Section 8) and in consonance with old Rules. Clearly, the present Rule 66 only applies to actions
Administrative Order 8-01 of the Supreme Court dated March 1, of quo warranto against persons who usurp a public office,
2001, this case is hereby ordered remanded to the Regional Trial position or franchise; public officers who forfeit their office;

It’s not a PROVREM 2015  6


and associations which act as corporations without being being one for quo warranto it should be filed within one year
legally incorporated despite the passage of R.A. No. 8799. It from plaintiff's ouster from office; that nevertheless, plaintiff was
is, therefore, The Interim Rules of Procedure Governing Intra- not illegally removed from her position as Executive Secretary in
Corporate Controversies Under R.A. No. 8799 which applies to The Society since plaintiff was holding an appointment at the
the petition for quo warranto filed by respondents before the trial pleasure of the appointing power and hence temporary.
court since what is being questioned is the authority of herein
petitioners to assume the office and act as the board of directors Issues:
and officers of St. John Hospital, Incorporated. 1. Whether or not the present case is one for quo warranto and
the one-year period to file the action has prescribed.
The next question then is, which branch of the Regional Trial 2. Whether or not petitioner was illegally removed and thus
Court has jurisdiction over the present action for quo entitled to damages.
warrato? Section 5 of the Interim Rules provides that the petition
should be commenced and tried in the Regional Trial Court that Ruling:
has jurisdiction over the principal office of the corporation. It is 1. No.
undisputed that the principal office of the corporation is situated The purpose of an action or suit and the law to govern it,
at Goa, Camarines Sur. Thus, pursuant to A.M. No. 00-11-03-SC including the period of prescription, is to be determined not by
and A.M. No. 03-03-03-SC, it is the Regional Trial Court the claim of the party filing the action, made in his argument or
designated as Special Commercial Courts in Camarines Sur brief, but rather by the complaint itself, its allegations and prayer
which shall have jurisdiction over the petition for quo warranto for relief.
filed by herein respondents.
In this case, while it is true that the complaint questions
Evidently, the RTC-Br. 58 in San Jose, Camarines Sur is bereft of petitioner's removal from the position of Executive Secretary and
jurisdiction over respondents’ petition for quo warranto. Based seeks her reinstatement thereto, the nature of the suit is not
on the allegations in the petition, the case was clearly one necessarily one of quo warranto. The nature of the instant suit is
involving an intra-corporate dispute. The trial court should have one involving a violation of the rights of the plaintiff under the
been aware that under R.A. No. 8799 and the aforementioned By-Laws of the Society, the Civil Code and the Constitution, which
administrative issuances of this Court, RTC-Br. 58 was never allegedly renders the individuals responsible therefore,
designated as a Special Commercial Court; hence, it was never accountable for damages, as may be gleaned from the allegations
vested with jurisdiction over cases previously cognizable by the in the complaint as constituting the plaintiff's causes of action.
SEC. Corollarily, the one-year period fixed in Section 16, Rule 66 of the
Revised Rules of Court within which a petition for quo
The petition is GIVEN DUE COURSE and GRANTED. The Order of warranto should be filed, counted from the date of ouster, does
the Regional Trial Court of San Jose, Camarines Sur dated July 13, not apply to the case at bar.
2005 is SET ASIDE for being NULL and VOID. The petition for 2. No.
quo warranto in Civil Case No. T-1007 (now re-docketed as SEC The action is primarily against the Society and the past members
Case No. RTC 2005-0001), entitled “Jose Pierre A. Panday, et al. v. of the Board who are responsible for her removal. Where the
Sps. Joaquin M. Calleja, Jr., et al.” is ordered DISMISSED. respondents, except for Romulo, are not actually holding the
office in question, the suit could not be one for quo warranto.
MADRIGAL V. LECAROZ, G.R. NO. L-46218, OCTOBER 23, 1990 The absence of a fixed term in the letter addressed to petitioner
BRAGAT informing her of her appointment as Executive Secretary is very
significant. This could have no other implication than that
PARDO DE TAVERA V. PHIL. TUBERCULOSIS SOCIETY, GR. NO. petitioner held an appointment at the pleasure of the appointing
L-48928, FEBRUARY 25, 1982 ROLLAN power.
Petitioner cannot likewise seek relief from the general provisions
Principle: The purpose of an action or suit and the law to govern of the New Civil Code on Human Relations nor from the
it, including the period of prescription, is to be determined not by fundamental principles of the New Constitution on preservation
the claim of the party filing the action, made in his argument or of human dignity. While these provisions present some basic
brief, but rather by the complaint itself, its allegations and prayer principles that are to be observed for the rightful relationship
for relief. between human beings and the stability of social order, these are
Facts: Plaintiff is a doctor of Medicine by profession and a merely guides for human conduct in the absence of specific legal
recognized specialist in the treatment of tuberculosis. She is a provisions and definite contractual stipulations. In the case at
member of the Board of Directors of the defendant Society, in bar, the Code of By-Laws of the Society contains a specific
representation of the PCSO. She was duly appointed as Executive provision governing the term of office of petitioner. The same
Secretary of the Society. On May 29, 1974, the past Board of necessarily limits her rights under the New Civil Code and the
Directors removed her summarily from her position, the lawful New Constitution upon acceptance of the appointment.
cause of which she was not informed, through the simple
expedient of declaring her position vacant. Defendant Romulo PPSTA V. APOSTOL, G.R. NO. L-36966, FEBRUARY 28, 1974
was appointed to the position and defendants Pardo, Nubla, 11/13 GOMBA
Garcia and Adil, not being members of defendant Society were
elevated as members of the Board of Directors. Not being LIBAN V. GORDON, G.R. NO. 175352 SITOY
qualified, petitioner alleged said acts to be null and void. The
court a quo rendered a decision holding that the present suit

