Unit 16

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A. Read the text and say True (T) or False (F). Explain the reason.

Last week I had to go to the hospital to see my friend because she had an important
operation. It was a warm day and it was raining heavily. I took my umbrella and went out.
Everybody in the street was in a hurry. Some of them were walking quickly with their
umbrellas and some of them were running because they were wet because of the rain. Some
people were waiting at the bus stop. All the cafés were full of people because they didn’t want
to get soaked outside.
While I was walking I met a friend and she invited me for a cup of coffee at the
nearest café. Just as I was opening the door, I lost my control and slipped and at the end I fell
down into a hole that was full of dirty water. I was ashamed but it was very funny. While my
friend was trying to help me, the people at the café were laughing at me. At that moment I
thought I broke my leg because I had a terrible pain. Then my friend called an ambulance.
While I was waiting for the ambulance, the owner of the café gave me a cup of hot coffee.
While I was drinking my coffee, the ambulance arrived and took me to hospital.
When the doctor examined my leg, he said that he needed an X- ray. After the X-ray, he
explained that I sprained my ankle and I couldn’t walk for a while, so I had to use sticks to
While I was at the hospital, I went to my friend’s room, too. But I was limping like a
goat so she was very surprised and while I was telling my story to her, she was laughing
happily. Then I called a taxi and went home.
Now I feel better and I want to go to the hospital to visit my friend again because she
will stay there for a while. But today everything will be different because it is sunny and I will
be more careful not to have another accident.

1.She wanted to go to hospital because she didn’t feel good.(……)because …………………..

2.The weather was wonderful. (……) because………………………………………………
3.Everybody had umbrellas because of the rain. (……)because…………………………….
4.Somebody was waiting for the buses at the bus stop. (……)because…………………………
5. She went to the café because she was thirsty. (……)because……………………………...
6.She slipped because of the ice (…..) because……………………………………………..
7.Nobody helped her. (……)because…………………………………………………………
8.She broke her leg. (……)because…………………………………………………………..
9.She stayed at hospital for a while. (……)because……………………………………...
10.She won’t go to the hospital again. (……)because…………………………………………..
B. Answer the questions.
1. Why did she decide to go to the hospital? …………………………………….
2. What was the weather like? ……………………………………
3. Why was everybody in a hurry? …………………………………….
4. How did the accident happen? ……………………………………..
5. What happened to her? ……………………………(5x2=10pts.)
C. Complete the blanks on your own.
1. While I was listening to music, ………………………………………………………..
2. As Nick was travelling by train, ……………………………………………………….
3. Just as he was leaving home, …………………………………………………………..
4. We were watching the news while …………………………………………………….
5. Anthony was eating something while ………………………………………………….
6. Just as ……………………………………...…………., Nicolas saw a shark in the sea.
7. As Alex was waiting for us, ……………………………………………………………
8. While Johnny was driving her car carelessly, ………………………………………….
9. I was lost while I ……………………………………………………………………….
10. Edward was travelling around Europe when …………………………(10x1=10pts.)
D. Complete the blanks using Simple Past Tense or past continuous Tense:
 When the ship …………1 (hit) the iceberg , it …………………..2 ( cross ) the
Atlantic Ocean. It ……………..3 (be) one of the biggest ship in the world and
everybody …………………….4 (enjoy) the night. They were at the hall and
………………. 5 (dance). When the people ……………6 (hear ) the noise, they
…………………7 ( not –know) what to do and they all …………………8 (begin) to
run but the orchestra …………………9 ( go on) playing the music. At the end the
ship ……………..10 (sink) and most of the people died. (10x1=10pts.)
E. Complete the blanks using the correct form of the words given in parentheses.
1. Life in the sea is really ……… …………. . There are lots of different animals and
plants. ( believe )
2. If you want to change your ……………….., you must inform us. ( decide )
3. There was a ………………….. at the bank in our street yesterday. (rob)
4. - Can you describe the …………………… of the thief? ( appear )
- Sorry. I can’t. I couldn’t see him clearly.
5. Your ………………… for this problem is really wonderful. Congratulations! (solve)
6. You must add the ……………….. of the oil, salt and lemon into the salad and then
serve it. ( mix )
7. Her …………….. made everybody sad. Because she was really very
…………………. ( die – friend )
8. You could see her ………………… on her face for this reward. (happy)
9.I found a ……………………. ring on the street and I took it to the police station.
(value) (10x1=10pts.)

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