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Reading Buddhist Pāli Texts


a- (commonly added prefix) = ‘not’, ‘non’, ‘without’ (§3.1.1)

ā- (commonly added prefix) = ‘towards’, ‘(all the way) up to’, ‘as far as’, ‘intensely’, ‘completely’
ābādha (m) = affliction, discomfort, sickness, distress (§5.5.2)
abbhācikkhati (abhi + ā + cikkhati < reduplicated √khyā II ‘be known’; Skt ā + √cakṣ II ‘tell’. Bud Skt:
abhyācikṣati) = slanders, falsely accuses (§7.ex)
abbhaññāsi (3,sg; aor, < abhi + √jñā IX ‘know’) = he understood (through supramundane insight) (§10.
abbuda (n) = a huge number, said to be a koṭi of ninnahuta. A koṭi = 10,000,000; a ninnahuta = koṭi x
koṭi x koṭi x koṭi x koṭi (?) (§8.ex)
abhabba (adj; used with inf or dat) = unable to, incapable of (§4.6.2 , §11.ex)
abhavissa (3,sg; active condl of √bhū I ‘become’) = had it/there been, it would have been, if it were
abhavissaṃsu (3,pl, āt; condl < √bhū I ‘become’) = if they could have been, had they been, if they
were (§14.ex)
abhedi (3,sg; aor pas < √bhid VII ‘split’) = it was broken up (§10.ex)
abhi- (commonly added prefix) = ‘facing’, ‘concerning’, ‘(movement) towards’, ‘exceling’, ‘greatly’
abhibhavati (3,sg; pre, < abhi + √bhū I ‘become’) = overcomes, surpasses, overpowers, vanquishes
abhibhū (adj and noun; < abhi + √bhū I ‘become’) = vanquishing, overcoming; a vanquisher, one who
surpasses (§11.2.3)
abhibhūta (PPP of abhibhavati < 3,sg; pre, < abhi + √bhū I ‘become’) = overcome, vanquished,
surpassed (§11.2.3)
abhiharati (3,sg; pre, < abhi + √hṛ I ‘take’) = fetches, fetches for oneself, partakes (§5.5)
abhijānāti (3,sg; pre, < abhi + √jñā IX ‘know’) = recognizes, knows clearly, becomes aware, recalls,
recollects, remembers (§
abhikirati (/abhikīrati; 3,sg; pre, < abhi + √kṝ VI ‘strew’) = scatters, pours over, overwhelms (§7.4.5)
abhikkama (m) = going forwards, progression, advance (§8.ex)
abhikkamati (3,sg; pre, < abhi + √kram I ‘step’) = steps forward, advances, progresses, increases (§1.
ex, §2.7.1)
abhikkhaṇaṃ (adv) = repeatedly, incessantly (§3.ex)
abhilakkhita (PPP < abhi + √lakṣ I ‘mark’) = specially noted, marked out, distinguished (§13.ex)
abhinandinī (nom,f,sg of abhinandin ‘having great pleasure’; qualifying taṇhā) = finding great
pleasure, greatly delighting (§4.6.2)
abhinanduṃ (3,pl; aor, < abhi + √nand I ‘rejoice’) = they rejoiced (§10.ex)
abhiṇhaso (ind) = frequently, repeatedly (§
abhinibbattati (3,sg; pre, < abhi + nir + √vṛt I ‘turn’) = turns out, results from, proceeds, arises (out
of), is born (§14.ex)
abhinibbattissatha (3,sg, āt; condl < abhi + nir + √vṛt I ‘turn’) = it would have arisen, had it arisen
abhinibbhidā (f; < abhi + niṣ + √bhid VII ‘split’) = breaking out, breaking through, bursting forth
abhininnāmeti (3,sg; pre, caus of abhi + nis + namati < √nam I ‘bend’) = makes bend towards, directs
towards (§13.ex)
abhinīto (PPP of abhineti < abhi + √nī I ‘lead’; qualifying sappuriso) = brought upon, led on, led near;
pañha-abhinīto = brought upon by questions (§12.ex)
abhinivissa (ger < abhi + ni + √viś VI ‘enter’+ ya) = having adhered to, adhering to (§9.5.2)
abhiññā (f) = supramundane knowledge, higher knowledge (§8.ex)
abhiññāta (PPP < abhi + √jñā IX ‘understand’) = specially known, well known, recognized (§13.ex)
abhippamodayaṃ (nom,m,sg; PrP of abhippamodayati, caus of abhippamodati < abi + pra + √mud I


‘rejoice’) = gladdening (§7.ex)

abhippasanna (PPP of abhippasīdati < abhi + pra + √sad I ‘sit’) = having firm conviction, deeply
believing in (§8.ex)
abhiramati (3,sg; pre, < abhi + √ram I ‘enjoy’) = enjoys, delights in (§2.5.2)
abhirūpa (adj) = of good appearance, beautiful (§6.2.1)
abhisamaya (nom,m,sg; < abhi + sam + √i II ‘go’, ‘arrive at’) = direct full understanding, direct
comprehension (§9.ex)
abhisameti (3,sg; pre, < abhi + sam + √i II ‘go’) = directly (abhi) perfectly (sam) understands (§8.3.11)
abhisañcetayita (PPP of abhisañcetayati < abhi + √cit VIII ‘do’) = thought out, volitionally produced
abhisaṅkharitvā (ger of abhisaṅkharoti < abhi + sam + √kṛ VIII ‘do’) = having made preparatory effort
abhisaṅkharoti (3,sg; pre, < abhi + √kṛ VIII ‘do’. Skt: abhisaṃskaroti) = performs effortfully, prepares,
constructs, plans, creates; does/acts volitionally (§6.ex, §10.ex)
abhisaṅkhāsi (3,sg; aor, of abhisaṅkharoti) = wilfully performed, performed (§10.ex)
abhisaṅkhata (PPP of abhisaṅkharoti) = constructed, artificially produced, effortfully produced (§6.ex)
abhivadati (3,sg; < abhi + √vad I ‘speak’) = salutes, welcomes, approves of (§8.ex)
ābhujitvā (ger; < ā + √bhuj VI ‘bend’) = having bent; pallaṅkaṃ ābhujitvā = ‘bending (legs) in fully-
crossed position’, sitting fully crossed-legged (§7.ex)
abhūta (adj) = untrue; abhūtena (ins,n,sg) = with what is not true, untruly (§12.ex); abhūtena (adv) =
falsely (§7.ex)
abrahmacārin (adj) = ‘not having brahma-faring’, not practising the brahma-faring, unchaste (§4.6.2);
nom,f,sg: abrahma-cariṇī (§4.6.2)

abyatta (= avyatta) (adj) = unintelligent, incapable, incompetent (§6.2.1, §7.2.1)

acala (adj) = immovable, unshakable (§11.ex)
ācarati (3,sg < ā + √car I ‘move’, ‘be engaged in’); tad-ācaraṃ (nom,m,sg; PrP of ācarati) = when
being engaged in that (§13.ex)
ācariya (m) = teacher; ācariyapācariya (m) = ‘teacher upon teacher’, teacher of teachers (§9.ex)
ācariya-bhariyā (f) = teacher’s wife (§14.ex)
ācariyaka (n; < ācariya ‘teacher’ + -ka) = ‘what pertains to the teacher’, doctrines of the teacher (§11.
accantaṃ (adv) = exceedingly, absolutely (§10.ex)
accāsanne (adv; < ati + āsanna) = too near, too close (§3.ex)
accāyata (PPP < ati + ā + √yam I ‘hold up’, ‘stretch up’) = over stretched (§7.ex)
accayena (ins used as adv) = through the lapse/passing (of time) (§5.ex, §
acceti (3,sg; pre, ati + √i II ‘go’) = passes over, transcends (§4.ex)
acchādetvā (ger, caus, < ā + √chad X ‘cover’) = having adorned/ having put on (§4.ex)
ācikkhanti (3,pl; pre, < ā + √khyā II ‘be known’. Cf ācikṣati in BHSD) = tell, make known, relate,
proclaim, declare (§4.6.2)
adā (3,sg; root-aor of √dā III ‘give’) = he gave (§13.ex)
ādātuṃ (inf, < ā + √dā III ‘give’) = to take, to receive (§11.ex)
ādāya (ger < ā + √dā III ‘give’) = having taken (§4.5.3)
adda (3,sg; aor of dakkhati/dassati < √dṛś I ‘see’) = he saw (§14.ex)
addakkhi (3,sg; aor of dakkhati/dassati < √dṛś I ‘see’) = he saw (§14.ex)
addasā (3,sg; aor of dakkhati/dassati < √dṛś I ‘see’) = he saw (§13.ex)
addasā/addasa (3,sg; aor < √dṛś I ‘see’) = he saw (§10.ex)
aḍḍha (adj) = rich (§
aḍḍha-māsa (m) = half-month, fortnight (§10.ex)
aḍḍha-teḷasāni bhikkhu-satāni = 12 hundreds and fifty = 1250 monks (§8.ex)
addhan (m) = an extent of time or space, road, path, temporal passage; addhuno (gen,m,sg) = of time
(§12.ex) addhuno (gen,n,sg) = of temporal passage (§
adhi- (commonly added prefix) = ‘on top of’, ‘above’, ‘higher/superior’, ‘concerning’ (§3.1.1)

Reading Buddhist Pāli Texts

adhibhū (m) = conqueror, king, master, lord; migābhibhū (miga + adhibhū) = king of animals (§12.ex)
adhicitta-sikkhā (f) = training relating to the mind (i.e., meditation) (§13.ex)
adhigama (m) = attainment, realization (§10.ex, §11.1.3)
ādhipacca (n; abst noun, < adhipati + -ya) = dominance, dominant power, supremacy (§11.ex)
adhipanna (PPP of adhipajjati < adhi + √pad IV ‘go’) = fallen into (§9.5.3)
adhipaññā-sikkhā (f) = training relating to insight/wisdom (§13.ex)
ādhipateyya (n; abst noun < adhipati + -ya. Skt: ādhipatya; Buddhist Skt: ādhipateya) = dominance,
dominant/controlling influence (§11.ex)
adhipati (m) = chief, controller, dominating influence.
adhipatiṃ (acc,m,sg) karitvā = exercising influence (§11.ex)
adhisayita (PPP of adhiseti < adhi + √śī II ‘sleep’) = lied/sat on (§8.3.2)
adhisīla (n) = higher ethical alignment; adhisīle (ind) = in regard to ethical alignment (§3.ex)
adhisīla-sikkhā (f) = training relating to ethics/ethical alignment (§13.ex)
adhitiṭṭhati/adhiṭṭhahati (3,sg; pre, < adhi + √sthā I ‘stand’) = ‘stands upon’, takes control over; resolves,
resolutely determines (§10.ex)
adhiṭṭhāsi (3,sg; aor of adhitiṭṭhati) = he resolved upon the calming of vigour (§10.ex)
adhiṭṭhāti (3,sg; pre, < √sthā I ‘stand’) = firmly abides on/in, resolutely affirms, resolves on, becomes
determined upon (§3.ex, §5.5)
adhiṭṭhāti (3,sg; pre, < adhi + √sthā I ‘stand’) = resolves upon, resolutely affirms (§8.2.2)
adhivāseti (caus of adhivasati ‘dwells/lives in’< adhi + √vas I ‘dwell’) = is patient with, endures, waits,
accepts (§8.2.2)
ādicco (nom,m,sg) = sun (§4.ex)
ādiccovudayaṃ (ādicco iva udayaṃ) = like a rising sun (§4.ex)
ādi-kalyāṇa (adj) = good in the beginning (§3.ex)
ādikena (ins used as adv) at the start, at once (§2.9.2)
ādīnava (m) = disadvantage, danger, negative consequence (§6.ex, §10.ex)
ādippati (3,sg; ā + √dīp IV ‘blaze’) = blazes, burns, shines (§12.ex)
ādiyati (3,sg; pre, < ā + √dā III ‘give’; = ādeti) = takes, accepts, takes up, undertakes (§12.ex)
ado (2,sg; aor < √dā III ‘give’) = you gave (§10.ex)
adukkhamasukha (adj) = neither painful nor pleasant (neuter) (§5.ex)
aduṃ (nom,n,sg of demon pron asu) = that (§5.ex, §14.ex)
aduṭṭha (adj; < a + PPP of √dviṣ II ‘hate’) = unangered, without hating (§14.ex)
āgacchati (3,sg; pre, < √gam I ‘go’) = comes (§1.ex)
āgama (m) = coming; tradition, scriptures, canonical text (§13.ex)
agamāsi (3,sg; aor < √gam I ‘go’) = it went (§10.ex)
agamāsiṃ (1,sg; aor, < √gam I ‘go’) = I went (§10.ex)
agamissa (3,sg; active condl, < √gam I ‘go’) = he would have gone (§14.4.2)
agamittha (2,pl; iṣ-aor, < √gam I ‘go’) = you went (§13.ex)
āgamma (ger of āgacchati < √gam I ‘go’) = having come to, having relied on, by means of (§5.ex)
āgantāro (nom,m,pl, of ag noun āgantar < ā + √gam I ‘go’; here used for peri fut) = they will return
āgantuka (adj) = foreign, from outside, adventitious (§14.3.1)
agāra (n) = home, house (§1.7.1)
agārā anagāriyaṃ = from home into homelessness (§2.6.2)
agāriyabhūta (adj; < agāriya + bhūta) = being house-holder (§9.3.3)
āgata-āgama (adj, bahubbīhi; < āgata + āgama) = who has mastered the tradition (§13.ex)
agga (adj) = foremost, highest (§5.ex)
aggahesi (3,sg; aor < √grah IX ‘grasp’) = he grasped (§10.ex)
aggahesuṃ (3,pl; aor of gaṇhāti/gaṇhati) = they seized, they grabbed (§10.ex)
aggaṃ (adj; n) = highest, best.excellent; the best, the highest one (§5.ex, §9.5.3, §12.ex)
aggañña (adj) = principal, primitive, original (§9.5.3)
agga-puggala (m; kammadhāraya-samāsa) = the foremost person (§12.ex)
aggha (m) = price, worth; sahassa-agghahaṃ (n; adv) = for the worth of a thousand (§13.ex)


aggi (m) = fire; agginā (ins,m,sg) (§

aggihutta (n) = the fire oblation (§8.ex, §9.ex)
āghāta (m) = ill-will, resentment, hostility (§2.ex)
āghātana (n) = slaughter-house.execution place (§12.ex)
agyāgāra (aggi + āgāra) = fire-hut (for ritual) (§2.ex)
āha (3,sg, pf; < √ah I ‘say’; for perfect tense see §12.3) = he said, he says (§6.ex)
ahaṃ (1st pers pron; see §5.3) = I (§1.7.1)
āhaṃsu (pf, 3,pl; < √ah I ‘say’) = they say (§12.ex)
āhāra (m; occasionally n) = food, nutriment, sustenance (§5.6.2)
āhāra-ṭṭhitikā (nom,m,pl; adj for sattā) = food-sustained, sustaining on food (§5.6.2)
āhāreti (3,sg; caus of āharati, < ā + √hṛ I ‘carry’, or denom < āhāra) = eats (§11.ex)
ahita (n) = non-benefit, harm (§1.ex)
aho-ratta (m) = day-and-night (§8.ex)
ahosi (3,sg; aor < √bhū I ‘become’) = he became, he was (§10.ex)
ahu (Skt: abhūt; root-aor < √bhū/hū I ‘become’) = was, there was (impersonally) (§10.ex)
āhu (pf, 3,pl; < √ah I ‘say’) = they say, they said (§12.ex)
āhuneyya (FPP, < ā + √hu III ‘sacrifice’; adj to sāvakasaṅgha. Skt: āhavanīya) = to be offered, can be
offered, worthy of offerings (§8.1.1)
ahuvamha (1,pl; aor, < √bhū/hū I ‘become’) = we were (§10.ex)
ahuvattha (2,pl; aor < √bhū I ‘become) = you became (§13.ex)
ajānaṃ (nom,m,sg; PrP of ajānāti < a + √jñā IX ‘know’) = not knowing (§6.ex)
ājānāmi (1,sg; pre, < ā + √jñā IX ‘know’) = I understand well, I understand (§6.2.1)
ajānato (gen,m,sg of PrP of jānāti) apassato (gen,m,sg of PrP of passati) can be taken as being simply
gen/dat, or constituting a gen abs (§6.ex)
ājānissasi (2,sg; fut of ājānāti < ā + √jñā IX ‘understand’) = you will properly understand (§7.3.6)
ajara (adj) = non-aging (§
ajāta (PPP < a + √jan IV ‘be born) = has not been born (§9.ex)
Ajātasattu (m; npr) = name of a Magadha king (son of Bimbisāra) (§4.7.7)
ajāyi (3,sg; pas, aor < √jan IV ‘be born’) = was born; ajāyi siddhattho = Siddhattha was born (§10.ex)
ajeḷaka (m) = goat (§9.5.3)
ajesi (3,sg; aor < √ji I ‘conquer’) = he conquered, he defeated, he won (§12.ex)
ajeyya (FPP < a + √jī I ‘conquer’) = should not be conquered (§12.ex)
ājīvaka (m) = a naked ascetic (of a religious community founded by Makkhali Gosala) (§14.ex)
ajja (ind) = today (§5.5)
ajjhabhāsi (3,sg; aor, < adhi + a (augment) + √bhāṣ I ‘speak’) = he addressed, spoke (§10.ex)
ajjhattaṃ (adv) = internally (§4.6.2)
ajjhattaṃ … kāye kāya-anupassī = internally contemplating on the body as the body (§4.6.2)
ajjhattika (adj) = internal, belonging to the internal (§8.ex)
ajjhāvasati (3,sg; pre, < adhi + ā + √vas I ‘dwell’) = resides upon, dwells in, inhabits (§1.7.1)
ajjhosa = ajjhosāya (ger of ajjhosati) = has clung on, clinging to (§4.5.4)
ajjhosati (3,sg; pre, < adhi + ava + √sā/so IV ‘finish’) = clings on to, clings obstinately (§4.5.4)
ajjhosa tiṭṭhati = remains tightly/obstinately clinging to it (§4.5.4, §8.ex)
ajjhupekkhissatha (2,pl; fut < adhi + upa + √īkṣ I ‘see’) = you will look on (§7.3.6)
akā (3,sg; root-aor of √kṛ VIII ‘do’) = he did (§10.ex)
akālika (adj, < a + kāla + ika) = not dependent on time (i.e., true at all times) (§1.ex, §11.ex)
akāmaka (adj) = disliking, disagreeing, not consenting (§9.1.1)
akāmakānaṃ … rudantānaṃ (gen abs. Note the sense of disregarding) = despite the non-consenting
mother and father crying with tearful faces (§9.1.1)
akaṃsu (3,pl; aor < √kṛ VIII ‘do’) = they did, they made (§10.ex)
akaramha (1,pl; aor, < √kṛ VIII ‘do’) = we did (§10.ex)
ākāsānañcāyatana (n) = the sphere of infinity of space (§8.3.3)
akāsi (2/3,sg; s-aor, < √kṛ VIII ‘do’) = you did, he did (§10.ex); manasākāsi (manasi + akāsi) = he
applied his mind, he reflected (§12.ex)

Reading Buddhist Pāli Texts

akataññu (adj) = ungrateful (§12.ex)

akattha (2,pl; s-aor, < √kṛ VIII ‘do’) = you did (§13.4.1)
ākiñcaññāyatana (n, < ākiñcañña-āyatana) = sphere of no-thing-ness (§4.ex)
akittayi (aor; 3,sg, of akitteti/akittayati < √kīrt X ‘mention’, ‘recite’) = mentioned, recited; bheravaṃ so
akittayi = he uttered a fearful (curse) (§10.ex)
akkhātā (nom,m,sg; of ag noun akkhātar < ā + √khyā II ‘be known’) = declarer, informer, announcer
akkhāyati (3,sg; pas of akkhāti, < ā + √khyā II ‘be known’. akkhāyati is also an alternative form for
akkhāti) = is declared, is reckoned. aggam akkhāyati = is known as/declared the best (§9.5.3, §12.ex)
akkhi (n) = eye (§3.9.1)
akkosa (m) = shouting at, abuse, insult (§14.ex)
akkosati (3,sg; pre, ā + √kruś I ‘cry out’) = scolds, abuses, reviles (§2.ex)
akusala (adj) = unskillful/unwholesome (§1.5)
alaṃ hi te jagghitāye = It is appropriate for me to laugh, you may well laugh (§11.ex)
alaṃ kātuṃ = fit to do = fit for doing (§11.1.2)
alattha (3,sg; aor of labhati < √labh I ‘obtain’) = he obtained (§10.ex)
ālumpati (3,sg; pre, < ā + √lup VI ‘break’) = tears out, pulls out (§13.ex)
āluppa/ālumpa (m) = a morsel, a piece; ālumpa-kārakaṃ (adv) = making into pieces, tearing into
pieces (§10.ex)
āmantayataṃ (3,sg; ipv, āt of āmantayati) = let him (/may he) summon, let him send for (3,sg ipv used
to show respect to person requested) (§11.ex)
āmantayati (3,sg; pre, denom) = summons, addresses (§11.ex)
āmantesi (3,sg; aor < denom āmanteti/āmantayati) = he summoned, he addressed (§10.ex)
āmanteti (3,sg; pre, denom of ā-mantra) = summons, calls, addresses (§5.ex)
amarā (f) = a kind of slippery fish, eel (§14.ex)
amarā-vikkhepa (m) = equivocation like a wriggling eel (§14.ex)
amaritukāma (adj, bahubbīhi < a-marituṃ + kāma) = desirous of not dying (§14.1)
amata (adj and n noun) = non-dead, deathless, ambrosial (adj), ambrosia (§3.ex)
amatāya (ins,sg) dhātuyā (ins,sg) = in/towards the Deadless Element (i.e., Nibbāna) (§3.ex)
Ambapāli-vana (n) = the Ambapāli-grove (grove donated by Ambapāli to the Buddha and the Saṅgha)
ambho (ind.exclamatory particle) = hey! look here! I say! (§11.ex)
amha (1,pl of √as II ‘be’) = we are (§4.ex)
amhehi (ins,pl of mayaṃ) = by us (§8.ex)
amhi (1,sg, pre of √as II ‘be’) = I am (§6.3.3)
āmisa (adj) = flesh, material goods, worldly things (§5.ex)
amma (voc,f,sg, of ammā (f) ‘mother) = O mother! (§6.3.3)
amuka (adj) = a certain, such and such (§4.7.6)
amuṃ (acc,m,sg, of asu; qualifying dārukkhandhaṃ) = that (§5.ex)
amūsaṃ (gen,m,pl of asu ‘that’) = of those (§12.ex)
amutra (adv) = in a certain place, there, in such and such a place (§12.ex, §14.2)
āṇā (f) = command, order, authority (§13.ex)
anabhāva (m; < ana (a double negative particle) + bhāva) = non-existence (§8.2.2)
anādiyanta (PrP; < an + ādiyati) = not undertaking (§12.ex)
Ānaka (m, npr) = “Summoner”, name of a drum (§10.ex)
anamatagga (adj; attribute of saṃsāra. See BHSD on anavarāgra) = without end or beginning (§9.ex)
Ānanda (m, npr) = name of a monk (Buddha’s personal attendent) (§5.5.2)
anañña-saraṇa (adj, bahubbīhi; < an + añña + saraṇa) = with no other refuge, not having others as the
refuge (§13.ex)
Anāthapiṇḍika (m, npr) = name of a very rich lay disciple and donor of the Buddha (§3.9.1)
an-antavā (adj; nom,m,sg of an-antavant; qualifying loko) = ‘not having end’, infinite (§6.ex)
anatta (adj) = without a Self; anattato (abl, used as adv) = from the perspective of being without a Self


anatta (n) = not the Self, not a Soul (§14.4.2)

an-atthasaṃhita (adj) = non-beneficial (§7.ex)
anavajja (adj and n) = irreproachable, blameless (§12.ex)
anavajjatā (f) = blamelessness state of being beyond reproach (§11.ex)
aṇḍa (n) = egg (§8.3.2)
andha (adj) = blind (§7.3.3)
andha-tamaṃ (nom,n,sg) = blinding darkness, pitch darkness (§9.ex)
aneka-vihita (adj) = of various forms, various (§3.ex)
anekapariyāyena (ins,m,sg; used adverbially) = in various manners, through/from many perspectives
(§2.ex, §3.ex)
anekasata-kkhattuṃ (adv; num) = many hundreds of times (§14.ex)
aṅga (n/m) = a part of the body, limb, factor, a constituent, an aspect, a division (§8.2.2, §14.ex)
aṅguli/aṅguli(f) = a finger; a finger’s breadth (§3.9.1)
āṇi (m) = peg, bolt (§10.ex)
anicca (adj) = impermanent (§1.5; §, §
anīka (m/n) = an army, troops (§14.ex)
ānisaṃsa (m) = merit, benefit (§10.ex)
añjali (/añjalī, m/f) = the cupped/folded hand (§8.1.1)
añjali-karaṇīya (adj; < añjali + FPP of √kṛ VIII 'do') = should be/to be worshipped with folded hands
añña (adj and pronominal pron; see also §5.6) = different, other, another (§2.1); aññe (nom,m,pl;
pronominal adj) = other, others (§5.ex)
aññā (f. Skt: ājñā) = full/complete understanding (§2.9.2)
aññena aññaṃ (adv phrase) = with one another (§2.9.5)
añña-ādiso (adj, nom,m,sg) = of another kind, different, otherwise (§4.3.3)
aññā-citta (n) = thought (intention) for perfect insight (i.e., arahantship) (§14.ex)
aññadā (adv) = at another time, at other times (§10.2)
aññadatthu (ind) = ‘let there be anything else’, absolutely.exclusively, merely, only (§14.ex)
aññadatthu-dasa (adj) = seeing absolutely, seeing-all, the only seer, universal seer (§14.ex)
aññārādhanā (f/n, < aññā-ārādhanā) = accomplishment of full knowledge (§2.9.2)
añña-m-añña (adj, pron) = one another, each other (§2.ex)
añña-titthiya (adj) = (one) belonging to a different religious tradition (sect) (§5.ex)
aññatara (adj, pronominal) = one (of many), a certain, another, some, some other (§3.6.1, §12.ex)
aññatara-aññatara = any other, some other (§3.6.1)
aññatara-aññatarena (adj, ins,n,sg; qualifying vatthunā) = some other (§4.ex)
aññatarasmiṃ (loc,m,sg; pronominal adj for vanasaṇḍe) = in a certain (§5.6.2)
aññātāro (nom,m,pl; < aññā-tar, ag noun) = full knowers, those who fully understand. (§12.ex)
aññathā (adv) = otherwise, in a different manner (§14.2)
aññathatta (n) = change, the fact of becoming different; ṭhitassa aññathattaṃ = change of what is
staying/enduring (§9.ex)
aññatra (ind) = elsewhere; other than.excepting, but for (§2.ex)
aññatra ekena = except one, apart from one (§14.ex)
aṇṇava (n) = ocean (§2.ex)
aññāya (ger of ājānāti; < ā + √jñā IX, ‘know’) = well understanding, fully understanding (§
anta (m) = end.extremity.extreme (§4.2.2)
antagu/antagū (adj) = going to the end, having reached the end, having penetrated to the very depth;
paṭipada-antagu = having perfected/fulfilled the practice (§12.ex)
antakiriyāya (dat,f,sg of anta-kiriyā) = for the making an end, for ending (§9.2.4)
antamaso (adv; < antama + -so) = even so much as, as little as (§12.ex, §14.2)
antarā (adv) = inside, between, in between, on the way, meanwhile (§2.9.3)
antara-gharaṃ (ind) = among/between the houses (§4.ex)
antarā-kathā (f) = mutual talk, conversation (§13.ex)
antaradhāyamāna (PrP; pas, āt, < antara + √dhā III ‘put’) = being lost, disappearing, vanishing (§9.5.2)

Reading Buddhist Pāli Texts

antaradhāyi (3,sg; aor of antaradhāyati < antara-√dhā III ‘put’) = disappeared, vanished (§10.ex)
antarahita (PPP of antaradhāyati < antara-√dhā III ‘put’) = has vanished (§, §10.ex)
antarāyāya (dat,m,sg) = for (leading to) obstruction (§7.3.6)
antare (loc used as adv) = in between, among (§2.10.4)
antavā (adj; nom,m,sg of anta-vant) = ‘having an end’, finite (§6.ex)
antima (adj) = last (§11.ex)
anto-gadha (adj) = contained, included (§9.ex)
anttevāsin (m) = a pupil; antevāsī (adj) = one living under (a teacher), a pupil; antevāsīvāsa (m) =
living/abiding as a pupil (§13.4.1)
anu- (commonly added prefix) = ‘following’, ‘according’, ‘subsequent’ (§3.1.1)
anubodha (m) = understanding, realization (§3.ex)
anubujjhati (3,sg; pre, < √budh IV ‘waken’) = understands, realizes (§3.ex, §8.ex)
anujānissāma (1,pl, fut < anu + √jñā IX ‘understand’) = we will permit, we will grant (§7.ex)
anukampati (3,sg; pre, < anu + √kamp I ‘tremble’) = pities, is compassionate (§3.ex)
anulomaṃ (adv) = in the normal order/sequence (§12.2.3)
anu-pa-dassati (3,sg, fut, of anupadeti < √dṛś I ‘see’) = he will give, he will hand over (§13.ex)
anuppatta (PPP of anupāpuṇāti, < anu + pra + √āp V ‘attain’, ‘acquire’) = arrived at, reached, attained
anuyāyin (adj) = subject to, following (§13.ex)
anubyañjana (n) = secondary mark, details; anubyañjanaso (ind) = as to the secondary marks, in details
anudhammacārin (adj) = faring/coursing in accordance with the Dhamma (§11.ex)
anudhammaṃ (adv) = according with the proper method, in accordance with (§7.ex)
anudhāriyamāna (PrP, pas, āt; < caus of anu + √dhṛ I ‘hold’) = being held over; setamhi chatte
anudhāriyamāne (loc abs) = while a white parasol is being held over (him) (§11.ex)
anuggaha (m) = assistance, support, favour (§13.ex)
anuggāha-ka (adj) = helpful, supportive, supporter (§11.ex)
anujānāti (3,sg; ipv < anu + √jñā IX ‘know’) = permits, grants, advices, prescribes; anujānantu = may
they advice (3,sg ipv used to show respect to person requested) (§11.ex)
anukampā (f) = compassion (§9.2.4)
anukampaka (adj) = compassionate (§13.ex)
anukampaṃ upādāya (X upādāya = by reason of X) = on account of compassion, out of compassion
anukkamati (anu + √kram I ‘step’) = goes after, follows; anukkamitave (inf of anukkamati) = to go after,
to follow/pursue (§11.ex)
anulomika (adj) = affirmative, conformative, agreeing (§9.ex)
anulomikā khanti (f) = affirmative receptivity (§9.ex)
anupādā (ger; used in adv sense) = without clinging (§14.4.2)
anupādā-parinibbāna (n) = parinibbāna without clinging (§14.4.2)
an-upādā (= an-upādāya; < an + ger of upādiyati ‘appropriates to oneself’, ‘clings’) = without clinging
anupādāya (ger; < an + upa + ā + √dā III ‘give’) = by not clinging, without grasping (§6.3.3)
anupadeti/anuppadeti (3,sg; pre, < anu + pra + √dā III ‘give’) = gives, presents, hands over, provides,
supports, encourages (§13.ex)
anupādisesa (adj. Skt: anupadhiśeṣa) = without residue of substratum (the khandhas) (§2.1)
anupāpuṇāti (3,sg; pre, < anu + pra + √āp V ‘attain’, ‘acquire’) = arrives at, reaches, attains (§14.3.1)
anupassin (adj) = contemplating, continuously observing (§1.4.5, §4.6)
an-uppāda (m) = non-arising (§1.7.1)
an-uppanna (adj, PPP < √pad IV ‘go’; a(n) is negative prefix) = un-arisen (§1.7.1)
anuppāda-dhamma(n) (adj) = of the nature of non-arising (§6.ex)
anuppadātā (nom,m,sg, of ag noun anupadātar < anuppadeti ‘provides’, ‘supports’ ) = one who
encourages, one who supports/promotes (§12.ex)
anuppatta-sadattha (adj; bahubbīhi, < PPP of anupāpuṇāti + sadattha) = who has reached the True


Goal (§14.3.1)
anupubba (adj) = gradual, sequential; anupubbaṃ (adv) = gradually (§2.9.1, anupubbī (f) §10.ex
anupubbaso (adv) = in a gradual/sequential order (§14.2)
anupubbu-upasanta (PrP < anupubbu + upa-√śam IV/I ‘be quiet’) = progressively ceased (died down)
anuraho (adv) = in private, secretly (§2.ex)
anurakkhati (3,sg; pre, < anu + √rakṣ I ‘protect’) = protects, preserves (§6.3.3)
anurakkhissate (3,sg; fut, āt, < anu + √rakṣ I ‘protect’) = he will protect. (§9.ex)
anurodha (m) = attraction, liking (§13.ex)
anusāsamāna (PrP < anu + √śās II ‘teach’, ‘instruct’) = are instructing, are advising (§8.ex)
anusāsanī (nom,f,sg) = instruction, admonition (§5.ex)
anusāsati (3,sg; pre, < anu + √śās II teach) = teaches, instructs; anusāsamāna (PrP) = are instructing
(§8.ex); anusāsitabba (FPP) = should be instructed (§9.3.3)
anusikkhin (adj) = learning/training continuously; ahoratta-anusikkhinā (ins,m,sg; qualifying
bhikkhunā) = by training one day and night (§8.ex)
anussarati (3,sg; pre < anu + √smṛ I ‘remember’) = recollects, recalls (§14.ex)
anussati (f; For the declension of f noun, see §3.7) = recollection, continuous mindfulness (§1.ex)
anussati-ṭṭhāna (n) = state of recollection, quality of recollection, condition of recollection, subject of
recollection (§1.ex)
anuttara (adj) = unsurpassed, highest (§1.5)
an-uttara (adj) = un-surpassed, supreme (§2.8.1)
an-uttānīkataṃ (n; impersonal) = what has not been made clear (§13.2.1)
anuviloketi (3,sg; pre, < anu + vi + √lok X ‘look’) = looks around at, surveys (§8.ex
anuvyañjanaso (adv) = as to details, in detail, as to the letter (§14.2)
anuyuñjetha (2,pl; opt, < anu + √yuj VII ‘yoke’) = you should devote to, you should engage in (§13.4.2)
anv-addhamāsaṃ (adv; anu + addha-māsa ‘half-month’) = once in a fortnight (§12.2.3)
apa- (commonly added prefix) = ‘away’, ‘off’, ‘down’ (§3.1.1)
apācīnaṃ (adv) = below (§12.ex)
apagata-kāḷaka (adj) = having the dark spots removed (§10.ex)
āpajjati (3,sg, pre < ā + √pad IV ‘fall/go’) = gets into, falls into, falls into an offence, commits an
offence (§
āpajjiṃsu (3,sg, aor of āpajjati) = they fell into (§10.ex)
āpajjissatha (3,sg, āt; condl < ā + √pad IV ‘go’, ‘attain’) = would have reached/attained, if it were to
reach/attain (§14.ex)
apara (adj) = another, a further, later; aparena (adv) = at a later time, afterwards (§2.9.2)
aparaṃ (adv) = further (§8.1.1)
aparipūrakārin (adj) = not having made fulfilment, not fulfilling (§13.ex)
aparapaccayā (adv < abl used as adv) = not depending on others (§2.9.3)
apariyādinna (adj; < a + PPP of pariyādiyati ‘exhausts’, ‘puts an end’ < √dā III ‘give’; adj to mātumatāro)
= not exhausted, not ended (§12.ex)
āpatti (f) = entering into a state, transgression, offence (§13.ex)
apavīṇati (3,sg; pre, < √ven I ‘care for’, ‘observe’. Cf apacināti/apacinati, < √ci I ‘respect’) = watches
over, watches attentively, cares for, looks after (§13.ex)
apāya (m) = ‘going away’, perdition, miserable state (§3.ex)
apekkhā/apekhā (f) = longing for, desire.expectation , attention, regard (§13.ex)
api ca = but, but rather, moreover (§11.ex)
appa (adj; n) = little, small, trifling, few, rare; a little, a small amount (§14.ex)
appa-sadda (adj) = making little noise, quiet (§13.ex)
appaccaya (m) = discontent, ill-will, dejection (§2.ex)
appahīnā (PPP < a + pra + √hā III ‘abandon’) = have not been abandoned (§7.3.6)
appajānantā (nom,m,pl; PrP of a + pra + √jñā IX ‘understand’) = they are not understanding (§12.ex)
appamāda (m) = heedfulness, caution (often, it refers to mindfulness) (§2.ex)
appamāda-ppaṭipattiyaṃ (loc,f,sg of appamāda-ppaṭipatti) = practice of heedfulness (§8.ex)

