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Batteries for Electric Cars

Challenges, Opportunities, and the Outlook to 2020
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Batteries for Electric Cars
Challenges, Opportunities, and the Outlook to 2020

hat impact will future costs. In addition, we conduct- cycling. (See Exhibit 1.) In this report
the development ed more than 50 interviews with bat- we focus on the first four steps,
and cost of vari- tery suppliers, automotive OEMs, which make up the manufacture of
ous types of bat- university researchers, start-up com- battery packs for use by OEMs.
teries have on panies working on leading-edge bat-
the emerging market for electric tery technologies, and government Lithium-ion batteries comprise a
cars? How much progress can we agencies across Asia, the United family of battery chemistries that
hope to see in the next decade, and States, and Western Europe. employ various combinations of an-
what critical barriers will need to be ode and cathode materials. Each
overcome along the way? In this report, we explore four main combination has distinct advantages
questions: What technological chal- and disadvantages in terms of safety,
The automotive industry’s quest to lenges must be overcome in order for performance, cost, and other param-
limit its impact on the environment lithium-ion batteries to meet funda- eters. The most prominent technolo-
and transform automotive mobility mental market criteria? As battery gies for automotive applications are
into a sustainable mode of transpor- technologies reach maturity, what lithium-nickel-cobalt-aluminum
tation continues at high intensity, de- might their cost profiles look like? (NCA), lithium-nickel-manganese-
spite the current economic crisis. In What will electric vehicles’ total cost cobalt (NMC), lithium-manganese
an earlier report, we analyzed the of ownership (TCO) amount to? And spinel (LMO), lithium titanate (LTO),
technical and cost tradeoffs of com- how are industry participants likely and lithium-iron phosphate (LFP).
peting alternative power-train tech- to align themselves as they jockey for The technology that is currently
nologies.1 In this companion piece, position in the evolving market? most prevalent in consumer applica-
we address the two principal vari- tions is lithium-cobalt oxide (LCO),
ables in our analysis of the develop- The Current State which is generally considered unsuit-
ing market for electric cars: the tech- of Electric-Car Battery able for automotive applications be-
nical attributes and the costs of Technology cause of its inherent safety risks. All
lithium-ion batteries for electric-vehi- automotive battery chemistries re-
cle applications. The value chain of electric-car bat- quire elaborate monitoring, balanc-
teries consists of seven steps: compo- ing, and cooling systems to control
In assessing these variables, we drew nent production (including raw ma- the chemical release of energy, pre-
on The Boston Consulting Group’s terials); cell production; module vent thermal runaway, and ensure a
extensive work with automotive production; assembly of modules reasonably long life span for the
OEMs and suppliers around the into the battery pack (including an cells.
world and on a detailed analysis of electronic control unit and a cooling
the relevant intellectual-property system); integration of the battery
1. See The Comeback of the Electric Car? How
landscape. We also created a battery pack into the vehicle; use during the Real, How Soon, and What Must Happen Next,
cost model that allows us to project life of the vehicle; and reuse and re- BCG Focus, January 2009.

Batteries for Electric Cars 1

Exhibit 1. The Value Chain for Electric-Car Batteries Comprises Seven Steps

Component Cell Module Pack Vehicle Reuse and

production production production assembly integration recycling

Manufacture of Production and Configuration of Installation of Integration of Use during spec- Battery reuse;
anode and cath- assembly of sin- cells into larger modules to- the battery pack ified in-vehicle deconstruction
ode active mate- gle cells modules that gether with sys- into the vehicle battery lifetime and cleaning
rials, binder, include some tems that man- structure, includ- preparatory to
electrolyte, and electronic man- age power, ing the battery- recycling of ma-
separator agement charging, and car interface terials and com-
temperature (connectors, ponents
plugs, mounts)

Source: BCG analysis.

In this paper we do not address the electrolytes were filed principally by per kilogram of mass); and cost. (See
impact of new battery chemistries, universities, whereas those relating Exhibit 2.) On the business side, high
lithium-based or otherwise, because to pack structure, cooling, and con- costs remain the major hurdle. The
none of the players we interviewed trols were filed mainly by OEMs and challenge will be to reduce manufac-
expect that batteries based on new suppliers. LFP technology has been turing costs through scale and expe-
chemistries will be available for pro- the focus of at least twice as much rience effects as market volumes ex-
duction on a significant scale by patent activity as LTO technology pand. We discuss each of these
2020. However, there is increasing in- and four times as much as NMC hurdles in some detail below; we
terest and activity, particularly technology, most likely because of also address charge time, which does
among university research laborato- LFP’s promising safety characteris- not vary substantially among battery
ries, in exploring new electrochemi- tics and higher usable capacity. technologies but remains a signifi-
cal mechanisms that might boost the cant performance challenge for all
specific energy and performance of The recent explosion in innovation is of them.
future batteries. Patent filings related driven by the need to break some
to energy storage increased 17 per- fundamental compromises in battery Currently, as Exhibit 2 shows, no sin-
cent per year from 1999 through technology. On the technical side, gle technology wins along all six di-
2008, twice as fast as during the pre- competing lithium-ion technologies mensions. Choosing a technology
vious ten years and some ten per- can be compared along six dimen- that optimizes performance along
centage points faster than overall sions: safety; life span (measured in one dimension inevitably means
patent growth during the same peri- terms of both number of charge-and- compromising on other dimensions.
od. Of the energy-storage patents discharge cycles and overall battery NCA technology, for example, is a
filed in China, Japan, the United age); performance (peak power at fairly high-performance solution but
States, and Western Europe in 2008, low temperatures, state-of-charge presents safety challenges, whereas
lithium-ion technologies accounted measurement, and thermal manage- LFP technology is safer at the cell
for 62 percent, having grown at 26 ment); specific energy (how much level but provides a low specific en-
percent per year from 2005 through energy the battery can store per kilo- ergy. Interviews we conducted dur-
2008. Lithium-ion patents relating to gram of weight); specific power (how ing the course of this study suggest
electrode chemistry, materials, and much power the battery can store that multiple chemistries are likely

