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Kingdom of the Power of § ss: Declaration of Mission
Powers, on the soil in § Statement by ____________
§ _______, House of ________,
_______________ County, § Foreign Neutral, Public
____________, a Republic § Minister of Justice, and
§ Ambassador under The
The United States § Absolute Laws of The Living
of America, a Republic § Father and The Son

KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: Under the authority of Declaration, for The Trust Written and
Recorded at Chapter 9, verses 15 through 21, and at Chapter 8, verses 7 through 13, Book of the Hebrews,
the undersigned Affiant, Declarant, and Trustee of said Toral Trust accepts and succeeds the appointment
and Office of “Trustee”, Droit Droit Dominium Jura in re, as “Foreign neutral,” “public Minister of Justice,” and
“Ambassador,” thereof the Kingdom of the Power of Powers, sending state, for the UNITED STATES and its
territories or insular possessions, receiving state, as a public Minister of Justice and an Ambassador, in
itinere, ab initio 3 May 1955, for as long as he shall live, recognized by the receiving state Under authority
To Wit:
The Ancient Scriptures
The 1814 Treaty of Ghent
Rights and Duties of Neutral Powers and Persons in Case of War
on Land (Hague V); 18 October 1907
US Army Field Manual 27-10, The Law of Land Warfare
The Convention of the Hague, 5 October 1961
Vienna Convention, 18 April 1961, U.N.T.S. Nos. 7310-7312 vol. 500, pp. 95-239
The Ordinance of the Territory North and West of the River Ohio, 1 Stat. 51, 52, July 13 1787
International Organizations Immunities Act, 9 December 1945
The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties U.N. Doc. A/Conf. 39/27 (1969),
63 A.J.I.L 875 (1969) at Article 2, ¶ ¶ I(a), (b) and (g), and Article II
for “limited accession” per TIAS 100072 33 U.S.T. 883, 527 U.N.T.S. 189
The Convention on Rights and Duties of States, 49 Sat. 3097, T.S. 881,
165 L.N.T.S. 19, 3 Bevans 145, done at Montevideo Uruguay,
26 December 1934 @ Art. 2-3 id est. “sovereign ecclesiastical State”
Convention on the Conflict of Laws Relating to the Form of Testamentary Dispositions,
concluded 5 October 1961, #11, et. Seq., Conflict of Law (1993)
Vienna Convention on Consular Relations and Optional Protocols, Vienna 24 April 1963,
U.N.T.S. Nos. 8638-8640 vol. 596, pp. 262-512
Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, signed at Vienna 23 May 1969,
U.N.T.S., Entry into Force: 27 January 1980

Declaration of Mission Statement by Apostille Page 1 of 4

Primary Duties are: Keep the commandment Laws of the Everlasting Father and, secondarily,
perpetuate the Testator’s, Yaohushua’s, Living Will and Trust, in violate.
Secondary duties include: Establish and maintain the “mission” and “mission post” for and on behalf of
the “mission head” in representative capacity and provide for the maintenance and good Order of the
families, staff, and other public servants there unto belonging: with absolute respect for and utmost integrity
of Testator’s Will and Living Trust, in absentia.
“Domicile” is established by virtue of chapter nineteen (19) verse five (5), the Book of Exodus, Jus
Gentium, and legal estate thereof with absolute allegiance and fidelity belonging thereto by blood
Redemption, Baptism, Confession, and Repentence unto this Blessed Salvation, excluding all others.
“Mission Size” is limited by virtue of the adoption that pertaineth to “The Son of the Most High” unto one
hundred and forty-four thousand (144,000) members, exclusive of limited familia, staff members, and others,
taking in the capacity of public servants jure gistionis, as distinguished from jure imperii.
Any and all family and friends (“Mission Members”) domiciled with the Foreign neutral are neutrals
“opposed to any civil unrest or declared or undeclared war in any form” and non-resident aliens to the
“receiving state” afore said.
Affiant-Trustee acknowledges that as Trustee and Individually, He is neither a citizen, nor subject of the
receiving state by imprescription and the term “imprescriptibility” is operative herein duly recognized in the
cases of Rabang v. I.N.S. (CA9 1994), 35 F.3d 1449 @n4, of United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649,
18 S.Ct. 456, 483, 42 L.Ed. 890 (1898), of Udny V. Udny, L.R. 1 H.L. Sc. 457.
Trustee-Affiant is not a “legal entity” created by, for, nor on behalf of any other person, group,
association, nor corporation for political or commercial purpose/activity and is not a surety therefore, nor
assumes culpability on behalf thereof as “civiliter mortuus”, to the receiving state aforesaid. Trustee-Affiant
affirms that he is neither a “citizen” of the UNITED STATES, (“a Federal Corporation” as defined at 28 USC
3002(15)(A)) nor a “citizen” of the STATE OF TEXAS (a “territory” of the UNITED STATES). Trustee-Affiant
also affirms he is not a “resident” of the STATE OF TEXAS. Furthermore, Trustee-Affiant affirms he is neither
a “licensee” of any corporate entity, nor is Trustee-Affiant a “licensee” under the Trading with the Enemy Act
of 1917 as amended 9 March 1933.

Declaration of Mission Statement by Apostille Page 2 of 4

Inclusio unius est exclusio alterius
“Succession” is “special” for which presumption must yield to truth.
The undersigned Trustee-Affiant, succeeding to the appointment and Office aforesaid, specially,
authorizes the foregoing in Official capacity according to the express exceptions, stipulations, and
reservations above set out verbatim and those referenced in the authorities set out above, as attests My
Hand and Seal in Faithful Witness thereof, the same being entirely true, correct, certain, and complete,
according to the Laws of the Kingdom and Commonwealth aforesaid, so help me Almighty Power of the
The Official Seal of the Foreign neutral, public Minister of Justice, and Ambassador, annexed below, is
the only seal affixed upon Official Documents, charge d’affaires, and other correspondences appertaining the
Trustee’s Lawful peaceful mission, held exclusively in the care, custody, possession, and control of Trustee-
Declarant, unless otherwise expressly assigned or transferred, as set forth and heretofore, and not for any
other unauthorized “use” nor “purpose”.

Official Authorized Seal>>

On 2nd day of June 2003:

Foreign neutral,
Public Minister of Justice,
and Ambassador:

L.S.: ___________________________________
_______________, House of _______________
Public Minister in itinere
Trustee, but not Individually
_____________, _________

In the Book of 2 Corinthians, Chapter 13, verse l:

“In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established.”

Witness: Day Month Year:

Witness: Day Month Year:

Witness: Day Month Year:


Declaration of Mission Statement by Apostille Page 3 of 4

L. S.: _____________________________________
Thomas Maclean: Thoman, Public Minister in itinere
Trustee, but not Individually
Austin, Texas

SUBSCRIBED and AFFIRMED before me, a Notary Public residing in Travis County, Texas,
the above Signator Thomas Maclean, House of Thoman, Public Minister in intinere, appeared,
known by me and identified his self, and affixed His Signature hereto, the 20th day of May, 2003.

____________________________ Seal>>>
Notary Public signature:

Commission Expires: ___________


L. S.: _____________________________________
Thomas Maclean: Thoman, Public Minister in itinere
Trustee, but not Individually
Austin, Texas

After Recording Return To:

Thomas Maclean: Thoman
c/o 13492 Research Blvd. #120-


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