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You Are the Most Important

Person on Earth
By Cynthia Clinkscales

How to Prepare For and

Help Create Heaven On Earth
This book is dedicated to YOU, the reader,
along with all of the people on this planet who are working
with courage and sacrifice to co-create a better world.

All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced

in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including
photocopying, recording or by any information storage or retrieval
system, without written permission from the author and publisher,
except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.

Copyright© 2008 by Cynthia E. Clinkscales

Table of Contents

Foreword . .......................................................................................i

Chapter One: Your Life As A Hologram......................................1

Chapter Two: The 7-Coyote Funk...............................................14

Chapter Three: Everything Happens For A Reason...................29

Chapter Four: My Religion Is Better Than Yours......................40

Chapter Five: The Fish Rots From The Head Down..................48

(Or The Higher Frequencies Create Physicality)

Chapter Six: The Power Of Discernment....................................89

Chapter Seven: You Can’t Commit Suicide..............................103

(Or Life Is Hard And Then You Go Into The Next Dimension)

Chapter Eight: How Do You “Leave” People?.........................120

Chapter Nine: Piercing The Veil...............................................127

Chapter Ten: A Giant Leap For Humankind.............................139

Poem: The Birth..........................................................................153



Knowledge, whether universal laws or observation, comes in

two basic forms, 1) reason and logic, with it’s scientific approach to
the quantification and categorization of objective phenomena, and
2) revelation and prophecy, with its approach by faith to that which
is mystifying, hidden and subjective.
Cynthia Clinkscales has provided a valuable corroboration of
these forms of knowledge. Not in their separation but together in an
interconnected web of equal parts.
With the dawn of ever increasing uncertainty, change and the
possible destruction of life as we know it, the truths, ideas and
unique perspectives contained within these pages are the equivalent
of a life raft on a sinking ship. On nearly every page is a lesson,
an example of thought, emotion or action, which, when followed
honestly, is a path within itself toward higher awareness. How
varied and simple the truths which can empower us!
Perhaps this author’s greatest contribution is her scope of
examples, ideas, topics and personal experiences ­— all of which
show that in every facet of life is a miracle waiting to happen, a path
awaiting our journey and an opportunity to rise above mediocrity
and chaos in life, to embrace with open arms, each situation as a
chance to learn and a chance to make a difference. What’s more is
the fact that there is no such thing as chance, and therefore, each
situation is learning and a difference made.
Albert Einstein once said, “There are two ways to approach life.
As if nothing were a miracle or as if everything were a miracle.”
Cynthia has thrown in everything but the kitchen sink to show
that “everything” is indeed a miracle; that the spiritual realm, with
its higher vibratory rate, is directly and increasingly connected
through your awareness to the physical realm. Gone are the days
of slow and gentle change. Now is a time when everyday life has a

“wow!”, a stunning revelation, an amazing fact. Opening before us
is a time when change is so rapid and cascading that “miraculous”
is the only term available — it will take that much “in your face”
dynamics to bring most to the conclusion of life as a miracle.
We are in a time when it becomes burdensome to ignore or
attempt escape from spiritual implications of thoughts, emotions
and actions. In a time of explosive communications of every sort
and a shrinking world, is it any wonder that we ourselves, in all our
dimensions, are increasingly connecting from the spiritual through
mental and emotional to the physical and material realities? The
veils are thinning and the higher vibratory realities are affecting the
lower vibratory realities.
In our modern age we have acquired such a degree of scientific
knowledge of the physical world that we have become nearly deaf
to the spiritual and subjective knowledge within each of us. The
parables of old seem to have lost their sacred and mystic value for
ethical and spiritual teaching. In this work you will find countless
modern parables designed to entice and elicit the subjective and
individualistic mind to provocation. This is serious brain food. You
don’t have to believe all of it, you don’t have to understand all of it.
As an individual you are subject to your own realities.
All you need to do is stimulate new thoughts, envision new
ideas and possibilities. A new paradigm in perception and personal
responsibility is awakening. For those who wish to be part of the
new world, here is a modest portrayal of how it’s done; how you
can personally bring heaven down to earth.
I often use an axiom: “People are perpetual problem solvers.”
Without some adversity, challenge or struggle to overcome, we cease
to exist; as if our state of be-ing were enmeshed within chaos and
we are designed to bring order and stability in this sluggish physical
realm. That would be a half-truth though. Yes, we learn nothing
without the challenges, adversity and struggles to overcome. But

we are also Life, Spirit, Living Mind, the very essence of “God”.
Perhaps what we are is more akin to God’s feelers, his senses
sheathed in multiple layers that reach from the very essence
of “Godness” down into our levels of spirit, mind, emotion and
physical vehicle. We are the holographic fragments of the creator
whose power manifests and flows through us to create and bring
order out of chaos on the front lines of an ever-expanding creation.
Somewhere between “Heaven and Hell”.
What we need are tools of mind, thoughts, ideas, perspectives
and insights. Not just to live richly, but to be valiant and rewarded
in our battles. We can be happier and live a more fulfilling life even
in the face of adversity.
Cynthia Clinkscales gives us a positive and enlightening spin to
an amazingly broad range of life experiences, scientific findings
and metaphysical truths — all of which are designed to assist you,
as an individual, in responsible living: to take control of thoughts
and perspectives which generate your personal reality.
If you want to be empowered then here is a useful tool. Learn
one truth now: Subtle energy is powerful and the most powerful
energy is subtle. Thought is this subtle energy. Simply change the
focus of your thought.

Michelle Griffith
A. K. A. Rachel Rains

Chapter One

Your Life As A Hologram

At a time when the Earth appears to be in great need of assistance,

and one is tempted to envision grandiose plans destined to change
the world, one first might explore the vast and undiscovered potential
of the individual human spirit. Each person plays an important
and integral role in the greater scheme of things, or divine plan.
We all are linked inextricably on many levels, and each person’s
actions affect all others holographically. As we evolve into more
dedicated, compassionate and balanced human beings, we “charge”
the universal hologram with our unique energy signatures. We are
best able to make an Earth-changing contribution when we are
impassioned and illuminated in body, mind and spirit. In this quest,
we can choose to examine every aspect of our existence, including
the physical, emotional and spiritual, with the intent of growing and
evolving to the fullest extent possible.
While charitable good works are vital and necessary, it is also
important for each individual to make progress within. When we
attain a state of peace and harmony in our daily lives, we are best able
to assist and serve humanity. Just as one vote can make a difference
in an election, the evolution of one person could affect the entire
planet by initiating a cascade reaction which might reverberate
around the world. Nonphysical connections and processes which
exist on higher levels of reality could make such an event possible.
But how could we be connected on levels beyond what we see here
in the physical world?
One theory holds that human beings exchange electrons with
everyone on the planet within a matter of weeks. Thus, each person’s
energy signature would have an effect on all others at the subatomic
level. Also, neutrinos (invisible, high-speed particles) are said to
pass through our bodies continually and become changed by the
substance of who we are.1
An intuitive who claims to see energy fields near crop circles
states that light particles from the fields adhere to passing cars. As
the cars proceed along their way, they take the particles with them,

Your Life As A Hologram

much like the spreading of pollen. 2

So there may be an actual physical interconnectedness among
all things, rather than a mere theoretical one. Much like the violin
string which resonates independently when its twin is plucked, when
we, as individuals, change our tone, that vibration will resonate
within ourselves and others. Hence, out of the realm of fantasy and
into reality comes the idea that as we heal ourselves, we heal the
All atoms and quantum particles carry their own energy
signatures, and “everything can be measured mathematically
because of the vibrational frequency each form emits.”3 The energy
signatures identified with atoms, planets and galaxies sometimes
are called the music of the spheres. One may be able to hear these
tones within oneself by listening closely in the absolute stillness for
a slight ringing sound.4
When electronic modules of differing frequencies are placed
next to each other, the module of the lower frequency will tend to
resonate to that of the higher frequency.5 One might assume that
human beings, or “biological modules,” would experience this same
effect. Author Dr. Norma Milanovich states, “Persons with higher
thoughts and vibrations stimulate others to higher thoughts without
conscious efforts being exerted.”6 If it is true that higher frequencies
change lower frequencies and that our biological signatures are
exchanged continually via electrons or other quantum particles,
then the importance of the individual cannot be overstated.
Some people believe that convincing others of one’s belief
system may be the best way to change the world. But rather than
forcing our views upon others, we could choose to become a
living example, in which our attitude and “frequency” speak for
themselves. Unsolicited advice often meets with resistance. Each
person is ready for growth and new knowledge in a timeframe
which is perfect for him or her alone. When the student is ready,

Your Life As A Hologram

the teacher indeed will appear.

THE GIFT IS YOUR PRESENCE. One of the best ways to save
the world is to become the best YOU possible. The Christian Bible
advises the following: “Let your light so shine before men, that
they may see your good works…”7 The following are additional
quotations which express these ideas.
But every person who awakens and sees the goal of life goes
through the growing pains of wanting to save humanity
instead of first saving himself! The higher powers actually
see to it that every neophyte is cured of this naïve idea.8

All must learn to love themselves FIRST, and from this

state of mind, all else flows.9

If you would desire to transform the world, transform

you. If you would desire to bring peace, bring peace into
your own heart. If you would desire to birth the Earth
in a harmonious fashion, birth you in a harmonious
Through the principle of critical mass, or the hundredth-monkey
theory (see Chapter Seven), a relatively small number of people can
affect global change. When we work on our own issues, clearing
and balancing ourselves on all levels, we form an energy matrix
for our healing and personal evolution which is accessible to all by
virtue of the holographic nature of the universe.
Our bodies and the universe exhibit certain holographic
characteristics. Present in each piece of a hologram is the
information contained within the whole – the macrocosm within
the microcosm. A single atom, with its nucleus and surrounding
electron haze, resembles a solar system with its sun and orbiting
planets. Even the vast spaces between the atoms and molecules
within our bodies could be compared to solar systems and galaxies.

Your Life As A Hologram

The existence throughout nature of the Flower of Life pattern,

popularized by physicist Drunvalo Melchizedek, and the self-
perpetuating Mandelbrot Set, which describes fractals as seen in
nature, confirm the holographic state of our reality.
Author Ken Carey writes, “Every particle of matter contains
the total information of all creation.”11 When containers of water
were placed inside crop circles and then analyzed in a laboratory,
the water molecules were found to contain patterns resembling the
crop circle designs.12
If the universe is by nature holographic, then there exists an
interconnectedness among all things which humanity has been
unable, as yet, to perceive. Author Jose Arguelles states, “Our
difficulty stems from our cultural mistake of thinking of hydrogen
atoms and stars and so forth as ‘just physical,’ and ourselves and
our psychic life as transcendent, as utterly disconnected from
the universe.”13 When we divide the space-time continuum into
arbitrary parts, and into living and non-living things, we ignore the
holographic nature of the universe.14
Referring to the human body as a hologram, author Gregg
Braden states, “The human body is a holographic matrix of cellular
information, the full compliment of which is stored within the genetic
material of each cell.”15 The complexity of the ear exemplifies the
holographic nature of the human body. Numerous acupuncture
points exist within the ear which connect to all major parts of the
body. When the points within the ear are connected, the image of a
miniature human being appears. Major parts of the body also can
be accessed through the feet, using the practice of reflexology.16
Transplant patients sometimes take on the habits and behavior of
their organ donor. There is an apparent cellular or etheric memory
in the donated organ which knows the preferences extant in the
mind of the donor.
The human brain appears to be holographic by virtue of its

Your Life As A Hologram

storage and retrieval system. The brain has the capacity to store
an incredibly vast amount of information within a relatively small
space, and scientists have no easy explanation as to how the storage
system works. Since holograms are known to possess these qualities,
describing the brain as a hologram may explain how we are able to
retain so much information and access it at will.17
The brain also displays holographic properties when it is damaged
or when portions are removed. Rat studies have shown that memories
were retained, even when large portions of the brain were absent.
One conclusion is that the “memories were not localized at specific
brain sites, but were somehow spread out or distributed throughout
the brain as a whole.”18 Similarly, when an animal’s optic nerves
were severed or the majority of the visual cortex was removed, the
animal still was able to perform visual tasks. These results do not
coincide with the premise that vision functions much like a camera,
via the projection of a photographic image.19
The holographic concept also may help to explain paranormal
phenomena, such as the near-death experience. Experiencers report
the ability to see and understand the totality of their thoughts and
experiences during their lifetimes. Some also report a connection
with universal knowledge which exists beyond their personal
life experience. It’s as if they were remembering something they
already knew, rather than acquiring new knowledge.Additionally,
experiments show that the brain’s energy field reacts to stimuli
prior to the reaction in the brain itself. This supports the notion
that the mind is in the energy field and not inside the computer-like
Opinions regarding the holographic nature of our bodies and the
universe are available from various authors and intuitives. Barbara
Marciniak believes we have encoded filaments in our blood which
“carry the entire history of all things.”21 Barbara Hand Clow speaks
of coded holograms, or “galactic morphogenic fields,” in our bodies

Your Life As A Hologram

and cellular memory which contains “all that has ever occurred
in the universe…”22 In The Keys of Enoch reference is made to
microscopic formations in platinum crystal which form “pyramid
shapes of Light.” Such patterns also are found in the crystal forms
of blood. These shapes are said to exist in all things, from atoms to
stars, and “in every vibration of consciousness flow.”23
Author Michael Talbot notes that scientific opinion is moving
toward the idea that the universe is like a giant hologram, in
which everything from electrons to stars appears only as images
projected from a different level of reality. Talbot states, “Our
brains mathematically construct objective reality by interpreting
frequencies that are ultimately projections from another dimension,
a deeper order of existence that is beyond both space and time: The
brain is a hologram enfolded in a holographic universe.”24
Quantum particles also exhibit holographic properties, and their
mysterious behavior supports the contention that we are creating
reality, rather than merely discovering it. For example, electrons
and other subatomic quanta have no physical dimension and show
only a tendency to exist, as either a particle or a wave. These
quanta exhibit the properties of a particle only when they are being
observed.25,26 When we consider the fact that apparently solid,
inanimate objects are comprised of subatomic particles which can
change form and behave in a manner dependent upon the observer,
our view of the universe must expand and adapt.
Experiments with machines called random number generators
have shown that results can be affected, to a degree, by a person
who merely thinks, or wills, the desired outcome.27 Other studies
show that the expectations of those conducting the research can
affect the outcome, whether the subjects of the experiments are
animal or human.28 Therefore, if the consciousness of the observer
and participant can affect the results of an experiment, then the
structure of matter itself may contain an awareness, or consciousness,

Your Life As A Hologram

heretofore unrevealed.29
This energy of human consciousness has been revealed by the
power of thought (or prayer) in healing, as documented by writers
such as Dr. Larry Dossey. Also, Dr. Masaru Emoto has shown that
water molecules are altered by the content, or tone, of our thoughts
and feelings. In Elegant Empowerment, authored by Peggy Phoenix
Dubro, a variation on Einstein’s equation, E=mc², is proposed,
which describes the untapped power of consciousness and intent:
E=mc² · C² (C=Consciousness)30
The holographic principle of nonlocality (the idea that there is no
separation from anything) is suggested by the mysterious behavior
of photon twin particles. These photon pairs are the result of the
interaction and subsequent separation of a positron (anti-electron)
and an electron. Regardless of the distance of separation, the photon
twins are found to be in instantaneous communication with one
another, as described by physics. This would confirm either faster
than light-speed communication or that all matter is nonlocal,
existing as an integral part of the whole with no true separation,
regardless of distance. Additionally, a plasma gas, consisting of
electrons and positive ions, will organize itself in a manner showing
interconnectedness and life-affirming properties. The trillions of
particles in the gas appear to be conscious of the other particles.
Rather than the whole being merely a function of its parts, “the
behavior of the parts was actually organized by the whole.”31
Michael Talbot believes that the discovery of the behavior of the
photon twins altered our view of reality in a monumental way, yet
the scientific community and mass media largely ignored it. The
instantaneous relationship between the twin particles was termed
a correlation, rather than a connection or communication. Talbot
believes that physicists have some difficulty in forming conclusions
beyond the specific results of an experiment:
They are not unlike idiot savants, individuals who

Your Life As A Hologram

possess a profound genius in one subject, but whose

intelligence and vision is merely normal when it comes
to looking beyond the narrow focus of their research.32
The existence of faster-than-light or instantaneous communication
could be an essential element in the function of the universe.
If an imperfection exists in one part of the universe, instant
communication, as opposed to an interim of light-years, may be
necessary to restore proper balance.33 Perhaps the known laws of
physics don’t apply in higher dimensions. Accepted theory states
that an object cannot travel faster than the speed of light because its
mass becomes so great as it approaches light-speed, no force can
push it farther. But this law may not apply in higher dimensions, or
frequencies, of space-time.
Scientists generally respond to cosmological questions from a
third-dimensional perspective. This is understandable, as we exist
in the third dimension, as do our tools and investigative instruments.
However, one can step outside the third-dimensional box from
time to time and consider ideas which cannot be verified by
present technology. A bridge between these two arenas of thought
is beginning to form as theoretical and technological advances
continue. Some examples of these advances are the discovery of
the mysterious behavior of quantum particles and the prediction of
eleven dimensions according to string theory.
One area of disagreement among physicists concerns the
calculation of the amount of energy existing throughout space.
Rather than being empty, space is replete with waves of energy,
and some calculations show that “every cubic centimeter of empty
space contains more energy than the total energy of all the matter
in the known universe!”34
Our existence and physicality are an integral part of this sea of
energy, and, says Michael Talbot, “despite its apparent materiality
and enormous size, the universe does not exist in and of itself, but is

Your Life As A Hologram

the stepchild of something far vaster and more ineffable.”35 Could

this ineffable something be higher dimensions of space-time and
even the force of creation itself? Author Eric Klein states, “In
reality there is only one moment and within that moment many
universes are occupying the same space in different dimensions.”36
Much like a fish in the ocean which is unable to perceive beyond
the surface, we barely may have begun to imagine the undiscovered
frontiers which lie before us.
One might wonder what the cause, or instigating factor, of a
dimensional shift might be. If it is a function of frequency, or rate
of vibration, of an object, then an increase in frequency might lead
to a higher dimensional state, and vice versa. A frequency shift
may occur most naturally at the subatomic level, as quanta already
exhibit properties of nonphysicality and may be more susceptible
to manipulation.
Author and intuitive Lee Carroll proposes that moving the
electron haze closer to the nucleus of an atom may increase the
rate of vibration.37 How to do this in the laboratory is something for
scientists to discover. However, we, as individuals, have the power
to change ourselves and our rate of vibration by the way we think,
feel, behave and maintain our physical bodies. Rather than waiting
for someone to do this for us, we can choose to begin the process
now, thereby helping ourselves and the planet. The physical,
emotional and spiritual practices discussed in this book provide
insight into how one might go about raising one’s “frequency.”
When the frequency of an object increases enough to create a
phase (dimensional) shift, the object may seem to disappear from
a third-dimensional perspective. It is in these higher-vibrational
states that faster-than-light travel may be possible. Consequently,
theories of Star Trek “warp speed” and “cloaking devices” may be
more than just science fiction.
The physical universe may be more the result of a downgrade in

Your Life As A Hologram

frequency, or implosion, from higher dimensions than an explosion,

or big bang, originating in the third dimension. What appeared
as an explosion of energy and gaseous matter in this dimension
could have been a dampening down of pure energy, or Light, from
higher dimensions. Physicality would have seemed to appear out of
nowhere. If our physical universe is only twelve to twenty billion
years old, we could be relative “children” in comparison to other
dimensions. These dimensions could have existed for eons before
us, and the forces of Creation would have existed in infinite time,
with no beginning and no end.
Questions have been raised regarding the validity of the “big
bang” theory. Scientists have found discrete walls, or massive
sections, of galaxies separated by great distances. A more uniform
pattern of dispersal might be expected according to the single bang
theory. The multiple bang theory, which proposes a series of little
bangs, has not yet become generally accepted. Perhaps it is easier to
avoid the mystery behind the origins of the big bang as long as there
is only one of them to explain. A series of creative events with no
known origins would present an even more perplexing problem.
Scientists believe that we have certain choices regarding the life
cycle of an expanding universe. The universe either expands forever
or it eventually contracts in on itself. The Urantia Book suggests
an alternative idea, called space respiration, in which a horizontal
section of space expands while a vertical section contracts, and vice
versa.38 If our section of the universe was in an expansive phase,
it might appear from our viewpoint that the entire universe (vast
beyond our ability to comprehend) would be expanding forever.
Scientists recently have discovered, from the examination
of distant supernovae, that the universe appears to be expanding
at an accelerating rate. The belief is that some unknown energy
in space is pushing against gravity, thus causing the expansion.
Therefore, eons from now this unlimited expansion would result

Your Life As A Hologram

in a separation of stars from each other so great that none would

be visible in the sky. However, if there is a system of alternating
expansion and contraction, or space respiration, these two phases
could be working together. Energy released from a section in the
phase of gravitational contraction would somehow push outward
and affect the other section in its expansion phase. Much like a
bellows in the form of a cross, pressure inward along the vertical
line of the bellows would cause expansion along the horizontal line,
and vice versa.
There is missing energy in the universe, or “dark matter,” which
scientists believe exists but cannot be accounted for in physicality.
Lee Carroll contends that this missing energy is part of a universal,
unified energy field, called the Cosmic Lattice. The lattice consists
of honeycomb-shaped, 12-sided energy cells which are purported
to extend throughout the universe. The system would be accessed
through human consciousness and the use of magnetics to obtain
energy, rapid transport and instant communication.39 For example,
the mysterious photon twin particles, which communicate instantly
regardless of the distance between them, could be using a system
such as the Cosmic Lattice.
The Cosmic Lattice also could be the source of the unknown energy
involved in the inexplicable acceleration of the expanding universe.
As the universe continues to expand beyond a level commensurate
with its creative force, a Cosmic Lattice of undetectable energy
could be pushing against gravity and increasing the expansion.40
If such systems of dark matter and dark energy exist on a higher
frequency, or dimension, of space-time, they could be undetectable
by third-dimensional instrumentation.
Scientists have proposed some intriguing theories regarding the
phenomena of gamma ray bursts. However, as the vast distances
of the bursts from Earth were confirmed, their mystery and the
inability of scientists to explain them began to unfold. In The Keys

Your Life As A Hologram

of Enoch the assertion is made that scientists aren’t using the correct
measuring devices needed to interpret the gamma pulses.41 If the
bursts are the result of activity occurring on a higher dimension, our
viewpoint could be distorted, much like a person looking through
glasses with the wrong prescription.
The inexplicable nature of the powerful gamma ray bursts was
predicted by intuitive Lee Carroll months before general media
publicity appeared. He states that some of the gamma ray activity
comes from higher-dimensional entities, called master guides, as
they travel from the far reaches of the universe to assist in Earth’s
evolution. Additionally, a massive gamma ray burst occurring
twelve billion light years away is purported to be a new creative
event, or bang. Since scientists equate the unprecedented amount
of energy released by this activity to that of the big bang, this “new
bang” idea seems somewhat plausible.42, 43
Another unconventional theory asks us to think outside the box
and view Earth not as an isolated entity but as part of a grander, more
universal process. The theory proposes that pi, the irrational number
used in circle and spherical calculations, is not a constant but varies
with the time frame, or dimension, of an object. Therefore, universal
pi would be different from Earth’s pi, and when intergalactic entities
greeted one another, they might “sing their pi” to denote their place
of origin.44
In conclusion, evidence suggests that we exist in holographic
bodies in a holographic universe, characterized by an innate
interconnectedness among all things. All matter carries its own
frequency, with higher frequencies influencing lower ones; and
subatomic particles, which determine frequency, may be influenced
by human consciousness. As citizens of the holographic universe,
we can take pride in knowing that our individual contributions
comprise an important and integral part of the cosmic whole.

Energetic Patterns As Seen By The Author
Chapter Two

The 7-Coyote Funk

We exist within a sea of discrete energies which we assimilate

and process according to our needs and abilities. Our capacity to
absorb different kinds of frequencies is determined by our level
of mastery at any given moment. As we continue along our life’s
journey, we draw toward us those energies which will assist us best
in this process.
Animals are receptive to the energetic frequencies which
surround us, and they are available to assist us when our attention
needs focusing in a particular direction. Animal medicine can be
a gentle, non-judgmental means of informing an individual that
an existing pattern or mindset needs to be shifted. If we happen
to see or come close to an animal which is outside of our normal
experience, we may wish to investigate further to discover what
message the animal brings. As we maintain our awareness of the
animal kingdom, we then are able to take advantage of the many
gifts offered by nature’s creatures.
The deer is an animal which teaches us to embrace gentleness in
the face of harshness and negativity. Deer asks us to face the darker
side of reality in a steadfast, yet kind and gentle way. Rather than
finding fault in others, one is advised to allow the energy of love
and acceptance to pave the way for the perfect solution.1
Another animal bringing a message of assistance is the rabbit.
Rabbit teaches us that fear can paralyze us and alter our present and
future. When we allow fear into our daily lives and then lack the
courage to move forward, opportunities and unique synchronicities
may be missed. Also, excessive concern over unwanted outcomes
can help to create such events in the future. Until fears are confronted
and worked through, they can establish an energy pattern which

The 7 Coyote Funk

later may manifest into reality.2

The spider is a creature which brings insight into our ability to
create and manifest in this reality. Spider is said to be symbolic of
the “infinite possibilities of creation.” We are asked to remember
that we have the power to alter our reality and that we need not
become lost in the “web of illusion” which exists in the physical
world. Alternative solutions will present themselves if we use our
personal power to create and we do not become so involved in life’s
details that we miss opportunities waiting on the outer edges of our
One day during a difficult and lengthy bout with chronic illness,
I noticed two coyote pups in the backyard. As this was an unusual
event, I decided to investigate the message which coyote might
bring. Coyote, also known as the great trickster, teaches us to learn
from our mistakes and our own self-sabotage. Most importantly,
we are told that we can’t win the battle unless we are able to laugh
at ourselves.4 For instance, if we become caught in a black hole
of our own despair and lose our sense of humor, all is lost. When
coyote appears, the message is, “Lighten up!”
I made note of this coyote message and proceeded along my way,
although I remained in a state of despair. The next day I noticed
three coyote pups in the backyard. This brought a partial smile
to my face; however, I continued along my way as before. The
following day I spotted five coyote pups in the backyard. “Okay,” I
said, with a chuckle, “I get that I’m supposed to lighten up.” But I
didn’t really lighten up and proceeded along my way as before. The
next day there were seven coyote pups in the backyard. Well, this
finally broke me. “Alright, alright, I give up!” I said, laughing out
loud. Henceforth, I tried to approach each day with a more cheerful
disposition. Since sadness and despair can impede the healing
process, it was important that I experience a shift in attitude, lest I
become trapped in a “7-coyote funk” of my own making.