Reading Buddhist Pāli Texts

appamāda-rata (adj; < appamāda + PPP of √ram I ‘delight’) = delighting in heedfulness (§4.6.2)
appeva (ind; < api + eva) = emphatic expression, used with opt: perhaps, if only; appeva nāma =
perhaps indeed, perhaps I might … (§7.4.5, §11.ex)
appiya (adj; opposite of piya) = unpleasant, disagreeable, dislikable; appiyehi (ins,m,pl) = with the
unpleasant (§, §
appossukka/appossuka (adj; < appa + ussuka) = not caring, unconcerned (§12.ex)
āpucchati (3,sg, pre < ā + √prach VI ‘ask’) = asks, asks permission; āpucchitūna (= āpucchittvāna/
āpucchitvā; ger of āpucchati) = having asked, having asked for permission (§11.1.1)

a-takka-avacara (adj) = not the domain of reasoning, unattainable by reasoning (§8.1.1)

avidūre (loc used as adv ‘not far’) = in the vicinity, near to (§4.7.7)
avippaṭisāra (m) = non-remorse, non-regret (§
avivaṭa (impersonal, < a + PPP of vivarati) = what has not been revealed (§5.ex)
āyoga (m) = exercise, practice, effort.exertion; āyogaṃ √kṛ = make effort, practise (§9.ex)
ārabbha (ger of ārabhati < ā + √rabh I ‘take hold of’) = concerning, regarding (§7.ex)
ārabhati (3,sg, < √rabh I ‘grasp’; ā-rabh: ‘undertake’, ‘begins’, ‘be active’) = undertakes, becomes
energetic (§1.7.1)

āraddha (PPP, < ā + √rabh I ‘grasp’) = undertakes, embarks on, begins (§5.8.2)
āraddha-viriyo (adj, nom,m,sg) = having energy/vigor aroused, energetically mobilized, with
committed vigor (§2.7.1)
ārādhaka (adj) = winning approval, successful, accomplishing, fulfilling (§14.ex)
ārādhanā (f) = winning over, accomplishment (§2.9.2)
ārādhayiṃsu (3,pl, aor; caus < ā + √rādh V ‘succeed’, ‘win over’) = gladdened, pleased (§10.ex)
ārādheti (3,sg; pre, caus of ārajjhati (Skt: ārādhayati) < ā + √rādh V ‘succeed’, ‘win over’) = causes to
succeed, makes favourable, wins favour, satisfies, pleases (§5.ex)
arahā (nom,m,sg of arahant) = an arahant, a Worthy One (§
arahataṃ (gen,m,pl) = of the arahants (§6.3.3)
arahati (3,sg; pre, < √arh I ‘be fit’, ‘deserve’) = deserves, is worth, ought to (§11.1.3)
ārāma (m) = pleasure, delight, pleasure park, a garden (§3.9.1)
ārāma-cetiya (n) = a shrine in a park (§7.4.5)
ārambhavho (2,pl; ipv, āt of ārambhati/ārabhati, < ā + √rabh I ‘take hold of’) = you undertake! you
embark! you exert! (§9.ex)
arañña (n) = forest, hermitage; araññe (loc,n,sg) = in a forest/hermitage (§3.4.1)
arañña-gato (adj; PPP < √gam I ‘go’) = gone to the forest (§7.ex)
arañña-vihārena (ins,m,sg) = with forest-dwelling (§3.4.1)
ariya (adj; m/n) = noble, belong to the noble ones, of noble birth; a noble one, one with spiritual
attainment (§1.5)
ariya-sacca (n) = noble truth (§8.ex)
ariya-vaṃsa (m) = noble lineage (there are four: cīvara, piṇḍapāta, senāsana, bhāvanārāma) (§9.5.3)
ārogya (n) = freedom from sickness, health (§13.ex)
ārogya-parama (adj; bahubbbīhi, qualifying lābha) = having health as its highest/best (§13.ex)
āruppa (n) = formlessness, immateriality, the formless sphere (§12.ex)
āruppa-vāsin (adj: < arūpa ‘the formless’ + vāsa ‘dwelling’ < √vas I ‘dwell’ + -in) = dwelling in
formlessness (in the formless sphere) (§12.ex)
āsabha (adj; m. Skt: ārṣabha) = bull-like, belonging to a leader, king-like; bull-leader, bull-king (§10.
ex, §11.ex)
āsabhin (adj) = of a herd-leader, lordly; f: āsabhī (§11.ex)
asādhāraṇa (adj) = not shared, not common, unique. (note this word used with ins: ‘with/by’) (§
asakkhi (3,sg; aor of sakkoti < √śak V/IV ‘be able’) = he was able to; asakkhiṃ (1,sg; aor of sakkoti )
= I was able to (§13.ex)
asakkhiṃ (1,sg; aor, < √śak V/IV ‘be able’) = I was able to (§10.ex)
asaṃkhata (impersonal, < a + saṃ + PPP of √kṛ VIII ‘do’) = the unconditioned, the uncompounded


asaṃkiṇṇa (PPP < a-sam -√kṝ VI ‘strew’) = unadulterated; asaṃkiṇṇa-pubba (adj) = never adulterated
before (§9.5.3)
asammosa (m) = non-forgetting; asammosāya (dat,m,sg) = for not forgetting (§3.ex)
āsana (n) = seat (§2.9.1, §3.4.1, 4.7.6)
asaṅkhatagāmin (adj, < asaṅkhata-gāmin) = leading to the unconditioned (§5.ex)
asappurisa (m, < a + sat + purisa; opposite to a sappurisa ‘true man’) = an untrue man (§5.ex)
asat (adj) = not real; asatena (ins,n,sg) = with what is not real, falsely (§12.ex)
āsava (m) = outflow (a synonym for defilements) (§5.ex)
āsaya (m) = resting place, home, heart, seat of feeling and thought, intention, disposition (§14.ex)
asayittha (3,sg, aor, āt < √sī II ‘sleep’. Skt: aśayiṣṭa) = he slept (§10.ex)
asayitthaṃ (1,sg; aor < √śī II ‘sleep’. This aor form is developed from the iṣ-aor asayittha: 3,sg, āt) =
I slept (§10.ex)
asesa (adj) = without remainder, complete, entire (§4.ex, §
āsiṃ (1,sg; aor of √as II ‘be’) = I was (§10.ex)
asīti (num) = eighty (§12.ex)
asīti me … vassāni pabbajitassa nābhijānāmi … (note) = Since the eight years I have gone forth, I do
not recollect … (§12.ex)
asītiyā (ins,f,sg) vassehi (ins,n,pl) (adv of time) = in the eighty ordination-years. Note that asītiyā is a
noun and not adj to vassehi (§12.4.1)
asītiyā (loc,f,sg of asīti) gāmasahassesu (loc,n,pl of the aggregate noun gāma-sahassa ‘village-
thousands’) = in 80,000 villages (§8.3.11)
asito (m, ‘not white’) Devala (m, npr) = ‘Devala, the Dark’, name of the sage who was asked to look at
Gotama when he was born (§4.3.3)
asmā (abl,m, of ayaṃ) = from this (§5.ex)
asmiṃ (loc,m,sg; of demon pron ayaṃ ‘this’. For declension, see §5.2) = in this (§1.ex)
asnātha (2,pl; ipv of asnāti < √aś IX ‘eat’. For ipv, see §9.2) = you eat! (§6.2.1)
asnāti (3,sg; pre, < √aś IX ‘eat’) = eats (§6.2.1)
asoka (adj) = sorrowless (§1.5)
assa (2,sg; opt < √as II ‘be’) = you could/might be (§
assa (3,g, opt; < √as II ‘be’. For opt, see §7.4) = it would/could be, there would be (§
assa (dat/gen,m,sg, of ayaṃ) = of this, of this (§2.1, §5.ex, §, §8.ex)
assa (m) = horse (§6.2.1)
assāda (m) = tasting, advantage, flavour, enjoyment, favourable side (§6.ex)
assāda-anupassino (dat/gen,m,sg; qualifying tassa) = for/of one contemplating on the enjoyment (§6.
assāsā (nom,m,pl) = relief, assurances, confidence, sense of security (§4.7.7)
assasanto (nom,m,sg; PrP of assasati) = breathing in (§7.ex)
assasati (3,sg; pre, < ā + √śvas I/II ‘breathe) = breathes in (§7.ex)
assatarī (f) = a she-mule (§6.ex)
assatariṃ (acc,f,sg, of assatarī) = a she-mule (§4.ex)
assu (3,pl, opt of asti) = they could/might be (§7.3.6, §7.4.5)
assu (n) = tear (§9.1.1)
assu (opt, 3,pl of atthi) kukkuṭiyā (ins,f,sg) adhisayitāni = might have been sat upon by the hen (§8.3.2)
assu-mukha (adj) = having a face of tears (§9.1.1)
assutavā (nom,m,sg PPA of a + sutavant < √śru V ‘hear’) = has not heard, unlearned (§14.3.1)
assutāvino (nom,m,pl of assutāvin; PPA < a + √śru V ‘hear’) = ‘have not heard’, not learned (§14.3.1)
asubhā (nom,f,sg) = impurities, meditation on the loathsome, meditation on impurities (§8.ex)
asubhaṃ (acc,f,sg, of asubhā) = meditation on impurities (§7.ex)
āsuṃ (3,pl; aor < √as II ‘be’) = they were (§10.ex)
ātappa (abst noun, < ātāpa + -ya) = ardour, zeal, asceticism; ātappāya: dat,n,sg (§
ātappāya (dat,n,sg of ātappa (n)) = ardour, zeal, asceticism (§
atha (ind) = and, then, next, just then, and yet, but (§ yato and atha correlate: when … then …

Reading Buddhist Pāli Texts

atha kho (ind phrase) = and yet, and moreover, but moreover, but also (§13.ex)
ati- (commonly added prefix) = ‘over’, ‘beyond’, ‘surpassing’, ‘too (much)’, ‘excessive’ (§3.1.1)
atidivā (adv) = late in the day, too late (§3.ex)
atidūre (adv) = too far (§3.ex)
atikālena (ins, used as adv) = too early (§3.ex)
atikkantamānusaka (adj; < ati + PPP of √kram I ‘step’ + mānusa + ka) = surpassing human, superhuman
atimānaṃ (acc,m,sg) = arrogance, conceit, superiority complex (§3.6.1)
atireka (adj) = extra (§11.ex)
atisaṇikaṃ (adv) = too slowly (§3.ex)
atisīghaṃ (adv) = too fast (§3.ex)
atisithilā (adj; nom,f,pl) = over lax, over loose (§7.ex)
atithi (m) = guest (§8.ex)
atīta (PPP < ati + √i II ‘go’) = gone past, gone beyond, transcended (§8.1.2)
ativijjha (ger < ati + √vidh/vyadh IV ‘pierce’) = having penetrated, penetratively (§4.5.4)
atra, attha (adv) = here (§14.2)
atta(n) (m; Skt: ātman) = self, the Self, the Soul (§5.1.1); acc,m,sg: attānaṃ (§7.4.5)
atta-ādhipateyya (n) = dominant influence of oneself (§11.ex)
attadīpa (adj, bahubbīhi; < atta(n) + dīpa) = with oneself (yourselves) as the island (§13.ex)
attahetu (adv) = because of oneself, for one’s own sake (§4.ex)
attasaraṇa (adj, bahubbīhi; < atta(n) + saraṇa) = with oneself (yourselves) as the refuge (§13.ex)
attavadha (m) = self-destruction; attavadhāya (dat,m,sg) = to/towards own destruction (§6.ex)
attamana (adj) = delighted, greatly pleased (§3.4.1)
attan-tapo (adj, nom,m,sg) = tormenting oneself (§5.ex)
attanā (ins used as adv) jarādhammo samāno = being himself subject to aging (§6.ex)
attānaṃ pātukaroti (3, sg; pre) = manifests/reveals oneself (§9.ex)
attavāda (m) = doctrine of a Self (§3.ex)
attha (m) = meaning, purpose, benefit, wealth, object, thing, matter, affair (§1.7.1, §5.ex, §9.ex)
attha (m/n; Skt: asta (n)) = setting (e.g., of sun), ending (§10.ex)
aṭṭha (nom,m,pl; num) = eight (§1.ex)
aṭṭha purisa-puggalā (nom,m,pl) = the eight individual persons (§1.ex)
attha-caraṃ (PrP, nom,m,sg, < √car I ‘move’) = faring for the welfare (of men) (§11.ex)
attha-vādī (nom,m,sg < attha-vādin ‘having meaningful speech’) = one who makes meaningfully (§4.
attha, atra (adv) = here (§14.2)
atthakāma (adj; m) = wishing benefit; desire, for benefit (§9.ex)
atthakāma-anukampato (adv. ~anukampako (? ‘compassionate’)) = in terms of (/in respect of) wish for
benefit and compassion (§9.ex)
atthaṃ gacchati = goes into cessation/extinction; atthaṃ agamā (3,sg, aor of gacchati) = it went into
extinction (§10.ex)
aṭṭhamī (f) = the 8th day of a fortnight (§13.ex)
atthaṅ-gama (m) = setting, going into cessation/extinction, cessation, disappearance, annihilation (§10.
atthaṅgama (m) = annihilation, disappearance, passing away (§13.ex)
aṭṭhaṅgika (adj) = eight-limb, comprising eight parts, eight-fold (§5.5)
atthaññū (nom,m,sg) = who knows the good (§11.ex)
atthavasa (m) = reason, benefit, advantage (§13.ex)
atthi (3,sg; pre, < √as II ‘be’) = exists, is (§2.1); na atthi = there does not exist (§, §4.2.1); asmi
(1,sg; pre) = I am (§4.ex); asi (2,sg; pre) = you are (§4.ex).
“atthi paro loko”ti iti ce me assa, “atthi paro loko”ti iti te naṃ byākareyyaṃ = If it would occur to me (/
if I would think, iti ce me assa) “there is a world beyond”, I would explain/declare that (naṃ) to you:
“there is a world beyond” (§14.ex)


atthitā (f; abst noun) = existence (§6.ex)

attho ca vutto, attā ca anupanīto = the meaning has been brought out (uttered), but oneself (attā) has
not been alluded to (§5.ex)
aṭṭiyati/aṭṭīyati (3,sg; pre; denom < aṭṭa ‘distressed’) = is troubled, is worried, is distressed, is pained, is
discomforted (§14.ex)
ava-/-o- (commonly added prefix) = ‘down’, ‘below’ (§3.1.1)
avaca (aor, 2/3,sg, of √vac II ‘say’. Also: avoca, voca) = you said (§12.ex)
avacuttha (2,pl; aor < √vac II ‘say’) = you said (§13.4.1)
avaṇṇa (n) = faults, negative aspect, dispraise (§2.ex, §3.ex, §12.4.1)
avaṇṇaṃ bhāsati = speaks in dispraise, vilifies (§2.ex)
āvāsa (m) = dwelling place, residence; āvāsa-sahassa (n; aggregate noun of numeral) = ‘residence-
thousand’; caturāsīti āvāsasahassāni = 84,000 dwelling places (§8.ex)
āvāsika (adj, m) = resident, in residence; a resident (monk) (§3.ex)
avasiṭṭha (PPP of avasissati , < ava + √śiṣ VII/I ‘remain’) = left over, remaining (§6.ex , §13.2.1)
āvattati/āvaṭṭati (3,sg, < ā + √vṛt I ‘turns’) = turns to, turns round, turns back, reverts (§11.ex)
avecca (ger of ava + √i II ‘go’) = having understood, having penetrated (§5.ex)
avecca-ppasāda (m) = clarified faith based on realization/ true understanding (§5.ex)
avhāyati/avheti (3,sg; pre, < ā + √hve I ‘call’) = calls, summons, invokes (§13.ex)
avidūre (loc used as adv) = not far, near (§2.10.4)
avijjā (f) = ignorance (§, §4.ex)
avijjā-gato (adj; nom,m,sg) = ‘gone into ignorance’, immersed in ignorance, is ignorant (§7.ex)
avijjā-nīvaraṇa (adj, qualifying satta) = having ignorance as hindrance, hindered by ignorance (§9.ex)
avipallattha (adj; nom,f,sg; < a + vi + pari + √as IV ‘throw’ Skt: viparyasra) = non-topsy-turvy (§6.ex)
avītadosa (adj, bahubbīhi; < a + vīta + dosa) = not free from hatred (§13.ex)
avītamoha (adj, bahubbīhi; < a + vīta + moha) = not free from delusion (§13.ex)
avoca (3,sg; aor, < √vac II ‘speak’. See also avaca) = he said (§10.ex)
avocuṃ (3,pl; aor < √vac II ‘say’) = they said (§10.ex)
āvuso (voc,m,sg/pl) = friend, sir (§4.5.3)
ayaṃ (dem pron, nom,m/f,sg) = this (§3.9.1, §4.2.2 , §4.6.2, §5.5)
āyatane eva dhamma-desanā = the teaching of the Dhamma is just in its own sphere (§5.ex)
āyatiṃ (adv) = in the future (§6.ex)
āye (acc,m/n,pl, of āya < √i II ‘go’) = coming in (§5.8.2)
ayo (= aya(s); n) = iron; ayo-ghana (m/n) = iron hammer (§9.5.3)
ayoghanahata (adj; < ayoghana + PPP of √han II ‘strike’) = hammered with an iron hammer (§9.5.3)
āyu (n,m; Skt: āyus) = life, longevity (§4.ex)
āyu-pamāṇa (n) = life-span (§8.3.3)
ayyaka/ayyika (m) = grandfather (§13.ex)
babhūva (3,sg; pf < √bhū I ‘become’, ‘arise’) = there arose (§12.ex)
bahiddhā (adv) = externally (§1.6.1, §4.6.2, §14.2)
bāhira (adj) = external, belonging to the external (§8.ex)
bahu (adj) = many, much (§6.ex)
bahu-jana (m) = ‘many people’, the multitude (§1.4.6, §9.2.4)
bahu-ssuta (adj) = ‘heard much’, learned, instructed, knowledgeable (§4.ex, §13.ex)
bahudhā (adv) = in many ways, variously (§14.2)
bahukāra (adj) = doing much, greatly helpful, of great service. ) (§1.ex, §7.4.5)
bahula (adj) = many, much (§2.9.1)
bahulaṃ (acc,n,sg; used as adv) = much, a lot, often (§2.9.1)
bahulī-kata (< bahula + PPP of √kṛ VIII ‘do’; adj to cetovimutti) = ‘much done’, repeatedly practiced
bahulīkatatta (n, abst noun) = the fact of having repeatedly practiced (§
Baka (m, npr) = name of a Brahmā (§7.ex)
bala (adj; n) = powerful, strong; power, strength, force (§5.ex)
bāla (adj, m) = young, new, childish, ignorant, foolish; a fool, a childish person, an immature person

Reading Buddhist Pāli Texts

bala-vant (adj) = powerful, strong (§5.ex, §12.ex)
balakaraṇīya (FPP < bala + √kṛ VIII ‘do’) = to be done with strength, strenuous (§9.5.3)
balānīka (adj, bahubbīhi; < bala + anīka) = with a strong army, who has a powerful troop (§14.ex)
balasā (ins of bala, used as adv) = by force (§13.ex)
bāḷha (adj; placed in front suggesting an emphasis) = strong, severe, grievous (§2.7.1)
bandhana (n) = bondage; māra-bandhana = Mara’s bondage (§7.ex)
bandha (m) = bondage (§9.5.3)
bandhu (m)= kinsman, relative; bandhupādāpacca (adj) = offspring from the feet of our kinsman
(Brahmā) (§12.ex)
barihisa (n) = sacrificial grass (§10.ex)
Bāvari (m, npr) = name of a Brahmin teacher (§9.ex)
bāvarissa ca tuyhaṃ vā sabbesaṃ sabbasaṃsayaṃ … pucchavho = … ask all the doubts that Bāvari and
you, or all [the others] have (§9.ex)
bhaddaka (adj) = good, good-quality, auspicious (§
Bhaddāli (m; npr) = name of a monk (§13.ex)
bhaga ‘good fortune’, ‘majesty’, ‘excellence’, etc. → bhaga-vant ‘possessing fortune’, fortunate.
excellent, blessed (§4.4.1)
bhāga (m) = share, part, portion (§10.ex)
bhāgaso (adv) = by parts, in parts, in portions (§14.2)
bhagavatā (ins,m,sg; here ins for comparison: ‘than’) = than the Fortunate One (§4.3.3)
bhagavati (loc,m,sg) = in the Fortunate One (§4.3.3)
bhajati (3,sg, pre < √bhaj I ‘divide’) = divides, partakes, associates with, resorts to (§6.ex)
bhajitabba (FPP of bhajati < √bhaj I ‘divide’) = should be associated with (§9.ex)
bhakkhayitvā (ger of bhakkhayati/bhakkheti; < √bhakṣ X ‘eat’) = having eaten (§
bhamu (f) = eyebrow (§3.9.1)
bhaṇāmase (1,pl; āt ipv, < √bhaṇ I ‘speak’, ‘utter’) = Let us speak (§
bhaṇḍana-jātā (adj; nom,m,pl) = got into quarrels (§11.ex)
bhaṇita (PPP < bhaṇati, √bhaṇ I ‘speak’; n,sg, used as action noun) = speaking, talking (§7.2.1)
bhaññamāna (PrP, āt, pas < √bhaṇ I ‘speak’, ‘utter’) = being spoken (§9.ex)
bhante (voc,m,sg; but sometimes apparently also pl) = Venerable Sir(s) (§2.9.1)
bhāra (m) = burden (§12.ex)
bhāra-ādāna (n; tappurisa-samāsa) = taking up of a burden (§12.ex)
bhāra-hāra (m; tappurisa-samāsa) = burden-carrier (§12.ex)
Bhāradvāja (m, npr) = name of a Brahmin (§5.ex)
bharaṇā (f; used in cpd) = support, supporting, maintaining (§13.2.1)
bharati (3,sg; pre, < √bhṛ I/III ‘bear’) = bears, supports, maintains (§12.ex)
bhariyā (f) = wife (§12.ex)
bhāsamāna (PrP, āt, < √bhāṣ I ‘speak’) = speaking (§9.ex)
bhāsassu (2,sg; ipv, āt < √bhāṣ I ‘speak’) = you speak! (§
bhāsate (3,sg; pre, āt < √bhās I ‘shine’) = shines (§9.3.3)
bhāsitā (nom,m,sg. of ag noun bhāṣitṛ; note that it takes the patient avaṇṇaṃ (acc)) = speaker (§12.ex)
bhāsita (PPP of bhāsati; < √bhās I ‘speak’) = spoken (§6.2.1)
bhāti (3,sg; pre, < √bhā II ‘shine’) = shines (§4.2.2)
bhattu (dat,m,sg, of ag noun bhattar; Skt: bhartṛ) = to/for the master (§5.5)
bhava-saṃyojana (n) = existence-fetter (§14.3.1)
bhavaṃ (nom,m,sg of bhavant 2nd pers pron ‘you sir’, but used with 3rd pers verb) = you sir (§3.4.1),
honorable, venerable
bhavaṃ gotamo = the Venerable Gotama, the Master Gotama (§3.ex)
bhāvanā (f) = cultivation, development; citta-bhāvanā (f) = mental cultivation (§14.3.1)
bhāvanīya (adj; FPP < √bhū I ‘become’) = to be cultivated, to be esteemed, to be respected (§14.ex)
bhavanti upasaṅkamitāro (peri fut; but upasaṅkamitāro also can be taken simply as ag noun) = they
will approach (§12.ex)


bhavati (3,sg; pre, √bhū I ‘be’, ‘become’, ‘exist’) = arises, becomes, be.exists (§2.1)
bhāvayati (3,sg, pre of caus of bhavati) = practices, develops, cultivates (§7.ex)
bhāvetabba (FPP < caus of √bhū I “become’) = should be cultivated, should be developed (§5.ex, §8.ex)
bhāvetha (ipv, 2,pl; < caus of √bhū I ‘become’) = (you) cultivate, develop (§12.ex)
bhāveti (3,sg; pre, caus of bhavati < √bhū I ‘become’) = causes to become/arise, cultivates, develops
bhāvetuṃ (inf of bhāveti, caus < √bhū I ‘become’) = to cultivate, to develop (§11.1.4)
bhavissare (3,pl; pre, fut āt, < √bhū I ‘become’) = they will be/become (§
bhavissati (3,sg, fut of bhavati) = it/he will become, there will come to, there will be (§4.ex)
bhāvitatta (n, abst noun) = the fact of having cultivated (§
bhavitvā (ger of bhavati, < √bhū I ‘become’) = having been (§14.ex)
bhaya (n/m) = fear, danger (§4.6.2, §7.ex)
bhaya-bherava (n) = fear and dread, fear (§7.4.5)
bhaya-dassin (adj) = seeing fear; nom,m,sg: bhaya-dassi/bhaya-dassī) (§4.6.2)
bhāyati (3,sg; pre, < √bhī III ‘fear’) = is afraid of, fears (§1.4.6)
bheda (m) = breaking up; division, splitting, difference (§2.6.2)
bhedeti (3,sg; pre, caus < √bhid VII ‘split’) = causes to split (§3.10.1)
bherava (adj and n; < bhīru Skt: bhaivara < √bhī III ‘fear’) = fearful; fear, terror, dread (§7.4.5)
bhikkhavo (acc,m,pl of bhikkhu) = the bhikkhus (§8.ex)
bhikkhu (m) = a monk (§3.4.1)
bhikkhave (voc,m,pl) = O monks! (§3.4.1)
bhikkhu-saṅgha (m) = monk-community; bhikkhu-saṅghena (ins,m,sg): with the bhikkhu-saṅgha
bhikkhusaṅghassa pekkhato (gen, abs) = (even) while the monastic community was looking on (§9.ex)
bhikkhunī (f) = a nun (§3.9.1)
bhiṃsanaka (adj) = horrifying, awe-inspiring (§7.4.5)
bhindissāmi (1,sg; fut < √bhid VII ‘break’, ‘split’); na pallaṅkaṃ bhindissāmi = I’ll not break this cross-
legged posture (§12.ex)
bhindati (3,sg; pre, < √bhid VII ‘split’. Skt: bhinatti) = splits, breaks, divides (§10.2.1); PPP: bhinna
bhiyyo-abhiñña-taro (nom,m,sg; adj to samaṇo) = superior in supramundane knowledge (§4.3.3)
bho (ind; voc of bhavant) = sir, friend, you sir, you; sirs (§6.ex)
bhoga (m) = wealth (§6.ex, §11.ex)
bhojana (n) = food, eating (§2.9.1, §4.5.4)
bhuñjati (3,sg; pre, √bhuj I ‘enjoy’) = eats; bhuñjāmi (1,sg) = I eat (§2.9.1); bhuñjāhi (2,sg; ipv) = you
eat (§9.ex)
bhūta (PPP < √bhū I ‘become’, adj; also noun, n/m) = become, produced, real.existent; bhūtā/bhūtāni
(pl) = living beings, ghosts, non-humans, elements (mahā-bhūtāni, the four ‘Great Elements’)
bhūta-pubbaṃ (adv) = formerly (§10.ex)
bhūta-vādī (nom,m,sg < bhūta-vādin ‘having truthful speech’) = speaker of truth (§4.ex)
bhūtānaṃ … sattānaṃ = for beings who are existing (have come into being) (§13.ex)
bhūtavādī (adj; nom,m,sg; < bhūtavādin) = speaking what is true (§7.ex)
bodha (m) = enlightenment, awakening (§1.ex)
bodhi-rukkha (n) = Bodhi-tree (§12.ex)
bodhiyā (gen,fsg) = of enlightenment (§3.9.1)
brahmā (nom,m,sg of brahman) = the Brahmā (§5.1.3, §7.ex); brahmunā: ins,m,sg (§5.ex)
brahma-bhūta (PPP < √bhū I ‘become’) = ‘become Brahma’, become the holy, attained the holy/
highest; brahmabhūtena (ins used as adv, modifying viharati) attanā viharati = he abides being by
himself holy-attained, he abides in the manner of having himself attained the holy (§5.ex)
brahmacariya-pañcama (adj, bahubbīhi) = with celibacy as the fifth (§10.ex, §13.3.4)
brahmacariya (n) = Brahma-faring, spiritual life (§3.ex, §3.10.1, §8.1.1)
brāhmaṇa (m) = brahmin (§1.ex, §2.ex, §3.9.1)

Reading Buddhist Pāli Texts

brāhmaṇa-dūta (m) = brahmin emissary (§

brāhmaṇakaññā (nom,f,sg; kammadhāraya-samāsa. Note brāhmaṇā as adj for kaññā is put in m in the
compound) = the Brahmin woman (§13.ex)
Brahmāyu (m; npr) = name of a Brahmin (§6.ex)
brahmūpamo (nom,m,sg, < brahma+upamā) = like Brahma (§4.ex)
brūmi (1,sg; pre, < √brū II ‘say’) = I say (§5.ex)
brūti (3,sg; pre, < √brū II ‘say)= he says, he speaks (§4.ex); 1,sg: brūmi (§9.5.3, §14.3.1)
buddha (adj; PPP of √budh IV/I ‘be awake’) = awaken, enlightened. (buddho here is an adj for so) (§1.
buddha-ppamukha (adj; bahubbīhi) = with Buddha as the head (§13.3.4)
buddhi ‘understanding’ → buddhi-mant ‘intelligent’ (§4.4.2)
bujjhati (3,sg; pre, √budh IV ‘awake’. Skt: budhyate) = is awake, is enlightened, understands (§3.3)
byādhayissasi/vyādhayissasi (2,sg; fut, < caus of √vyath IV ‘tremble’) = you will make tremble (§9.ex)
byādhi-dhamma (adj) = subject to sickness, of the nature of sickness (§6.ex)
byākareyyaṃ (= vyākareyyaṃ; 1,sg; opt of vyākaroti) = I would explain/answer (§7.3.6)
byākaroti (3,sg; < vi + ā + √kṛ VIII ‘do’) = explains, answers (§7.3.6, §7.ex)
byākarotu (/vyākarotu; 3,sg, ipv of vyākaroti) = let him (the Bhagavat) answer/explain (§9.ex)
byantī-akāsiṃ (1,sg, aor, < vy-anta + √kṛ VIII ‘do’) = I made an end, I finished off (§13.2.1)
byāpāda/vyāpāda (m) = ill-will, malevolence (§1.4.5)
byāpanna-citta / vyāpanna-citta (adj, bahubbīhi; < vyāpanna (PPP < vi + ā + √pad IV ‘go’) + citta) =
with a mind of ill-will (§13.ex)
byāpannacitta-paduṭṭhamanasaṅkappa-sandosa-hetu (adv) = because of the corruption of having ill-
will and corrupted intention (§13.ex)
byasana (n) = calamity, misfortune (§9.5.3)
ca (ind; enclitic) = and (§1.6)
cāga (m) = giving away, abandoning, gift, generosity (§
cakkavattī (nom,m,sg; < cakka-vattin; adj) = wheel-turning (§8.ex)
cakkhu (n) = eye (§3.6.1); cakkhunā (ins,n,sg) = with eye (§3.6.1)
cakkhu-viññāṇaṃ (nom,n,sg) = eye-consciousness (§3.6.1)
cakkhuviññeyya (adj) = cognizable by the eye (§6.ex)
cakkka-vatti(n) (m, adj) = ‘wheel-weilder’, a universal monarch (§5.ex)
caṇdāla (m) = an outcaste (§5.8.2)
caṅkamati (3,sg; pre, inten < √kram I ‘step’) = walks up and down, walks in meditation (§3.4.1, §14.ex)
caraṇa (n) = (good) conduct (§4.ex)
caratha (2,pl, ipv < √car I ‘move’) cārikaṃ (acc,f,sg) = wander (on) the wandering (§9.2.4)
carati (3,sg; pre, < √car I ‘move’, ‘go’) = moves, goes, walks, travels over; conducts oneself, lives,
practices (§1.7.1)
cārika (adj; m/n) = moving about, practicing; a wandering; a wandering ascetic (§1.7.1)
cārikā (f) = moving about, wandering (§9.2.4)
cārikaṃ carati = ‘moves on a wandering’, wanders on, travels about (§1.7.1)
catasso (nom,f,pl; num) = four (§6.ex)
cattāri (nom,n,pl of num catu) = four (§1.ex, §8.ex)
cattāri purisa-yugāni = four pairs of persons (§1.ex)
cattāro (nom,m,pl, of num catu) = four (§4.7.7, §5.ex)
cātuddasī (f) = the 14th day of a fortnight (§13.ex)
catuddisā (adv) = in the four directions (§8.ex)
cātumahārājika (adj) = of the Four Great Kings; cātumahārājikānaṃ (dat,m,pl) devānaṃ (dat,m,pl) =
for the gods under the Great Kings (§8.ex)
catunnaṃ (gen,n,pl; qualifying satipaṭṭhānānaṃ) = of four (abiding of mindfulness) (§
catuppāda-ka (adj, bahubbīhi) = having four legs, four-legged (§13.3.5)
catuppadam pi gāthaṃ (acc,f,sg; object of desitā) = even a four-line stanza (§12.ex)
cāturanta (adj; < catu(r) + anta) = with the four (oceans) as boundaries, consisting of the four
(continents); ruler of the whole world (§14.ex)


catūsu (adj; loc,m,pl, of num catu) = in four (§6.3.3)

cavati (3,sg; pre, < √cyu I ‘fall’) = falls (from), falls away, perishes, dies; cavamāna PrP, āt = falling
away, dying (§6.ex)
cetanā (f) = volition, will (§2.ex)
cetas/ceto (n) = thought, mind; cetaso: gen,n,sg = of the mind, mental (§13.ex)
ceteti (/cinteti. 3,sg; pre, < √cit I ‘consider’ / √cint X ‘think’) = I think about, I intend (§6.3.3)
cetiya (n) = a shrine (§7.4.5)
ceto-vimutti (f) = liberation of mind (§13.2.1)
chādeti/chādayati (3,sg; pre, < √chad X ‘cover’) = covers, covers up, conceals (§2.ex)
chambhitattaṃ (nom,n,sg; abst noun) = stiffness (out of fear), trepidation (§7.ex)
chanda (m) = desire, longing for, predilection (§3.ex)
chandassa (dat,m,sg) = to/for inclination/desire (§7.4.5)
channaṃ (gen,n,pl of cha ‘six’) = of six (§4.ex)
chatta (n) = parasol (§11.ex)
chattiṃsa-kkhattuṃ (adv; num) = 36 times (§14.ex)
checchati (3,sg, fut; < √chid VII ‘cut’) = he will cut (§7.ex)
chijjiṃsu (3,pl; pas aor of chijjati < √chid VII ‘cut’) = were cut (§10.ex)
chindati (√chid VII ‘cut’) = cuts; 3,sg, pas: chijjati = is cut (§10.ex)
chinnamūlaka (adj, bahubbīhi; < chinna (PPP of √chid VII ‘cut’) + mūla + -ka) = having its root cut
off (§13.ex)
ciṇṇa (PPP of carati < √car I ‘move’) = practiced (§9.2.4)
cinteti (3,sg; pre, √cint X ‘think’) = thinks, thinks about, considers (§2.5.2)
cira (adj) = long (time); cirena (adv) = for a long time (§2.9.2)
citta (n) = thought, mind (§1.ex, §3.ex, §2.7.1)
citta-saṅkhāraṃ (acc,m,sg) = mental activity (§7.ex)
citta-vūpākāsena (ins,m,sg) = by mental isolation (§3.10.1)
citte … vigatūpakkilese (loc abs) = when the mind has been freed from defilements (§13.ex)
cittuppāda (m; < citta + uppāda) = generation/production of thought (§1.ex)
cīvara (n) = robe (§4.5.3, §12.4.1)
cīvara-hetu (adv) = for the reason of (gaining) robes (§11.ex)
cīvarakāra-samaya (m) = time of robe-making (§12.ex)
cīyate (3,sg; pas < √ci V ‘gather’) = is gathered, is accumulated (§9.ex)
codeti (3,sg; pre, < √cud X ‘impel’) = impels, urges, reproves, reprimand (§2.ex)
codita (PPP of caus < √cud I ‘impel’ ) = impelled, incited, urged, reproached, admonished (§9.ex)
cora (m) = thief (§, §5.ex, §12.ex)
cutu-upapāta-ñāṇa (n) = knowledge of passing away and rebirth (§13.ex)
dabbha/dabba (m) = grass (§10.ex)
dade (3,sg; opt < √dā III ‘give’) = he should give (§7.4.5)
dadhi (n) = curd, cream (§10.ex, §12.ex)
dahara (adj; m) = young; a youth (§14.ex)
daharasseva sato … kumārakassa vā kumārikāya vā (the gen can be taken together with sato (gen,sg,
of PrP < √as II ‘be’) to constitute a gen ab; or else, they can be taken in the simple gen sense “of”)
= (gen abs:) when the boy or girl is young (§14.ex)
dahati (= dadhāti; < √dhā III ‘put’) = places, holds, fixes, considers as (§8.2.2, §8.ex)
dakkha (adj) = able, clever, skilled (§11.1.2)
dakkhati/dassati (3,sg, < √dṛś I ‘see’) = sees (§14.ex)
dakkhiṇa (adj) = right (§3.ex)
dakkhiṇā (f) = a gift, a donation (§14.ex)
dakkhiṇeyya (adj. Skt: dakṣiṇeya/dakṣiṇīya) = worthy of veneration, venerable, to be offered presents
dakkhiti = (3,sg, fut; < √dṛś I ‘see’) = he will see (§7.ex)
dakkiṇato (adv) = from the right side, to the right, from the south, to the south (§14.2)
daḷha (adj) = firm (§9.ex, §11.ex)

