Artifact 1 - Old in A New Way

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Name: _________________________
Date: __________________ Due Date: _______________

Create/ Build a media platform about the key figure that you chose from the bucket. Become
that person and post, blog, and chat about that person.
(Key figures: Harry S. Truman, Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson,
Richard M. Nixon, Gerald R. Ford, James E. Carter, Ronald W. Reagan, George H. W. Bush,
Joseph Stalin, Mikhail Gorbachev, Nikita Khrushchev, civilian from the USSR, civilian from USA,
media person.)

The Cold War: The United States of America versus the Soviet Union. The Red Scare was running
wild and people thought their friendly neighbor was out to get them. Since the end of WWII the
race to become top dog in the political world was only just getting started. With events like the
Space Race, Bay of Pigs, and the fall of the Berlin Wall, how did these events shape the people to
what we are today? Imagine yourself as one of them, documenting the events that unfold… oh
the possibilities 

1. Choose your figure.

(If you received a US President PLEASE:

 Cite images/ websites used (MLA)
 Correct Date of birth (you can put death in there 1 if they are dead, and 2 if you
do a blog do not put death.)
(If you received a USSR leader PLEASE:
 Cite images/ websites used (MLA)
 Correct Date of birth (same criteria as US President)
(If you received a media person or civilian PLEASE:
 Make up your own name/ person, date of birth, area of birth (USA or USSR), sex,
and physical appearance
 Cite images/ Websites used (MLA)

2. Do some REASEARCH about their life, the area(s)/ place(s) that they lived in, time
period/ year(s) they lived in (you can focus on a specific year too if you choose), try
to get as much information about them that will help you be this person on social

3. Choose the media format that you want to use:

 Facebook
 Twitter
 Instagram
 Website/blog (see me if you choose website)

4. Create a rough draft of what you want to do. HAND THAT IN ON: _______

5. When the final date comes, present the platform to the class of what you created in
your time of being that person.


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