The 7 Coyote Funk

Although all people are affected by ambient energies, some are

more sensitive to their environment than others. Sensitive people
can become ill due to over-excitement of the nerves when the body
tries to adapt to harsh or unfamiliar vibrational frequencies.5
Because people who are not highly sensitive often have a friend
or family member who is sensitive, it is helpful for everyone to
have some understanding of this issue. It also is important to realize
that people are built differently and that one way of being is not
necessarily better than another. We all have a part to play in this
world, and although one person’s method of contributing may be
different from another’s, both can be valued and appreciated.
Approximately 15-20 percent of the population are believed to
have sensitive nervous systems. Author Elaine Aron has popularized
the term “highly-sensitive person,” or HSP, and provides a thorough
exploration of the characteristics common to this group of people.
Following are some of the traits attributed to the HSP:
• Stressed by loud noise and crowds
• More cautious and inward thinking
• Conscientious, perfectionistic, wise
• Requires more alone time to settle, regroup
• Good fine motor skills
• Good at detecting errors and avoiding errors
• More sensitive to airborne inhalants
• Good at concentrating deeply and remaining still
• Good with languages
• Deeply affected by the moods and emotions of
• Instant awareness of moods and emotions of others
upon entering a room
• Soothed by nature
• So eager to please, may ignore own needs
• Possesses an intuitive and visionary nature6

The 7 Coyote Funk
HSP’s often choose professions which are suited to their
personality traits. These professions include artist, musician, inventor,
scholar, theologian, therapist, judge, writer, scientist and consultant.
A homemaker or full-time parent is more likely to be an HSP. This
seems reasonable, as research confirms the importance of sensitivity
in raising children.7
However, being highly sensitive is not seen as a cultural value
by everyone. Rather, it may be viewed as a defect to be overcome
or cured. Toughness and an aggressive attitude are often perceived
as the more desired qualities in modern society. The salient point is
that both personality types are needed to round out the culture, and
neither should be valued over the other. A society needs people who
are willing to explore new frontiers and defend the homeland. But
society also needs people who are able to evaluate all current and
future possibilities in a judicious manner, with the hope of avoiding
the consequences of impulsive action.8
If you are a highly-sensitive person, you may feel as if you’re
on the wrong planet. Not only are you on the right planet, but your
presence is needed and greatly appreciated. Being highly sensitive
should not be seen as a weakness, but as an essential element for the
success of any civilization. An HSP should be able to accommodate
special needs, such as requiring more alone time, without feeling
odd or inferior. He or she should know that the qualities embodied
by an HSP are a valued and integral part of life on this planet.
The earth emits its own vibrational frequency which affects, and
is affected by, all humans on this planet. As the earth ventures into
its next evolutionary phase, we will be going along for the ride. We
may experience physical and emotional reactions to the increased
frequencies as our bodies acclimate to the new energies. However,
it will be easier to adjust if we are aware of what is happening and
understand the part we play in the process. Machines which measure
random voltages at various sites around the Earth have detected

The 7 Coyote Funk

noticeable spikes in activity around events such as earthquakes,

tsunamis and Princess Diana’s death. The largest spike occurred
with the destruction of the World Trade Center on September 11,
2001. It is unclear whether the devices are recording shifts in human
consciousness, planetary frequencies or some other phenomena.
Energy pulses, measured in cycles per second, or Hertz, emanate
from the Earth at regular intervals. Over time the Earth’s pulse
has remained relatively consistent at about 8 cycles per second.
However, in recent years measurements have increased, with the
most notable increase coming in 1987. This was the year of Harmonic
Convergence, a celebrated marker for planetary evolution. Gregg
Braden believes that Earth’s pulse may continue to increase, perhaps
reaching a target frequency as high as 13 cycles per second.9
Our physical body receives coding from our electromagnetic
body and ambient electromagnetic fields. According to Braden,
these fields contain crystalline codes “that are picked up within the
genetic structure of life, the instructions providing information to
the cells allowing them to replicate consistently and repeatedly.”10
If our bodies become accustomed to receiving and processing a
particular frequency, an energy increase will be felt on some level.
Just like the electronic module which resonates to the higher-
frequency unit, our bodies seek to resonate to the higher-frequency
Earth pulse.
Even though this frequency increase is occurring gradually, some
people may experience difficulty with the new energies. As the new
frequencies come in and the older, lower frequencies move out,
one might experience a detoxification effect. Physical discomfort
and erratic, or even violent, behavior may occur. Such an effect
could be compared to the extreme example of the biblical Ark of
the Covenant, which is believed to have contained a high-frequency
life force deadly to human touch. If a person is not adequately
prepared over time for such a sudden increase, the body will be

The 7 Coyote Funk

unable to adapt to the higher energies. Perhaps as we work with

Earth’s energies and move with it along its evolutionary path, we
can transform our planetary home into a kind of “global Ark,” or
planet of enlightenment and unlimited potential.
Surrounding this planet is a framework of energy patterns called
the electromagnetic grid system. This system may exist on an
energetic plane, or frequency, which is undetectable by conventional
instrumentation, yet accessible to animals and highly-sensitive
humans. Ken Carey describes this system as follows:
An invisible field of energy around the rolling Earth, a
vibrational grid of form in essence determines which
patterns most easily materialize. A grid of intended
creation is held suspended around the world – an image
of what is to be. An order. Implicate. Becoming.11
Gregg Braden sees the grid system as a collection of grids, or
matrix, described as “a conceptual model built to understand the
framework of creation and all life contained within. The matrices
of creation are essentially holographic in nature, each cell being
whole and complete unto itself, as well as part of an even larger
whole. Within each single cell lives all the information for the entire
pattern to repeat itself again.”12
The Earth and its grid are enhanced by the frequency of humanity,
or level of consciousness. Some individuals and groups of people
travel to specific destinations to activate and balance Earth’s grid
system. Additionally, when meteors and comets come close to the
Earth they bring with them their unique energy signatures. These and
other astronomical events, such as eclipses and planetary alignments,
impart new energies to the Earth and the electromagnetic grid.
Another means of increasing Earth’s frequency may come from
the phenomena of crop circles. Analysis of circle geometry points
to a relationship to the musical scale, and musical notes are tones
of differing frequencies. It appears that crop circles have become

The 7 Coyote Funk

more complex over time, which could indicate a gradual increase

in the frequencies they bring.
We are able to receive information from the higher realms via
the planetary grid and our personal grid system. Just as all parts
of our physical bodies interconnect to comprise the whole, we are
connected to the holographic universe on the unseen, etheric level.
Dr. Norma Milanovich brings forth a description of this process:
Assimilating the higher frequencies into lower dense
matter, through the direction and will of the mind and
heart, allows the individual to raise his or her vibratory
patterns. This increased Light reveals itself in the aura
Our biological DNA may receive information from a magnetic
code system which is imprinted upon it. The code system acts as
a conduit for information from the planetary grid to our personal
biology. When there is a shift in the grid, we can receive the new
frequencies through the code system, and our consciousness is
One theory about this system of communication holds that
DNA is actually a loop, rather than a strand, and that it conducts
electromagnetic current. Scientists have discovered that DNA does
conduct electricity and that chromosomes, consisting of DNA
molecules, do end in loops.15
Metaphysical writings often state that we have at least twelve
strands of DNA. It is purported that the two known strands are
biological, and therefore visible, but that the remaining strands are
magnetic. The magnetic strands apparently assist in the programming
of the biological DNA.16 This may help to explain why magnetics
seem to play a role in the body’s health and well-being, for better
or for worse. If our DNA is part of a system of communication and
energy frequencies activated by our intent and our connection to
the cosmos, then we may have more control over our destiny than
The 7 Coyote Funk

previously thought.
I know that the grid system is more than theory or conjecture
because I have been able to connect with my personal grid for many
years. After a long period of illness, it began to appear in my mind’s
eye as a pattern of squares, much like a volleyball or badminton
net. When this visualization occurred, I experienced a tensing and
tightening of the muscles, due to the higher frequencies coming
from the grid. It takes time for the body to become accustomed
to new frequencies, and this is one example of how this process
works. Over the years, as I began an intense program of physical,
emotional and spiritual detoxification and balancing, the grid began
to evolve. The squares became more and more refined, until they
were nearly imperceptible, and the grid field appeared with a display
of brilliant, shimmering colors.
During this period of gradual refinement of my grid, I also
developed a sensitivity to astronomical events. I apparently had
become “fine tuned” to frequencies which had previously passed
me by, unable to register within my field. Perhaps the personal grid
connection completed a “circuit” which somehow “plugged me in”
to a more universal level. But I now am affected by all astronomical
events, such as the solstice, eclipses, meteor encounters, planetary
alignments and grid shifts. I also am affected by major Earth
changes, such as large earthquakes, the Indonesian tsunami in 2004
and the New Orleans hurricane of 2005. I can become a bit miserable
during these times, although I receive some relief from energetic
techniques and homeopathy. As the new, higher frequencies come
in, the body’s energy field tends to become scattered or scrambled.
This can produce physical and emotional effects, such as dizziness,
agitation, despair and flu-like symptoms. Again, it is part of a process
of detoxification and evolvement in which old energies depart and
new ones take hold. The Earth’s frequency also increases as these
kinds of events continue to unfold around the planet.

Personal Grid As Seen By The Author
The 7 Coyote Funk

Although I have not been a follower of astrology, I now know

that humans are affected to some degree by the movement of planets
and other heavenly bodies. It is this kind of connection which
makes us an integral part of the holographic universe. Those who
are working with these new energies by processing and grounding
them for the planet are helping to create a new matrix which will
grant everyone access to these new attributes. This process could be
likened to the function of an electrical transformer which modulates
and distributes incoming power from high-voltage tension lines.
Although I believed the goal of my emotional and spiritual
purification program was restoration of health, the overriding
purpose was actually about raising frequency. When we clear
patterns and energy blockages resulting from current-life traumas
and possible past-life traumas, we allow more balanced, beneficial
patterns to establish themselves. We may experience some positive
physical effects over the long term, but the ultimate result is an
increase in frequency. People who are sensitive to these energies
may experience a detoxification reaction similar to the Herxheimer
effect. This effect is known to occur during physical detoxification,
such as heavy metal detox or Candida albicans (yeast) die-off. The
body experiences a period of stress as the toxic substances are
processed out of the body. One may experience emotional or flu-
like symptoms during this time. This effect can occur on a higher
level also, as we process out old energy patterns to make way for the
new. However, the frequency shift reactions vary with the sensitivity
of the individual, and some people experience very little effect with
energetic clearing. Those of us who have severe reactions at least
can take comfort in knowing that something actually is happening.
One method of clearing energy blockages resulting from life
trauma is SER, or Somata Emotional Release. A practitioner
manipulates specific pressure points on the body to initiate the
process. Although this technique produces rapid results, extreme

The 7 Coyote Funk

emotional reactions can occur. Consequently, sensitive individuals

may wish to proceed with caution. A less intense method of energetic
cleaning and frequency enhancement is the Illumination Counseling
Process™. As emotions relating to a particular event or trauma are
brought to the surface, color imagery is used to clear blockages from
the energy field. Generally, there is a one to two week integration
period, or frequency shift, during which the old energy patterns
move out. For more information about the Illumination Counseling
Process™, contact the Aatmaani Center for Illumination, Inc. or
the Jwalan Muktika School for Illumination, currently located in
Whitefish, Montana.17
I have successfully cleared numerous energy blockages using the
Illumination Counseling Process™. Most often, emotions relating
to a blocked past trauma come up as a result of some new and current
event. This “coincidental” event brings up an array of emotions
which precisely match the past trauma. Once these emotions have
surfaced, specific colors are visualized within the body to begin the
integration period and clear the blockage. An extreme example of
this process occurred in relation to trauma I had experienced while
speaking the truth in a past life. In this current life, I developed
severe aching in my jaw and lost my voice for three days. However,
once I had completed the integration process, everything returned
to normal.
I also have felt compelled to travel to particular places on
vacation, only to discover that I needed to go there specifically to
clear a past-life trauma. Sometimes it is merely one’s presence in
an area which can bring up the necessary emotions, and then the
blocked energy patterns can be cleared. The end result is an increase
in one’s vibrational frequency.
An unusual method of increasing frequency came to me from an
indirect encounter with a dolphin. An intuitive I knew came back
from a wild-dolphin encounter carrying an “energy packet” for

The 7 Coyote Funk

me. She recalled “hearing” the dolphins discuss the approaching

humans and agree that one would take the human with the pink fins
and the other with the blue fins, etc. The “energy packet” for me
apparently included new DNA coding and assistance with personal
grid activation. I know that it contained something, because I
experienced a major frequency shift after receiving the packet.
Another unusual means of frequency shifting involved an
experience with a perfectly-cut, eight-star diamond. This type of
diamond emits a unique and powerful energy signature. Frequency
testing devices or kinesiology (muscle testing) can determine which
diamond resonates with a specific individual. Sensitive persons
should proceed with caution, as even the tiniest of eight-stars can
be quite powerful. I was advised not to take my diamond home
initially but to hold it only for a few minutes and then take a picture
of it. Supposedly, the energy from the diamond would be too strong
initially, and prolonged exposure could “blow my circuits.” This
seemed a bit silly to me, but my skepticism disappeared after I
experienced a severe frequency effect from holding the diamond
for only a short while. The effect was a disorientation similar to
the aftermath of seasickness, and it lasted well into the next day.
Over the next several months I gradually exposed myself to the
diamond picture, and I eventually was able to bring the diamond
into the house. It was necessary that I receive this new energy in
these slow, metered doses in order to prevent a serious reaction
from a frequency overdose.
The sea of energies which enfolds us brings a variety of
opportunities for our personal growth and evolution. The manner
in which we face tests and challenges helps to determine the type
of frequency enhancement we receive. Although we surely are
affected by energies beyond the physical realm, we can play an
active role in managing their effects.
These ideas were played out in an experience I once had with

The 7 Coyote Funk

etheric cord cutting. During a period of severe chronic illness, I

realized one day that my condition suddenly had worsened to
the extent that I might die. During a hasty visit to a health care
professional, a skilled medical intuitive happened to come into
the office. We had a session together, and it was determined that I
had made an unconscious prior agreement to be linked to another
person. This person and I were connected by an etheric cord and
now, as part of her dying process, she was trying to take me with
her. I made the decision that I didn’t want to leave the Earth at that
time, and the “cord” was cut in an appropriate manner. Afterward,
others remarked that before the session I had looked like “death
warmed over” and that now I had come back to life. This was an
accurate description of how I felt, and I believe that facing this
challenge helped with my personal evolvement.
We are capable of placing ourselves in a position which lowers,
rather than raises, our frequency, particularly if our behavior falls
below standards we have set or the level of mastery we have
attained. An extreme example comes from author Elisabeth Haich’s
description of her former life as a precocious Egyptian initiate. She
had reached a high level of spiritual consciousness before attaining
an appropriate level of maturity. Her own naïve behavior, which
was beneath her level of mastery, resulted in her nerve centers
being burned out. Her frequency had fallen so low that her lions,
previously docile and subservient, killed her. She also had bound
herself to her body by falling from such a high level, which caused
her consciousness to become trapped in her sarcophagus for 3,000
years.18 This does not mean that she was a “bad” person but, rather,
that she had reached a high level too rapidly and was, therefore,
likely to experience a hard fall.
As human beings, we experience a multi-faceted existence beyond
the physical level. However, we may have no conscious awareness
of our associations and contributions on the etheric planes during

The 7 Coyote Funk

our lifetime. I once heard an intuitive say to someone, “Are you the
master timekeeper?” The person addressed was quite unaware of
activities being played out on energetic levels. For example, master
timekeepers may work with karmic dissipation, activate timing
gates and assist with the incarnation of souls. As karmic balancing
occurs within ourselves and others over time, timekeepers can
facilitate the proper timing of these mechanisms on a planetary
level. There are many timekeepers and recordkeepers on this planet
who are assisting with Earth’s survival and evolution.
Barbara Marciniak writes about timekeepers who are originators of
the universal living libraries. Earth may be part of a system of libraries
which store genetic coding for the purpose of preserving lifeforms.19
This might be compared to the network of seed banks maintained on
Earth for the preservation of plant life (see Chapter Ten).
Earth’s primary recordkeepers are humans and animals. Many
people around the world carry Earth records; however, a small
number carries an entire Earth record individually. These people
serve as the anchors, or foundation, of Earth’s record system. The
records could be described as blueprints for life which set the
matrix, or template, for life as intended by the Creator. They contain
instruction sets on how to initiate and repair different kinds of
lifeforms. The blueprints contain DNA coding for all life on Earth,
including mineral coding for sand and rocks, etc. These templates
are brought in from the etheric and grounded into physicality
through the human system, which functions as a translating device.
We can receive this coding, sometimes called the Language of
Light, from the planetary grid through our personal gridwork. Such
information may degrade over time in the Earth’s grid, so it needs
to be “downloaded” to us.
Eons ago Earth’s record system may have been damaged when
low-vibrational souls sought to penetrate and alter Earth’s crystal
beds. This would have changed the frequency of the planet, allowing

The 7 Coyote Funk

for more negative energies to flow. However, the record system now
is being restored and Earth’s frequency is increasing. This is largely
due to the grid and energy work being done by people all over the
While souls generally progress over time and evolve to new
levels, some low-frequency souls do not. In rare instances it
is possible for extremely low-vibrational souls to pass on into a
different reality. Low-energy souls have a tendency to fragment
into multiple embodiments of one soul. When such a soul is no
longer viable, an event called “defragmentation” occurs. The soul
fragments are gathered and returned to the All That Is in what could
be considered a recycling process. Just as matter can neither be
created nor be destroyed, this soul energy is transformed into a
more life-sustaining form of existence.
Because of the holographic nature of our world, the occasion
of one person’s evolution is of benefit to all. As each soul is vital
to the universal whole, it is in our interests to wish that no soul be
left behind or miss an opportunity for advancement. We can choose
our thoughts, words and actions carefully, knowing that they will
impact us not only on a personal level but on a cosmological scale
as well.

Chapter Three
Everything Happens For A Reason

How much time do you spend regretting the past and worrying
about the future? Consider the concept that everything which has
occurred in our lives up to this moment has been perfect, in the
sense that it has allowed us to be exactly where we are today. It
often seems as if things are happening to us and that we have no
control over our destiny. In actuality, WE are happening to ourselves
and the world. We have a tremendous amount of untapped and
unrealized power.
Being fully present in the “now” moment in our everyday lives
is perhaps one of the most difficult challenges we face. Being in
the “now” involves the understanding that there is a purpose and
design to events as they unfold around us. When we approach all
events from a position of centeredness and balance, we are more
fully present than when we allow ourselves to experience wide
fluctuations in emotions. These fluctuations take us out of the
“now” moment and back into the cycle of regretting the past and
fearing the future.
Universal laws, according to metaphysics, define how energy
flows in the cosmos and within our personal environment. The
Law of Rhythm states that energy moves cyclically and that for
every high there is an equal and opposite low.1 Apparently, a kind
of energetic “pendulum” swings between the highs and the lows,
the positives and the negatives, and connects the two polarities to
create balance. Those wishing to work with the Law of Rhythm
would remain steady in all situations, not allowing the imposters of
tragedy and triumph to influence their centeredness.
When we have less emotional attachment to events and their
outcomes, we experience fewer mood swings and, therefore, less
pain. However, there is a fine line between emotional detachment
Everything Happens For A Reason

and an uncaring or unfeeling attitude. We must strive to maintain

our compassion and sense of connectedness, while at the same
time preventing the drama and chaos around from throwing us off
our center. This is not such an easy thing to do. But the rewards
are great when we successfully face such a difficult challenge. Dr.
Norma Milanovich brings forth the following regarding the Law of
This law separates the Masters from the Initiates, the
leaders from the followers. It is the turning point toward
Spirit and the step away from the material world of the
Third Dimension.2
One might imagine how a spiritually-evolved being, such as the
Dalai Lama, would react upon hearing that he had won the lottery
(not that he would enter it). He might smile and say, “This is very
good. This money can help many people.” Then he would return
to his meditation or study, maintaining that constant state of calm
and serenity. The excitement associated with positive events is
compelling, but we are advised that any high will be accompanied
by a compensating low.
It is perhaps even more difficult to avoid being drawn into the
lows associated with negative events. However, becoming upset
or depressed immediately when things go wrong only creates an
imbalance. More negative events will be drawn toward us to teach
us about balance and centeredness. There are times when events are
so difficult that we may just “go numb” and take the “I’ll think about
it tomorrow” attitude. When we do wait before having an emotional
reaction, we may find that within a short time the problem resolves
itself or we come up with our own solution. We also may come to
understand that it was simply for the best that events happened in
exactly that way. Then all the upset and worry turns out to have
been a waste of energy. What we can do to conserve this energy
is to make our best plans for events as we think they should occur.

Everything Happens For A Reason

Then if things happen differently, we know that we have done our

part and there was some other reason for the outcome. When we
can do this and maintain our composure on a more consistent basis,
our lives become like a walking meditation, without the volatility
of the extreme highs and lows.
The Law of Attraction states that the universe responds to the
type of energy we project, much like “a cosmic magnet that draws
to the person everything he or she focuses on or projects into the
etheric...the Higher Self is programmed to fill each void (frequency)
that has not been learned or mastered with experiences needed to
assure personal growth.”3 Consequently, we draw toward us those
experiences which will be our teacher and move us along the road
to mastery.
According to the Law of Cause and Effect, universal order
dictates that energy moves in cycles and that for every cause there
is an effect, and vice versa. Tests and challenges provide lessons
which bring balance to previous actions or current, unevolved
thought patterns. For example, we may learn to face what we fear
or what we have avoided in the past. Fear of the unknown or future
outcomes also has an effect on the flow of energy and alters the
course of our lives.4
Dr. Norma Milanovich states the following on the effect of the
will on the Law of Cause and Effect: “The will, when centered and
in alignment with the heart and mind, has the power to perform
miracles, and in these moments, to control the electron spin.”5
Additionally, an explanation of the true nature of the tests and
challenges is given:
Each test is never what it appears to be on the surface.
Tests are never the paperwork, the mannerisms of the
boss, the mate leaving, the slanderous statements made
by another. The tests are of a higher nature and they
ALWAYS concern mastery of the Universal Laws.6

Everything Happens For A Reason

Through our will and intent, we determine the challenges we

face and the level of our understanding of cosmic laws. In Elegant
Empowerment the power of intent is emphasized with a description
of etheric fibers connected to the chakras (energy centers), purported
to contain “information regarding your hopes, dreams, wishes, and
intents, and function as transmitters, which attract ‘like’ energy
unto themselves. With conscious intent you can selectively activate
or insert new hopes, dreams and wishes into these long information
fibers.”7 Thus, we can exert influence over the events which unfold
around us. We no longer need to see ourselves as hapless victims
of circumstance but, rather, as evolving spiritual beings responsible
for our own destiny.
Prior to embodiment, we design a general life plan consisting
of goals we wish to accomplish, including a series of agreements,
or contracts. These contracts consist of possible relationships with
various people and other experiences and events, which will allow
us to learn and to meet our life’s goals. It might be easier to stay
on “the other side” and lie around on an etheric beach somewhere,
but maybe we don’t do that because little would be accomplished
toward our personal advancement. Those of us brave souls who
are here may feel that the struggle, the triumph, the pain and the
adventure are all worthwhile.
How many times have you heard someone remark that things
were going so well until “such and such” happened? It seems
that just as we get things in order, the next challenge is waiting
for us, and we aren’t given any time to “rest on our laurels.” But
the tests continue to appear, and we all choose different ways to
work through these lessons. There are numerous situations which
promote learning and personal growth, including illness, accidental
injuries, emotional and relationship problems, and addictions.
A person who has a physical problem, but is secure emotionally,
shouldn’t look askance at another person who has emotional issues.

Everything Happens For A Reason

The same process of growth and learning is occurring in both people,

but it comes only in a different form. If everyone chose illness as a
learning method, we would all be sick in bed, and there would be
no one to run the planet. Because we are all different, we choose
different methods to meet our goals. This happens on a planetary
scale, allowing people to contribute their individual talents, which
combine to form a functional whole.
It is especially important for those who are ill to understand
that their contributions are just as valuable as anyone else’s. Thus,
feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness are unwarranted and
unnecessary. There may be numerous reasons for this type of
situation. One may be that a caretaker or loved one has chosen, on
some level, to learn about patience, compassion and unconditional
love. Everyone has a purpose, and everyone is perfect and worthy
just as they are. All of our achievements should be seen as “icing on
the cake,” rather than as a justification for our existence, or for ego
gratification. The unconditional love and support shown around the
world for the late actor Christopher Reeve exemplifies a new and
deeper sense of compassion for the disabled. Can we now so easily
dismiss people in wheelchairs and those with other disabilities?
Christopher had stated publicly that he once held a dismissive
attitude toward disabled people, during a film he was making. We
still have much to learn from the candor and courage displayed by
this gentle man.
We draw people and events toward us which will support our
particular view of reality. We will relive these kinds of experiences
until we are able to rise above the drama and alter our perspective
from one of victimization to that of self-empowerment. We may feel
that our intuition was wrong when we were drawn to experience a
particular event which seemed negative. However, our intuition
may have been exactly correct, as we were supposed to have
that experience in that specific way. Consequently, this can be an

Everything Happens For A Reason

unnerving and frustrating process to master. However, a change in

attitude about our experiences can create a space for a new kind
of energy to materialize, thus breaking the cycle. It is about rising
above victimhood, growing up emotionally and spiritually, and
taking responsibility for events as they unfold.
We may continue to experience events which are designed
to bring up emotions from past traumas until we acknowledge
the feelings and clear them. Some people find themselves in a
difficult personal situation and, understandably, voice their distress
and discomfort. Yet once that situation is resolved, they will do
something which places them right back in a similar situation. They
may not see the connection and believe that it is an entirely new
circumstance, merely confirming the idea that they live a life filled
with misfortune. Once we are able to see behind the superficial
drama and grasp what the situation is teaching us, we can process
it, learn from it and never have to repeat it again.
Other people can be drawn in to participate in our lessons. If
we waste our energy blaming them for unpleasant circumstances,
we miss the intrinsic value of the experience, and the situation will
repeat itself later in a different form. I remember a woman who
spoke of relentless abuse she suffered for years from her husband.
She finally realized that she did have self-worth and value and that
she didn’t have to accept this kind of treatment any longer. She
spoke from a newfound position of strength and centeredness.
Of course, abuse is undesirable, but this experience was how she
chose (from an unconscious level) to learn the profound lesson
of the value of self-respect. I learned a similar lesson when I had
environmental illness and had to assert myself to avoid unhealthy
situations. Is either learning method more shameful or less valued
than the other? They both produce the desired result of personal
growth and advancement.
I once learned a lesson related to a condition called “perfectionist

Everything Happens For A Reason

syndrome.” I was being too picky about having things go just right,
and suddenly things started going wrong one after another. The “last
straw” happened when the car lube guy spilled oil on the car, which
is not good for a chemically-sensitive person. I finally had to laugh
about it, realizing that until I changed my attitude and “chilled out,”
things would continue to go wrong. I began to wait for something
to go wrong out of curiosity and the hope for a good laugh, and then
it all just stopped. I had shifted my energy pattern and no longer
drew these events toward me.
Another lesson involved the inexplicable disappearance of
everything I sent to an insurance company. After years with no
problems, every claim I sent in was either lost or mishandled.
Others were not having this problem, and I remained frustrated
with the situation for nearly a year. I finally realized that I was
dealing with the issue of feeling “disappeared,” or unnoticed.
Shortly after I brought up these feelings and cleared the energy
pattern, the lost claims arrived in the mail with checks attached.
This type of experience has happened to me so many times that I
no longer consider these events coincidences. The lesson here was
not to learn about how to be angry at the insurance company but to
clear an energy blockage and raise my frequency. The trick is to be
able to see below the surface of these events as soon as possible,
thereby avoiding unnecessary upset.
An incident which seems almost too bizarre to be true happened
to me some years ago. Our new house was painted in a manner
which left it susceptible to mold. Before long the house was covered
with unsightly black splotches. Eventually, we were able to clean
and repaint the house properly, and this has kept the problem under
control. During this time I also started detoxifying an influenza
virus that I had contracted ten years before. I had been gravely ill
for some time with this virus and had never completely cleared it
from my system. It became known to me that the frequency of the

Everything Happens For A Reason

mold on the house was stimulating the old virus so that my body
could process it out of my system. Consequently, this apparent
fiasco actually may have helped to restore my health. What would
the ramifications have been for me if I had gone “ballistic” (I did
sort of go semi-ballistic) and started suing everyone in sight? If the
whole incident was designed, at least to some extent, for my benefit,
then lashing out at others would only create more imbalance, which
would have to be cleared or corrected at a later date.
As we begin to understand our role in the events which play
out around us, the need for revenge or hard feelings diminishes.
Forgiveness is about letting go and moving on, with the understanding
that the experience provided an opportunity for learning and
spiritual advancement. When we harbor anger or continue to feel
victimized, we are punishing only ourselves. When we have been
shaken by an event, we can learn from it, and then, at the appropriate
time, regroup and move on. If we hold on to the anger and the pain
for too long, we will be giving up our personal power. We will be
letting a person or event control our thoughts and behavior. This
lowers our frequency and affects not only us but the entire planet.
Another goal of facing tests and challenges is to bring balance
to an individual’s male and female characteristics. For example,
we may face tests which encourage us to be more aggressive, if
we have displayed weakness in some area. Other tests may help
us to learn compassion, if we have shown an uncaring attitude. In
balancing these masculine and feminine qualities, we accelerate
our steps along our evolutionary path.8 The intent of this process is
stated by Dr. Norma Milanovich:
The ultimate goal is to learn to know when to be
aggressive and when to be passive. It is to learn to know
when to speak and when to be silent. It is to learn to
know when to cry and when to hold the energy for the
perfect solution to the dilemma.9

Everything Happens For A Reason

Sometimes the best thing to do when faced with a difficult

problem is simply to stop and wait. If one remains still and holds
a sense of calm and serenity, the solution may begin to appear. If
we remain open to all possibilities with no preconceived notions
or expectations, a space is created within which the solution can
A spiritual teacher I once knew often was asked what action
should be taken to obtain spiritual enlightenment. “Do nothing!”
he would say, with an imploring, but impish grin. He meant that
calmness, stillness and deliberation can be more effective than
impatience and premature action. We can allow events to unfold
and then become active participants in the process, flowing within
the state of perfection which already exists. Consequently, there is
no need to “do” anything but become that which we already are –
In Crop Circles Revealed we find a description of the cosmic
law of perfection through imperfection. The universe is said to
maintain a state of perfect balance over a seemingly unequal and
disproportionate reality. It is this “paradigm of perfect imperfection”
which allows a seed to spring forth from the soil and which allowed
King Arthur to release the sword from the stone.10
In keeping with the concept of everything happening for a reason,
a different perspective on the problem of ozone depletion appears
in metaphysical literature. Certainly, we need to be responsible
caretakers of the Earth and its environment, but there may be some
beneficial aspects to the reduction in the ozone layer. It is purported
that the ozone holes allow a new type of energy to reach the Earth.
Ultraviolet light may be encoded with energy patterns which speed
up our evolutionary process by stimulating and repatterning brain
frequencies. The effect is similar to a homeopathic dose, preparing
us for future astronomical events by exposing us to the new
frequencies now. 11,12

Everything Happens For A Reason

This ultraviolet light also is said to help transform aggressive,

war-like attitudes which remain prevalent on Earth. Additionally,
the light aids in detoxification of chemical pollutants and reduces
their deleterious effects on all species of life. The ultraviolet rays
are described as “rays of God transmitting your being into your
awareness of beingness.”13, 14
There is an alternative perspective on the problem of global
warming as well. The claim is that as the polar ice caps melt,
an organism will emerge which will assist with our healing and
evolvement. This biological force “will evolve the planetary DNA
for the activation of the cosmic God-seed within the structure of all
entities on the planet.”15 If apparently negative situations have some
positive aspects to them, then anger and judgment would seem to
be wasteful and unnecessary expenditures of energy.
Many people believe that the government is withholding
information regarding extraterrestrial activity on Earth. It could be
said that this purported veil of secrecy is an unfair and unwarranted
abuse of power. However, an alternative view proposes that the
secrecy is a construct employed by the mass consciousness as a
protective device.16 If humanity was not ready to accept the reality
of extraterrestrial visitors, it would create such a mechanism by
which a “crack,” or trauma, to the mass consciousness could be
avoided. If this analysis regarding extraterrestrials is true, then who
should we be angry at? Ourselves? Nobody?
If everything happens for a reason, then what is the reason for
the biggest puzzlement of all – our existence here on Earth? There
are no easy answers to questions of cosmic proportion, but an
intriguing theory is proposed in The Keys of Enoch:
We are here as an experiment exploring opportunities to
achieve yet greater things being tried and tested in the
material worlds, so that the links between the upper and
lower worlds that have been forged by the Office of the

Everything Happens For A Reason

Christ may be expanded…However, in coming to Earth

each spiritual soul leaves his particular treasure, or his
share of the Treasury of the Living Light behind him in
the higher worlds which will await his return.17
In conclusion, we have explored the possibility that our life
experiences are designed for the purpose of mastery of universal
laws and that we draw to us those energies which will support
that goal. A deeper meaning behind Jesus the Christ’s request that
we love our enemies becomes clear. Such people and events may
provide the mechanism for our personal enlightenment. Without
the tests and challenges that comprise the curriculum of the Earth
school, spiritual growth might be slower or untenable.
The culmination of this process is that once our lessons have
been learned and our goals have been met, we will have no need
for opponents or conflict. We may notice that as we become more
evolved, the turmoil in our lives will abate. This is because we no
longer will be drawing these kinds of energies to us. What would
happen if this evolution occurred on a planetary scale? The final
result involves a merging of the dark and the Light and a shift in
mass consciousness which may precipitate a unique event in the
year 2012 (see Chapter Ten).