It’s not a PROVREM 2015  7


SANTIAGO V. GUINGONA, G.R. NO. 134577, NOVEMBER 18, allegedly usurped or unlawfully held by the respondent. 58 In
1998 PAGAPONG this case, petitioners present no sufficient proof of a clear and
indubitable franchise to the office of the Senate minority leader.
Doctrines: As discussed earlier, the specific norms or standards that may be
• In order for a quo warranto proceeding to be successful, the used in determining who may lawfully occupy the disputed
person suing must show that he or she has a clear right to the position has not been laid down by the Constitution, the statutes,
contested office or to use or exercise the functions of the office or the Senate itself in which the power has been vested. Absent
allegedly usurped or unlawfully held by the respondent. any clear-cut guideline, in no way can it be said that illegality or
irregularity tainted Respondent Guingona's assumption and
• In the regular course, the regional trial courts and this Court exercise of the powers of the office of Senate minority leader.
have concurrent jurisdiction to hear and decide petitions for quo Furthermore, no grave abuse of discretion has been shown to
warranto (as well as certiorari, prohibition and mandamus), and characterize any of his specific acts as minority leader.
a basic deference to the hierarchy of courts impels a filing of such
petitions in the lower tribunals. 2 However, for special and Bar Exam type:
important reasons or for exceptional and compelling
circumstances, as in the present case, this Court has allowed Senator Pogi loss the bid for the majority leadership against
exceptions to this doctrine. 3 In fact, original petitions for senator Tanda, thus he manifested that being a losing party he
certiorari, prohibition, mandamus and quo warranto assailing must be automatically the minority leader. However, senator
acts of legislative officers like the Senate President 4 and the Sexy manifested that his party, the Lakas-Napolis party
Speaker of the House 5 have been recognized as exceptions to composing of just 7 senators should be the minority and thereby
this rule. elected Senator Acosta. Senator Pogi protested and filed a qou
warranto alleging that senator Pogi has usurped the office.
Facts: Decide the plunder case against the senators.
On the first session of the eleventh Congress, Sen. Fernan was
declared the duly elected President of the Senate against Sen. CAMID V. OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT, G.R. NO. 161414,
Tatad, by a vote of 20 to 2. JANUARY 17, 2005 DACUA

