CH 2 Climate Soft

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Ch.2 Climate of Pakistan

Candidates should:
• know the distribution of temperature and rainfall, including monsoon, depressions and
convectional rain.

• understand the causes of the monsoon [NB Knowledge of the causes of other types of rain is
NOT required]

• describe and explain the characteristics of the climate of the arid, semi-arid, humid and
highland regions, including seasonal variations

• know the influence of latitude and longitude on day length and climate
• understand the influence of the climate (both the benefits it brings and the problems it causes)
on the economy and on the lives of the people

(i) the influence of low temperature, ice and snow on the lives of people in the mountains

(ii) the influence of rain storms and flooding on agriculture, industry and communications

(iii) the problems caused by drought and shortage of water supply on agriculture and industry
Basic Knowledge

Weather & Climate

The atmospheric conditions (Temperature, Humidity, Rainfall, Air Pressure and Wind---THRAW) of any
place for a short period of time is called Weather. It is not a permanent feature and may change after
sometime. For example, weather is _____________________ at present.

Climate is generalization of the day to day weather conditions over a long period of time, usually 30-35
years. It is a permanent feature of any place and may change after decades.

Climatic Zones( Areas with almost same climatic conditions)

Names of Zones and main cities and towns in the zones.

1. Highland: Gilgit, Skardu, Quetta, Muree, Naran, Kaghan etc.

2.Lowland: All major cities of Punjab and Sind

3.Arid : Kharan, Tharparkar, Khairpur Bahawalpur, Khushab

4.Coastal: Karachi, Gawadar, Pasni, Ormara, Jiwani and Sonmiani.


Types of Rainfall in Pakistan

1. Summer Monsoon rainfall---------------------July to September

2. Western Depression/Cyclonic----------------December to March

3. Convectional Rainfall-------------------------April to June and October &November

How do Summer Monsoon Winds develop and bring rainfall in Pakistan?

During the summer season, the temperature in central Pakistan (Multan Region) is high. This causes the
hot air to rise up and form a low pressure area. At the same time oceans and seas have comparatively
lower temperature. So the air pressure over the oceans and seas is higher during summer. This leads to the
movements of MONSOON WINDS from sea to land which are moisture -laden winds and bring heavy
rainfall to the upper and lower Indus Plain from July to August.

Example from the CIE past papers:

Study the map and the rainfall distribution from July to September. [4]




• know seasonal and regional variations, and the factors contributing to them, including Western
depressions, Convectional, Thunderstorms and cyclones (typhoons)

(b) Study Fig., rainfall charts for Chitral and Lahore. Compare the amounts of rainfall for Chitral and Lahore
A from January to May:

B from June to September. [4]

(c) (i) In which months do western depressions bring rainfall to Pakistan? [1] -------------------------
(ii) Which of the cities in Fig. receives more rainfall from these western depressions? [1]-----------
(iii) Which weather systems bring rainfall from October-April?[2]______________________________

Study Fig.a bar chart showing precipitation for Peshawar.

(i) Describe the precipitation in the months from June to September. [3]

(ii) Explain how this precipitation is caused by the monsoon winds in these months.(Pg.10) [3]

(iii) Describe the precipitation in the months from October to April. [2]

(iv) Which weather systems bring this precipitation? …………………………………………… [2]

(v) Why does snow fall instead of rain in the winter? …………………………………....................

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… [2]
(a) Study the climate chart in Figure 3 for Rawalpindi.

(i) State:
(1) the maximum temperature …………………………………….

(2) the annual range of temperature ……………………………….

(3) the number of months with less than 50 mm of rainfall …………………………………(3)

(ii) Describe the pattern of rainfall throughout the year. (Discussion) (3)
(b) Explain why Karachi gets most of its rainfall in summer whereas Quetta gets most of its
.rainfall in winter. (4)


Study Fig. which shows January temperatures in Pakistan.

(i) What is the temperature at:

Karachi? .........................° C Faisalabad?…………………° C Chitral?...............................° C [3]

(ii) Do the temperatures increase or decrease:

from south to north? .................................................................................................

from east to west? ................................................................................................... [2]


Study Fig. which shows the distribution of monsoon rainfall in Pakistan.

(i) Name the areas of high rainfall A and B.

A .................................................................B...................................................................... [2]

(ii) Name the body of water that is the source of moisture for each of the monsoon
winds X and Y.

X ..........................................................................Y............................................................. [2]

Q. Explain why the lack of monsoon rainfall in the Southern Punjab and Northern Sindh causes
problems for farmers.


Climatic Zones of Pakistan


Effects of Climate
Q. Explain the influence of low temperature, ice and snow on the lives of people in the mountains.

Ans: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………....






Q. Explain the influence of rain storms and flooding on agriculture, industry and communications.

Ans: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………....






(iii) Explain the problems caused by drought and shortage of water supply on agriculture and industry

Ans: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………....





Flood [ ]
Storms [ ]
Causes of Floods:





Effects on Farmers:


Effects on Residents:


Effects on Communication:



How to reduce the flood risk?






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