Syllabus For Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS W.E.F 2010-11 Admitted Batches

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Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.

f 2010-11 admitted batches



Sl No Paper-I Code
(Choose any one subject)
1 Adaptive Control Theory R100701
2 Advanced Digital Signal Processing R100702
3 Advanced Power System Protection R100703
4 Analysis of Power Electronic Converters R100704
5 Digital Control Systems R100705
6 Energy Conversion Systems R100706
7 Enterprise Resource Planning R100707
8 Extra High Voltage Transmission R100708
9 Flexible AC Transmission Systems R100709
10 High Voltage Engineering and Insulation Co- R100710
11 Micro Processor and Microcontrollers R100711
12 Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems R100712
13 Power Electronic Control of DC Drives R100713
14 Power System Operation and Control R100714
15 Power System Reliability R100715

Sl No Paper-II Code
(Choose any one subject)
1 Advanced control Systems R100751
2 Electrical Distribution Systems R100752
3 High Voltage DC Transmission R100753
4 High Voltage Testing Techniques R100754
5 Modern Control Theory R100755
6 Modern Power Electronics R100756
7 Optimal Control Theory R100757
8 Partial Discharge in High Voltage Equipment R100758
9 Power Electronic Control of AC Drives R100759
10 Power Quality R100760
11 Power System Dynamics R100761
12 Reactive power Compensation and Management R100762
13 Reliability Engineering R100763
14 State & Parameter Estimation Theory R100764
15 Voltage Stability R100765
Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted batches

Subject Code R100701


Introduction-use of Adaptive control-definitions-essential aspects-classification. Model
reference adaptive systems- different configurations-
classification- mathematical description- Equivalent representation as a nonlinear time
varying system- direct and indirect MRAC.

Continuous time MRAC systems- MIT rule- Lyapunov approach. Hyper stability
approach- Narendra’s error model approach- Discrete time MRAC systems-
Hyper stability approach- Narendra’s error model approach- Introduction- stability
theorem- Relation to other algorithms- hybrid adaptive control.

Self tuning regulators- different approaches to self tuning- Recursive parameter
estimation- implicit STR- Explicit STR- LQG self tuning-
Hybrid self tuning control- Introduction- Derivation of an equivalent closed loop system-
Hybrid predictor design- Hybrid self tuning algorithms.

Variable structure schemes- reduced- order schemes- adaptive prediction control
systems- Fuzzy logic adaptive control. Stochastic adaptive control- Multistep decision
problems- the stochastic adaptive problem- dual control.

Introduction- A general purpose adaptive regulator- power systems- Electric generator
control-Electric drives- Airborne vehicles- industrial Robots- Satellite altitude control.

1.Adaptive control-K.J.Astrom and Bjorn Wittenmark-Peerson Education.
2.Adaptive Control System- Techniques & Applications-V.V.Chalam-Marcel Dekker
3. Adaptive control systems- Miskhin and Braun-MC Graw Hill
Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted batches

Subject Code R100702


UNIT – I : Digital Filter Structures

Block diagram representation – Equivalent Structures – FIR and IIR digital filter
Structures AII pass Filters-tunable IIR Digital Sine-cosine generator- Computational
complexity of digital filter structures.

UNIT – II Digital filter design

Preliminary considerations- Bilinear transformation method of IIR filter design –design
of Low pass highpass – Bandpass, and Band stop- IIR digital filters – Spectral
transformations of IIR filters – FIR filter design –based on Windowed Fourier series –
design of FIR digital filters with least – mean square-error – constrained Least –square
design of FIR digital filters.

UNIT III: DSP algorithm implementation.

Computation of the discrete Fourier transform- Number representation – Arithmetic
operations – handling of overflow – Tunable digital filters – function approximation.

UNIT IV: Analysis of finite Word length effects

The Quantization process and errors-Quantization of fixed –point and floating –point
Numbers – Analysis of coefficient Quantization effects – Analysis of Arithmetic Round-
off errors- Dynamic range scaling – signal –to- noise in Low –order IIR filters- Low –
Sensitivity Digital filter – Reduction of Product round-off errors feedback – Limit cycles
in IIR digital filter – Round – off errors in FFT Algorithms.

UNIT V: POWER Spectrum Estimation

Estimation of spectra from Finite Duration Observations signals- Non-parametric
methods for power spectrum Estimation- parametric method for power spectrum
Estimation- Estimation of spectral form-Finite duration observation of signals- Non-
parametric methods for power spectrum estimation – Walsh methods – Blackman and
torchy method.

1. Digital signal processing –sanjit K. Mitra – TMH second edition
2. Discrete Time Signal Processing – Alan V. Oppenheim, Ronald W, Shafer – PHI
1996 1ST Edition reprint
3. Digital Signal Processing principles – algorithms and Applications- john G.
Proakis – PHI – 3RD edition 2002.
4. Digital Signal Processing – S Salivahanan. A. Vallavaraj C. Gnanapriya – TMH –
2nd reprint 2001.
5. Theory and Applications of Digital Signal Processing –Lourens R Rebinarand
6. Digital Filter Analysis and Design Auntoniam – TMH
Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted batches

Subject Code R100703


Unit I:
Primary and back up protection, current transformers for protection, potential
transformer, review of electromagnetic relays static relays.
Over current relays time current characteristic, current setting time setting, directional
relay, static over current relays.

Unit II:
Distance protection : impedance, reactance, mho, angle impedance relays. Input
quantities for various types of distance relays, effect of arc resistance on the performance
of distance relays, selection of distance relays. MHO relay with blinders, quadrilateral
relay, elliptical relay. Restricted mho, impedance directional, reactance relays. Swiveling

Unit III:
Compensation for correct distance measurement, reduction of measuring units switched
schemes. Pilot relaying schemes. Wire pilot protection, circulating current scheme,
balanced voltage scheme, transley scheme , carrier current protection, phase comparison
carrier current protection, carrier aided distance protection.

Unit IV:
Digital relaying algorithms, differential equation technique, discrete fourier transform
technique, walsh-hadamard transform technique, rationalized harr transform technique,
removal of dc offset

Unit V:
Introduction to Microprocessors: review of microprocessors and interfacing. single chip
microcomputers programmable interval timer, A/D converter.
Microprocessor based protective relays: over current, directional, impedance, reactance
relays. Generalized mathematical expressions for distance relays, mho and offset mho
relays, quadrilateral relay.
.Microprocessor implementation of digital distance relaying algorithms.

Text book
1. Power system protection & switchgear by Badri ram & vishwakarma, TMH
publication New Delhi 1995.