Chapter Four
My Religion Is Better Than Yours

The Dalai Lama once said that the purpose of religion is not to
argue over which one is best. Virtually all major religious belief
systems, including Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism,
Shinto, Islam and Native American spirituality, have basic principles
in common. Rather than follow the dogma, ritualism and distortions
which have resulted from human interpretations of these principles,
one could take the positive aspects from all and form a unified
belief system. Throughout history we have allowed the differences
in religions to separate us. Perhaps that period of time is now at an
end, and we can use religion, or spirituality, to unite us, rather than
as a justification for war and prejudice. Many great masters and
teachers have come here to assist in Earth’s evolution. But it was
not their intent to create disagreements and competing religions
that would use hatred and violence to destroy one another.1
When words and philosophies of a high-frequency nature are
interpreted from a third-dimensional perspective, distortions and
inaccuracies can occur. Petty fighting may break out over these
interpretations, even though the basic principles are derived
from a common source. Many democracies today are able to
accommodate successfully the principles of freedom of religion for
all citizens. However, some governments promote the persecution
and condemnation of others based solely on religious beliefs. This
fighting over who has the one, true religion or path to God results,
unfortunately, in a lower vibrational frequency for the planet.
In The Keys of Enoch we are asked to consider that “the majesty
of the Father’s creation is not locked up in any one ethnic group, any
historical program, any physical form of being Hebrew, Buddhist
or Christian…”2 Additionally, the division between science and
religion blurs with the understanding that matter consists merely of
wavelengths of differing frequencies. The next step is the realization
that “the only differences between manifestations of the spirit and
those of matter are differences of frequency, while in its essence
everything is only the manifestation of the one, single, prime source

My Religion Is Better Than Yours

of all forces, God.”3

Evidence exists in the physical realm which supports the concept
of the spiritual unification of humanity. In The Keys of Enoch the
claim is made that God’s name appears throughout our biology,
including our DNA.4 Such a reality would confirm an underlying
equality inherent to all humankind, and it also would show a lack
of preference for any specific ethnicity or belief system on the part
of the Creator.
Ancient texts reveal God’s name as Yah-Weh or Yod-He-Wod-
He, also written as YHVH (Hebrew) or YHWH (Arabic). In The
God Code Gregg Braden provides evidence of the presence of God’s
name in human DNA. Science uses numeric values to designate
the atomic mass of elements, such as hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen
and carbon. Our DNA consists of base pairs made from various
combinations of these elements. By the process of gemantria, the
assignment of numbers to the alphabet, the letters representing
God, YHVH, can be linked to these elements.5
According to Braden, our DNA code reveals this message:
God/Eternal within the body
Braden states that half of the message means literally “God/
Eternal” and the other half means “the interior of the body” or
“within the body.” Also, the number code for God’s name breaks
down to an 8, while the number for human DNA becomes a 6, due
to a difference of one letter in the code. Braden believes this tells us
that although we share some attributes of God’s name, we are not
equal to God.6
Bible texts reveal that the process of creation was stopped by
God prior to completion. We were left complete in a physical sense,
but we were given the ability to evolve spiritually and “become
perfect” through our own intent. This amounts to a virtual “mandate
to co-create,” according to Braden.7
Further evidence of the presence of God within human DNA
is given by Lee Carroll. He describes etheric, or interdimensional,
layers of DNA which contain God’s name and description. These
layers, called the Angelic Grouping, are considered to be “as divine
as God itself.”8

My Religion Is Better Than Yours

We have been encouraged, historically, to look within to discover

the meaning of life. Perhaps now this advice can be followed not
only figuratively, but literally, as we explore the most basic nature
of our essence – our DNA.
At the heart of many religions is the simple request that we
have compassion and love one another. Full comprehension and
implementation of this advice at the deepest and most profound level
would result in a transformation of our attitudes and our religious
structures. The dependency on religious leaders and institutions
as the only link to God would diminish, and religion would be
practiced more from a perspective of love than from fear. However,
an individual need not give up his or her religion and cultural
practices in order to resonate with the concept of the universality of
all spiritual beliefs. We can embody the basic principles of religious
teachings, such as integrity, kindness, morality, respect, gratitude,
service and grace, without religious doctrine which holds us back
and “clips our wings.” These constraints appear in the form of
dictates and practices which disempower us and instill fear, rather
than uplift and encourage us.
Some people who have had strict religious dictates impressed
upon them may feel compelled to reject all religious teachings,
refusing to be stifled in this manner. However, they may “throw
out the baby with the bath water,” as they reject all spirituality
or feeling of connection with a divine Creator. Those who feel
disenfranchised from their religion, or any religion, may be able
to build a new foundation of unifying beliefs which is less divisive
and more inclusive. Just because certain religious edicts and
practices may not be truth, it doesn’t follow that all spirituality is
also invalid. We need not discard all religious thought and beliefs
because of the mistakes and frailties of some religious leaders and
institutions. When we do so we are hurting ourselves more than we
are “punishing” them.
People who have had organized religion “drummed” into them
during childhood often have difficulty embracing any spiritual belief
system. The original intent of the religion can become overshadowed
by strict adherence to rituals, the meaning of which may be unclear.
I received little religious indoctrination as a child, and I was free
to form a more unified belief system over time. However, I also

My Religion Is Better Than Yours

experienced a “spiritual void” for a time, during which I had little

understanding or appreciation for the rich heritage existing among
the denominations of all religions.
During this time I attended the funeral of a relative who followed
the Greek Orthodox religion. However, since I was expecting
a typical, low-key service with a minister and a short talk, I was
unprepared for what was to follow. As we all sat in front of an
open stage, an imposing figure suddenly came bounding out from
one side. He was wearing flowing, ceremonial garments, waving
a smoke canister and chanting in a deep voice which reverberated
throughout the room. It was an impressive display and certainly got
the audience’s attention. It was also a most incredibly inappropriate
time to laugh, but it took every once of will power I had not to do
so. It was simply too difficult for me, at the time, to appreciate and
process this new and unfamiliar experience.
Looking back on this episode, I now would not view such ritual
as merely pomp and circumstance with no intrinsic value. One may
focus not on the form of a ritual but on the underlying message
of respect and reverence for all life. A ritual does not have to feel
constraining or inane if we view it as a mechanism for embracing a
rich cultural and spiritual legacy.
It is understandable why some people choose to follow religious
dictates and edicts, as all the rules are laid out for them, and they
don’t have to rely on their own powers of discernment. Organized
religion and its doctrines provide safe and easy, black and white
explanations which don’t require thinking “outside the box.”
However, in recent history, while we have been in our spiritual
“infancy,” religion could be seen as providing a link, or bridge,
between us and the higher realms. The Keys of Enoch defines
religion as follows: “Bestowed by God upon mankind, for those
unable to directly experience the Eternal Mind and exchange the
Garments of Light.”9 So religion might be seen as a useful tool or
temporary measure, which maintains a spiritual connection for us
until we are ready to move into that role.
While some may see religion as stifling to the human spirit and
as an instrument of persecution, others see it as the foundation for
human behavior and civilized society. The Urantia Book provides
an analysis of the contributions of religious institutions throughout
My Religion Is Better Than Yours

The priesthoods have done much to delay scientific
development and hinder spiritual progress, but they
have contributed to the stabilization of civilization and
to the enhancement of certain kinds of culture… It is
not denied that the priests have been a millstone about
the neck of the races, but the true religious leaders have
been invaluable in pointing the way to higher and better
The Keys of Enoch also discusses the stifling effect of religious
institutions and refers specifically to human stewardship over
scriptures and sacred documents containing divine wisdom:
Man will find within the scriptures of Light the actual
mathematical codings needed to transform matter into
consciousness Light. It will become apparent to Man
that organized religion has shown disrespect for the
ancient scientific scriptures of Light.11
Restrictive religious institutions will fall away as people become
more confident of their place and purpose in the universe. That
institutional bridge to the spiritual realms, a former arbiter of human
behavior, is undergoing a process of transformation at this time.
But all that has occurred in the past has been appropriate, as it has
brought us to the present moment. However, the next steps are up to
us. Rather than have our religious leaders dictate to us the one, true
way to God and Nirvana, we can work as partners as we search for
the ultimate answers. We have evolved beyond our former status as
spiritual children, and it is now time for us to take responsibility for
the wonder of who we are and what we can become.
Religious organizations can get caught up in rivalries with other
groups and are, therefore, vulnerable to attack. Any individual or
group which claims to have the absolute truth alienates itself from
all other thinkers. As each group becomes intent on proving that it
knows the one, true way, the original message is distorted or lost.
The Urantia Book displays this sentiment:
There can be no lasting religious peace on Urantia
[Earth] until all religious groups freely surrender all

My Religion Is Better Than Yours

their notions of divine favor, chosen people and religious

All people and groups should remain free to embrace their unique
spiritual beliefs and cultural values. It is the aura of exclusivity
and privilege which creates divisiveness. Divisiveness leads to
judgment; judgment leads to hatred; hatred leads to war; and war
leads to annihilation. As humanity grows weary of fighting, people
may begin to surrender the idea that one person’s soul or belief
system might be held in higher esteem by the Creator. We are all
most important, and also equally important. We don’t need to feel
superior to even one person on this planet; we can bask in the glory
of our magnificence purely on our own merits.
As religion continues its process of transformation, the most
successful churches and institutions may be those which encourage
personal growth and instill a sense of empowerment. Even now,
worship is becoming more about creating a sense of community
and shared values, while also allowing for independent thought and
the evolution of parishioners’ spirituality.
Another reason to attend a church or other religious structure
is to contribute to and receive the energy at that location. Many
churches, particularly in Europe, are built on power centers, or
vortices, which connect Earth energy (ley) lines. When people
congregate at these sites, their energies can enhance the frequency
at that location and the surrounding area.
If one of the purposes of religious practice is to uplift the soul,
or raise one’s vibrational frequency, then one might seek out
religious writings and ideas which do only that. Teachings which
use fear, intimidation or humiliation to achieve obeisance would
be less desirable. For example, the parables in the four gospels of
the Christian Bible teach through inspirational wisdom, and they
contain no overriding message in which “evildoers” are damned to
hell. This does not mean that there are no consequences for poor
behavior, but the intent of the parables was to “raise the bar” for
human consciousness and behavior. Rather than concentrating on
how the world should be judged or punished, we are given stories
portraying ideas which uplift humanity.
Jesus’ use of the parables as a teaching method was a masterful

My Religion Is Better Than Yours

tactic which reduced the likelihood of any future errors or distortions

regarding his original message. Rather than dictating edicts to his
followers, the parables allowed for individual contemplation and
interpretation of his teachings and were, therefore, sustainable over
Jesus may have left no writings or other works because he did
not wish to leave behind items to be worshipped. He may have
wanted us not to worship him but to be like him. The readings of
Edgar Cayce state that Jesus’ followers “forgot that he had said,
‘Follow me,’ and had urged them to do the things he had done. They
wanted to worship him instead of follow him.”13 Other metaphysical
writings also claim that Jesus wanted us to do as much as he did, and
more.14, 15 The full meaning behind the Eucharist, or Communion,
may be “You Christ.”16 Again, the message is that we can become
“Christlike” once we discover and harness our true nature.
In 1945 ancient Christian texts, called gnostic gospels, were
discovered near Naj Hammadi, Egypt. One of the texts purportedly
quotes Jesus as follows: “I became very small, so that through my
humility I might take you up to the great height, whence you had
fallen.”17 Additionally, the Christian Bible tells us that “the kingdom
of God is within you.”18 Perhaps it is time for us to recognize the
“messiahship within”19 and discard the old paradigm of messiah as
As we come of age spiritually, we will discover that the
answers will not be handed to us on a “silver platter.” We will
not need rescuing as we learn that personal responsibility and
self-empowerment produce greater rewards. We can be our own
living temple, recognizing the divine in ourselves and others, while
respecting the religious and cultural heritage of all peoples.
There has been an assumption in religious ideology that humans
are somehow inferior because we exist in physical form and have
limited spiritual connections. But there is nothing inherently wrong
with physicality. It is just another method of existing in the cosmos
as experiencers for God. It is, perhaps, a most honorable method by
virtue of its great difficulty.
We came into third-dimensional matter to experience the illusion
of separation from the Creator. Each dimension of space-time plays

My Religion Is Better Than Yours

an integral role in the function of the entire universe. Physicality

might be seen as a foundation, or fulcrum of stability, for all other
dimensions. Perhaps it was part of the Creator’s plan that all life be
necessary and needed by the whole. Consequently, there would be
no “homeless” souls or places which could be considered “lesser
than.” All are important. All are treasured. All are needed.

Chapter Five
The Fish Rots From The Head Down
(Or The Higher Frequencies Create Physicality)

The title of this chapter expresses the concept that the physical
body does not exist in a vacuum; it retains its substance from the
higher energy bodies and the sea of energies surrounding us. These
frequencies, which also include our thoughts, filter down and help
to create our physical persona. We may be unaware that this link
exists, because we have become disconnected from our bodies over
time. We can lose the ability to “tune in” to thoughts, feelings and
the ambient energies which help to determine who we are on the
physical level. We are so much more than our physical bodies, and
as we remember that, we can begin to heal and realize our true
The physical body is the organized result of subtle information
fields, or holographic energy templates, which engineer bodily
functions. Rather than the brain producing consciousness, it may be
consciousness which orders the construction of the brain.1 Although
our thoughts begin as beliefs and ideas which exist on a higher level,
established thought patterns can filter down and solidify, impacting
us on the physical level. It is probably fortunate that, at this time,
our thoughts don’t materialize immediately, as we generally do not
possess the mental discipline for such an eventuality. As we and the
Earth graduate to a higher frequency, or dimension, our thoughts
may be able to materialize into reality on a more immediate basis.
Our cells, which duplicate continually, receive their instructions
from our DNA blueprint and our thought processes, which form the
basis of our reality. We may be able to alter our basic structure by
revising our mental imaging system. Through our intent we have the
ability to activate brain cells and affect the secretion of chemicals

The Fish Rots From The Head Down

and hormones. Also, we may be affected on the quantum level by

light-encoded filaments, or energy fibers, which bring cohesion
to our physical form. These fibers are sensitive to cosmic energy
reaching the Earth, which can have a transformative effect on our
When the magnetic component of DNA is better understood, there
will be greater opportunities for healing and rejuvenation. Some
promising research has shown that DNA can be reprogrammed for
healing through the use of magnetics.4 In Elegant Empowerment
the contention is made that DNA receives, transmits and stores
photonic energy and emits photons and bio-photons. The authors
describe a system of light and energy fibers which encompass
our physical and etheric bodies and provide the framework for
our electromagnetic field and DNA coding. They call this system
the Universal Calibration Lattice. A process has been developed
which activates and balances this lattice, called the EMF Balancing
Technique®. This method purportedly helps to integrate a person’s
geometric energy patterns across differing frequencies, or
dimensions. As these subtle energy fields are balanced, light energy
can flow more efficiently through open pathways to the brain and
central nervous system. As with most energy work, results are not
always immediately apparent, but physical healings sometimes do
occur with this technique.5
Energetic medicine may affect change on a level that is
imperceptible to us because our consciousness exists predominantly
in the physical, and we have limited connection to the higher
frequencies. The earlier we begin treating illness on the energetic
level, the less likely it will be that pathologies become rooted in
the physical. In the future it may be possible to treat all illness,
especially when caught early, on the energetic level. It will be
commonplace for sensitive people and instrumentation to read
disturbances in human energy fields and then make the necessary

The Fish Rots From The Head Down

adjustments. Patient intent also will play a larger role as we begin

to connect purposefully to our entire being.
Intuitives who are able to perceive the human energy field
remark that these fields are unique to each individual, much like
a fingerprint. A device called an elecromyograph reads electrical
levels in the human energy field in cycles per second (cps). Low cps
measurements are found when a person’s concentration is focused
on the physical level. Higher readings occur with individuals who
are aligned more with the higher frequencies, such as intuitives and
mystic thinkers.6
Intuitives who can perceive the human aura often are able to
diagnose illness by analyzing abnormalities in the auric field. A
pathology or serious illness, such as cancer, may appear as a gray
or black area. Alcohol, illegal drugs and some prescription drugs
may produce cloudiness in the vibrant colors of the auric field. One
healer was able to tell from which nostril a client regularly snorted
cocaine, as that side appeared as a gray area with “etheric mucous.”
This healer also was able to see the residual effects of diagnostic
radioactive dye which had been injected into a patient’s spine ten
years earlier.7
I know that a viable human energy field exists beyond the physical
body, as I have had an “out-of-body” experience. Although I have
had some near-death experiences, they weren’t the kind where one
goes into the Light and comes back with a story to tell. I simply got
really sick a few times, nearly died and then gradually recovered.
In this case, I purposefully disconnected from my physical body,
“walked” around for a while in my energy body and then re-
merged with my physical body. Once I had successfully conducted
this experiment, I never tried to do this again, for the following
A common perception about spiritual enlightenment has been
that the goal is to raise one’s vibration enough to “ascend” into

The Fish Rots From The Head Down

a higher frequency, or dimension. Whether or not one leaves the

physical body, the Earth would be left behind, along with all of the
problems and difficulties that exist here. This is a wondrous event
for souls who are destined to do this. However, the opportunity
exists now for us to bring these frequencies into our physical bodies
here and create a dimensional shift not just for ourselves, but for the
entire planet.
Every topic in this book provides some assistance in raising
frequency for ourselves and, thereby, for our beloved Earth as well.
We can build a state of enlightenment here “from the ground up”
using our physical bodies and purposeful intent. For example, we
raise our frequency when we conduct our lives from a perspective of
love, rather than from fear or judgment. We also raise our frequency
when we clear emotional blockages, detoxify our physical bodies
and consume high-frequency food and drink. Therefore, ascending
out of the physical body may not be the ultimate goal that we could
achieve at this time.
Our state of mind has a marked effect on the tone of our vibrational
frequency. Some intriguing research has been conducted on how our
belief systems affect our general health and well-being. Mentally-
impaired individuals, who did not perceive cancer as a terminal
illness, had a much lower than average cancer rate. In another study,
the researcher was able to predict with high accuracy which cancer
patients would survive, based on an analysis of their drawings.8
Other studies have shown that visualizations can be more
important than physical training for athletes. A group which used
mental imagery predominantly achieved better performance than
others using imagery to a lesser degree or not at all. Imagery may be
imprinted on the brain holographically, resulting in a more efficient
storage and retrieval system than mere physical repetition.9
Our mental attitude affects our process of evolvement in a variety
of ways. Viewing the body as a sacred temple or as a precious stone

The Fish Rots From The Head Down

to be treasured could alter the way we treat ourselves on a daily

basis. Ancient Vedic texts speak of specially-trained flyers that
were able to navigate their vehicles along Earth’s ley lines using
limited power. Supposedly, these flyers had to maintain a special
diet and wear specific clothing in order to maintain the frequency
necessary for this type of transport. Also, the Essenes may have
assisted Mother Mary in various practices which prepared her for
the high-frequency soul of the Christ child. We all might consider
ourselves worthy of such special preparation and treat ourselves
with the utmost respect and care.
We can disrespect and abuse ourselves with a plethora of
undesirable habits and practices. A few examples are alcoholism,
gambling addiction, smoking, overeating, excess shopping,
stealing, sex addiction, addiction to falling in love, illegal drug use,
abusive behavior and being a victim. Whatever method we choose,
we still are left with the same result. We end up hurting ourselves
and the people around us. When we behave in a way that detracts
from ourselves, rather than uplifts us, we are actually “cutting off
our nose to spite our face.” It’s not about the food, the drug, the
horserace and avoiding temptation. If we could fill up the “spiritual
hole” inside, these things would no longer be within the realm
of temptation. When we do not feel whole or complete, we seek
outside stimuli in an attempt to fill the void.
The vices which tempt us are used by us to mask our true issues.
The goal of these behaviors is to make a “train wreck” out of our
lives so that we won’t have to face ourselves and make changes
on a deeper level. If we create something worse than the original
problem, then, following crisis management, we’ll have to focus on
the new problem, and we can ignore the underlying issue. Although
treatment methods for the new problem may lead to analysis of the
basic issue, it might have been easier to start with the basic problem
in the first place. Another way to avoid looking at ourselves is to

The Fish Rots From The Head Down

become overly busy, and we receive the added benefit of feeling

self-important and “in demand.”
Drug use sometimes is seen as a shortcut to self-knowledge, but
drugs may create holes in an individual’s auric field.10 Therefore,
forcing bliss or enlightenment may not be as desirable as reaching
that goal solely on our own merits. We tend to value and appreciate
things that we work for more than something that is handed to us.
Elisabeth Haich discusses the pitfalls of artificial stimulation:
The feeling of bliss connected with a higher state of
consciousness is known to every person who is gifted
with intuition, and everyone who drinks wine or uses
other stimulants is seeking the same blissful feeling
associated with a greater flow of current through the
nerves. But the artificial stimulation is always followed
by a depression which throws the person farther down
than he was before.11
The avoidance of pain is a driving force behind most human
behavior. However, pain can be a great teacher and often brings
us wisdom and self-mastery which we would not have known
otherwise. Author Matthew Fox sees pain as a great teacher of
A healthy experience of letting pain be pain is always
a schooling in compassion. For when a person has
suffered deeply even once and has owned that suffering,
that person can never forget and never fail to recognize
the pain of others.12
Many methods beyond the physical level can help us to discover
our true selves and increase frequency. One way to receive high-
frequency energy is from another person, such as a Reikki or
Qigong Master. These energy workers are able to manipulate and
enhance energy fields, with the goal of stimulating an individual’s

The Fish Rots From The Head Down

own healing and rejuvenation process.

Qigong Masters have been able to perform a variety of feats
which are unexplained by conventional physics. These acts include
the ability to alter the structure of water, liquid, crystals and DNA.
Qi, or chi, energy exists in everything and displays qualities of both
matter and energy, much like quantum particles. Qi can be measured
by mechanical means, such as the SQUID (Superconducting
Quantum Interference Device), and it appears in higher levels in
the energy fields generated by healers.13
Energy from a gifted healer provided convincing evidence to me
that we are more than our physical bodies and that we are more
powerful, as individuals, than we have been led to believe. This
man nearly was electrocuted once, and he later noticed tremendous
heat emanating from his hands. This energy, which he was able to
transfer to others, was calming and uplifting, and it also gave one
a sense of connectedness and of being part of something beyond
imagination. Although this energy assisted me in “coming back to
life” after a debilitating illness, it was not a panacea which resulted
in perfect health. After I moved away from the area, I realized that
I should look no longer to an outside source to meet my goals.
Instead, I needed to develop my own inner power and resources for
healing and evolvement.
Immediate physical healing, at times, may not be in our best
interests or in accordance with our life’s plan or contract. Some
illnesses occur to teach us about ourselves and to establish a new
understanding of the value of life. Illness provides an opportunity
to forge new friendships, change one’s outlook on life and develop
an appreciation for things previously taken for granted. As we
receive assistance from various sources, we can, in turn, help others
with our newfound knowledge and attitude. Often the teacher or
helper receives as much, or more, from the interaction as the one in
need. When some healers ask a person’s higher (unconscious) self

The Fish Rots From The Head Down

if healing is desired at a particular time, the answer is often “no.”

There may be no substitute for the valuable experience we gain
from meeting life’s challenges on our own. We can’t always “hire
out” work that is designed for our own unique needs and talents.
Another method of spiritual healing is the Medical Assistance
Program (MAP), as described by author Machaelle Small Wright.
MAP can assist on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual
levels, and it employs the help of high-frequency entities. These
entities include nature beings, the White Brotherhood (Light
beings) and one’s own higher self. The individual directs the
course of treatment, and assistance is provided in accordance with
each person’s readiness to move forward. MAP is available free of
charge, and current health care practices may be continued as long
as necessary. MAP, while not a panacea, can be used as part of an
overall program of healing and self-discovery.14
One way to proceed more quickly along the road to self-mastery
is to enhance one’s own intuitive abilities. This can be as simple as
paying attention to “gut feelings” in every situation we encounter,
whether it be a minor detail or major life decision. When we ignore
the hints and messages that come to us throughout the day, we miss
opportunities and put up roadblocks to our progress. Being truly
“psychic” may be nothing more than being totally self-aware.
In Awakening the Third Eye throat exercises are described which
use vibration of the larynx to help open the third eye.15 After doing
exercises such as these, I was able to perceive faint auras around
objects and see beautiful colors in unexpected places. However,
when one’s own intuition is not forthcoming and one feels “stuck”
or held back by an unknown cause, spiritual and medical intuitives
can provide insights and guidance. It is important that such advice
be taken only as guidance and not as a substitute for one’s own
good judgment and free will.
The Five Tibetan Rites of Rejuvenation are explored in Peter

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Kelder’s book, Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth. These rites,

or exercises, are part of an overall program purported to help reverse
the aging process. Kelder speaks of men in monasteries well over
one hundred years old who appear closer to forty.16 However, these
rites stimulate chakra (energy) centers, and it is possible to over-
stimulate these areas. While many people tolerate them well, I
found the exercises to be too much for my system.
Various inexpensive and low-tech healing methods are provided
by nature and the Earth. After years of chronic illness and fatigue, I
was told that I could restore my energy reserves by using the trees
on our property to help with the grounding and sustaining of life-
force energy. I gathered a tree bundle consisting of twigs, bark and
pine cones, plus some fern fronds. I put them in a wooden bowl
with some water and placed it in an inconspicuous place in the
living room. The following morning, as I was thinking of the trees,
I had the feeling of being enveloped in a bubble of energy, which
lasted throughout the day. This new energy dissipated only when
I left the house, so I carried a small pine cone in my purse at all
times. My energy level has never returned to the low level it was
before the experience with the trees.
Once I was advised that I needed to enhance an Earth ley line
that runs under our house, in order to assist with my healing process
and energy work I was doing. I placed a small palm tree and a
crystal at the two corners which intersected the ley line. These trees
stayed in place throughout the summer and fall, until the weather
turned cold. I also keep some medium-sized rocks in a basket under
a living room table. The rocks help to ground, or modulate, energy
patterns, particularly when Earth frequencies are strong due to the
solstice, eclipses or other astronomical events. Man-made energies
also can foster an imbalance in individual energy fields, such as
the HAARP (High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program)
facility in Alaska.

The Fish Rots From The Head Down

Rocks and gemstones can be placed strategically on farmland

to enhance crop health and growth. Ancient cultures have used
this technique successfully throughout time. Gemstones also have
unique energy signatures which can affect human electromagnetic
fields. Although gemstones should not be considered a substitute
for standard medical care, they can be an aid in the healing and
balancing of our physical, emotional and spiritual bodies.17
Source books give detailed descriptions of how specific
gemstones and minerals enhance physical and emotional health. For
example, coral might be used to assist with skeletal problems, and
hematite could be used for the blood system. However, a gemstone
should be chosen with care, as each person is unique, and a highly
sensitive person could receive too much energy. A person may be
drawn to hold or carry a particular gemstone; however, desires
could change over time as one evolves and becomes ready for the
next step, or frequency. Kinesiology (muscle testing), pendulums, a
trusted intuitive or frequency testing machine can be used to select
gemstones. Raw stones from a lapidary are much less expensive
than stones which are polished or placed in settings by a jeweler.
When a stone is ready for use, it may be activated by placing it
for a few moments in some sea water or water with added sea salt.
I know that this energy activation occurs, because I must put my
newly-activated stones in the trunk of the car during the ride back
from the ocean. If I don’t do this, the effect from the increased
frequency is too strong for my system. I then keep the stones in the
attic for a few weeks until I become acclimated to the new energy.
One of the most famous gemstones on Earth is the Hope Diamond,
which is rumored to carry a curse. A gemstone such as this may
have been used by low-vibrational souls who sought power and
control prior to the downfall of the mythical continent of Atlantis.
The negative programming contained within the Hope Diamond
has affected America since its arrival decades ago. However,

The Fish Rots From The Head Down

energy workers have been assisting on the etheric level to affect the
dissipation and transformation of the diamond’s energy patterns,
so that America and the Earth will continue to evolve according to
Divine Plan.18
Feng shui is a relatively simple and inexpensive way to enhance
the flow of energy within and around our environment. When energy
patterns are harmonious and balanced, chi, or life-force energy,
works with us to increase frequency. The principle of feng shui is
holographic in the sense that individual elements are believed to
affect the tone and efficiency of the overall flow of energy.
A basic premise of feng shui concerns order and balance. If
we live amid mess and clutter on the physical level, this lower
frequency will flow outward and resonate into our emotional and
spiritual lives. Chaos may be less likely to occur in a home where
things are arranged in an orderly fashion. I know that physical items
can affect ambient energies, because when I clean out old boxes or
replace old furniture, I experience a frequency shift, or detox effect.
As the old energies leave and make way for the new, the body must
adjust as it shifts to a higher frequency. Sensitive individuals may
experience a brief period of discomfort during this time.
Source books and feng shui practitioners are available to assist
in balancing energies in homes and offices. For example, negative
energy from heavy traffic or a road leading directly to the front door
of a house may be balanced with the proper placement of a mirror.
Also, suspended prisms or crystals will reflect sunlight into a room
and promote good chi. Opening bedroom curtains during the day
allows sunlight to enter and enhance chi. Flowers provide beneficial
energy, but it is interesting that dandelions, often considered a pesky
weed, are seen as a positive element in feng shui. Dandelions are
believed to have a protective influence and promote good health.19
Feng shui principles can be a valuable tool in our search for health
and well-being. An awareness of how energy flows within our

The Fish Rots From The Head Down

environment helps us to lead more balanced, peaceful lives.