Senator Tatad manifested that, with the agreement of Senator LONG DIGEST:
Santiago (allegedly the only other member of the minority), he
was assuming the position of minority leader. FACTS:
He explained that those who had voted for Senator Fernan The municipality of Andong, Lanao del Sur, is a town that is not
comprised the majority, while only those who had voted for him, supposed to exist yet is actually insisted by some as alive and
belonged to the minority. thriving. The creation of the putative municipality was declared
void ab initio by the Supreme Court four decades ago, but the
Subsequently however, Senator Flavier manifested that the present petition insists that Andong thrives on and, hence, it’s
senators belonging to the Lakas-NUCD-UMDP Party (7 senators) legal personality should be given judicial affirmation.
are the minority and had chosen Senator Guingona as the
minority leader. The factual antecedents derive from the ruling in Pelaez
vs.Auditor General in 1965. Then President Diosdado Macapagal
issued several Executive Orders creating 33 municipalities in
By virtue of the letter indorsed by the 7 senators (Lakas-NUCD)
the Senate President formally recognized Senator Guingona as
the minority leader of the Senate.
President Macapagal justified the creation of these municipalities
citing his powers underSec.68 of the Revised Admin. Code. Then
Senators Santiago and Tatad filed a petition for quo warranto, VP Emmanuel Pelaez filed a special civil action for a writ of
alleging that Senator Guingona had been usurping, unlawfully prohibition alleging that the EOs were null and void, Sec. 68
holding and exercising the position of Senate minority leader, a having been repealed by RA 2370, and said orders constituting an
position that, in their view, rightfully belonged to Senator Tatad. undue delegation of legislative power.

After due deliberation, the SC ruled that the challenged EOs were
Issue: null and void since Sec. 68 of the Revised Admin. Code did not
WON the person suing ( Tatay Tatad) has a clear right to the meet the well-settled requirements for a valid delegation of
contested office or to use or exercise the functions of the office legislative power to the executive branch.
allegedly usurped or unlawfully held by the respondent (Manong
Gingona). Among the EOs annulled was EO 107 which created the
Municipality of Andong.

Ruling: NO! Petitioner represents himself as a current resident of Andong and

alleged that Andong “has metamorphosed into a full-blown
In order for a quo warranto proceeding to be successful, the municipality with a complete set of officials appointed to handle
person suing must show that he or she has a clear right to the essential services for the municipality and its constituents,”
contested office or to use or exercise the functions of the office despite the fact that no person has been appointed, elected or
It’s not a PROVREM 2015  8

qualified to serve any of the local government offices of Andong elaborate why Andong does not exist as a duly
since 1968. constituted municipality.