2. Power System Protection by Madhava Rao TMH

Reference Book
1. Power System by Ravindra Nath and Chandar PHI.
Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted batches

Subject Code R100704

Unit I Single Phase AC Voltage Controllers. Single phase AC voltage controllers with
Resistive, Resistive-inductive and Resistive-inductive-induced e.m.f. loads – ac voltage
controllers with PWM Control – Effects of source and load inductances - Synchronous tap
changers- Applications - numerical problems.
Unit II Three Phase AC Voltage Controllers.
Three phase AC voltage controllers – Analysis of controllers with star and delta Connected
Resistive, Resistive-inductive loads – Effects of source and load Inductances – applications –
numerical problems.
Single phase to single phase cycloconverters – analysis of midpoint and bridge Configurations –
Three phase to three phase cycloconverters – analysis of Midpoint and bridge configurations –
Limitations – Advantages – Applications - numerical problems.
Unit III Single Phase Converters.
Single phase converters – Half controlled and Fully controlled converters – Evaluation of input
power factor and harmonic factor – continuous and Discontinuous load current – single phase
dual converters – power factor Improvements – Extinction angle control – symmetrical angle
control – PWM – single phase sinusoidal PWM – single phase series converters – Applications -
Numerical problems.
Three Phase Converters.
Three phase converters – Half controlled and fully controlled converters – Evaluation of input
power factor and harmonic factor – continuous and Discontinuous load current – three phase dual
converters – power factor Improvements – three phase PWM - twelve pulse converters –
applications – Numerical problems.
Unit IV D.C. to D.C. Converters.
Analysis of step-down and step-up dc to dc converters with resistive and Resistive-inductive
loads – Switched mode regulators – Analysis of Buck Regulators - Boost regulators – buck and
boost regulators – Cuk regulators –Condition for continuous inductor current and capacitor
voltage – comparison Of regulators –Multiouput boost converters – advantages – applications –
Numerical problems.
Unit V Pulse Width Modulated Inverters(single phase).
Principle of operation – performance parameters – single phase bridge inverter- evaluation of
output voltage and current with resistive, inductive and Capacitive loads – Voltage control of
single phase inverters – single PWM – Multiple PWM – sinusoidal PWM – modified PWM –
phase displacement Control – Advanced modulation techniques for improved performance –
Trapezoidal, staircase, stepped, harmonic injection and delta modulation – Advantage –
application – numerical problems.
Pulse Width Modulated Inverters(three phase).
Three phase inverters – analysis of 180 degree condition for output voltage And current with
resistive, inductive loads – analysis of 120 degree Conduction – voltage control of three phase
inverters – sinusoidal PWM – Third Harmonic PWM – 60 degree PWM – space vector
modulation – Comparison of PWM techniques – harmonic reductions – Current Source Inverter –
variable d.c. link inverter – boost inverter – buck and boost inverter - inverter circuit design –
advantages – applications – numerical problems.
Text books:
1. Power Electronics – Mohammed H. Rashid – Pearson Education – Third Edition – First
Indian reprint 2004.
2. Power Electronics – Ned Mohan, Tore M. Undeland and William P. Robbins – John Wiley &
Sons – Second Edition.
Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted batches

Subject Code R100705



Introduction, sample and hold operations, Sampling theorem, Reconstruction of original
sampled signal to continuous-time signal.
Introduction, Linear difference equations, pulse response, Z – transforms, Theorems of Z
– Transforms, the inverse Z – transforms, Modified Z- Transforms.
Z-Transform method for solving difference equations; Pulse transforms function, block
diagram analysis of sampled – data systems, mapping between s-plane and z-plane:
Primary strips and Complementary Strips.


State Space Representation of discrete time systems, Pulse Transfer Function Matrix
solving discrete time state space equations, State transition matrix and it’s Properties,
Methods for Computation of State Transition Matrix, Discretization of continuous time
state – space equations
Concepts of Controllability and Observability, Tests for controllability and Observability.
Duality between Controllability and Observability, Controllability and Observability
conditions for Pulse Transfer Function.


Stability Analysis of closed loop systems in the Z-Plane. Jury stablility test – Stability
Analysis by use of the Bilinear Transformation and Routh Stability criterion. Stability
analysis using Liapunov theorems.


Design of digital control based on the frequency response method – Bilinear
Transformation and Design procedure in the w-plane, Lead, Lag and Lead-Lag
compensators and digital PID controllers. Design digital control through deadbeat
response method.


Design of state feedback controller through pole placement – Necessary and sufficient
conditions, Ackerman’s formula.
State Observers – Full order and Reduced order observers.
Linear Quadratic Regulators
Min/Max principle, Linear Quadratic Regulators, Kalman filters, State estimation
through Kalman filters, introduction to adaptive controls.

1. Discrete-Time Control systems - K. Ogata, Pearson Education/PHI, 2nd Edition
2. Digital Control and State Variable Methods by M.Gopal, TMH
1. Digital Control Systems, Kuo, Oxford University Press, 2nd Edition, 2003.
2. Digital Control Engineering, M.Gopal
Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted batches

Subject Code R100706


Unit I:
Photo voltaic power generation ,spectral distribution of energy in solar radiation, solar
cell configurations, voltage developed by solar cell, photo current and load current,
practical solar cell performance, commercial photo voltaic systems, test specifications
for pv systems, applications of super conducting materials in electrical equipment

Unit II:
Principles of MHD power generation, ideal MHD generator performance, practical MHD
generator, MHD technology.- Wind Energy conversion: Power from wind, properties of
air and wind, types of wind Turbines, operating characteristics.

Unit III:
Tides and tidal power stations, modes of operation, tidal project examples, turbines and
generators for tidal power generation. Wave energy conversion: properties of waves and
power content, vertex motion of Waves, device applications. Types of ocean thermal
energy conversion systems Application of OTEC systems examples,

Unit IV:
Miscellaneous energy conversion systems: coal gasification and liquefaction, biomass
conversion, geothermal energy, thermo electric energy conversion, principles of EMF
generation, description of fuel cells
Co-generation and energy storage, combined cycle co-generation, energy storage. Global
energy position and environmental effects: energy units, global energy position..

Unit V:
Types of fuel cells, H2-O2 Fuel cells, Application of fuel cells – Batteries, Description of
batteries, Battery application for large power.
Environmental effects of energy conversion systems, pollution from coal and preventive
measures steam stations and pollution, pollution free energy systems.

1. “Energy conversion systems” by Rakosh das Begamudre, New age international
publishers, New Delhi - 2000.
2. “Renewable Energy Resources” by John Twidell and Tony Weir, 2nd edition,
Fspon & Co
Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted batches

Subject Code R100707


Unit I:
General modes for ERP, Integrated management information; Benefits of
ERP.Business modelling for ERP.
Representative lists of various core processes and of entities forming data model.

Unit II:
Problem statement ; Key issues; Implementation methodology and guidelines.
ERP Domain in power plants: Power plant management, Project management, Operation
management, Maintenance Management, Fuel management, Materials management,
Human resource management, Finance management, Safety management, and
Environment management

Unit III:
Introduction to IRP and DSM; Framework of DSM.
Customer load control; Interruptible electric service; Various evaluation criteria,
Rate design in DSM: Objectives, Time - of - use (TOU) rate.

Unit IV:
Market planning, generic load - shape changes
Evaluating DSM programs, an overview of detailed evaluation approach.

Unit V:
Cost benefit analysis, consumer perspective, utility perspective. Customer
acceptance of DSM programs. Strategic marketing, Marketing implementation strategies.


1. Vinod Kumar Garg and N.K. Venkita Krishnan : “Enterprise Resource Planning -
Concepts and Practice”, Prentice - Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 1999
2. C.W. Gellings and J.G. Chamberlin : “Demand - Side Management : Concepts and
Methods”, The Fairmont Press, Inc, 1993.
Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted batches

Subject Code R100708


Unit I : E.H.V. A.C. Transmission line trends and preliminary aspects standard
transmission voltages – power handling capacities and line losses – mechanical aspects.