Reading Buddhist Pāli Texts

daḷha-parakkama (adj) = firm in striving, firm in courage (§4.ex)

dama (n) = taming, control (§7.4.5)
damemi (1,sg; pre < √dam IV ‘tame’) = I tame (§9.3.3)
damma (adj; FPP < √dam IV ‘tame’) = to be tamed (§2.8.1)
dāna-pati (m) = major/chief donor (§2.ex)
dānasaṃvibhāga-rata (adj; < dāna-saṃvibhāga + PPP of √ram I ‘enjoy’) = delighting in the distribution
of gifts (§14.ex)
daṇda (m/n) = a stick, rod (§6.3.3)
daṇḍa-ādāna (n) = taking up of a stick, violence (§10.ex)
dāni (ind, enclitic) = now (§8.1.2, §9.2.4, §11.ex)
dāra (m. Also dārā (f)) = wife (§5.8.2)
daratha (m) = disturbance (§7.4.5)
dāru (n) = wood, a piece of timber (§5.ex)
dasama (num, ordinal) = the tenth (§6.2.1)
Dasāraha (m, npr) = name of a Khattiya clan (§10.ex)
dassana (n) = seeing, vision, sight (§1.ex)
dassana-kāma (adj, bahubbīhi; < dassana + kāma) = desirous of seeing, wishing to see. (dassana-kāma
means the same as duṭṭhu-kāma. See Ex. 14) (§14.1)
dassanīya (adj) = good-looking, attractive, beautiful (§6.2.1)
dassāvin (PPA < √dṛś I ‘see’) = has seen; one who has seen; adassāvin = who has not seen, who does
not go to see, who has no regard for (§14.ex)
dāṭhino (nom,m,pl < dāṭḥā (f) ‘large tooth’ + -in = those having large teeth (§
daṭṭhabba (FPP; < √dṛś I ‘see’) = should not be seen (§13.ex)
daṭṭhukāma (adj, bahubbīhi; < daṭṭhuṃ (inf of √dṛś I ‘see’) + kāma) = desirous of seeing, wishing to
see (§14.ex)
dava (m) = amusement (§11.ex)
dāyāda (m) = heir (§
dāyaka (m) = donor (§2.ex)
deseti (3,sg; pre, caus < √diś VI ‘point out’, ‘show’. But the caus means effectively the same as disati) =
shows, points out, teaches (the Dhamma) (§1.4.3, §3.ex, §9.2.4, §9.ex); desenta: PrP (§6.ex)
deva (m) = a god, a deity, a divine being, the sky, a rain-cloud (§1.4.3, §11.ex)
devabhūta (adj) = as a deity, in the form of a deity (§5.ex)
devatā (f) = deity; devatā is here nom,f,pl (§2.ex)
devatta (n; abst noun) = state of the gods (§
dhaja-agga (n) = top of a flag/banner (§9.5.3)
dhamm-in (adj) = having the nature; X-dhammin = having the nature of X (§4.ex)
dhamma (m; has various meanings) = doctrine, truth, virtue, factor of existence, condition, mental
state, mental object, etc. (§1.4.3)
dhammā nijjhānaṃ khamanti = ‘the dhammas endure/bear up to the reflection’, the dhammas are
approvable to (/acceptable by) the reflection (§8.ex)
dhamma-cakkhu (n) = Dhamma-eye, insight into the Truth (§14.ex)
dhammacārin (adj; m) = practicing the Dhamma; practitioner of the Dhamma (§4.2.2)
dhamma-dassana (n) = vision of the Dhamma (§3.ex)
dhamma-dhara (adj; m) = bearing the Dhamma, versed in the Dhamma, specialist in the Dhamma,
bearer of the Dhamma (§13.ex)
dhamma-nijjhāna-(k)khanti (nom,f,sg) = reflective/meditative receptivity to the dhammas (§7.4.5)
dhamma-pariyāya (m) = a doctrinal perspective, a specific doctrine, a specific doctrinal exposition
dhammaṃ desitā (nom,m,sg; < ag noun desitar < √diś VI ‘point out’; note that it takes patient
dhammaṃ) = preacher of the Dhamma (§12.ex)
dhammaññū (nom,m,sg) = who knows the Dhamma/Truth (§11.ex)
dhammarājā (nom,; < dhamma-rājan) = Dhamma-king (§5.ex)
dhammassa anudhammaṃ (adv) = according to the Doctrine, in the proper manner of the Doctrine


dhammatā (f; abst noun) = nature of phenomena, nature of things, universal norm, the usual way, reality
dhammavādin (adj; m) = ‘having speech of dhamma’, one who makes dhamma speech (§4.ex)
dhammena (ins used as adv) = righteously (§12.ex)
dhammika (adj) = in conformity with the dhamma, righteous, just (§5.ex, §8.ex)
dhammiya/dhammika (adj) = conforming with the rule, righteous, lawful, pertaining to the Dhamma,
religious, spiritual (§3.10.1)
dhammo … na sudesiyo = the doctrine … cannot be properly taught (§
dhana (n) = wealth, riches, valuables, money (§2.1, §
dhana-hetu (adv) = because of wealth, for sake of wealth (§4.ex)
dhaṅka (m) = crow (§
dhārehi (2,sg; ipv < caus of √dhṛ I ‘bear’) = you use! you wear! (§9.ex)
dhāreti (3,sg; pre, caus of dharati < √dhṛ I ‘bear’) = he causes to hold (in mind), commits to memory,
wears (garment) (§3.ex)
dhāretu (3,sg,ipv < √dhṛ I ‘bear’) = may he hold/bear, may he remember (§9.ex)
dhāreyya (opt of caus < √dhṛ I ‘bear’, ‘wear’) = would/should cause to wear (§11.ex)
dhātu (f/m) = element, sphere (§3.6.1)
dhī-mant ‘possessing wisdom’, wise (§4.4.2)
dhīra (adj) = wise (§12.ex)
dhura (m,n) = yoke, a carriage’s shaft.
dibba (adj) = divine, celestial, heavenly (§3.6.1, §4.2.2, §6.ex, §8.ex)
dicchare (3,pl, āt; desid < √dā III ‘give’) = they desire to give (§14.ex)
dicchati (3,pl, āt; desid < √dā III ‘give’. Skt: ditsati) = desires to give, gives (§14.ex)
dīgha-rattaṃ (adv; kammadhāraya-samāsa) = ‘for a long night’, for a long time (in darkness) (§7.4.5,
dīghassa addhuno accayena (inst used as adv) = through the passage of a long time, after a long time
dīgha (adj) = long (§1.5)
dinnaṃ (nom,n,sg, impersonal; PPP < √dā III ‘give’) = what is given; natthi dinnaṃ = there is nothing
given (§13.3.5)
dīpeti (3,sg; pre, caus < √dīp IV ‘blaze’) = makes clear.explains (§3.10.1)
dippati (√dīp IV ‘blaze’. Skt: dīpyate)) = blazes (§3.3)
disā (f; adv) = direction, place, region; in the four directions (§4.2.2, §11.ex, §13.ex)
disati (√diś VI ‘point out’) = points out (§3.2)
dissare (3,pl, pas āt, < √dṛś I ‘see’) = are seen (§9.ex)
dissate (3,sg; pas āt, < √dṛś I ‘see’) = is seen (§9.5.3)
diṭṭha-mattaṃ (nom,n,sg) = only the seen (§4.ex)
diṭṭha-to (abl used as adv) = as the seen (§4.7.8)
diṭṭhadhammika (adj) = pertaining/belong to this present life (§5.ex)
diṭṭhaṃ (n,sg, used impersonally; PPP < √dṛś I ‘see’) = what is seen, the seen (§4.7.8)
diṭṭhe (loc,n,sg of PPP < √dṛś I ‘see’) = in seeing, in the seen (expressed impersonally) (§4.ex, §8.1.2)
diṭṭhe dhamme (adv phrase) = in this present existence (§2.9.1)
diṭṭhe diṭṭha-mattaṃ bhavissati = in seeing, there will come to be merely the seen (/merely seeing).
diṭṭha can mean ‘seen’; can also mean ‘vision’, ‘act of seeing’. Likewise, suta means ‘heard’, or ‘act
of hearing’ (§4.ex)
diṭṭhe eva dhamme (adv phrase) = in this very (eva) present existence (§2.9.1)
diṭṭhi-sampadā (f) = accomplishment of/in vision (§5.ex)
diṭṭhi-sampanna (adj; tappurisa-samāsa < diṭṭhi + PPP of sam + √pad I ‘go’/‘attain’) = accomplished
in view (§12.ex)
divā (ins used as adv; < diva) = by day, in the day (§2.ex)
dīyati (3,sg, pas; < √dā III ‘give’) = is given (§9.5.3)
domanassa (n) = dejectedness (§13.ex)

Reading Buddhist Pāli Texts

dosa (m. Skt: doṣa) = fault, defect, harm (§13.3.5)

dosa (m. Skt: dveṣa) = hatred; dosaggi (= dosa + aggi; nom,m,sg) = fire of hatred (§2.8.1)
dosanīya (FPP < √dviṣ II ‘hate') = hate-able, to be hated, causing hatred, belonging/conducing to hatred
du-(p)paññā (nom,f,sg) = bad/evil understanding (§
du-dina (n) = bad day, cloudy day; duddinī (adj; f) = ‘of a bad day’, cloudy, rainy (§12.ex)
du/-dus (usually before vowels → dur-; commonly added prefix) = ‘bad’, ‘difficult’, ‘inferior’ (§3.1.1)
dubbala (adj; dur + bala) = weak, powerless (§5.ex)
dubbaṇṇa (adj) = of bad look, of bad physical appearance, ugly (§5.ex)
dubbhāsita (dus + PPP of √bhāṣ I ‘speak’) = badly spoken (§5.ex)
dubbhin/dūbhin (adj; < dubbhi/dūbhi ‘injury’) = deceitful, injuring (§12.ex)
duddadaṃ (acc,n,sg; impersonal) = what is hard to give (§8.2.2)
duddasa (adj) = hard/difficult to see/discern (§1.5)
dug-gīta (dus + PPP of gayati, < √gai I ‘sing’) = badly sung (§5.ex)
duggata (adj; PPP, < dus + √gam I ‘go’) = ‘badly gone’, gone to an unfortunate destiny (gati), unfortunate
duggati (f) = unfortunate/unhappy destiny (§3.ex)
dukkaraṃ (acc,n,sg; impersonal) = what is hard to do (§8.2.2)
dukkha (adj) = painful, unsatisfactory, non-harmonious (§, §2.9.2)
dukkha (n) = pain, discomfort, suffering, unsatisfactoriness. (Note that the gender of dukkha as a noun
is n) (§1.4.6)
dukkha-ppaṭikūla (adj, < dukkha + paṭikūla) = averse to suffering (§14.1)
dukkha-samudaya (m) = unsatisfactoriness-origin; dukkhasamudayaṃ (acc,n,sg) ariyasaccaṃ
(nom,n,sg) = noble truth about the origin of unsatisfactoriness (§8.ex)
dukkhamaṃ (acc,n,sg; impersonal) = what is hard to endure (§8.2.2)
dukkhaṃ (acc used as adv) = painfully, uncomfortably, unhappily (§2.9.1)
dukkhaṃ (acc,n,sg) ariyasaccaṃ (nom,n,sg) = noble truth about unsatisfactoriness (§8.ex)
dukkhanirodhagāminī (nom,f,sg) paṭipadā (nom,f,sg) ariyasaccaṃ = noble truth that is the path leading
to the cessation of unsatisfactoriness (§8.ex)
dukkhanirodhaṃ ariyasaccaṃ = noble truth about the origin of unsatisfactoriness (§8.ex)
dukkhato (adv) = as being unsatisfactory (§14.ex)
dul-labha (adj) = difficult to obtain, rare (§4.ex)
dummati (adj) = unwise, of low intelligence, foolish (§12.ex)
dummedha (adj; < dus + medhā) = dull-witted, unintelligent, unwise (§14.3.1)
dur-anubodha (adj) = hard to understand/realize, hard to be awakened to (§1.5)
dur-āsada (adj) = difficult to get near (§4.ex)
durāgata (adj; < dur + PPP of ā-√gam I ‘go’) = unwelcome (§14.ex)
dūrato (abl used as adv) = from afar (§
dūre (loc used as adv) = far, in a distance (§2.10.4)
durutta (adj; < dur + PPP of √vac II ‘speak’) = ill-spoken (§14.ex)
dutiya (adj) = second (§2.7.1, §4.2.2)
duṭṭhena (ins,m,sg, of duṭṭha; PPP < √dviṣ II ‘hate’) = by (one) affected by hatred (§8.1.1)
dvādasamāsiyo saṃvaccharo = a year consists of 12 months (§8.ex)
dvādasāyatanāni (nom,n,pl; digu-samāsa) = the twelve sensory abodes/spheres (§12.ex)
dvattiṃsa (num) = 32 (§8.ex)
dvija (adj) = ‘twice born’, a Brahmin; dvijakulabhava (adj) = being from a Brahmin family/clan
dvipaduttama (dvipada-uttama; adj) = supreme among the bipeds (§
edisa (adj) = like this, of such kind (§4.ex)
ehi-passiko (nom,m,sg; adj, < ehi + passa + ika) = (inviting to) come and see, open for all to see (§1.
ex, §11.ex)
eka (adj, num) =one, single (§2.9.1)
ekacca (adj, pronominal) = a certain, some (indefinite), some one (§1.7.1, §6.ex)


ekadā (adv) = at one time, once (§14.2)

ekadhā (adv) = singly, in one way, together (§14.2)
ekaggatā (f) = one-pointedness; ekaggataṃ (acc,f,sg) is obj of labhati (§2.7.1)
ekaṃsaṃ (adv; < eka + aṃsa) = over one shoulder, covering one shoulder (§6.ex)
ekaṃsaṃ uttarāsaṅgaṃ karitvā = putting the upper robe over one shoulder (§6.ex)
ekaṃsena (ins used as adv) = categorically, one-sidedly (§2.ex)
ekanavuta (adj, num; navuta: 90th) = 91st (§14.ex)
ekanta (ind) = exclusively, always (§11.ex)
ekanta-savanena (ins,n,sg) = by just (no more than) listening (§11.ex)
ekāsana-bhojanaṃ (acc used as adv) = taking food at a single seating (taking only a single meal)
ekato (adv) = ‘as one’, ‘from one’, on one side, separately, together (§6.3.3)
ekatta (n, abst noun) = the being one, oneness, identity, singleness, singularity (§7.4.5)
ekattha (adv) = in one place (§14.2)
ekāyana (adj, < eka + āyana) = leading exclusively, leading directly (§5.5)
eke (nom,m,pl; pronominal adj for samaṇabrāhmaṇā) = some (§5.6.2)
ekī-bhāva (m; eka + bhava, < √bhū I ‘become’) = state of being one, unity (§13.2.1)
ekodibhāva (m) = unification, integration (§13.ex)
enaṃ (acc,m,sg) = this one (§6.3.3)
esa (nom,m,sg; demon pron. Note that: here, like in Skt, sa and esa do not follow the usual sandhi
rules) = this, he (§7.ex)
esanā (f) = search (§5.ex)
esāna (PrP of esati < √iṣ VI ‘seek’, qualifying yo) = seeking (§6.3.3)
eta-parama (adj; bahubbīhi, qualifying bhikkhusaṅgha) = having this as the highest, whose culmination
is this (§13.3.4)
etādisa (adj) = like this, such-like, such a kind (§12.ex)
etādisaṃ … akataññunā kataṃ anariyaṃ sākhena sakhinā te = such … ignoble things done by your …
ungrateful … branch-like friend (§12.ex)
etaṃ (nom,n,sg; demon pro) = this (§2.ex)
etarahi (ind) = now, at present (§8.ex)
ete (nom,m,pl, denom pro) = these (§4.ex)
etesaṃ (gen,pl of pron esa, adj for āsava) = of these (§5.ex)
ettavatā (ins used as adv) = to this extent (§3.ex)
ettha (ind) = here, in this regard, in this case (§6.ex)
eva (ind; emphatic particle) = (the) very, only, just, itself.exactly, etc. (§1.6)
evaṃ (adv) = in this manner, like this, thus, "yes" (§
evaṃ eva (ind) = just likewise (§5.ex)
evaṃ sikkhitabbaṃ (expressed impersonally) = it should be learned/trained thus (§8.1.2)
evaṃ vutte (loc,n,sg; loc abs — note absence of agent) = when it has been said thus (§9.1.1)
evaṃ-kārī (nom,m,sg < evaṃ-kārin; adj for ahaṃ) = doing so, one who does so (§12.ex)
evaṃ-pasanna (adj) = of such conviction, deeply convinced thus (§4.3.3)
evaṃdiṭṭhin (adj, bahubbīhi; < evaṃ + diṭṭhi + -in) = having such a view (§13.3.5)
evaṃvādin (adj, bahubbīhi; < evaṃ + vāda + -in) = having such a doctrine (§13.3.5)
‘evan’ti pi me no; … ‘aññathā’ ti pi me no; … no = I neither think ‘it is so’; …; nor do I think ‘it is
otherwise’; … ; nor … (§14.ex)gabbha (m) = womb (§6.ex)
gabbhaṃ gaṇhāti = becomes pregnant (§6.ex)
gabbhin (adj) = ‘having a foetus’ (§4.6.2); gabbhinī (nom,f,sg, of gabbhin) = pregnant (§4.6.2)
gaccha (2,sg; ipv < √gam I ‘go’) = (you) go, please go (§9.2.4)
gacchaṃ (1,sg; fut < √gam I ‘go’) = I shall go (§11.1.1)
gaha-pati (m) = house-holder (§2.8.1)
gahapati-kaññā (nom,f,sg; kammadhāraya-samāsa) = the householder woman (§13.ex)
gahapati-putta (m) = son of a householder (§2.8.1)
gahapatika (adj) = from the householders (§9.ex)

Reading Buddhist Pāli Texts

gahetā (nom,m,sg, of ag noun gahetar, < √grah VII ‘grasp’) = grasper, one who takes hold of (§12.ex)
gāma-saññā (f) = ideation of village; gāma-saññāṃ (acc,f,sg) paṭicca = conditioned by (dependent on)
by village-ideation (§7.4.5)
gāmaṇi/gāmaṇī (m) = a village chief, a headman (§13.ex); voc,sg: gāmaṇi (§12.ex)
gambhīra (adj) = profound (§
gameti (3,sg; pre; caus < √gam I ‘go’) = causes to go (§8.2.2)
gāmika (m) = villager (§8.ex)
gandha (m) = smell (§12.ex)
gaṇhāti/gaṇhati (3,sg; pre, < √grah IX ‘grasp’) = grasps, seizes, accepts, takes, receives (§6.ex); 2,sg,ipv:
gaṇhāhi (§9.ex); ger: gahetvā (§10.ex)
gaṇin (adj; < gaṇa + -in) = having a group (of followers), leader, teacher (§4.ex, §9.ex)
ganthati (3,sg; pre, < √granth/grath IX/I ‘fasten’, ‘compose’. Skt grathnāti) = ‘strings together’, gathers
together, connects up with, binds (§5.ex, §9.3.3)
gantuṃ (inf < √gam I ‘go’. For inf, see §11.1) = to go; na alaṃ … niṭṭḥaṃ gantuṃ (sense of inf is passive
here) = not proper to conclude (‘go into conclusion’) (§6.ex)
garahā (f) = reproach, blame, censure (§10.ex)
garahati (3,sg; pre < √garh I ‘blame’) = blames, reproaches, disapproves (§12.ex)
garahin (adj) = vilifying, reproaching, disparaging; ariya-garahī (nom,m,sg) = one who disparages the
noble ones (§8.ex)
gārava (m) = respect (§12.ex)
garu (adj; m) = heavy, burdensome, difficult; teacher (§3.4.1); sace te agaru (idiomatic expression) = if
it is not difficult for you, if you feel comfortable (§
garu-ṭṭhāniya (garu + ṭhānīya ‘belong to the place of’) = taking the place of a teacher, in the position
of a teacher (§12.ex)
garu-kāra (m) = act of respect, respect, veneration (§3.ex)
garu-karaṇo (adj; garu + karaṇa < √kṛ VIII ‘do’) = giving respect, contributing to respect (§13.2.1)
garukāni (nom,n,pl; adj for paṃsukūlāni) = heavy, burdensome, hard (§9.ex)
garukātabbā (nom,m,pl; FPP of garukaroti, < garu + √kṛ VIII ‘do’; qualifying atithī) = should be
respected (§8.ex)
gāthā (f) = a verse, a stanza (§5.ex)
gati (f) = ‘going’, courses, movement, plane of existence, destinies (§8.ex, §12.ex)
gavā (abl,m,sg; of go) = from a cow (§12.ex)
gāvī (nom,f,sg) = a cow (§12.ex)
gāvīvajjha-upama (adj) = similar/comparable to a cow to be slaughtered (§12.ex)
geha (/gaha; n) = house (§4.7.6)
ghāna (n) = nose (§12.ex)
ghara-āvāsa (m) = living at home, home-life (§11.ex)
ghasati (3,sg; pre, < √ghas I ‘swallow’) = eats, consumes, devours, destroys (§6.ex)
Ghaṭīkāra (m, npr) = name of a potter (§10.ex)
ghaṭita (PPP of ghaṭeti ‘hurts’; < √(g)han II ‘strike’, ‘destroy’) = broken, cracked (§10.ex)
gihi-parisā (f) = assembly of lay people (§6.ex)
gihi(n) (m) = householder, a lay person (opp. pabbajito) (§2.ex)
gijjha (m) = vulture (§5.8.2)
gilānaka (adj, m) = sick, unwell, unfit; a sick person (§3.ex)
go (m) = bull; nom,pl: gāvo (see §12.1.2) (§9.5.3)
Gotama (m, npr) = the Buddha’s family name (§1.4.3)
gotame brahmacariyaṃ (nom,n,sg) vussati = is the Spiritual Life lived under Gotama (§5.ex)
gotta (n) = clan; gottena (ins,n,sg) = by clan, in respect of clan (§3.6.1)
guṇa (m) = a strand, a string, a subdivision, quality, attribute, virtue (§7.ex)
guṇa-vant (adj) = ‘possessing virtues’, virtuous (§4.4.1)
gutta-dvāra (adj, bahubbīhi, < gutta (PPP of √gup I ‘guard’) + dvāra ‘door’) = whose doorways (to the
sensory faculties) are guarded (§11.1.3)
haṃsa (m; < haṃsati) = bristle, stands on end (of the hair); loma-haṃsa = excitement with fear,


horripilation, thrill (§7.4.5)

handa (ind) = well then, now (§10.ex)
haññare (3,pl; pas, āt; < √han II ‘kill’) = are killed (§9.5.3)
haññiṃsu (3,pl; pas aor < √han II ‘kill’) = were killed (§10.ex)
hanti (3,sg; pre, < √han II ‘kills’) = kills, destroys (§4.2.2)
harāyati (3,sg; pre, denom < hiri) = is ashamed, is embarrassed (§14.ex)
hatthin (m) = having a hand, elephant (§6.2.1)
hatthipadaṃ tesaṃ aggam akkhāyati (3,sg; pas, < ā + √khyā II ‘be known’) = the elephant-footprint is
declared by them (tesaṃ; gen used in ins sense. See §1.4.4) as the foremost (§14.ex)
have (ind; emphatic) = certainly, indeed, truly (§12.ex)
havya (adj; n. FPP < √hu III ‘sacrifice’) = to be sacrificed, to be offered (in a sacrificial ritual); an
oblation, a sacrificial offering.
hāyamāna (PrP; pas, āt, < √hā III ‘abandon’, ‘lose’) = being decayed, decaying, deteriorating (§9.5.2)
hessati (3,sg; fut, < √bhū I ‘become’) = it/he will become, will be (§7.ex); 3,pl: hessanti (§; 3,pl,
āt: hessante (§
hetu (m) = cause, reason (§3.4.1)
hi (ind, emphatic) = indeed, surely, verily; because, for (§
himavā (nom,m,sg of himavant ‘possessing snow’) = snowy (§4.2.2)
hiṃsati (3,sg, pre < √hiṃs I ‘injure’) = hurts, injures, harms (§6.3.3)
hīna (adj) = inferior, lowly (§2.ex)
hīnāya āvattitvā = having reverted to the low life (hīna) (§11.ex)
hirañña (n) = gold, gold-piece (§
hiri/hirī (f) = moral shame, moral modesty (§
hirimā (adj; nom,m,sg, < hiri-mant) = possessing moral modesty, shameful (§4.ex)
hirīyati/hiriyati (= harāyati. 3,sg; denom < hiri. (§4.ex) = becomes morally modest, becomes shameful.
hirottappa (n) (hiri ‘moral modesty’ + ottappa ‘moral fear/shame’; both hiri and ottappa generally
means shamefulness) = moral modesty and moral shamefulness (§12.ex)
hita (n) = benefit, welfare (§1.ex)
hitesin (adj < hita + esin) = seeking benefit; ins,m,sg: hitesinā satthārā = by a teacher who is seeking
the (disciples’) benefit (§13.ex)
homi (1,sg; pre, < √bhū I ‘become’) = I become, I am (§3.4.1)
hoti/bhavti (3,sg; pre, < √bhū I ‘become’) = becomes, occurs, is (§1.4.3)
ibbha (adj) = menial, lowly (§12.ex)
icchaṃ (PrP; nom,m,sg of icchati < √iṣ IV ‘wish’) = wishing (§6.ex)
iccheyyātha (2,pl; opt of icchati < √iṣ VI ‘desire’) = you would wish (§7.3.6)
icchiṃsu (3,pl, aor of icchati < √iṣ VI ‘desire’) = they wished (§10.ex)
idaṃ … ṭhānaṃ ubhayeneva kattabbaṃ maññati = this case is considered as should be done (worthy of
doing) on both grounds (§11.ex)
idaṃ (dem pron, nom,n,sg) = this (§2.ex)
idaṃ vuccati = This is called. idaṃ vuccati nāmaṃ = This is called name (§2.ex)
idāni (ind) = now (§4.ex)
idappaccayā (abl,m,sg) = from a specific cause (§7.3.6)
iddhābhisaṅkhāra (m; < iddhi + abhisaṅkhāra) = wilful performance of supernormal power (§10.ex)
iddhi (f) = prosperity, success, accomplishment; supernormal accomplishment, supernormal power,
magical power (§10.ex)
iddhi-pāṭihāriya (n) = a performance of supernormal power, magical performance, miraculous wonder,
miracle (§14.ex)
idha (ind) = here (§1.6)
iha (ind) = here (§8.1.2)
imā (nom,f,pl, demon pron) = these (§2.ex)
imāsaṃ (gen,f,pl, of ayaṃ (f)) = of these (§5.ex)
imassa (dat/gen,m,sg; of ayaṃ) = of/for this (§6.3.3)
imāya (ins,f,sg of ayaṃ (f); here used in comparison) = than this (§5.ex)

Reading Buddhist Pāli Texts

ime (nom,m,pl, of ayaṃ (‘this’) = these (§3.4.1)

imesu (adj; loc,m,pl of ayaṃ) = in these (§6.3.3)
iminā etaṃ pariyāyena veditabbaṃ yathā viññāṇapaccayā nāmarūpaṃ = it is to be understood in
this way how (yathā) from consciousness as condition, there is name-and-form (psycho-physical
complex) (§14.ex)
iṇa-mūla (n) = a loan, borrowed capital (§13.2.1)
inda (m, npr) = a lord, a chief, lord/ruler of the gods; name of the lord of the gods (cf Sakka); devānaṃ
inda = lord of the gods (named Sakka) (§5.ex, §14.ex)
indriya (n) = faculty, organ (§
iṅgha (ind; generally used with ipv) = come on, please (§12.5)
iriyati (3,sg, caus, pre < √īr II ‘move’) = moves about, conducts oneself (§
isi (m) = a sage (§4.3.3)
isivhaya (isi ‘sage’ + -vhaya ‘called’ (Skt: -āhvaya); = Isipatana) = (the forest) called “sage” (§12.ex)
issā (f) = envy, jealousy (§3.ex)
issā-manaka (adj) = having a jealous mind (§3.ex)
issara (adj; m) = in control, possessing authority, powerful; one in control, a lord, a master, a chief
issariya (n; abst < issara + -ya. Skt: aiśvarya) = authority, control, sovereignty (§11.ex)
issariya-ādhipacca (adj; n) = consisting of authority and dominant power; upremacy of authority (§11.
ex, §8.3.11)
issati (3,sg; pre, < √īrṣy I ‘envy’. Skt: īrṣyati) = envies (§3.ex)
iti (ind) = thus, such, so; is known as or said to be … (“…”) (§1.ex)
iti me assa (3,sg, opt < √as II ‘be’) = It would occur to me thus, if I would think so (§7.3.6)
ito (adv) = from this, from now, from here (§
ito ekanavuto kappo = 91st aeon from now (§14.ex)
iṭṭha (PPP < √iṣ VI ‘desire’) = desirable (§4.ex)
itthatta (n, abst noun) = ‘this-state-ness’, the state of being thus, this state of being (§4.7.6, §8.1.1)
itthī (f) = woman, female (§3.9.1)
itthi-rūpa (n) = female body, female form (§9.ex)
iva (= viya; ind) = like (§4.ex)
jagat (n) = living things, the world; jagato (gen,n,sg) = of the world; yāvatā jagato gati = to the extent
that there are living things (§12.ex)
jagghati (3,sg; pre, < √jakṣ, redup from √has I ‘laugh’) = laughs; jagghitāye: inf of jagghati (§11.ex)
jāla (m) = flame eka-jāla (adj) = of a single mass of flame; ekajālā bhavanti = become one mass of
flame (§12.ex)
jalati (3,sg; pre, < √jval I ‘blaze’) = burns, blazes; jalato: gen/dat,m,sg of PrP of jalati (§9.5.3)
Jāli (m, npr) = name of Vessantara’s son; jālīkumāra (m) = Jāli, the prince (§13.ex)
jālin (adj) = having a net, ensnaring (§11.1.1)
jambudīpa (m) = ‘rose-apple continent’, the central Indian continent (§8.ex, §11.2.3)
jambū (f) = rose-apple tree. jambuyā (ins,f,sg, of jambu/jambū) = by/in the manner of the jambu fruit
(§11.2.2, §11.2.3)
jana-adhipa (m) = king, lord (§12.ex)
janapada (m) = a country, a district, a country district (§4.3.3, §11.1.2)
janapadatthāvariya-ppatta (adj; < janapada-(t)-thāvariya + PPP of pra-√āp V ‘acquire’) = has achieved
stability in the country (§14.ex)
jānapda (adj; < janapada + a) = of the country (§11.ex)
janatā (f) = people, living beings (§13.ex)
jānāti (3,sg; pre, < √jñā IX ‘understand’) = understands (§6.3.3)
janeti (3,sg; pre, < √jan I/X ‘produce’) = produces, generates (§3.6.1)
jaṅgamāna (adj; PrP < inten of √gam I ‘go’) = moving, walking, living (§14.ex)
jāni (m) = loss, deprivation (§9.5.3)
jaññā (3,sg; opt of jānāti < √jñā IX ‘know’) = he would/could know (§7.4.5)
jarā (f) = old age, decay (§3.9.1)


jarā-dhamma (adj) = subject to aging, of the nature of aging, susceptible to decay (§6.ex, §8.1.2)
jarā-maraṇa (n) = old-age-and-death.
jaraṃ (acc,f,sg) anatīto = not transcending (have not transcended) old-age (§8.1.2)
jāta-veda(s) (m) = fire; jāta-vedaso (gen/dat,m,sg) = for/of a fire (§9.5.3)
jāti (nom,f,sg) = birth (§3.9.1)
jāti-maya (adj) = derived from birth, birth-endowed (§3.9.1)
jaṭila (m) = a matted-hair ascetic (§11.2.3)
jātimanto (nom,m,pl; < jāti-mant) = of high birth (§4.ex)
jātivādasmiṃ (loc,m,sg) = with regard to an assertion/theory (vāda) on birth (jāti) (§5.ex)
jātiyā (ins,f,sg of jāti — see below) = by birth, in respect of birth (§3.6.1)
jāyati (3,sg; Skt: jāyate; act/pas; < √jan I ‘be born’) = arises, is born (§11.1.4)
jāyati/jāyate (3,sg; pre, < √jan IV ‘be born’. Skt: jāyate) = is born, arises (§3.3, §11.1.4)
jāyetha (3,sg; opt of jāyati ‘is born’, ‘arises’, < √jan IV ‘be born’) = it would/could arise (§7.4.5)
Jetavana (n, npr) = name of a grove(§3.9.1)
jeṭṭha (adj) = foremost (§11.ex)
jhāna (n) = meditation (§4.ex)
jhānaṃ upasampajja viharati = having entered, dwells in the meditation. (upasampajja, ger, may be
considered as adv modifying viharati: ‘dwells in the meditation in full attainment’ or ‘dwells in the
meditation, fully accomplished’) (§13.ex)
jhānassa lābhī = possessing obtainment of meditation, attainer of a meditative state (§4.ex)
jhāyatha (2,pl; ipv of jhāyati < √dhyai I/II ‘meditate’, ‘ponder’) = you meditate! (§13.ex)
jhāyin (m) = meditator (§12.ex)
jighacchā (nom,f,sg; desid < √ghas I ‘eat’) = ‘desire to eat’, hunger (§14.ex)
jināti (= jayati: < √jī I ‘conquer’) = conquers (§12.ex)
jiṇṇa (PPP < √jṝ IV ‘decay’) = grown old, aged (§7.3.3, §8.1.2, §12.ex))
jīvāma (1,pl; pre, √jīv I ‘live’) = we live (§2.9.1)
jīvanta (PrP of jīvati < √jīv I ‘live’) = living (§6.3.3)
jivhā (f) = tongue (§12.ex)
Jīvika (m; npr) = name of the Buddha’s personal physician (§4.7.7)
jīvita (n) = life (§11.ex)
jīvitukāma (adj, bahubbīhi; < jīvituṃ + kāma) = desirous of living, wishing to live (§14.1)
jotenti (3,pl; pre, caus < √jyut (/√dyut) I ‘shine’) = cause to shine, illuminate (§3.10.1)
jugucchati (Skt jugupsate; desid of √gup I ‘guard’) = shuns, detests, loathes (§14.ex)
juhati/jūhati/juhoti (3,sg, pre < √hu III ‘sacrifice’) = sacrifices, offers (to) (§8.ex). jūhato: gen/dat,m,sg;
of PrP of jūhati (§9.ex)
juhitvā (ger, < √hu III ‘sacrifice’) = having offered the (fire) (§8.ex)
jūta (n) = gambling, playing at dice; te tattha jūte ubhaye samāgate = the two met there at the gambling/
dice-contest (§12.ex)
kabaḷīkāra/kabaliṃkāra/kabaḷiṅkāra (adj) = solid/material (food), (food) to be taken in lumps (§13.ex)
Kaccāna/Kaccānagotta (m; npr) = a name (§4.2.2)
kacci … bhagavā sukham asayittha = Perhaps … the Fortunate One slept comfortably? (§10.ex)
kadā (interr adv) = at what time? when? (§7.2.4, §14.2)
kadāci (adv) = at some time (§12.ex)
kadāci karahaci (adv phrase) = at some time or other (§12.ex)
kadalī (f) = banana, plantain (§4.ex)
kahaṃ (adv) = where (§14.1)
kāhasi (2,sg, fut < √kṛ VIII ‘do’) = you will do; kiṃ padhānena kāhasi = what will you do with striving?
kāhiti (3,sg, fut; < √kṛ VIII ‘do’) = he will do/make (§7.ex)
kāka (m) = crow (§5.8.2)
kāla (m) = time (§2.9.5)
kālavādin (adj; m) = ‘having/making timely speech’, one who makes timely speech, (§4.ex, §7.ex)
kālaṃ karoti = ‘makes time’, dies (§4.7.6, §7.3.6)

