360 Degree Feedback Form

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360 degree Feedback form

Instructions for feedback

1. Feedback is to help a person to do her role better

2. Feedback looks for objective assessment going beyond personal whims and fancies
3. Feedback is done out of love for the person
4. Feedback is done in a prayerful atmosphere
5. Avoid information based on hearsay and focus on your personal experiences with her

A.Personal qualities

 Reliable and trustworthy 7

 Open to new ideas8
 Innovative 1
 Honest in dealings 5
 Genuine in her love for others 3
 No favoritism 2
 Takes responsibility for her decisions 6
 Spends time in personal prayer 4

Questions:(kindly put the number next to each of the qualities given above)

1. Does she exhibit above mentioned personality traits in the roles she plays? How would
you assess her in a scale of 1 to 9 where 1 being the lowest and 9 being the highest?
(Mark in color your choice)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2. Can you provide maximum two examples of how she positively contributes through her
personality traits?
a. Relaxed

b. Needs work on honest dealing

3. Which areas you feel that she could further improve personality traits?
a. Know that all have dos and don’t
b. Affirm at the right time
B.Spiritual animation

 Builds praying community 5

 Encourages discerned actions 6
 Provides space for silence and reflection 7
 Focusses on inner strength 4
 Provides space for freedom and responsibility 2
 Helps people to strengthen spiritual dimension 3
 Organizes spiritual animation of the community systematically 1
Questions:(kindly put the number next to each of the qualities given above)

1. Does she exhibit above mentioned spiritual animation in the roles she plays? How
would you assess her in a scale of 1 to 9 where 1 being the lowest and 9 being the
highest? (Mark in colour your choice)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2. Can you provide maximum two examples of how she positively contributes through her
spiritual animation?
a. Planning is needed
b. Provides updated animations
3. In which areas you feel that she could further improve spiritual animation?
a. Moderate innovative ideas and
b. more of building lives

C. Leadership Qualities

 A person others choose to follow. 6

 Provides vision for the future. 1
 Provides inspiration. 5
 Makes other people feel important and appreciated.
 Lives gospel values. Behaves ethically. 2
 Establishes an environment of continuous improvement. 7
 Provides opportunities for people to grow, both personally and professionally. 4
 Cares and acts with compassion. 3
Questions:(kindly put the number next to each of the qualities given above)

1. Does she exhibit above mentioned leadership qualities in the roles she plays? How
would you assess her in a scale of 1 to 9 where 1 being the lowest and 9 being the
highest? (Mark in colour your choice)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2. Can you provide maximum two examples of how she positively contributes through her
a. Initiates and follows
b. Participative
3. In which areas you feel that she could further improve her leadership?
a. Working along with the next member on the role.
b. Should be less frightened

D. Interpersonal Skills

 Team player 7
 Tries to take everyone along 6
 Communicates with all transparently 8
 Good at time management 4
 Care-fronting 5
 Good is animating common deliberations 1
 Builds personal and genuine relationship with everyone 2
 Gets the best out of everyone 3

Questions:(kindly put the number next to each of the qualities given above)

1. Does she exhibit above mentioned interpersonal skills in the roles she plays? How
would you assess her in a scale of 1 to 9 where 1 being the lowest and 9 being the
highest? (Mark in colour your choice)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2. Can you provide maximum two examples of how she positively contributes through her
inter personal skills?
a. Good at managing
b. Good at caring when sick
3. In which areas you feel that she could further improve interpersonal skills?
a. More at discussion
b. Listening patiently would help a lot.
E. Problem Solving

 Active listener of all 2

 Anticipates obstacles in implementing plans 3
 Draws consensus around problems 8
 Flexibility to try new approaches 5
 Mediates well in interpersonal conflicts 6
 Brainstorms solutions 7
 Able to go beyond symptoms to understand the root causes 4
 Ready to take risks 1

Questions:(kindly put the number next to each of the qualities given above)

1. Does she exhibit above mentioned problem solving skills in the roles she plays? How
would you assess her in a scale of 1 to 9 where 1 being the lowest and 9 being the
highest? (Mark in colour your choice)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2. Can you provide maximum two examples of how she positively contributes through her
problem solving skills?
a. Respects individuals
b. Flexible to try new ideas
3. In which areas you feel that she could further improve problem solving skills?
a. Beyond over looking
b. only 3 in a community so everything should be shared with everyone

F. Motivation

 Empowers others 7
 Treats everyone equally and with respect 8
 Involves everyone in decision making 9
 Trusts everyone 6
 Follows minimum rules and provides space for individual responsibility 5
 Provides feedback to her subjects 4
 Helps everyone to align with the charism 1
 Provides clear guidelines to everyone 2
 Makes everyone accountable 3

Questions:(kindly put the number next to each of the qualities given above)
1. Does she exhibit above mentioned motivational skills in the roles she plays? How would
you assess her in a scale of 1 to 9 where 1 being the lowest and 9 being the highest?
(Mark in colour your choice)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2. Can you provide maximum two examples of how she positively contributes through her
motivational skills?
a. Encouraging
b. Likes financial stability
3. In which areas you feel that she could further improve motivational skills?
a. Partially able to draw maximum from the other
b. I don’t understand her mind

G. Efficiency

 Organized and structured in approach 1

 Ensures timely implementation of plans 9
 Clear in what she is expecting from others 5
 Follow up all plans till logical end is reached 6
 Looks for continuous improvement 10
 Provides good ambience for work 2
 Looks for effectiveness in works 3
 Detail oriented and tightens up loose ends 8
 Prioritizes the plans 7
 Ability to multi-task 4
Questions:(kindly put the number next to each of the qualities given above)

1. Does she exhibit above mentioned efficiency skills in the roles she plays? How would
you assess her in a scale of 1 to 9 where 1 being the lowest and 9 being the highest?
(Mark in color your choice)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2. Can you provide maximum two examples of how she positively contributes through her
efficiency skills?
a. Good and long discussion
b. Follows the planes which come from the centre. (Good)
3. In which areas you feel that she could further improve efficiency skills?
a. Avoid favoring only few,
b. She is too soft and slow to tap the efficiency of the other

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