Unit II : Calculation of line resistance and inductances : resistance of conductors,

temperature rise of conductor and current carrying capacity. Properties of bundled
conductors and geometric mean radims of bundle, inductance of two conductor lines and
multi – conductor lines, Maxwell’s coefficient matrix.
Line capacitance calculation : capacitance of two conductor line, and capacitance of multi
conductor lines, potential coefficients for bundled conductor lines, sequence inductances
and capacitances and diagonalization.

Unit III : Calculation of electro static field traveling waves due to corona – Audio noise
die to corona, its generation, characteristics and limits measurement of audio noise.
Surface voltage Gradient on conductors, surface gradient on 2 conductor bundle and
consine law, Maximum surface voltage gradient of bundle with more than 3 sub
conductors, Mangolt formula.

Unit IV : Corona : Corona in EHV lines – corona loss formulate – attenuation of

traveling waves due to corona – Audio noise due to corona, its generation, characteristics
and limits measurement of audio noise.
: Power Frequency voltage control : Problems at power frequency, generalized constants,
No load voltage conditions and charging currents, voltage control using synchronous
conductor, cas cade connection of components : Shunt and series compensation, sub
synchronous resonance in series – capacitor compensated lines

Unit V : Static reactive compensation systems : Introduction, SVC schemes, Harmonics

injected in to network by TCR, design of filters for suppressing harmonics injected in to
the system.

1. Extra High Voltage AC Transmission Engineering – Rakosh Das Begamudre, Wiley
Eastem ltd.,New Delhi – 1987.
2. EHV Transmission line reference book – Edision Electric Institute (GEC) 1986.
Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted batches

Subject Code R100709


Unit I: FACTS Concepts:

Transmission interconnections power flow in an AC system, loading capability
limits, Dynamic stability considerations, importance of controllable parameters basic
types of FACTS controllers, benefits from FACTS controllers.

Unit II:Voltage Source Converters:

Single phase three phase full wave bridge converters transformer connections for 12
pulse 24 and 48 pulse operation.
Three level voltage source converter, pulse width modulation converter, basic concept of
current source Converters, comparison of current source converters with voltage source

Unit III: Static Shunt Compensation:

Objectives of shunt compensation, mid point voltage regulation voltage instability
prevention, improvement of transient stability, Power oscillation damping, Methods of
controllable var generation, variable impedance type static var generators switching
converter type var generators hybrid var generators.


The regulation and slope transfer function and dynamic performance, transient stability
enhancement and power oscillation damping operating point control and summary
of compensator control.
Static Series Compensators:
concept of series capacitive compensation, improvement of transient stability, power
oscillation damping

Unit V:
Functional requirements GTO thyristor controlled series capacitor (GSC), thyristor
switched series capacitor (TSSC), and thrystor controlled series capacitor (TCSC)
control schemes for GSC TSSC and TCSC.

Text Book :
“ Understanding FACTS Devices” N.G. Hingorani and L. Guygi.
IEEE Press Publications 2000.
Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted batches

Subject Code R100710


Unit I: Conduction and Breakdown in Gases:

Ionization process, Twonsend’s current growth equation, current growth in the secondary
processes, Twonsend’s criterion for breakdown, streamer theory of breakdown in gases,
Paschen law, breakdown in non uniform fields and corona discharge.

Unit II: Conduction, Breakdown in liquids and solids:

Pure liquids and commercial liquids, conduction and breakdown in pure liquids,
breakdown in solids dielectrics, Intrinsic breakdown, Electromechanical breakdown and
thermal breakdown.
Generation of High Voltage and Currents:
Generation of high D.C. generation of high alternating voltages, generation of impulse
voltages, generation of impulse currents, tripping and control of impulse generators

Unit III: Measurement of high voltage and currents:

Measurement of high d.c.voltages, Measurement of high a.c. and impulse voltages,
Measurement of high d.c., a.c. and impulse currents. Cathode Ray Oscilloscope for
impulse voltage and current measurements.
Testing of Materials and Apparatus
Measurement of D.C. resistivity, measurement of dielectric constant and loss factor,
partial discharge measurements, testing of insulators, bushing, circuits breakers,
transformers and surge divertors.

Unit IV: Over Voltage Phenomenon Insulation Coordination:

Causes of over voltage, lighting phenomenon, switching over voltages and power
frequency over voltages in power systems,
Insulation Coordination:
Principle of insulation coordination on high voltage and extra high voltage power

Unit V: Gas insulated substations:

Advantages of Gas Insulated Substations, Comparison of Gas Insulated substations and
Air Insulated Substations, Design and Layout of Gas Insulated Substations, Description
of Various components in GIS.
1. High Voltage Engineering by M.S.Naidu and V.Kamaraju – TMH.
2. High Voltage Engineering fundamentals by Kuffel and Zungel, Elsavier Publications
3. Switchgear By BHEL, TMH
1. Fundamentals of Gaseous Ionization and plasma Electronics by Essam Nasser –
Wiley - Inter Science.
2. High Voltage Technology by ALSTOM
3. Gaseous Dielectrics by Arora, TMH
Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted batches

Subject Code R100711


Unit I: 8086/8088 processors : Introduction to 8086 Microprocessors, ,Architecture,

Addressing modes, Instruction set, Register Organization, Assembler directives.

Unit II: Hard ware description: Pindiagram signal description min & max modes, bus
timing, ready & wait states, 8086 based micro computing system.
Special features & Related Programming : Stack structure of 8086, Memory
segmentation, Interrupts, ISR, NMI, MI and interrupt Programming, Macros.

Unit III: Advanced Microprocessors: Intel 80386 programming model ,memory

paging, Introduction to 80486, Introduction to Pentium Microprocessors and special
Pentium pro features.
Basic peripherals & Their Interfacing:-Memory Interfacing (DRAM) PPI- Modes of
operation of 8255 ,Interfacing to ADC & DAC.

Unit IV:- Special Purpose of Programmable Peripheral Devices and Their

interfacing :-Programmable interval timer , 8253 , PIC 8259A,display controller
Programmable communication Interface 8251,USART and Exercises.

Unit V :-Microcontrollers : Introduction to Intel 8 bit &16 bit Microcontrollers, 8051-

Architecture, Memory organization, Addressing Modes and exercises
Hardware description of 8051: Instruction formats ,Instruction sets, interrupt Structure
& interrupt priorities, Port structures &Operation linear counter Functions ,different
Modes of Operation and Programming examples.

1.”The Intel Microprocessors” Architecture Programming &Interfacing by Barry b
2.Advanceed Microprocessors by kenrith J Ayala , Thomson publishers.
3.Microcontrollers by kentrith J ayala,Thomson publishers.