Reading Buddhist Pāli Texts

kālaññū (nom,m,sg) = who knows the proper time (§11.ex)

kālena (ins used as adv) = at the right time (§4.5.4)
kalla (adj) = fit, proper, right; kalla-citta (adj) = having a proper mind/ mentally fit, in a proper mental
state (§10.ex)
kalyāṇa (adj) = good.excellent, virtuous (§
kalyāṇa-dhammā (adj, nom,m,pl of kalyāṇa-dhamman) = of good nature (§6.ex)
kalyāṇa-mitta (m/n noun; adj, bahubbīhi) = good friend, spiritual friend; having good/spiritual friends
kalyāṇa-sahāya (m noun; adj, bahubbīhi) = good companion, spiritual companion; having good/
spiritual companions (§13.ex)
kāma (m/n) = sensual desire, sensuality (§4.5.3, §
kāma-guṇa (m) = (five) strands of sensuality, (five) classes of object of sensual pleasure (§9.ex, §13.ex)
kāma-rati (f) = sensual delight, sensual joy (§13.4.2)
kāma-saññā (nom,f,sg) = thought of sensuality (§8.ex)
kāma-vitakka (m) = a sensuality-thought (§8.2.2)
kāmaṃ (ind) = as wished (§9.ex)
kāmaṃ karassu rūpāni = conjure up forms as you wish (§9.ex)
kammañña (/kammaniya/kammaṇyya; adj) = fit for use, workable (§7.ex)
kammanta (m) = work, deed (§9.5.3)
kammavādin (adj) = holding the doctrine of kamma (§14.ex)
kampati (3,sg; pre < √kamp I ‘tremble’) = trembles, shakes (§9.ex)
kampayati/kampeti (3,sg; caus of kampati) = causes to tremble, shakes (§9.ex)
kampayi (3,sg; aor, of kampayati) = he shook (§9.ex)
kānana (n) = forest, a wood; Lumini-kānane (loc,n,sg) = in the Lumini-wood (§10.ex)
kaṇha (adj) = dark, black, evil (§12.ex)
kaṅkhā (f) = doubt, uncertainty (§13.2.1)
kaṅkhā-ṭhānīya/-ṭhāṇiya (adj) = being a source of doubt, conducing to doubt, causing doubt (§13.2.1)
kaṅkhā-vitaraṇa (n) = overcoming of doubt (§14.4.2)
kaṅkhati (3,sg; pre < √kāṅkṣ I ‘desire’, also ‘doubt’ in Buddhist Skt) = longs for; doubts (§14.ex)
kaṇṇa (m) = ear, corner, handle (§3.9.1)
kanta (PPP of kāmeti (< denom of kāma ‘desire’ = lovely (§4.ex)
kapalla (n) = a bowl (§5.5)
kapallaka (n/m) = a small bowl (§5.5)
kappa (adj) = assuming the form of, similar to, like (§14.ex)
kappayato (dat/gen,m,sg; PrP of kappeti) = arranging (§
kappeti (3,sg; caus of kappati, < √kḷp I ‘be able’, ‘be fit for’) = makes suitable, sets in order, arranges,
prepares (§2.ex, §
kāpurisaṃ (acc,m,sg) = an evil person (§4.ex)
karahaci (adv) = at any time (§12.ex)
kāraṇa (n) = reason, cause; kāraṇā (abl,n,sg) = because of, out of the reason of (§3.9.1)
karaṇīyaṃ (FPP < √ kṛ VIII ‘do’; impersonal) = it is to be done, what is to be done (§6.ex, §8.1.1).
kenaci(d)eva karaṇīyena = due to something to be done(/attended to) (§8.ex)
kārāpeti (3,sg; pre, caus < √kṛ VIII ‘do’, ‘make’) = causes to do/make, builds, sets up (§14.ex)
kārāpetukāma (adj, bahubbīhi; < kārāpetuṃ (inf of kārāpeti) + kāma) = desirous of building, wishing
to build (§14.ex)
karassu (2,sg; ipv, āt of < √kṛ VIII ‘do’) = you do/make! (§9.ex)
karissare (3,pl; fut āt, < √kṛ VIII ‘do’) = they will make (§9.ex)
karīyamāna (PrP, pas; < √kṛ VIII ‘do’) = being done (§12.ex)
karotha (2,pl; ipv < √kṛ VIII ‘do’) = you do! (§9.ex)
karoti (3,sg; < √kṛ ‘do’, ‘make’ VIII) = does, makes, acts, performs (§5.8.2)
karuṇā (f) = compassion (§4.1)
karuṇāyati (denom < karuṇā + -ya) = feels pity, becomes compassionate (§4.1)
kasāva (m/n) = an astringent decoction, stain, impurity (§14.ex)


kāsāyāni (adj; acc,n,pl) = saffron (§4.ex)

kasmā (adv < abl,sg of ka ‘what/who) = ‘from what’? why? (§2.9.3)
kasmiṃ, kuttha (interr adv) = in what? where? (§7.2.4)
kassa-ci (gen/dat,m,sg) = someone; na kassa-ci = not to/of anyone at all (§6.3.3, §7.2.3)
Kassapa (m, npr) = name of a past Buddha (§10.ex)
kata-avakāsa (adj) = given the permission (§9.ex)
kata-kalyāṇa (adj) = who has done good (§10.ex)
kata-karaṇīya (adj; bahubbīhi, < PPP of √kṛ VIII ‘do’ + FPP of √kṛ) = done what is to be done (§14.3.1)
katama (interr pron) = which?, what? (§3.9.1)
kathaṃ (adv) = how? (§1.ex)
kathaṃ (adv) su (emphatic interr particle) = how indeed (§9.3.3)
kathesi (3,sg; aor of katheti/kathayati, < √kath X ‘tell’) = he told, discoursed (§10.ex)
kati-kkhattuṃ (adv) = how many times? (§8.ex)
kattā (nom,m,sg; ag noun kattar < √kṛ VIII ‘do’) = doer, maker (§12.ex). kattā hoti (peri fut; but also
can be taken simply as ag noun) = he will talk about (§12.ex)
katthati (3,sg; pre, < √kath X ‘boast’) = boasts (§4.ex)
katthī (nom,m,sg of katthin) = boasting, boastful, a boaster (§4.ex)
kattukāma (adj, bahubbīhi; < kattuṃ (inf of √kṛ VIII ‘do’) + kāma) = desirous of doing (§14.ex)
kātuṃ (inf, < √kṛ VIII ‘do’) = to do (§10.ex)
kāya (m) = body, a group, an accumulation, a collection (§1.4.5)
kāya-anupassin (adj) = contemplating the body, observing the body (§1.4.5)
kāya-duccarita (n) = bodily misconduct (§4.ex)
kāya-saṅkhāra (m) = bodily activity (§7.ex)
kāya-vūpākāsena (ins,m,sg) = by physical isolation (§3.10.1)
kāyagatāsatiṃ (acc,f,sg) = mindfulness focused on the body (§
kāyassa bhedā = after the breaking up of the body, upon breaking up of the body (§2.6.2)
kayirā (3,sg; opt of karoti, < √kṛ VIII ‘do’) = he should do (§7.ex)
kayiramānaṃ (nom,n,sg; PrP āt, pas, < √kṛ VIII ‘do’) = being done (§11.ex)
kayirātha (3,sg, opt, āt; < √kṛ VIII ‘do’) = could make (§7.4.5)
kayirati (3,sg, pas of karoti. Skt: karyate) = is done (§9.5.3)
ke-ci (nom,m,pl) = some people (§7.2.3)
Keṇiya (m, npr) = name of an ascetic (§8.ex)
kesa (m) = hair of the head (§3.9.1)
kesamassuṃ (acc,n,sg) = hair and beard (§4.ex)
Kesaputta (m, npr) = name of a town (§1.ex)
kevala (adj) = entire, whole, unmingled (§4.ex)
kevaṭṭa (m) = fisherman (§14.ex)
khādathā (2,pl; ipv of khādati < √khād I ‘eat’) = you consume food! (§6.2.1)
khādati (3,sg; pre, < √khād I ‘eat’) = eats, devours, chews, bites (§5.8.2)
khagga (m) = a sword, a rhinoceros (§14.ex)
khaggavisāṇa-kappa (adj) = like the horn of a rhinoceros (§14.ex)
khama (adj. Skt: kṣama) = enduring, patient (§14.ex)
khamanīyaṃ (FPP; nom,n,sg, impersonal, < √kṣaṃ I/IV ‘endure’) = it is endurable, it is bearable (§8.
khamati (3,pl; < √kṣam I/IV ‘endure’) = bears with, endure, is capable of bearing, is approvable (§7.3.6)
khameyyuṃ (3,pl, opt; < √kṣaṃ I/IV ‘endure’) = could endure, could be approvable/acceptable by
khamo sītassa (dat) = enduring to/towards cold (§14.ex)
khaṇati/khanati (3,sg; pre < √kṣaṇ VIII ‘wound’. Skt: kṣaṇoti) = injures, wounds, hurts, impairs; PPP:
khata = impaired (§14.ex)
khandha (m) = heap, aggregate (§2.9.2); trunk of a tree (§9.ex)
-khandha (m) = trunk of a tree; dāru-(k)khandhaṃ (acc,m,sg) = wood-trunk (§5.ex)
khantī-bala (n; adj, bahubbīhi) = power of forbearance; whose power/strength is forbearance (§14.ex)

Reading Buddhist Pāli Texts

khanti/khantī (f) = endurance, acceptance, receptivity (§7.4.5)

khantibala (m) = endurance-power(/strength) (§9.ex)
khantibala-samāhita (adj) = equipoised through endurance-strength (§9.ex)
khattiya (m) = name of a high Indian caste. (Gotama Buddha belonged to this caste) (§2.ex)
khattiya-kaññā (nom,f,sg; kammadhāraya-samāsa. Note khattiyā as adj for kaññā is put in m in the
compound) = a Khattiya-woman (woman who is a Khattiya) (§13.ex)
khattiyāva (= khattiyā eva) = It is the Khattiyas that (are superior) (§2.ex)
khaya (m. Skt: kṣaya) = exhaustion, wasting away, destruction (§14.ex)
khema (adj; m/n noun) = secure, safe, at ease; security, safety, a secure state (§1.5)
khettaṃ (nom,n,sg) = field (§1.ex)
khettaṃ (n) = field (§1.5, §1.ex)
khīṇa (PPP < √kṣi V/IX ‘destroy’) = destroyed.exhausted (§8.1.1)
khīṇa-āsava (adj) = whose outflows have been destroyed (§11.ex)
khippaṃ (adv) = quickly (§13.ex)
khīra (n) = milk (§12.ex)
kho (ind; emphatic particle; various meaning) = indeed, etc. (§1.6)
khudda-anukhuddakāni (nom,n,pl) = lesser and minor (§
khuṃseti (3,sg, < √kuts X/I ‘despise’, ‘abuse’. Skt: kutsayati. Or, < denom kutsaya) = abuses, insults,
contemns, blames (§4.ex)
khvāhaṃ = kho ahaṃ (§4.3.3)
kicca-kārī (nom,m,sg < kicca-kārin; adj for ahaṃ) = doing duty, one who does his duty (§12.ex)
kiccaṃ (acc,n,sg) = work to be done, duty (§5.8.2)
kilāsu (adj; cf Skt: glāsnu; BHS: kilāsin) = tiring, disinclined, wearied. akilāsu = untiring, unwearying
kiṃ (ind; marker of a question to follow) = is it that … (§8.1.2)
kiṃ (interr adv) = what? how? (§7.2, §7.ex)
kiṃ-kāraṇā (abl used as adv) = ‘from what reason?’ for what reason? why? (§
kim aṅga = how much more? how much less? (§7.2.3)
kiṃ ca api (adv phrase) = even though (§11.ex)
kim-adhippāya (adj) = of what wishes, of what aspirations, ‘whose aspirations are what’ (§
kim-ākappā (adj) = of what appearance, of what behaviour, ‘whose behaviours are what’ (§
kim-atthiyaṃ (adv) = for what purpose (§5.ex)
kiṃ-cana / kiṃ-ci (nom/acc,n,sg) = something (§7.2.3)
kiṃ-karaṇīya (n) = any duty, any work to be done (§11.1.2)
kiṃchanda (adj) = of what desires, ‘whose desires are what’ (§
kiṃhi (loc,n,sg) sati (loc,n,sg) = loc abs: what being, when what is existing (§9.ex)
kimi (m) = a worm, an insect (§5.8.2)
kiṃpaccayā (abl,m,sg) = from (because of) what causal condition (§9.ex)
kiñ ca = moreover; all the more (§7.2.3)
kiñ carahi = why then, how is it that … (§7.2.3)
kiñcāpi = although (§7.2.3)
kiñcid eva = some, a certain (§7.ex)
kinti = why indeed, have you indeed (§7.2.3)
kiriyavādin (adj) = holding the doctrine of the moral efficacy of actions (§14.ex)
kissa (gen/dat,n,sg of ka) = of what? (§5.5.1)
kittāvatā (interr adv) = with how much? how far? to what extent? (§7.2.4)
kitti (f) = fame (§5.ex)
kittisadda (m) = good report, reputable report, fame, report (§
kīva (and kivaṃ) (interr adv) = how much? to what extent? (§7.2.4, §
kīyatā (interr adv) = for how long? (§7.2.4)
ko (nom,m,sg < ka (kiṃ); interr pron) = who? what? (§4.1)
ko pana vādo (idiom) = how much more so, not to speak of (§9.1.1)
koci (nom,m,sg) = some one; na koci = no one (§2.ex)


kopa (m) = agitation, irritation, anger (§14.ex)

kosa (m/n) = a treasury, a storehouse; the male organ (§10.ex)
Kosala (m; npr) = name of a country in ancient India; kosalesu (loc,m,pl) = among the people of Kosala
kosohita (adj; < kosa + ava + PPP of √dhā III ‘put’) = placed inside a sheath, encased (§10.ex)
koṭi (nom,f,sg) = point, the edge, the highest point (§9.ex)
kovida (adj) = experienced, knowledgeable, skilled (§14.ex)
kucchā (Skt: kutsā) (noun: ‘abuse’, ‘contempt’) + -ya-/-e- → khuṃbeti (Skt: kutsayati) = ‘abuses’,
‘blames’ (§4.1)
kucchi (m/f) = the belly, the womb (§14.ex)
kudācanaṃ (adv) = at any time, ever (§3.ex)
kuha (adj; m) = deceitful, cheating; a rogue, cheat (§14.ex)
kuhaka (adj; m) = deceitful; a deceitful person, a schemer, charlatan, impostor (§10.ex)
kuhiṃ (adv) = where? in which? (§11.1.1)
kukkucca (n; abst noun) = remorse, feeling guilty (§7.3.4)
kukkuṭa (m) = chicken (§14.ex)
kukkuṭi (f) = hen (§8.3.2)
kukkuṭiyā (gen,f,sg) aṇḍāni = a hen’s eggs (§8.3.2)
kumāra (m) = prince, boy (§10.ex)
kumārī (f) = young girl (§6.2.1)
kumārikā (f) = a girl, a little girl (§14.ex)
kumbha-kāra (m) = potter (§10.ex)
kusala (adj) = skillful, wholesome (§1.5)
kusalo diṭṭhadhammikānaṃ atthānaṃ = skilled in the welfare in this present life (§5.ex)
Kusāvatī (f, npr) = name of a city (§6.2.1)
Kūṭadanta (m, npr) = a name (§11.1.3)
kuto (interr adv) = from where? whence? why? how? (§5.ex, §7.2.4)
lābhā (for lābhāya; dat,m,sg); lābhā me = it leads to gain for me, it is for my gain, it is a gain for me
(§2.ex, §6.ex)
lābha (m) = gain (§2.ex)
labhataṃ (3,sg; ipv āt, < √labh I ‘obtain’) = may he obtain/get (§
labhati (3,sg; pre, √labh I ‘obtain'; āt: labhate) = obtains (§2.7.1, §6.3.3)
lābhena lābhaṃ nijigiṃsitā (nom,m,sg) = one who covets gain from gain (§14.ex)
labheyyaṃ (1,sg; opt < √labh I ‘obtain’) = I would get, I would obtain; labheyyāhaṃ = labheyyaṃ ahaṃ
lābha (m) = obtainment, gain, acquisition.
lābhin (adj, < lābha + -in) = ‘having the obtainment’, having gain (§4.ex)
lahuka (adj) = light, trifling, fleeting (§12.ex)
lakkhaṇa (n) = marks, characteristic (§8.ex)
lāmaka (adj) = insignificant, poor, bad, defective (§13.3.5)
lapaka (adj; m) = muttering, flattering; mutterer, flatterer (§14.ex)
leḍḍu (m) = clod; ins,sg: leḍḍunā (§10.ex)
likhati (3,sg; pre, < √likh VI ‘write’) = writes (§3.2)
likhita (PPP of likhati) = carved, polished; saṅkha-likhita = polished like a conch-shell (§11.ex)
limpati (3,sg; pre, < √lip VI ‘smear’) = smears, gets soiled, gets stained (§13.2.1)
liṅga (n) = mark, sign, characteristic, feature; mark of sex (§3.9.1)
lobhanīya (FPP < √lubh IV ‘covet’) = greed-causing, susceptible of greed (§6.3.3)
loka (m) = world, people in the world (§1.ex)
loka-nirodha (m) = the origin of the world (§6.ex)
loka-samudaya (m) = the cessation of the world (§6.ex)
loka-vāda (m) = doctrine about the world (§3.ex)
loma (n) = the hair (§7.4.5)
loma-haṃsa (m. haṃsa (Skt: harśa) ‘bristling’, < √hṛṣ IV/I ‘bristle’, ‘thrill’) = horripilation (thrilled or

Reading Buddhist Pāli Texts

fearfully excited, with hairs standing on ends), grisly terror (§7.ex)

loṇa (n; adj) = salt, salty (§5.5)
lubbhati (3,sg, pre < √lubh IV ‘covet’. Skt: lubhyati) = covets (§3.3, §9.ex)
luddha (adj; PPP < √lubh IV ‘covet’, of lubbhati; for PPP see §4.7) = greedy, covetous; luddhena
(ins,m,sg) = by (one who is) coveted/greedy (§
lunāti (3,sg; pre, < √lū IX ‘cut’) = cuts, cuts off, mows; 3,sg, pas: lūyati (§10.ex)
lūyiṃsu (3,pl; pas aor of lunāti < √lū IX ‘cut’) = were cut, were mowed (§10.ex)
mā (proh particle. Generally followed by an aor; sometimes used with ipv or opt) = don’t …, let not
… (§13.4).
mā (proh) akāsi = don’t do (§10.ex); mā ahuvattha = don’t be (§13.ex)
mā … paṭhamaṃ jhānaṃ pamādo = Don’t be negligent with regard to the first meditation (§13.ex)
mā ekena dve agamittha = Let not two go by the same (one single) way (§13.ex)
mā ssu puna pi akāsi = don’t ever again do like this (§10.ex)
macchera (n) = from stinginess (§9.5.3)
mada (m) = intoxication (§11.ex)
madhu (n) = honey (§10.ex)
māgadha (adj; < Magadha) = from Magadha (§14.ex)
magga-sampadā (f) = accomplishment of/in the path (§5.ex)
maggāmagga-ñāṇadassana (n) = knowledge-vision of Path and Not-Path (§14.4.2)
magganā (nom,f,sg; also maggana (n)) = search for, quest (§5.ex)
magga (m) = way, road, path (§3.9.1)
mahā-abhiññatā (f) = great higher/direct knowledge (§
mahā-pathavī (f) = the great Earth (§12.ex)
mahā-purisa (m) = Great Man (§8.ex)
mahā-yañña (m) = great sacrifice (§11.ex)
mahallaka (adj) = old, of great age (§9.ex)
Mahānāma (m, npr) = name of a monk (§5.ex)
mahant (adj; declension mostly like bhagavant) = great, big (§5.ex)
mahantatara (adj; comparative < mahant + -tara. See §11.3.2) = greater, bigger, very great, very big
mahato (gen,m,sg, of mahant) = of a big/great (tree) (§9.ex)
mahantatta (n; abst noun < mahant + tva) = greatness, bigness; mahantattena = on account of the
bigness in size (§14.ex)
mahantī (f; adj) = great, big (§6.ex)
mahāvīro (nom,m,sg) = a great hero (§4.ex)
mahesi (m. Skt: maharṣi) = great seer, great sage (§9.5.3, §14.3.1)
majjati (√mad IV ‘rejoice’/ ‘be intoxicated’. Skt: mādyati)) = rejoices, becomes intoxicated (§3.3)
majjhe (loc,sg, adj (/adv) to siṅghāṭake) = in the middle (§4.7.6)
majjhe-kalyāṇa (adj) = good in the middle (§3.ex)
majjhena (ins used as adv) = in the middle, via media (§4.5.3)
mala (n) = taint. (Here malā is placed in front for emphasis) (§1.ex)
maṃ (acc of ahaṃ) = me (§2.ex)
maṃ (acc) … jīvitā (abl) voropeyya = he were to/would deprive me of my life (§14.1)
maṃ-dīpa (adj compound; dīpa (m/n): ‘lamp’) = taking me as the island (§5.ex)
maṃ-kate (adv) = because of me (§10.ex)
maṃ-lena (adj compound; lena/leṇa (n): ‘shelter’) = taking me as the shelter (§5.ex)
maṃ-saraṇa (adj compound; saraṇa (n): ‘refuge’) = taking me as the refuge (§5.ex)
maṃ-tāṇa (adj compound; tāṇa (n): ‘protection’) = taking me as the protection (§5.ex)
mamāyati (denom, < mama ‘mine’ + -āya-) = cherishes as one’s own, is attached to (§4.1)
mana-saṅkappa (m) = mental intention, intention (§13.ex)
mānana (n) = paying honour, reverence, esteem (§3.ex)
manāpa (adj) = agreeable, pleasing, pleasant (§4.ex, §14.ex)
manasā (ins,n,sg of manas ‘mind’) = by mind, in respect of the mind, mentally (§6.3.3)


manasi kātum pi me esā … disā na phāsu hoti = this region becomes unpleasant for me to even think
of (§11.ex)
manasikāra (m) = mental application, attention, meditative reflection (§2.ex, §9.ex)
māṇava (m) = a youth, young lad, student (§3.ex)
manda (adj) = dull (§14.ex)
maṇḍana (n) = ornamentation (§11.ex)
mandatta (n; abst noun, < manda + tva) = dull-ness (§14.ex)
mānetabba (FPP of māneti, caus < √man IV/VIII ‘think’) = should be esteemed/revered (§8.ex)
maṇi (nom,m,sg) = gem (§9.3.3)
Maṇicūlaka (m, npr) = name of a village chief (§13.ex)
maññati (3,sg; pre, āt < √man IV ‘think’. Skt: manyate) = thinks, considers, conceives, imagines (§3.3,
§4.7.8, §5.5.1, §5.ex, §9.3.3)
maññe (1,sg; pre/opt, āt < √man IV ‘think’; also used as an adv and and affirmative particle) = I think;
I should think; I guess, I suppose, surely, as it were (§6.ex, §9.3.3)
mano-chaṭṭha (adj) = with mind as the sixth; mano-chaṭṭhā qualifies kāmāguṇā (nom,m,pl) (§13.3.4,
mano-duccarita (n) = mental misconduct (§4.ex)
mano-pubbaṅgama (adj, bahubbīhi) = minded-preceded, having mind as the forerunner (§
mano/manas (n) = the mind, the mental faculty (§6.1.2, §12.ex)
manorama (adj) = delightful to the mind, agreeable, pleasant (§9.ex)
mano-sañcetanā (f) = mental volition (§13.ex)
mantā (ag noun mantar; Skt: mantṛ) = thoughtful one, a wise one, an advisor, a sage (§12.ex)
mānusaka (adj) = human (§8.ex)
mānusa (adj; n/m) = human, of the human world; the human state (§
maraṇa (n) = death (§2.6.2, §3.9.1)
maraṇa-dhamma (adj) = subject to death, of the nature of dying (§6.ex)
marati (3,sg; pre; < √mṛ I/VI ‘die’) = dies (§11.1.1)
mārisa (voc,m,sg; respectful address, used only in voc) = “sir” (§4.ex)
marituye (inf of marati < √mṛ I/VI ‘die’) = to die (§11.1.1)
māsiya (adj) = of month, consisting of months (§8.ex)
māso (nom,m,sg) = month; tāya rattiyā tiṃsa-rattiyo māso = 30 nights in terms of such night is a month
= 30 such nights is a month (§8.ex)
mātā (nom,f,sg; of ag noun mātar) = mother (§12.ex)
mātā-pitaro (nom/acc,m,pl; of ag noun mātā-pitar) = mother-father, parents (§7.3.3, §12.ex)
mātāpetti-bhara (/mātāpetti-bhāra; adj) = supporting mother and father (§10.ex)
mātikā (f) = summary, summary list, content-outline (§13.ex)
mātikā-dhara (adj; m) = bearing the Mātikā, versed in the Mātikā, specialist in the Mātikā, bearer of
the Mātikā (§13.ex)
-matta (adj) = merely (§4.ex)
mattā (f) = measure, amount, right measure; ayaṃ daratha-mattā (nom,f,sg) = this amount of
disturbance (§7.4.5)
mattaññū (nom,m,sg) = who knows the proper measure (§11.ex)
mātu-mātaro (nom,f,pl) = mothers’ mothers, the mother-mother series (§12.ex)
mātugāma (m) = womenfolk (§12.ex)
mayaṃ (1st pers pron; nom,pl of ahaṃ) = we (§, §5.2);
medhāvī (adj; nom,m,sg of medhāvin < medhā ‘wisdom’ + -in → *medhāyin → medhāvin) = possessing
wisdom, wise (§7.4.5)
megha (m) = cloud, storm, rain; akāla-megha (kammadhāraya-samāsa) = untimely rain (§12.ex)
mettā (f) = loving-kindness, friendliness (§3.10.1)
mettacitto aham asmi (mettacitta is bahubbīhi, < mettā + citta) = I am one with a mind of loving
kindness (I am kind-hearted) (§13.ex)
micchā (adv) = falsely, wrongly, improperly; (in compound, e.g., micchā-diṭṭhi ‘wrong view’) wrong-/
false-/improper- (§4.ex)

Reading Buddhist Pāli Texts

micchā-diṭṭhi (f) = false view (§13.3.5)

micchā-paṭipanna (adj; a kammadhāra-samāsa < adv+adj) = wrongly practicing, wrongly proceeding,
wrongly engaged (§4.ex, §7.3.6, §12.ex)
micchādiṭṭhi-ka (adj, bahubbīhi) = (one) possessing false views (§13.3.5)
micchādiṭṭhikamma-samādāna (adj, bahubbīhi; < micchā-diṭṭhi-kamma + samādāna) = undertaking
kamma based on false views (§13.ex)
miga (m) = animal (§12.ex)
Migāra (m, npr) = name of a person (§
Migāra-mātar (f, npr; = Visākhā) = Migāra’s mother (§9.ex)
Migāramātu-pāsāda (m, npr) = name of a mansion (§14.1)
mināti (3,sg; pre, < √mā II/III/IV ‘measure’) = measures; mita (PPP of mināti) = measured/considered
as, in measure (§14.ex)
mitta (m, n) = friend (§5.ex)
mittakāmena (ins,m,sg) = by one desiring a friend (§9.ex)
mīyati (/miyyati. 3,sg; Skt: mṛyate, act/pas; < √mṛ VI ‘die’) = dies (§11.1.4)
mocaye (3,sg; opt of moceti, caus of muñcati) = he should cause to be free, he should deliver (§7.4.5)
modati (3,sg; pre, < √mud I ‘rejoice’) = rejoices (§1.7.1)
Moggallāna (m, npr) = name of a chief disciple of the Buddha, foremost in psychic powers (§7.3.3)
mogha (adj) = vain, empty, untrue (opposite to sacca) (§5.ex)
moha (m) = delusion; mohaggi (= moha + aggi; nom,m,sg) = fire of delusion (§2.8.1, §4.ex)
mokkha (adj. Skt: maukhya) = foremost, best (§12.ex)
momūha (adj; inten < √muh IV ‘err’) = stupid (§14.ex)
momūhatta (n; abst noun, < momūha + tva) = stupidity (§14.ex)
muccema (1,pl, āt opt < √muc VI ‘release’) = we might/could become free; api (used as emphatic)
muccema = perhaps/may be/if only we could be liberated (§
muddhan (m; nom,sg: muddhā/muddhaṃ) = head, peak (§13.ex)
mudhā (ind) = for nothing (§13.ex)
mudiṅga (m) = a kettle drum (§10.ex)
mudu-bhūta (adj; PPP < mudu + √bhū I ‘become’) = being soft, pliable, malleable (§13.ex)
muhutta (m,n) = a moment, a very short time period; muhuttaṃ (adv) = for a moment, for just a short
while (§14.4.2)
mukha (n) = face, entrance, front (§6.ex)
muñcati (3,sg; pre, < √muc VI ‘release’ ) = releases, sets free; muñceyya (3,sg; opt) = he should release
muṇḍaka (adj) = shaven head, bald-headed (§12.ex)
musā (adv) = ‘neglectfully’, falsely, wrongly (§4.ex)
musā-vāda (m) = false speech, speaking falsely (§4.6.2)
mute (loc,n,sg of PPP < √man IV/VIII ‘think’) = in sensing, in the sensed. ((impersonally). muta =
mata, interpreted to refer to the sensory perceptions other than diṭṭha and suta.) (§4.ex, §8.1.2)
muyhati (3,sg; pre, < √muh IV ‘err’. Skt: muhyati)) = errs, becomes deluded (§3.3)
na … atthi = there is no (there does not exist) (§
na (ind; negative particle) = not (§1.7.1)
na etaṃ ṭhānaṃ vijjati = this case/situation (ṭhāna) is not found = this is impossible (§9.ex
na idaṃ anukkamitave sakkā yā ayaṃ paṭipadā daḷhā … = It is not possible for this path which is firm
… to be pursued (§11.ex)
na kena-ci (kena: ins,n,sg) = not in (by) any manner, not by any one (§3.ex, §7.2.3)
na kiñ-ci (kiṃ: acc,n,sg; ci is an indefinite particle) = not anything, nothing (at all) (§3.ex, §7.2.3)
na kiñcana (acc,n,sg; qualifying pāpaṃ) = not any, not anything (§7.ex)
na kuhiñ-ci (kuhiṃ: loc,n,sg) = not with regard to (/in respect of) anything (§3.ex)
na pi koci = not anyone at all (§5.8.2)
na tena ciraṃ jīvitabbaṃ bhavissati = it is not to be lived long by him = he will not live long (§8.1.2)
nacirasseva (adv phrase) = not long after, shortly after (§10.ex)
nadaṃ (nom,m,sg; PrP < √nad I ‘roar’) = roaring (§12.ex)


naddha (PPP of nahyati, < √nah IV ‘bind’) = yoked, fastened, tied (§8.ex)
nāga (m) = an elephant, bull elephant (§11.1.4)
Nāgadatta (m, npr) = name of a monk (§3.ex)
najjā (gen,f,sg of nadī. Also: nadiyā) = of the river (§12.ex)
nakkhatta (n) = constellation, heavenly body, lunar mansion (§10.ex)
naṃ (acc,m,sg; enclitic form = taṃ) = him, it, that (§7.4.5, §8.ex, §12.ex)
nāma (ind) = by named, named as …; X-nāma = X by name (§4.7.6)
nāma (n) = a name; the name as the non-material components of an individual (in contrast to rūpa)
nāma = an emphatic particle (§6.2.1)
nāma-rūpa (n) = name-and-form, the whole psycho-physical complex (§12.ex)
namassati (3,sg; pre, denom < namas ‘homage’ + -ya- → namassati (s- + -y → -ss-) = pays homage,
venerates (§4.1)
namati (3,sg; pre, < √nam I ‘bend’) = bends, inclines towards (§
ñāṇa (n) = knowledge (§2.1, §2.9.3)
ñāṇa-dassana (n) = knowledge-vision, vision that is knowledge (§14.4.2)
nānākaraṇaṃ (nom,n,sg) = difference, distinction, separation (§11.1.3)
nandi (/nandī) (f) = pleasure (§4.6.2)
nandi-rāga-sahagatā (nom,f,sg; qualifying taṇhā) = accompanied by pleasure and greed (§4.6.2)
nantaka (n) = ragged cloth, a rag (§3.ex)
nara (m) = a man (§4.ex, §10.ex)
narāsabha = bull-king (leader) among men (§10.ex, §12.ex)
nara-uttama (adj) = supreme/highest of men (§11.ex)
nara-vīraseṭṭha (adj; < nara + vīra + -seṭṭha) = (the one who is) the mightiest among men (§12.ex)
nāsā (f) = nose, elephant’s trunk (§3.9.1)
nāsiyamāna (PrP, pas āt; of caus < √naś IV ‘perish’. The active PrP is nāsayamāna) = being made to be
lost, being driven away (§9.ex)
ñassāma (1,pl; fut < √jñā IX ‘know’) = we shall know (§7.ex)
nassati (3,sg; pre, < √naś IV ‘perish’. Skt: naśyati) = perishes (§3.3)
ñassati (3,sg, fut; < √jñā IX ‘know’) = he will know (§7.ex)
naṭapubba-ka (adj, bahubbīhi) = previously a dancer (§13.3.5)
ñāti (f) = a relative, a kinsman (§13.3.4)
natta-matta (adj) = enough for a grandson, like a grandson (§9.3.3)
natthi jātassa amaraṇaṃ = ‘There is no non-death for one who has been born’, no one born can escape
death (§12.ex)
natthitā (f; abst noun) = non-existence (§6.ex)
navanīta (n) = ‘newly drawn out’, fresh butter (§12.ex)
navanīta/nonīta (n) = butter (§10.ex)
ñāya (m) = right method, right way, system, method (§4.ex, §10.ex)
ñāya-paṭipanna (PPP, < ñāya + prati-√pad IV ‘go’ ) = practicing in conformity with the proper system/
way (§4.ex)
ñāyate (3,sg; pre, pas āt, < √jñā IX ‘know’) = is known (§9.5.3)
nayhati (3,sg; pre, < √nah IV ‘bind’. Skt: nahyati)) = binds (§3.3)
na-y-idaṃ (meaning essentially just same as na) = not, not then (in that case) (§7.4.5 , §11.ex, §14.4.2)
negama (adj; < nigama + a) = of the town, town dweller (§11.ex)
nekkhamma (n) = in renunciation (§10.ex)
nemittika/nimittika (m; adj; < nimitta ‘sign’ + -ika) = one who drops hints, a hinter, one who interprets
signs/omens, soothsayer, astrologer; having a cause (§14.ex)
nepakka (n; abst noun) = prudence; nepakkena (ins,n,sg) = with prudence (§
Nerañjarā (f, npr) = name of a river (§12.ex)
netave (inf < √nī I ‘lead’) = to lead (§11.1.1)
nevasaññānāsaññāyatana (n; na-eva-saññā-na-a-sañnā-āyatana) = the sphere of neither-ideation-nor-
non-ideation. This is the fourth formless meditative attainment (samāpatti) (§13.ex)