The use of flower essences is another way to enhance the
frequency of our physical, emotional and spiritual bodies. Because
flower essences work on the higher frequencies, one may notice
little effect initially on the physical level. Essences help to restore
and maintain balance on the higher levels, which can prevent illness
from filtering down into the physical. Kinesiology and other testing
methods mentioned previously can be used to select appropriate
essences and dosages.
Another method of increasing frequency is chakra spinning
and chakra balancing. It is commonly believed that we have seven
chakras which conform to the seven colors of the rainbow: red,
orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. However, we now
have nine chakras to work with, and chakra colors are not uniform
but vary with the individual. The nine chakras are:

1st: Root
2nd: Sacral
3rd: Solar plexus
4th: Heart
5th: Thymus
6th: Throat
7th: Pituitary
8th: Pineal
9th: Crown

The two extra chakras are the thymus and pituitary. The thymus
chakra is located between the heart and throat chakra, and the
pituitary chakra is located just below the pineal chakra. Kinesiology
or other testing methods can be used to determine an individual’s
personal chakra colors. In order to promote chakra vitality, I “spin”

The Fish Rots From The Head Down

the colors at each of my nine chakras for about two minutes each
day. To help with grounding (the balancing of energies) while
traveling, I spin the lower three chakras a little longer, for a total of
about five minutes each. Spinning generally is done by imagining
a swirl turning clockwise to the right, as if standing on the face of
a clock. Chakras also can be balanced using an individual’s birth
code and chakra color and sound code number sequences. Eating
from food groups which match one’s chakra colors is also helpful.
We each have spinning geometric shapes connected with our
nine chakras. These shapes are part of the information system
which guides our intuition. You can discover them yourself or seek
guidance from a trusted intuitive or other source. I was able to intuit
the nine geometric shapes connected with my chakras, which are
illustrated in this chapter. My shapes are based largely on stars and
spheres; however, rectangles, squares and a variety of shapes are
possible. The shapes are drawn as if in a motionless state, and then
they are “spun” by a computer to give a more accurate depiction of
their appearance.
Geometric shapes assist with the assimilation and processing
of information. When we are in balance and awareness regarding
these symbols, new information will flow in at a time appropriate
for our growth and evolution.
Another means of raising frequency comes from the 64-square
Light frequency grid appearing in The Keys of Enoch.20 The numbers
listed in the grid are DNA and RNA activating and deactivating
frequency codes relating to our various physical and energy bodies.
These codes can be accessed through the use of specific number
sequences derived from the grid, along with an individual’s stated
For more information and instruction on chakra colors, chakra
balancing codes, geometric shapes and use of the Light frequency
grid, contact the Aatmaani Center for Illumination, Inc. and the

1st Chakra - Root
1st Chakra - Root, Spun 3, 6, 9 Times
2nd Chakra - Sacral
2nd Chakra - Sacral, Spun 3, 6, 9 Times
3rd Chakra - Solar Plexus
3rd Chakra - Solar Plexus, Spun 3, 6, 9 Times
4th Chakra - Heart
4th Chakra - Heart, Spun 3, 6, 9 Times
5th Chakra - Thymus
5th Chakra - Thymus, Spun 3, 6, 9 Times
6th Chakra - Throat
6th Chakra - Throat, Spun 3, 6, 9 Times
7th Chakra - Pituitary
7th Chakra - Pituitary, Spun 3, 6, 9 Times
8th Chakra - Pineal
8th Chakra - Pineal, Spun 3, 6, 9 Times
9th Chakra - Crown
9th Chakra - Crown, Spun 3, 6, 9 Times
The Fish Rots From The Head Down

Jwalan Muktika School for Illumination, currently located in

Whitefish, Montana.21
While one’s mental, emotional and spiritual development provides
a crucial element in the quest for evolution and enlightenment, the
physical body plays an equally important role. There is no getting
around the fact that we are physical beings with physical bodies that
require special care. However, we can work on the higher aspects
of ourselves while addressing our physical evolvement at the same
time. We can, therefore, “burn the candle at both ends,” because the
progress we make on any level will become an essential element of
the whole of our being.
Higher energies and frequencies are assimilated less easily
when the physical body is sick and full of toxins. Toxins, such as
heavy metals, viruses and bacteria, lower our frequency and are
an impediment to spiritual progress. We all carry around an array
of toxic substances; it is remarkable how much the human body
can tolerate. Many believe that much of the chronic, degenerative
disease of modern society, such as cancer and Alzheimer’s, is at
least partially the result of toxic substances in our bodies and the
There are many people on this planet who have embarked
upon an intensive program of detoxification and purification of
the physical body. Some are even cleansing on a global level by
filtering Earth toxins through their bodies. Such a person might
have made a contract prior to embodiment, agreeing to help cleanse
the Earth and balance humanity with nature. This process can cause
a person to become extremely ill or even debilitated. As previously
discussed, not everyone can do this kind of work, because there
would be no one to run the planet if everyone were sick. But we
might acknowledge that sick people who are cleansing and clearing
toxins are in service to humanity and should be appreciated for
their contributions. Also, people who do this work are helping to

The Fish Rots From The Head Down

create a new energy pattern, or matrix. This results in a shift in

the holographic model, so that others may cleanse their bodies and
raise their frequency with less effort and difficulty.
Chiropractic care, acupuncture and massage can be used to keep
energy flowing and prevent blockages during a detoxification or
cleansing program. I found it necessary to receive both acupuncture
and chiropractic care once a week during an extended period of
detoxification. It is also crucial for one to receive guidance from
a qualified and knowledgeable health care professional before
attempting any type of cleansing program. In extreme cases, a
person’s cells may become so weak and toxic that they are unable
to receive nutrients or excrete toxins. High doses of nutritional
supplements, then, would be counter-productive, as the body would
be unable to assimilate them. Cleansing programs, which may
include prescription medications, vitamins, herbs and homeopathics,
need to be balanced between the goal of detoxification and the need
for refortification of body systems. The body cannot release toxins
if it has too little fuel or lacks energy, or vital force. As the body
is gradually refortified and strengthened, it becomes more able to
release toxins, and vice versa.
Among the more difficult substances to detoxify are the toxic
heavy metals, such as mercury. Mercury is one of the most toxic,
naturally-occurring substances on Earth, and sources of human
contamination include fish, industrial releases and dental fillings.
“Silver” dental fillings are actually about fifty percent mercury,
and research shows that mercury does not remain inert in the tooth
over time. For example, autopsy studies reveal a direct correlation
between the number of amalgam fillings present and the amount
of mercury in the brain, kidneys and central nervous system.22
Additionally, brain cancer rates in some dentists and dental
personnel have been shown to be higher than that of the general
population. Postmortems conducted on dentists also revealed high

The Fish Rots From The Head Down

concentrations of mercury in the pituitary gland.23

In 2003 a United States Congressional hearing was held on
the health effects of dental mercury. Expert witnesses testified
that mercury is no longer a suitable restorative material, due to
the significant levels of mercury exposure from dental fillings.
Testimony was presented which linked dental mercury to
Alzheimer’s disease and to arrested brain development in infants
and children. Legislation has been proposed which would stop the
placement of dental mercury in women and children and, eventually,
ban mercury amalgams altogether.24
Mercury amalgam removal and detoxification can be an
extremely difficult process, and it never should be done without the
advice of experts who are aware of the possible dangers. If mercury
is removed or detoxified too rapidly, or if improper procedures are
followed, serious health effects can occur. However, with proper
care and deliberation, mercury removal can be an effective means
of restoring and maintaining good health.
NAET is another method of clearing and balancing the body
to eliminate illness, including allergies. NAET (Nambudripad’s
Allergy Elimination Treatment) was developed by Dr. Devi
Nambudripad during the course of her own struggle with severe
allergies to virtually everything. One day she discovered that one
of her food allergies was cured after an acupuncture treatment. The
food to which she was allergic happened to be next to her (in her
electromagnetic field) during the treatment. This allowed her body
to reset itself so that it no longer would react to this harmless food
NAET with acupressure has been used to alleviate or cure
numerous cases of allergic reactions to a variety of substances,
including foods, vitamins, minerals, molds, fungi, plastics, metals,
vaccines, parasites, pollen, chemicals and fabrics. Kinesiology
(muscle testing) can be used to determine which substances are

The Fish Rots From The Head Down

causing allergic reactions. Allergies often are undisclosed, meaning

that a person has a variety of seemingly unrelated complaints with
no specific link to any particular substance. However, NAET is not
a panacea, and one should be aware of a few caveats regarding these
treatments. NAET is a powerful treatment, and severely ill people
with weakened systems can experience negative effects unless the
standard treatment schedule is modified. When these treatments
make corrections in the body, a moderate to severe Herxheimer
reaction, or detox effect, can occur as the body adjusts to its new
Kinesiology testing can help to determine how much NAET
is appropriate for a specific individual. Kinesiology uses the
body’s autonomic nervous system to obtain answers which are
not accessible by the conscious mind. However, the validity of
the answers received depends upon the expertise of the person
conducting the testing. The testing can be in error if a patient’s
system is either “blocked” or “switched.” The correct answers
will not be forthcoming, and the practitioner must use specific
procedures to reverse the imbalances. One form of kinesiology
which addresses these issues is called neural kinesiology. NAET
can be a process which extends over months or years. There may
be interim periods in which other treatments are necessary, such
as heavy metal detoxification and increased supplementation, in
preparation for the next level of NAET therapy.
NMT (NeuroModulation Technique), a method similar to NAET,
helps the body to excrete toxins, eliminate allergies and attain a
balanced state of health. NMT addresses a wide array of unwanted
substances and health problems, such as infections, arthritis and
hormonal imbalances, and it may produce better healing results with
fewer side-effects than NAET. NMT also corrects programming
errors in the immune system and central nervous system which
allow imbalances to occur. Once programming errors have been

The Fish Rots From The Head Down

corrected, the body is able to rehabilitate damaged systems, and

pathogenic organisms can be identified and eliminated from the
body. NMT is most effective when the practitioner understands the
process by which the body clears toxins and infectious agents. The
pathways and mechanisms used for clearing are conveyed on the
subtle levels to the patient’s system, which then uses the information
to facilitate the cleansing process and restoration of health.
The following are various practices and ideas which may enhance
one’s energy field and increase frequency. Each person may wish
to evaluate the merits of the information presented on an individual
basis and seek further advice where appropriate.
Many people wear devices, often on a necklace, which help
to align ambient energies with their own body frequencies. Such
ambient energies might include man-made electromagnetic fields,
such as radio and microwave frequencies. These devices aren’t
necessarily protecting us against anything. They provide a buffer,
or create a balance, between us and the ambient fields, so that our
vital force is enhanced and we can function at our highest level.
Products also are available which assist with balancing radiation
from computers and other electronic devices.
Since carpets can accumulate toxins brought in from the outdoors
and may release harmful gasses long after installation, carpeting in
the home could be reduced or eliminated. Although people with
allergies or environmental illness most often pay attention to such
issues, everyone can benefit by lowering his or her body burden of
harmful substances. People with severe allergies are much like the
“canary in the coal mine,” warning us all of the dangers imposed
by toxic chemicals. Other chemicals which can be limited or
eliminated are room deodorizers, pesticides, herbicides and harsh
cleaning products. House pets can become extremely ill from floor
and carpet cleaning products.
Although I have recovered substantially from environmental

The Fish Rots From The Head Down

illness, I limit my exposure to all toxins as much as possible. Even if

I do not have an immediate reaction to a chemical, there most likely
will be a deleterious effect on some level. I wash all new items,
such as clothes, sheets and blankets. Items which can’t be washed,
such as shoes, pillows, mattresses or perfumed magazines, can be
smudged. Smudging should be done outside or with the windows
open and away from smoke detectors. A dried herb, such as sage or
pine needles, can be placed in an old cooking pot on a stove or hot
plate until the herb starts to smoke. Hold the pot near the items to be
smudged and motion the smoke toward it (I use a potholder). The
smoke helps to neutralize the harmful effects of chemical residues.
However, smudging is not a panacea for people who have severe
allergic reactions to all chemicals, and some people are too allergic
to the smoke itself.
Natural cotton clothing enhances the energy field more than
synthetics. Additionally, wearing black, the absence of color,
creates a lower vibrational frequency and impedes the evolutionary
process. Animal leather also brings in a lower vibrational rate.
Wearing colored clothing, particularly one’s own chakra colors, has
a positive effect on the energy field.
I avoid irradiated or microwaved foods, as radiation alters the
structure of the food and reduces its life-enhancing properties.
However, all radiation cannot be avoided, as diagnostic x-rays are
sometimes necessary for proper health maintenance and prevention.
Prior to an x-ray, I take homeopathy or I visualize specific colors
running up and down my body. This helps the body adapt to the
frequencies of the x-rays. I also have a full-spectrum light bulb in at
least one lamp in the house. Full-spectrum light is a more beneficial
energy source than standard or fluorescent bulbs.
I avoid swimming in chlorinated water; and I also drink only
bottled water from a deep spring or artesian well, as it is the most
vital, pure and least toxic. Water can be filtered at the tap to remove

The Fish Rots From The Head Down

chlorine and lead, but only distillation or reverse osmosis will

remove fluoride.
A bath every one to two weeks in two cups of baking soda or
sea salt can assist the body in releasing toxins, as our bodies tend
to accumulate and store toxins over time. For example, plastics are
ubiquitous in modern society, and it is nearly impossible to avoid
exposure. I transfer grains and legumes from plastic packaging to
paper bags or glass jars for storage. I also avoid metal cans when
possible, and I don’t cook in metal pots or pots with non-stick
coatings. Metals from pots can transfer into the food, and coatings
contain undesirable chemicals. Fumes from non-stick cookware
can make pet birds extremely ill. I use glass or ceramic cookware
exclusively for stovetop cooking and oven baking.
When possible, I choose organic foods or foods which have the
least amount of hormones and chemicals added. I don’t eat most
wheat because hybridization has reduced its vitality and sustenance.
Instead, I use rice flower or an African wheat called Kamut®. Some
people with wheat allergies are able to tolerate Kamut®, and there
are companies which make bread with Kamut® flour only. I also use
a high-quality, unrefined sea salt for all seasoning and cooking.
To bring the body into greater synchronicity with Earth cycles
and Earth energies, one may wish to eat in conjunction with the
seasons. For example, during fall and winter I eat squash, yams or
sweet potatoes, and during spring and summer I eat lighter fare,
such as salads and summer fruit, including berries and melons. I
also do not eat iceberg lettuce, as it has less food value and vitality
than other varieties.
I follow a method of eating which uses Ayurvedic principles and
anti-Candida, or anti-yeast, guidelines. This method recognizes that
the body does not tolerate most fermented products or foods which
are derived from fungi and molds. This includes alcohol, vinegar,
yeast, mushrooms, cheese and black pepper. However, substitutions

The Fish Rots From The Head Down

can be made for some of these items. For example, apple juice can
be substituted for vinegar in salad dressings, and white pepper can
be used instead of black pepper.
Simple carbohydrates, such as sugar and refined flour, would be
avoided also, as these foods are of a lower frequency than fruits and
whole grains. High protein diets may be somewhat effective because
the sugary foods are eliminated completely. However, eliminating
sugar makes good sense regardless of the type of diet one follows.
Honey or pure maple syrup can be substituted for sugar and corn
syrup. Coffee consumption is also a consideration, as caffeine is
a stimulant, which can cause rapid aging of the cells. Most soft
drinks contain caffeine.
There is research which supports both the pros and the cons
of dairy consumption. People are free to make their own choices
regarding this controversial issue. I have chosen to eliminate all
dairy except for ghee clarified butter, as I understand that dairy
products are designed for cows and not for people. Testing methods
have confirmed that I receive sufficient minerals from green, leafy
vegetables and supplements, such as high-quality calcium. However,
no one should eliminate a food, such as dairy products, from his or
her diet without consulting a health care professional.
In the book Eat Right For Your Type, Dr. Peter D’Adamo discusses
the benefits of eating foods according to one’s blood type. The
contention is made that blood type determines our predisposition
to illness and affects our ability to assimilate different kinds of
foods. For example, some patients on vegetarian and low-fat diets
were found to receive no benefit from the diets or even experienced
a decline in health. It was discovered that those with Type O or
B blood did better with the addition of certain animal products to
their regimen.26
Type A patients were found to be healthier with more grains and
legumes and less meat, particularly red meat, in their diets. Type

The Fish Rots From The Head Down

A patients also had more sensitive nervous systems and did better
with less strenuous exercises, such as walking, dance and tai chi.
Patients with Type AB, a rare blood type, did better with a more
complex, combination diet.27
There are well-intentioned people who are against the
consumption of animal products for everyone. However, if different
body types require different methods of eating to maintain optimal
health, then imposing one’s values and beliefs on another becomes
more difficult to justify. Also, it is harder to obtain certain nutrients
from strict vegetarian diets, such as the essential fatty acids found
in fish oil. Many people need these special oils to maintain good
health and vitality.
Because proteins (meat, beans and eggs) and some starches (grains
and potatoes) require different digestive processes, separating these
items may be beneficial.28 Proper food combining may allow for
better absorption and utilization of nutrients. Kinesiology and other
testing methods can be used to determine how food combining
specifically affects an individual. For example, I separate potatoes
and grains from proteins and fruit by at least thirty minutes. This
is the amount of time needed to allow for proper digestion of each
type of food. However, I can eat nuts, seeds and vegetables with any
other kind of food. Some starch-based recipes, such as corn bread,
don’t coalesce well without egg. Egg protein and carbohydrates
don’t assimilate well when eaten together, but I am able to add one
egg to these recipes on occasion.
A diet which avoids low-vibrational foods and poor food
combinations doesn’t have to be bland and unappetizing. Although
we are supposed to “eat to live,” rather than “live to eat,” meals still
should be tasty and enjoyable. Since I was unable to find recipes
which met these specifications, I developed my own, which appear
in the appendix to this book. These recipes will not cure any illness
or cause anyone to experience an immediate shift into the next

The Fish Rots From The Head Down

dimension. But they are an adjunct to the overall theme of this

book, which is to support the body on all levels to attain growth
and evolution.
In conclusion, we exist within a sea of energies encompassing
our physical bodies, and our bodies are a product of our thoughts,
words, deeds and the foods that we eat. Every thought or action bears
an energy signature, which affects us on every level of our being.
Every bit of food or drink we consume carries a frequency which
becomes part of us and affects our ability to function optimally. The
flow of energy within our environment bears a frequency, and that
frequency can either assist us or impede us as we progress toward
our goals. If we increase our awareness of the energies around us,
we can make choices which will enhance our lives and the lives of

Chapter Six

The Power of Discernment

What is Truth? If there is an ultimate truth, then who has it?

Where is it? Since every individual is an essential element of
the holographic universe, each one of us must hold at least some
portion of the ultimate truth. Because on this plane of existence
we are separated from higher sources, the acuity of our powers of
discernment is tested continually. As very little is handed to us on a
“silver platter,” we must work hard in our quest for knowledge, and,
therefore, we truly earn all of our achievements.
It may be difficult for one person to believe that he or she could
have an impact which could change the world. Could just one
person save the world? A mid-level worker in the former Soviet
Union apparently did just that. Lower and higher-level authorities
were prepared to launch nuclear missiles against the United States
when monitoring equipment displayed questionable activity. This
worker, whose approval was the last needed to order the launch,
refused to agree or succumb to pressure. His powers of discernment
told him that something wasn’t right, and he would not acquiesce,
even if it meant losing his job. There was no launch and the images
later were determined to be false, which sometimes occurs with
solar activity.
This single man, largely unknown and unappreciated, may have
changed the course of human history. He played his part well, and
life went on for another day. However, we all play our parts, and
we all have tremendous power, albeit not nuclear launch capability.
The judgments and decisions we make on a daily basis extend out
to those around and beyond, creating a ripple effect, or a positive
radiological field. Our powers of discernment are a determining
factor in the tone and quality of our thoughts, deeds and life
The Power Of Discernment

This book is based on my experiences, observations and

research. There is no claim of knowledge of ultimate truth. During
one’s lifetime an individual decides which ideas, theories and
philosophies resonate with him or her. We would be well-advised
to be wary of those who claim to have all the answers. Such people
usually want something from us, even if it’s only our energy.
Rather than impose our beliefs on others, we might honor “every
person’s truth as a manifestation of the One Truth,” and if we could
agree to “coexist within our philosophies,” differing belief systems
might become less adversarial or threatening.1 Some people are
uncomfortable with the existence of other philosophies, because
they are not secure enough in their own beliefs, and they also wish
to feel superior to all others. A similar sentiment in expressed in The
Urantia Book: “No man is at any time disturbed by his neighbor’s
attitude when he has perfect confidence in the truth of that which he
wholeheartedly believes.”2
A news report once highlighted a church group whose pastor had
absconded with a large sum of money. Previously, this group had
insulated itself from others with the “us versus them” philosophy.
The members were sure no harm would come to them because they
had found the “one, true way” by following church dictates and
associating with only the “right kind of people.” Although they
thought they had protected themselves from negative influences, the
“wolf” was actually right there among them. They were shocked and
dumbfounded to see the foundation of their belief system collapse.
They didn’t realize that they were receiving a wake-up call regarding
their powers of discernment. They had tried to protect themselves
from the outside world in order to create a feeling of separation
and superiority. But, instead, they created a learning experience
which taught them about the pitfalls of exclusivity, favoritism and
intolerance of others.
When we see a person, group or institution which is not behaving

The Power Of Discernment

in an uplifting manner, is it our responsibility to try to expose or

change the situation? Perhaps, but when we are not in a position to
do so, it is helpful to know that these situations exist because some
people need to experience them. They will continue to participate
while they walk through their lessons, and they will disengage
when they are ready to move on. The leaders and the institutions
will begin to disappear when they no longer have followers and
Dr. Norma Milanovich provides the following advice regarding
the choice between separation and fear or self-empowerment
through love and Light:
All souls who have mastered the curriculum of love
and Light and purified themselves understand that
UNLESS YOU GIVE IT POWER. Fear and other lower
vibrations are the tools used by the forces of darkness
to keep us trapped and imprisoned. Anyone or anything
that tries to coerce another’s thinking by planting seeds
of fear, separation, judgment, and negativity in the mind
The harmonics generated from the following statement can be
used to help determine whether a being is of the Light: “Kodoish,
Kodoish, Kodoish Adonai `Tsebayoth.” The translation from
Hebrew, a sacred language, reads Holy, Holy, Holy is Lord God of
Hosts. Beings which are discarnate, or not attached to a physical
body, are subject to universal laws, and they must tell the truth when
asked if they are “of the Light.” Also, high-dimensional beings will
not preach a “doom and gloom” philosophy; their raison d`etre is
to uplift and inspire. Spiritual entities with ulterior motives have
appeared on Earth masquerading as high-vibrational beings such
as Mary, mother of Christ. Such visitations may serve to test our
powers of discernment, and any information which provokes fear

The Power Of Discernment

or anxiety should send up a “red flag.” A true master, such as Mary,

would not seek to lower a person’s frequency by promoting fear.
How do we know if a religious leader or an intuitive possesses
valid or helpful information? Just because a person is “psychic,”
it doesn’t follow that the information should be believed without
question. Intuitives impart information commensurate with their
level of learning, and they will be able to receive only what their
belief systems and intellectual capabilities allow. If they are not
evolved spiritually, they will not receive high-level information. It’s
all about frequency; they can’t tune in to a frequency which is not
on their “radio.”
The high-frequency information system which some intuitives
are able to access is comparable to the computer internet. The
internet is a third-dimensional communication system which
provides a foundation for the new matrix of instant interpersonal
communication, or “ethernet.” This new system will become
accessible to everyone as we continue to fulfill our roles within the
universal hologram.
How can you tell if spiritual information is coming from a high
source? Does it make you feel uplifted, inspired, self-empowered
and motivated to move forward? Or does the information create
self-doubt, insecurity, anxiety, fear and the need for close guidance
or rescue? Does the information serve to divide people, placing
one group above another? High-frequency, or high-vibrational,
information does not elevate and uplift one person by virtue of
judging or disparaging another.
Does your spiritual advisor object if you seek the advice of
others? If you are consulting with a medical intuitive, is he or she
willing to work with open-minded physicians or other practitioners?
Additionally, once an individual has reached a certain level of
evolvement, some incorrect answers might be received from an
intuitive. This may be a signal that it is time to move on to a new

The Power Of Discernment

level. One may need to find a higher source of information or

become one’s own information source.
Psychic predictions of future events are becoming less reliable
because as our consciousness shifts, so does the Earth’s timeline.
For example, we most likely have shifted out of the doom and
gloom, “end of the Earth” scenario into a timeline of evolution and
enlightenment. All predictions are subject to change as every instant
in the “now” passes, because we are changing the future with our
intent and actions in each moment. Since a prediction reflects the
consciousness of the planet when the prediction is made, when a
shift occurs, that prediction will be valid no longer. Gloom and
doom predictions may result when an intuitive taps into an old
timeline, which is no longer part of our reality stream.
Predictions also may be a valuable catalyst for change. The best
prophet may be the one who is proven to be wrong. Predictions
of massive earthquakes on the west coast of the United States
prompted some concerned people to conduct meditations and other
ceremonies as a remedial measure. Although earlier predictions
of smaller earthquakes had been accurate, the large quakes never
materialized. But the “failure” of the prediction may have been the
result of the conscious intent of the people who were concerned
and took action. If this is true, then the goal of the prediction was
to stop the event and not to provide a platform of validation for the
An individual’s perception of an event determines his or her view
of reality. As we hone our powers of discernment, the goal is to
envision a reality which is most helpful and beneficial to ourselves
and the Earth. For example, when we see “bad news” in the media,
we could become angry, fearful or depressed. But if we let it bring
us down, we damage ourselves and, therefore, the entire planet.
The emotions of fear and anger prevent the higher energies from
reaching us.