Camid imputed grave abuse of discretion on the part of DILG “in Pelaez and its offspring cases ruled that the President
not classifying [Andong] as a regular existing municipality and in has no power to create municipalities yet limited it’s
not including said municipality in its records and official database nullificatory effects to the particular municipalities
as [an] existing regular municipality”. He argues that Pelaez has challenged in actual cases before this Court. With the
already been modified by supervening events consisting of promulgation of the LGC in 1991, the legal cloud was
subsequent laws and jurisprudence, particularly citing lifted over the municipalities similarly created by
Municipality of San Narciso v. Hon. Mendez wherein the court executive order but not judicially annulled – Sec. 442(b)
affirmed the unique status of the Municipality of San Andres as a of the LGC deemed curative whatever legal defects to
“de facto municipal corporation”. Camid also cites Sec. 442(d) of title these municipalities had labored under.
the Local Government Code of 1991 as basis for the recognition
of the impugned municipality. There are eminent differences between Andong and
municipalities such as San Andres, Alicia and Sinacaban.
ISSUE: Most prominent is the fact that the EO creating Andong
1. Whether a municipality whose creation by executive fiat was expressly annulled by the SC in 1965. Court
was previously voided by this Court may attain decisions cannot lose their efficacy due to sheer
recognition in the absence of any curative or defiance by the parties aggrieved.
reimplementing statute.
2. Jurisprudential basis regarding quo warranto invoked Sec. 442(d) of the LGC does not serve to
in this case. affirm/reconstitute the judicially dissolved
RULING: municipalities which had been previously created by
1. Municipal corporations may exist by prescription where presidential issuances/EOs. The provision only affirms
it is shown that the community has claimed and the legal personalities of those municipalities which
exercised corporate functions with the knowledge and may have been created using the same infirm legal
acquiescence of the legislature, and without basis, yet were fortunate enough not to have been
interruption or objection for period long enough to judicially annulled. On the other hand, the
afford title by prescription. What is clearly essential is a municipalities judicially dissolved remain inexistent
factual demonstration of the continuous exercise by the unless recreated through specific legislative
municipal corporation of its corporate powers, as well enactments.
as the acquiescence thereto by instrumentalities of the
state. Camid’s plaint should have undergone the usual The legal effect of the nullification of a municipality in
administrative gauntlet and, once that was done, should Pelaez was to revert the constituent barrios of the
have been filed first with the Court of Appeals, which at voided town back to their original municipalities.
least would have had the power to make the necessary
factual determinations. Petitioner’s seeming ignorance If there is only a strong impulse for the reconstitution of
of the principles of exhaustion of administrative the municipality nullified in Pelaez, the solution is
remedies and hierarchy of courts, as well as the through the legislature and not judicial confirmation of
concomitant prematurity of the present petition, cannot void title. The time has come for the light to seep in and
be countenanced. for the petitioner and like-minded persons to awaken to
legal reality.
The question as to whether a municipality previously
annulled by the Supreme Court may attain recognition 2. In the 1969 case of Municipality of Malabang v. Benito
in the absence of any curative/reimplementing statute what was challenged is the validity of the constitution of
has never been decided before. The effect of Sec. 442(d) the Municipality of Balabagan in Lanao del Sur, also
of the Local Government Code on municipalities such as created by an executive order, and which, similar to
Andong warrants explanation. Lawigan, was not one of the municipalities annulled
in Pelaez. This time, the officials of Balabagan
EO 107 which established Andong was declared “null invoked de facto status as a municipal corporation in
and void ab initio in 1965 by the Supreme Court order to dissuade the Court from nullifying action. They
in Pelaez vs. Auditor General, 15 SCRA 569 (1965), alleged that its status as a de facto corporation cannot
along with 33 other EOs. The phrase ”ab initio“ means be collaterally attacked but should be inquired into
“from the beginning”. Pelaez was never reversed by the directly in an action for quo warranto at the instance of
SC but was rather expressly affirmed in the cases the State, and not by a private individual as it was in
of Municipality of San Joaquin v. Siva, Municipality of that case. In response, the Court conceded that an
Malabang v. Benito, and Municipality of Kapalong v. inquiry into the legal existence of a municipality is
Moya. No subsequent ruling declared Pelaez as reserved to the State in a proceeding for quo warranto,
overturned/inoperative. No subsequent legislation has but only if the municipal corporation is
been passed since 1965 creating the Municipality of a de facto corporation.
Andong. Given these facts, there is hardly any reason to

It’s not a PROVREM 2015  9


Under Rule 66, of the Rules of Court, a quo government officer and not of the dismissed employee. Based on
warranto suit against a corporation for forfeiture of its her allegations, the action is one for quo warranto which
charter must be commenced within five (5) years from prescribes after 1 year from the ouster. She claims that the action
the time the act complained of was done or committed. is one for separation from service without just cause with a
prescriptive period of 4 years under Article 1146 of the Civil
SHORT DIGEST: Code and that there is no claim of usurpation. This cannot be
Then President Diosdado Macapagal issued several Executive upheld because her separation from service was due to the
Orders creating 33 municipalities in Mindanao. abolition of her office in implementation of a valid
reorganization. This is not the unjustifiable cause whichresults in
After due deliberation, the SC ruled that the challenged EOs were injury to the rights of a person contemplated by Article 1146.
null and void since Sec. 68 of the Revised Admin. Code did not
meet the well-settled requirements for a valid delegation of Vigilantibus, non dormientibus, jura subveniunt (Laws
legislative power to the executive branch. come to the assistance of the vigilant, not of the sleeping).

