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A Kia motor is a Korean company. It is a second largest automobile manufactures after

the Hyundai motors company in South Korea. Now the company is partly owned by the Hyundai
motor group. “Kia is the oldest car company in South. Also, the life of the cars is no longer, it is
only 5-6 years then you have changed your car. They also, using the technology and computer
system in their cars, but they does not made it in perfect way. Sometimes you have to go the
service center to make update to the car system.

Headquartered in Seoul, is South Korea's second-largest automobile manufacturer,

following the Hyundai Motor Company, with sales of over 3.3 million vehicles in 2015. As of
December 2015, the KIA Motor Corporation is minority owned by Hyundai, which owns a
33.88% stake valued at just over US$6 billion. Kia in turn is a minority owner of more than
twenty Hyundai subsidiaries ranging from 4.9% up to 45.37%, totaling more than US$8.3

There are many good opportunities are available to the KIA Motors Company. The company
was changed the design of all the models and also, the number of consumer is increasing
everyday. So, the opportunity is keep following that increase. Also, the KIA Motors Company
developed the design from the regular to the sport one, the consumer looking for what is the new.
Now the consumer is going to see what the new that company did, so the company have to make
survey with the costumers to know they impression of the company and the designer and they
aspect in the future. Also, they can change the technology to better, when they use the good
technology that used in the other expensive cars, and put it in their cars within a little different,
and also, cheaper prices. Over more, they can sponsor some local events for example, football
team, races, competition etc.

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