The Power Of Discernment

Rather than allowing negative information to upset us and knock

us off our center, we can do something positive, such as go to the
area and help, send money or hold a positive, caring thought. If we
are unable to assist in any way, we can know that other people or
entities are handling the situation and that everything is happening
in the way that it should. It is our job, then, to maintain a high level of
“vibration” and become a beacon which projects that frequency.
An inaccurate perception of a situation can help to create a
lower-vibrational reality. I once participated in a gentle, low-key
spiritual healing and cleansing session. At one point in the session
intuitives sensed the presence of spiritual energies. One of the
energies initially seemed reluctant to leave but then did move on.
The assumption was made that these energies were of a negative
origin and I was, therefore, a victim of something unknown. This
conclusion didn’t seem right to me, as I was having no experiences
or difficulties which would support it. So I investigated further and
discovered that these essences were actually guardians of Earth,
or Earth spirits, which were assisting me in my contract to cleanse
Earth energies. One of them still had some time left on its contract
and was, therefore, hesitant to leave. However, all that occurred
on that day was appropriate and for the highest good. The session
had facilitated my progression to the next level, or frequency, and
once I had the correct assessment of what had happened, I was self-
empowered, rather than victimized.
Another example of the importance of perception and the power
of discernment occurred the time I was fired by my acupuncturist. I
had become more sensitive to ambient energies, and the acupuncture
treatments were giving me too much energy. I was having an
unpleasant reaction similar to what I might have with an Earth
frequency-shifting event, such as an earthquake or eclipse. I was
beginning to dread going to the appointments, but I knew that I
needed to go in order to keep energy flowing during the cleansing

The Power Of Discernment

I finally discovered that I needed an adjustment in the placement
and manner of removal of the needles, along with some acupressure
on the feet to help with grounding. I also needed to limit the number
of minutes for needle insertion, with gradual increases over time.
When the acupuncturist learned that I was receiving information
from a medical intuitive, she refused to work with me any further.
Her perception was not that I was in real discomfort and that changes
needed to be made but that I was somehow being controlled by
another unhelpful person. In actuality, I was taking control of the
situation and using my judgment to insure that I received the best
care. However, I did receive a great referral to an acupuncturist
who was able to accommodate my special needs, and I have had
successful treatments since that time. Each practitioner fills a niche
designed for the needs of different types of people. Because no
single practitioner can address the needs of everyone, all should be
honored equally for their valuable contributions and service.
Another test of one’s powers of discernment comes with the
incident of a “near miss” of Earth by an asteroid. In 1998 scientists
predicted a collision with an asteroid in the near future. However, a
few days later they said that recalculations showed that the asteroid
now would miss the Earth. Author Lee Carroll believes that the
trajectory of the asteroid was changed by humanity’s collective
consciousness. This was an example, he says, of how consciousness
changes physics through the power of human intent.4
How could this happen? As discussed in Chapter One, scientists
have found that a person’s mind can affect the behavior of quantum
particles. Research also has shown that the mind can affect the
results of experiments and the operation of mechanical devices, such
as random number generators. It doesn’t seem too far-fetched that
millions or billions of people might be able to affect the movement
of a relatively small space object, such as an asteroid. It is difficult

The Power Of Discernment

to know whether the change was due to errors in calculations or the

intent of humanity. Maybe both contentions are somehow correct.
However, if it is true that human intent was involved, this is one
more indication that we are no longer part of an “end of the Earth,”
doom and gloom scenario. We are in the “driver’s seat,” and nothing
will happen to us without our consent.
Our perceptions are challenged further by the contention in
some metaphysical writings that this dimension is actually an
illusion. It is contended that if we have a myopic view of reality
and don’t grasp the larger picture, we don’t take full advantage of
our experiences here. We are supposed to come to the realization
that life here is merely an illusion. This may be just a question of
semantics, but this “illusion” seems pretty real to me! I wouldn’t
want to invalidate you by saying that you are an illusion or that you
are living an illusion. Would the fifth dimension be an illusion from
the perspective of the seventh dimension? Or is it only the third
dimension that is an illusion? If there are numerous levels of reality,
or dimensions, in space-time, any one of these could call the other
an illusion.
Perhaps the illusion concept is more about our limited
perceptions and lack of understanding of our own self-worth.
Because our thoughts and wishes don’t manifest immediate results,
and everything seems to move like molasses here, we may be under
the illusion that we have no power or control over our destiny. We
live in a reality filled with difficult and challenging conditions. By
placing too much importance on how events unfold and taking
things personally, we miss the fact that everything occurs as a means
to a greater end. There is a bigger picture that we aren’t seeing, as
each set of circumstances is designed, in part, as a vehicle for our
growth. We are under the illusion of being separate or disconnected
from the All That Is, and we continue to deny our status as powerful
and honored spiritual beings existing in human form on a mission

The Power Of Discernment

of universal service.
There is a fine line of distinction between using one’s power
of discernment and being judgmental. Discerning not to behave in
an undesirable manner is not the same as judging the behavior of
others in a condescending and superior fashion. Judgment differs
from discernment in that judgment carries with it negative emotions,
such as anger or hatred. Being in a state of judgment is unhelpful
because when we harbor these emotions, we lower ourselves and
impede our evolutionary progress. Discernment comes from a
point of emotional detachment and involves one’s hope for the best
outcome and evolution of all concerned.
Due to the holographic nature of the body, every cell has a
remembrance of our thought processes. If we embrace what we
have judged, we can create balance, rather than conflict, within our
cells.5 When I was extremely ill, I didn’t have the energy to make
judgments of others, as I was too busy just trying to stay alive. I had
so little energy that I could feel it leaving if I tried to hold negative
thoughts. In order to maintain our energy level, we can choose not
to judge (nor to condone) negative behavior but to rise above it and
be an example. In this way, we do not deplete our energy reserves,
and we have a positive effect on the world.
Author James Redfield explains how our negative judgments can
affect, or infect, other people:
When we look out at others and make judgments,
thinking that they are fat or thin or underachieved or
ugly or poorly dressed, we actually send our energy
out at these people and they often begin to think bad
thoughts about themselves. We are engaging in what
can only be called the energy of evil. It is the contagion
of negative prayer.6
Judgment easily leads to dislike, which can lead to hatred. Hitler’s
tyrannical rule didn’t teach the world how to hate; it taught that the
The Power Of Discernment

ultimate result of hate is annihilation and destruction. Knowing the

ultimate result, do we want to be anywhere on the continuum of
judgment to dislike to hate? However, we can use our powers of
discernment to reject negative behavior, rather than to support or
allow it; and most importantly, we can set our own behavior to a
higher standard and example.
An interesting test of our powers of discernment occurred when
some information was disseminated, purportedly, by extraterrestrials
(ETs). The information supposedly came from ETs called Zetas
(from Zeta Reticuli) about the planet Nibiru. Some believe that
Nibiru is an undocumented planet outside our solar system whose
orbit approaches Earth every 3,600 years. The Zetas were claiming,
through human sources, that Nibiru was about to come close enough
to Earth to create a major cataclysm here. Anxiety and fear about
this event spread, and many people were making survival plans or
hoping for rescue by the ETs.
There are two polarities of thinking regarding human attitudes
towards ETs. The first is the “shoot first and ask questions later”
philosophy, following the idea that we must get them before
they get us. The second is the belief that ETs, being advanced
technologically, are more wise and superior to us. Thus, they only
would want to help us and not harm us. The reality is, of course,
much more complicated than this.
The information about a catastrophic event to be caused by the
planet Nibiru seemed far-fetched, particularly since Earth was most
likely no longer on a timeline of destruction and annihilation. If
this was a deception, then there had to be some motive or purpose
behind it. One purpose may have been to create fear, which is a
form of sustenance for some beings (including humans). Fear might
be created in an attempt to manipulate the mass consciousness and
alter the destiny of the planet. Also, strong emotions could have
been provoked for the purpose of experimentation or study. Data

The Power Of Discernment

could be obtained about whether human emotions are infectious

and about the biochemical effects of emotions on the body.
Obviously, this predicted event never occurred. However, there
are things that we can do when we feel we are being manipulated on
an intellectual or emotional level. Our thoughts are a powerful form
of energy transmission, but they have an even greater impact when
they are spoken or written down. During the time of the Nibiru
scare I wrote out the following:
Entities who wish to spread fear and prevent the
evolution of this planet will not succeed. Our minds are
incredibly powerful, and on a mass consciousness level,
we will not allow ourselves to be manipulated by fear
tactics. ETs cannot have dominion over this planet. The
Earth is our planet, and any collaboration with them will
be on our terms. We are the custodians of Earth and we
will control its destiny.
An alternative explanation of Zeta goals and behaviors is
presented in the book Visitors From Within. The contention is
made that the majority of Zetas are either positive or neutral (not
negative) in nature and that they are here to assist in the evolution
of both our species. In this scenario the Zetas’ home planet almost
was destroyed by war and nuclear radiation. The energy field
surrounding their planet was disturbed to the extent that a warp in
space-time was created, and the planet shifted a great distance into
the Reticulum Star system. Hundreds of years passed while they
lived underground to escape the radiation. They used cloning to
reproduce and adapt to the underground environment. They also
decided to clone out their emotions, as they saw emotions as the
basis of their suffering. They now exist more as a group mind than
as individuals with independent thoughts and feelings.7
After the radiation cleared, they came to the surface with the
realization that they nearly had destroyed themselves. Their

The Power Of Discernment

primary mission became to assist others in preventing a similar

disaster. However, they also came to realize that they had made a
mistake in totally removing their emotions. So they now are trying
to regain their emotions and reproductive capabilities. They claim
that certain humans have agreed, usually on an unconscious level,
to assist them in this process.8
The Zetas supposedly need the neurochemicals which we secrete
in response to emotions in order to provoke a simulated response
in their own brains. This would explain the probes and implants
to which people claim to have been subjected. The chemical
secretions are released and collected with the probes as humans
view simulated tragic events. Their hope is to evolve into a new
race of beings which will have a stable and balanced emotional
profile and a greater sense of individuality.9
The Zetas also claim to be helping us in our evolutionary
process. They say that they work with energies beyond our tiniest
genetic coding called the “plasmic light language,” which instructs
matter into creation. This Language of Light is mentioned in other
metaphysical writings, including The Keys of Enoch, although not
specifically in relation to ETs. While the Zetas use the plasmic light
energy to create new beings (hybrids), they claim to be triggering
light activation codes in us, helping to create an evolutionary leap
for humankind once critical mass is reached.10
In Visitors From Within the claim also is made that a smaller
number of negatively-oriented Zetas is gathering data on humans
to use as a basis for power and control.11 They may attempt to
exploit humans for their own purposes, but they will not succeed
in this endeavor. The mass consciousness has reached a level in
its evolutionary process which can prevent this from happening.
Regardless of what the truth may be about the Zetas and other
possible alien visitors, it is we who retain the ultimate responsibility
for the course of events on this planet.

The Power Of Discernment

There was an old Twilight Zone television episode in which

aliens arrive carrying a book with the words “To Serve Man” on
its cover. The aliens solve many of the world’s problems, and then
people begin to visit the alien planet on ships. In the dramatic
ending a person yells out to a group of people boarding a ship that
they shouldn’t go, as the book is actually a cookbook.
Although an unlikely scenario, one lesson from this story is
that aliens who truly wish to befriend us will not try to solve all
of our problems, rescue us or instill fear in us. As we enter the
galactic community, we must come into adulthood and accept the
responsibility of being an equal participant, rather than an immature
child which needs parenting.
According to author Barbara Marciniak, there are entities who
have come to Earth by traveling through their past to be here now
in this timeframe. They wish to help with the evolution of Earth in
order to change a tyrannical future which they have seen.12 Since
the universe is holographic, what happens here does ripple out and
affect the rest of the universe. But the concept of a concurrent past,
present and future can be mind-numbing, especially if we try to
explain it from a third-dimensional perspective.
Metaphysical writings often state that all time exists
simultaneously in the “now.” But they also say that the future is not
written, as we are rewriting the future at every moment through the
power of our intent. So we have an apparent contradiction. How
can all time exist in the “now,” except for the part that doesn’t exist
yet because we are creating it now?
We could visualize time as a river viewed from above, where all
points can be seen from beginning to end. This demonstrates the
concept of all time existing at once in the “now.” Then at some point
along the river, we see that a logjam has occurred and that the end
of the river has become parched and dry. By tending to the logjam
we can adjust the river’s flow and affect a more positive outcome at

The Power Of Discernment

the end of the river. So from a higher perspective, we see that even
though the entire river of time may exist simultaneously, we still
are able to alter its course by our actions in this “now.”
In conclusion, our powers of discernment help to determine our
perception of reality. Our perceptions create our individual reality
and the collective reality on a planetary level. Therefore, we can
use our minds as powerful tools to create a more harmonious,
enlightened and evolved reality for ourselves and others in the
holographic universe.

Chapter Seven

You Can’t Commit Suicide

(Or Life Is Hard And Then You Go Into The Next Dimension)

The title of this chapter means not only that one should not
commit suicide but that it literally is not possible to do so. When
people try to do this, the body is no more, but the true self remains.
That which is the essence of who we are persists on a different
level. So there we are, hypothetically, on the other side of the “veil”
without our bodies and with an “incomplete” checked off on our
mission report card. Intuitives have spoken of souls who have tried,
unsuccessfully, to get back into their bodies after they realized what
they had done.
During trying times one might say to oneself, “I know I agreed to
this on some level, but maybe I was an idiot. Now I don’t want to do
this anymore and I want out. I just want the pain and torture to stop.
Why do I have to be here?” When we are suffering, it is easy to lose
sight of the bigger picture and believe that anything would be better
than this. But is the grass really always greener on the other side
of the fence? As my Uncle Vince always used to say, “No matter
where you go, there you are.” Since we have to be somewhere in
the universe, it might as well be here. This planet is supposedly
where the action is and may be a major attraction in the universal
scheme of things. Going through difficult situations, sometimes
called the “dark night of the soul,” gives us something unique and
indescribable. We are left with a sense of accomplishment and pride
in who we are at a deep and profound level.
Trying to commit suicide is like cutting off one’s nose to spite
one’s face. We still exist, but then we don’t have the body we need
to complete all of our goals and lessons. We soon may begin making

You Can’t Commit Suicide

plans to get back into a physical body in order to experience what

we missed. Perhaps this is why we have an inherent fear of death.
An untimely passing is an impediment to spiritual growth, and one
of the best ways to evolve spiritually is through the extreme tests
and challenges of physicality. But no matter how badly messed up
things get, maybe events were supposed to happen that way as a
learning experience for all concerned.
According to Lee Carroll, as a result of our lifetimes on Earth,
we earn our colors, or stripes, which identify us as beings whose
dedicated service has changed the course of the universe.1 At a
spiritual gathering Lee passed on this message from the other side
of the veil: “We do not ask you to do anything [this evening]. We
just want you to sit there and be appreciated.”2 Perhaps we should
all take a moment to appreciate ourselves and the progress of
humanity, which has evolved in recent years beyond expectations.
So many of us have worked tirelessly and suffered so much, often
driven only by an inner knowing or faith to sustain us.
The premise that each and every one of us plays an important
role within the universal hologram is demonstrated further by a
body-type descriptive method called Human Design System. This
system defines four general formats of human design, which then
are refined to describe an individual’s unique design pattern. Each
person is designed and built for a specific purpose, and numerous
variations exist to assure that the planet is diverse and complete.
The four general design types are described as manifestor,
generator, projector and reflector. Manifestors are designed to be
independent thinkers who take action without the consultation of
others. They may be unruly as children and can achieve greater
success as adults by merely informing others before they proceed.
Generators, about 70 percent of the population, are designed to be
responsive to situations as they occur, rather than initiating action
independently. They are powerful human beings who will be more

You Can’t Commit Suicide

successful if they wait for events to unfold and move within existing
energy patterns.3
Projectors are talented individuals who are designed to guide
and coordinate the energy of others. They also do better when they
wait for a situation to present itself, rather than trying to force, or
manifest, events independently. Reflectors, only about one percent
of the population, have an undefined nature and are designed to
be the mirrors of others. They do better when they have sufficient
alone time to maintain individual clarity.4
The realization that humans are designed in a particular fashion
removes the justification for judging one another due to perceived
differences, and it eliminates the pretext for the desire to mold
the behaviors and aspirations of others. Once we know that it’s
okay to be, for example, an independent thinker or a person who
doesn’t handle strong emotions well, we can appreciate who we
are and use our unique qualities to our advantage. Trained human
design practitioners can take an individual’s birth date and other
information to compose a complete design chart, or body graph. An
analysis includes one’s personality profile and natural proclivities,
along with advice on the kinds of work and social situations which
may fall outside of one’s personal human design.
Each person’s unique presence is needed for the optimal function
of the universal hologram. We all are connected inextricably in a
kind of giant chain letter, and any break in the chain affects the
cohesion of the whole. Any act of violence upon one’s self or
another potentially affects everyone on Earth. This sentiment is
expressed in the saying, “Pick a flower, trouble a star.”
In the Star Wars movies, Jedi masters are able to use “The Force”
as a power for good, and they also can detect a disturbance when
something negative happens. This force could be compared to
Earth’s grid system or the cosmic lattice previously discussed. Jose
Arguelles describes an unseen energy and communications system

You Can’t Commit Suicide

called harmonic resonance, consisting of a “resonance matrix

within which information transmission is virtually instantaneous”.5
In The Keys of Enoch there is a discussion of grids which can be
used for “telethought communication” in order to create higher
frequency resonance patterns for the Earth.6 Barbara Marciniak
sees a universal consciousness as follows:
There is consciousness in all that exists on Earth,
down to the molecules in your fingertips, and it is all
meant to work together. Consciousness communicates
continuously by vibrations of electromagnetic
frequencies… The difficulty with Earth at this time
is that humans believe they are separate from all the
energy that is here to work together. Your current belief
in separate parts prevents you from seeing and accessing
the wholeness of existence.7
Author and researcher Dr. Rupert Sheldrake describes holistic
energy systems which underlie all matter, called morphic resonance
fields. He believes that morphic fields are dynamic, versatile memory
patterns and that the “self-organizing properties of systems at all
levels of complexity, from molecules to societies, depend on such
fields.”8 He cites a number of experiments which imply that animal
and insect behaviors are orchestrated by an overriding cohesive
structure. Regarding the skepticism posed by many in the scientific
community, he states the following:
Among respectable educated people, interest in the
‘the paranormal’ is treated like a kind of intellectual
pornography. It flourishes in private, and in the less-
reputable branches of the media, but it is more or less
excluded from the educational system, from scientific
and medical institutions, and from serious public

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One of Dr. Sheldrake’s most well-known experiments

investigated the premise that animals have a “sixth-sense” about
when their owners are coming home. Tests were conducted in
which owners came home by differing methods and at different
times, with those waiting at home unaware of arrival times. Results
showed anticipatory behavior in dogs and cats which could not be
explained by current science. In at least one case, the pet responded
not when the owner went from one place to another, but when the
owner thought about going home and began to take action to do so.
A woman whose husband had an irregular work schedule simply
would wait until the dog went to the door before starting dinner.10
Additionally, no compelling explanations have been found which
explain the ability of animals and insects to migrate, or home. Pets
have traveled hundreds of miles to find their owners after becoming
lost in unfamiliar places, and young birds are able to home for the
first time with no guidance. Also, monarch butterflies migrate after
the previous generation has died. And the theory of navigation by
the stars doesn’t explain how fish migrate under water or how birds
migrate in daylight or cloudy weather.11
Numerous experiments have been conducted with pigeons to
determine the source of their homing abilities. Pigeons have been
able to home in fog, at night, over the ocean and after being released
hundreds of miles away from familiar places. Experiments were
conducted in which their vision and sense of smell and balance
were impaired, yet they still were able to home.12
One of the more popular theories on how pigeons and other birds
home is that they use the Earth’s magnetic field. However, analysis
of field characteristics and homing experiments have refuted this
theory. Earth’s field is subject to wide variations and anomalies,
some of which could result in errors of hundreds of miles. Also,
the ability of pigeons to home in an east-west direction cannot be
explained fully by Earth’s north-south field magnetics. Plus, when

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small magnets were affixed to pigeons to confuse them, they still

were able to home.13
Further evidence of Dr. Sheldrake’s morphic resonance fields
comes with the remarkable ability of termites to coordinate
construction projects. The termite workers, which are blind, are
able to construct separate columns and then build them towards
each other to form a symmetrical arch in the middle. There is no
evidence to explain how the workers on one column could have
the same plan, or blueprint, as the workers on the other side. Dr.
Sheldrake believes that the existence of a morphic field would allow
separated termites to organize without standard communication:
“This field is not inside the individual insects; rather, they are inside
the collective field.”14
Plants also exhibit signs of communication which are
unexplained by conventional science. These communication fields
have been described as a paranormal matrix, or communication
grid, connecting all life. For example, when electrodes from a lie
detector device were attached to a plant’s leaves, the plant showed
a response to perceived threats from human beings. A reaction
occurred when the researcher anticipated and prepared to burn one
of the plant’s leaves. However, no reaction occurred when he only
pretended to do so. The plants also responded at the exact time the
researcher decided to return home from a trip.15 This is the same
type of response observed in the pets which were waiting for their
owners to come home.
In one experiment a plant was intentionally killed by a person
unknown to the researcher, while a second plant, or witness, was
left untouched. The polygraph response from the “witness” plant
correctly identified the “killer” from a group of people walking by
the plant. The researcher also believes that when a plant is seriously
threatened, it employs a defensive mechanism of no response,
similar to a person “passing out.” As occurs in some ritual practice,

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an animal or plant could be placated intentionally prior to death

in order to reduce the presence of chemical fear residues. The
researcher speculates that perhaps a vegetable desires to be eaten
and become part of a higher life form, similar to what may occur
when a human dies and moves on to another realm.16
Transplant patients have been known to take on the personality
characteristics of their organ donor, including unusual preferences
for music and food or beverages. In these cases, the organ seems
to retain memories which are strong enough to affect the behavior
of the recipient. This is another example of the holographic nature
of the human body, in which each cell or organ possesses the
information contained within the whole.
The existence of some kind of unseen communication or memory
field is supported by the so-called hundredth-monkey theory. The
claim is that years ago a monkey began washing yams before eating
them, and then other monkeys began to do the same. Before this
behavior could be taught physically and imitated by monkeys on
other nearby islands, the behavior suddenly appeared throughout
the area. Thus, once this new idea had become ingrained in the
minds of enough monkeys, a critical mass was reached, which gave
them all access to the new information. Drunvalo Melchizedek
talks about consciousness grids connected to all life, which extend
miles out from the Earth, with whales, dolphins and humans being
the most advanced.
Barbara Marciniak speaks of special chronometers which
measure the progress of human evolution. Purportedly, new
information is released when the mass consciousness has reached
a sufficient level.17 Ideas and inventions often appear around the
globe independently from each other, but at the same time. We may
be able to receive information more readily once it appears in a
consciousness grid. For example, people have experienced more
difficulty learning alternate, fake versions of the Morse code than

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the existing code which is already in use. Crossword puzzles can

be solved more easily by those who wait until later in the day, when
more of the answers would be in the mass consciousness.
A reverse hundredth-monkey effect also has occurred, which
tends to prove the theory. Years ago, when sailing ships voyaged to
undiscovered islands, the native peoples sometimes were unable to
see the ships, even though they were clearly visible anchored on the
horizon. Such new and startling information could not register in
their minds, because there was no template for this information in
their consciousness. This could be part of the reason that purported
alien spacecraft visiting Earth might be difficult for us to see now.
In Crop Circles Revealed the hundredth-monkey concept
is described as follows: “When the critical mass is reached, the
fractal formula expands, causing a chain reaction.”18 José Arguelles
explains critical mass, and the important role we play in the process,
from a global perspective:
In this total planetary endeavor, humans are the sensitive
atmospheric instruments galactically utilized in a process
whose objective is the transformation of the ‘material
field’ of the planet. The end of this transformation is
to raise the overall planetary field to a higher, more
harmonic level of resonant frequency.19
This raising of frequency occurs in gradual increments over
time. Such a metered progression assures that the Earth and its
inhabitants will not receive too much energy too soon and become
irreparably damaged. Each step occurs when the time is right to
progress to the next level. Since we are here on Earth and “in the
thick of things,” we sometimes don’t see from our perspective that
apparently negative events may have an underlying purpose. These
events may be designed on some level as a mechanism to bring us
to our next stage of evolvement.
When asked if she would ever be Queen, Princess Diana of
You Can’t Commit Suicide

Great Britain said she would like to be queen of people’s hearts.

She possessed a rare, indefinable quality, and notwithstanding her
personal difficulties, she was adored the world over. Her untimely
death produced a cascade reaction in which hearts throughout
the world opened in love and compassion. This event of global
significance actually may have been her “crowning achievement.” I
know I will always think of Diana as Queen of Hearts.
When events such as this happen on a planetary scale, the
frequency, or consciousness, of the Earth moves to a new level.
Although we are capable of expressing love and compassion, it is
this type of event which grounds and solidifies these high principles
into this reality. We are able to move closer to achieving a sustained,
rather than occasional, state of unconditional love on the planet. The
Earth then takes one more step forward, and all of us, as participants
in the process, reap the benefits.
Another event of planetary significance occurred on September
11, 2001. It was a shock and tragedy of monumental proportions,
and everything possible should be done to prevent further
occurrences. However, this event was the beginning of a paradigm
shift for the planet, albeit perhaps not exactly what the perpetrators
had intended.
The paradigm shift was about bringing the United States and the
world out of the military-industrial complex into a higher level of
existence as spiritual beings in human form. This event sparked an
unparalleled outpouring of love and compassion around the world,
and a new level of cooperation and understanding among nations
was attained. People also experienced a greater appreciation for
freedom and liberty, along with admiration for the many who have
sacrificed to preserve these noble ideals.
A military target, the Pentagon, and an industrial target, the
World Trade Center, were hit on September 11. This was an event
of global significance, as it was the World Trade Center and not

You Can’t Commit Suicide

only American corporations which were attacked. The paradigm

shift for industry is apparent, as several corrupt corporations in the
United States and around the world have collapsed under bankruptcy
and the threat of criminal prosecution since the event. Some of the
people who forgot that ethics and morals should take precedence
over the thirst for financial gain have been brought to task.
The paradigm shift regarding the military is less clear, as
additional military action has occurred as a result of the event. It
is noteworthy that the response in Afghanistan was measured and
specific, and it was done in cooperation with other nations. Because
now there are no stationary or specific targets at which to aim, the
“nuke `em” theory is no longer an option, and mutual consultation
and cooperation among nations becomes an imperative. This is a
small, but critical, step forward in military theory and philosophy.
A news commentator once chided a “new age” website for asking
people to “send Light” to the extremists. Sending Light is great, as
there is virtually no place on Earth that couldn’t use more Light.
However, until the “love & Light” effect takes hold, other means of
defending freedom and liberty may be necessary.
The extremists believe that they alone know how people should
live, worship and be governed. They wish to force their beliefs on
not just their own people, but the entire planet. They would turn
back the clock and plunge the Earth into a low-frequency world
where fear and tyranny prevail. People who define themselves by
whom they hate lack the vision to foresee the consequences of their
destructive ideals and misguided philosophies.
Yes, there is “profligacy” in the West and throughout the world,
but the solution is not to go backwards but to push through to the
other side. Liberty and freedom do not have to be incompatible
with moral and decent behavior. However, it may be necessary to
experience a period of excess before coming back voluntarily to
a high standard of behavior. Actions then would be guided not by

You Can’t Commit Suicide

the fear of a “wrathful God” but by the purposeful intent to do the

right thing for God. Many of us are moving forward, and all are
welcome to come along, but we will not be deterred by those who
are afraid. Fear of evolution, and the suppression that comes with
it, is like holding a rubber ball under the water. There may be some
short-term success, but eventually the ball will pop back up. People
can be held down only for so long before they revolt or lose their
There may be another paradigm shift occurring which also is
helping to raise planetary frequency. This is a shift which cherishes
freedom, self-determination and human evolution over repression,
subjugation and fear. In recent years approximately forty million
souls have been freed from tyranny in the Middle East by a coalition
led by the United States and Great Britain. The debate will continue
as to whether it should have happened in the way that it did or if it
should have happened at all. But what is the effect on the population
as a whole, or Earth’s hologram, when millions of people are living
under fear and repression with no hope for the future?
The possibility that tyranny exists in the cosmos in the future
was mentioned in Chapter Six, and the evolution of Earth was seen
as a possible mechanism for change. The threat of tyranny that we
see now on this planet could be a holographic representation of the
macrocosm within the microcosm. If a portion of that universal
tyranny exists on our planet, then our actions here are affecting, and
will affect, the universal hologram.
Those who are resistant to change wish to perpetuate a climate of
fear. They will fight hard to bring back darkness, and they will try
to convince us that it is we who are at fault for wanting liberty and
freedom rather than repression and tyranny. There is also a future
that some people think exists now. In this world nice, peaceful
people behave accordingly and expect that all others will do the
same. However, one cannot be “nice enough” to affect change in

You Can’t Commit Suicide

certain low-frequency individuals. This “nice” world doesn’t exist

yet, as it is only in the process of being created here on Earth. We
can transform this planet, whether it be by spiritual or physical
means, in order to demonstrate that as a portion of the universal
hologram, tyranny will not reign here and, therefore, not in the
greater cosmos.
When Paramahansa Yogananda of India died, he had attained
such a high level of consciousness that his Light frequency kept his
body preserved for a few weeks. According to author Dr. Joshua
Stone, “When people die they are attracted like a magnet to the level
of consciousness they have achieved…”20 Following this theory,
people who have embraced the low-vibrational states of fear and
negativity would tend to gravitate to that level upon death. In a kind
of “fear mongers’ hell,” they would continue to play out that drama
among themselves until they realize the futility of it all and choose
to move on. The universe allows us the time and free will to choose
when we are ready to evolve.
It seems that the age-old battle of good versus evil continues with
no end in sight. However, there may be a larger plan in effect which
is less apparent to us. The Urantia Book states that “ultimate (if not
immediate) good can be derived from time-limited evil” and that
there are reasons, although somewhat incomprehensible to us, “for
permitting evil to run the full course of its own moral bankruptcy
and spiritual extinction.”21
Elisabeth Haich speaks of how the two polarities actually define
each other and how God loves everything and everyone:
You must learn that the beautiful wouldn’t even exist
without the ugly. You must learn that the good wouldn’t
even exist without the evil, nor the true without the false.
And that’s why you must love them all equally. You
must learn that the beautiful and the ugly, the good and
the evil, the true and the false are only reflected pictures

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of the ineffable which we for convenience’ sake call

Author Erik Myrmo points out that it is convenient to be divine
when living under positive circumstances, which is why such an
opportunity for growth exists here:
How easy is it to be divine when it seems like nothing
goes your way? If you can bring your divinity into the
darkness that is here, then you have broken new ground
in the expansion of what the divine is.23
Earth also has been described as a universal kidney, which
attracts fallen energies for filtration, or cleansing:
For long periods of time, Earth has been pulling negative
energies to herself. Beings associated with these energies
have fallen from idealized heights where they made
decisions, perhaps the wrong or inappropriate decisions,
and lost the power to construct uplifting realities. Yet,
this was all part of the plan.24

Though it may appear your world is reeking with

corruption, please be aware that both polarities are
going on at the same time. Those who carry light are
becoming very empowered…Prime Creator is on a
journey of separation so that it can come to a greater
understanding of itself.25
The drama between the dark and the Light has been allowed
to play out on a universal scale, and particularly so here on Earth.
Now is the time that we can choose between Light and darkness.
Dr. Norma Milanovich states that “the Battle of Armageddon is
not lost, but already is won in the etheric,” and in the meantime
we can turn current adversities to our advantage: “The dark forces
challenge us and actually can bring out the best within us if we

