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Captain 120 pts

WS:6 BS:5 S:4 T:4 W:4 I:5 A:4 LD:10 SV: 3+

Relic Blade: Melee, Concussive S+2 AP:4 Range: - Relic Blade,

Primarch’s Wrath
Artificer Armor: 2+ Armor Save Artificer Armor
Iron Halo
Primarch’s Wrath: Range:24 S:4 AP:4 Master crafted, 3/5 salvo, shred

Iron Halo: 4+ Invulnerable Save

3 Librarians 240 pts

WS:5 BS:4 S:4 T:4 W:2 I:4 A:2 LD:10 SV:3 PM:2

Force Stave: Melee, Concussive, Force S+2 AP:4 Range: - Force Stave
Bolt pistol
Terminator 2+ Armor Save 5+Invulnerable Save Terminator Armor
Psychic Hood
Bolt Pistol: Range: 12, S:4 AP:5, Twin Linked

Psychic Hood: +1 to Reject the Witch and all Saves done by Buildings or Vehicles the Librarian is in.

1 Scout Squad: 10 scout models 130 pts

Scout: WS:4 BS:4 S:4 T:4 W:1 I:4 A:1 LD:8 SV: 4+
Scout Veteran Sergeant: WS:4 BS:4 S:4 T:4 W:1 I:4 A:2 LD:9 SV: 4+

Camo Cloaks: 6+ cover save or -1 to existing cover save

Sniper Rifle: Range: 36 S:x AP:6 Heavy 1, Sniper

Sniper: any weapon or model with sniper rule, on a die roll to hit of 6, the shot is a precision shot

Precision shots are wounds you can allocate, as opposed to your opponent.

Predator 150 pts

BS:4 FA:13 SA:11 RA:10 HP:3

Twin Linked Lascannon: Range:48 S:7 AP:4 Heavy 1

Two Side Sponson Lascannons: Range: 48 S:7 AP:4 Heavy 1

Ceramite Plating: One Higher for a Penetrating hit, +2 armour all sides, Melta weapons do not roll an
extra d6 for AP
1 Space Marine Tactical Squad

5 Space Marines: WS: 4 BS: 4 S: T: 4 W: A: LD: 8 SV: 3+ 70 pts

Boltgun: Range: 24 S:4 AP:5 rapidfire

1 Space Marine Assault Squad w/ Jump packs 70 pts

5 Space Marines: WS: 4 BS: 4 S: T: 4 W: A: LD: 8 SV: 3+

Plasma Pistol: Range: 12 S:7 AP:2 pistol, Rapid fire

Chainsword: Range – S: x AP: none Melee

1 Space Marine Assault Squad w/ Jump packs 70 pts

5 Space Marines: WS: 4 BS: 4 S: T: 4 W: A: LD: 8 SV: 3+

Bolt Pistol: Range: 12 S:4 AP:5 pistol

Chainsword: Range – S: x AP: none Melee

Legion of the Damned w/ Jump Packs 150 pts

5 Legionnaire: WS:4 BS:4 S:4 T:4 W:1 I:4 A:2 LD:10 SV+3
1 Legionnaire Sergeant: WS:5 BS:4 S:4 T:4 W:1 I:4 A:2 LD:10 SV+3

Bolt Pistol: Range: 12 S:4 AP:5 pistol

Chainsword: Range – S: x AP: none Melee

Unyielding Spectres: 3+ invulnerable save to all Legion of the Damned models.

Aid Unlooked For: Legion of the Damned cannot be joined by Independent CharactersThe Legion of
the Damned always starts the game in deep strike reserve, when landing, you can reroll both the Scatter
Die and the 2D6.

Flaming Projectiles: Ranged Attacks made by the legion of the damned have the Ignores Cover special

2 Librarians have the Perfect Timing, Prescience, and Precognition powers.

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