Reference Books:-
1. Microprocessors & Interfacing Programming & Hard ware by DOUGLAS V.Hall
2. Microprocessors & Microcontrollers by Prof. C.R.Sarma
Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted batches

Subject Code R100712


Unit – I
Biological neuron Vs Artificial neuron, structure and activation functions – Neural
network architectures-learning methods, stability and convergence.
Single layer networks -Mc Culloh- Pitts neuron model, Perceptron training and
algorithm, Delta learning, Widrow- Hoff learning rules, limitations, Adaline and

UNIT II;-Multilayer Networks-Architectures and Modelling, BP algorithm, radial basis

Unsupervised learning-Winner take all learning, outstar learning, Counter propagation
networks, Self organizing networks-Kohonen,

UNIT III;-Grossberg, Hamming NET, MAXNET, Hopfield networks, recurrent and

associative memory, BAM and ART architectures
Fuzzy sets and system – geometry of fuzzy sets – theorems – fuzzy and neural function
estimators – FAM system architectures – Uncertainty and estimation – Types of
uncertainty –

UNIT IV;-Measures of Fuzziness – Classical measures of uncertainty – Measures of

dissonance – confession specificity – knowledge base defuzzification

Application to load forecasting, Load flow, Fault detection- unit commitments, LF
control – Economic dispatch, Neuro Fuzzy controllers


1. Artificial Neural Networks – B.Yegna Narayana – PHI - 1st edition, 1999.

2. Neural Networks – Simon Haykin - Prentice Hall International Inc., 1999.
3. Neural Networks and Fuzzy System – Bart Kosko - 2nd edition, 2001.
4. Neural Network Fundamentals with Graphs, Algorithms & Applications – N. K.
Bose and Liang – Mc Graw Hill, 1996.
5. Fuzzy logic with Fuzzy Applications – T.J.Ross – Mc Graw Hill Inc, 1997.
Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted batches

Subject Code R100713


UNIT – I Controlled Bridge Rectifier (1-Φ) with DC Motor Load

Separately excited DC motors with rectified single –phase supply – single-phase semi converter
and single phase full converter for continuous and discontinuous modes of operation – power and
power factor.

UNIT – II Controlled Bridge Rectifier (3 - Φ) with DC Motor Load

Three phase semi converter and Three phase full converter for continuous and discontinuous
modes of operations – power and power factor - Addition of Free wheeling diode – Three phase
double converter.
Three phase naturally commutated bridge circuit as a rectifier or as an inverter.
Three phase controlled bridge rectifier with passive load impedance , resistive load and ideal
supply – Highly inductive load and ideal supply for load side and supply side quantities, shunt
capacitor compensation, three phase controlled bridge rectifier inverter.

UNIT – III Phase controlled DC Motor drives.

Three phase controlled converter, control circuit, control modeling of three phase converter –
Steady state analysis of three phase converter control DC motor drive – Two quadrant, Three
phase converter controlled DC motor drive – DC motor and load, converter.
Current and speed controlled DC Motor drives.
Current and speed controllers - Current and speed feedback – Design of controllers – Current and
speed controllers – Motor equations – filter in the sped feed back loop speed controller – current
reference generator – current controller and flow chart for simulation – Harmonics and associated
problems – sixth harmonics torque.

UNIT – IV Chopper controlled DC motor drives.

Principle of operation of the chopper – Four – quadrant chopper circuit – Chopper for inversion –
Chopper with other power devices – model of the chopper – input to the chopper – steady state
analysis of chopper controlled DC motor drives – rating of the devices – Pulsating torque.
Closed loop operation of DC motor drives.
Speed controlled drive system – current control loop – pulse width modulated current controller –
hysterisis current controller – modeling of current controller – design of current controller.

UNIT – V Simulation of DC motor drives.

Dynamic simulations of the speed controlled DC motor drives – Speed feedback speed controller
– command current generator – current controller.
1. Power Electronics and motor control – Shepherd , Hulley, Liang – II Edition Cambridge
Univeristy Press.
2. Electronic motor drives modeling Analysis and control – R. Krishnan – I Edition Prentice
Hall India.
3. Power Electronics circuits, Devices and Applications – MH Rashid – PHI – 1 Edition 1995.
4. Fundamentals of Electric Drives – GK Dubey Narosa Publishers 1995
5. Power Semiconductor drives – SB Dewan and A Straughen -1975.
Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted batches

Subject Code R100714


UNIT-I Economic Dispatch Of Thermal Units And Methods Of Solution

The Economic dispatch problem – Thermal dispatching with network Losses are
considered – The Lambda – Iteration method – Economic dispatch by Gradient search
Dynamic programming of Economic Dispatch – Economic dispatch using Dynamic
programming – Dynamic programming examples

UNIT-II Transition System Effects

Transmission losses – The B-Matrix formula – Exact method of calculating penalty
Unit Commitment
Economic dispatch Vs Unit Commitment – Constraints – Priority list method – Dynamic
programming solution

UNIT-III Hydro – Thermal Coordination

Introduction – Long range and Short range Hydro-thermal scheduling – Short term
Hydro-Thermal scheduling problem – A Gradient approach
Interchange Of Power And Energy
Economic interchange between interconnected utilities – Inter utility energy evaluation –
Power pools – Transmission effects and Issues: Limitations – Wheeling

UNIT-IV Power System Security

Introduction – Factors effecting power system security – Contingency analysis – Linear
sensitivity factors – AC power flow methods – Contingency selection

UNIT-V State Estimation

Introduction – Maximum likelihood Weighted least squares equation – orthogonal
Decomposition estimation method – Algorithm

1. “Power Generation, Operation and Control “ by Allen J. Wood & Bruce F.
Woolen berge – John Wiley & sons (Asia) Pvt Ltd.
1. “Power System optimization” by D.P.Kothari, J.S.Dhillon, PHI, 2004
Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted batches

Subject Code R100715


Unit I: Generating System Reliability Analysis – I

Generation system model – capacity outage probability tables – Recursive relation for
capacitive model building – sequential addition method – unit removal – Evaluation of
loss of load and energy indices – Examples

Unit II: Generating System Reliability Analysis – II

Frequency and Duration methods – Evaluation of equivalent transitional rates of identical
and non-identical units – Evaluation of cumulative probability and cumulative frequency
of non-identical generating units – 2- level daily load representation - merging generation
and load models – Examples

Unit III: Operating Reserve Evaluation

Basic concepts - risk indices – PJM methods – security function approach – rapid start
and hot reserve units – Modelling using STPM approach.
Bulk Power System Reliability Evaluation
Basic configuration – conditional probability approach – system and load point reliability
indices – weather effects on transmission lines – Weighted average rate and Markov
model – Common mode failures.

Unit IV: Inter Connected System Reliability Analysis

Probability array method – Two inter connected systems with independent loads – effects
of limited and unlimited tie capacity - imperfect tie – Two connected Systems with
correlated loads – Expression for cumulative probability and cumulative frequency.
Distribution System Reliability Analysis – I (Radial configuration)
Basic Techniques – Radial networks –Evaluation of Basic reliability indices,
performance indices – load point and system reliability indices – customer oriented, loss
and energy oriented indices – Examples

Unit V: Distribution System Reliability Analysis - II (Parallel configuration)

Basic techniques – inclusion of bus bar failures, scheduled maintenance – temporary and
transient failures – weather effects – common mode failures –Evaluation of various
indices – Examples
Substations and Switching Stations:
Effects of short-circuits - breaker operation – Open and Short-circuit failures – Active
and Passive failures – switching after faults – circuit breaker model – preventive
maintenance – exponential maintenance times.

