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Assessment-2 Details

Unit Code and Title: SBM1300 Research project

Assessment 2: Unit Project – Part A

Due date: Week 6

Group/individual: Individual assignment

Word count: 4000 words

Weighting: 40%

Unit Learning Outcomes: ULO-1, ULO-2, ULO-3

Course Learning Outcomes: CLO-1, CLO-6, CLO-7, CLO-8

Graduate Attributes: GA-2, GA-9

Assignment Details:

Introduction/Literature review/Formulation of Research Methodology

In the Introduction, students are required to provide a background introduction to their

research project including their justifications/motivations for this research (What), the
significance of the study makes it unique (Why); and how this research is approached (How).
Students need to provide the hypothesis(es) or the research question(s) and sub-question(s) if
applicable that you wanted to answer.
In the Literature Review, students critically review the writings of key authors in the chosen
area with a view to developing a conceptual framework for their research and selecting a
methodology for their proposed research. Students also need to survey the latest relevant
literature for methodologies employed in related studies and critically appraise research
methodologies in relevant literature to enable the arranging of ideas into a conceptual
framework with a view to what can be utilized in this study
Students are advised to use the criteria for assessment below in writing up their reports. The
report is to be written in academic format and use Harvard for referencing.

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Asia Pacific International College Pty Ltd. Trading as Asia Pacific International College
55 Regent Street, Chippendale, Sydney 2008: 02-9318 8111
PRV12007; CRICOS 03048D
Marking Criteria and Rubric: The assessment will be marked out of 100 and will be weighted 40%
of the total unit mark

Not satisfactory Satisfactory Good Very Good Excellent

Criteria (0-49%) of the (50-64%) of the (65-74%) of the (75-84%) of the (85-100%) of the
criterion mark) criterion mark criterion mark criterion mark criterion mark
Introduction: Insufficient linking of the Acceptable linking Good linking of the Very good linking of Excellent linking of
proposed research and of the proposed proposed research the proposed the proposed
- Clear the stated specific
understanding of problem. Motivation is research with the with the stated research with the research with the
what the stated specific specific problem. stated specific stated specific
not evident in the
motivations are introduction and the problem. Motivation Motivation clearly problem. Motivation problem. Motivation
for this research significance of the study is evident in the presented in the is well presented in is well presented in
(What); introduction and the introduction and the the introduction and the introduction and
is not stated. The author
significance of the significance of the the significance of the the significance of the
- Clearly describe does not describe how study is briefly stated. study is discussed. The study is fully study is fully
why the the research is
The author’s author does describe discussed. The author discussed. The author
significance of approached.
description of the how the research is describes how the describes how the
the study makes research approach is approached in a research is to be research is to be
it unique (Why); limited. logical manner. approached in a approached in a
and logical manner. logical and succinct
Clearly describe manner.
how this research is
approached (How)
(20 marks)
The research question is The research question The research question The research question The research
Research not likely to provide a is likely to provide a is most likely to is highly probable question is very well
Question: satisfactory solution to satisfactory solution provide a
to provide a defined and is in
Clearly the specified problem. to the specified satisfactory solution
demonstrate what It has not been defined problem. It has been to the specified satisfactory strong alignment
the major research for the specific research defined for the solution to the with the conceptual
problem. It has been
question (and sub- framework. specific research defined for the specified framework. It is
question) is framework. specific research almost certain to
formulated to Problem. It has been
framework and is very
analyse the well defined and is provide a
problem/ issue/ in alignment with satisfactory
challenge the conceptual
identified. (10 solution to the
marks) specified problem.
Literature Review The research referred The research The research The research The research
: to in the report is not referred to in the referred to in the referred to in the referred to in the
the latest relevant report is the latest report is the latest report is the latest report is the latest
- Evidence of
research available and relevant research relevant research relevant research relevant research
good academic
an acceptable available and an available and a good available and a very available and an
comparison of the acceptable comparison of the good comparison of excellent
- Clear expected research comparison of the expected research the expected comparison of the
understanding findings to past expected research findings to past research findings to expected research
of findings is n o t findings to past findings is provided. past findings is findings to past
comprehensive provided. The writing findings is provided. There is evidence provided. findings is provided.
identification and the review of the The writing and the of adequate writing There is strong There is very strong
and exploration literature is limited. review of the and substantial evidence of good evidence of
of literature literature is review of the writing and excellent writing
review topics satisfactory. literature to explore substantial review and significant
related to the the research topic. of the literature to review of the

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Asia Pacific International College Pty Ltd. Trading as Asia Pacific International College
55 Regent Street, Chippendale, Sydney 2008: 02-9318 8111
PRV12007; CRICOS 03048D
challenge explore the research literature to explore
identified topic. the research topic.
- Demonstrate
the evidences
- Clear and
comparison of
the evidences
studies with
theory, critical
techniques to
any potential
summary of
Chapter 2 and
demonstrate how
the conceptual
framework is
formulated to
compliment the
objectives (25
Research Design The methodology is The methodology is The methodology is The methodology The methodology is
and not likely to provide a likely to provide a most likely to is highly probable almost certain to
Methodology): satisfactory solution to satisfactory solution provide a provide a
to provide a
the specified problem. to the specified satisfactory solution satisfactory solution
- Clear satisfactory
The research design is problem. to the specified to the specified
understanding solution to the
limited and there is no The research design problem. problem.
of the research
conceptual or is adequate and The research design specified The research design
design of this
theoretical framework there is a is appropriate to the Problem. is well thought and
project (What);
in the report. conceptual or research project and The research design is most appropriate
- Clearly describe theoretical question and there is most appropriate to the research
the significance framework in the is a conceptual or to the research project and
of the report, but this theoretical project and question question. There is a
philosophical requires further framework in the and there is a conceptual or
assumptions of work. report which conceptual or theoretical
academic provides the basis of theoretical framework which
research (Why); the data collection framework in the provides the basis of
and analysis. report which the data collection

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Asia Pacific International College Pty Ltd. Trading as Asia Pacific International College
55 Regent Street, Chippendale, Sydney 2008: 02-9318 8111
PRV12007; CRICOS 03048D
- Clearly provides the basis of and analysis in a
describe/explai the data collection succint manner.
n the structure and analysis.
of the research
design of this
project (How);
Clearly describe
how the research
design is
presented along
with its relevant
orientation. (25
Presentation-Written Report
Academically Inadequate academic Acceptable Good academic Very good academic Excellent
written with writing (approx. 3,500 academic writing writing (approx. writing (approx. academic writing
appropriate words) with errors in (approx. 3,500 3,500 words) with 3,500 words) with with approx. 3,
length (approx. structure and logical words) with some some errors in few errors in
expression. errors in structure structure and structure and 500 words and
3,500 words) and
appropriate and logical expression. expression. very few errors in
structure expression. structure and
(6 mark) logical expression.
Clarity of Expression lacks clarity Acceptably Expressed well with Very well expressed Professionally
expression and with l o t o f spelling or expressed with some grammar with few errors. expressed.
correct spelling grammar errors. some spelling or errors.
and grammar grammar errors.
(4 mark)
Insufficient Harvard Harvard citing for at Harvard citing for at Mostly correct Proper Harvard citing
Correct citing and
listing provided. least fifteen authors least fifteen authors H a r v a r d citing for for over twenty
reference listing
and for listing those and for listing those twenty authors and authors and for
references with references with a for listing those listing those
(10marks )
some errors. very few errors. references references.

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Asia Pacific International College Pty Ltd. Trading as Asia Pacific International College
55 Regent Street, Chippendale, Sydney 2008: 02-9318 8111
PRV12007; CRICOS 03048D

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