You Can’t Commit Suicide

overcome the lessons and pass the tests that they bring us.”26
The dark-servers throw a “wrench into the monkeyworks,”
which causes us to prove and assert our divinity under difficult
circumstances. We normally would not choose the reality (full of
negative situations) in which we find ourselves. But it is this reality
which gives us a deeper appreciation of who we are and what we
are capable of overcoming.
The Christian Bible states that the meek shall inherit the Earth.
Rather than viewing the meek as weak and helpless, they could be
seen as balanced, centered individuals who practice deliberation
and tolerance over impatience and anger.27 The challenge is to
respond to adversity from a high place and not to sink down to the
level of the opponent, in which case we would relinquish our power
and impede our evolutionary progress.
Drunvalo Melchizedek has spoken of a scenario in which positive
forces want planetary enlightenment now and negative forces wish
to prevent it altogether. These two forces play off one another
to create a perfect timing mechanism, thus allowing the desired
result to occur according to divine plan. After doing some energy
work in Egypt, Drunvalo claims to have had a confrontation with
a personification of the devil. This person wanted to know what
Drunvalo’s intentions were regarding the anticipated planetary
shift. Drunvalo told him that the old concept of “many are called,
few are chosen” would not apply this time. The plan was to include
everyone, regardless of whether they are considered to be positive
or negative beings. Upon hearing this, the man said that he would
leave Drunvalo alone.28
A possible planetary shift in the year 2012 would involve a
transformation of the existing polarization between the dark and
the Light. An acceptance of the shadow side will help to achieve
this merging and the resultant balance and harmony. This places us
in a difficult “Catch-22” situation, which would have us embrace

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what we would like to reject. However, an attitude of exclusivity is

counterproductive if all are to be welcomed as participants in these
future events.
Some believe that various factions of the negative, or dark, forces
have broken away from their leaders and are here to participate
in Earth’s transformation.29 The Bible story in which the prodigal
son returns to a great feast seems relevant here. Maybe we should
think about preparing the “fatted calf” and welcome all who wish
to accompany us on this transformative journey.
The connection that all humans have with each other and the
Earth is further evidenced by the system of energy pathways, or
ley lines, which exist throughout the world as part of Earth’s grid
system. These pathways could be described as Earth’s acupuncture
meridians, which connect at points of magnetic flux called vortices.
Ancient structures were built purposefully on these energy centers,
including the Great Pyramid, Stonehenge, and churches and
Each person makes an important contribution to Earth’s energy
system as a result of his or her presence on this planet. You may be
drawn to live in a particular area because your specific frequency
is needed there. Those who find themselves in a difficult living
environment, including innocent people in prison, may be providing
essential energy to that area. If you feel compelled to travel to a
particular place, you may be receiving and releasing information
and energy frequencies at that location. This helps in the evolution
of both you and the Earth. For example, before I traveled to Hawaii
once, I picked up an “energy packet” simply by walking on a local
beach area. I delivered the packet to a location in Hawaii for the
purpose of balancing and activating Earth’s grid system.
According to the Gaia theory, Earth is a living entity which
is affected holistically by specific events. Moderate to severe
earthquakes often appear in clusters around the globe within a

You Can’t Commit Suicide

short period of time. There may be a ripple effect occurring through

energy pathways which have not been documented fully by science.
Also, underground nuclear tests reverberate throughout the Earth,
affecting the living body, and atmospheric radiation impedes our
ability to evolve spiritually or achieve Light body (higher self)
Natural disasters, such as earthquakes, hurricanes and forest fires
are a tragedy for those affected, but they also are part of a cleansing,
or detoxification, process for the Earth. These “Earth changes” are
part of Earth’s rebirthing process as its vibratory rate increases and it
absorbs energy from evolving humans. An earthquake could be seen
as a chiropractic adjustment, or form of “body work,” which helps
to raise the frequency of the planet. The Earth tries to complete this
process in a manner which causes the least amount of harm to itself
and its inhabitants. Because of substantial mining and oil removal,
too many strong earthquakes could affect the cohesive structure
of the Earth. Therefore, other types of cleansing methods, such as
weather phenomena, can occur. Entities called “grandfathers of
time,” who were involved in the initial installation and organization
of the Earth, may help to facilitate these processes.
There are some Earth changes which are of strictly human
origin, and one of the most serious may be current experimentation
with scalar wave technology. This technique of transmitting energy
through the Earth may affect tectonic plates and cause large
earthquakes.30 Another type of potentially damaging experiment is
the High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP),
which involves super-heating the atmosphere enough to create
expansive holes in it. The ultimate result of the scalar wave and
HAARP projects is unknown. However, it is hoped that with
heightened public awareness, experimentation will continue only
with due care.
In conclusion, Earth and its inhabitants are connected through

You Can’t Commit Suicide

a grid system or morphic resonance field which affects, and is

affected by, human consciousness. Each person contributes a unique
energy frequency which is needed for the optimal function of the
whole. Each life is like a cell in the body of the universal hologram,
in which our thoughts and deeds have a true impact on ultimate

Chapter Eight
How Do You “Leave” People?

The title of this chapter is not about getting away from people. It
is about the kind of impression we leave with people as a result of
our actions and demeanor. Do you leave people better off than you
found them? Are people enriched from having met you or having
been around you? The goal is not necessarily just to win the Nobel
Prize or find a cure for cancer. It is also about being an example of
simple human kindness and decency, and it’s about treating each
person we encounter, even if for a brief moment, as if they are the
most important person on Earth.
There is an old story in which villagers are told that there is a
child among them who is an anointed one, or future king. Since the
identity of the child is unknown, all of the children in the village
are treated like “royalty,” because no one wishes to be out of favor
with an exalted being. The moral of the story is, of course, that
if all people were treated as if they were this special, the world
would be a better place. It is natural to want to extend respect and
compassion for others based on some preconceived standard of
importance in society. But the truth is that we actually don’t know
who people really are. A Son or Daughter of God could be here
right now, intending to walk among us unnoticed, while anchoring
a high frequency of energy for the planet.
James Redfield states, “The more we can love and appreciate
others, the more energy flows into us. That’s why loving and
energizing others is the best possible thing we can do for
ourselves.”1 Furthermore, the Mayan code of honor confirms the
interconnectedness of all beings with a simple axiom: “I am another
yourself.”2 Everyone on this planet is special in his or her own
way. No one person can do or be everything. Rather than taking
for granted our own attributes and envying those of another, we

How Do You “Leave” People?

can honor our unique contributions and have honest admiration and
respect for the contributions of others. Additionally, the way we feel
about ourselves may be the most important factor in determining
how we treat others. Elisabeth Haich offers advice on forming an
opinion about ourselves on the deepest level:
You remain what you are whether people vilify you
or glorify you. Learn to be contented in any and all
conditions and to accept the circumstances fate gives
you with complete imperturbability. Whether your
work within the great divine plan requires you to live in
abject poverty or to hold a high position and command
a great fortune, you must regard either of these merely
as means to a great end. Neither of them must change
your inner attitude. Learning to accept everything in this
way is divine.3
When we have such a feeling of inner peace and contentedness
at the core level, we are able to view all others with a greater sense
of compassion, and we can address all situations from a position of
strength and power. We will be able to judge whether every moment
is an enhancement to, or detraction from, our persona. In negative
circumstances, we can either leave the situation or consciously
change the tone from a negative to a positive one.
Years ago some members of The Beatles rock group visited a
spiritual leader in India. A reporter tried to bait John Lennon with
a question about whether or not this spiritual guru was really “on
the level.” John didn’t miss a beat (no pun intended) and responded
that he wasn’t sure what level the man was on, but it had been a
fruitful visit, etc. So John deftly deflected the tone of the question
and advanced the discussion in an uplifting manner, with no sign of
impatience or irritation.
Another example of taking the “high road” in the face of negativity
comes from a story in The Urantia Book about the meaning of

How Do You “Leave” People?

“turn the other cheek.” In a discussion about the pitfalls of vengeful

retaliation or becoming a passive victim, Jesus is asked, purportedly,
what a person should do if he is forced to carry a stranger’s pack for
a mile. Jesus responds that one option would be to carry the pack
for a second mile.4 Therefore, “turn the other cheek” could mean
that one should take some form of positive action when faced with
difficulty, as opposed to showing merely passive nonresistance or
negative retaliation.
In the Christian Bible Jesus states that “he who is greatest among
you shall be your servant” and that “the Son of Man did not come
to be served, but to serve…”5 If we could comprehend the full
meaning of these words and live by them, we truly would become
“servants” to one another, and then we would have no need to exert
power or control over other beings.
We might look back on our lives and wonder what would have
happened if a particular person had not been available to assist us.
Is life merely a series of events in which we are simply there for
each other? Can we spare the inconvenience or muster the courage
to accommodate others and be appreciative when the same is done
for us? Do you keep company with people who have a positive
effect on you physically, emotionally and spiritually?
Because human beings have become disconnected from a higher
source, many of us feel we are lacking in strength, energy, personal
recognition and love. According to James Redfield, we attempt to
fill this energy void “by seeking to psychologically steal it from
others – an unconscious competition that underlies all human
conflict in the world.”6 Some people will drain the energy right out
of us if we let them. These people lead fear-based lives, in which
they see the world through a cloud of negativity. Because misery
loves company, and they receive an energy boost from it, they want
to keep us with them on that low-level vibration. We are under no
obligation to allow this to happen.

How Do You “Leave” People?
The best way for us to help ourselves, others and the planet is
to become a shining example, while allowing others to remain as
they are, if they choose. We also may invite them to come with us
to help create a better world. The actor Jack Lemmon once said that
success breeds unemployment, meaning that as he became more
successful as an actor, he could choose only the high-quality roles.
As we refine ourselves and increase our frequency, we may find that
we no longer resonate with people who are less evolved. We can
provide assistance to those who wish it, but we are not obligated to
allow others to impede our progress.
Energy travels in a circular fashion; atoms, planets, solar systems
and galaxies all exhibit circular, elliptical or spiral motion. If energy
can neither be created nor be destroyed, it seems reasonable to
assume that we will get back in some form what we have sent out.7
Dr. Norma Milanovich explains this principle as follows:
What we think, feel, say and do in each moment sends
out a resonance field in the universe that comes back
to us to create our realities. It is our consciousness that
drives this energy, and we program our consciousness
by the messages we send out to one another.8
The universal Law of Tenfold Return states that whatever we
give will be returned with ten times the value. However, the timing
of the return may vary with the individual, as some people may be
settling prior “debts,” and others may be holding their returns in a
“savings plan” for later use.9
When we make sacrifices and perform selfless acts, we may
realize no immediate effects. But the benefits exist, even though
we are unable to see the ebb and flow of the energy patterns or
determine the value our contributions have made. This is what
makes this test so grand and so difficult. We may be lead only by
an inner knowing or belief that we should “do the right thing,” even
if we see no prospects of benefits or rewards.

How Do You “Leave” People?

I had an opportunity to see some of these benefits one day when

I received a telephone call from someone who had seen my name
listed as a resource. He mentioned in passing that a person who had
placed some newsletters in a public area had saved his life. He had
been suicidal, but the newsletter had led him to a physical cause for
his emotional distress, and he was much better now. It turns out that
I was the person who had distributed the newsletters, and he had
happened to see them while traveling though the area. Although
this type of cause and effect can occur with virtually everyone, few
of us ever get to see the results of our efforts.
We also may not realize the effect that our negative thoughts
and actions have on others and the universal hologram. When we
see others as disconnected from ourselves, we then can rationalize
disrespectful behavior toward them. When a person makes unkind
gestures in traffic to another driver, imagine how such a person
would feel if the face on the other driver turned out to be that of his
or her mother or spouse. No matter what she had done, we probably
wouldn’t want to “flip off” our mother. But it somehow becomes
acceptable when the person is unknown to us.
There is a supposed true story about a woman who was severely
injured in a car crash. After she recovers from her injuries, she arrives
with a bouquet of flowers on the doorstep of a stranger’s house. She
states to the startled woman who opens the door that she was there
just to say thank you. While the woman injured in the accident had
been clinging to life until the ambulance arrived, she was able to
“hear” the thoughts of passersby. All were thinking about how the
accident was an inconvenience, except for one woman who sent
energy and positive affirmations to her. From the etheric level the
injured woman was able to feel this energy and see this woman’s
license plate number, which she later used to find a home address
and return the kindness with a bouquet of flowers.
I once remember seeing a car bumper sticker that read, “The

How Do You “Leave” People?

more people I meet, the more I like my dog.” My first reaction

was that I wondered whether this person ever had met me. Then
I wondered whether I ever would want to meet this person. I later
saw another bumper sticker that read, “I hate mean people.” Well,
that’s one way to state the obvious in a negative way. If this person
isn’t one of those “mean people” being complained about, then the
message could be conveyed in a more uplifting manner, such as “I
like (love) nice people.” One might view this as being too picky or
overly sensitive, but the point is that we can be aware of the kind of
imprint we leave on the world, as it does have a marked effect. For
example, sometime later I saw some more uplifting personalized
license plates that read, “LUV YA” and “WE ARE 1.”
If people are generally better off for having been in our presence,
then we have accomplished a truly great thing. The simple
kindnesses that we all can give and receive on a daily basis do have
an impact. Some of the events I treasure most in life were the times
I experienced the kindness of strangers. For example, when my car
has broken down, I’ve had a flat tire or I’ve been stuck in the snow,
someone always has offered to help. (This was before calling for
assistance on a cell phone was commonplace.) I also remember the
many times I have called the wrong telephone number by mistake,
and the person on the other end was kind and courteous. These kinds
of experiences, both the positive and the negative, meld together to
create our view of reality, and our actions toward others become a
part of their reality as well.
When some actors appear on talk shows to promote a movie,
they will present a specially-prepared video or skit. Rather than
just asking people to see the movie, which is the common practice,
they bring along a special gift for everyone to enjoy. My husband
is in contact with people of various nationalities for his work in
the transportation industry. He often brings a gift to each work
situation, even though it is not industry practice to do so. People

How Do You “Leave” People?

are generally appreciative, and one person remarked that no one

else in the world does this.
As a teenager I attended a nature walk and lecture, during
which the speaker displayed a talisman. We all were to walk past
the talisman, touch it and make a wish. Those who made unselfish
wishes were to receive good fortune, but those who made selfish
wishes would not. Later, a friend told me that she had wished for a
horse and then asked me what I had wished for. I stated, truthfully,
that I had wished that anyone who had made a selfish wish still
would receive good fortune. Although I am not the nicest person on
Earth, I do try to recognize and appreciate that all life is precious
and interconnected.
Erik Myrmo states, “Every intentional decision you make is
being broadcast across the universe as if you were the star of a
universal TV show!”10 By aligning with thoughts, words and deeds
of high quality and integrity, we can affect those around us in a
positive way. They, in turn, will affect others they meet, and the
result is a ripple effect which can encompass the globe. Because
this energy does come back to us, perhaps the best way for us to
look out for ourselves is to look out for everyone else also. Imagine
the kind of resonant effect that would occur from acts of kindness,
as opposed to unkind thoughts or gestures, displayed among all
peoples around the world.
The reverberation of our thoughts and deeds extends around
the globe and beyond our lives here on Earth. In the holographic
universe our thoughts and actions leave an indelible mark of cosmic
proportion. Thus, one’s role as a universal being takes on a whole
new meaning of responsibility and importance.

Chapter Nine
Piercing the Veil

If it is true that levels of consciousness exist beyond our third-

dimensional reality, then we are all courageous souls who have
come here knowing there would be a veil over our eyes. We may
have formulated a basic plan for our soul’s purpose, but with the veil
we are forced to face our lessons and challenges seemingly alone
and forsaken. All the while we would be unaware that assistance
and guidance are available just beyond our conscious reality. For
example, angels and guides may give us subtle, helpful suggestions;
however, they do not interfere with our free-will choices.
Why should we assume that there is nothing between us and God,
or the Creation? Are there not many levels of management between
the president of the corporation and the file clerk? Might we be on
one end of a vast spectrum, which includes other dimensions of
existence and contains entities which all assist one another in ways
incomprehensible to us? Could high-vibrational beings, such as the
Christ, Buddha and Gandhi, have come to our end of the spectrum
in order to help us in our quest for evolution and enlightenment?
The test is whether or not we would choose the will of the
Divine without having any direct knowledge or connection with it.
We might pursue our lifetimes on Earth, with all of the difficulties
involved, knowing that we would do so with “blinders” on. It would
be up to us to find our way in the dark with little assistance or
guidance. Consequently, we could say that what we accomplish,
for better or for worse, is truly of our own making. We now have
the opportunity to demonstrate that we, as a collective majority,
can choose love, compassion and enlightenment over darkness,
negativity and repression.
Lee Carroll offers the following regarding the importance of our
willingness to live and serve from behind the veil:
Piercing The Veil

For without natural enlightenment and without full

knowledge of who you really are, if you are still able
to see and make choices that motivate toward the real
truth, the planet’s vibration is raised.1

There is no greater gift to God than the human being

who sacrifices their high dimensional existence–coming
down to Earth, having his or her Divinity hidden, to
walk the dirt of the planet in lesson.2
The veil has been an effective means of allowing us to choose
freely among the variations and polarities existing in the universe.
It also has prevented us from receiving too much knowledge too
soon, which could place us on a path toward self-destruction. Thus,
it may be for the greatest good of all that knowledge be revealed
only in accordance with our level of evolvement.
However, there is reason to believe that the veil is becoming
thinner as Earth advances in its evolutionary process. Currently,
Earth’s frequency is increasing while its magnetic field is
decreasing. The King’s Chamber of the Great Pyramid, considered
a vehicle for evolution and enlightenment, has displayed similar
characteristics. Thus, we have conditions which were designed
specifically for the initiate in the King’s Chamber, low magnetics
and high frequency, also in existence on a planetary scale today.
This allows everyone, not just the initiate, to participate in personal
and planetary enlightenment.3
As Earth’s magnetics decrease, our connection with Source and
our ability to manifest thoughts into reality increase. Gregg Braden
states that the magnetic aspect of the electromagnetic field creates
a “buffered interference zone,” which, when weakened, allows us
more “direct access to ourselves as information in the absence of
old beliefs, rituals and conditioning.”4
The thinning of the veil is evidenced further by the apparent

Piercing The Veil

increase in paranormal experiences, such as near-death experiences,

past-life memories, astral (out-of-body) travel and angelic visitations.
Near-death experiences have given some people a greater sense of
the universal hologram, and they have come back to share their
newfound wisdom with others. This process helps to create even
more transparency throughout the veil.
People are becoming more interested in the role that angels may
play in our lives, and there has been an increase in books, movies
and television programs on the subject. In her book Commune With
the Angels, Jane Howard states that angels want us to know how
much we are loved, and although we experience loneliness and
suffering, there is truly no separation from the divine force of God.
Because angels resonate to a quicker vibration, we generally are
unable to see them. However, when humans do see angels they may
mistake an angel’s high-frequency energy field for wings.5
Jane Howard gives us the following viewpoint on the direction
in which this planet is headed and the angels’ role in the process:
In my work I have observed how many of my clients
are shifting toward a new consciousness in which they
personally claim the reality of their oneness with God.
It is my belief that as the consciousness of more and
more people is transformed to embrace this truth, a shift
will occur in the energy field of the Earth itself. What
is happening, as we live and breathe, is the birth of a
new golden age of love and spiritual awareness, with the
angels playing a key role in its establishment.6
As Earth’s elecromagnetic grid system shifts and evolves, we
are given further opportunity to access the higher vibrational
frequencies. As the grid system is refined and recalibrated, the veil
becomes thinner. These changes enhance our ability to connect
with our higher selves and to access healing energies, which helps
to increase our vibrational frequency.7

Piercing The Veil

Dr. Norma Milanovich speaks of a new grid system which has

been established in recent years. A new matrix was necessary because
the old grid system deteriorated after the fall of Atlantis over 10,000
years ago. The new system, located approximately four feet above
the ground, serves as a vehicle for growth and evolvement: “The
grid will create a web of Light and focused human consciousness,
vibrating on wave lengths that use the Universal Language of Light
to transmit messages.”8 This grid system, although not visible to the
human eye, has appeared in photographs as white lines which run
parallel to the Earth about chest high.
Because the grid exists on a high frequency, only those who
resonate with that level of energy may access its properties. The grid
is protected from those with harmful intent who may resonate with
the lower frequencies.9 This could be why some entities have tried
to damage or destroy the grid through nuclear detonations or other
means. When negative forces cannot exert power and control over
something, they may seek to destroy it. This will not be allowed to
Earth’s grid system experienced a major realignment around the
time of a multiple planetary alignment on May 5, 2000. Numerous
writings and prophecies had predicted a catastrophic pole shift
for this date, yet these prophecies were shown to be inaccurate.
The predicted pole shift did not occur on the physical level, but
a realignment did manifest on the higher frequencies of Earth’s
grid system. I know that this occurred because I experienced the
uncomfortable effects of the massive frequency shift for about a
month. Also, a number of whale “beachings” after May 5, 2000
may have been related to the grid realignment. There is speculation
that if whales use grid lines to navigate, a realignment would create
confusion and cause “beachings.”
Another indication that the veil may be thinning is the arrival in
recent decades of the Indigo Children. These children, named for

Piercing The Veil

their life color ray of indigo, may be evidence of the evolution of

human consciousness on Earth. While up to 90 percent of children
coming in now are believed to be Indigos,10 that figure may increase
to 100 percent by the year 2012.
Indigo Children tend to have an innate awareness of their
importance and rights as human beings. They do not respond well to
unreasonable authority or regimens which don’t consider individual
needs or creativity. They can see how established procedures could
be changed for greater efficiency, and they may show impatience
when they have to wait for things to happen.11
Indigo Children display a more intiuitive nature, with an ability
to see through ulterior motives, and they are less likely to be fooled.
They also may be able to see angels or other etheric beings, and
they can have a greater awareness of past lives. They may seem
old and wise beyond their years, while they exhibit a deep sense
of compassion and understanding of the concept of “oneness.”
Additionally, they would see themselves as participants in life,
rather than as victims.12
Many Indigo Children have high IQ’s or exhibit special talents
or intelligence in a specific area. These abilities may go unnoticed,
as many children with attention deficit disorders are believed to
be Indigos. Although traditional disciplinary methods may be
ineffective for Indigo Children, proper guidance and adequate
boundaries still need to be established. The book The Indigo
Children contains special disciplinary techniques and provides
information on alternatives to drugs for hyperactive children.13
The Indigos are bringing in a higher frequency and establishing a
bridge from the next dimension. This helps to raise the frequency of
Earth as it prepares to move into a higher vibration. Another group
of souls, sometimes called the Blues, is moving in the opposite
direction. This group is providing a connecting link from the third
to the fourth dimension. High-frequency souls incarnate for a short

Piercing The Veil

period of time and then transit to the next level, which also helps to
reduce the veil between the dimensions.
Some women on Earth are making special preparations,
consciously or unconsciously, to bring in these high-frequency
souls. The Essenes may have assisted Mary in such preparations
to receive the Christ child. Physical, mental and spiritual practices
are important in attaining the vibrational frequency needed to
receive an evolved soul. These preparations involve virtually
everything discussed in this book. A detoxified body, along with
high-frequency foods, essences and supplements, contribute to the
success of this process. A healthy mental attitude with a sense of
peace and contentment also is important, as is a feeling of love for
the child from both parents.
These special souls (the Blues) may depart early during a
pregnancy through what appears to be a typical miscarriage. The
mothers may have a delicate, apparently frail stature, which would
make bringing a baby to full term difficult. A sensitive woman may
know that she is pregnant within hours after conception, and the
pregnancy might last only one or two weeks. The “miscarriage”
may occur on the day of a solstice or planetary alignment, which
provides an energy pathway, or portal, between the dimensions.
These high-frequency souls are able to grow and mature, as they
are fully provided for on the other side. This process enhances the
connection between the dimensions, which helps to merge the next
dimension with this one.
Another transformative process occurring on Earth is the
incarnation of high-frequency souls into dark, or negative, situations.
A parent with low-frequency DNA is a receptive candidate for
another low-level soul. An evolved soul may incarnate intentionally
at this level for the purpose of transmuting these frequencies. A
child can transform the genetics of a parent by making this change
from the inside out, as the low-level DNA is raised in a merging

Piercing The Veil

of the dark with the Light. Therefore, heavy-handed tactics are not
needed in dealing with the “dark side” in this case. One simply
infiltrates into the low-vibrational situation and makes the change
from within. People who feel that they are misplaced or in the
wrong family may be participating in this process.
Further assistance with the increase of Earth’s frequency and
the thinning of the veil comes from crop circles. Crop circles may
be created primarily to test the electromagnetic frequency of the
Earth and then restore Earth’s harmonics to balance. The energy
surge which emanates from the formation of a crop circle provides
a reading of Earth’s frequency. This reading, purportedly, has been
found to be out of balance with the unified field harmonics which
create all life. Therefore, the circles are employed to inject balancing
energies into the Earth. (This could be compared to a shot in the arm
for a sick patient.) All of creation carries a unique energy signature,
and each crop circle pattern is designed to bring specific vibrational
frequencies to the Earth for healing and balance.14
The controversy surrounding the origin of crop circles continues.
Some in the media would have us believe that “Doug and Dave,”
self-confessed circlemakers, created all of the circles, including
those displaying intricate principles of mathematics and physics.
Many of the circles are hoaxes, but authentic circles can be
identified by their unique features. For example, laboratory analysis
shows an alteration of the crystalline structure of plants within true
crop circles.15 Other characteristics of true circles include bent
but unbroken stalks, alteration of the germination process, and
the presence of magnetic particles and magnetic anomalies which
cause spinning compass needles and the malfunction of recording
equipment. Additionally, there is speculation that some of the
hoaxed circles are made by humans with unique DNA frequency
codes, which also may contribute in some way to the crop circle

Piercing The Veil

Sacred sites and monuments, such as Stonehenge, are frequent

locations for crop circle patterns. Vortices and the connecting ley
lines at these sites have been compared to acupuncture points and
meridians on the human body. In humans the ear is the access area
for the entire body, and it may be no mistake that the majority of
circles appears in England, an energy hub considered to be Earth’s
“ear.” Points all around the Earth can be accessed through England’s
energy centers. This may explain how this relatively small country
has been able to wield such tremendous influence, historically,
throughout the world.17
Many crop circle patterns display principles of mathematics and
sacred geometry, including the Golden Mean, Fibonacci spirals, the
Flower of Life and fractals. A crop circle in the form of a DNA double
helix also has appeared, as well as a depiction of the Shoemaker-
Levy 9 comet, both before and after its impact with Jupiter.18
Another notable event was the appearance of the Mandelbrot Set
crop circle near Cambridge, England. The Mandelbrot Set is a fractal
equation developed decades ago, which now can be represented
graphically with the advent of computer technology. This set is an
infinite, holographic template which describes a perfect state of
order contained within apparent chaos. Gregg Braden believes that
Earth is in this position now, as “we are experiencing the chaos of
old belief systems and obsolete paradigms, giving way to a higher
order characterized by peace, cooperation and harmony.”19
Some crop circle formations show a relationship to music
harmonics, and the frequency emitted by the circles may be
increasing as the patterns become more complex. This increase
occurs gradually to insure a transformative effect, rather than a
shattering one.20 In Crop Circles Revealed one explanation of the
humming sounds connected with crop circles is given:
The crop circles are made by both light and sound
frequencies. From the source of divine creation, light

Piercing The Veil

and sound are not separate. When they enter the third
dimension, they refract… The frequencies emanating
into the crop circle are expanding the sound continuum
for the planetary octave in increments of eight octaves,
creating the new golden octave.21
Additionally, there is discussion of the introduction of new sound
frequencies which are, as yet, undetectable by Earth technology:
This new sound emanation could not be introduced
prior to the breakdown of the fear grid around the Earth
field and the anchoring of the light grid. This fine-tone
frequency could not emanate in the low vibration field
that emanated prior to the massive shift in the summer
of 2000 [a planetary alignment and grid shift occurred
in May, 2000]… This frequency code is inaudible and
therefore will not cause confusion or irritation to the
human species. It will render HAARP useless.22
Crop circles also may activate our DNA on the physical and etheric
levels, when viewed either in person or from a photograph. Circle
formations have been described as holographic representations
of the nature of the universe, which are designed to facilitate the
evolution of human consciousness.23
Another event which is advancing the evolution of humanity
is the balancing of male and female energies. As this process
unfolds, one gender will no longer feel the need to exert dominance
over the other. In recent history (his story) masculine energy has
dominated, and God has been portrayed as a male figure, rather
than as a feminine one. However, the idea that God is a male, or
that God would have any gender, may seem antiquated and absurd
as we begin to explore the existence of other dimensions and higher
levels of consciousness. Masculine and feminine energies require
a balance to create harmony. If God were predominantly male,

Piercing The Veil

then God would not have a perfect balance between the yin and the
yang. Thus, God would be imperfect, and then God would not be
God. The Creator might be viewed as that perfect combination, or
weave, of the God and Goddess energies.
While it is not true that one gender is superior to the other, it is
true that there are differences between them. Some female leaders
are reluctant to admit this, because these differences have been
used to repress and persecute women in the past. For example,
women who were intuitives have been persecuted as witches. Even
today, the more caring, compassionate attitude of the feminine side
may be seen as an inferior or “wimpy” characteristic. Thus, it is
more difficult for men to embrace their feminine side than it is
for women to embrace their masculine side. Nevertheless, a man
cannot embrace the totality of his being when one part of it (the
feminine aspect) is deemed inferior.
There are some generally-accepted gender differences, although
they are based on standards which may not apply to every individual.
Historically, men have shown a more aggressive nature, and they
have been, primarily, the hunters, explorers and inventors. This
masculine energy has given us much of our technology, including
planes, trains, automobiles and rocket ships. However, when male
energy is distorted or channeled in the wrong direction, the result
is violence and conflict. It is male denial and repression of the
feminine side which has contributed, to some extent, to war and
unrest on this planet.
Women tend to be more verbal than men. For example, women
are believed to use approximately 5,000 words per day, versus
2,000 to 3,000 words for men. Women are more likely to pursue
a thorough discussion of an issue in search of a solution, much
like a diplomat or an arbitrator. Women have the ability to organize
and understand many things at the same time. Also, their intuitive
nature allows women to see how events will play out, so that early

Piercing The Veil

corrective action can be taken.