Reference Books:
1. Reliability Evaluation of Power Systems by Roy Billinton and Ronald N. Allan,
Plenum press, New York and London (Second Edition), 1996.
2. Reliability Modeling in Electric Power Systems by J. Endrenyi, John Wiley and Sons,
1978. (First Edition)
Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted batches

Subject Code R100751


Unit I
Control System Design by the root locus method-lead, lag and lag-lead compensation, PI,
PD, PID Controllers design procedures and examples.
Control System Design by frequency response approach-lead, lag lag-lead compensation,
PI, PD, PID Controllers – design procedures and examples.

Unit II: Eigen value and Eigen vector sensitivities in linear systems theory:
Continuous time systems: Introduction, first – order Eigen value sensitivities, first – order
Eigen vector sensitivities, second order Eigen value sensitivities, second – order Eigen
vector sensitivities

Unit III: Mode – Controllability matrix:

Distinct Eigen values, confluent Eigen values associated with a single Jordan block,
confluent Eigen values associated with a number of distinct Jordan blocks, confluent
Eigen values associated with a number of non- distinct Jordan blocks
Mode – Controllability structure of multivariable linear systems:
Introduction, Distinct eigen values, confluent eigen values associated with single Jordan
block, confluent eigen values associated with a number of distinct Jordan blocks

Unit IV: Mode –observability matrices:

Distinct Eigen values, confluent Eigen values, mode observability structure of multi
variable linear system: Introduction, Distinct Eigen values, confluent Eigen values
Non linear systems:
Common physical non-linearities; the phase-plane method-basic concepts, singular
points, construction of phase trajectories-Isocline and Delta methods. Describing
function-basic concept-derivation of describing functions-stability analysis by describing
function method.

Unit V: Lyapunov stability analysis:

Second method of Lyapunov, stability in the sense of Lyapunov, construction of
Lyapunov function- Krasovskii’s and variable gradient methods. Lyapunov stability
analysis of linear time-invariant systems.

1. Modern Control Engineering - K.Ogata – PHI - 3rd edition.
2. Control Systems Engineering – I.J.Nagrath, M.Gopal – New Age International -3rd
3. Control Systems – N.K.Sinha - New Age International - 3rd edition,
4. Automatic Control Systems – B.C.Kuo – PHI – 7th edition.
5. Modern Control Systems – HSU AND MEYER
6. Modal control theory and applications Brian porterAND Roger crossley
Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted batches

Subject Code R100752


Unit I: General: Introduction to Distribution system, an overview of the role of

computers in distribution system planning – Load modeling and characteristics: definition
of basic terms like demand factor utilization factor, load factor plant factor diversity
factor, coincidence factor, contribution factor, and loss factor-Relationship between the
load factor and loss factor- Classification of loads.
( Residential, Commercial Agricultural and Industrial ) and their characteristics.

Unit II: Distribution Feeders and Substations: Design consideration of Distribution

feeders: Radial and loop types of primary feeders voltage levels feeder-loading.
Design practice of the secondary distribution system:
Location of Substations Rating of a Distribution Substation, service area with primary
feeders. Benefits derived through optimal location of substations.

Unit III: Systems analysis: Voltage drop and power loss calculations: Derivation for
volt-drop and power loss in lines, manual methods of solution for radial networks, three-
phase balanced primary lines, non –three-phase primary lines.
Protective devices and coordination: Objectives of distribution system protection types of
common faults and procedure for fault calculation.
Protective Devices: Principle of operation of fuses, circuit reclosers line sectionalizer and
circuit breakers, Coordination of protective devices General coordination procedure.

Unit IV: Capacitive compensation for power factor control: Different types of power
capacitors, shunt and series capacitors, effect of shunt capacitors (Fixed and switched )
power factor correction, capacitor location Economic justification Procedure to determine
the best capacitor location.

Unit V: Voltage control: Equipment for voltage control, effect of series capacitors, effect
of AVB/AVR, line drop compensation.

1 “ Electric Power Distribution System Engineering “ by Turan Gonen, Mc Graw Hill
Book Company, 1986
2 Electric Power Distribution – By A.S. Pabal, Tata Mc Graw-Hill Publishing Companly,
4th edition 1997.
Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted batches

Subject Code R100753


Unit I
Comparison of DC transmission and AC Transmission. Application of DC transmission,
Description of DC transmission systems, planning for HVDC transmission, Modern
trends in DC transmission.

Unit II
Static Power Conversion Basic conversion principle, pulse number, analysis of
GRAETZ circuit with and without overlap, equivalent circuit, inverter equations, Power
Factor and reactive power, 12 pulse converter unit.

Unit III
Basic philosophy, constant current Vs constant voltage, desired features of control, actual
control characteristics, individual characteristics of rectifier and inverter, combined
characteristics of rectifier and inverter, constant-minimum-ignition-angle control,
constant current control, constant-extinction-angle control, individual phase-control,
equidistant firing control, voltage dependent current order limit (VDCOL), basic
philosophy of system control, direction of DC power flow, reversal of power flow,
starting and stopping of DC link.

Unit IV
DC system model for load flow studies. Load flow study of Ac Dc system sequential
method, simultaneous method.
Reactive power requirements in steady state, conventional control strategies, alternate
control strategies equipment for reactive power.
short circuit ratio, Effective short circuit ratio, dynamic over voltages, DC power
modulation, commutation failure, disturbances on AC side, disturbances on DC side.

Unit V
Characteristic harmonics, derivation of relevant equations for 12 pulse converter.
AC filters, single tuned, doubled tuned filters. Brief introduction to DC circuit breakers,
multi terminal DC transmission.

1. “Direct current transmission” by E.W. Kimbark. Wiley Interscience 1971.
2. “HVDC Transmission “ by K.R. Padiyar.
3. “High voltage Direct current transmission” by J. Arrillaga IEE control
engineering series 2000.
Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted batches

Subject Code R100754


Unit I; Non Destructive Testing Techniques: Measurement of DC Resistivity – Dielectric

loss and dielectric constant of insulating materials – Schering bridge method –
Transformer ration arm bridge for high voltage and high current applications – null

Unit II: High Voltage Testing of Power apparatus: Need for testing standards –
Standards for porcelain / Glass insulator – Classification of porcelain / glass insulator
tests- Tests for cap and pin porcelain/ Glass insulators.
; High voltage AC testing methods, power frequency tests- Over voltage tests on
insulators, Isolators, Circuit Breakers and power cables.

Unit III Artificial Contamination Tests; Contamination flashover phenomena –

Contamination Severity- Artificial contamination tests- Laboratory Testing versus in-
Service Performance –Case study.
Impulse Testing: Impulse testing of transformers – Surge diverters –and other apparatus.

Unit IV: Partial Discharge Measurement : PD equivalent model-PD currents-PD currents

PD measuring circuits – Straight and balanced detectors- Location and estimation of PD
in power apparatus- PD measurement by non electrical methods-Calibration of PD
RIV Measurements: Radio Interference – RIV- Measurement of RI and RIV in
laboratories and in field Different test arrangements and their limitations.