Among the EOs annulled was EO 107 which created the Restoring petitioner to her previous position with
Municipality of Andong. backwages would be unjust enrichment to her, considering that
she had abandoned or showed lack of interest in reclaiming the
Petitioner contended that the Municipality of Andong is a de facto same position when the bank was not yet fully rehabilitated and
Municipal Corporation and should be afforded with great respect she only insisted on reinstatement in August 1989 or two (2)
as to its existence being created by an executed fiat. years after her alleged unjustified separation.
Is the petitioner correct?
Principle: The special civil action of quo warranto is a prerogative writ by
A person claiming to be entitled to a public office or which the Government can call upon any person to show by what
position usurped or unlawfully held or exercised by another may warrant he holds a public office or exercises a public franchise.
bring an action for quo warranto (Rule 66, Sec. 6, Rules of Court). Quo warranto is specifically available as a remedy if it is thought
that a government corporation has offended against its corporate
charter or misused its franchise. The determination of the right to
FACTS: the exercise of a franchise, or whether the right to enjoy such
Conchita Romualdez-Yap started working with the PNB privilege has been forfeited by non-user, is more properly the
as special assistant with the rank of Second Assistant Manager subject of the prerogative writ of quo warranto, the right to
assigned to the office of the PNB President. After several assert which, as a rule, belongs to the State ‘upon complaint or
promotions, she was appointed as Senior Vice President assigned otherwise,’ the reason being that the abuse of a franchise is a
to the Fund Transfer Department. She was separated from work public wrong and not a private injury.”
pursuant to the reorganization plan of PNB. Petitioner contends
that there is an existence of bad faith in its reorganization and FACTS:
that there is an erroneous application of the one year CBS and PBS (C/PBS), two of the three networks that operate
prescriptive period for quo warranto proceedings in her case. “BomboRadyo Philippines”, operate radio broadcasting services
by virtue of their legislative franchises (RA 7477 and 7582).
ISSUE: Under the RAs, there is common provision, aimed towards the
Whether or not the 1 year prescriptive period for quo “constitutional mandate to democratize ownership of public
warranto proceedings should apply in this case utilities”, that C/PBS should offer 30% of its common stocks to
the public. Following these laws, National Telecommunication
HELD: Commission thus granted Provisional Authorities to C/PBS.
The prayer in the petition at bar seeks petitioner's Divinagracia then filed 2 complaints against C/PBS, alleging that
immediate reinstatement to her former position as senior vice he was the owner of 12% of the shares of stock” of C/PBS
president and head of the Fund Transfer Department, or separately, and that both stations failed to make the 30% public
reappointment to a position of comparable or equivalent rank offering of their stocks as mandated by the RAs. For this failure,
without loss of seniority rights and pay, etc., under the bank's he prayed to cancel the Provisional Authorities granted to C/PBS
new staffing pattern. as well as in its legislative franchises. NTC dismissed, saying it
was not competent to render a ruling on that issue, that the
An action for quo warranto should be brought within complaint was a collateral attack on the legislative franchises of
one (1) year after ouster from office. The failure to institute the C/PBS, and that the same is more properly the subject of an
same within the reglementary period constitutes more than a action for quo warranto to be commenced by the Solicitor
sufficient basis for its dismissal, since it is not proper that the title General in the name of the Republic of the Philippines, pursuant
to a public office be subjected to continue with uncertainty. An to Rule 66 of the Rules of Court. The Court of Appeals affirmed.
exception to this prescriptive period lies only if the failure to file
the action can be attributed to the acts of a responsible

