Unit 1

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A. Complete the blanks with “am”,” is” or “are”.

1. Tony ……….. English.
2. I ……….. in class C.
3. Tina and I ……….. in the garden.
4. Mehmet Okur ……….. a basketball.
5. It ……….. a big house.
6.……….. they your books?
7. We ……….. friends.
8.İstanbul ……….. in Turkiye.
9. Antonio ……….. very handsome.
10. Pam and you ………… close friends.

B. Match the questions and the answers.

1. Are you a teacher? a) He is eleven.
2. How old is he? b) He is Turkish.
3. How are you? c) It is basketball.
4. How do you spell your name? d) J-U-D-Y
5. What nationality is he? e) not bad.
6. What is your favourite sport? f) He is Leonardo.
7. Who is that? g) Yes, I’m.
8. What is that? h) It is a tree.
9. What is her name? i) Her name is Judy
10. Who is your favourite actor? j) That is my friend,


C. Complete the blanks using the correct ‘Subject Pronoun’ or ‘ Possessive Adjective’ .
1. My sister is 14 years old. ……..1 is a student. ………2 marks are very good.
2. Silver is my pet. ……..3 is a very nice dog. ……….4 eyes are very big.
3. Martin and I are best friends. ………5 are from Spain. ……..6 are in the same class and
………7 favourite team is Real Madrid. Jane is ……..8 best friend and ……….9 is in
……….10 class, too.
4. Daisy and Kate are in the garden now. ………..11 are sisters. ……….12 father is a
5. I’m a teacher. ……….13 name is Judy. ……..14 students are very good. ……..15 are
very clever. (15x1=15pts.)
D. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box.

repeat talk open study clean read listen be look open

1. .............. after me, please.

2. .............. to the cassette carefully.
3. .............. the text carefully.
4. .............. your books to page 23.
5. .............. the board, please.
6. Don’t.............. to your friends in the lesson.
7. ………… at the board.
8. ………… the door. It is very hot.
9. ………... quiet.
10. ……….. with your partner.

E. Read the dialogue and answer the questions.


Frank is a new student. He is at his new school now.
Frank: Excuse me. Is this class A?
Emma: Yes, it is.
Frank: Wonderful. I’m Frank. I’m new here. What is your name?
Emma: My name is Emma and this is my best friend, Jimmy.
Jimmy: Nice to meet you. Where are you from, Frank?
Frank: I’m from Italy.
Jimmy: Great! Italy is my favourite country and Spaghetti is my favourite food.
Emma: I’m from Brazil.
Frank: Oh! You are Brazilian. And how old are you, Emma?
Emma: I’m fourteen years old. Is that your bag, Frank?
Frank: Yes, it is.
Emma: What is that in your bag?
Frank: It’s my hamster. His name is James. James is three months old and he is my
friend. He is always in my bag.

1. Where is Frank from? ………………………………………

2. How old is Emma? ………………………………………
3. Where are they? ………………………………………
4. What nationality is Emma? ………………………………………
5. What is Jimmy’s favourite food? ………………………………………
6. What is Frank’s favourite pet? ………………………………………
7. What is that in Frank’s bag? ………………………………………
8. Who is James? ………………………………………
F. Write True (T) or False (F).

1. Emma is in A. (................)
2. Jimmy is new in the class. (................)
3. Frank is Italian. (................)
4. Frank is Emma’s best friend. (................)
5. Italy is Emma’s favourite country. (................)
6. James is a cat. (................)
7. Emma is Brazilian. (................)


G. Complete Emma’s diary. Write one word in each blank.

- My new friend at school ..............1 from Italy. ..............2 name is Frank. He is

fifteen ..............3 old. Hamster is his ..............4 pet. His hamster ..............5 very
nice. .............6. name is James. Frank and James ..............7 always together.
Frank ..............8 very handsome. Jimmy is .............9.London. He is English. ..............10
house is near our school.


TOTALLY: 70pts.


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