In the past, feminine qualities have been taken for granted or
used to label women as inferior beings. As we learn to respect and
honor male and female differences, we can begin to restore balance
and harmony within ourselves and amongst all peoples. A key
agenda of some nations, cultures and religions is the suppression
and subjugation of women. Knowing the holographic nature of our
world, one can only imagine the effect this oppression of millions
has on the mass consciousness and the frequency of the planet.
The merging of the yin and yang energies is an integral part of our
search for peace and enlightenment. When male and female energies
are balanced, merging with the androgynous higher self becomes
possible: “The balance actually accelerates the electron spin to a
point of stillness necessary for the merger to take place.”24
The following statement on male and female equality is
transmitted from the higher realms by Dr. Norma Milanovich:
We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men and
women are created equal under the law. This statement
was created out of Universal Mind centuries ago and
has been brought forth into existence (in part) through
the great efforts and sacrifices of a select few who tried
to implement the spirit of this law…25
I didn’t realize how disenfranchised I was, as a female, from
the idea of true equality between the genders until I considered
these words. I didn’t immediately see that the words “in part” refer
to an omission in the United States Declaration of Independence.
This document states only that “all men are created equal.” Because
this type of mindset has been predominant throughout history, it
didn’t seem worthy of mention that women had been left out. The
words “in part” proclaim to women, roughly half of the world’s
population, that our existence is acknowledged and that we are
worthy of equal respect.
Piercing The Veil

However, as we women begin to regain our lost power, it is

important that we resolve not abuse it or become vengeful. (Women
may have abused their position of power eons ago before recorded
history.) To everything there is a season, and it is enough that this
season is coming to a close. We eagerly await the arrival of the new
Everyone is performing some type of special work while on this
planet, even if it is done without conscious awareness. Because we
live in the third dimension behind a veil, it is difficult to comprehend
fully the totality of who we are. That is the beauty and the perfection
of the test, which is about our willingness to be on this planet, cut
off from the many wonders of the universe, and yet we persevere in
the face of pain and tragedy.
One means of maintaining the veil of separation between us
and the higher realms may be found within DNA, as the magnetic
aspect of our DNA is said to serve as a memory block of our time
in infancy. The veil is still thin at that time, and it is necessary for
us to do our life’s work without the knowledge of who we are or
what we have planned for ourselves.26 There is a story about a small
child who went to his baby sister’s crib and said, “Tell me about
God. I’m beginning to forget.” Have we forgotten anything? Did
we come here knowing we would forget so that we could face the
challenge and then experience the joy of remembering? Hence, our
souls, the planet and the universe would be uplifted as a result of
our struggles, triumphs and ensuing transformation.

Chapter Ten
A Giant Leap for Humankind

“Your kingdom come. Your will be done on Earth as it is in

heaven,” states the Christian Bible.1 There is a growing body of
information regarding Earth’s potential to take a giant step forward,
possibly at winter solstice in the year 2012. If a major shift is on
the agenda for Earth, then each small step an individual takes is a
vital element of this process. Each and every person’s contribution
is most important, as we approach critical mass in preparation for a
giant leap. It could be that events already have been set in motion to
provide a potential window of opportunity for 2012. Thus, the “cow
is out of the barn” on this process, but only as long as we continue
to play our respective roles in accordance with the master plan. I
feel there may be more to this theory than conjecture and wishful
thinking because of my personal experiences in recent years. As
discussed in Chapter Two, I now regularly feel and process the
frequency shifts which occur from evolutionary Earth changes, such
as astronomical events and earthquakes. This makes me wonder if
something indeed is happening here.
In 1995 a crop circle appeared in England which depicted our
solar system and asteroid belt, but the Earth was missing from
the diagram. The absence of Earth from this depiction of the
third-dimensional realm could be a symbolic representation of a
planetary shift into a higher dimensional frequency.2 Earth is part
of the universal body, or hologram, and just as we need all of our
body parts to function fully as humans, the universe may follow
these same principles. “The Earth is important to us,” the universe
might say. After the shift, Earth might not be seen as a planet from a
third-dimensional perspective, and we would be granted new status
as full and responsible members of the galactic community.
If we are receiving assistance from other physical beings

A Giant Leap For Humankind

and high-vibrational entities, this help is provided not only for

altruistic or compassionate reasons. If the Earth experiment fails,
the consequences of such an event would resonate throughout the
universe. It is to the benefit of all concerned that Earth be birthed
into adulthood, while she breaks her own cycle of regression and
self-destruction. Also, Earth may be a source world, or seed planet,
which is designed to filter and transform the problems of the free- will
universe, such as violence, disease and suffering. If the challenge is
met successfully, then future life, here and in other galaxies, could
have a “built-in genetic immunity” to these problems.3
Earth may be a “biochemical testing zone,” in which the higher
vibrations of love and compassion are given the opportunity to
overcome lower frequencies of behavior.4 High-vibrational entities
may have rebelled, or fallen, because they wished to achieve power
and control by means not in accordance with universal laws. Such
circumstances have given us the opportunity to “test our mettle”
and come to a more deep and profound understanding of the Light
and of our own divinity.
However, the season of subjugation and suffering may be coming
to a close, with the anticipated merging of the dark with the Light.
This meld, or weave, of energies may produce extraordinary and
unprecedented results. A different world may emerge, where old
fears and hatreds will be viable no longer. While all are welcome to
take this step forward, a few may use their free-will choice to opt
out. There is speculation that another planet is being prepared for
those souls who wish to continue with the mayhem and fighting.
An event which marked a turning point in Earth’s destiny was
the Harmonic Convergence of August 16, 1987. This date has been
described as the conception in preparation for Earth’s future birth,
with the “mass consciousness of the Earth-plane coming forward
to become at ONE with all of life.”5 Josè Arguelles sees the event
as a revision to Earth’s “Armageddon script” and a prelude to a new

A Giant Leap For Humankind

world. He describes Harmonic Convergence as “the re-impregnation

of the planetary field with the archetypal, harmonic experiences of
the planetary whole.”6
Harmonic Convergence occurred approximately one year after
the beginning of the final 26-year phase of the Mayan calendar.7
There has been speculation that because this sophisticated and
complex calendar ends in 2012, Earth might be coming to an end
at that time. The precession of the equinoxes, an approximately
26,000-year cycle, ends in 2012 as well. However, a less frantic and
more optimistic conclusion would be that the year 2012 is a marker
not for the end of the Earth but for the birth of a new world.
The Maya recorded events which happened as long as 400 million
years ago, and they were able to compute Earth’s orbit with startling
accuracy. The Mayan sacred calendar, or Tzolkin, is a number
matrix which may not be primarily a calendar system. It may be a
holographic numeric representation of how communication occurs
on a galactic level, much like a galactic telephone. The numbers of
the matrix may “represent different resonant tones, wave pulsations,
or qualities of radiant energy corresponding to different sensory and
mental ranges…”8 An overriding purpose of the Mayan civilization
may have been to be certain that this “galactic harmonic pattern”
had been introduced and recorded on planet Earth. The mysterious
disappearance of the majority of the Mayan people thus may be
related to the completion of this mission.9
A Photon Belt of high-energy light particles emanating from
our galactic center has been detected by Earth satellites. During a
26,000-year cycle, our solar system passes through this band for
two periods of 2,000 years each. Because we spend a majority of
the time outside of this belt in the “Galactic Night,” our solar system
takes on a lower, more dense vibrational frequency. However,
during the spring equinox of 1987 (a few months before Harmonic
Convergence), the Earth re-entered the Photon Belt. By the year

A Giant Leap For Humankind

2000, the sun was totally immersed in the band, and Earth will be
fully within the belt by 2012.10
The Photon Belt may be an “activation mechanism” for Earth’s
evolutionary shift at the end of the Mayan calendar in 2012. The
higher frequencies of the particles in the band have a positive,
uplifting effect on those who enter it. Additionally, our solar
system is approaching the end of a 225-million-year orbit around
the galactic center. This cycle coincides with the end of the current
precession of the equinoxes and also ends in the year 2012.11
At Harmonic Convergence in 1987, Earth’s energy level
was measured, purportedly, and found to be much higher than
anticipated. This placed Earth in a more prominent position on the
universal radar screen as a planet which could help to change the
course of the cosmos. Master guides and entities from the great
galactic center and throughout the universe became aware of Earth’s
potential, and assistance was provided to support Earth in its process
of transformation.12 These energy measurements are said to have
occurred every twenty-five years since the birth of humanity, and
the next measurement is scheduled for 2012.13
One explanation for the rapid, unexpected progress of humanity
comes from a fantastic theory about a massive solar flare. (The flare
was predicted by David Suzuki for 1972.) The theory holds that
the flare might have ended all life on earth but, supposedly, beings
from the Sirius star system set up a protective balancing system of
energetic patterns and holograms. This system would have allowed
the flare to pass Earth without harm or notice by increasing our
energy frequencies and camouflaging the atmosphere. The pleasant
side effect would have been that human evolution was accelerated
greatly as a result of this process.
Some believe that the flare was a natural occurrence, but another
view holds that negative entities altered the polarization of the sun
in order to destroy the Earth with the flare. If Earth was in a position

A Giant Leap For Humankind

to affect universal change to the good, then the “dark side” would
be against this and try to stop it. Assuming for a moment that the
foregoing is true, then one comes to the bizarre conclusion that it
was actually the “dark side” which has brought us to the enlightened
position we are in today. Their efforts to stop our progress would
have created the opposite effect of actually helping us to evolve, by
virtue of the measures taken (by the Sirians) to correct the problem.
Could these events have been perceived in the mind of God and
then designed to bring us to our present status, functioning as part
of the perfect timing mechanism which balances the dark with the
There is an old adage which states that power corrupts and
absolute power corrupts absolutely. We may have seen the result of
unrestrained power with the conjectured fall of Atlantis and other
ancient civilizations. Therefore, we no longer will allow ourselves to
achieve self-empowerment without sufficient wisdom.14 Unbridled
power, or power without the appropriate level of spiritual evolution,
can bring disastrous consequences. This may be evidenced by past
civilizations which remain largely lost to the physical world and
absent from our memories as well. Only when we are ready to step
into our positions of self-determination and co-creation, free from
abuse or misuse from others, will this evolution occur.
We are learning more about the significance of Earth’s ecosystems
and surrounding energy fields. But once we truly understand the
importance of respecting the planetary Gaia and resolve not to “spoil
our nest,” the solution to pollution and other problems will begin to
appear. We are being careful, or at least we are conducting ethical
debates, about cloning, the mixing of animal and human genetics,
and embryonic research. When we have a sufficient understanding
of the sanctity of all life, the ability to affect lasting cures and extend
lifetimes will begin to materialize. As part of the universal timing
mechanism, when we are prepared to show good stewardship over

A Giant Leap For Humankind

our newfound powers and responsibilities, we will be granted, and

grant ourselves, access to such powers.
Information from crop circle interpretation and spiritual intuitives
points to solutions on the horizon for many of Earth’s problems,
including disease, pollution and radiation poisoning. For example,
nuclear waste may be neutralized by future technology which uses
“specific magnetic particle intervention and repolarization.”15 Also,
a crop circle containing a mushroom shape within the pattern is
designed, purportedly, to transmit the code for “deactivation of
plutonium poisoning,” which will promote “the healing of the
nuclear violation of planetary peace.”16
Another crop circle is designed to remove impediments to
the development of ecologically-compatible energy technology.
Although some environmentally-friendly inventions have been
suppressed, the ideas and methods remain present in the mass
consciousness where they may be activated at the appropriate time.
There is also a crop circle designed to encourage the discovery of
new free-energy devices. These types of inventions will appear as
we begin to understand that excess consumption will not be able to
meet our emotional and spiritual needs.17
While decreased use of fossil-fuels would be beneficial for the
planet, a surprising claim has been made, through Lee Carroll, that
global warming actually is related to the oceans and not solely to
man-made pollution in the atmosphere.18 For example, methane
(a greenhouse gas) is released continually from volcanoes on the
ocean floor; or, perhaps, ocean microbes which process carbon
dioxide could be involved. We will have to wait to see what the
science says about this in the future.
Other information from crop circle interpretation contends
that the energy signature of Earth’s water will be enhanced by
a new element. This new water will have rejuvenation and self-
purification capabilities. Additionally, bacteria, viruses and other

A Giant Leap For Humankind

disease organisms will be evolving into strains which enhance the

health and frequency of the human body, rather than bring suffering
and illness.19
A crop circle which appeared in England in the year 2000
purportedly provides the access code for the master plan of the crop
circle project. This plan is part of an overall strategy to assist in
the birthing of Earth, called the “Eden project.”20 While people are
encouraged to contemplate and meditate on the circles to enhance
their effects, the keys and codes remain safe from those who would
misuse them:
Those in the fear vibration who would attempt to use
these images for sabotage of the project (ET or human),
need not bother. The frequency codes respond only to a
high vibrational field of love.21
The intricacies and inexplicable aspects of DNA provide further
evidence of our capacity to evolve as a species. For example, there
are unexplained redundancies in the human genome sequence, but
this unused, or “junk,” DNA may be only dormant and capable
of reactivation at the appropriate time. Our DNA may have been
altered because access to our full potential prior to attaining spiritual
maturity could have placed us on a path toward self-destruction.
DNA is an incredibly complicated blueprint for life described as
a “crystalline geometry, alchemically time-coded to activate with
certain cosmic phenomena.”22 There also may be a spiritual aspect to
DNA which creates an etheric connection among all human beings
on Earth. This link, through which our higher selves communicate
with each other, is described as a “web of co-creative purpose and
The Holy Grail is believed to be the cup which carried the
blood of Jesus the Christ. The Grail may carry cosmic codes which
make a vital contribution to Earth’s hologram in this dimension. In
Crop Circles Revealed it is contended that the Grail is under the

A Giant Leap For Humankind

protection of the Knights Templar. The following information is

provided regarding the importance of the Grail for humanity:
This one [Jesus] incarnated with the full DNA code for
the awakening and activation of the new paradigm, the
evolved species and full activation of the Eden principle.
Did he not state, ‘As I have done so you shall do, only
greater’? Encoded within his DNA are the cosmic
blueprints for full activation in fractal codes.24
Our DNA also is affected by the Universal Language of Light,
which is being introduced gradually to Earth. This language
of ideographs and pictographs is an evolution from our current
language, which uses sounds and the written word to communicate.
Eons ago, the Language of Light may have been misused on
Earth by negatively-oriented entities. High-level beings may have
scrambled Earth’s languages in order to limit access to these higher
frequencies. This could be one explanation for the story of the
ancient Tower of Babel. The fire-letter calligraphy illustrated in
The Keys of Enoch may activate areas of the brain which increase
receptivity to these new Light frequencies.25
As an individual’s frequency increases, he or she is able to receive
and utilize higher levels of the Language of Light. The frequencies
and codes are received on an unconscious level and then translated
by one’s higher self for assimilation. This form of communication
and dissemination of knowledge may be the norm for higher levels
of existence, rather than current learning methods, such as books
and classes.26
The Language of Light is said to consist of some 144,000
geometric symbols, which are able to convey a vast amount of
information and knowledge, as compared to the current spoken word.
If Earth makes a transition into a higher dimensional frequency, the
language of Light may become a new form of communication for

A Giant Leap For Humankind

Humans are presently carbon-based beings, and carbon is

identified scientifically as C6H6O6, with the numbers 666 being
apparent. Rather than the negative connotation that these numbers
represent to some people (the biblical sign of the beast), they could
be merely a reminder of the limitations of the physical world. When
we become engrossed in the third-dimensional material world, we
lose sight of the higher levels of consciousness and the greater
holographic universe.28 There is also speculation that humans
will be shifting from a carbon to a silica base, which is a higher-
frequency element. The light-encoded (silica) filaments which we
carry in our bodies could be activated and energized as part of our
transition into a higher frequency.29
Earth’s transition to a higher dimension is significant not only to
us but to other galaxies as well. Earth may be an important part of
a system of twelve universal living libraries. Earth could serve as
a nexus, or portal, to other galaxies by virtue of its location on the
edge of the Milky Way galaxy. The libraries may have been created
as repositories to safeguard the genetic codes for life throughout the
universe. Civilizations which were failing, or civilizations which
might fail in the future, could store their genetic materials in the
library for safekeeping.30
Although the genetic coding is stored throughout Earth in rocks,
plants and animal life, it is humans who carry the keys to unlock
the codes. Struggling civilizations which wish to rejuvenate their
genetic lines must assist us in raising our frequency, so that we can
release the codes from our DNA. In the past humans have not been
considered entirely worthy of mutual respect. However, entities
involved in our creation find that they cannot evolve themselves
until we are allowed to discover our own creative abilities. In so
doing, we will raise the frequency of this planet and claim our
freedoms and “rightful ownership.”31
Once we attain a level of self-mastery, we will give off a code

A Giant Leap For Humankind

of formulas, or open library, that can be used to replenish life

and systems which are in jeopardy elsewhere. In these “codes of
consciousness” are the songs of our freedom, “sung as frequency
and broadcast from the cells” of our bodies.32 In addition, our
evolution will establish a new matrix of higher consciousness
which will assist in the transformation of other galaxies throughout
the universe.33
If it is true that other entities must help us in order to help
themselves, this is again part of an overall plan, or holographic
pattern. Everyone must work together so that no life is left “homeless”
or considered “lesser than,” because the optimal function of each
part is crucial to the operation of the whole.
In The Keys of Enoch we are told of a reactivation and energetic
shift to the Americas, which is the next “Home of the Dove.”34
America is an anagram for I AM RACE, and the crown chakra for
the planet may have moved from Giza, Egypt to the southwestern
United States. It was for this reason that freedom with a sense of
justice and equality for all was established in America.35 A pyramid
is planned to be built at this new energy center, which will hold and
enhance this vibration for America and the world. The pyramid
may be a stabilizing influence as Earth makes its transition into the
fifth-dimensional frequency.
What is the fifth dimension? And why should we believe that
other dimensions exist beyond our own reality? We saw in Chapter
One that quantum particles do not seem to exist within a third-
dimensional reality. They appear to have no dimension, and they
are affected by human thought to the extent that the process of
observation itself can affect outcomes.
Matter actually may not be solid but a series of energy pulses or
wave patterns which we perceive as one continuous form.36 This
could be compared to the still frames of a cartoon or motion picture,
which appear as a continuous movement only when viewed rapidly

A Giant Leap For Humankind

in succession. Our perception of reality could be a projection of

the frequency or speed of the still frames of our “motion picture.”
Then, if we wished to change our reality, we could, theoretically,
make an adjustment to the film by altering its speed or processing.
Gregg Braden describes dimensionality as “an attempt within
the logical mind to resolve the hierarchy of energy into discrete
bands, or ranges of experience, so that they may be referenced
separately.”37 Are we forever locked in to our current reference
band, or do we have the ability to change the nature of our being at
the quantum level?
Beings who claim to exist on the higher frequencies have
likened Earth’s vibrational reality to that of a black hole or
gravitational vortex, which can be painful or damaging to beings
who haven’t prepared themselves for the lower frequencies.38 The
frequencies which exist on Earth can promote a climate of fear,
and an evolutionary leap may require humanity to confront its
fears regarding change, extinction and outside manipulation.39 Can
humanity muster the courage necessary to take a step forward while
standing on the edge of the “precipice of potentiality”?
It might be to our benefit to take things more in stride and not get
too bogged down in details or fear of the unknown. Love, Light and
laughter have been called the “trinity of the divinity.”40 Additionally,
the power of human intent may hold the key to the destiny of
this planet. Intent is described by Lee Carroll as “the divine tool
of creation, placing the ultimate power within the purview of
humanity to rewrite history, and therefore change the vibration of
planet Earth.”41 The Keys of Enoch tells us that each soul may make
a contribution to this change “as part of the gathering of the sparks,
the collective Messiah.”42
If we do experience a dimensional shift on Earth, it is possible
that from our vantage point, as participants and creators of the
event, we won’t notice a major change. Opinions vary regarding

A Giant Leap For Humankind

how noticeable this event might be to us. At the end of the movie
“2010” Jupiter is transformed from a planet into a star. There is
speculation that after our anticipated shift, Earth will appear as a
star in the cosmos from a third-dimensional perspective. We would
continue to exist here, but on a higher dimensional frequency.
Dr. Norma Milanovich describes the fifth dimension as a realm
of mind and thought manifestation in which a merging of our lower
bodies with our higher selves (Light bodies) occurs in the absence
of fear and negativity: “The human form that results will resemble
the present physical form and will be a refinement of it, but will be
transformed into a higher form of God consciousness.”43 The Light
body is a translating device which stores and interprets data from
the higher realms for our use on the lower levels.44 Gregg Braden
calls the Light body an “electro-resonant galactic code bank that
informs the genetic code bank.”45
In the fifth dimension an individual may be able to view events
from a higher perspective with a sense of detachment and non-
judgment. Solutions can be found more readily when events are
analyzed from a positive viewpoint without criticisms which lower
one’s energy field and create blockages.46 The ego is replaced by the
realization of the interconnectedness of everything and everyone.
The Golden Rule (Do unto others as you would have others do unto
you) reigns supreme. When this rule is not followed, an individual
accepts full responsibility for the consequences, as the effects create
a ripple throughout time.47
Dr. Norma Milanovich brings forth the following information
from Ascended Master Kuthumi (seventh-dimensional being)
regarding what we might expect from a planetary shift:
The Earth’s auric field will change in the twinkling of an
eye, and the planet will be seen throughout the universe
as a star with an incredible celestial body. To speak of
the event reduces the experience that each of you will

A Giant Leap For Humankind

witness. To explain the process intimidates the mind,

for the events will be so impressive that words will not
be able to express the gratitude and wonderment your
hearts will experience. To dictate the details limits
the understanding, for this occurrence will only be
experienced as a Gestalt within the mind’s eye.48

When a soul enters the fifth-dimensional arena of thought,

it understands that creation is a product of holographic
thinking and that it must begin to create using geometric
forms. It is through the purity of the geometric forms
that one sees the holographic universe and both the
simplicity and the complexity of its design.49
We have speculated that Earth may be on the verge of making an
important contribution to the evolution of the holographic universe.
Rather than being just a forgotten planet on the edge of the Milky
Way galaxy, Earth may be a valued and intrinsic element which
is needed by the cosmic whole, and it is up to each one of us to
determine what form this contribution will take.
The nature and timbre of the energy we create through our
evolutionary process will be available for use as a template in new
sections of the universe now being created.50 We are given words of
encouragement for our progress thus far, and our future potential,
from Kryon, a Light being working with Earth’s grid system, as
translated through Lee Carroll:
You have changed the very fabric of the universe, and
the very thing that keeps you from realizing it is the
very thing you are honored for. The work you are doing
is amazing when viewed from any place in the universe.
All know of your path, and we stand in awe.51
Erik Myrmo believes that our experiences in physicality “will
heal rifts that go completely into the God-head.”52 He also explains

A Giant Leap For Humankind

the greater effect human evolution will have on the holographic

One major purpose of our Journey through third-
dimensionality is to bring divinity into physicality
so that divine creations may be present in all the
dimensions including unmanifest God, physicality, and
all dimensions in between.53
Therefore, Earth, an integral part of the universal hologram, has
the ability to affect change not just on the third dimension, but on
all levels extending back to the Source of All That Is. This concept
could be likened to the ceremonial lighting of a Christmas tree in
the town square. The electrical connection is made, all the lights
go on and everyone applauds in delight. It’s as if a universal circuit
is waiting to be activated, and Earth is one of the missing links.
When we “plug in” to this circuit by raising our consciousness and
create a dimensional shift, the “Christmas lights” are illuminated
throughout the universe. Here on Earth each person, or “light” on
the tree, has a role to play in this event, and it is we who decide how
brightly we will shine.

The Birth

The call went out far and wide

Many came to be at our side.

For an event that is rare

And was planned with great care.

Earth’s transformation will be great

But what will be the date?

After the shift Earth will appear

As a star, but not from here.

Our friends years away in the Light

See the birth of a star and delight.

Cynthia Clinkscales


Cooking times are given for baking with ceramic/glass cookware.

When covered, metal cookware may need less cooking time.
However, meat and fish always should be cooked thoroughly to
avoid contamination. Frozen fish may be thawed overnight in the

Main Meals:
Baked Salmon

1-1 ½ lb. salmon 1 tsp. sea salt

2 T. flax oil White pepper (to taste)
6 oz. water 1 tsp. chopped dill
1 chopped basil leaf 1 T. chopped Italian parsley

Place salmon in a baking dish. Add the water and cover salmon
with the flax oil. Sprinkle the salt and pepper over the fish. Then
top with the basil, dill and parsley. Option: add tomato slices and
2 sprigs fresh thyme. Cover and bake 40 minutes at 450°. Sprinkle
with lemon juice at the table. Serves 2-3 people. Serve with:
Spinach, chard, kale, and salad or baked yams.

Baked Halibut

1-1 ½ lb. halibut 1 tsp. sea salt

2 T. flax oil White pepper (to taste)
6 oz. Water 1 chopped basil leaf
1/3 cup chopped leek 1 tsp chopped dill
1 T. chopped Italian parsley 1/8 cup sliced almonds
Place halibut in a baking dish. Add the water and cover halibut
with the flax oil. Sprinkle the salt and pepper over the fish. Then top
with the basil, dill, parsley, leek and almonds. Option: add tomato
slices and 2 chopped oregano leaves. Cover and bake 45 minutes
at 450°. Sprinkle with lemon juice at the table. Serves 2-3 people.
Serve with: Spinach, chard, kale, and salad or baked yams.

Halibut Cakes

1 ½ lb. halibut 1/3 cup sugar-free mayonnaise

½ cup finely chopped leek ¾ tsp. sea salt
½ cup finely chopped celery 1 tsp. finely chopped dill
1 finely chopped basil leaf Dash paprika
2 eggs, lightly beaten 2 T. flax oil
1 T. finely chopped Italian parsley
1/8 tsp. white pepper, slightly rounded

Poach halibut 20-30 minutes at low boil or simmer. Combine

the remaining ingredients, but stir in the eggs last. Cut the cooked
halibut into small pieces or shreds, and add to the mixture. Place
enough olive oil in a baking dish to make a thin coating (while
holding the pan at an angle). Use a tablespoon and fork to form
patties with the mixture. Makes 9 patties. Bake uncovered 25
minutes at 425°. Sprinkle with lemon juice at the table.

Cornish Game Hens

2 Cornish game hens with skins 1 tsp. sea salt

3 cups water White pepper (to taste)
1 tsp. cut thyme leaves 1 T. chopped Italian parsley
1 tsp. chopped oregano leaves

Place hens in baking dish. Sprinkle with the salt and pepper. Add
½ the water. Bake uncovered 1 hour, 40 minutes at 375°. Halfway
through baking, baste once and add the remainder of the water.
Sprinkle the herbs on the hens about 10 minutes prior to the end
of cooking. The liquid remaining in the pan can be used as a gravy
(without flour) for the hens. If less liquid is used, the amount of
salt should be reduced also. Serve with: squash, bell pepper mix

Bell Pepper Mix

16 thin slices from red, yellow or orange peppers

4 thin slices from a green pepper
½ cup frozen peas 1 chopped basil leaf
2 chopped oregano leaves ¼ tsp. sea salt
1 tsp. almond oil 1/16 tsp. white pepper
Leaves cut from 1 twig of thyme

Cut the slices from the bell peppers in half and place them in a
sauce pan. Add all remaining ingredients and cook covered over
low heat 15-20 minutes.

Cole Slaw

1 cup thinly sliced red cabbage ½ cup chopped cucumber

1 cup thinly sliced green cabbage 10-12 pea pods (snap peas)
1/3 cup sugar-free mayonnaise ¼ tsp. sea salt
1/8 tsp. white pepper 2 T. chopped Italian parsley
1 tsp. chopped dill
Combine the cabbage, cucumber and peas (removed from their

pods). Combine ingredients for the dressing. Then combine all.
Serves 2-3 people.

Shrimp and Vegetable Soup

½ cup chopped leek 2 T. almond oil

2 stalks celery, chopped 2 T. chopped Italian parsley
3 chopped tomatoes 2 chopped basil leaves
½ cup frozen peas 3 sprigs thyme leaves
½ cups chopped white cabbage 2 chopped oregano leaves
2 ½ cups water ¼ to 1 tsp. sea salt
1 tsp. protein (bean) flour 1/8 tsp. white pepper
1 lb. precooked shrimp, drained
Stir the protein flour in a few ounces of water. Then combine
all of the ingredients, excluding the shrimp. Cover and cook at a
low boil for about 50 minutes. During the last 15 minutes add the
shrimp. The amount of salt needed depends on how briny the shrimp
is. Start with ¼ tsp. and add more to taste near the end. Serves 2-3
people. Serve with: cole slaw (above).