It’s not a PROVREM 2015  10


Divinagracia counters that NTC has the power to cancel towards the orderly exercise by franchisees of the
Provisional Authorities and CPCs, or in effect, the power to cancel rights granted them by Congress.
the licenses that allow broadcast stations to operate. 2. There is in fact a more appropriate, more narrowly-
tailored and least restrictive remedy that is afforded by
ISSUE: the law for DIVINAGRACIA, which is quo warranto
1. Wether or not NTC has the authority to cancel under Rule 64 . The special civil action of quo warranto
Provisional Authorities and Certificates of Public is a prerogative writ by which the Government can call
Convenience it issued to legislative franchise-holders. upon any person to show by what warrant he holds a
2. Whether or not a quo warranto is a more appropriate public office or exercises a public franchise. A forfeiture
remedy? – YES! of a franchise will have to be declared in a direct
HELD: proceeding for the purpose brought by the State
1. E.O. No. 546 establishing the National because a franchise is granted by law and its unlawful
Telecommunications Commission provides no explicit exercise is primarily a concern of Government.
basis to assert that the NTC has the power to cancel the Quo warranto is specifically available as a remedy if it is
licenses or CPCs it has duly issued. The Court will be thought that a government corporation has offended
unable to rely on an unequivocally current and extant against its corporate charter or misused its franchise.
provision of law that justifies the NTC’s power to cancel The determination of the right to the exercise of a
CPCs. franchise, or whether the right to enjoy such privilege
has been forfeited by non-user, is more properly the
Licenses issued by the NTC such as CPCs and subject of the prerogative writ of quo warranto, the
provisional authorities are junior to the legislative right to assert which, as a rule, belongs to the State
franchise enacted by Congress. The licensing authority ‘upon complaint or otherwise,’ the reason being that the
of the NTC is not on equal footing with the franchising abuse of a franchise is a public wrong and not a private
authority of the State through Congress. The issuance of injury.”
licenses by the NTC implements the legislative DIVINAGRACIA argues that since their prayer involves
franchises established by Congress. NTC cannot, the cancellation of the provisional authority and CPCs,
without clear and proper delegation by Congress, and not the legislative franchise, then quo warranto fails
prevent the exercise of a legislative franchise by as a remedy. This is without merit, as the authority of
withholding or canceling the licenses of the franchisee. the franchisee to engage in broadcast operations is
And the role of the courts, through quo warranto derived in the legislative mandate. To cancel the
proceedings, neatly complements the traditional provisional authority or the CPC is, in effect, to cancel
separation of powers that come to bear in our analysis. the franchise or otherwise prevent its exercise. What
DIVINAGRACIA’s theory that NTC has the presumed could happen is that if the courts conclude that private
authority to cancel licenses and CPCs issued to due respondents have violated the terms of their franchise
holders of legislative franchise to engage in and thus issue the writs of quo warranto against them,
broadcast operations would violate the separation then the NTC is obliged to cancel any existing licenses
of powers. and CPCs since these permits draw strength from the
possession of a valid franchise.
The complexities of our dual franchise/license regime
for broadcast media should be understood within the Short Digest:
context of separation of powers. The right of a FACTS:
particular entity to broadcast over the airwaves is Petitioner filed 2 complaints against CBS and PBS, alleging that
established by law —i.e., the legislative franchise — and both stations failed to make the 30% public offering of their
determined by Congress, the branch of government stocks as mandated by the RAs. For this failure, he prayed NTC to
tasked with the creation of rights and obligations. As cancel the Provisional Authorities granted to C/PBS as well as in
with all other laws passed by Congress, the function of its legislative franchises.
the executive branch of government, to which the NTC
belongs, is the implementation of the law. In broad RULING:
theory, the legal obligation of the NTC once Congress Petitioner’s theory that NTC has the presumed authority to
has established a legislative franchise for a broadcast cancel licenses and CPCs issued to due holders of legislative
media station is to facilitate the operation by the franchiseto engage in broadcast operations would violate the
franchisee of its broadcast stations. However, since the separation of powers. (NTC is under executive department but
public administration of the airwaves is a requisite for its licensing power is delegated by Congress of legislative power)
the operation of a franchise and is moreover a highly Quo warranto is specifically available as a remedy if it is thought
technical function, Congress has delegated to the NTC that a government corporation has offended against its corporate
the task of administration over the broadcast spectrum, charter or misused its franchise. The determination of the right to
including the determination of available bandwidths the exercise of a franchise, or whether the right to enjoy such
and the allocation of such available bandwidths among privilege has been forfeited by non-user, is more properly the
the various legislative franchisees. The licensing subject of the prerogative writ of quo warranto, the right to
power of the NTC thus arises from the necessary assert which, as a rule, belongs to the State ‘upon complaint or
delegation by Congress of legislative power geared otherwise,’ the reason being that the abuse of a franchise is a
public wrong and not a private injury.”

It’s not a PROVREM 2015  11


per annum beginning 15 April 2002, the date of actual taking,

FELICIANO V. VILLASIN, G.R. NO. 174929, JUNE 27, 2008 TIU until full payment.

XIII • NPC V. CO, G.R. NO. 166973, FEBRUARY 10, 2009 Not satisfied, petitioner filed an appeal with the Court of Appeals.
Basic Principle:
The Court of Appeals held that petitioner is liable to pay the full
fair market value at the time of actual taking, with interest at 6%
1. The Supreme Court has repeatedly ruled that when per annum from 15 April 2002 and ordered the RTC to appoint a
petitioner takes private property to construct new set of disinterested commissioners.
transmission lines, it is liable to pay the full market
value upon proper determination by the courts.
2. It is settled that just compensation is to be ascertained Issue/s:
as of the time of the taking, which usually coincides with
the commencement of the expropriation proceedings. 1. Whether or not the petitioner should pay the subject
Where the institution of the action precedes entry into property it its full market value.
the property, the just compensation is to be ascertained 2. Whether or not the just compensation should be
as of the time of the filing of the complaint. reckoned from the date of the filing of the complaint
3. The general rule is what is provided for by Rule 67 since such date preceded the date of the taking of the
where it states that . There are exceptions—grave property in this case.
injustice to the property owner,32 the taking did not
have color of legal authority,33 the taking of the Held:
property was not initially for expropriation34 and the
owner will be given undue increment advantages
because of the expropriation.35 However, none of these 1. Yes.
exceptions are present in the instant case.
Facts: Petitioner relies on Sec. 3A18 of R.A. No. 6395, as amended,
which provides that only an easement fee equivalent to 10%
Before us is a Rule 45 petition1 which seeks the reversal of the of the market value shall be paid to affected property
Decision2 and Resolution3 of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. No. owners.
79211. The Court of Appeals’ Decision affirmed the Partial
Decision4 of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of San Fernando, As earlier mentioned, Section 3A of R.A. No. 6395, as
Pampanga, Branch 41 in Civil Case No. 12281, fixing the amended, substantially provides that properties which will
compensation due respondent following the expropriation of his be traversed by transmission lines will only be considered as
property for the construction of petitioner’s power transmission easements and just compensation for such right of way
lines. easement shall not exceed 10 percent of the market value.26
However, this Court has repeatedly ruled that when
Petitioner was established by R.A. No. 6395 to undertake the petitioner takes private property to construct transmission
development of hydroelectric generation of power and the lines, it is liable to pay the full market value upon proper
production of electricity from nuclear, geothermal and other determination by the courts.27
sources, as well as the transmission of electric power on a
nationwide basis.5 Its charter grants to petitioner, among others, The presence of transmission lines undoubtedly restricts
the power to exercise the right to eminent domain.6 respondent’s use of his property.Petitioner is thus liable to
pay respondent the full market value of the property.
On 27 June 2001, petitioner filed a complaint7 with the RTC of
San Fernando, Pampanga, for the acquisition of an easement of 2. Just compensation should be reckoned from the date of
right-of-way over three (3) lots at Barangay Cabalantian, Bacolor, the filing of the complaint.
Pampanga with a total area of 575 square meters belonging to
respondent, in connection with the construction of its Rule 67 clearly provides that the value of just compensation
transmission lines for its Lahar Affected Transmission Line shall "be determined as of the date of the taking of the
Project (Lahar Project). property or the filing of the complaint, whichever came
Commissioners Dayrit and Garcia submitted their joint report9
wherein they appraised the value of the property at P1,900.00 It is settled that just compensation is to be ascertained as of
per square meter or a total of P1,179,000.00, while the time of the taking, which usually coincides with the
Commissioner Abcejo submitted his Commissioner's Report10 commencement of the expropriation proceedings. Where the
pegging the value of the property at P875.00 per square meter. institution of the action precedes entry into the property, the
just compensation is to be ascertained as of the time of the
The RTC declared the validity of the expropriation and ordered filing of the complaint.
petitioner to pay the sum of P1,179,000.00, with interest at 6%

It’s not a PROVREM 2015  12


The general rule is what is provided for by Rule 67. There property to construct transmission lines, it is liable to
are exceptions—grave injustice to the property owner,32 the pay the full market value upon proper determination by
taking did not have color of legal authority,33 the taking of the courts.27
the property was not initially for expropriation34 and the
owner will be given undue increment advantages because of 2. Just compensation should be reckoned from the date of
the expropriation.35 However, none of these exceptions are the filing of the complaint.
present in the instant case.
Rule 67 clearly provides that the value of just
Based on the foregoing, the reckoning date for the compensation shall "be determined as of the date of the
determination of the amount of just compensation is 27 June taking of the property or the filing of the complaint,
2001, the date when petitioner filed its expropriation whichever came first."
It is settled that just compensation is to be ascertained
Quick Digest: as of the time of the taking, which usually coincides with
the commencement of the expropriation proceedings.
Facts: Where the institution of the action precedes entry into
the property, the just compensation is to be ascertained
Petitioner filed a complaint7 with the RTC of San Fernando, as of the time of the filing of the complaint.
Pampanga, for the acquisition of an easement of right-of-way
over three (3) lots at Barangay Cabalantian, Bacolor, Pampanga PHILIPPINE VETERANS BANK V. BASES CONVERSION
with a total area of 575 square meters belonging to respondent, DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, G.R. NO. 173085, JANUARY 19,
in connection with the construction of its transmission lines for 2011 DELVO
its Lahar Affected Transmission Line Project (Lahar Project).
Commissioners Dayrit and Garcia appraised the value of the 43 CASES= 43 ASSIGNMENTS
property at P1,900.00 per square meter or a total of LET’S EXEMPT CORTES, CLAROS AND MARCELO. THEY ARE
P1,179,000.00, while Commissioner Abcejo pegged the value of BUSY PREPARING FOR THE MOOT.
the property at P875.00 per square meter.

The RTC declared the validity of the expropriation and ordered

petitioner to pay the sum of P1,179,000.00, with interest at 6% p.
a. reckoned from actual taking, until full payment.

The Court of Appeals held that petitioner is liable to pay the full
fair market value at the time of actual taking, with interest at 6%
p. a. and ordered the RTC to appoint a new set of disinterested


1. Whether or not the petitioner should pay the subject

property it its full market value.
2. Whether or not the just compensation should be
reckoned from the date of the filing of the complaint
since such date preceded the date of the taking of the
property in this case.


1. Yes.

As earlier mentioned, Section 3A of R.A. No. 6395, as

amended, substantially provides that properties which
will be traversed by transmission lines will only be
considered as easements and just compensation for
such right of way easement shall not exceed 10 percent
of the market value.26 However, this Court has
repeatedly ruled that when petitioner takes private

It’s not a PROVREM 2015  13

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