Reading Buddhist Pāli Texts

ni- (commonly added prefix) = ‘down’, ‘back’ (§3.1.1)

nibandhissaṃ (1,sg; fut of nibandhati/nibbandhati, < ni + √bandh IX ‘bind’) = I will bind down, I will
tie (§
nibbāna (n) = the ultimate goal of Buddhism wherein is the complete cessation of all dukkha (suffering,
unsatisfactoriness) (§1.5)
nibbāna-parama (adj; bahubbbīhi, qualifying dhana) = having nibbāna as its highest/best.
nibbasana (adj) = worn-out (§9.ex)
nibbāti/nibbāyati (3,sg; pre, < √vā II ‘blow’. Cf Skt: nirvāti, nirvāyati) = ceases to blow, ceases to burn,
becomes calm (§13.2.1)
nibbindati (3,sg; pre, √vid VI ‘find’) = becomes disgusted, turns away from (§3.6.1)
nibhā (f) = appearance, lustre (§13.ex)
nicca (adj) = permanent, invariable, constant; niccaṃ (acc used as adv) = always, constantly (§5.8.2)
niccato (adv) = as being impermanent (§9.ex)
nidāna (n) = cause, ground, underlying factor (§6.ex)
niddhammati (3,sg; pre, < nir + √dham/dhmā I ‘blow’. Skt: nirdhamati) = blows out, drives out (§14.ex)
niddhanta (PPP of nidhammati < nir + √dham/dhmā I ‘blow’) = purified (by fire), blown off, cast away
niddhanta-kasāva-moha (adj; bahubbīhi) = with taint and delusion purified (§14.ex)
nigama (m) = a town, a township (§6.2.1)
nigaṇtha (m) = an ascetic, referring to Mahāvīra, or his follower (§10.ex)
nigaṇṭha-putta (m) = a Jain ascetic (§13.3.4)
niggahita (PPP < ni + √grah IX ‘grasp’) = held down, held back, restrained (§
nijigiṃsitar/nijīsitar (m, ag noun, < desid of ni-√ji I ‘conquer’) = one who desires to acquire, one who
covets (§14.ex)
nijjhāna (n) = meditation, deep reflection (§8.ex)
nijjhāna-(k)khanti (nom,f,sg) = reflective/meditative acceptance of, receptivity to, approval of (§7.4.5)
nik-kuha (adj, < nir + kuha) = not deceitful, not fraudulent (§14.ex)
nikāma (m) = desire, wanting; nikāma-lābhin = obtaining (/one who obtains) as desired (§8.3.3)
nikkhepana (n; tappurisa-samāsa) = laying down (§12.ex)
nikkhipatha (2,pl; ipv, < ni + √kṣip VI ‘throw) = put (it) aside! (§12.3.1)
nikkhipati (3,sg; pre, < ni + √kṣip VI/IV ‘throw’) = throws down, lays down, abandons (§3.ex, §6.4.2)
nikkhitta (PPP of nikkhipati) = thrown down, laid down, placed (§9.3.3)
nillolupa (adj; < nir + inten lolupa < √lup VI ‘break’) without greed (§14.ex)
nim-makkha (adj, < nis + makkha. Skt: nirmrakṣa) = ‘without smearing over’, without slandering,
without detraction, without hypocrisy (§14.ex)
nimantana (n) = invitation, a meal of invitation (§9.ex)
nimantito (PPP of nimanteti (√mantr X ‘talk’, ‘take council’; but properly, denom < mantra) ‘summons’,
‘invites’) = invited; so me buddho nimantito = that Buddha is (was) invited by me (§4.ex)
nimitta (n) = sign, mark, meditative object (§6.2.1)
ninna (PPP, < ni + √nam I ‘bend’. Skt: nimna) = bent down, inclined towards, sloped downwards;
yathā-ninnaṃ (adv) = following the slope, along the slope; tan-ninnaṃ (adv) = inclining towards
that (§11.ex)
nipajjati (; < ni + √pad IV ‘go’) = lies down (§3.ex)
nipatitvā (ger of nipatati; < ni + √pat I ‘fall’) = falls down (§6.ex)
nippesika (m) = one who solicits gifts, one who belittles others (§14.ex)
nippipāsa (adj; < nis + pipāsā, inten < √pā I ‘drink) = free from thirst (§14.ex)
nipuṇo (nom,m,sg, adj) = subtle (§1.5)
nirabbuda (n) = a very huge number, said to be 20 abbudas (§8.ex)
nirāsaya (adj; < nir + āsaya. Skt: nirāśaya) = without intention, without inclination, free from aspiration
niraya (m) = hell (§3.ex)
nirodha-dhamma (adj) = of the nature of cessation (§10.ex)
nirodhi (3,sg; aor pas < ni + rudh VII ‘obstruct’) = it was ceased (§10.ex)


nirujjhamāna (PrP, āt, of nirujjhati) = ceasing (§6.3.3)

nirujjhati (3,sg; pre, < ni + √rudh VII ‘obstruct’) = ceases, stops, is ceased (§4.5.3, §6.3.3)
nirūpadhi/nirupadhi (adj) = free from attachment, clinging (§13.2.1)
nis (nir- in front of vowel; a following consonant is doubled, or → nī-; commonly added prefix) = ‘out’,
‘away’, ‘without’ (§3.1.1)
nisīdi (3,sg; aor of nisīdati) = he sat down (§10.ex)
nisīdati (3,sg; pre, < ni + √sad I ‘sit’) = sits down (§1.ex); PPP: nisinna (§4.7.6)
nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ (n) = an expiatory offence involving forfeiture (§11.ex)
nissaraṇa (n) = exit, escape (§4.ex)
nissāya (ger, < ni + √śri I ‘lean’, ‘depend on’) = leaning on, depending on, resting on (§9.5.3)
nissita (PPP < ni + √śri I ‘take refuge’) = leaned upon; dvaya-nissito = dependent on a duality (§6.ex)
niṭṭhā (f) = ultimate goal, consummate point, decision, conclusion; niṭṭhaṃ (acc,f,sg) is obj of gacchanti
nitthaṃ gacchati = arrives at the conclusion (§2.ex)
niṭṭhāna (n) = completion, culmination (§10.ex)
nivāraṇa (n) = obstructing, preventing, restraining (§9.5.3)
nivāsetvā (ger of caus < ni + √vas II ‘wear’) = having dressed (§4.5.3)
niveseti (3,sg; pre, caus, < ni + √viś VI ‘enter’) = makes enter, causes to settle down upon, directs
towards, installs (§3.ex)
nīyamāna (PrP, pas; < √nī I ‘lead’) = being led (§12.ex)
no (= nu; emphatic particle. Not the emphatic negation particle) = definitely, indeed, etc. (§;
reinforces a qusteion (§5.ex)
no (emphatic negation particle) = not, no; definitely not, no (§2.7.1)
no (gen/dat,1,pl) = of/for us (§
no cassa (ca assa), no ca me siyā; na bhavissati, na me bhavissati = it might not be and I might not have
it. It will not be and I will not have it (§8.ex)
no hetaṃ (hi etaṃ) = it is indeed not (§7.ex)
nu (emphatic particle, reinforcing the question) = indeed, surely (§4.1)
obhāsa (m) = light, radiance (§7.ex)
odahati (3,sg; pre, < ava + √dhā III ‘place’) = places on, lays down on (§8.ex)
odahiṃsu (3,pl; aor of odahati ‘places’, ‘inserts’, < ava + √dhā III ‘put’) = inserted (§10.ex)
ogha (m) = flood, rapid (§2.ex)
ohāretvā (ger, caus, √hṛ I ‘take away’) = having removed (§4.ex)
ohāya (ger < ava + √hā III ‘abandon’) = having discarded (§11.ex)
ohita-bhāra (adj; bahubbīhi, < PPP of ava + √dhā III ‘put’ + bhāra) = (who) has laid down burden
ohita-soto (adj; nom,m,sg (ohita + sota ). ohita is PPP of odahati) = ‘with ear placed on’, being attentive
okampetvā (ger of caus < ava + √kamp I ‘tremble’) = having shaken (§9.1.1)
okāra (m) = meanness, degradation (§10.ex)
okkamati (3,sg; pre, < ava + √kram I ‘step’) = steps down into, descends, enters (down) into (§14.ex)
okkamissatha (3,sg, āt; condl < ava + √kram I ‘step’) = had it descended, were it to descend (§14.ex)
okkamissati (3,sg; fut of okkamati < ava + √kram I ‘step’) = will step down upon, will enter (§9.ex)
okoṭimako (adj, nom,m,sg) = having deformity, deformed (§5.ex)
oḷārika (adj) = coarse, gross, obvious (§13.ex)
omaka (adj) = inferior, deficient, smaller (§13.3.5)
opanayiko (nom,m,sg, adj; < upanaya + ika) = leading on to [Nibbāna] (§1.ex)
opaneyyika (adj; = upanayika, < upanaya + -ika. Skt: aupanayika) = leading near to, conducive to
(nibbāna) (§11.ex)
osadha (n) = medicine (§4.2.2)
osāna (n) = end, stopping, final stage (§8.ex)
osato (PPP < ava + √sṛ I ‘flow’) = ‘has flown down’, has entered into (§4.7.6)
otarati (3,sg; pre, < ava + √tṝ I ‘cross over’) = descends into.

Reading Buddhist Pāli Texts

otiṇṇa (PPP of otarati) = descended into, immersed (§11.ex)

ottappa (n) = moral fear (§
ottappati/ottapati (3,sg; < ava + √trap I ‘be ashamed’) = is morally fearful, is shameful (§4.ex)
ottappin (adj; < ottappa) = possessing moral fear, shameful (§4.ex)
oṭṭha (m) = lip (§3.9.1)
ovāda-ka (adj) = advisor (§11.ex)
ovadati (3,sg; pre, < ava + √vad I ‘speak’ ) = advices eadmonishes; ovaditabbaṃ: (nom,n,sg; impersonal)
FPP (§3.9.1, §9.3.3)
ovadatu (3,sg, ipv; < ava + √vad I ‘speak’. For ipv, see §9.2) = Let/may him advice (§
pa- (Skt: pra-; commonly added prefix) = ‘forth’, ‘outwards’, ‘forward’, ‘away’, ‘before’, ‘eminently’
pabbajati (3,sg; pre, < pra + √vraj I ‘proceed’) = goes forth, leaves home (to be a monk/novice),
renounces the world (§1.7.1)
pabbajissati (3,sg; fut of pabbajati) = he will go forth (§7.ex)
pabbajita (PPP of pabbajati) = has gone forth, went forth; the ordained, renunciate (§2.ex, §4.ex)
pabbajjā (f) = going forth, renunciation, the novice ordination (§7.ex)
pabbata (m) = mountain, hill (§4.2.2)
pabhā (f) = radiance; sayaṃ-pabhā (f) = self-radiance, natural radiance (§10.ex)
pabhassara (adj) = self-luminous, translucent (§14.3.1)
Pabhāvatī (f, npr) = name of a beautiful queen (§
pacattaṃ (adv) = personally, individually (§8.1.1)
paccāgacchati (3,sg; < prati + ā + √gam I ‘go’) = comes back to, returns; abhabbo paccāgantuṃ =
incapable of returning to (§12.ex)
paccakkhati (3,sg, < prati + ā + √khyā II ‘be known’) = speaks against, rejects, refutes, returns to;
paccakkhāya: ger of paccakkhati; sikkhaṃ paccakkhāya (ger of paccakkhati) = having rejected
(given up) your training (§11.ex)
paccassosuṃ (3,pl; aor, < prati + √śru V ‘hear’) = they replied, they answered (§10.ex)
paccavekkhitabba (FPP of paccavekkhati < prati + ava + √īkṣ I ‘see’) = should be reflected, should be
reviewed (§14.ex)
paccaya (m) = causal condition (§
pacceka-bodhi (f) = Enlightenment of a Solidary Buddha (§
paccavekkhati (3,sg; pre, < prati + ava + √īkṣ I ‘see’) = meditatively reflects, contemplates, reviews,
considers. (§8.ex)
paccavekkhamāna (PrP, āt, of paccavekkhati) = meditaively reflecting, contemplating (§8.ex)
pacchā (adv) = afterwards (§13.ex)
pacchā-bhattaṃ (adv; avyayībhāva-samāsa) = after meal (§12.2.3, §12.ex)
pacchima (adj) = latest, last, later; western (§13.ex)
paccupaṭṭhita (PPP < prati + upa + √sthā I ‘stand’) = ‘stood right in front’, become present, have been
established, imminent (§, §12.ex)
pācittiya (adj) = requiring expiation.expiatory (§11.ex)
pāda (m) = foot (§3.ex)
pada (n) = foot; footstep, step, track; way, path, place, case, constituent, characteristic; a word, verse,
line, sentence; catu-(p)pada = (adj) consisting of four lines (§12.ex, §14.ex)
pada-jāta (n) = ‘foot-generated’, footstep characteristic, footprint (§14.ex)
padahati (3,sg; pre < pra + √dhā III ‘put’, ‘place’) = he puts forth effort, strives (§8.ex)
pādaṅguṭṭhaka/pādaṅguṭṭhaka (m) = a toe (§9.ex, §14.1)
padesa (m) = place, region; padesaṃ (acc) bhajati = resorts to (§6.ex)
paduṭṭha-manasaṅkappa (adj, bahubbīhi; < paduṭṭha (PPP < pra+ √duṣ IV ‘spoil’) + manasaṅkappa) =
with a corrupted intention (§13.ex)
pag eva (adv) = less still, how much more so (§11.ex)
pahāna (n; pahānāya dat,sg) = abandoning/abandonment (§1.5)
paharati (3,sg; < pra + √hṛ I ‘carry’) = beats; pahariṃsu (3,pl; aor of paharati) = they beat (§10.ex)
pahātabba (adj; FPP, < pra + √hā III ‘abandon’) = to be abandoned (§8.ex)


pahāya (ger < pra-√hā III ‘abandon’) = having abandoned (§4.6.2, §7.ex)
pahīna (PPP < pra-√hā III ‘abandon’) = abandoned (§1.4.6, §6.ex)
pahita (PPP < pra + √dhā III ‘put’; cf pahāṇa which means ‘exertion’) = with a resolute will (§5.8.2)
pahitatta (adj, bahubbīhi; < pahita (PPP of padahati) + atta (< attan; Skt: ātman) = resolute in mind
(§5.8.2, §8.ex)
pahīyate (3,sg, pas; < √hā III ‘abandon’) = is abandoned (§9.ex)
pahīyissati (3,sg, fut; pas of pajahāti/pajahati < pra + √hā III ‘abandon’) = will be abandoned (§9.5.3)
pāhuneyya (FPP, < pra + ā + √hu III ‘sacrifice’. Skt: prāhavanīya) = to be shown hospitability, worthy
of hospitability (§8.1.1)
pahūta (adj) = much (§9.ex
pajā (f) = offspring, generation, world of beings, mankind (§12.ex)
pajahāmi (1,sg; < pra + √hā III ‘abandon’) = I shall abandon (§8.ex)
pajahassu (2,sg; āt ipv, < √hā III ‘abandon’) = let you abandon (§
pajahatha (ipv, 2,pl < √hā III ‘abandon) = you abandon (§11.1.3)
pajahati (3,sg; pre < √hā III ‘abandon) = abandons (§8.2.2)
pajjalati (3,sg; pra + √jval I ‘blaze’) = blazes up (§12.ex)
pajjati (√pad IV ‘go’. Skt: padyate) = goes to (§3.3)
pakāsesi (3,sg, aor, < pra + √kāś I/IV ‘shine’) = he proclaimed (§10.ex)
pakāsetha (2,pl, ipv < caus of √kāś I/IV ‘shine’) = proclaim, make known (§9.2.4)
pakāseti (3,sg; pre, caus of pakāsati < √kāś I/IV ‘shine’) = makes known, proclaims (§3.10.1)
pakkamantā (nom,m,pl; PrP < pra + √kram I ‘step’) = they are going out (§6.3.3)
pakkamati (3,sg; pre, < pra + √kram I ‘step’) = steps forth (§3.ex)
pakkanto (nom,m,sg; PPP < pra + √kram I ‘step’) = ‘stepped out’, left (§9.1.1)
pakkha (m) = wing, side, party, partisan, a half of the month, a fortnight (§13.ex)
pakkhin (adj; m, < pakkha + -in) = ‘possessing wing’; a bird (§4.6)
palāpa (m) = prattle, gossip (§4.ex)
pāleti (3,sg; pre; < √pā II ‘watch’, ‘protect’) = protects (§14.ex)
pallala (n) = a small pond or lake (§5.5)
pallaṅka (m; Skt: pary-aṅka ‘fully-curved’) = fully cross-legged position (usually in meditation) (§7.
ex); ekapallaṅkena (ins used as adv) = (seated) in a single posture, cross-legged (§12.ex)
palujjati (3,sg; pas < pra + √ruj VI ‘break’) = breaks off, crumbles; 3,sg, opt: palujjeyya = would break
off (§9.ex)
pamāda (m) = heedlessness, slackness; pamāde (loc,m,sg) = in heedlessness (§4.6.2)
pamādattha (2,pl; aor of pamajjati < √mad IV ‘be intoxicated’) = you were negligent (§13.ex)
pamādo (2,sg; a-aor of pamajjati < √mad IV ‘be intoxicated’) = you were heedless/negligent (§13.ex)
pamodati (3,sg; pre, < pra + √mud I ‘rejoice’) greatly rejoices, becomes overjoyed (§1.7.1)
pāmojja (n, abst noun) = joyousness, joy (§9.ex)
paṃsu = dust, dirt; paṃsu-kūlāni (nom,n,pl) = rags from a dust-heap, rag-robes (§9.ex)
pana (ind) = but, and, and now, then, now, furthermore, etc. (§1.6)
pāṇa (m) = living beings (§10.ex)
pāṇa-atipāta (m) = taking of life, killing (§7.3.6)
panāda (m) = shouting, shrieks of joy (§12.ex)
pāṇaka (m) = ‘one endowed with breath’, living being, small creature (§13.3.5)
paṇāma (n) = bowing, salutation (§11.ex)
pañca (num) = five (§
pañca-kkhandhā (nom,m,pl; digu-samāsa) = the five aggregates (§12.ex)
pañca-matta (adj) = measuring five, five by measure, as many as five; pañcamattāni licchavi-satāni =
Licchavis measuring 500 = five hundred of Licchavis (§8.ex)
pañcadasī (f) = the 15th day of a fortnight (§13.ex)
pañcannaṃ indriyānaṃ (both gen,n,pl) = of five faculties (§
pañcopādānakkhandhā (pañca + upādāna + khanddhā) = the five grasping-aggregates (§2.9.2)
paṇḍita (adj; m) = wise; a wise one (§7.4.5)
paṇḍu-kambale (loc,m/n,sg) = on an orange-coloured cloth (§9.3.3)

Reading Buddhist Pāli Texts

pāṇi (m) = hand; ins,sg: pāṇinā, pl: pāṇīhi (§6.ex)

paṇidhāya (ger; < pra + √dhā III ‘place’) = putting; ujuṃ kāyaṃ paṇidhāya = putting the body upright
pānin (adj) = having life, living; pānino (nom,m,pl) = living beings, creatures (§5.8.2)
paññā (nom,f,sg; subj of sentence) = wisdom (§
paññāṇa (n; < pra + jñana) = wisdom, profound knowledge (§9.5.3)
paññāpana (n) = declaration, designation, disclosure (§14.3.1)
paññapema (1,pl; pre, caus < √jñā IX ‘know’) = we designate.explain (§8.ex)
paññāpessa (3,sg; active condl, of paññāpeti, caus < pra + √jñā IX ‘know) = he would have designated
paññāpeti (3,sg; caus < pra + √jñā IX ‘know) = causes to know, makes known, declares, designates,
defines; paññāpema (1, pl; pre, of paññāpeti) = we make known, we designate, we define (§3.ex)
paññāpetuṃ (inf of paññāpeti; caus < pra + √jñā IX ‘know’) = to cause to know, to make known, to
designate, to explain, to express (§11.1.3)
paññāpetuṃ gati natthi = There is no destiny to be made known. (Note passive sense of the inf here)
paññāsa (num) vassāni (nom,n,pl) = 50 years (§8.ex)
paññāsam (acc,f,sg; used as adv) pi mayaṃ yojanāni (acc,n,pl; used as adv) gaccheyyāma (1,pl, opt <
√gam I ‘go’) = we would go even for 50 leagues (§8.ex)
paññāsāya (loc,f,sg) yojanesu (loc,n,pl) = in/within 50 league (§8.ex)
paññavā/paññāvā (non,m,sg of paññāvant) = possessing wisdom (§4.4.3)
paññāyati (3,sg; pas of pajānāti, < pra + √jñā IX ‘understand’. For pas, see §9.4) = is known (§8.ex)
paññāyetha (3,sg, opt, pas; of paññāpeti ) = it could be recognized, it could be discerned (§11.ex, §14.
paññāyiṃsu (3,pl, aor of paññāyati < pas of pra + √jñā IX ‘know) = were known, were discerned (§10.
paññāyissati (3,sg, fut, pas < caus of pra + √jñā IX ‘know’) = it will be known, it will be discerned
panta (n; Skt: prānta) = remote, far away (§13.ex)
pāpa (adj; n) = wicked, bad, evil, sinful; evil, evil act (§6.3.3)
pāpa-kammaṃ (acc,n,sg) = evil action (§6.3.3)
pāpaka (adj) = bad, evil (§1.ex)
pāpakammin (adj, bahubbīhi; < pāpa + kamma + -in) = having evil kamma, evil-doer (§13.3.5)
papañca (m) = conceptual proliferation (§6.ex)
papañcasaññā-saṅkhā (f) = linguistic conventions characterized by (/rooted in) ideation of conceptual
proliferation (§6.ex)
papañceti (3,sg; pre, denom of papañca < pra + √pañc/pac I ‘make clear’, ‘diffuse’) = explains fully,
amplifies, spreads, conceptually proliferates (§6.ex)
pāpessati (3,sg, fut of caus of pappoti, < pra + √āp V ‘acquire’) = he will cause to acquire (§
pāpima (/pāpimā, voc,m,sg of pāpimant. Skt: pāpman ‘evil’) = O the Evil One (i.e., Māra) (§11.ex)
pāpiṭṭha-tara (comparative -tara formed from an earlier superlative -iṭṭha) = more evil, worse (§11.ex)
pappoti/pāpuṇāti (3,sg; pre, < pra + √āp V ‘acquire’. Skt: prāpnoti. Note that in Pāli, it is also conjugated
like a Class IX verb) = acquires, attains (§5.8.2, §6.ex)
para (adj, adv) = another, other; beyond; further side (§1.ex); paraṃ (adv) = later, subsequently (§3.9.1)
para-hetu (adv) = because of others, for others’ sake (§4.ex)
para-lābha-sakkāra-garukāra-mānana-vandana-pūjanāsu issati upadussati = he/she is jealous and
resentful towards the gains, honour, … and worship received by others (§3.ex)
para(p)pavāda (m) = others’ doctrine (§1.ex)
parābhava (m) = defeat, ruin, downfall (§6.ex)
paradhamma-apasādanā (f) = disparagement of others’ Dhamma (§5.ex)
pāragū (adj/m; nom,m,sg) = reached (mastered) the ultimate, attained perfection (§11.2.3)
paraṃ (adv) = after, subsequently, beyond (§2.6.2, §2.9.1)
paraṃ maraṇā = beyond (after) death (§2.6.2)


parama (adj) = highest, supreme (§, §5.8.2)

parama-saccaṃ (acc,n,sg) = highest truth (§8.ex)
parāmāssa (ger < parā + √mṛś VI ‘touch’+ ya) = having clung to, clinging to (§9.5.2)
paran-tapo (adj, nom,m,sg) = tormenting others (§5.ex)
paresaṃ (dat,m,pl of the pronominal para) = for others (§7.4.5)
pari- (commonly added prefix) = ‘round’, ‘fully’ (§3.1.1)
paribhavati (3,sg; pre, < pari + √bhū I ‘become’) = despises, denounces (§1.ex)
paribbājaka (adj; m) = wandering about; wanderer, wandering mendicant (§2.ex, §5.ex)
paribhāsati (3,sg; pre, √bhāṣ I ‘speak’) = abuses, defames, censures (§2.ex)
paribhuñjati (3,sg, pre < pari + √bhuj I ‘enjoy’) = enjoy, enjoy the use, consume (food) (§
paricarati (3,sg; pre, < pari + √car I ‘go’, ‘move’) = moves about, attends on, worships (the fire) (§8.ex)
pariccaje (3,sg; opt of pariccajati < pari + √tyaj I ‘leave’) = he should relinquish (§7.4.5)
paricumbati (3,sg; pre, < pari + √cumb I ‘kiss’) = kisses (§6.ex)
pariddavo (= paridevo; nom,m,sg) = lamentation (§9.5.3)
parihānāya (dat,n,sg of parihāna ‘retrogression’) = for retrogression (§4.6.2)
parijānāti (3,sg; < pari + √jñā IX ‘know’) = fully knows (§8.ex)
parikkhaya (m; < pari + khaya) = complete destruction.exhaustion, end (§5.ex)
parikkhīṇa (PPP; < pari + √kṣi V/IX) = fully destroyed (§14.3.1)
parikkhīṇa-bhavasaṃyojana (adj; bahubbīhi, < PPP of pari + √kṣi + bhavasaṃyojana) = who has fully
destroyed the existence-fetters (§14.3.1)
pariklesa (m) = hardship, molestation, misery (§9.5.3)
parimukha (adj) = facing, in front (§7.ex, §12.ex); parimukhaṃ (adv) = facing, in front (§12.ex)
parimukhaṃ satiṃ upaṭṭhapetvā = having established mindfulness in front (§12.ex)
parimutto apāya-duggati-vinipātā (abl,m,sg) = fully liberated from perdition, unfortunate destinies and
places of suffering (§5.ex)
parinibbāyissati (3,sg,fut of denom < parinibbāna) = will attain parinibbāna (§7.ex)
parinibbuta (used as PPP of nibbāyati, < pari + nir + √vṛ V/IX/I ‘cover’) = perfectly calmed, completely
at rest, fully emancipated, attained nibbāna (§13.2.1)
pariññā (f) = full knowledge, full understanding, complete knowledge; pariññatthaṃ (adv) = for the
purpose of full understanding (§7.ex)
pariññātāvin (PPA, < pari + √jñā IX ‘know’) = has fully known, has completely understood; one who
has fully known, one possessing full knowledge (§14.ex)
pariññāya (ger of pari + √jñā IX ‘know’) = having fully known (§5.ex)
pariññeyya (FPP, < pari + √jñā IX ‘know’) = to be fully known, should be fully known (§8.ex)
paripañhati (3,sg; pre, < pari + denom < pañha ‘question’) = he questions (§5.ex)
paripucchati (3,sg; pre, < pari + √prach VI ‘ask’) = he asks (§5.ex)
paripuṇṇa (adj; PPP < pari + √pṛ/pṝ III/IX ‘fill’) = completely fulfilled, complete (§11.ex)
paripūra (adj) = full, perfect, complete, accomplished (§14.ex)
paripūratta (n, abst noun; < paripūra + -tta. See §11.3) = complete fulfillment, perfection (§
pāripūri (f; abst noun < pari + √pṝ III/IX ‘fill’. BHS: pāripūri) = fulfillment, perfection; pāripūriyā
(dat,f,sg) = for fullfilment. (§3.ex)
parirakkhati (3,sg; pre, < pari + √rakṣ I ‘guard’) = guards; parirakkhanto (nom,m,sg; PrP of parirakkhati)
= guarding (§10.ex)
parisā (f) = surrounding people, group, assembly (§2.ex)
parisambāhati (3,sg; pre, caus, < pari + sam + √bṛh I/VI ‘become great’) = stroke, caress (§6.ex)
parisaññū (nom,m,sg) = who knows the assembly (§11.ex)
parisati (loc,f,sg, of parisā ‘assembly’) = in the assembly (§7.3.5)
parisuddha (PPP < pari + √śudh IV ‘be pure) = purified (§6.3.3)
parisuddha-ñāṇadassana (adj, bahubbīhi) = (one who is ) purified in respect of knowledge and vision
pārisuddhi (f) = purity (§13.ex)
paritta (adj) = limited, little, small (§12.ex)
parivīmaṃsā (f) = full inquiry, thorough search (§6.2.1)

Reading Buddhist Pāli Texts

parivīmaṃsam āpajjati = gets into full inquiry, fully investigates (§6.2.1)

parivuta (PPP < pari + √vṛ V/XI/I ‘cover’) = surrounded (§6.ex)
pariyādinna-citto (adj; nom,m,sg) = with/having a mind overcome (by), mentally obsessed (with)
pariyāya (noun) = synonym, alternative, perspective; paryāyena (adv) = alternatively, through a
perspective (§2.9.2)
pariyāyena (ins used as adv) = taking turns (§3.9.1)
pariyeseyyaṃ (1,sg, opt, of pariyesati, < pari + √iṣ IV ‘seek’) = I should seek out (§11.ex)
pariyosāna-kalyāṇa (adj) = good in the end (§3.ex)
pariyuṭṭhāya (ger of pariyuṭṭhati < pari +ava + √sthā I ‘stand’) = having become prepossessed, having
pervaded, having enwrapped (§
pasāda (m) = clarity, purity, tranquillity, firm conviction, clarified faith (§5.ex)
pāsādika (adj) = pleasant, lovely, favourable (§6.2.1)
pāsāda (m) = palace, mansion (§
pasaṃsiya (FPP of pasaṃsati, < pra + √śaṃs I ‘praise’) = to be praised (§11.ex)
pasanna (PPP < pra + √sad I ‘sit’, ‘sink’) = firmly convinced, having firm conviction (§14.ex)
pasavati (3,sg; pre, < pra + √ su/sū I/II ‘beget’) = begets, generates (§3.10.1)
passambhayaṃ (nom,m,sg; PrP of passambhayati, caus of passambhati < pra + √śrambh I ‘be careless’)
= calming (§7.ex)
passāmi (1,sg; pre, √paś I ‘see’) = I see (§3.4.1)
passantī (nom,f,sg; PrP of passati < √paś I ‘see’) = (mother) seeing (§6.3.3)
passasati (3,sg; pre, < pra + √śvas I/II ‘breathe) = breathes out (§7.ex)
passatha (2,pl; pre, < √paś I ‘see’) no tumhe (verb placed in front to indicate a question) = Now, do
you indeed see? (§5.ex)
passati (3,sg; pre, < √paś I ‘see’) = he sees (§1.7.1)
passavho (2,pl, āt ipv; < √paś I ‘see’) = see! (§
passeyyaṃ (1,sg; opt, < √paś I ‘see’) = I would see (§7.4.5)
Pāṭaliputta (m, npr) = name of city (§14.ex)
pātaṃ (acc of pātar; adv) = early in the morning (§11.ex)
patāpī (nom,m,sg, < patāpin) = ‘possessing splendour (vasa)’, splendid, majestic (§4.ex)
patha (m) = path, road, way (§
paṭhama (adj) = first, foremost (§
pathama (ordinal number; adj) = first (§4.5.3)
paṭhama-abhisambuddha (adj) = first enlightened (§12.ex)
paṭhama-tara (adj; with comparative suffix -tara) = the ‘more first’, the first, earlier (§11.2.3)
pathamaṃ (adv) = first (§3.ex)
pathavī (nom,m,sg of pathavin ‘earth’) = earth (§3.6.1)
pātheyya (n) = provision for a journey (§11.ex)
pati (m) = husband, lord, chief (§5.ex)
pati/paṭi (Skt: prati-; commonly added prefix) = ‘opposing’, ‘against’, ‘towards’, ‘in return’, ‘according
to each’, ‘individually’ (§3.1.1)
patibaddha-citta (adj, bahubbīhi; < patibaddha (PPP < prati + √bandh IX ‘bind’) + citta) = whose mind
is bound/fixated (§13.ex)
paṭibhātu (3,sg; ipv, < prati + √bhā II ‘shine’) = let it occur (to you) (§9.2.4)
paṭicca (ger of pacceti ‘falls back on’; < prati + √i II ‘go’ + (t)ya) = having depended on, having been
grounded on, having been conditioned by, because (§3.6.1); kiṃ paṭicca = because of what? (§4.ex)
paṭiggahitaṃ (PPP < prati + √grah IX ‘seize’; nom,n,sg, qualifying etaṃ) = received, learned (§5.ex)
paṭiggaṇheyya (3,sg, opt, √grah IX ‘grasp’) = could receive, could accept (§10.ex)
paṭihaṅkhati (3,sg, fut of paṭihanti < prati + √han II ‘strike’, ‘destroy’) = will eliminate, will destroy
pāṭihāriya (adj; n) = extraordinary, surprising, wonderful; supernatural occurrence, miracle (§14.ex)
paṭijaggeyya (3,sg; opt of paṭijaggati; < prati + √jāgṛ II ‘wake’) = he would wake up (§7.4.5)
paṭijānāmi (1,sg, pre < prati + √jñā IX ‘know’) = I claim (§6.3.3)


paṭikkamati (3,sg; pre, < prati + √kram I ‘step’) = steps backwards, returns, recedes, subsides (§1.ex,
§2.7.1, §3.ex, §8.ex)
paṭikkamosāna (n; < paṭikkama + osāna) = final recession, final subsiding (§8.ex)
paṭikuṭṭha (PPP of paṭikkosati < prati + √kruś I ‘cry out’) = protested against, rejected, repudiated
paṭilabhati (3,sg, √labh I ‘obtain’) = gains, obtains (§2.8.1)
paṭilābhāya (dat,m,sg) = for the obtainment (§3.4.1)
paṭilomaṃ (adv) = in the reverse order/sequence (§12.2.3)
paṭipadā (f) = path, practice, course of practice (§3.9.1)
pāṭipada (adj; < paṭipadā + a) = practising the path, progressing on the path (§11.1.3)
paṭipādeti (3,sg; pre, < prati + √pad IV ‘attain’, ‘go’. aor, 3,pl: paṭipādesuṃ) = causes them to practice,
causes them to attain (§13.3.4)
paṭipajjati (3,sg; pre, < prati + √pad IV ‘go’) = practices (§6.ex)
paṭipanna (PPP, < prati + √pad IV ‘go’) = practicing, progressing (§4.3.3, §
patirūpa/paṭirūpa (adj) = suitable, proper, appropriate (§11.ex)
paṭisaṃvedeti (3,sg; pre, < prati + sam + √vid II ‘know’) = (directly) feels.experiences (§, §3.9.1)
paṭisaṃvedī (adj; nom,m,sg, of paṭisaṃvedin) = experiencing (§12.ex)
paṭisaṃyutta (adj; PPP, < prati + sam + √yuj VII ‘yoke’) = connected with, pertaining to (§3.ex)
paṭisaṅkhā (= paṭisaṃkhāya; ger < prati + sam + √khyā II ‘perceive’, ‘tell’) = carefully reflecting/
considering (§11.ex)
paṭisevati (3,sg; pre, < prati + √sev I ‘serve’) = pursues, practices, resorts to (§13.ex)
patiṭṭhahitvā (ger of patiṭṭhahati/patiṭṭhāti ‘stands firmly’; < prati + √sthā I ‘stand’) = standing (having
stood) firmly against (the ground) (§11.ex)
patiṭṭhāpeti (; pre, < caus of prati + √sthā I ‘stand’ ) = causes to stand firm, establishes (§6.ex)
patiṭṭhāya (ger of patiṭṭhahati, < prati + √sthā I ‘stand’) = standing against, resting upon (§9.5.3)
patiṭṭhita (PPP of patiṭṭhāti/patiṭṭhahati, < prati + √sthā I ‘stand’) = established in, settled, fixed,
arrayed, supported; tantiyo … same (loc) guṇe (loc) patiṭṭhitā = the strings … ‘have been settled into
the same quality’, have been properly tuned (§7.ex)
paṭivāpeti (caus of prati + √vap ‘sow’) = causes to be free, takes away from (§3.10.1)
paṭivāpetvā (ger of paṭivāpeti) = having made (his mind) free from (those states), having cleansed (§3.
paṭivijjhati (3,sg; pre, < prati + √vyadh IV ‘pierce’) = penetrates, masters; paṭivijjhi (3,sg; aor of
paṭivijjhati ) = he penetrated, he mastered (§10.ex)
paṭivineti (3,sg; pre, < prati + vi + √nī I ‘lead’) = drives away, banishes, subdues (§9.ex, §14.ex)
paṭivinodeti (3,sg; pre, < prati + vi + √nud VI ‘push’) = removes, dispels, banishes (§13.2.1)
paṭivirata (PPP < prati + vi + √ram I ‘enjoy’) = restrained (§7.3.6, §12.ex)
patta (m/n) = bowl (§4.5.3)
patta (PPP of pāpuṇāti/papppoti) = attained (§ ,§11.ex)
patta-cīvara (n) = the bowl-and-robe (§4.5.3)
pattha (n) = a lonely place, a wilderness (§13.ex)
paṭṭhāna (n) = setting forth, application, abiding, establishment (§
pātu-bhūta (PPP of pātu(r)-√bhū I ‘become’) = become manifested, manifested, appeared (§9.ex)
pātu-karoti = makes manifest, discloses (§9.1.1)
pātu(r)-bhavati (3,sg; pre, < √bhū I ‘become’) = appears, becomes manifest (§12.ex)
pātubhāva (m) = appearance, coming into manifestation (§
pātur-ahesuṃ (3,pl; aor of pātu-bhavati) = appeared, came into manifestation (§10.ex)
pavara (m; adj, < pra + vara) = most excellent, distinguished, noble; the most excellent (§12.ex, §14.3.1)
pavāti (3,sg, pre < pra + √vā II ‘blow’) = blows forth, diffuses (§4.2.2)
pavecchati (3,sg; pre, a distortion from pra + √yam I ‘give’. See PTSD. Skt: prayacchati) = gives,
bestows; pavecche (3,sg; opt, of pavecchati < pra + √yam I ‘give’) = he would give, he would bestow
pavedita (PPP of pra + caus < √vid II ‘know) = made known, declared, proclaimed (§13.ex)
pavicarati (3,sg; pre, < pra + vi + √car I ‘move’) = examines, investigates (§6.2.1)

Reading Buddhist Pāli Texts

pavicinati (3,sg; pre, < pra + vi + √ci V, 3,sg: cināti/cinoti ‘gather’) = discriminates, discerns (§6.2.1)
pavisati (3,sg; pre; < pra + √viś VI ‘enter’) = enters into, enters (§, §, §3.ex)
pāvisi (3,sg; aor of pavisati. See for aor §10.1) = he entered (§8.3.1)
paviṭṭḥa (PPP of pavisati) = has entered, entered (§4.7.6, §4.ex)
pavuccare (3,pl; pas, āt < pra + √vac II ‘speak’) = are called (§9.ex)
pavuccati (3,sg, pas; < pra + √vac II ‘speak’) = is called, is spoken as (§11.2.3)
payirupāsati (3,sg, pre < pari + upa + √ās II ‘sit’) = ‘sits completely near’, he attends on, serves upon
(§8.ex); payirupāsiṃ: 1,sg; aor (§10.ex)
payojana (n) = purpose, use, need (§2.5.2)
pecca (ger of pra + √i II ‘go’) = having gone, having departed (§5.ex)
pekkhati (3,sg; pre, < pra + √īkṣ I ‘see’) = looks on, looks at, beholds, observes; pekkhato: gen,m,sg of
PrP (§9.ex)
pema (n) = affection, love (§12.ex)
Pessa (npr; m) = name of a person (§5.ex)
phala (n) = fruit (§4.ex)
phalati (3,sg; pre, < √phal I ‘burst’, ‘split’, ‘bear fruit’) = splits (§13.ex)
phāṇita (n) = raw sugar, molasses (§10.ex)
phassa (m) = contact, touch. (§
phassa-āyatanāna (nl) = the (six) abodes of contact (§4.ex)
phāsu (adj) = comfortable, at ease (§5.ex, §11.ex)
phāsu-vihāra (m) = state of comfort (§11.ex)
phusati (3,sg; pre, < √spṛś VI ‘touch’) = touches (§9.ex); FPP: phoṭṭhabba = tangible; the tangible (n;
i.e., object of the faculty of touch) (§12.ex)
phusissati (3,sg, fut; <√spṛś I ‘touch’. For future tense, see §7.1.) it will touch (§6.3.3)
phusita (n) = rain drop; thulla-phusita-ka (adj) = with thick rain-drops (§11.ex)
phuṭṭhuṃ (inf, < √spṛś VI ‘touch’) = to touch (§11.1.3)
pi (/api) (ind) = also, too, even (§1.6, §1.ex)
pibbati (3,sg; pre, < √pā III ‘drink’) = drinks (§6.2.1)
pidhiyati/pithiyati/pithīyati (3,sg, pas of pidahati < (a)pi + √dhā III ‘put’) = is covered, is closed;
pidhiyyare (3,pl; āt, pas) = they are covered (§9.5.3)
pihayati/piheti (3,sg; pre, √spṛh X ‘desire’, ‘envy’, ‘covet’) = longs for, covets (note use with gen)
piṇḍa (m) = a lump, ball, a lump of food, alms given as food (§
piṇḍapāta-paṭikkanta (adj; abl tappurusa-samāsa) = returned from the alms round (§12.ex)
piṇdāya (dat,m,sg) = for the purpose of alms (§
piṇḍiyālopa (m; < piṇḍi + ālopa) = lump of alms food (§3.ex)
pipāsā (nom,f,sg; desid < √pā I ‘drink’) = ‘desire to drink’, thirst (§14.ex)
pisāca (m) = demon, goblin (§
pisuṇa (adj) = back-biting, malicious (§12.ex)
pīti (f) = joy, rapture (§3.9.1)
pīti-pāmojjena (ins,n,sg) = with rapture and joy (§8.ex)
pīti-sukhaṃ (adj) … jhānaṃ (acc,n,sg) = meditation of the nature of rapture and happiness (born of
seclusion …) (§13.ex)
piṭṭhi/piṭṭhī (f) = the back, the top part (§3.9.1)
pivatha (2,pl; ipv of pibbati < √pā III ‘drink’) = you drink! (§6.2.1)
pivati (= pibbati. 3,sg; pre, < √ pā I ‘drink’) = drinks (§6.ex)
piya (adj) = lovable, pleasant, agreeable; piyehi (ins,m,pl) = with the beloved (§
piya-karaṇa (adj; piya + karaṇa < √kṛ VIII ‘do’) = giving affection, contributing to affection (§13.2.1)
pokkhara (n) = lotus-leaf (§9.ex)
pokkhara-phalaka (m; pokkhara = skin of a drum; phalaka = board) = drum-head (§10.ex)
ponobhavika (adj) = leading to rebirth (§4.6.2)
porāṇa (adj) = old, ancient (§9.5.3)
poseti (3,sg; pre caus, < √puṣ IX/IV/I ‘thrive’, ‘nourish’) = causes to be nourished, nourishes, supports,


looks after, takes care of (§7.3.3, §12.ex)

posa (m) = man (§7.4.5)
pubbaṇha-samayaṃ (acc used as adv) = in the morning-time (§4.5.3)
pubbe (loc used as adv) = earlier, in former time, in the past, formerly (§2.1, §2.9.4)
pubbe-nivāsa (m) = former existence; pubbenivāsa-paṭisaṃyutta = connected with pubbenivāsa
(§7.3.6, §8.3.11)
pubbena aparaṃ (adv) = progressively, successively (§6.ex)
pucchati (3,sg; pre, < √prach VI ‘ask’) = asks (§
pucchavho (2,pl; ipv, āt) = you ask! (§9.ex)
puccheyaṃ (1,sg, opt; < √prach VI ‘ask’) = I should/would ask (§7.4.5)
puggala (m) = person (§1.4.3)
pūjanā (f) = worship (§3.ex); pūjanā-araha (adj) = worthy of worship (§10.ex)
pūjetabba (FPP of pūjeti, < √pūj IV/VIII ‘honour’) = should be honoured (§8.ex)
pūjita (PPP < √pūj X ‘honour’) = worshiped, honoured (§6.ex)
pukkusa = a mixed caste, said to be scavengers (§5.8.2)
puna (ind) = again, moreover, further, etc. (§3.9.1)
puna ca aparaṃ = and again, furthermore, moreover (§3.9.1)
punabbhava (m; kammadhāraya-samāsa) = further existence, rebirth (§12.ex)
puñña (n) = merit (§1.5)
puñña-khettaṃ (nom,n,sg) = merit-field (§1.5)
puññapekkha (adj; bahubbīhi; < puñña + apekkhā) = expecting merit, intent on merit (§14.ex)
puratthima (adj) = eastern (§4.3.3)
pure (adv) = formerly, before, earlier (§10.ex, §12.ex)
pure vacanīyaṃ pacchā avaca = what should be said before, you said after (§12.ex)
purisa (m) = man, individual person (§1.ex, §2.7.1, §2.8.1, §
purisa-damma = persons to be tamed (§2.8.1, §13.ex)
purisaṃ papañcasaññāsaṅkhā samudācaranti … = linguistic conventions characterized by ideations of
conceptual proliferations manifest (become active) to the person (§6.ex)
purisena purisaṃ karitvā = making [a comparison among] (/comparing) man with man (§2.ex, §3.9.1)
puthu (adj) = separated, individual, distinct, various (§3.9.1)
puthujjana (m) = an ordinary worldling (§9.ex)
putta (m) = son (§2.1)
putta-matta (adj) = enough for a son, like a son (§9.3.3)
puṭṭhena satā vacanīyaṃ = it should be said by the one being asked.
rāga (m) = greed, craving, attachment (§1.4.6); rāgaggi (m; < raga + aggi) = fire of greed (§2.8.1)
Rāhula (m, npr) = name of Gotama Buddha’s son (§14.ex)
Rājagaha (m, npr) = name of city (§, §
rajana (n) colour, dye (§10.ex)
rajitā (nom,m,sg; of ag noun rajitar < √rañj I/IV ‘be dyed’) = one who dyes (§12.ex)
rajja (n; abst noun, < rāja + -ya. Skt: rājya) = kingship, rulership, kingdom; rajjaṃ (acc,n,sg) kāreti =
exercises kingship, rules a kingdom, reigns (§11.ex)
rajjaṃ (acc,n,sg) = kingship, royalty, reign; rajjam kāreti (3,sg, caus of karoti) = reigns.exercises
kingship (§8.3.11)
rajo-patha/rajā-patha (m) = path of dust, dusty/polluted place (§11.ex)
rajo (/raja/rajas; n) = dust, dirt (§11.ex)
rakkheyya (3,sg; opt of rakkhati < √rakṣ I ‘protect’) = he would protect (§7.4.5)
ramma (FPP of ramati, < √ram I ‘enjoy’) = lovely, enjoyable, pleasing, charming (§10.ex)
rañño cakkavattissa … dhammarañño rājā = the king (rājā) of (/above) the wheel-weilding king, a
dhamma-king (§5.ex)
rasa (m) = fine substance.extract; taste (§10.ex, §12.ex)
rasa-pathavī (f) = essence of earth, “primitive earth” (§10.ex)
rassaṃ (adv) = in short, briefly (§7.ex)
ratana (n) = gem, jewel (§

Reading Buddhist Pāli Texts

rata (PPP < √ram I ‘delight’) = delighted, delighting in (§7.ex)

rattañña (adj) = recognized for a long time (§9.5.3)
ratti (f) = night (§8.ex, §13.ex)
rattiṃ (loc used as adv. Cf Skt: rātryām) = by night, in the night (§2.ex)
rattin-divo (m) = a day-and-night (§8.ex)
rattiyā (gen,f,sg) = of night (§5.ex)
ritta (PPP, √ric VII ‘leave’) = devoid, empty (§4.ex)
roceti (3,sg; caus of rocati < √ruc I ‘shine’, ‘be pleased’) = is pleased, is approvable/agreeable to;
rocehi: 2,sg,ipv (§9.ex)
rodasi (2,sg; pre, < √rud I ‘weep’) = you cry (§6.3.3)
Rohaṇa (m, npr) = name of a city; Migāro Rohaṇeyyo (nom,m,sg; npr) = Migāra of Rohaṇa (§
ruccati (3,sg; pre, Skt: rucyati, < √ruc I ‘shine’, ‘please’) = pleases (§5.5)
rujati (√ruj VI ‘break’) = breaks (§3.2)
rukkha (m) = tree (§7.4.5)
rukkha-mūla (n) = tree-root (§7.ex)
rūpa (n) = matter, visible form (§1.7.1, §4.6)
rūpeti (denom < rūpa) = puts into shape, makes appear (in a form) (§4.1)
rūpūpaga (adj: < rūpa + upaga ‘going to’/’reaching’/ ‘pertaining to’) = going for form, living in (bodily)
form, pertaining to the sphere of form (§12.ex)
sā (nom,sg of san; also pl,nom/acc) = dog(s); sāva = sā (i)va (§5.8.2)
sabba (adj; n. See also sabbe) = all, entire; everything, all things (§4.2.2, §12.ex)
sabba-dada (adj) = all-giving, giving everything (§
sabbabhūtānam issara (voc,m,sg) = O Lord of all creatures (§10.ex)
sabbadā (adv) = at all times, always (§14.2)
sabbaññu/sabbaññū (adj; m) = ‘all-knowing’, omniscient; the omnicient one (§9.ex)
sabbapajānam uttama (adj and noun) = the supreme one of all creatures (§12.ex)
sabbasāmukkaṃsika (adj) = exalted of all (§7.3.5)
sabbasattuttama (adj and noun; < sabba + satta + uttama) = the supreme one among all beings (§12.ex)
sabbaso (adv) = in every way, completely (§4.ex)
sabbathā (adv) = in all ways (§1.6.1, §14.2)
sabbe (nom,m,pl, pronominal adj) = all (these/those) (§4.ex, §5.6.2)
sabbena sabbaṃ (adv phrase = all with all, completely (without exception) (§2.9.5)
sabrahmacārin (m; adj) = fellow spiritual practitioner (§6.ex, §12.ex, §14.ex)
sabrahmacārīnaṃ appiyo = unbeloved of his fellow spiritual practitioners (§14.ex)
sabyañjana (adj) = having good phrasing/wording (§3.ex)
sacca-anubodha (m) = realization of truth (§
sacca-vādin (adj; m) = speaking the truth; speaker of truth (§4.6.2)
Saccaka (m, npr) = name of a Jain follower (§13.3.4)
saccānubodho (nom,m,sg) = realization of truth, awakening of truth (§8.ex)
sacchikaroti (3,sg; pre, < sacchi + √kṛ VIII ‘do’) = directly realizes (§8.ex)
sacchikata (PPP of sacchi-karoti < √kṛ VIII ‘do’) = directly realized (§
sad-attha (m; < sat + attha) = true goal, true purpose (§14.3.1)
sad-dhamma (m) = the True Doctrine; good qualities, true factor (§3.10.1, §4.ex, §9.5.2)
sadā (adv) = always (§7.ex)
sadda (m) = sound (§12.ex)
saddha (adj; < saddhā + a) = having faith, faithful (§1.5, §4.ex, §6.ex)
saddhā (f) = faith (§, §6.3.3)
saddhā-dhana (n) = the wealth of faith. (likewise for sīla-dhanaṃ, etc.) (§
saddhā-jāta (adj < saddhā + PPP of √jan IV ‘be born’) = when faith has arisen (in the person) (§8.ex)
saddhiṃ (ind) = together with (§3.4.1)
sadhammukkaṃsanā (f) = exalting of one’s own Dhamma (§5.ex)
sadhu (adj; affirmative interjection) = good, virtuous; “good!”, “it’s right!”, “it is great!” (§6.ex)
sadhu-sammata (adj) = considered as virtuous, well-honoured (§1.4.6)


sādhukaṃ (adv) = well, properly (§12.ex)

sāditā (nom,m,sg of ag noun sāditar < sādiyati) = acceptor (§12.4.1)
sādiyati (3,sg; pre, caus < √svad I ‘relish’) = enjoys., agrees to (§12.4.1)
sagga (m) = heaven (§2.6.2, §2.ex)
saggaṃ lokaṃ (= sagga-lokaṃ; acc,m,sg) = the heavenly world (§2.ex)
saggūpaga (adj; sagga + upaga) = going to heaven (§14.ex)
saha-gata (PPP < √gam I ‘go’; adj) = accompanied (by) (§4.6.2)
sahabyatā/sahavyatā (f) = companionship (§13.ex)
sahassadhā (adv) = in a thousand ways (§14.2)
sahate (3,sg; pre, āt, < √sah I ‘endure’) = overcomes, defeats (§9.ex)
sahatthā (adv < abl,sg of hattha ‘hand’) = with one’s own hand (§2.9.3)
sahāya (m) = companion, colleague (§13.ex)
sahita (PPP < sam + √dhā III ‘put’) = united (§12.ex)
sajjhāya (m; Skt: svādhyāyaḥ) = rehearsal, repeating to one’s self, recitation (§5.8.2)
sajjhāyaṃ (acc) karoti (also denom sajjhāyati) = he recites to himself. Note that in such a structure,
karoti does the action specified by the patient-noun (sajjhāya) (§5.8.2)
sajjittho (2,sg; aor of sajjati, < √sañj I ‘adhere’ ); mā sajjittho = don’t get attached/stuck/caught (§13.ex)
saka (adj) = one’s own (§1.ex, §3.10.1)
sakad-āgāmin (adj; m. sakad- = sakid-) = coming (back) once; once-returner (§5.ex)
sakāse (adv) = in the presence of (used with gen); raññaṃ (gen,m,pl of rājan) sakāse = in the presence
of the kings (§12.ex)
sake vaṇṇe bhaññamāne (loc abs) = when (their) own praise is being uttered (§9.ex)
sākha (n) / sākhā (f) = branch (§12.ex)
sakhā (nom,m,sg, of sakhi) = friend (§12.ex)
sakhi (m) = friend (§12.1.1); sakhāraṃ: acc,m,sg (§12.ex)
sakhi(n) = eye-witness, witness (§12.ex)
sakiṃ (adv; → sakid before a vowel) = once (§5.ex)
sakkā (ind; originally: ‘one might be able to’ opt of sakkoti. Used with inf in the impersonal sense, often
pas) = it could be, it is possible, possible (§11.1.3, §11.1.4)
Sakka (m, npr) = name of the lord of gods (§5.ex)
sakkacca (ger < sat + √kṛ VIII ‘do’) = respectfully (§4.5.4)
sakkaccaṃ (adv; originally from ger of sakkaroti < sat + √kṛ VIII ‘do’) = respectfully, attentively (§13.
sakkāra (m) = honour (§3.ex)
sakkaroti, < sat + √kṛ VIII ‘do’) = honours, esteems, shows respect, treats hospitably (§8.ex)
sakkātabba (FPP of sakkaroti) = should be honoured, should be treated hospitably (§8.ex)
sakkhi-puṭṭha (puṭṭha is PPP < √prach VI ‘ask’) = asked as a witness (§4.ex, §12.3.1)
sakkoti (3,sg, < √śak V/IV ‘be able’, used with inf) = is able to (§11.1.4)
sakya-kumāra (m) = Sakyan youth (§7.ex)
sakya-putta (m) = a son of the Sakyans, a Sakyan (§1.7.1)
saḷ-āyatana (digu-samāsa) = the sixfold sensory abodes/spheres (§12.ex)
salomahaṃsa (adj) = causing excitement with fear, horrifying (§7.4.5)
salla (n) = arrow, dart (§14.ex)
sallato (adv; < salla + -to) = as a dart (§14.ex)
sam- (commonly added prefix) = ‘together’, ‘complete’, ‘thoroughly’, ‘well’, ‘greatly’ (§3.1.1)
sama (adj) = equal, same, even; samaṃ (nom,n,sg) qualifies ratanaṃ (§
samādaha (2,sg; ipv of samādahati < sam + √dhā III ‘put’) = equipoise (your thought) (§13.ex)
samādahaṃ (nom,m,sg; PrP of samādahati < sam + ā + √dhā III ‘place’) = ‘putting together’,
equipoising, integrating, concentrating (§7.ex); samādahaṃ cittaṃ (acc,n,sg) assasissāmi (1,sg, fut
of assasati) = I shall breathe in equipoising/integrating the thought (§7.ex)
samādapa-ka (adj) = one who instigates/inspires (§11.ex)
samādapeti (3,sg; pre; caus, < sam + ā + √dā III ‘give’) = causes to undertake, incites, encourages,
instigates, inspires (§3.10.1)

Reading Buddhist Pāli Texts

samādapeyya (3,sg, opt; < caus of sam + ā + √dā III ‘give’) = he would instigate, would urge to
undertake (§7.4.5)
samādapito tathattāya paṭipajjati = when instigated, practices accordingly (practices for being like
that) (§6.ex)
samādhi (m) = equipoise, integration, concentration (§2.8.1)
samādhiyati/samādhīyati (denom < samādhi + -iya) = becomes equipoised, enters into equipoise (also
considered as pas of samādahati) (§4.1)
samādhi-kusala (adj) = skillful in meditation (§12.ex)
samādhija (adj) = born of equipoise (§13.ex)
samādiyati (3,sg; pre, < sam + ā + √dā III ‘give’) = accepts, undertakes; samādiyiṃ (1,sg, aor of
samādiyati) = I undertook (§10.ex)
samāgata (PPP of samāgacchati, < sam + ā + √gam I ‘go’) = come together, met together, met,
assembled (§12.ex)
samagga (adj; nom,m,pl) = together, united, harmonious (§12.3.1)
samagga-ārāma (adj) = rejoicing in the harmonious (§12.ex)
samagga-karaṇiṃ vācaṃ bhāsitā (nom,m,sg of ag noun bhāsitar; note that it takes the patient vācaṃ)
= speaker of words promoting harmony (§12.ex)
samagga-nandin (adj) = delighting in the harmonious (§12.ex)
samagga-rata (adj; < samagga + PPP of √ram I ‘enjoy’) = enjoying in the harmonious (§12.ex)
sāmaggī (f) = harmony, concord, completeness, communion (§13.ex)
samāhita (PPP < sam + ā + √dhā III ‘put’) = fully focused, equipoised; su-samāhita = well equipoised
(§9.ex, §12.ex)
samaṃ (adv) = equally, together (§14.ex); samaṃ tathāgatena = equal to/same as the Tathāgata (§
sāmaṃ (adv) = self, of oneself (§7.ex)
samaṇa (m) = recluse (§1.4.3)
samaṇa-brāhmaṇā (nom,m,pl) = recluses and brahmins (collectively referring to the religieux of In-
dia) (§1.ex)
samaṇaka (adj and noun; -ka suffix is diminutive) = little recluse (§12.ex)
samannāgata (PPP < sam + anu + ā + √gam I ‘go’) = endowed with, possessed of (§2.ex, §8.ex)
samannesamāna (PrP < sam + anu + √iṣ VI ‘desire’, ‘seek for’) = when fully investigating, searching
(§6.3.3, §8.ex)
samāna (PrP, āt < √as II ‘be’) = being, having been; pabbajito samāno = having gone forth (§6.3.3)
samantā (adv) = all around.
samanubhāsiyamāna (PrP, pas < sam + anu + √bhāṣ I ‘speak’) = being continuously spoken to (§9.5.2)
samanugāhiyamāna (PrP, pas < sam + anu + √gāh I ‘plunge’) = being continuously pressed (§9.5.2)
samanupassati (3,sg; pre, < sam + anu + √paś I ‘see’) = properly discerns, reflectively sees (§6.4.2,
samanuyuñjiyamāna (PrP, pas < sam + anu + √yuj VII ‘yoke’) = being crossed questioned (§9.5.2)
samāpanna (PPP < sam + ā + √pad IV ‘enter’, ‘go’) = entered, entered into meditation, attained,
achieved, endowed with (§
samāpatti (f) = attainment, entering into, meditative attainment (§
samāpatti-kusala (adj) = skillful in meditative attainment (§12.ex)
samappita (PPP of samappeti ‘hand over’, ‘deposit’, < caus of sam + √ṛ I/III/V ‘move’) = made over,
possessed of (§6.ex)
samatā (f) = even-ness, equality, sameness (§10.ex)
samatha (m) = calming, stilling (§8.ex)
samatikkama (m) = completely going beyond, transcendence (§10.ex)
samatikkamati (3,sg; pre, < sam + ati + √kram I ‘step’) = goes beyond, transcends.
samatikkamma (ger of samatikkamati) = having gone beyond, having transcended (§4.ex)
samavekkhitā (nom,m,sg, of ag noun samavekkhitar < sam + ava + √īkṣ I ‘see’) = he will carefully
observe (taken as a peri fut) (§12.ex)
samavekkhitar (ag noun, < sam + ava + √īkṣ I ‘see’) = one who meditatively reflects (§12.ex)
samaya (m) = occasion, time (§2.9.1)


sambādha (adj) = crowded, congested (§11.ex)

sambahula (adj) = a great many, a multitude of §3.4.1)
sambhava (m) = origin, birth (§13.ex)
sambhavesin (adj) = seeking birth (not yet reborn) (§13.ex)
sambheda (m) = breaking, breaking down, confusion, mixing up (§14.ex)
sambuddha (adj; m) = fully enlightened; the Fully Enlightened One (§1.ex)
samehi pādehi (ins,m,pl) = with even steps (§11.ex)
saṃghāta (m) = string, killing, slaughter (§10.ex)
sāmīci-paṭipanna (PPP < prati + √pad IV ‘go’ ) = practicing harmoniously (§4.ex)
sāmīci/sāmīcī (adj) = harmonious, in conformity with (spiritual) propriety (§4.ex)
sāmin (m) = owner, lord, master; sāmino (gen,m,sg) = of the master (§9.ex)
samitāvino (nom,m,pl of samitāvin; PPA < √śam IV/I ‘be quiet’) = have become calmed, have been
appeased (§14.ex)
saṃkilesa (m) = impurity, pollution (§10.ex)
saṃkilesa-dhamma (adj) = subject to pollution/defilement, of the nature of being defiled (§6.ex)
saṃkīyati (3,sg; pas of saṃkirati < √kṝ VI ‘strew’) = is not adulterated (§9.5.3)
saṃkīyissanti = (3,pl; fut pas of saṃkirati < √kṝ VI ‘strew’) = will not be adulterated (§9.5.3)
sammā (adv) = properly, perfectly, thoroughly, truly; (in compound, e.g., sammā-diṭṭhi ‘proper view’)
perfect-/proper-/right- (§1, §4.ex)
samma (voc,m,sg) = a term of address, ‘O friend’ (§8.1.2)
samma-(p)paññāya (ins,f,sg) = through perfect wisdom (§6.ex)
samma-d-aññā (f) = perfect knowledge (§14.3.1)
sammā-diṭṭhi (f) = proper view, proper vision (§3.9.1)
sammā-paṭipanna (adj; a kammadhāra-samāsa < adv+adj) = properly practising. (§12.ex)
sammā-sambuddha (adj; m) = perfectly fully enlightened; the Perfectly Fully Enlightened (One) (§1.
sammā-vimutta (PPP < sammā + vi + √muc VI ‘release’) = properly liberated (§11.ex)
samma(d)eva (adv) = properly (§2.ex)
sammaddasa (adj) = seeing properly, seeing truly (§14.ex)
sammādiṭṭhika (adj, bahubbīhi; < micchā + diṭṭhi + -ka) = having proper views (§13.ex)
sammādiṭṭhikammasamādāna (adj, bahubbīhi; < sammā-diṭṭhi-kamma + samādāna) = undertaking
kamma based on proper views (§13.ex)
sammaggata (adj; < sammā + PPP of √gam I ‘go’) = ‘gone/travelled properly’, ‘attained perfection’,
practising properly (§9.5.3)
sammāpaṭipanna (adj) = practising properly, properly engaged (§4.ex)
sammati (< √śam IV/I ‘be quiet’. Skt: śāmyati/śamati) = is quiet, is ceased (§3.3); upa-sammati =
comes to cease, is completely allayed (§3.ex); sammanti (3,pl, pas) = are appeased (§
sammatta (Skt: samyaktva) = perfection, rightness (i.e., truth); sammatta-niyāma (m) = certitude/
certainty of perfection (§9.ex)
sammattaniyāmaṃ okkamissati = will enter into the certitude of perfection = will be destined for
Nibbāna/Perfect Enlightenment (§9.ex)
sammodanīya (FPP, < sam + √mud I ‘rejoice’) = conducing to joy, gladdening, pleasant, friendly (§10.
sammodanīyaṃ kathaṃ sārāṇīyaṃ vītisāreti (both sammodanīyaṃ and sārāṇīyaṃ are adj to kathaṃ) =
exchanges pleasant and gladdening greetings (§10.ex)
sammodati (3,sg; pre, < sam + √mud I ‘rejoice’) = rejoices.exchanges friendly greetings; sammodi (3,sg;
aor of sammodati) = he exchanged friendly greetings (§10.ex)
sammukhā (abl, used as adv) = face to face, in front, in the presence (§2.ex, §5.ex)
sammukhībhāva (m; < sammukka ‘face to face’ + √bhū I ‘become’) = presence, being face to face (§13.
ex); sammukhībhāvaṃ adāsi (3,sg; aor, < √dā III ‘give’) = he gave presence to, presented himself
to (§13.ex)
samodhāna (n; < sam + ava + dhāna) = collocation, combination, grouping; samodhānaṃ gacchati =
gets grouped under, comes to be contained in, fits into (§14.ex)

Reading Buddhist Pāli Texts

sampacāleti (3,sg; pre, caus < sam + pra + √cal I ‘move’) = causes to move violently, quakes, shakes,
trembles; PPP: sampacālita (§14.1)
sampādetha (2,pl, opt of sampādeti; caus of sampajjati, < sam + √pad I ‘attain’) = you strive to attain!
you strive to accomplish! (§7.ex)
saṃpādeti (caus < √pad IV ‘go‘/‘attain’) = causes to succeed/attain, strives to accomplish (§2.ex,
sampahaṃsa-ka (adj) = one who gladdens (§11.ex)
sampahaṃseti (3,sg; pre; caus, < sam + pra + √hṛṣ IV ‘rejoice’) = causes to rejoice, gladdens (§3.10.1)
sampajāna (adj) = properly aware, fully alert (§1.7.1, §3.9.1, §7.ex)
sampajāna-musā (adv) = falsely with awareness. (Note that musā is sometimes used like a substantive.)
sampajañña (n) = clear awareness (§1.ex)
sampakampati (3,sg; pre < sam + pra + √kamp I ‘tremble’) = strongly trembles, trembles; PPP:
samprakampita (§14.1)
sampanna-mānaso (nom,m,sg, adj; mānasa (n) ‘mind’) = (a person) accomplished in mind (§5.ex)
sampanna (PPP < sam + √pad IV ‘go’) = fully endowed with, accomplished (§4.ex)
samparāyika (adj) = pertaining to the future, future (§7.4.5)
sampasādana (n) = tranquilizing, placidity (§13.ex)
sampassati (3,sg; pre; < sam + √paś I ‘see’) = sees, discerns, perceives, recognizes, looks upon as,
considers (§13.ex)
sampatijāta (adj) = has just been given birth (§11.ex)
sampavāreti (3,sg; pre, caus < sam + pra + √vṛ IV/IX ‘choose’, ‘prefer’) = causes to accept, invites,
offers, entertains, satisfies (§13.3.4)
sampayāta (PPP < sam + pra + √yā II ‘go’) = set out (§11.ex)
sampayoga (m) = union, joining together with (§
sampha (adj) = frivolous, foolish (§4.ex)
sampucchati (3,sg; pre, < √prach VI ‘ask’) = asks, instigates; ger: sampuccha.
saṃsādeti (3,sg; caus of saṃsīdati < saṃ + √sad I ‘sink’, ‘sit’) = causes to sink down, makes to come
to an end, fails (§7.3.5)
saṃsāra (m) = transmigration, the cycle of births and death (§1.5)
saṃsati (Skt: śaṃsati < √śaṃs I ‘relate’, ‘tell’) = relates, tells, announces, points out, communicates
saṃsaya (m) = doubt; sabba-saṃsayaṃ (acc,m,sg) = all doubts, doubts of all sorts(§9.ex)
samuccissatha (3,sg, āt; condl < sam + ud + √ci V ‘gather’?) = it would have originated, it would have
grown (§14.ex)
samudācarati (3,sg, pre < sam + ud + ā + √car I ‘move’) = come into play, manifests, appears in front
samudaya (m; < sam + udaya) = origination, arising (§4.ex)
samudaya-dhamma (m, adj) = origination-nature, (having) the nature of origination (§4.ex, §10.ex)
samudayadhamma-anupassin (adj) = contemplating on the origination-nature (§4.ex)
samugga (m) = box, casket; bhaṇḍa-samuggaṃ (acc,m,sg) = a box storing goods (bhaṇḍa) (§9.ex)
sāmukkaṃsika (adj) = exalted.excellent, condensed (§10.ex)
samūlha (PPP < sam + √muh IV ‘err’, ‘be deluded’) = deluded, confused (§6.ex)
samutteja-ka (adj) = one who sharpens, one who fires up (§11.ex)
samuttejeti (3,sg; pre; caus, < sam + ud + √tij I ‘be sharp’) = causes to be sharp.excites, inflames,
enthusiastizes (§3.10.1)
saṃvacchara (m/n) = year (§8.ex, §10.ex)
saṃvara (m) = restraint (§13.ex)
saṃvattati (3,sg; pre, < sam + √vṛt I ‘turn’)= leads to, conduces to, proceeds towards (§1.ex, §3.9.1)
saṃvejeti (3,sg; pre; caus < sam + √vij VI ‘quiver’ ) = causes to quiver, stirs up, stimulates (§14.1)
saṃvejetu-kāma (adj, bahubbīhi < saṃvejetuṃ + kāma) = intending to stir up (§14.1)
saṃvibhāga (m) = distribution, sharing out (§14.ex)
saṃvidhātuṃ (inf of saṃvidahati < √dhā III ‘put’) = to organize, to arrange, to plan; alaṃ saṃvidhātuṃ


= fit to organize = fit for organizing (§11.1.2)

saṃvijjati (3,sg; pas, < sam + √vid VI ‘find’) = is found.exists (§9.ex)
saṃvuta (PPP of saṃvarati ‘restrains’, < sam + √vṛ V ‘cover’; qualifying so) = restrained (§6.3.3)
saṃyamāmase (1,pl; āt ipv, < √yam I ‘hold up’, ‘control’) = Let us restrain (§
saṃyojana (n) = bond, fetter (§5.ex)
saṃyutta (PPP < sam + √yuj VII ‘yoke’) = conjoined, associated, connected, bound, fettered (§6.ex)
san (m. Skt: śvan) = dog (§5.8.2); suvānā/supāṇā: nom,m,pl (§5.8.2)
san-diṭṭhika (adj, < sam + diṭṭha + ika) = visible, visible here and now (§1.ex)
sāṇa (n) = hemp (§9.ex)
sanaṅkumāra (m) = name of a Brahman god (§5.ex)
sanantana (adj) = of old, ancient, eternal, for ever (§3.ex)
sañcicca (ger of sañceteti/sañcinteti, < √sam + √cint X ‘think’) = having properly thought, intentionally
sandassa-ka (adj) = one who shows/demonstrates (§11.ex)
sandasseti (3,sg; pre; caus, < sam + √dṛś I ‘see’) = causes to see, shows, points out (§3.10.1)
Sandhāna (m, npr) = name of a householder (§13.ex)
sandhātā (nom,m,sg, of ag noun sandhātar) = uniter, unifier (§12.ex)
sandosa (m) = pollution, corruption, defilement (§13.ex)
saṅgāma (m) = battle, a fight (§11.1.4)
saṅgāma-gata (adj) = gone to a battle (§11.1.4)
saṅgati (f) = coming together (§3.6.1)
saṅgha (m) = community, community of Buddhist monks (§, §1.ex)
saṅgha-majjhe (loc used as adv) = in the midst of the Saṃgha (§2.ex)
sañjānāti (3,sg; pre, < sam + √jñā IX ‘understand’) = conceptualizes, ideates, perceives (§4.7.8)
saṅkampati (3,sg; pre < sam + √kamp I ‘tremble’) = trembles; PPP: saṅkampita (§14.1)
saṅkappa (m) = intention, will (§
saṅkasāyati (3,sg; pre, < caus of sam + √kṛṣ I ‘pull’) = is inactive, whiles away time (kālaṃ ativatteti)
saṅkha (m) = conch-shell (§11.ex)
saṅkhārā (nom,m,pl; sub. This term always occurs in pl) = conditionings, conditioning forces (§1.5,
§2.6.2.,1 §7.ex)
saṅkhitta (adj) = condensed, concise; saṅkhittena (adv) = concisely, briefly (§2.9.2)
saṅkhyā (f; < sam + √khyā II ‘be known’) = renumeration, number, name, reckoning, appellation,
linguistic convention (§6.ex)
saññā (f) = ideation, perception, notion (§2.ex)
saññā-vedayita-nirodha (m) = cessation of ideation and sensation. In this meditative attainment, all
ideations and sensations are said to have ceased (§13.ex)
saññama (= saṃyama) (m) = restrain (§7.4.5)
saññāpeti (3,sg; caus of sajānāti < sam + jñā IX ‘know’) = makes understand, convinces
saññatvā (ger of sañjānāti < sam + √jñā IX ‘understand’) = having conceptualized (§4.7.8)
sannidhi (m) = depositing together, storing up, store (§13.ex)
sannidhi-citta (adj, bahubbīhi; < sannidhi + citta) = with a storing-up mentality (§13.ex)
sant (adj; PrP < √as II ‘be’) = being.existing; true, good. sante: acc,m,pl (§14.3.1)
santa (PrP < √as II ‘be’) = existing (§6.ex)
santhāgāra (m) = council hall, assembly hall (§8.ex)
saṇṭhahati/santiṭṭhati (3,sg; pre, < sam + √sthā I ‘stand’) = stands properly, abiding well, gets established
santhambhati (3,sg; pre, < sam + √stambh IX ‘uphold’) = keeps firm, upholds, becomes stiff (§11.1.4)
saṇṭhapehi (2,sg; ipv of saṇṭḥāpeti/saṇṭhapeti, caus < sam + √sthā III ‘stand’) = stabilize, make abide,
establish (§13.ex)
saṇṭhāpesi (3,sg; aor of saṇṭhāpeti) = he called to order (§13.ex)
saṇṭhāpeti/saṇṭhapeti (3,sg, caus of santiṭṭhati < sam + √sthā I ‘stand’) = establishes, settles, calls to
order, gets arranged, adjusts (§13.ex)

Reading Buddhist Pāli Texts

santhava (m) = acquaintance, intimacy (§13.4.2)

santi (3,pl; pre, < √as II ‘exist’) = there are (§4.ex)
santikā (abl,n,sg) = from the presence/vicinity of, from (§4.ex)
santike (adv) = in (/into) the vicinity/proximity, into the presence (of) (§4.6.2)
santuṭṭhi (f) = satisfaction, contentment (§13.ex)
santuṭṭhi-parama (adj; bahubbbīhi, qualifying dhana) = having contentment as its highest/best (§13.ex)
sāpekha (adj, bahubbīhi; < sa + apekkhā) = having expectation (§13.ex)
sappi (n) = ghee (§10.ex)
sappimaṇḍa (m) = the scum, best-of-ghee (§12.ex)
sappurisa (m) = true man, good person (§5.ex)
sārajjati (3,sg; pre, < sam + √ra(ñ)j I/IV ‘be dyed’) = becomes enamoured, passionately clings/devotes
to (§6.ex)
saraṇa (n) = refuge, protection, shelter (§1.ex)
sārāṇīya (FPP, < sam + √raj I/IV ‘gladden’) = gladdening, courteous, friendly (§10.ex)
sārathi (nom,m,sg) = trainer, charioteer (§2.8.1)
sāratta (PPP of sārajjati) = enamoured, passionately aroused/devoted (§6.ex)
sāratta-citta (adj) = mentally impassioned (§4.5.4)
sāravant (adj) = solid, firm, strong, having kernel; sāravato (adv) = solidly, firmly (§9.ex)
saravatī (adj; nom,f,sg < sara-vant) = having sound (§7.ex)
Sāriputta (m, npr) = name of a chief disciple of the Buddha, foremost in wisdom (§3.4.1)
sarīra (n) = physical body (§10.ex)
sārita (PPP of sāreti/sārayati, < sarati < √sṛ I ‘flow) = made to move along, guided, trained (§13.ex)
sāsana (n) = teaching, message (§2.ex)
sassata (adj) = eternal, perpetual (§7.3.6)
sassū/sassu (f) = mother-in-law (§11.ex)
sassura/sasura (m) = father-in-law (§11.ex)
sata (adj) = mindful (§1.7.1, §3.9.1)
sataṃ (nom,n,sg) sahassānaṃ (gen,n,pl) hiraññassa (gen,n,sg) = a hundred of thousands of gold-pieces
sataṃ  sahassānaṃ nirabbudānaṃ chattiṃsati pañca ca abbudāni (adv expression of time) = for a
hundred thousands and thirty-six of nirabbudas, plus five abbudas (§8.ex)
sati (f) = memory, mindfulness (§1.ex, §; sati-mant ‘possessing mindfulness’, mindful (§4.4.2,
§4.4.3, §7.ex)
sati (loc,f,sg, PrP of √as II ‘be’) = when … being/existing (§8.ex); imasmiṃ sati (loc abs) = when this
is existing (§9.1.1)
sati paññā ca me buddhā = mindfulness and wisdom have been known (buddhā) by me (§9.ex)
satipaṭṭhāna (n; Skt: smṛty-upasthāna) = (fourfold) application of mindfulness, abiding of mindfulness
(§, §5.ex, §5.ex, §
satipaṭṭhānesu supaṭṭhitacittā viharantiyo uḷāraṃ pubbenāparaṃ visesaṃ sañjānanti = [the nuns]
abiding with their thoughts well established in the … abiding of mindfulness perceive lofty and
progressively distinguished stages (§6.ex)
sato (adj) = mindful (§7.ex)
sato va (/eva emphatic particle; sato (adj) ‘mindful’) = very much mindful, properly mindful, ever
mindful (§1.ex)
satta (m) = sentient being (§1.4.5)
satta (num, cardinal) = seven (§
satta (PPP < √sañj I ‘adhere’) = attached, adhered (§9.ex)
satta-pada-vītihārena (adv) = making seven steps (§11.ex)
sattadhā (adv)= sevenfold, in seven ways, into seven parts (§13.ex)
sattāha-vaddalikā (nom,f,sg) = rainy weather continuing for seven days (§12.ex)
sattāhaṃ (adv; digu-samāsa) = for seven days (§12.ex)
sattama (ordinal num) = seventh (§12.ex), sattame (loc, used as adv) = on the seventh (day) (§13.ex)
sāttha (adj) = having good meaning (§3.ex)


satthar (m, ag noun. Skt: śāstṛ) = teacher (§12.4.2); nom,m,sg: satthā (§12.ex); acc,m,sg: satthāraṃ
(§12.ex); ins,m,sg: satthārā (§13.ex)
sattha-vāha (m) = caravan leader (§9.ex)
satthāraṃ (acc,m,sg, of ag noun satthar) upanissāya viharanto (nom,m,sg; PrP of viharati) = living in
dependence on the teacher (§12.ex)
satthari vā viññūsu vā sabrahmacārīsu deseti = he points out (confesses) to the teacher, or to the wise
colleagues in the spiritual life (§13.ex)
satthu-sāsanaṃ (nom,n,sg) = the teacher’s dispensation (§5.ex)
satuppādakaraṇīyameva me (sati + uppāda + karaṇīyam eva) = only that mindfulness had to be caused
to arise (aroused) by me = I had just to arouse mindfulness [in the monks] (§10.ex)
sa-upādāna (adj) = accompanied by clinging (§14.4.2)
sa-upādisesa (adj. Skt: sopadhiśeṣa) = with residue of substratum (the khandhas) (§2.1)
sa-upavajja (adj, < sa + FPP of upavadati ‘blames’, ‘criticizes’) = ‘having the blamable’, having fault,
blameworthy (§6.4.2)
sāvaka (m) = disciple, “listener” (§1.5)
Sāvatthī (f, npr) = name of a city (§3.9.1)
sāveti (3,sg; pre, caus of suṇāti < √sṛ V ‘hear’) = causes to hear, informs, pronounces (§6.ex)
savicāra (adj) = having finer thoughts (§13.ex)
savitakka (adj) = having grosser thoughts (§13.ex)
sāyaṃ (adv) = in the evening (§12.3.1)
sayha (FPP of sahati < √sah I ‘endure’) = bearable, feasible (§12.ex)
sekha (adj; m) = undergoing training; a trainee (an ariya who is not yet an arahant) (§11.1.3)
senāsana (n; < sayana + āsana) = ‘sleeping and sitting’, lodging, dwelling (§7.4.5)
Seniya Bimbisāra (m; npr) = name of the Magadhan King (§4.4.3)
seta (adj) = white (§11.ex)
seti (3,sg < √śī II ‘sleep’) = sleeps (§4.2.2)
seṭṭha (adj) = superior, best, most excellent (§2.ex, §3.9.1, §11.ex)
sevetha (3,sg; opt of sevati < √sev I ‘serve’) = he should serve, he should associate with, he should resort
to (§7.ex)
sevitabba (FPP, < √sev I ‘serve’) = should be resorted to, should be practiced, should be associated with
(§8.2.2, §12.ex)
seyyā (f) = bed (§2.ex)
seyyaṃ kappeti = lies down (§2.ex)
seyyathāpi (idiomatic phrase) = just as, for instance (§5.ex)
seyyathidaṃ (adv phrase, < seyyathā + idaṃ) = namely, as follows, that is to say (§6.2.1)
seyyo (adj; nom,m,sg; qualifying ahaṃ) = better, superior (§3.6.1)
sibbitā (nom,m,sg; of ag noun sibbitar < √siv IV ‘sew’) = sewer (§12.4.1)
sigāla (m) = jackal (§5.8.2)
Sīha (m, npr) = a name (§2.ex, §
sikkhā (f) = learning, training (§8.ex)
sikkhā-padāni (nom,n,pl) = training factors (§
sikkhassu (2,sg; ipv, āt, < √śikṣ I ‘learn’) = you train (§12.5)
sikkhati (3,sg; pre, < √śikṣ I ‘learns’) = he learns/trains (§7.ex)
sikkhema (1,pl, āt opt < √śikṣ I ‘train’) = we should train (§
sikkhissāmase (1,pl; fut āt, < √śikṣ VI ‘learn’) = we shall train (§
sikkhitabbaṃ (FPP, nom,n,sg; < √śikṣ I ‘train’) = to be trained/ should be trained (§8.1.2)
sīla (n) = ethical alignment, ethical behaviour, ethics, precept; sīlena (ins,n,sg; ins used as adv) = in
terms of, in respect of (§2.8.1, §2.ex, §3.ex)
sīlavant (adj) = possessing virtues, virtuous, ethically aligned (§4.4.3)
sīla-visuddhi (f) = purification of ethical alignment, moral purification (§14.4.2)
sīlasampanna (adj) = endow with virtues, accomplished in ethical alignment (§4.ex)
sīlasampanno ti vā … sutena vā … = “[I’m] endowed with virtues”, or “… endowed with learning”,
…. (§4.ex)

Reading Buddhist Pāli Texts

sīlavante (acc,m,pl of sīla-vant) = ‘possessing ethical alignment’, virtuous, disciplined (§4.4.3)

sīlavato … upanisasampanno hoti avippaṭisāro = One who is virtuous comes to have (hoti) non-regret
endowed with (/possessing) its cause (§9.ex)
sīlavato (dat/gen,m,sg of sīlavant ‘virtuous’) = or/of one who is virtuous (§9.ex)
Sineru (m, npr) = name of the king of mountain (§12.ex)
sineru pabbatarājā (m) = Sineru, the king of mountain (§12.ex)
siṅgālā/sigāla (nom,m,pl) = jackals (§
siṅghāṭake/singhāṭake (loc,m/n,sg) = in the square (§4.7.6)
siras (n. Declension similar to that of manas) = the head; sirasā: ins,n,sg (§6.ex)
sīsa (n) = the head, the highest part (§3.9.1, §9.1.1)
sīta (PPP < √śyai I ‘congeal’, ‘be cool’) = cooled, cool, cold (§10.ex , §13.2.1)
sīta-vāta (m) = cold-wind; sītavāta-duddinī (adj; f) = cloudy owing to cold wind (§12.ex)
sītibhaviṃsu (3,pl; aor < sīta + √bhū) = they became cool, cooled down (§10.ex)
sītibhūta (sīta + PPP of √bhū I ‘become’) = become cool, cooled down (§13.2.1)
siyā (3,sg; opt, of √as II ‘be’) = it could be, there might be (§13.ex)
so … uppādavaya-dhammaṃ attānaṃ … samanupassati yo so āha “vedanā attā” ti | (so and yo so
correlate — here, dem pron precedes the rel pron) = He … reflectively sees the Self as being … of
the nature of arising and ceasing, who says “sensation is the Self”. (= He who says “sensation is the
Self” reflectively sees the Self as …) (§6.ex)
so (nom,sg, pron) = he, that (§1.7.1, §
socati (3,sg; pre, < √śuc I ‘grieve) = grieves (§5.ex)
soḷasavassuddesika (adj; soḷasa+ vassa + uddesika) = about sixteen years old (§13.ex)
somanassa (n) = joyousness (§13.ex)
soṇa (m) = dog, wild dog (§14.ex); nom,m,pl: soṇā (§
Soṇa (m, npr) = name of a monk (§7.ex)
soṇī (f) = the buttock; a bitch (§3.9.1)
sota (n) = ear (§8.ex, §12.ex)
sotāni (nom,n,pl) = streams (§9.5.3)
sotukāma (adj, bahubbīhi; < sotuṃ (inf of √śru V ‘hear’) + kāma) = desirous of hearing, wishing to
shear (§14.ex)
sotuṃ (inf < √śru V ‘hear’. For inf, see §11.1) = to hear; iccheyyātha sotuṃ = would you wish to hear
su (= sudaṃ; ind) = an interrogative participle (§5.ex)
(s)su (ind) = emphatic particle; often functions as a pleonastic particle (§10.ex)
su- (commonly added prefix) = well, good, properly, easily, very much (§3.1.1, §4.3.3)
subha (adj) = shining, bright, beautiful (§9.3.3, §13.ex)
subhāsita (su + PPP of √bhāṣ I ‘speak’) = well spoken (§5.ex)
sūci (f) = a needle, apin (§12.4.1, §12.ex)
sudaṃ (ind; a deictic particle, mostly pleonastic. See also su) = just, even; often untranslatable (§2.
ex, §14.ex)
suddhi (f) = purity (§5.8.2)
sudesiya (FPP < caus of su-√diś VI ‘point’) = can be well-(/properly) taught (§, §8.1.1)
sudukkara (adj and n) = extremely difficult, the greatly difficult to do; extreme hardship.extreme
difficulty (§10.ex)
sugata (adj; m. PPP, < su + √gam I ‘go’) = ‘well gone’, gone to a fortunate destiny (sugati), fortunate,
faring well; the Well-gone One, the Fortunate One (§1.ex, §1.7.1, §6.ex)
sugīta (su + PPP of gayati, < √gai I ‘sing’) = well sung (§5.ex)
sūkara (m) = pig (§5.8.2)
sukha (adj) = happy, pleasant, comfortable (§1.ex, §2.9.1); sukhena (adv) = happily (§2.9.2)
sukha-āvaho (nom,m,sg; adj for dhammo) = inducing happiness, bringing about happiness (§9.2.4)
sukha-dukkha (n; dvanda-samāsa) = pleasure and pain (§12.ex)
sukha-jīvin (adj) = having a happy life, living happily (§10.ex)
sukha-kāma (adj) = desiring happiness; sukha-kāmāni (acc,n,pl) qualifies bhūtāni (§6.3.3)


sukha-ppaṭivedī (adj, nom,m,sg, < sukhappaṭivedin) = experiencing happiness (§5.ex)

sukha-vihāra (m) = state of happiness, happy abiding; sukavihāra-tara (adj; -tara is comparative suffix)
= greater state of happiness (§4.4.3)
sukha-vihārī (nom,m,sg of sukha-vihārin) = dwelling in a state of happiness (§4.6.2)
sukhakāma (adj, bahubbīhi < sukha (n) + kāma) = desirous of happiness (§14.1)
sukha (n) = happiness (§, §3.9.1)
sukhin (adj) = possessing happiness, happy; sukhino (gen,m,sg) (§4.1, §4.6)
sukhita (PPP of sukheti; denom < sukha) = happy (§5.ex)
sukhuma (adj) = fine, subtle (§13.ex)
sukka (adj) = white, bright, pure (§14.ex)
suladdhaṃ (nom,n,sg, impersonal) me (ins,1,sg, of ahaṃ) = it is well gained by me (§6.ex)
suṇāti (= suṇoti. 3,sg; pre, < √śru V ‘hear’; often conjugated like a Class IX verb) = hears (§6.2.1);
ger: sutvā (§8.ex)
Sundarikā (f; npr) = name of a river (§8.ex)
Sundarika-bhāradvāja (m; npr) = name of a Brahmin (§8.ex)
suṇeyyaṃ (1,sg; opt of suṇāti < √śru V ‘hear’) = I would listen (§7.3.5)
sunijjhāyita (PPP < √dhyai I ‘ponder’) = well reflected upon (§4.ex)
suñña (adj) = empty; suñnato (abl, used as adv) = from the perspective of being empty, as empty
suñña-āgāra (/-agāra) (n) = empty house, empty hut, empty place (§7.ex, §13.ex)
suññaṃ aduṃ titthāyatanaṃ antamaso saggūpagena pi = this community of sect is empty even of going
to heaven (§14.ex)
suññatā (f) = emptiness (§2.9.1)
suññatā-vihārena (inst,m,sg; ins used as adv) = in the manner of the emptiness state (§2.9.1)
suṇoti (= suṇāti); suṇomi (1,sg) = I hear (§5.8.2); suṇoma (1,pl) = we listen (§5.ex)
suparivitakkita (su + PPP of parivitakketi ‘fully reasons/investigates’ < √tark X ‘infer’) = well
investigated upon, well reasoned (§4.ex)
supaṭṭhita-citta (adj) = having the thoughts/mind well established (§6.ex)
sūpeyya (n) = belonging to soup, soup, curry (§5.5)
Suppiya (m, npr) = name of a person (§2.ex)
surakkhita (PPP < su- √rakṣ I 'protect') = well-protected (§7.4.5)
sūriya (m) = sun (§12.ex)
surucita (PPP < √ruc I ‘shine’, ‘be pleased’) = well-inclined towards, much desirous of (§4.ex)
sussāsaṃ (nom,m,sg; PrP of sussūsati ‘desires to hear’, desid of suṇāti < √śru V ‘hear’) = desiring to
hear (§6.3.3)
sussūsati (3,sg; pre, desid < √śru V ‘hear’) = desires to hear (§14.ex)
susukha (adj) = very happy, very pleasant.extremely happy.extremely pleasant (§1.5)
susukhaṃ (acc used as adv) = very happily (§2.9.1, §
suta (adj; n. PPP < √śru V ‘hear’) = was/has been heard (§4.3.3); learning (§; sutaṃ (nom,n,sg,
impersonal) = it was/has been heard (§4.7.8)
sutaṃ … me etaṃ brāhmaṇānaṃ … bhāsamānānam = This was heard by me when the brāhmins …
were speaking. (= I have heard this from the brahmins … “brāhhmaṇānaṃ … bhāsamānānam” can
be taken as a gen abs.) (§9.ex)
sute (loc,n,sg of PPP < √śru V ‘hear’) = in hearing, in the heard (impersonally) (§4.ex, §8.1.2)
suttanta (m) = a discourse, a sutta (§13.ex)
suttaso (adv) = chapter by chapter (§14.2)
suttato (adv) = according to the suttas (§14.2)
suvaṇṇa (adj) = of good physical appearance, beautiful (§6.ex)
sv-ānussuta (PPP < su + anussuta, < √śru V ‘hear’) = well heard/learned from hearing, well received
from tradition (§4.ex)
svākkhāta (PPP, < su + ā + √khyā II ‘be called’) = well expounded, well explained (§4.3.3)
tad agge (ind) = starting from that, since then (§10.ex)
tadā (adv) = at that time, then (§14.2)

Reading Buddhist Pāli Texts

tādī (nom,m,sg; of tādin, adj) = one like that, such a person (§11.2.3)
tādisa (adj) = such like, like that, such a, such a one, of such type (§2.ex, §4.3.3, §11.1.3)
taṃ (acc,m/n,sg) = him, that, it (§3.ex, §6.3.3)
taṃ (acc,sg of tvaṃ) = you (§7.ex)
taṃ (ind connective) = that, so, thus, then, this now, there, in this regard; no ce taṃ = if that, if then, if
in this regard (§5.5.1, §7.4.5); taṃ (conn, ind) kiṃ maññasi = Now, what do you think? (§7.ex)
tamaṃ (acc,n,sg of tama/tamo) = darkness (§4.ex)
taṇhā (f) = thirst, craving (§4.6.2)
taṇhā-saṃyojana (adj, qualifying satta) = having craving as fetter, fettered by craving (§9.ex)
taṇhā-vicaritāni (nom,n,pl) = craving-activities (§8.ex)
taṅhāyati (/taṅhīyati; denom < taṇhā + -īya-) = cravesfor, thirsts for (§4.1)
tanti (f) = string/cord (of a lute) (§7.ex)
tanutta (n, abst noun; < tanu ‘thin’ + -tta) = thinness, diminution (§5.ex)
tapa(s)/tapo (n) = asceticism, austerity (§12.ex)
tapate (3,sg; pre, āt < √tap I ‘burn’) = radiates, beams (§9.3.3)
tārakā (f) = star; tārakarūpa (n) = star, the light of the stars (§10.ex)
taranta (PrP of tarati < √tṝ I ‘cross over’) = crossing over, overstepping, trespassing (§12.ex)
tarati (3,sg; pre, √tṝ I ‘cross over’) = crosses over (§
tāreti (3,sg; pre, caus of tarati) = makes cross over, leads over, rescues (§9.ex)
taruṇa (adj) = young, tender, new, fresh (§13.ex)
taruṇa-vacchā (adj, bahubbīhi; nom,f,sg; qualifying gāvī) = (a cow) having a young calf v
tasmā (adv < abl,sg, of tad ‘that’) = ‘from that’, therefore (§2.9.3)
tassā rattiyā accayena = when the night has advanced (§5.ex)
tāta (voc,m,sg) = dear one! father! son! (§11.1.2)
tathā (ind) = in that/such manner (§
tathā-rūpa (adj) = that-form, that-type, of that kind, such (§7.4.5, §13.ex)
tathā-vidha (adj) = such, such form (§9.ex)
tathāgata (m) = ‘Thus Gone/Come One’; An epithet for the Buddha (§1.7.1)
tathāgatassa na hoti āghāto = the Tathāgata has no ill-will (§2.ex)
tathāgatena (ins,m,sg) = to/as (with) the Tathāgata (§
tathākārin (adj; kammadhāraya-samāsa) = doing in that same manner (§12.ex)
tathārūpa (adj, bahubbīhi; < tathā + rūpa) = that-form, that-type, of that kind, such, of such kind, such
a form (§6.3.3, §7.4.5, §13.ex)
tathārūpiṃ  āpattiṃ āpajjati yathārūpāya āpattiyā vuṭṭhānaṃ paññāyati (tathārūpiṃ correlates with
yathārūpāya) = he transgresses the kind of offence for which the rehabilitation is known = he
transgresses some kind of rehabilitative offence (§13.ex)
tathattāya (dat,n,sg of tathatta ‘state of being that/such’) = for such a state (§7.4.5)
tato (adv) = from that, from there, next, then, consequently (§, §14.2)
tato bhiyyo = more than that (§4.ex)
tato nidānaṃ (adv phrase) = due to that, because of that (§6.ex)
tato piyatara (adj; comparative) = dearer than that/them (§5.ex)
tatra/tattha (adv) = therein, in that context (§1.6.1, §2.5.2, §2.ex, §4.6.2, §14.2)
tatrupāya (tatra-upāya; adj) = appropriate as a means therein, serving as an appropriate means for that
tāva (ind) = to that extent, for that long (§, §7.ex)
tayo (nom,m,pl, of num ti) = three (§2.8.1, §8.ex)
te (2,ins/dat/abl/gen,sg, enclitic; of tvaṃ) = by you, to/for you, from you, of you; te evam assa (3,sg; opt,
of √as II ‘be’) = it might occur to you thus, you might think thus (§5.ex, §7.2.1, §8.1.2, §12.ex, §13.ex)
te (nom/acc,m,pl of so; dem pron) = they, them (§1.ex, §, §3.10.1, §5.ex); tesaṃ: gen/dat,m,pl
(§2.1, §2.ex, §4.ex)
tedhā (adv) = in three ways, threefold (§14.2)
tejassī (nom,m,sg, < tejas-vin) = ‘possessing fiery energy (tejas)’, powerful (§4.ex)
tela (n) = oil (§10.ex)


tena (ins,n,sg) = on that account, therefor (§6.4.2)

tena aṅgena (adv) = in that respect (§14.ex)
tena hi (idiomatic phrase) = therefor, now then (§11.ex)
tena samayena (ins used as adv) = At that time (§3.4.1)
tesaṃ accayena (adv phrase) = after their passing away (§13.ex)
thāma-vant (adj) = possessing stamina, having strength, steadfast, strong, firm (§4.ex)
thāmasā (ins,m,sg; used as adv) = firmly, strongly (§9.5.2)
thamba/thambha (m) = a tuft of grass (§13.ex)
ṭhāna (n) = place, location, locality, station, situation, case, matter, state, quality, condition, ground (§1.
ex, §11.ex)
ṭhapeti (3,sg; pre, caus of tiṭṭhati, < √sthā I ‘stand’) = causes to stand, establishes, sustains (§3.10.1)
thapetvā (ger of caus < √sthā I ‘stand’) = excepting (§10.ex)
thāvara (adj. Skt: sthāvara) = standing still, non-moving, stable, firm, inanimate (§14.ex)
thāvariya (n; abst noun, < thāvara) = stability, sustainability (§14.ex)
thera (adj; m) = elder, senior; an elder, a senior monk (§3.9.1)
theyya (n) = theft, stealing; theyya-saṅkhāta (adj; < theyya + PPP of saṅkharoti < sam-√kṛ) = theft-
intended, with intention of stealing (§11.ex)
ṭhiti (f) = staying, remaining, duration; ṭhitiyā (dat,f,sg) = for the staying/duration (§3.ex)
ti (/iti) (ind) = used like a quotation mark (it marks out a direct speech, a thought, a defintion, etc.);
thus, therefore (§1.6)
tibba (adj) = sharp, strong , intense, severe (§12.ex, §13.ex)
tīhi ṭhānehi = on three grounds, on account of three qualities, in three cases (§14.ex)
tiṇṇaṃ (gen,m/n,pl of num ti ‘three’) = of three, of the three (§3.6.1, §5.ex, §7.4.5, §8.ex)
tīra (n) = a shore, river bank (§12.ex)
tiriyaṃ (adv) = sideways, across (§12.ex)
tiro-janapadā (abl,n,sg) = from a another/foreign country (§11.1.2)
tiro-raṭṭhā (abl,n,sg) = from a another/foreign kingdom (§11.1.2)
tissannaṃ (gen,f,pl, of ti; num ) = of three (§5.ex)
tisso (nom,f,pl, of ti; num) = three (§5.ex)
titikkhati (3,sg; pre, desid < √tij X ‘sharpen’) = ‘desires to be sharp/firm’, endures (§14.ex)
tittha (n; Skt: tīrtha) = a ghat, a fording place, a ford; a dogma, a sect (§14.ex)
tittha-āyatana (n) = community of a sect, sectarian institution (§14.ex)
tu (ind; enclitic) = but, however (§4.ex)
tuccha (adj) = empty, lacking substance, hollow, vain, deserted (§4.ex); tucchā/tucchaṃ/tucchena (adv)
= in an empty way, vainly (§12.ex)
tudati (√tud VI ‘hit’) = hits (§3.2)
tuleti (3,sg; pre < √tul X ‘weigh’) = he weighs, compares; ger: tulayitvā (§8.ex)
tumula (adj) = tumultuous, noisy (§12.ex)
tuṇhī / tuṇhīṃ / tuṇhiṃ (ind) = silent, silently (§4.7.7); tuṇhī-bhūta (adj; kammadhāraya-samāsa) =
become silent, being/remaining silent (§12.ex)
tvaṃ (nom,sg, 2nd personal pron) = you (§2.8.1); tumhe: nom/acc,pl (§1.7.1); tumhākaṃ: gen,pl (§5.ex);
tuyhaṃ: dat/gen,sg (§7.2.1)
ubho (adj, pl) = both (§4.5.3)
uccā (ind) = up high, above; uccā-kulā (abl,n,sg) = high-rank family, aristocratic family (§5.ex)
ucca-avaca (adj) = ‘high and low’, big or small, major or minor, various (§11.1.2, §13.ex)
uccā-kūlīna (adj) = belonging to a high-rank family; uccākūlīna-tā (f; -tā is abst noun suffix) = the fact/
nature of being from a high-rank family (§5.ex)
ucchinna-mūlo (adj; nom,m,sg; qualifying rāgo) = with root cut off (§6.ex)
ud- (commonly added prefix) = ‘up’, ‘upwards, ‘out’, ‘off’ (§3.1.1)
udabindu (nom,n,sg) = water-drop, a drop of water; udabinduva (§9.ex)
udāharati (3,sg,pre; < ud + ā + √hṛ I ‘carry’) = utters, declares, announces, makes pronouncement (§7.
udaka (n) = water (§

Reading Buddhist Pāli Texts

udāna (n) = inspired utterance, spontaneous utterance (§10.ex)

udāneti/udānayati (3,sg; denom from udāna) = spontaneously makes an inspired utterance; udānesi:
3,sg aor (§10.ex)
udapādi (3,sg, aor pas; < ud + a (augment) + √pad I ‘go’) = it was arisen (§10.ex)
udaya-bbaya (m) = arising and ceasing (§12.ex)
udeti (3,sg; pre, < ud + √i II ‘go’) = rises up, arises; udayaṃ: nom,m,sg = rising (sun) (§4.ex)
Udāyī (nom,m,sg; npr) = name of a monk (§3.ex)
uddesa (m) = brief indication, summary statement (§4.ex)
uddesika (adj) = in the region of, about; pannarasavassuddesika (adj; pannarasa + vassa ‘year’ +
uddesika) = about fifteen years old (§13.ex)
uddhaṃ (adv) = above (§12.ex)
uddharati (3,sg; pre, < ud + √hṛ I ‘cary’) = draws out, puts away, lifts up (§3.ex)
uddisitvā (= uddissa; ger of uddisati < ud + √diś VI ‘point out’) = having pointed out (§4.ex)
uggaṇhāti (3,sg; pre, < ud + √grah IX ‘seize’. Note: grah + -nā- + ti → gaṇhāti; Skt: gṛhṇāti) = takes
up, picks up, grasps, learns (§6.2.1)
uju/ujju (adj) = straight, upright, honest, sincere (§4.ex, §5.ex, §7.ex)
ujjugata (PPP < ujju + √gam I ‘go’) = going straight, upright, sincere (§5.ex)
ujuka (adj) = straight-forward, upright, straight, honest (§6.ex)
uju-paṭipanna (uju + PPP of prati-√pad IV ‘go’ ) = practicing upright (§4.ex)
ukkaṃsati (3,sg; pre, < ut + √kṛṣ I ‘pull’; Skt: utkarṣa) = pulls up, raises.extols; attāno (acc,m,sg of
attan) ukkaṃseti (caus, 3,sg, of ukkaṃsati) = extols/lauds himself (§5.ex)
uḷara (adj) = great, lofty.excellent (§6.ex)
ullokayati/ulloketi (3,sg; pre, < ud + √lok X ‘look’) = looks up at (§9.5.3)
uṇha (adj; n/m) = hot, warm; heat, warmth (§14.ex)
upa- (commonly added prefix) = ‘closely’, ‘near to’, ‘intensely’, ‘secondary’ (§3.1.1)
-upaga (adj) = going towards, reaching, undergoing; furnished with (§6.ex, §8.3.3)
upanayati (3,sg; pre, < upa + √nī I ‘lead’) = leads to, brings near to, adduces, alludes to, cites (§5.ex)
upapajjamāna (PrP, āt < √pad IV ‘go’) = arising, being reborn (§6.ex)
upacaya (m) = accumulation, growth; pañcupādānakkhandhā upacayaṃ (acc) gacchanti = the five
clinging-aggregates come to be accumulated (lit: go into accumulation) (§6.ex)
upādā (= upādāya; ger of upādiyati < upa + ā + √dā III ‘give’) (§14.4.2)
upādāna (n) = grasping, clinging (§2.9.2)
upādāna-(k)khandhā (nom,m,pl) = aggregates of grasping (§2.9.2)
upādāya (ger of upadīyati ‘takes as source’; < upa + ā + √dā III ‘give’) = appropriating, laying hold of,
deriving/evolving from (gen); ajjhattikassa upādāya = deriving from the internal (§8.ex)
upadhi (m) = worldly possessions, acquisitions; attachment, clinging (§13.2.1)
upādiyati (3,sg; pre, < √upa + ā + √dā III ‘give’) = takes up, lays hold of clings to (§6.4.2)
upadussati (3,sg; pre, < upa + √duṣ IV ‘spoil’) = resents, hates (§3.ex)
upagamma (ger of upagacchati < upa + √gam I ‘go’) = approaching, resorting to, holding to (§4.5.3)
upahanati/upahanti (3,sg; < upa + √han II ‘strike’, ‘kill’) = strikes/kills (§10.ex)
upahaññati (3,sg, pas of upahanti < upa + √han II ‘strike’, ‘kill’) = is struck/killed; upahaññetha (3,sg;
opt, pas, āt) = it/he should be killed (§10.ex)
upahata (PPP, < upa + √han II ‘strike’, ‘killed’) = destroyed (§14.ex)
upakkamiṃsu (3,pl; aor of upakkamati < upa + √kram I ‘step’) = went into, fell upon, attacked (§10.ex)
upakkilesa (m) = defilement (§14.3.1)
upakkiliṭṭha (PPP < upa + √kliś IX ‘defile’; adj to citta) = defiled (§14.3.1)
upanayhati (3,sg; < upa + √nah IV ‘bind’. Skt upanahyati) – ties up, bears enmity towards, resents (§3.
upanisā (f; Skt: upaniṣad ‘sitting near’) = proximate cause, cause, basis; upanisa-sampanna (adj;
nom,m,sg) = possessing the proximate cause (§9.ex)
upanissāya (ger of < √śri I ‘lean on’) viharati = lives depending on, lives in dependence on (§12.ex)
upanīta (PPP of upa-nayati < √nī I ‘lead’) = has not been brought in, alluded to (§5.ex)
upanīta-vaya(s) (adj) = advanced in age (§11.ex)


upapajjati (3,sg; pre, √pad I ‘go’) = is reborn, re-arises (§2.6.2, §2.ex)

upaparikkhati (3,sg; pre, < √īkṣ I ‘look’, ‘see’) = closely (/carefully) examines (§8.ex)
uparati (f) = ceasing, cessation; vihiṃsā = injuring, hurting; vihiṃsā-uparati = ceasing of hurting (§11.
upāsaka (m) = lay devotee (§1.7.1, §3.4.1)
upasama (m) = calming, appeasement (§7.ex)
upasaṃharati (3,sg; pre, < √hṛ I ‘carry’) = directs (the mind) towards (§3.ex)
upasaṃkamitvā (ger of upasaṃkamati < upa + sam + √kram I ‘step’) = having approached (§5.ex)
upasampadā (f) = undertaking, accomplishment, final/full attainment, full ordination (as a bhikkhu)
(§2.7.1, §7.ex)
upasampajja (ger, < upa + sam + √pad IV ‘go’ + ya) = having entered into (a meditation state) (§4.5.3)
upasaṅkamanassa (dat,n,sg) = for going near (§7.4.5)
upasaṅkamati (3,sg; pre, < upa + sam + √kram I ‘step’) = goes near, approaches (§1.ex, §8.ex)
upasaṅkameyya (3,sg; opt of upasaṅkamati ‘goes completely near’, approaches; < upa + sam + √kram
I ‘step’) = one would go near (§7.4.5)
upasaṅkami (3/2,sg; aor < upa + sam + √kram I ‘step’. Note that no augment is used for this verb) =
went near to, approached (§10.ex, §13.4.1)
upasaṅkamituṃ (inf; < upa + sam + √kram I ‘step’) = to approach, to go near to (§11.1.3)
upāsare (3,pl; pre, āt, < upa + √ās II ‘sit’) = they ‘sit near’, they attend on (§14.3.1)
upatiṭṭhati (; pre, < upa + √sthā I ‘stand’) = ‘stands near’, appears in front (§
upaṭṭhāna-sālā (f) = audience hall, assembly hall (§14.ex)
upaṭṭhapeti (3,sg; pre, caus of upatiṭṭhati < upa + √sthā I ‘stand’) = ‘causes to stand near’, causes to
appear, brings into presence (§14.ex)
upaṭṭhapetvā (ger of caus < upa + √sthā I ‘stand’) = having established; parimukhaṃ satiṃ upaṭṭhapetvā
= establishing mindfulness right in front (§7.ex, §12.ex)
upāyāsa (m) = trouble, perturbance, unrest, misery (§12.ex)
upayati (3,sg; < upa + √yā II ‘go’) = goes near, approaches, performs (a sacrifice) (§9.5.3)
upekkhā-sati-pārisuddhi (f) = purity of equanimity and mindfulness (§13.ex)
upekkhaka (adj) = even-minded, equanimous (§1.7.1, §3.9.1, §4.6.2)
upeti (3,sg; pre, < upa + √i II ‘go’) = goes into (§8.ex)
uppāda (m) = arising (§1.7.1)
uppāda-vaya-dhammino (nom,m,pl) = arising-ceasing in nature (§4.ex)
uppādeti (3,sg; pre, caus < ud + √pad IV ‘go’) = causes to arise, generates, arouses (§3.ex)
uppajjamāna (PrP, āt, of uppajjati) = arising (§6.3.3)
uppajjamānaṃ uppajjati (note PrP of same verb as that which follows) = when it is actually arising,
it arises (§6.3.3)
uppajjati (3,sg; pre, √pad IV ‘go’) = is born, is reborn, arises (§3.6.1)
uppajjissatha (3,sg; condl, < ud + √pad IV ‘go’) = it would have arisen (§14.ex)
uppajjitvā (ger < uppajjati) = having arisen (§4.5.3)
uppanna-pubba (adj) = have arisen before (§8.ex)
uppattiyā (dat,f,sg) = for coming forth/(re)birth (§3.9.1)
ūru (m/f) = the thigh (§3.9.1)
Uruvelā (f; npr) = name of the town where Gotama became enlightened. Its name was later changed
to be Buddhagayā (§12.ex)
Uruvela-kassapa (m, npr) = name of the fire-worship ascetic converted by the Buddha (§11.2.3)
ussahati (3,sg; pre < ud + √sah I ‘endure’) = makes an effort; ger: ussahitvā (§8.ex)
ussukka (more correctly: ussuka; adj. Skt: utsuka) = striving, busy, active (§13.ex)
ussukkaṃ āpanna (adj) = actively engaged (§13.ex)
uttama = highest (§12.ex)
uttāna (adj) = spread out, clear, shallow (§13.2.1)
uttānī-karoti (3,sg; pre, < uttāna + √kṛ VIII ‘do’) = discloses, makes clear, reveals.explains (§13.2.1,
Uttara (m, npr) = name of a Brahmin youth (§10.ex)

Reading Buddhist Pāli Texts

uttarā-abhimukha (adj) = facing the north (§11.ex)

uttara-āsaṅga (m) = an upper or outer robe (§6.ex)
uttari-tara (adj, comparative) = more excellent, higher, better
uttariṃ (adv) = further, beyond, in addition (§13.2.1)
uṭṭhāna (n) = standing alert (§7.4.5)
uṭṭhāti/uttiṭhati/uṭṭhahati (3,sg; pre, < ud-√sthā I ‘stand’) = stands up, rises up, arises; ger: uṭṭhāya;
uṭṭhāya āsanā (abl,n,sg) = arising from the seat (§4.7.6, §6.ex)
utu (n/m) = season, time of the year (§10.ex)
uyyojana (n) = incitement, sending away; uyyojanika = instigating, dismissive (§12.ex)
uyyojanika-paṭisaṃyutta = connected with dismissing (§12.ex)
uyyojetvā (ger of caus of uyyuñjati ‘goes away’, ‘makes effort’; < ut + √yuj VII ‘yoke’) = having sent
away, having dismissed (§11.2.3)
va (ind; = eva emphatic particle) = itself, indeed, etc. (§
vā (ind; enclitic) = or (§1.6, §3.9.1)
vācā (f) = speech (§12.ex)
vācā-vikkhepa (m) = verbal equivocation (§14.ex)
vacana-patha (m) = way of speaking, manner of speech (§14.ex)
vacanīya (FPP < √vac II ‘speak’) = it should said (§8.ex); nom,n,sg, impersonal: vacanīyaṃ.
vācāvikkhepaṃ āpajjati amarāvikkhepaṃ = he gets into verbal equivocation, equivocation like a
wriggling eel (§14.ex)
vācāya (ins,f,sg of vācā) = by speech, in respect of the speech, vocally (§6.3.3)
vaccha (m) = calf (§13.ex)
vāceti (3,sg; pre, caus < √vac II ‘speak’) = ‘causes to speak’, reads out (to others), recites, teaches (§13.
vacī-duccarita (n) = vocal misconduct (§4.ex)
vāda (m) = speech, doctrine (§1.ex)
vādin (adj and noun) = ‘having an assertion/doctrine’, holding a view (§4.6)
vadati (3,sg; pre, √vad I ‘say’) = says (§1.7.1); vadāmi (1,sg; pre) = I say (§2.9.2)
vaddalikā (f; Skt: vardalikā) = rainy weather (§12.ex)
vaddeyya (3,sg, opt of vadati < √vad I ‘say’) = he would/might say (§7.4.5)
vaḍḍhati (3,sg; < √vṛdh I ‘grow’); sīlena vaḍḍhati = grows/develops in ethical alignment (§2.8.1)
vadeti (= vadati, √vad I ‘say’) = he says; vadesi (2,sg) = you say (§2.8.1)
vadha (m) = striking, killing (§9.5.3, §14.ex)
vāhasā (ind) = owing to, on account of, through; tassa kammuno vāhasā = on account of that kamma
vajjha (FPP < √vadh I ‘kill’. Skt: vadhya) = to be killed. (§12.ex)
vaka (m) = wolf (§5.8.2)
vakkhati (3,sg, fut; < √vac II ‘say’) = he will say (§7.ex)
vambha (noun: ‘despise’) + -ya-/-e- → vambheti (Skt: kutsayati) = despises (§4.1)
vambheti (3,sg; denom < vambha) = disparages, despises, reviles, scolds (§4.ex)
vaṃsañña (adj) = derived from tradition (§9.5.3)
vana (n) = forest, grove, woodland (§7.4.5); vanena vanaṃ (adv phrase = from forest to forest (§2.9.5)
vana-pattha (n) = forest wilderness (§13.ex)
vana-saṇḍe (loc,m,sg) = forest cluster/thicket (§5.6.2)
vandana (n) = veneration (§3.ex)
vaṇṇa (m. Skt: varṇa (n)) = colour, beauty, apperance, good aspects, virtue, praise (§2.ex, §3.ex, §4.2.2,
§4.ex, §9.1.1, §13.ex); vaṇṇaṃ bhāsanti = they praise (§3.ex)
vaṇṇa-nibhā (f) = physical lustre, beautiful appearance (§13.ex)
vara (m/n) = boon, wish, favour (§10.ex)
varaṃ ce me ado = if you granted me a boon (§10.ex)
vāreti (3,sg; pre, caus < √vṛ V/IX/I ‘cover’) = chases away.expels (§5.8.2)
vāsa (m) = sojourn, staying (§11.ex)
vasavattin (adj) = wielding power, having sovereignty; wielder of power (§14.ex)


vasena (ins used as adv) = by the influence of, under the dictate of (§5.5.2)
Vāseṭṭha (npr, m) = name of a Brahmin youth (§10.ex)
vasi (3,sg; aor, < √vas I ‘dwell’) = dwelt, lived. mā … vasi: here, aor is 3,sg, used as polite request
vasī (nom,m,sg, < vasin) = ‘possessing mastery (vasa)’, having power, being in control, authoritative
vassāni (nom,n,pl) = rains, years, ordination-age; asīti vassāni (adv) = for eighty years (§12.ex)
vassant (PrP of vassati, < √vṛṣ I ‘rain’) = rains; vassante (loc,m,sg; PrP) = raining; deve vassante (loc
abs) = when the rain-cloud rains down (/when rain pours down) (§11.ex)
vata/bata (ind, emphatic) = indeed, certainly, verily (§1.5, §2.ex)
vaṭṭa (n) = round, cycle, saṃsāra (§14.3.1)
vattāmi (1,sg; pre, < √vṛt I ‘turn’) = I proceed, I do (§5.5.2)
vattāro (nom,m,pl; ag noun < √vac II ‘speak’) = speakers (§12.5)
vattati (3,sg; pre, √vṛt I ‘turn’) = turns, operates, proceeds.exists (§8.ex)
vattessati (3,sg, fut < √vṛt I ‘turn’) = he will turn (§12.ex)
vattha-guyha (adj; n. guyha is FPP < √guh I ‘conceal’) = to be concealed with a cloth; the genital (§10.
vatthu (n) = object, thing, matter, entity, property, base; vatthunā (ins,n,sg) = in respect of a thing
vatthu-kata (< vatthu + PPP of < √kṛ VIII ‘do’) = made a basis (§13.2.1)
vaya (m) = decay, perishing (§4.ex, §9.ex)
vaya-dhamman (adj; dhamma here means ‘nature’) = of the nature of decay (§7.ex)
vaya-dhammin (adj) = having the nature of decay, of the nature of decay (§4.ex)
vāyamati (3,sg, pre < vi + ā + √yam I ‘give’) = strives, struggles, endeavours (§3.ex)
ve (ind; emphatic particle) = indeed, truly (§1.ex)
vedanā (f) = sensation, feeling. vedanā here is nom,f,pl; dukkhā (also nom,f,pl) qualifies vedanā (§2.7.1)
vedanīya (FPP < √vid II ‘know’) = to be/should be understood (§8.1.1)
vedehiputta (m) = son of the Queen of Vedehi (§14.ex)
vedeti (3,sg; pre, caus < √vid II ‘feel’) = feels, senses.experiences (§4.5.4)
veditabba (FPP < √vid II ‘know’) = to be/should be understood (§8.1.1)
Vehaḷiṅga (m, npr) = name of a place (§10.ex)
velā (f) = time, shore, limit, boundary (§2.ex, §10.ex)
veḷu (m) = bamboo (§4.ex)
veḷuriya (n; Skt: vaiḍūrya) = a precious stone, lapis lazuli, beryl (§9.3.3)
vepulla (n; abst noun, < vipula + -ya) = fullness, abundance (§14.ex)
vera (n) = hatred; verena (ins,n,sg) = by/with hatred (§, §3.ex)
Vesālī (npr, f) = name of city (§10.ex)
vetti (3,sg; pre, < √vid II ‘know’) = he knows (§12.ex)
veyyāvacca (n) = service, duty (§12.ex)
vi- (commonly added prefix) = ‘separate’, ‘free from’, ‘different’, ‘distinct’ (§3.1.1)
vibhajati (3,sg; < vi + √bhaj I ‘divide') = analyses.expounds (§4.ex)
vibhajitvā (= vibhajja; ger of vibhajati) = having analysed, having distinguished; avibhajitvā = without
having elaborated (§4.ex)
vibheti (/vibhāyati; 3,sg; < vi + √bhī I/III ‘fear’) = fears, is afraid (§12.ex)
vibhūsana (n) = adornment (§11.ex)
vicāra (m) = investigation.examination, subtler/finer thought (in comparison to vitakka) (§13.ex)
vicikicchati (; pre, desid < vi-√cit I ‘consider’, ‘attend to’) = hesitates, is uncertain (§14.ex)
Videha (m; npr) = name of a country, people from the Videha country (§1.7.1)
vidhāvati (3,sg, < √dhāv I ‘run’, ‘proceed’) = proceeds, move about (§13.ex)
viditvā (ger, < √vid II ‘know’) = having known (§4.ex, §6.ex)
vidū (3,pl; pf < √vid II ‘know’. Skt: viduḥ) = they knew, they know (§12.ex)
vigata-malamacchera (adj, bahubbīhi; < PPP of vi-√gam I ‘go’ + mala-macchera) = freed from the
stinginess-taint (§14.ex)

Reading Buddhist Pāli Texts

vigatūpakkilesa (adj, bahubbīhi; < vigata (PPP < vi + √gam I ‘go’) + upakilesa) = with defilements
removed (§13.ex)
vihaññati (3,sg; pas of vihanati, < vi + √han II ‘kill’. For pas, see §9.4) = is struck, is vexed, is killed
vihanti (3,sg; pre, < √han II ‘kill’) = he destroys (§4.ex)
vihāra (m) = abiding, dwelling, state; vihārin (adj, < vihāra + -in) = ‘having a dwelling’, being in a
(particular) state, dwelling in a certain state (§2.9.1, §4.6, §4.6.2)
vihāraṃ (acc,m,sg) kappeti = ‘arranges abiding’, abides, conducts one’s living (§
viharati (3,sg; pre, < vi + √hṛ I ‘carry’) = dwells, abides, remains (in a state) (§1.4.5, §3.9); vihārāmi
(1,sg; pre) = I dwell (§2.9.1)
vihareyyaṃ (1,sg; opt, < vi-√hṛ I ‘carry’) = I would dwell (§7.4.5)
vihātabba (FPP of viharati; expressed impersonally) = it should be lived/dwelt in (§8.ex)
vihesiyamāna (PrP, pas < vi + √hiṃs I/VII ‘injure’; qualifying bhikkhuṃ) = being harassed (§7.3.6)
viheṭhetha (2,pl; ipv of viheṭheti, < vi + √hīḍ/heḷ I ‘be hostile’) = let you harass; mā viheṭhetha = let you
not harass, don’t harass (§13.4.2)
vijaññā (/vijaññaṃ; opt of vijānāti < vi + √jñā IX ‘know) = one should know (§12.ex)
vijigucchamāna (PrP, āt, of vijigucchati ‘loathe’, ‘be disgusted’) = loathing, despising, being
contemptuous towards (§12.ex)
vijitāvin (PPA, < vi + √ji I ‘conquer’) = has conquered, one who has conquered (§14.ex)
vijitāvinaṃ (acc,m,sg, of vijitāvin; PPA < vi + √ji I ‘conquer’) = has conquered (§14.3.1)
vijjā (f) = knowledge (§4.ex)
vijjā-caraṇa-sampanna (adj) = fully endowed with knowledge and conduct (§4.ex)
vijjati (3,sg, pas < √vid VI ‘find’) = is found.exists (§9.ex)
vikatthati (3,sg; pre, < √kath X ‘boast’) = really boasts (§4.ex)
vikatthī (nom,m,sg of vikatthin) = particularly boastful, a real boaster (§4.ex)
vikkhepa (m; < vi + khepa. Skt: vikṣepa) = dispersion, distraction, derangement, confusion, equivocation
viloketi (3,sg; < vi + √lok X ‘look’) = looks distinctly, inspects, surveys (§11.ex)
vīmaṃsā (f) = with investigation, with examination. (§11.1.2)
vimocayaṃ (nom,m,sg; PrP of vimocayati; caus of vimuñcati < vi + √muc VI ‘release’) = liberating
vimuñcati (3,sg; pre, < vi + √muc VI ‘release’) = releases, sets free, becomes free (§6.3.3, §7.ex); PPP:
vimutta (§6.3.3)
vimutti (f) = liberation, emancipation (§3.ex)
vimutti-ñāṇadassanaṃ (nom,n,sg) = knowledge and vision of emancipation (§9.ex)
vimutti-vādā (adj, nom,m,pl; qualifying samaṇa-brāhmaṇā) = holding doctrines pertaining to
emancipation (§3.ex)
vimutta (PPP < vi + √muc VI ‘release’) = liberated; vimutto hoti (hoti has “perfective” sense) = has
been freed (§4.ex)
vīṇā (f) = lute (§7.ex)
vinā (ind) = without (§
vinaya (m) = monastic discipline, guide (§1.7.1, §5.ex)
vinaya-dhara (adj; m) = bearing the Vinaya, versed in the Vinaya, specialist in the Vinaya, bearer of
the Vinaya (§13.ex)
vinaya-vādī (nom,m,sg < vinaya-vādin ‘having speech of vinaya’) = one who makes vinaya speech
vineti (3,sg; pre < vi + √nī I ‘lead’) = guides, instructs, trains, leads, educate (§1.ex)
vinibbhujitvā  (ger of vinibbhujati < vi + ni + √bhuj VI ‘bend’) = having separated (§11.1.3);
vinibbhujitvā nānākaraṇaṃ = having made distinction/differentiation (§11.1.3)
vinipāta (m) = falling down into, destruction, place of suffering, perdition (§3.ex)
vinīta (PPP) = trained, disciplined (§14.ex)
viññāṇa (n) = consciousness, cognition (§2.ex)
viññāṇānañcāyatanaṃ (viññāṇa-ānañca-āyatanaṃ; acc,n,sg) = sphere of infinity of consciousness (§4.


viññāpa-ka (adj) = counsellor (§11.ex)
viññeyya (FPP vijānāti, < vi + √jñā IX ‘understand) = cognizable, to be cognized (i.e., objects of
consciousness) (§6.ex)
viññū (adj; m. Skt: vijña) = wise, knowledgeable; a wise one (§6.ex); ins,m,sg: viññunā (§6.ex);
ins,m,pl: viññūhi (§11.ex)
vinodeti (3,sg; pre, caus < vi + √nud VI ‘push’) = he removes (§8.2.2)
viparīta (PPP < vi + pari + √i II ‘go’) = ‘turned upside-down, topsi-turvey; viparītato (adv) = from the
topsy-turvy perspective (§8.ex)
viparīta-dassana (adj, bahubbīhi) = (one) whose visions are topsy-turvy (§13.3.5)
vipassanā (f) = clear seeing insight (§8.ex)
vippahāya (ger of vippajahati) = having abandoned, having left behind (§14.ex)
vippajahati (3,sg; pre, < vi + pra + √hā III ‘abandon’) = abandons, gives up, leaves behind (§14.ex)
vippaṭisāra (m; Skt: vipratisāra) = regret, remorse; avippaṭisāro (nom,m,sg) = non-regret (§7.3.4,
vippayoga (m) = dissociation, separation (§
vīra (adj;m) = heroic, manly; a hero (§14.3.1)
virāga (m) = detachment, absence of desire, fading away (§3.9.1, §9.ex); avijjāya … asesa-virāga-
nirodhā (abl,m,sg) = as a result of (/from) the complete detachment and cessation of ignorance (§4.
viraja (adj) = dustless, free from stain, pure (§1.5)
virajjati (3,sg; pre, < √rañj I/IV ‘be dyed’) = detaches, is detached, becomes free from greed (§3.6.1)
virājeti (3,sg; pre, caus of virajjati) = causes to be detached, sets oneself free (§3.6.1, §13.ex)
virajjituṃ (inf; < vi + √rañj II ‘be dyed’) = to become detached (§11.1.3)
viriya/vīriya (n) = vigour, energy (§1.7.1)
vīriya-samatha (m) = calming of vigour/energy (§10.ex)
virocati (3,sg; pre, < vi + √ruc I ‘shine’) = radiates, illuminates (§9.3.3)
virodha (m) = opposition, dislike (§13.ex)
virūḷhi (f) = growth, shooting forth (§14.ex)
visahati (3,sg, pre < vi + √sah I ‘endure’, ‘be able’) = is capable, dares, ventures (§7.3.5)
visāṇa (n) = the horn of an animal (§14.ex)
visati (√viś VI ‘enter’) = enters (§3.2)
visattika (adj) = attaching, clinging to, sticking (§11.1.1)
visesa (m) = distinction.excellence, difference (§6.ex)
vissajjeti (3,sg; caus of vissajjati ‘sets free’, < vi + √sṛj VI/IV ‘adhere’) = sends away, hands over,
answers (a question) (§7.3.5)
vissāsa (m) = trust, confidence (§13.3.4)
vissāsa-parama (adj; bahubbīhi, qualifying ñāti) = having trust as the highest (§13.3.4)
vissuta (PPP, < vi + √śru V ‘hear’) = widely renown, famous (§
visuddha (PPP < vi + √śudh IV ‘be pure’) = purified, pure (§3.6.1, §6.ex, §8.ex)
visuddhi (f) = purity, purification (§5.ex)
vīta-mala (adj) = taintless (§10.ex)
vitakka (m) = discursive thought, thought; reasoning, grosser thought (in comparison to vitakka) (§7.
ex, §13.ex)
vitakkayittha (2,pl; is-aor, < vi + tark X ‘infer’) = you speculated (§13.4.1)
vitakketi (3,sg; pre, < vi + √tark X ‘infer’) = reasons about, reasons, infers (§6.ex)
vītarāga (adj, bahubbīhi; < PPP of vi-√i II ‘go’ + rāga) = free from greed, detached (§
vītihāra (m) = passing over, carrying in between; pāda-vītihāra = exchange of steps, a stride (§11.ex)
vītisāreti (3,sg; pre, < vi + ati + caus of √sṛ I ‘flow’) = exchanges (greetings) (§10.ex)
vitthārena (ins used as adv) = in details (§4.ex, §6.2.1)
vivāda (m) = dispute (§5.ex)
vivāda-āpannā (adj; nom,m,pl) = engaged in disputes (§11.ex)
vivarati (3,sg, pre < vi + √vṛ V/IX/I ‘cover’) = uncover, reveal (§5.ex)

Reading Buddhist Pāli Texts

vivaṭṭati (3,sg; pre, < vi + √vṛt I ‘turn’) = evolves, unfolds.expands (§, §10.ex)
viveka = separation, solitude, seclusion (§; vivekaja (adj) = born of seclusion (§13.ex)
vivicca (ger, < vi + √vic VII ‘separate’ + ya) = having (been) separated from (§4.5.3)
vividha (adj) = various, of different forms (§9.5.3)
vivitta (PPP < vi + √vic VII ‘separate’) = separated, secluded, kept apart, free from (§6.2.1)
viyatta (adj, cf vyatta; PPP < vi + √añj VII ‘anoint’) = accomplished.experienced, distinguished (§11.
vo ullokayataṃ (gen/dat,m,pl; of PrP of ullokayati) = to you who are looking up at (or, as a gen abs:
‘when you are looking up at) (§9.5.3)
vocchijjati (3,sg; pre, pas < vi + ud + √chid VII ‘cut’) = is cut off (§14.ex)
vocchijjissatha (3,sg, pas; condl < vi + ud + √chid VII ‘cut’) = if it were to be cut off, had it been cut
off (§14.ex)
vohāra (m; < vi + avahāra) = common usage, designation, term, conventional expression, manner of
speech. (The four vohāra are “the seen”, “the heard”, “the sensed” and the cognized”) (§6.3.3)
voharati (3,sg; pre, < vi + ava + √hṛ I ‘carry’) = expresses (§9.5.2)
vokiṇṇa (PPP < vi + ava + √kṝ VI ‘strew’) = mixed; anicca-sukhadukkha-vokiṇṇaṃ (adj; acc,m,sg,
qualifying attānaṃ) = being impermanent and with happiness and unhappiness mixed (/ with
impermanent happiness and unhappiness mixed) (§6.ex)
vokkamati (3,sg; pre, < vi + ava + √kram I ‘step’) = passes away, departs, breaks off, deviates from ; ger:
vokkamma (§14.ex)
vokkamissatha (3,sg, āt; condl < vi + ava + √kram I ‘step’) = had it passed away, had it departed from,
were it to depart (§14.ex)
voloketi (3,sg; pre, < vi + ava + √lok X ‘see’) = surveys, looks down in different directions (§3.6.1)
voropessatha (3,sg; condl, < caus of vi + ava + √ruh I ‘grow’) = had he removed away, had he deprived
of, he would have deprived of (§14.ex)
voropeti (3,sg; pre; caus of vi + ava + √ruh I ‘grow’) = causes to dismount, causes to be removed,
removes, deprives (§14.ex); inf: voropetuṃ (with abl) (§11.ex)
vuccati (3,sg; pas, < √vac II ‘speak’) = is said, is called (§2.ex, §9.4)
vuddha (PPP < √vṛdh I ‘increase’) = grown, grown old, elderly (§9.ex)
vuddhi (f) = development, increase (§14.ex)
vūpakāsa (m) = seclusion, isolation (§2.ex, §3.10.1)
vūpasama (m; < vi + upa + √śam IV/I ‘be quiet’) = quiescence, allaying, calming, cessation (§1.ex,
vūpasamiṃsu (3,pl; aor, < vi + upa + √śam VI/I ‘be quiet’) = fully calmed down, were appeased (§10.
vusita (PPP < √vas I ‘live’) = has been lived (§8.1.1)
vusitavant (adj; PPA of vusita < √vas I ‘live’) = has lived (§14.3.1)
vussati (3,sg; pas of vasati, < √vas I ‘dwell’. For Pas, see §9.4) = is lived (§5.ex)
vutta-vādin (adj) = speaking what has been said, representing truly what has actually been said (§7.
ex, §12.ex)
vutta (PPP < √vac II ‘speak’) = was spoken, said (§4.ex)
vuṭṭhahitvā (ger < vi + ud + √sthā I ‘stand’) = having risen up, having emerged (from meditation) (§12.
vuṭṭhāna (n) = rise, origin, emerging, rousing, rehabilitation (§13.ex)
vuṭṭhāpetvā (ger, < caus of vi + ud + √sthā I ‘stand’) = having caused to emerge (§6.ex)
vuṭṭhāti (3,sg, pre < vi + ut + √sthā I ‘stand’) = rises up, emerges from, rehabilitates (from a transgression)
vy-anti (n) = end (§7.ex)
vyanti-kāhiti (vyanta + fut of √kṛ VIII ‘do’. See also §13.3) = he will make an end (§7.ex)
X nāma (ind) = named X, X by name (§8.1.2)
X-hetu (acc used as adv) = on account of X, by reason of X (§13.ex)
yācamāna (PrP, āt; of yācati, < √yāc I ‘request’) = begging, requesting (§13.ex)
yad idaṃ (adv phrase) = that is to say, namely (§1.ex §5.ex, §7.4.5)


yadā (adv) = at which time, when (§14.2); yadā … tadā = when …then (§
yadi (ind) = if; yadi vā = or (§2.ex)
yādisake (acc,m,pl; < yādisa ‘like which’+ ka) kāme (acc,m,pl) ohāya pabbajito … tādisake (acc,m,pl;
< tādisa ‘like that’ + ka) kāme pariyeseyyaṃ = I should seek out (tādisaka) sensual pleasures of those
types, having abandoned sensual pleasures of which type (yādisaka) I went forth (§11.ex)
yajati (; pre, < √yaj I ‘sacrifice’) = offers an oblation, sacrifices, makes an offering (§14.ex)
yajetha (3,sg; opt, āt, of yajati < √yaj I ‘sacrifice’) = he would/should offer, he would/should bestow
yajituṃ (inf < √yaj I ‘sacrifice’) = to sacrifice (§11.ex)
yakkha (m) = name of a certain group of non-human beings, sometimes regarded as spirits or ghosts
(§5.ex, §12.ex)
yaṃ (ind; sometimes with very generic sense as a conn) = that, so that, inasmuch as, as, since, if,
whereas, when, (§5.ex , §, §9.ex, §10.ex, §11.ex, §13.2.1)
yaṃ kho pana kiñci abhisaṅkhataṃ abhisañcetayitaṃ tadaniccaṃ nirodhadhammaṃ = But then,
whatever is effortfully created and volitionally constructed is impermanent and of the nature of
cessation (§6.ex)
yaṃ kiṃcit ... = whatsoever ... (§
yam p’icchaṃ na labhati = ‘what one, though wishing, does not get’ (§6.ex)
yaṃ paresaṃ assa dīgharattaṃ ahitāya dukkhāya = so that (yaṃ) there would be (assa) for others
non-welfare and suffering for a long time. (= so that it would lead to non-welfare and sufferings for
others for a long time) (§7.4.5)
yaṃ taṃ ... = whatever ..., whomever … (§
yaṃ yadeva pādaṃ uddharati, santikeva hoti vadhassa … = each step that she lifts, she is for sure close
to slaughter (§, §12.ex)
yāma (m) = a watch of the night (there are 3 watches) (§7.4.5); rattiyā (gen,f,sg) paṭhamaṃ yāmaṃ
(adv) = in the first watch of the night (§12.ex); yāmaṃ (acc used as adv) = in/during the night periods
yama (m) = the lord of death; yamassa santike (adv) = for (towards) the vicinity of Yama (§11.ex)
yaṃvipāko bhavissati = how the result will be (§7.ex)
yāna (n) = going, carriage, vehicle (§13.2.1)
yānī-kata (< yāna + PPP of √kṛ VIII ‘do’) = made a yāna (§13.2.1)
yāpana (n) = sustenance, going on (§11.ex)
yāpanīya (FPP, of caus < √yā II ‘go’) = can be caused to go, can be removed (cured) (§8.ex)
yāpeti (3,sg; pre, caus < √yā II ‘go’) = causes to go, maintains, sustains (§3.ex)
yasa/yaso (n) = fame, reputation; yaso: nom,n,sg (§4.ex, §6.ex)
yasassin (adj; Skt yaśas-vin) = ‘possessing fame’, famous (§4.ex)
yasmā (adv < abl,sg, of yad ‘which’) = ‘from which’, due to which, because (§2.9.3)
yasmiṃ samaye …, tasmiṃ samaye … (yasmin is rel pron, correlating with tasmin) = at the time when
…, at that time … (§5.ex, §6.5)
yasmiṃ tasmiṃ = in whichever place/case … (§
yassa dāni kālaṃ maññasi (idiom) = ‘for which you think it is now the time’; (gentle suggestion to
someone with you that) ‘it’s time for you to go now’, ‘you may go now if you like’ (§9.2.4)
yathā (ind) = just as, the manner in which, as, according to (§4.ex, §14.2)
yathā … tathā = in the manner that, … in that manner …; since …, therefore … (§
yathābhūtaṃ (adv) = as it truly is, truly (§4.ex, §12.2.3)
yathākkamaṃ (adv) = according to the order (§12.2.3)
yathāpariyattaṃ (adv; pariyatta is PPP of pariyāpuṇāti < pari + √āp V ‘acquire’) = as it has been
mastered (/fully learned) (§5.8.2)
yathā-sutaṃ (adv) = as it has been heard (§5.8.2)
yathābhucca (adj) = true (§6.ex)
yathākammūpaga (adj; < yathā + kamma + upaga) = going toward (destination) accordingly as the
kamma (§6.ex)
yathātaṃ (adv phrase; yathā + taṃ) = as, as it is (§13.ex)

Reading Buddhist Pāli Texts

yathāvādin (adj; kammadhāraya-samāsa) = as speaking, acording to the manner of his speech, as he

speaks (§12.ex)
yāti (3,sg, pre < √yā II ‘go’) = goes (§5.ex)
yato (rel pron, adv) = when, since, from which, because (§, §8.ex)
yato … tato … = from which … from that …; since/because … therefore … (§
yātrā (f) = going on (in life), support of life (§11.ex)
yatra/yattha (adv) = wherein (§14.2); yatra/yattha … tatra/tattha = wherein … therein … (§
yatra yatra (/yattha yattha) = wherever … (§
yāva (ind) = to which extent, so long as (§
yāva … tāva … = to which extent … to that extent …; so long as … for that long … (§
yāvadeva (adv) = only for, just to the extent of (§11.ex)
yāvañ ca (adv phrase) = and that, how much (§11.1.3)
yāvatā (adv) = to the extent that …, for as far as, so far/long as; yāvatā gaṇino loke satthavāhā pavuccare
= as many as there are teachers that are declared as caravan leaders in the world; as far as teachers
that are declared as caravan leaders in the world are concerned (§9.ex)
ye … taṃ na upanayhanti, veraṃ tesu upasammati = those who do not bear enmity to that, in them
hatred comes to be appeased (/to cease) (§3.ex)
ye keci ... = whosoever there are ... (§
yebhuyyena (adv) = mostly, almost all (§10.ex)
yena … tena … = ‘by which’ (/ on account of which, due to which) … ‘by that’ (/on that account,
therefore) (§
yena kenā’pi ... = by whatsoever (means) ... (§
yeva = (y)eva (ind) = very, only, just (§3.9.1)
yo (rel pron; nom,m,sg; correlates with so) = who (§6.3.3)
yo so ... = he who ... (§
yo yo ... = whoever ... (§
yoga-kkhema (m/n) = spiritual security. (The Pali tradition sometimes explains it as the state of peace
resulting from liberation from bondage (yoga)) (§6.ex)
yojana (n) = a measure of length, a league (§8.ex)
yoni (f) = womb; yonupapajjāmi < yoniṃ (acc,f,sg) upapajjāmi = I re-arise (I am reborn into) in a womb
yoniso (adv. Skt: yoni-śas) = fundamentally, thoroughly, as it should be, truly, properly, systematically
(§9.ex, §11.ex)
yuga (n) = yoke, a pair (what is yoked together) (§8.ex)
yuga-naddha (PPP < √nah IV ‘bind’) = yoked as a pair (§8.ex)
yugāni (nom,n,pl) = pairs (§1.ex)
yujjhati (√yudh IV ‘fight’ → yudh + ya (→ Skt: yudhyate)) = fights (§3.3)
yūpa (m) = sacrificial post; yūpa-atthāya (dat) = for the purpose of sacrificial posts (§10.ex)


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