Unit V; Why do Insulators fail: Handling –Vandalism –Quality control – Application

problems Detecting defective Non Ceramic insulators.
Making Insulators work in contaminated environments: Cleaning Modification of
Insulator design – Mobile protective coatings-Solid water Repellent coating –line voltage

1. High Voltage Engineering – by E. KUFFEL and W.S. ZAEGNL Pergamon press
oxford 1984.
2. High Voltage Engineering- by M.S. Naidu and V. Kamaraju Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Company Limited New Delhi 2001
3. Discharge Detection in H.V. Equivpment – by KREUGER F.H. Haywood Londor-
4. Outdoor Insulators- by Gorur & Cherney.
Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted batches

Subject Code R100755



Fields, Vectors and Vector Spaces – Linear combinations and Bases – Linear
Transformations and Matrices – Scalar Product and Norms – Eigenvalues, Eigen Vectors
and a Canonical form representation of Linear operators – The concept of state – State
Equations for Dynamic systems – Time invariance and Linearity – Nonuniqueness of
state model – State diagrams for Continuous-Time State models .


Linear Continuous time models for Physical systems– Existence and Uniqueness of
Solutions to Continuous-Time State Equations – Solutions of Linear Time Invariant
Continuous-Time State Equations – State transition matrix and it’s properties.
General concept of controllability – General concept of Observability – Controllability
tests for Continuous-Time Invariant Systems – Observability tests for Continuous-Time
Invariant Systems – Controllability and Observability of State Model in Jordan Canonical
form – Controllability and Observability Canonical forms of State model.


Introduction – Non Linear Systems - Types of Non-Linearities – Saturation – Dead-Zone
- Backlash – Jump Phenomenon etc;– Singular Points – Introduction to Linearization of
nonlinear systems, Properties of Non-Linear systems – Describing function–describing
function analysis of nonlinear systems – Stability analysis of Non-Linear systems through
describing functions
Introduction to phase-plane analysis, Method of Isoclines for Constructing Trajectories,
singular points, phase-plane analysis of nonlinear control systems.


Stability in the sense of Lyapunov, Lyapunov’s stability and Lypanov’s instability
theorems - Stability Analysis of the Linear continuous time invariant systems by
Lyapunov second method – Generation of Lyapunov functions – Variable gradient
method – Krasooviski’s method.
State feedback controller design through Pole Assignment – State observers: Full order
and Reduced order

Introduction to optimal control - Formulation of optimal control problems – calculus of
variations – fundamental concepts, functionals, variation of functionals – fundamental
theorem of theorem of Calculus of variations – boundary conditions – constrained
minimization – formulation using Hamiltonian method – Linear Quadratic regulator
TEXT BOOKS: 1. Modern Control System Theory by M.Gopal –New Age International -1984
2 Modern Control Engineering by Ogata.K – Prentice Hall - 1997
Optimal control by Kircks
Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted batches

Subject Code R100756


UNIT I: Modern power semiconductor devices

Modern power semiconductor devices – MOS turn Off Thyristor (MTO) – Emitter Turn Off
Thyristor (ETO) – Intergrated Gate-Commutated thyristor (IGCTs) – MOS-controlled thyristors
(MCTs) – Static Induction circuit – comparison of their features.

UNIT II: Resonant Pulse Inverters

Resonant pulse inverters – series resonant inverters – series resonant inverters with unidirectional
switches – series resonant inverters with bidirectional Switches – analysis of half bridge resonant
inverter - evaluation of currents and Voltages of a simple resonant inverter – analysis of half
bridge and full bridge resonant inverter with bidirectional switches – Frequency response of
series resonant inverters – for series loaded inverter – for parallel loaded inverter – For series and
parallel loaded inverters – parallel resonant inverters – Voltage control of resonant inverters –
class E inverter and Class E rectifier – numerical problems.
Resonant converters
Resonant converters – Zero current switching resonant converters – L type ZCS resonant
converter – M type ZCS resonant converter – zero voltage Switching resonant converters –
comparison between ZCS and ZVS resonant Converters – Two quadrant ZVS resonant converters
– resonant de-link Inverters – evaluation of L and C for a zero current switching inverter –
Numerical problems.

UNIT III: Multilevel Inverters

Multilevel concept – Classification of multilevel inverters – Diode clamped multilevel inverter –
principle of operation – main features – improved diode Clamped inverter – principle of operation
– Flying capcitors multilevel inverter – principle of operation – main features.
Multilevel Inverters (continued)
Cascaded multilevel inverter – principle of operation – main features – Multilevel inverter
applications – reactive power compensation – back to back intertie system – adjustable drives –
Switching device currents – de link capacitor voltage balancing – features of Multilevel inverters
– comparisons of multilevel converters.

UNIT IV: DC Power Supplies

DC power supplies – classification – switched mode dc power supplies – fly back Converter –
forward converter – push-pull converter – half bridge converter – Full bridge converter –
Resonant dc power supplies – bidirectional power supplies – Applications.

UNIT V: AC Power Supplies

AC power supplies – classification – switched mode ac power supplies – Resonant AC power
supplies – bidirectional ac power supplies – multistage conversions – control circuits –
Power Conditioners and Uninterruptible Power Supplies
Introduction – power line disturbances – power conditioners – uninterruptible Power supplies –

1. Power Electronics – Mohammed H. Rashid – Pearson Education – Third Edition
2. Power Electronics – Ned Mohan, Tore M. Undeland and William P. Robbins – John Wiley
and Sons – Second Edition.
Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted batches

Subject Code R100757


Unit-I: Dynamic Programming:

Optimal control law, the principle of optimality, application of the optimality principle to
decision making, an optimal control system.
Recurrence relation of dynamic programming, computational procedure for solving
control problems, characteristics of dynamic programming solution.

Unit-II: Analytical results of Dynamic Programming:

Discrete linear regulator problem. Hamilton-Jacobi- Bellman equation, continuous linear
regulator problems, necessary and sufficient conditions - Examples.
The calculus of Variations& Pontryagin’s minimum principle:
Fundamental concepts, functionals of a single function, functionals involving several
independent functions, necessary conditions for optimal control, linear regulator

UNIT III-Pontryagin’s minimum principle and state inequality constraints, minimum

time problems, minimum control effort problems.
Iterative Numerical Techniques for finding optimal controls and Trajectories:
Two point boundary value problems, method of steepest descent algorithm, variation of
extremals, variation of extremal algorithm, gradient projection algorithm.

The nature of the state estimation problem, non-statistical estimation design with full
estimator dimension, non statistical estimation with reduced estimator design

UNIT V;-Description of plants and noise statistics, statement of optimal estimation

problem, reformation of the optimal estimation problem as an optimal regulator problem,
solution to the regulator problem in feedback form, explicit solution of the optimal
estimation problem.