Vegetable Bean Soup

2/3 cup pinto beans, soaked 2 ¼ tsp. sea salt
in water overnight 1/8 tsp. white pepper
2 chopped carrots 1 chopped basil leaf
2 stalks celery, chopped 3 sprigs thyme
½ cup chopped leek 2 chopped oregano leaves
½ cup frozen peas 2 T. almond oil
1/3 cup chopped white cabbage 4 whole, dried bay leaves
2 chopped tomatoes 1 T. protein (bean) flour
3 cups water

Cook beans in the 3 cups water, with the bay leaves, for 45
minutes at a low boil, covered. Stir the protein flour in a few ounces
of water. Combine all of the ingredients. Cover and cook at a low
boil for 60 to 75 minutes. Remove the bay leaves. Serves 2-3 people.
Serve with: cole slaw (above).

Barley Minestrone Soup

2 T. uncooked barley 2 ½ tsp. sea salt

6 T. uncooked mixed grains 1/8 tsp. white pepper
(millet, quinoa, spelt, brown rice) 2 T. almond oil
½ cup chopped leek 1 chopped basil leaf
½ cup frozen green beans 2 sprigs of thyme
2 chopped tomatoes 2 chopped oregano leaves
½ cup chopped cabbage ½ cup brown rice pasta elbows
3 ½ cups water
Combine all of the ingredients, excluding the pasta elbows.
Cover and cook at a low boil for about 60 minutes. Add the pasta
elbows during the last 15 minutes of cooking. Serves 2-3 people.
Serve with: sliced almonds and toasted Kamut® bread with ghee

Potato and Grain Soup

2 chopped red, yellow or gold potatoes 2 ¼-2 ½ tsp. sea salt

8 T. uncooked mixed grains 2 chopped carrots
(millet, quinoa, spelt, brown rice) 2 T. almond oil
1 chopped basil leaf 1/8 tsp. white pepper
2 stalks celery, chopped 2 sprigs of thyme
½ cup chopped leek 2 T. chopped Italian parsley
½ cup frozen peas 4 cups water

Combine all of the ingredients. Cover and cook at a low boil for
about 60 minutes. Serves 2-3 people. Serve with: sliced almonds
and toasted Kamut® bread with ghee butter.

Turkey Soup

2 ½ cups shredded turkey meat, cooked 1 ¾ tsp. sea salt

2 stalks celery, chopped 1/8 tsp. white pepper
½ cup chopped leek 3 sprigs of thyme
2 chopped carrots 2 chopped oregano leaves
1 T. almond oil 2 T. chopped Italian parsley
3 cups water 1 oz. lemon juice

Combine all of the ingredients. Cover and cook at a low boil for
about 60 minutes. Serves 2-3 people.

Halibut Soup

2 stalks celery, chopped 1 chopped basil leaf

½ cup chopped leek 3 sprigs of thyme
2 chopped carrots 2 T. chopped Italian parsley
2 chopped tomatoes 1 T. protein (bean) flour
1 T. flax oil 3 cups water
1/8 tsp. white pepper 1 - 1½ lb. halibut
1 3/8 tsp. sea salt

Stir the protein flour in a few ounces of water. Combine all of

the ingredients, except for the halibut. Cover and cook at a low boil
for 50 minutes. Add the halibut and cook for another 15 minutes.
Separate the halibut into smaller pieces using a knife and fork.
Serves 2-3 people.
Honey Chicken
2 chicken breasts with bone and skin ½ tsp. sea salt
White pepper (to taste)
3 heaping T. honey 3 T. orange juice
4 T. olive oil
Place chicken in a baking dish. Sprinkle with the salt and pepper.
Combine ingredients in the glaze. Pour the glaze over the chicken.
Bake uncovered for 55 minutes at 400°. Liquid in the pan can be
used as a sauce for the chicken. Serve with: string beans, peas or
broccoli with chopped basil (1 leaf) and thyme (1-2 sprigs).

Veggie Omelets

10 chopped spinach leaves 1/8 tsp. sea salt

1 chopped chard leaf white pepper (about 4 shakes)
½ tsp. chopped dill 1 tsp. almond oil
Combine the above ingredients and cook in a sauce
pan until the spinach and chard are limp.

8-10 organic or farm fresh eggs 1 sliced tomato

1 sliced avacado
Beat half of the eggs with a fork. Pour into a fry pan containing
ample almond oil (to prevent sticking). Cook at low to medium heat
until you can work a spatula under the omelet. When the omelet is
cooked, place it on a plate. Add ½ the cooked mixture to one side
of the omelet. Then add tomato and avocado slices. Option: add 1
slice mozzarella rice cheese. Fold the omelet over and place it in a
shallow baking dish. Repeat the procedure for the second omelet.
Bake uncovered for about 15 minutes at 375°. Serves 2 people.

Spaghetti with Sauce

5 chopped tomatoes (about 3 ½ cups) 1 ¾ tsp. sea salt

6 oz. tomato paste 1/8 tsp. white pepper
1 tsp. olive oil 1 chopped basil leaf
2 T. chopped Italian parsley 3 sprigs of thyme
1-2 chopped oregano leaves

Combine the above ingredients and cook in a sauce pan over

low heat. Stir until the tomatoes become more liquid. Up to 1 oz. of
water may be added only if needed. Cover and cook at a low boil or
simmer for 30-60 minutes. Cook Kamut® or brown rice spaghetti
in water, with ½ tsp. almond oil, until tender. Drain and cover with
the sauce. Serves 2-3 people. Serve with: sliced almonds and whole
grain bread (yeast-free).

Veggie Lasagna
6 oz. tomato paste 3 chopped tomatoes (about 2½ cups)
1/8 tsp. white pepper, slightly rounded
1 cup chopped eggplant meat 1 chopped basil leaf
1/3 cup chopped green pepper 3 sprigs of thyme
5 oz. water 1-2 chopped oregano leaves
1 tsp. olive oil 2 T. chopped Italian parsley
3/8 tsp. cinnamon 1 tsp. sea salt

Combine the above ingredients. Cover and cook

at a low boil or simmer for 15-30 minutes.
8 brown rice lasagna strips 9 slices mozzarella
½ tsp. almond oil rice cheese

Cook the lasagna strips with the almond oil in water, until the
strips are tender. Apply olive oil to the bottom of a baking dish
(approximately 7” x 11” dish). Place a very thin layer (small
amount) of sauce on the bottom of the dish. Add 4 lasagna strips
and then 4 ½ slices of the cheese. Add a thin layer of sauce. Add 4
lasagna strips and then 4 ½ slices of the cheese. Add the remainder
of the sauce to the top. The sauce should cover the cheese. Bake
uncovered for 40 minutes at 350°. Serves 2-3 people.

Desserts and Snacks:

Oatmeal Cookies

¾ cup oats 1 tsp. baking powder

1/3 cup rice flour 1/3 cup honey
2/3 cup shredded coconut 2 T. almond oil
(sugar-free) ½ cup water
1/3 cup sunflower seeds

Combine the honey and oil. Then add the oats and the water.
Combine the flour and baking powder, and add to the mixture. Then
add the coconut and sunflower seeds. Apply olive oil to a baking
dish and shape the cookies with a spoon and fork. Bake for 25-30
minutes at 350°. Makes 9 cookies.

Coconut Macaroons

1 1/3 cups shredded coconut ½ cup rice flour

(sugar-free) ½ tsp. baking powder
¼ tsp. sea salt 2 T. coconut oil
2/3 cup pure maple syrup 1 lightly beaten egg

Cook the coconut, salt, coconut oil and maple syrup in a sauce
pan for a few minutes until the liquid is absorbed. Add the egg.
Combine the flour and baking powder. Then combine all. Apply
olive oil to a baking dish (approximately 8” x 8” dish). Spread the
mixture into the dish. Bake uncovered 20-25 minutes at 375° until
golden brown. Let cool for 10 minutes and cut into 6 bars.

Coconut Orange Cake with Honey Glaze

1 ¼ cups protein (bean) flour ¼ tsp. baking soda
¼ tsp. sea salt ½ tsp. baking powder
Combine the above ingredients.
3 T. olive oil ½ cup shredded coconut (sugar-free)
1/3 cup pure maple syrup 1 cup orange juice
1 egg

Combine the olive oil and maple syrup. Beat in the egg. Add
the orange juice, and then add the flour mix. Stir in the coconut.
Apply olive oil to a baking dish (approximately 8” square dish)
and sprinkle with flour. Pour in the mixture and bake at 350° for 40
minutes, or until springy.

Honey Glaze

¼ cup honey, room temperature ¼ cup pure maple syrup

½ cup nut mix: shredded coconut with sliced almonds

Combine the above ingredients and spread over the cake after it
comes out of the oven. Cut into squares and serve warm. Cake also
may be served chilled.

Deviled Eggs
4 eggs ¼ tsp. salt
¼ cup mayonnaise (sugar-free) 1-2 shakes white pepper
Hard boil the eggs. Peel and slice in half lengthwise. Remove
the yolks and mash them with the mayonnaise. Add the salt and
pepper. Fill the egg white shells with the mixture. Sprinkle paprika
on top.
Avocado Dip
2 avocado, mashed About 1 1/8 tsp. sea salt
3 chopped tomatoes 1/8 tsp. white pepper
Lemon juice
Steam the tomatoes for 5-10 minutes. Then drain the liquid and
chill the tomatoes. Combine with the avocado and salt and pepper.
Add 1-2 twists (with a fork) of a lemon. Serve with corn tortilla

Orange Tropical Drink

2 cups orange juice 2 cups coconut/pineapple
3 T. honey juice
Combine the above ingredients and stir. Option: add ice cubes
(up to 15) and mix in a blender.

Corn Bread
1 ¾ cups corn meal 1 egg, lightly beaten
1/3 cup rice flour ½ tsp. sea salt (optional)
3 tsp. baking powder 1½ cups water
Combine all dry ingredients. Then stir in the egg and water. Apply
liberal amount of olive oil to a baking dish (approximately 7” x 11”
dish). Bake at 425° for about 30 minutes, or until golden brown.
Cut into squares. Serve with: ghee butter, honey, sliced almonds.

Snack Ideas:

Hot-air-popped popcorn with liberal amounts of sea salt and

warmed olive oil.

Spread almond butter on blue corn tortilla chips.

Toast bread and spread with almond butter and honey.

Oatmeal with honey, pure maple syrup or cinnamon.

Avocado halves with a dab of mayonnaise, and salt and pepper.

Almonds, pine nuts or sunflower seeds with fruit, or 100% fruit



Chapter 1
1. Richard Rudd, Opening Doors with Gene Keys, GeneKeys
Publishing UK, Newcastle upon Tyne, 2002, p. 9.
2. Judith Moore & Barbara Lamb, Crop Circles Revealed,
Light Technology Publishing, Flagstaff, Arizona, 2001, p.
3 . Dr. Norma Milanovich & Dr. Shirley McCune, The Light
Shall Set You Free, Athena Publishing, Albuquerque, New
Mexico, 1996, p. 13.
4. Eric Klein, The Crystal Stair, Oughten House Publications,
Livermore, California, 1990, p. 121.
5. Gregg Braden, Awakening to Zero Point, Radio Bookstore
Press, Bellevue, Washington, 1993, p. 30.
6. See reference no. 3, p. 214.
7. Holy Bible, New Open Bible, New King James Version,
Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, Matthew 5:16, p.
8. Elisabeth Haich, Initiation, Seed Center, Redway,
California, 1965, p. 123.
9. See Reference no. 3, p. 202.
10. St. Germain through Azena, Earth’s Birth Changes, Triad
Publishers Pty. Ltd., Australia, 1993, p. 181.
11. Ken Carey, Return of the Bird Tribes, HarperCollins, New
York, 1991, p. 169.
12 . See reference no. 2, p. 66.
13. Josè Arguelles, The Mayan Factor, Bear & Company, Santa
Fe, New Mexico, 1987, p. 13.
14. Michael Talbot, The Holographic Universe, HarperCollins,

New York, 1992, pp. 48, 50.
15. See reference no. 5, p. 82.
16. See reference no. 14, pp. 114 - 16.
17. Ibid., p. 21.
18. Ibid., p. 13.
19. Ibid., pp. 18-9.
20. Ibid., pp. 192, 249, 251.
21. Barbara Hand Clow, The Pleiadian Agenda, Bear &
Company, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1995. pp. xxi, 3.
22. Barabara Marciniak, Earth: Pleiadian Keys to the Living
Library, Bear & Company, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1995, p.
23. J.J. Hurtak, The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch,
The Academy for Future Science, Los Gatos, California,
1977, p. 33.
24. See reference no. 14, pp. 1, 54.
25. Ibid., pp. 3, 33, 34, 191.
26. Michael Talbot, Mysticism and the New Physics, Arkana
Penguin Books, Middlesex, England, 1981, p. 53.
27. Ibid., p. 159.
28. Rupert Sheldrake, Ph.D., Seven Experiments That Could
Change the World, Park Street Press, Rochester, Vermont,
1995, pp. 212-13, 223.
29. See reference no. 26, pp. 3, 25.
30. Peggy Phoenix Dubro & David P. Lapierre, Elegant
Empowerment, Platinum Publishing House, U.S.A., 2002, p.
31. See reference no. 14, pp. 36, 38, 41.
32. See reference no. 26, pp. 140, 143, 145.
33. Peter Tompkins & Christopher Bird, The Secret Life of Plants,

Harper and Row, New York, 1973, pp. 10-1.
34. See reference no. 14, p. 51.
35. Ibid., p. 52.
36. See reference no. 4, p. 93.
37. Lee Carroll, Kryon 2000, Book Eight, The Kryon Writings,
Inc., Del Mar, California, 2000, p. 150.
38. URANTIA Foundation, The URANTIA Book, Chicago,
Illinois, 1955, p. 123.
39. Lee Carroll, Kryon, Book Seven, The Kryon Writings, Inc.,
Del Mar, California, 1999, pp. 345, 352, 357, 362.
40. See reference no 37, pp. 363-64.
41. See reference no 23, p. 208.
42. Lee Carroll, Kryon, Book Three, The Kryon Writings, Inc.,
Del Mar, California, 1995, pp 242-43.
43. See reference no 39, p. 133.
44. See reference no. 42, pp. 295, 369.

Chapter 2
1. Jaime Sams & David Carson, Medicine Cards, Bear &
Company, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1988, pp. 53-4.
2. Ibid., p. 158.
3. Ibid., pp. 209-10.
4. Ibid., pp. 89-90.
5. Elisabeth Haich, Initiation, Seed Center, Redway, California,
1965, p. 88.
6. Elaine N. Aron, Ph. D., The Highly Sensitive Person,
Broadway Books, New York, 1997, pp. 4, 5, 7, 55, 59, 74,
7. Ibid., pp. 7, 122-23.
8. Ibid., pp ix, xiii, 12, 37, 117.

9. Gregg Braden, Awakening to Zero Point, Radio Bookstore
Press, Bellevue, Washington, 1993, pp. 28-31.
10. Ibid., p. 67.
11. Ken Carey, Return of the Bird Tribes, HarperCollins, New
York, 1991, pp. 168-69.
12. See reference no. 9, p. 65.
13. Dr. Norma Milanovich & Dr. Shirley McCune, The Light
Shall Set You Free, Athena Publishing, Albuquerque, New
Mexico, 1996, p. 167.
14. Lee Carroll, Kryon, Book Three, The Kryon Writings, Inc.
Del Mar, California, 1995, pp. 56-7.
15. Lee Carroll, Kryon 2000, Book Eight, The Kryon Writings,
Inc., Del Mar, California, 2000, pp. 56-7, 359-60.
16. Lee Carroll, Kryon, Book Six, The Kryon Writings, Inc., Del
Mar, California, 1997, pp. 154, 377.
17. Aatmaani Center for Illumination, Inc.: aatmaani@, Jwalan Muktika School for Illumination:
18. See reference no. 5, pp. 146, 333-34.
19. Barbara Marciniak, Earth: Pleiadian Keys to the Living
Library, Bear & Company, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1995, pp.
12, 29.

Chapter 3
1. Dr. Norma Milanovich & Dr. Shirley McCune, The Light
Shall Set You Free, Athena Publishing, Albuquerque, New
Mexico, 1996, pp. 134, 236-37.
2. Ibid., pp. 238-39.
3. Ibid., p. 206-7.
4. Ibid., pp. 66, 190-91.
5. Ibid., p. 193.

6. Ibid., p. 325.
7. Peggy Phoenix Dubro & David P. Lapierre, Elegant
Empowerment, Platinum Publishing House, U.S.A., 2002, p.
8. Dr. Norma Milanovich, “Celestial Voices,” Athena Publishing,
Albuquerque, New Mexico, Vol. 3, No. 4, pp. 2-3
9. Ibid., p. 3.
10. Judith Moore & Barbara Lamb, Crop Circles Revealed, Light
Technology Publishing, Flagstaff, Arizona, 2001, p. 132.
11. Barbara Marciniak, Earth: Pleiadian Keys to the Living
Library, Bear & Company, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1995, p.
12. See reference no. 10, p. 163.
13. Ibid.
14. St. Germain through Azena, Earth’s Birth Changes, Triad
Publishers Pty. Ltd., Australia, 1993, p. 4.
15. See reference no. 10, p. 137.
16. Lyssa Royal & Keith Priest, Preparing for Contact, Royal
Priest Research Press, Phoenix, Arizona, 1993, p. 128.
17. J.J. Hurtak, The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch,
The Academy for Future Science, Los Gatos, California,
1977, p. xvi.

Chapter 4
1. Dr. Norma Milanovich, The Light Shall Set You Free, Athena
Publishing, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1996, p. 27.
2. J.J. Hurtak, The Book of knowledge: The Keys of Enoch,
The Academy for Future Science, Los Gatos, California,
1977, p. 164.
3. Elisabeth Haich, Initiation, Seed Center, Redway, California,

4. See reference no. 2, p. 189.
5. Gregg Braden, The God Code, HayHouse, Carlsbad,
California, 2004, pp. 94, 121.
6. Ibid., pp. 139-42, 150.
7. Ibid., p. 151.
8. Lee Carroll, Kryon, Book Ten, the Kryon Writings, Inc., Del
Mar, California, 2004, pp. 297-98.
9. See reference no. 2, pp. 598, 600.
10. The URANTIA Foundation, The URANTIA Book, Chicago,
Illinois, 1955, p. 993.
11. See reference no. 2, p. 417.
12. See reference no. 10, p. 1487.
13. Glenn Sanderfur, Lives of the Master, A.R.E. Press, Virginia
Beach, Virginia, 1988, p. 21.
14. St. Germain through Azena, Earth’s Birth Changes, Triad
Publishers Pty. Ltd., Australia, 1993, p. 166.
15. Erik Myrmo, The Joy of Knowing We Are One, Pendulum
Plus Press, Atlanta, Georgia, 1996, p. 246.
16. Barbara Hand Clow, The Pleiadian Agenda, Bear & Company,
Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1995, p. 125.
17. Elaine Pagels, The Gnostic Gospels, Vintage Books, New
York, 1989, p. 96.
18. Holy Bible, New Open Bible, New King James Version,
Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, Luke 17:21, p. 1220.
19. See Reference no. 2, p. xiii.

Chapter 5
1. Michael Talbot, The Holographic Universe, HarperCollins,
New York, 1992, pp. 160, 162, 188.
2. Barbara Marciniak, Earth: Pleiadian Keys to the Living
Library, Bear & Company, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1995, pp.
116-17, 124
3. Peggy Phoenix Dubro & David P. Lapierre, Elegant
Empowerment, Platinum Publishing House, USA, 2002, pp.
4. Lee Carroll, Kryon, Book Six, The Kryon Writings, Inc., Del
Mar, California, 1997, pp. 160, 379.
5. See reference no. 3, pp. 16, 26, 32, 34, 66, 101.
6. See reference no. 1, pp. 170, 174-76
7. Ibid., p. 168.
8. Ibid., pp. 86-7.
9. Ibid., p. 88.
10. St. Germain through Azena, Earth’s Birth Changes, Triad
Publishers Pty. Ltd., Australia, 1993, p. 81.
11. Elisabeth Haich, Initiation, Seed Center, Redway, California,
1965, p. 275.
12. Matthew Fox, Original Blessing, Bear & Company, Santa Fe,
New Mexico, 1983, p. 143.
13. See reference no. 3, pp. 126-27.
14. Machaelle Small Wright, MAP: The Co-Creative White
Brotherhood Medical Assistance Program, Perelandra, Ltd.,
Warrenton, Virginia, 1990, pp. 11-12
15. Dr. Samuel Sagan, Awakening The Third Eye, Clairvision +
School Press, Sydney, Australia, 1992, p. 30.
16. Peter Kelder, Ancient Secret of the Fountain of Youth, Harbor
Press, Inc., Gig Harbor, Washington, 1985, p. 49.
17. Judithann H. David, Michael’s Gemstone Dictionary, Affinity
Press, Burke, Virginia, 1990, pp. 9, 108.
18. Dr. Norma Milanovich, “There Is Still Hope For The World
Through The Hope Diamond, Kuthumi Explains Why,”
Athena Leadership Center, December 12, 2001.
19. Richard Webster, Feng Shui for Beginners, Llewellyn
Publications, St. Paul, Minnesota, 2002, pp. 36, 98, 112,
20. J.J. Hurtak, The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch,
The Academy for Future Science, Los Gatos, California,
1977, p. 191.
21. Aatmaani Center for Illumination, Inc.: aatmaani@, Jwalan Muktika School for Illumination:
22. Sam Ziff, Silver Dental Fillings – The Toxic Time Bomb,
Aurora Press, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1984, pp. 65-7.
23. Patrick Stortebecker, M.D., Ph.D., Mercury Poisoning
from Dental Amalgam – A Hazard to Human Brain,
Stortebecker Foundation for Research, Stockholm, Sweden;
Bio-Probe, Inc., Orlando, Florida, 1985, pp. 131-32.
24. Leo Cashman, “Congress Continues Probe of Dental
Mercury,” Dental Truth, Dental Amalgam Mercury Syndrome,
Intl., Minneopolis, Minnesota, December, 2003, pp. 3-5.
25. Dr. Devi Nambudripad, Say Goodbye to Illness, Delta
Publishing Company, Buena Park, California, 1993, p. xv.
26. Dr. Peter J. D’Adamo, Eat Right For Your Type, G.P. Putnam’s
Sons, New York, 1996, pp. xiii-xv.
27. Ibid., pp. 100, 138-39, 189, 199.
28. Ibid., p. 343.

Chapter 6
1. Lyssa Royal and Keith Priest, The Prism of Lyra, Royal Priest
Research Press, Scottsdale, Arizona, 1989, p. 87.
2. URANTIA Foundation, The URANTIA Book, Chicago,
Illinois, 1955, p. 1641.
3. Dr. Norma Milanovich & Dr. Shirley McCune, The Light
Shall Set You Free, Athena Publishing, Albuquerque, New
Mexico, 1996, p. 48.
4. Lee Carroll, Kryon, Book Seven, The Kryon Writings, Inc.,
Del Mar, California, 1999, pp. 242-43.
5. St. Germain through Azena, Earth’s Birth Changes, Triad
Publishers Pty. Ltd., Australia, 1993, p. 190.
6. James Redfield, The Secret of Shambhala, Warner Books,
New York, 1999, p. 194.
7. Lyssa Royal & Kieth Priest, Visitors From Within, Royal
Priest Research Press, Scottsdale, Arizona, 1991, pp. 5-6.
8. Ibid., pp. 7, 32, 35.
9. Ibid., pp. 40, 63.
10. Ibid., pp. 69, 76.
11. Ibid., p. 110.
12. Barbara Marciniak, Earth: Pleiadian Keys to the Living
Library, Bear & Company, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1995, p.

Chapter 7
1. Lee Carroll, Kryon, Book Three, The Kryon Writings, Inc.,
Del Mar, California, 1995, pp. 17-18.
2. Lee Carroll, Kryon 2000, Book Eight, The Kryon Writings,
Inc., Del Mar, California, 2000, p. 160.
3. Richard Rudd, Opening Doors with Gene Keys, An
Introduction to the Human Design System, GeneKeys
Publishing UK, Newcastle upon Tyne, 2002, pp. 27-32.
4. Ibid., pp. 33-36
5. José Arguelles, The Mayan Factor, Bear & Company, Santa
Fe, New Mexico, 1987, p. 54.
6. J.J. Hurtak, The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch,
The Academy for Future Science, Los Gatos, California,
1977, p. 309.
7. Barbara Marciniak, Earth: Pleiadian Keys to the Living

Library, Bear & Company, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1995, pp.
8. Rupert Sheldrake, Seven Experiments That Could Change
the World, Park Street Press, Rochester, Vermont, 1995, pp.
9. Ibid., p. 24.
10. Ibid., pp. 13-18, 72.
11. Ibid., pp. 37-8, 70.
12. Ibid., pp. 40- 48.
13. Ibid., pp. 49-52.
14. Ibid., pp. 83-4.
15. Peter Tompkins & Christopher Bird, The Secret Life of Plants,
Harper & Row, New York, 1973, pp. 5, 9, 58.
16. Ibid., pp. 7-9.
17. See reference no. 7, p. 56.
18. Judith Moore & Barbara Lamb, Crop Circles Revealed, Light
Technology Publishing, Flagstaff, Arizona, 2001, p. 146.
19. See reference no. 5, p. 118.
20. Joshua David Stone, Ph.D., The Complete Ascension Manual,
Light Technology Publishing, Sedona, Arizona, 1994, pp.
21. URANTIA Foundation, The URANTIA Book, Chicago,
Illinois, 1955, pp. 618, 620.
22. Elisabeth Haich, Initiation, Seed Center, Redway, California,
1965, p. 183.
23. Erik Myrmo, The Joy of Knowing We Are One, Pendulum
Plus Press, Atlanta, Georgia, 1996, p. 27.
24. See reference no. 7, pp. 14-5.
25. Ibid., p. 184.
26. Dr. Norma Milanovich & Dr. Shirley McCune, The Light

Shall Set You Free, Athena Publishing Albuquerque, New
Mexico, 1996, pp. 42-3, 152.
27. Lee Carroll, Kryon, Book Three, The Kryon Writings, Inc.,
Del Mar, California, 1995, p. 94.
28. Bob Frissell, Something in This Book Is True… Frog, Ltd.,
Berkeley, California, 1997, p. 71.
29. Richard Dannelley, Sedona UFO Connection and Planetary
Ascension Guide, Vortex Society, Sedona, Arizona, 1993, p.
30. See reference no. 27, pp 287-89.

Chapter 8
1. James Redfield, The Celestine Prophecy, Satori Publishing,
Hoover, Alabama, 1993, p. 210.
2. José Arguelles, The Mayan Factor, Bear & Company, Santa
Fe, New Mexico, 1987, p. 196.
3. Elisabeth Haich, Initiation, Seed Center, Redway, California,
1965, p. 180.
4. URANTIA Foundation, The URANTIA Book, Chicago,
Illinois, 1955, p. 1770.
5. Holy Bible, New Open Bible, New King James Version,
Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, pp. 1141, 1145.
6. See reference no. 1, pp. 74-5.
7. Dr. Norma Milanovich & Dr. Shirley McCune, The Light
Shall Set You Free, Athena Publishing, Albuquerque, New
Mexico, 1996, pp. 142, 145.
8. Ibid., p. 148.
9. Ibid., pp. 198-99.
10. Erik Myrmo, The Joy of Knowing We Are One, Pendulum
Plus Press, Atlanta, Georgia, 1996, p. 66.

Chapter 9
1. Lee Carroll, Kryon, Book Three, The Kryon Writings, Inc.,
Del Mar, California, 1995, 198-9.
2. Lee Carroll, Kryon, Book Six, The Kryon Writings, Inc., Del
Mar, California, 1997, p. 129.
3. Gregg Braden, Awakening to Zero Point, Radio Bookstore
Press, Bellevue, Washington, 1993, pp. 37-9.
4. Ibid., pp. 23, 67-8.
5. Jane M. Howard, Commune with the Angels, A.R.E. Press,
Virginia Beach, Virginia, 1992, pp. xxi, 27, 30, 121.
6. Ibid., pp. 165-66.
7. Lee Carroll, Kryon, Book Nine, The Kryon Writings, Inc.,
Del Mar, California, 2002, pp. 224, 227, 235.
8. Dr. Norma Milanovich & Dr. Shirley McCune, The Light
Shall Set You Free, Athena Publishing, Albuquerque, New
Mexico, 1996, pp. 350-53.
9. Ibid., p. 354.
10. Lee Carroll & Jan Tober, The Indigo Children, HayHouse,
Inc., Carlsbad, California, 1999, pp. xiv, 6, 10.
11. Ibid., pp. 1-2.
12. Ibid., pp. 32, 34, 38, 119, 127, 150.
13. Ibid., pp. 30, 40, 85.
14. Dr. Norma Milanovich, “Majestic Raise,” Athena Leadership
Center, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1996, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp.
3, 10
15. See reference no. 3, p. 122.
16. Judith Moore & Barbara Lamb, Crop Circles Revealed, Light
Technology Publishing, Flagstaff, Arizona, 2001, pp. 66-7,
17. Ibid., pp. 3, 119, 124.

18. Ibid., pp. xvii, 81, 83.
19. See reference no. 3, pp. 128-29.
20. See reference no. 16, pp. 45, 127.
21. Ibid., pp. 126-27.
22. Ibid., p. 157.
23. Ibid., pp. 27, 118.
24. See reference no. 8, pp. 121, 246.
25. Dr. