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Nama : Alvian Budi Pratama

NIM : 171040200010
Prodi : THP A1


1. False. The first history of tea “cha ling”, was writen y a China man around 800 AD

2. False. Nowadays tea is made and drunl according to Western standards but the old ceremony is
still taught and widely praticed

3. False. The new drink spread to China’s neighbor Japan, very quickly

4. False. Tea was first sold in the coffe houses that had sprung up all over the country

5. False. The earliest record of tea drinking in that country was in 729 AD when the Emperor Shomu
invited 100 Buddhist monk to take tea in his palace

6. False. Before the years 1700 earthenware teapots and cups were being made in Staffordshire


1. Chent (e)

2. Charming (d)

3. History (h)

4. Palace (f)

5. Trade (a)

6. Countinent (j)

7. Design (b)

8. Tremendous (i)

9. Earthenware (c)

10. Exquisite (g)

1. Palace = Castle (b)

2. Written = Printed (a)

3. Reached = Attained (c)

4. Magical = Miraculous (b)

5. Spulying = Providing (a)

6. Standards = Priciples (c)


1. My sister has fed the cat

2. Carrie and I have planted arose flower in the garden

3. The hunter has shoot the elephant

4. My mother and my sister have aranged all the flowers in the vase for more than an hour

5. The price of sugar has increased for two weeks

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