1) Optimal Control Theory an Introduction- Donald E.Kirk - Prentice-Hall Network
series -First edition.
2) Optimal Control Theory”, B.D.O. Anderson & Moore – PHI – 1991
3) Optimum System Control - A.P.Sage
4) Optimization Theory and Applications - Dr. S.S.Rao - Eastern Willy - . First
5) Control system theory with Engineering Applications-SE. Lyshevski- Jaico
Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted batches

Subject Code R100758


Unit I; Types of partial discharges and its occurrence and recurrence and magnitudes:
Definition of partial discharges, inception of internal discharges, inception of corona

Unit II; Discharges by electrical treeing. Discharges at AC Voltages corona discharges

Discharges at D.C. Voltages discharges at impulse voltages. Object of discharge
detection, Quantities related to the magnitude of discharges, choice of PD as a measure
for discharges.

Unit III: Electrical discharge detection & Detection circuits: Basic diagram,
amplification of impulse, sensitivity, resolution, observation, Straight detection.
Balanced detection, calibrators, Interferences, choice between straight detection &
balance detection, common mode rejection.

Unit IV; Location of Partial discharges ; Non – electric location, location by separation
of electrodes, location with electrical probes.
location by traveling waves, PD location in cables & switchgear by traveling waves.
Evaluation of discharges ; Reconition, mechanisms of deterioration, evaluation,

Unit V Detection in actual specimen: Detection in capacitors, cables, bushings.

Transformers, machine insulation, Gas – insulated switchgear.

1 Partial Discharges in HV Equipment by F. Kruguer, Butterworths & Co, Publications
Ltd 1989
Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted batches

Subject Code R100759


UNIT - I Introduction to AC Drives.

Introduction to motor drives – Torque production – Equivalent circuit analysis – Speed – Torque
Characteristics with variable voltage operation Variable frequency operation constant v/t
operation – Variable stator current operation – Induction motor characteristics in constant torque
and field weakening regions.

UNIT - II Control of Induction motor drives at Stator side

Scalar control – Voltage fed inverter control – Open loop volts/Hz control – speed control slip
regulation – speed control with torque and flux control – current controlled voltage fed inverter
drive – current – fed inverter control – Independent current and frequency control – Speed and
flux control in Current –Fed inverter drive – Volts/Hz control of Current –fed inverter drive –
Efficiency optimization control by flux program.

UNIT – III Control of Induction Motor Drive at Rotor Side.

Slip power recovery drives – Static Kramer Drive – Phasor diagram – Torque expression – speed
control of a Kramer Drive – Static Scheribus Drive – modes of operation.
Vector control of Induction Motor Drives
Principles of Vector control – Vector control methods – Direct methods of vector control –
Indirect methods of vector control – Adaptive control principles – Self tuning regulator Model
referencing control.

UNIT – IV Control of Synchronous motor drives

Synchronous motor and its characteristics – Control strategies – Constant torque angle control –
Unity power factor control – Constant mutual flux linkage control.
Flux weakening operation – Maximum speed – Direct flux weakening algorithm – Constant
Torque mode controller – Flux Weakening controller – indirect flux weakening – Maximum
permissible torque – speed control scheme – Implementation strategy speed controller design.


Variable Reluctance motor drive – Torque production in the variable reluctance motor Drive
characteristics and control principles – Current control variable reluctance motor service drive.
Three phase full wave Brushless dc motor – Sinusoidal type of Brushless dc motor- current
controlled Brushless dc motor Servo drive

1. Electric Motor Drives Pearson Modeling, Analysis and control – R. Krishnan – Publications –
1st edition – 2002.
2. Modern Power Electronics and AC Drives B K Bose – Pearson Publications 1st edition
3. Power Electronics and Control of AC Motors – MD Murthy and FG Turn Bull pergman Press
(For Chapters II, III, V ) 1st edition
4. Power Electronics and AC Drives – BK Bose – Prentice Hall Eagle wood diffs New Jersey
(for chapters I, II, IV ) - 1st edition
5. Power Electronic circuits Deices and Applications – M H Rashid – PHI – 1995.
6. Fundamentals of Electrical Drives – G. K. Dubey – Narora publications–1995 (for chapter II)
7. Power Electronics and Variable frequency drives – BK Bose – IEEE Press – Standard
publications - 1st edition – 2002.
Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted batches

Subject Code R100760

Unit I: Introduction :
Introduction of the Power Quality (PQ) problem, Terms used in PQ: Voltage, Sag, Swell,
Surges, Harmonics, over voltages, spikes, Voltage fluctuations, Transients, Interruption,
overview of power quality phenomenon, Remedies to improve power quality, power
quality monitoring

Unit II: Long Interruptions

Interruptions – Definition – Difference between failure, outage, Interruptions – causes of
Long Interruptions – Origin of Interruptions – Limits for the Interruption frequency –
Limits for the interruption duration – costs of Interruption – Overview of Reliability
evaluation to power quality, comparison of observations and reliability evaluation.
Short Interruptions
Short interruptions – definition, origin of short interruptions, basic principle, fuse saving,
voltage magnitude events due to re-closing, voltage during the interruption, monitoring of
short interruptions, difference between medium and low voltage systems. Multiple
events, single phase tripping – voltage and current during fault period, voltage and
current at post fault period, stochastic prediction of short interruptions.

Unit III: Voltage sag – characterization – Single phase:

Voltage sag – definition, causes of voltage sag, voltage sag magnitude, monitoring,
theoretical calculation of voltage sag magnitude, voltage sag calculation in non-radial
systems, meshed systems, voltage sag duration.
Voltage sag – characterization – Three phase:
Three phase faults, phase angle jumps, magnitude and phase angle jumps for three phase
unbalanced sags, load influence on voltage sags.

Unit IV: PQ considerations in Industrial Power Systems:

Voltage sag – equipment behaviour of Power electronic loads, induction motors,
synchronous motors, computers, consumer electronics, adjustable speed AC drives and
its operation. Mitigation of AC Drives, adjustable speed DC drives and its operation,
mitigation methods of DC drives.

Unit V: Mitigation of Interruptions and Voltage Sags:

Overview of mitigation methods – from fault to trip, reducing the number of faults,
reducing the fault clearing time changing the power system, installing mitigation
equipment, improving equipment immunity, different events and mitigation methods.
System equipment interface – voltage source converter, series voltage controller, shunt
controller, combined shunt and series controller.
Power Quality and EMC Standards:
Introduction to standardization, IEC Electromagnetic compatibility standards, European
voltage characteristics standards, PQ surveys.

Reference Book:
“Understanding Power Quality Problems” by Math H J Bollen. IEEE Press.
Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted batches

Subject Code R100761


Unit I
Basic concepts: Power system stability states of operation and system security system
dynamics problems system model analysis of steady State stability and transient stability,
simplified representation of Excitation control.

Unit II
Modeling of synchronous machine: synchronous machine park’s Transformation,
Transformation of flux linkages, Transformation of stator voltage equations and rotor
equations. Analysis of steady state performance, per unit quantities - Equivalent circuits
of synchronous machine - determination of parameters of equivalent circuits.

Unit III
Excitation system: Excitation system modeling, excitation systems block Diagram system
representation by state equations.
Dynamics of a synchronous generator connected to infinite bus: system model
Synchronous machine model, stator equations rotor equations, Synchronous machine
model with field circuit and with field circuit and one equivalent damper winding on q
axis (model 1.1), calculation of Initial conditions.

Unit IV
Analysis of single machine system: small signal analysis with block diagram
Representation characteristic equation and application of Routh-Hurwitz criterion
Synchronizing and damping torque analysis, small signal model State equations.

Unit V
Application of power system stabilizers: basic concepts in applying PSS, Control signals,
structure and tuning of PSS, washout circuit, dynamic compensator analysis of single
machine infinite bus system with and without PSS.

Text book
1. Power system dynamics K.R. PADIYAR, B.S. Publications Hyderabad

1. Power system control and stability P.M. Anderson and A.A. Fouad John wiley
Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted batches

Subject Code R100762


UNIT I: Load Compensation

Objectives and specifications – reactive power characteristics – inductive and capacitive
approximate biasing – Load compensator as a voltage regulator – phase balancing and
power factor correction of unsymmetrical loads- examples.

UNIT II: Steady – state reactive power compensation in transmission system:

Uncompensated line – types of compensation – Passive shunt and series and dynamic
shunt compensation –examples
Transient state reactive power compensation in transmission systems:
Characteristic time periods – passive shunt compensation – static compensations- series
capacitor compensation –compensation using synchronous condensers – examples

UNIT-III: Reactive power coordination:

Objective – Mathematical modeling – Operation planning – transmission benefits – Basic
concepts of quality of power supply – disturbances- steady –state variations – effects of
under voltages – frequency –Harmonics, radio frequency and electromagnetic

UNIT-IV: Demand side management:

Load patterns – basic methods load shaping – power tariffs- KVAR based tariffs
penalties for voltage flickers and Harmonic voltage levels
Distribution side Reactive power Management:
System losses –loss reduction methods – examples – Reactive power planning –
objectives – Economics Planning capacitor placement – retrofitting of capacitor banks

UNIT-V: User side reactive power management:

KVAR requirements for domestic appliances – Purpose of using capacitors – selection of
capacitors – deciding factors – types of available capacitor, characteristics and
Reactive power management in electric traction systems and are furnaces:
Typical layout of traction systems – reactive power control requirements – distribution
transformers- Electric arc furnaces – basic operations- furnaces transformer –filter
requirements – remedial measures –power factor of an arc furnace

Reference Books:
1. Reactive power control in Electric power systems by T.J.E.Miller, John Wiley and
sons, 1982 (Units I to IV)
2. Reactive power Management by D.M.Tagare,Tata McGraw Hill,2004.(Units V toVIII)
Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted batches

Subject Code R100763


Unit I
Elements of probability theory
Probability distributions : Random variables, density and distribution functions.
Mathematical expectation. Binominal distribution, Poisson distribution, normal
distribution, exponential distribution, Weibull distribution.

Unit II:
Definition of Reliability. Significance of the terms appearing in the definition.
Component reliability, Hazard rate, derivation of the reliability function in terms of the
hazarad rate. Hazard models.
Failures: Causes of failures, types of failures ( early failures, chance failures and wear-
out failues). Modes of failure. Bath tub curve. Effect of preventive maintenance.
Measures of reliability: mean time to failure and mean time between failures.

Unit III
Reliability logic diagrams ( reliability block diagrams)
Classification of engineering systems: series, parallel, series-parallel, parallel-series and
non-series-parallel configurations. Expressions for the reliability of the basic
Reliability evaluation of Non-series-parallel configurations: minimal tie-set, minimal cut-
set and decomposition methods. Deduction of the minimal cutsets from the minimal

Unit IV:
Discrete Markov Chains: General modelling concepts, stochastic transitional probability
matrix, time dependent probability evaluation and limiting state probability evaluation.
Absorbing states.
Continuous Markov Processes: Modelling concepts, State space diagrams, Stochastic
Transitional Probability Matrix, Evaluating limiting state Probabilities.
Reliability evaluation of repairable systems.

Unit V:
Series systems, parallel systems with two and more than two components, Network
reduction techniques. Minimal cutset/failure mode approach.

Billinton and Ronald N Allan, Plenum Press.
Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted batches

Subject Code R100764


Maximum likelihood method, Invariance of maximum likelihood estimator, Bayes cost
Mean square error (Minimum error variance) method,
UNIT II:- uniform cost method, Absolute cost method, relationships of these
Linear minimum variance method, least square method, sequential estimation,

UNIT III Non linear estimation, unbiased estimators, efficient estimators, asymptotic
properties, sensitivity and error analysis.
Gauss- Markov discrete time model, initial state description, propagations of means and
co variances,

UNIT IV :-signal model, state statistics, output statistics, Estimation criteria, minimum
variance estimate.
Discrete time kalman filter, best linear estimator property of kalman filter,
identification as a Kalman filtering problem, Kalman filter applications.

Fixed point smoothing, fixed log smoothing, fixed interval smoothing, extended kalman

1. J.L.Melsa, Decision and Estimation theory, International student Edition, Mc Graw
Hill- Kogakusha(Chapters 8,9,10 & 11).
2. B.D.O.Anderson and J.B.Moore, Optimal filtering, Prentice- Hall.(Chapters 2,3& 7)
3. J.S. Meditch, Stochastic Optimal linear estimation and control, Mc Graw Hill, 1969.
4. Van Trees H.L., Detection, Estimation and Modulation Theory, Part 1&2 John Wiley
sons, 1968/1971/1972.
5. Deutsch .R., Estimation Theory, Prentice Hall, 1965
6. Jazwinski.A.H. Stochastic processes& Filtering Theory, Academic press, 1970.
7. S.M.Bozic, Digital & Kalman Filtering, Edward Arnold Publishers Ltd., London
Syllabus for Pre Ph.D/Pre M.Phil/Pre MS w.e.f 2010-11 admitted batches

Subject Code R100765


Unit – I: Introduction to Voltage Stability

Definitions: Voltage Stability, Voltage Collapse, Voltage Security; Physical relation
indicating dependency of voltage on reactive power flow; Factors affecting Voltage
collapse and instability; Previous cases of voltage collapse incidences.

Unit – II: Graphical Analysis of Voltage Stability

Comparison of Voltage and angular stability of the system; Graphical Methods
describing voltage collapse phenomenon: P-V and Q-V curves; detailed description of
voltage collapse phenomenon with the help of Q-V curves.

Unit – III: Analysis of Voltage Stability

Analysis of voltage stability on SMLB system: Analytical treatment and analysis.
Voltage Stability Indices
Voltage collapse proximity indicator; Determinant of Jacobin as proximity indicators;
Voltage stability margin.

Unit – IV: Power System Loads

Loads that influences voltage stability: Discharge lights, Induction Motor, Air-
conditioning, heat pumps, electronic power supplies, OH lines and cables.
Reactive Power Compensation
Generation and Absorption of reactive power; Series and Shunt compensation;
Synchronous condensers, SVC s; OLTC s; Booster Transformers.

Unit – V: Voltage Stability Margin

Stabilty Margin: Compensated and un-comensated systems.
Voltage Security
Definition; Voltage security; Methods to improve voltage stability and its practical

Text Books:
1) “Performance, operation and control of EHV power transmission system”-
Publishing, I Edition, 1995.
2) “Power System Dynamics: Stability and Control” – K.R.PADIYAR, II Edition,

“Power System Voltage Stability”- C.W.TAYLOR, Mc Graw Hill, 1994.

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