2 The Boston Consulting Group

to coexist for some time as technolo- loop whereby chemical reactions chemistries that offer higher energy
gies evolve and intellectual-property triggered in the cell exacerbate heat but are less safe, such as NCA, which
ownership gets sorted out. Any play- release, potentially resulting in a fire. must be used in conjunction with rig-
er that succeeds in breaking some of Thermal runaway can be caused by orous safety systems.
the inherent compromises among an overcharged battery, too-high dis-
current technologies will gain a sig- charge rates, or a short circuit. Chem- While battery safety is indisputably a
nificant advantage in the market- istries that are prone to thermal run- valid concern, it is useful to put this
place. Meanwhile, all OEMs and sup- away, such as NCA, NMC, and LMO, concern in context by recalling the
pliers will have to manage the must be used in conjunction with significant safety challenges original-
tradeoffs among the six key perfor- system-level safety measures that ei- ly associated with the internal com-
mance parameters. ther contain the cells or monitor bustion engine (ICE) and with gaso-
their behavior. Such measures in- line storage, which were largely
Safety. Safety is the most important clude a robust battery box, a very ef- overcome through improvements in
criterion for electric-car batteries. ficient cooling system (to prevent the design and engineering.
Even a single battery fire could turn early stages of thermal runaway),
public opinion against electric mobil- and precise state-of-charge monitor- Life Span. There are two ways of
ity and set back industry develop- ing and cell-discharge balancing. measuring battery life span: cycle
ment for months or years. The main OEMs and suppliers need to decide stability and overall age. Cycle stabil-
concern in this area is avoiding ther- which is preferable: inherently safer ity is the number of times a battery
mal runaway—a positive-feedback chemistries, such as LFP and LTO, or can be fully charged and discharged

Exhibit 2. There Are Tradeoffs Among the Five Principal Lithium-Ion Battery Technologies

Lithium-nickel- Lithium-nickel- Lithium-manganese

cobalt-aluminum (NCA) manganese-cobalt (NMC) spinel (LMO)
Specific energy Specific energy Specific energy

Cost Specific Cost Specific Cost Specific

power power power

Life span Safety Life span Safety Life span Safety

Performance Performance Performance

Lithium titanate Lithium-iron
(LTO) phosphate (LFP)
Specific energy Specific energy

Cost Specific Cost Specific

power power

Life span Safety Life span Safety

Performance Performance
Source: BCG research.
Note: The farther the colored shape extends along a given axis, the better the performance along that dimension.

Batteries for Electric Cars 3

before being degraded to 80 percent start-up provider of battery infra- all system costs in order to avoid
of its original capacity at full charge. structure, also allow for shorter-lived such restrictions.
Overall age is the number of years a batteries. These models decouple the
battery can be expected to remain battery’s life span from the vehicle’s Specific Energy and Specific Pow-
useful. Today’s batteries do meet the life span and remove up-front bat- er. The specific energy of batteries—
cycle stability requirements of elec- tery costs. that is, their capacity for storing en-
tric cars under test conditions. Over- ergy per kilogram of weight—is still
all age, however, remains a hurdle, in only 1 percent of the specific energy
part because aging accelerates under OEMs might choose to of gasoline. Unless there is a major
higher ambient temperatures. It is as breakthrough, batteries will continue
install smaller batteries
yet unclear how fast various kinds of to limit the driving range of electric
batteries will age across a range of with a shorter life span vehicles to some 250 to 300 kilome-
automotive-specific temperature con- and replace them every ters (about 160 to 190 miles) be-
ditions. tween charges. Battery cells today
five to seven years. can reach nominal energy densities
To manage these uncertainties, of 140 to 170 watt-hours per kilo-
OEMs are specifying batteries of suf- Performance. The expectation that gram (Wh/kg), compared with 13,000
ficient size to meet electric cars’ en- the owner of an electric vehicle Wh/kg for gasoline. The specific en-
ergy-storage needs over the typical should be able to drive it both at ergy of the resulting battery pack is
life of a vehicle. Most automotive blisteringly hot summer tempera- typically 30 to 40 percent lower, or 80
manufacturers are planning for a tures and at subzero winter tempera- to 120 Wh/kg. Even if that energy
ten-year battery life span, including tures poses substantial engineering density were to double in the next
expected degradation. For example, challenges. Batteries can be opti- ten years, battery packs would still
an OEM whose electric car nominal- mized for either high or low temper- store only some 200 Wh/kg of
ly requires a 12-kilowatt-hour (kWh) atures, but it is difficult to engineer weight. Assuming that the battery
battery is likely to specify a 20-kWh them to function over a wide range weighs around 250 kilograms—
battery instead, so that after ten of temperatures without incurring about 20 to 25 percent of the total
years and 40 percent performance performance degradation. One solu- weight typical of small cars today—
degradation, the battery will still tion might be for OEMs to rate bat- that doubling of energy density
have sufficient energy capacity for teries for particular climates. For ex- would give an electric car a range of
normal operation. Of course, this ap- ample, batteries optimized for some 300 kilometers (about 190
proach increases the size, weight, performance and endurance in cold miles).
and cost of the battery, adversely af- climates would rely on heating and
fecting the business case for elec- insulation, whereas those designed Specific power, or the amount of
tric cars. for hot climates would use electro- power that batteries can deliver per
lytes and materials that allow high- kilogram of mass, is addressed rela-
OEMs can consider other options. temperature storage. The differences tively well by current battery tech-
For instance, they might choose to between these two battery designs nologies. Specific power is particular-
install smaller batteries with a short- would be more substantial than the ly important in hybrid vehicles,
er life span and plan to replace them current distinction between, for ex- which discharge a small amount of
every five to seven years, possibly ample, cold-weather and warm- energy quickly. In electric vehicles,
under a warranty program. Taking weather tires. But this approach specific power is less important than
this approach would allow OEMs to would result in batteries with higher specific energy. Manufacturers have
use smaller batteries initially, up- functionality, albeit under limited established design parameters for
grading them as the technology con- conditions. However, because cli- electric-vehicle batteries to optimize
tinues to advance. Battery-leasing mate-specific batteries would hinder the tradeoff between specific energy
business models, such as those pro- vehicles’ mobility across regions, and specific power. Currently, batter-
posed by Think, a manufacturer of OEMs are likely to prefer a perfor- ies’ performance in terms of specific
small city cars, and Better Place, a mance disadvantage or higher over- power equals or exceeds that of

4 The Boston Consulting Group

ICEs. So researchers are concentrat- range-extender vehicles, which com- that this price tag will decline to be-
ing their efforts on increasing batter- bine an electric power train with an tween $250 and $500 per kWh at
ies’ specific energy for given power ICE, overcome the range and infra- scaled production. However, consum-
levels. structure limitations of fully electric er batteries are simpler than auto-
vehicles, but at the increased cost of motive batteries and must meet sig-
Charging Time. Long charging the ICE. nificantly less demanding
times present another technical chal- requirements, especially regarding
lenge and a commercial barrier that safety and life span. Nonetheless,
must be addressed. It takes almost Fully electric vehicles as $250 per kWh persists as the cost
ten hours to charge a 15-kWh battery goal for an automotive battery pack.
convenient as ICE-based
by plugging it into a standard 120- Given current technology options, we
volt outlet. Fast charging methods cars are unlikely to be see substantial challenges to achiev-
that employ more sophisticated available for the mass ing this goal by 2020.
charging terminals can reduce this
time significantly. For example, market by 2020. To forecast battery costs, we con-
charging by means of a 240-volt out- structed a line-item model of the in-
let with increased power (40 amps) The Cost Challenge dividual component costs involved
can take two hours, while charging at in making a battery in 2009 and as-
a commercial three-phase charging The United States Advanced Battery signed variables likely to influence
station can take as little as 20 min- Consortium has set a cost target of each component cost under an as-
utes. These charging systems do $250 per kWh. But even if battery sumed level of production. The 2009
come at an additional cost and makers can meet the technical chal- cost structure includes a complete
weight, as they require enhanced lenges outlined above, battery cost pack-level bill of materials, direct
cooling systems on board the vehicle. may remain above that target. Clear- and indirect plant labor, equipment
Battery-swap methods, such as the ly, the cost of batteries will play a depreciation, R&D, scrap rates, and
models contemplated by Better critical role in determining the com- overhead markup. (See Exhibit 3.)
Place, promise to provide a full mercial viability of electric cars. Esti-
charge in less than three minutes. mates of current and future cost lev- We classified each component cost
But such approaches need OEMs to els vary widely and are further as either dependent on battery pro-
agree to pack standardization re- complicated by a lack of clarity duction volumes or independent of
quirements and would entail addi- about which cost, precisely, is being them. Our forecast of the evolution
tional logistical complexity. estimated. Is it the cost of an individ- of volume-dependent costs assumes
ual cell, of a battery pack sold to an the acquisition of industry experi-
Without a major breakthrough in OEM, or of a replacement battery ence and increasing automation.
battery technologies, fully electric ve- sold to a consumer? Because the cell Volume-independent costs include
hicles that are as convenient as ICE- represents some 65 percent of the raw materials, labor rates, and gen-
based cars—meaning that they can cost of the battery pack, and because eral machinery. We estimate that
travel 500 kilometers (312 miles) on OEM markups can add another 35 to some 70 percent of cell costs and 75
a single charge and can recharge in a 45 percent to the pack price, these percent of battery pack costs are
matter of minutes—are unlikely to distinctions are important. volume dependent, effectively cre-
be available for the mass market by ating a cost “glass floor” for current
2020. In view of the need for a perva- Current Costs and Forecasting battery technology. We took into
sive infrastructure for charging or Methodology. Most sources estimate consideration various chemistries,
swapping batteries, the adoption of the current cost of an automotive various cell-module-pack configura-
fully electric vehicles in 2020 may be lithium-ion battery pack, as sold to tions, and production costs in differ-
limited to specific applications such OEMs, at between $1,000 and $1,200 ent countries.
as commercial fleets, commuter cars, per kWh. Citing the current cost of
and cars that are confined to a pre- consumer batteries (about $250 to For purposes of reference and com-
scribed range of use. Of course, $400 per kWh), they further predict parison, we assumed a typical suppli-

Batteries for Electric Cars 5

Exhibit 3. Batteries Cost OEMs About $1,100 per kWh at Low Volumes

Components Cell Module Pack Battery cost

to OEM
Cost, 2009
($/kWh) $650–$790/kWh $340–$430/kWh
50–70 990–1,220
1,000 13%
750 450–540

250 200–250

Markup Scrap R&D Depreciation Direct and indirect labor Purchased parts
Active materials
Sources: Interviews with component manufacturers, cell producers, tier one suppliers, OEMs, and academic experts; Argonne National Laboratory; BCG
Note: Exhibit shows the nominal capacity cost of a 15-kWh NCA battery and assumes annual production of 50,000 cells and 500 batteries, as well as a 10
percent scrap rate at the cell level and a 2 percent scrap rate at the module level. Numbers are rounded.

er of 15-kWh NCA batteries using power rather than energy storage ca- nominal battery capacity, which can
modestly automated production to pacity. In this paper we focus on larg- be significantly higher than actual,
make 50,000 cells and highly manual er batteries, as these are most rele- usable capacity. Depending on the
assembly to produce 500 battery vant for cars that are primarily chemistry of the battery, its usable
packs. These assumptions are in line electrically driven. capacity over a ten-year life span is
with currently observed trial produc- in the range of only 50 to 80 percent
tion levels. Scrap. One area in which there is of its nominal capacity. Furthermore,
clear opportunity to reduce costs is the costs described here are costs to
We estimate that this supplier’s 2009 scrap rates, where we observed a OEMs. Assuming typical OEM and
cell costs—$650 to $790 per kWh— broad range of performance in the dealer margins, the price that end us-
account for approximately 65 per- relatively manual production proc- ers will pay for batteries is likely to
cent of its total cost for the battery esses in use in 2009. Automotive- be 40 to 45 percent higher than
pack. Costs to an OEM for a 15-kWh industry cost structures, margins, and OEMs’ purchase price, or some
range-extender pack would be be- standards mandate scrap rates of less $1,400 to $1,800 per kWh. OEMs and
tween $990 and $1,220 per kWh—or than 0.1 percent, but we noted actu- dealers may subsidize this markup
more than $16,000. Cost per kWh for al scrap rates varying from 10 per- somewhat during launch periods,
smaller batteries, such as a 2-kWh cent to as high as 30 to 60 percent. but we believe that in the long term
pack for a more traditional, hybrid Manufacturers incurring the higher they will need to collect it in order to
car, would be higher, for two reasons. scrap rates are likely to have battery compensate for marketing and oper-
First, some pack-level costs, such as costs in the range of $1,500 to $1,900 ating the battery throughout its life
power management systems and per kWh. cycle.
wiring harnesses, are somewhat in-
dependent of battery size; second, Usable Capacity and Markup. The Chemistries. Differences in compo-
smaller batteries are optimized for values discussed above all assume nent-level cost structures for materi-

6 The Boston Consulting Group

als are not always reflected in differ- production volumes and to change cation. Our model assumes produc-
ences between cell-level costs. For only modestly over time. tion in South Korea. However,
instance, consider two lithium-ion because of the low labor content of
technologies, NCA and LFP. Al- In forecasting the market for batter- battery production, making batteries
though material costs for NCAs are ies, we assumed that 26 percent of in the United States would increase
some 50 percent higher than those the new cars sold in 2020—or some costs by just 6 percent, while making
for LFPs because of the high cost of 14 million cars—will have electric or them in China would reduce costs by
nickel and cobalt, this disadvantage only about 8 percent.
is largely offset by the fact that NCAs The cost target of $250
need smaller amounts of active ma- Our analysis suggests that from 2009
per kWh is unlikely to be
terials, thanks to their 30 percent to 2020, the price that OEMs pay for
higher specific-energy capacity and achieved at either the NCA batteries will decrease by
higher voltage (3.6 volts rather than cell level or the battery roughly 60 to 65 percent. (See Exhib-
3.2 volts). Nonetheless, the competi- it 4.) So a nominal-capacity 15-kWh
tion between the two technologies pack level by 2020. NCA battery pack that currently
could turn in favor of LFPs, given costs $990 to $1,220 per kWh will
their higher usable capacity. hybrid power trains. We assume that cost $360 to $440 per kWh in 2020,
all range-extender and fully electric or approximately $6,000 for the bat-
Active cathode materials (NCA, LFP, vehicles will have lithium-ion batter- tery pack. The price to consumers
and the like) and purchased parts ies, as will some 70 percent of the hy- will similarly fall, from $1,400 to
account for nearly half of battery brids sold. The remaining 30 percent $1,800 per kWh to $570 to $700 per
costs at both the cell and pack levels. of hybrids—the smaller and lower- kWh. Underlying these falling prices
While economically viable lithium cost vehicles—will still use the nick- will be a parallel decline in the cost
supplies are somewhat concentrated el-metal hydride (NiMH) batteries of cells, to just $270 to $330 per kWh.
geographically—as are the compa- popularized by first-generation hy- However, the cost of cells will fall
nies that mine the material—we do brid vehicles, such as the Toyota Pri- less rapidly than the cost of battery
not foresee supply constraints that us. In total, some 11 million new cars packs because some 30 percent of
would significantly affect lithium sold in 2020 will be equipped with cell costs are independent of produc-
prices. Further, because lithium rep- lithium-ion batteries. tion volume.
resents less than 2 percent of cell-
level costs, any potential price in- In forecasting battery costs, we antic- We conclude, therefore, that the cost
crease would have only a limited ipated that active materials and pur- target of $250 per kWh is unlikely to
impact. chased parts will make up nearly be achieved at either the cell level or
half of overall battery costs in 2020, the battery pack level by 2020—un-
The Outlook for Battery Costs to while processing and depreciation less there is a major breakthrough in
2020. Battery costs will decline steep- will each represent another 10 per- battery chemistry that leads to fun-
ly as production volumes increase. cent of costs, and R&D, markup, and damentally higher energy densities
Individual parts will become less ex- SG&A will together account for the without significantly increasing the
pensive thanks to experience and remaining 30 percent. We also as- cost of either battery materials or the
scale effects. Equipment costs will sumed highly automated, high-vol- manufacturing process.
also drop, lowering depreciation. ume production, especially at the
Higher levels of automation will fur- cell level. And we assumed an annu- The Size of the Battery Market. In
ther trim costs by increasing quality, al production volume for an individ- our earlier report on the electric car,
reducing scrap levels, and cutting la- ual supplier of approximately 73 mil- we modeled the likely market pene-
bor costs. However, some 25 percent lion cells and 1.1 million battery tration of competing power-train
of current battery costs—primarily packs. technologies in 2020 for China, Ja-
the costs of raw materials and stan- pan, the United States, and Western
dard, commoditized parts—are likely Notably, battery cost is not substan- Europe under three market-develop-
to remain relatively independent of tially sensitive to manufacturing lo- ment scenarios: slowdown, steady

Batteries for Electric Cars 7

Exhibit 4. Battery Costs Will Decline 60 to 65 Percent from 2009 to 2020

Cost per kWh Cost per kWh of a 15-kWh

of an NCA cell NCA battery pack
$/kWh $/kWh




69% 360–440
31% 23% 48%
2009 2020 2009 2020
Total cost of ~$16,000 ~$6,000
Production-volume-dependent costs
battery pack
Production-volume-independent costs
Sources: Interviews with component manufacturers, cell producers, tier one suppliers, OEMs, and academic experts; Argonne National Laboratory; BCG
Note: Exhibit assumes annual production of 50,000 cells and 500 batteries in 2009 and 73 million cells and 1.1 million batteries in 2020. Numbers are

pace, and acceleration. That analysis We anticipate that the approximate- could reach $60 billion in 2020. How-
led us to forecast that mild and full ly 14 million electric cars forecast to ever, if governmental economic sup-
hybrids and electric vehicles would be sold in 2020 in China, Japan, the port were to fall short of our expec-
together achieve sales penetration of United States, and Western Europe tations, the market would grow more
between 11 and 42 percent of those will comprise some 1.5 million fully slowly, reaching just $5 billion.
markets under the steady-pace sce- electric cars, 1.5 million range ex-
nario, with a likely overall penetra- tenders, and 11 million hybrids. In Charging-Infrastructure Costs.
tion of 26 percent.2 that same year, the market for elec- Charging infrastructure is another
tric-car batteries in those regions will major component of electric vehi-
We continue to endorse that forecast be worth some $25 billion. This bur- cles’ operating costs. We estimate the
for 2020. Although the current eco- geoning market will be about triple total cost of the installed charging in-
nomic crisis and the recent drop in the size of today’s entire lithium-ion- frastructure through 2020 at approxi-
oil prices might appear to mitigate battery market for consumer applica- mately $20 billion—about 40 per-
strong market enthusiasm for alter- tions such as laptop computers and cent in the United States, 30 percent
native technologies, interest in long- cell phones. in Europe, and 30 percent in the rest
term sustainability remains keen in of the world. Some 60 percent
the car-buying public as well as This forecast applies to all compo-
among governments and their regu- nents sold to OEMs, from raw com-
latory bodies. We anticipate that modities through the complete bat- 2. The mild hybrid contains a small electric
motor that provides a start-stop system, re-
these groups will continue to encour- tery pack; it does not apply to the generates braking energy for recharging the
age the development of these tech- end-user market for batteries. If the battery, and offers acceleration assistance.
nologies; also, it is reasonable to as- acceleration scenario rather than the The full hybrid features both a larger battery
and a larger electric motor, giving the car
sume that oil prices will continue to steady-pace scenario were to prevail, electric launching, electric acceleration assis-
rise over the medium to long term. the market for electric-car batteries tance, and electric driving at low speeds.

8 The Boston Consulting Group

($12 billion) of this cost will fund the Total Cost of Ownership. In the and where annual mileage is moder-
creation and support of public charg- short to medium term, early adopt- ately high, are more likely to find an
ing infrastructure, which will need to ers and government credits are likely electric power train economical than
be financed (at least initially) by gov- to drive demand for electric vehicles. drivers in other markets, such as Ja-
ernments, power companies, or pri- However, by 2020, mass-market buy- pan, where people typically drive
vate contractors. ers will consider the TCO profile of less and electricity is relatively ex-
electric vehicles versus ICE-based ve- pensive. The TCO tradeoff in the U.S.
The number of stations needed per market lies in between that of Eu-
vehicle and the cost of constructing Surveys suggest that rope and that of Japan; while the rel-
each one are often cited as the key atively low cost of gasoline makes
purchasers want to
determinants of the total cost of the ICE alternatives more appealing in
charging infrastructure. In our view, break even on the higher the United States than elsewhere,
however, charging profiles and vehi- purchase price of electric U.S. consumers drive more miles per
cle mix are also central to the calcu- year (approximately 14,000) than
lation. For instance, vehicle owners vehicles in three years. drivers in other major markets, ex-
in the United States and Japan are pediting the payback on an electric
more likely than owners in Europe to hicles when making their purchase vehicle.
have access to cheaper home charg- decisions. These consumers will
ing stations. Furthermore, owners in weigh electric vehicles’ savings (gen- Most countries have adopted incen-
the United States are more likely erated by lower operating costs rela- tive programs to stimulate demand
than Europeans to purchase range tive to gasoline) against higher up- for electric vehicles. These programs
extenders. Because these vehicles front purchase prices. currently have limited funds; they
can operate longer before recharg- range from approximately $3,000 per
ing, they require fewer charging sta- In addition, TCO tradeoffs are a func- car purchased in China to approxi-
tions than fully electric vehicles and tion of operating costs such as the mately $7,500 per car purchased in
therefore entail lower infrastructure price of fuel, the relative cost of France, Germany, the United King-
costs. maintenance, and individuals’ driv- dom, and the United States. Certain
ing patterns—as well as by govern- Japanese programs offer up to
We estimate the total increase in ment purchase incentives and local $10,000 in electric-vehicle incentives.
electricity demand created by all the tax regimes. If government purchase If these incentive programs continue
electric vehicles on the road in 2020 incentives continue into 2020, they to 2020, the TCO breakeven period
at less than 1 percent. This increase will directly influence TCO tradeoffs for an electric vehicle—relative to an
is not likely to require additional at that time. However, current and ICE-based vehicle—in Western na-
power-generation capacity in the planned government incentives have tions will fall from 9 to 15 years to 1
short term. However, even if electric- been defined as temporary measures to 5 years. (See Exhibit 5.)
vehicle sales stabilized at only 3 to 5 and therefore should not be included
percent of overall market share, the in a true steady-state calculation of Given expected battery economics
number of electric vehicles on the future TCO. and technologies, the U.S. TCO
road between 2020 and 2030 would breakeven profile will depend on oil
drive up the demand for electricity The TCO for electric vehicles is most and gas prices and government in-
by as much as 1 percent per year. In favorable in regions where gas prices centives. A number of market sur-
response, power companies might are high relative to the prices of veys suggest that purchasers want to
need to increase capacity. In the both oil (because of local taxes) and break even on the higher purchase
short term, local utilities may have electricity, and where potential own- price of electric vehicles in three
to upgrade some segments of the ers drive relatively long distances years through these vehicles’ lower
grid to handle an increased load each year. For example, potential operating costs. According to our
in areas where large numbers of owners of a midsize vehicle in the analysis, in order for U.S. purchasers
electric vehicles are frequently European Union, where gasoline of electric cars in 2020 to break even
charged. prices are high (because of taxation) in three years, the market would

Batteries for Electric Cars 9

Exhibit 5. With Incentives, Purchasers of Electric Cars in Western Markets Could Break
Even in One to Five Years
Years to TCO breakeven (2020 purchase) 40


20 19
15 14
11 11
9 21
15 55% of
8 10 consumers
want to break
1 1 3 5 even in three2
years or less
Western Europe United States Japan China
Incentives ($)3 7,500 7,500 4,500 3,000

Electric vehicle Range extender

Time to breakeven without incentives Time to breakeven without incentives
Time to breakeven with incentives Time to breakeven with incentives

Source: BCG analysis.

Note: Breakeven calculations based on the following assumptions for 2020: oil = $100 per barrel; ICE-based vehicle with mileage of 40 mpg; electric
vehicle with a 20-kWh battery; and a battery range of 100 miles per 24 kWh.
Reflects the net-purchase-price and operating-cost differences between an electric and an ICE-based vehicle, including taxes.
Continental Corp., Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Survey, 2008.
Incentives assume the extension of 2009 announced benchmarks.

have to meet either one of the fol- United States, thus reducing the ances in the industry: one in which
lowing three hypothetical conditions need for sustained incentives. OEMs forge new alliances with cell
in full or some combination of them manufacturers, and one in which
to a lesser degree: an oil price in- The Outlook for Industry they stick with tradition by buying
crease from $100 per barrel (the fore- Dynamics batteries from tier one suppliers
cast price) to $300 per barrel; a 200 that, in turn, may forge their own al-
percent increase in gasoline prices Competition for share in the estimat- liances with cell manufacturers. (See
caused by higher oil prices, higher ed $25 billion market for electric-car Exhibit 6.)
taxes, or both; or $7,500 in govern- batteries in 2020 is already under
ment incentives available per car way all along the industry value Forging New Alliances. Some OEMs
purchased, consistent with currently chain. Rivalry is particularly keen in have already established strong links
approved electric-vehicle incentives. the area of cell manufacturing, re- with cell manufacturers through alli-
flecting the critical importance of ances or ownership stakes. Examples
While it is unlikely that any one of cells to overall battery performance. are Toyota with Panasonic in Japan
these factors alone will allow pur- In the medium to long term, cell pro- and Daimler with Li-Tec in Germany.
chasers to break even in three years, ducers will play a crucial role in de- Such relationships give the OEM ex-
it is possible that some combination fining the balance of power—and clusive access to the know-how, tech-
of these and related factors might the way revenues are shared. The nology, and production capacity of
contribute to such a breakeven peri- key question is, with whom will cell the cell manufacturer and allow the
od. For example, measures such as producers join forces? OEM to differentiate its vehicles in
carbon taxes and congestion charges terms of a chosen battery technology.
are already in force in European Two Scenarios for Teaming in the However, relationships of this kind
markets; it is not unrealistic to think Industry. We envision two possible can limit an OEM’s ability to react
that they might be adopted in the scenarios for significant strategic alli- quickly to technological advances

10 The Boston Consulting Group

achieved by other cell manufactur- their up-front costs and the potential ally become commodities, however,
ers. Furthermore, exclusivity can lim- cost of switching to an alternative margins will fall and scale will be-
it scale effects and delay manufactur- technology, should one emerge. This come increasingly important, shifting
ing-based cost reductions. scenario will be of greatest benefit to the emphasis to more traditional re-
OEMs if pack-level standards emerge lationships among cell manufactur-
Sticking with Tradition. Some tier one that allow for flexibility in battery ers, tier one suppliers, and OEMs.
suppliers, too, are teaming directly technology.
with cell manufacturers. Examples Implications and Questions for In-
include Johnson Controls’ agreement The Outlook to 2020. A key ques- dustry Participants. In addition to
with Saft in the United States and tion that will determine the indus- OEMs, battery-cell manufacturers,
Europe, and SB LiMotive, a joint ven- try’s evolution according to either or and tier one suppliers, the electric-
ture between Samsung (South Korea) both of the scenarios outlined above car battery business includes players
and Bosch (Germany). Relationships is how OEMs will trade off control that are new to the automotive in-
of this kind allow tier one suppliers over differentiating technology dustry. At one end of the value chain
to apply automotive-integration ex- against scale and flexibility in the are chemical companies and battery
pertise to the battery business and short to medium term. In the short component producers; at the other
give cell manufacturers access to an term, we expect alliances between end are mobility operators, such as
array of OEMs through established OEMs and cell manufacturers to Zipcar, and power companies. All are
relationships. For OEMs, this model dominate as OEMs continue to learn facing stiff challenges as they work to
yields less control and less detailed about the underlying technology and define and secure solid positions on
knowledge of battery technology, but seek to secure an early competitive the value chain, and all will be affect-
it allows them to benefit from the advantage by quickly bringing exclu- ed by the degree to which govern-
scale effects of leveraging a cross- sive solutions to market. As the tech- ments take action to stimulate in-
OEM supply base. It also reduces nology matures and batteries gradu- vestment and demand.

Exhibit 6. Alliances Are Likely to Shift as Cells Commoditize

Short term: Forging new alliances Medium term: Sticking with tradition
OEMs partner with cell suppliers Tier one suppliers provide batteries to OEMs

Com- Com-
Cell Module Pack Inte- Cell Module Pack Inte-
ponent produc- Recy- ponent produc- Recy-
produc- tion produc- assem- gra- Use produc- tion produc- assem- gra- Use
cling cling
tion bly tion tion bly tion
tion tion

Tier one

Battery cell


OEMs try to secure the best battery Tier one suppliers drive scale and
technology and know-how standardization and manage OEMs
(battery chemistries are differentiating) (battery electronics are differentiating)
Source: BCG analysis.

Batteries for Electric Cars 11

OEMs face an urgent decision in light that are complementary to ours and, Mobility operators and power compa-
of the current financial crisis and se- if so, how might we integrate them? nies are defining new business mod-
verely limited resources: how to allo- What assumptions about market size els based on car usage rather than
cate their investments in new tech- should drive investments? car ownership. They may play a role
nologies. To answer this question, in the market penetration of electric
OEMs must quickly develop battery Tier one suppliers are working to re- cars by reducing customers’ up-front
know-how. We see this happening tain their role as an integrator for costs or by offering solutions to the
primarily through partnerships with limitations of electric vehicles, such
cell manufacturers, tier one suppli- OEMs must quickly as their limited driving range and
ers, and power companies. As OEMs long recharge time. These players
develop battery
learn, they are also hedging to avoid must consider the following ques-
being locked in with technologically know-how through tions: Does the utility provider busi-
or financially disadvantaged suppli- partnerships with other ness case strengthen or degrade as
ers. OEMs must consider these ques- battery technology improves and
tions: What is the appropriate industry stakeholders. costs decline? How robust are the
tradeoff between learning and risk various options for potential battery
management? Will this tradeoff OEMs as the industry’s priorities and reuse? Are there certain locations or
change as battery technologies ma- cost centers shift toward batteries. vehicle segments where a reuse
ture and, if so, what leading indica- They should consider these ques- model will be especially appealing?
tors might exist? How will one elec- tions: How do we best become ex- Is the business model most appeal-
tric vehicle be differentiated from perts in battery technology? What ing for the organization operating
others as the technology matures? value can we bring to OEMs? How alone or in a partnership?
What are the appropriate invest- might we drive scale as the industry
ment goals and horizons, and are grows? Do we hold core competen- Governments have begun to assume
those of our company in line with cies that the electric-vehicle supply responsibility for ensuring that com-
others in the industry? How much chain can leverage? panies master battery and electric-
partnering with other OEMs will car technology and produce large
provide adequate risk sharing? What Chemical companies and component enough volumes to bring costs down.
do we need from others along the producers tend to see the electric-car These two steps are essential to the
value chain for our business case to business as representing only a long-term viability of the industry—
succeed? small percentage of their overall rev- which, in turn, is one of the key
enues. They will ultimately supply paths to reduced dependence on oil.
Cell manufacturers face both great active materials, separators, and oth- Given the strong tailwinds of public
pressure and tremendous opportuni- er key parts for cell manufacturing, and corporate interest, we expect
ty. Product diversity is likely to give and will likely prefer to use cell that there will be sufficient govern-
way to a technological and cost manufacturers as intermediaries in mental support to allow the industry
shakeout in the short to medium order to protect their margins from to reach both technological maturity
term, as players with superior tech- scrutiny by OEMs and tier one sup- and cost viability. In our view, reach-
nology win contracts and increase pliers. These players should consider ing these two industry milestones
production volumes to decrease pric- the following questions: How much will correlate with electric vehicles
es. We expect these winners to either investment in new electric-vehicle- and range extenders attaining a 3 to
overcome or acquire smaller players, specific components is appropriate? 5 percent share of the passenger car
driving industry consolidation. Cell Is partnering with a single cell man- market in developed countries.
manufacturers must consider the fol- ufacturer or selling products on the
lowing questions: What differentiates open market the better avenue to The continued growth of the market
our technology for the OEM and the maximizing profits? What should be for electric vehicles will depend on
customer? How will we remain cost our commercialization strategy for new battery technologies and the
competitive as the industry matures? new electric-vehicle materials and will of governments, as well as on
Are there competitive technologies components? driving patterns and macroeconomic

12 The Boston Consulting Group

factors, such as the price of gasoline. gies or portions of the value chain? matures. As it stands today, the stage
Regulators may decide to allow pure How and when can we best deploy is set for a shakeout among the vari-
economics (and environmental consumer incentives to drive de- ous battery chemistries, power-train
needs) to drive the market, thus lim- mand? How should we trade off the technologies, business models, and
iting electric cars’ share. Or they consumer economics of electric-vehi- even regions. OEMs, suppliers, power
may continue to support further cle credits with taxes on ICE-based companies, and governments will
market development, implementing vehicles? need to work together to establish
sustained tax subsidies and stricter the right conditions for a large, via-
regulation to transfer the cost of the ble electric-vehicle market to

technology to the consumer. Deci- emerge. The stakes are very high.
sions in this arena will have a signifi- he electric-vehicle and lithi-
cant influence on the market’s de- um-ion battery businesses
velopment beyond 2020, notably on hold the promise of large po-
the amount of financial support re- tential profit pools for both incum-
quired. bents and new players; however, in-
vesting in these technologies entails
Governments should consider the substantial risks. It is unclear wheth-
following questions: What are our er incumbent OEMs and battery
investment goals and horizons? manufacturers or new entrants will
Should we bet on specific technolo- emerge as winners as the industry

Batteries for Electric Cars 13

About the Authors Acknowledgments For Further Contact
Andreas Dinger is a principal in the The authors would like to acknowl- If you would like to discuss the issues
Munich office of The Boston Consult- edge the substantive contributions of in this BCG Focus, please contact any
ing Group. You may contact him by their colleagues on the project team: of the authors.
e-mail at Clemens Hiraoka, Munehiro Hoson-
uma, Jonathan Nipper, and Annika This paper was sponsored by BCG’s
Ripley Martin is a project leader Weckerle. They would also like to Industrial Goods and Energy and En-
in the firm’s Detroit office. You thank Kathleen Lancaster for her vironment practices. For inquiries
may contact him by e-mail at help in writing this report and Gary about the Industrial Goods practice’s Callahan, Kim Friedman, and Gina activities, please contact its global
Goldstein for their contributions to leader:
Xavier Mosquet is a senior partner its editing, design, and production.
and managing director in BCG’s Josef Rick
Detroit office and a coleader of the Senior Partner and Managing Director
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You may contact him by e-mail at
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Maximilian Rabl is a consultant Environment practice’s activities,
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Massimo Russo is a partner and

managing director in the firm’s Bos-
ton office. You may contact him by
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Georg Sticher is a senior partner

and managing director in BCG’s
Munich office and a coleader of the
global automotive practice.
You may contact him by e-mail at

14 The Boston Consulting Group

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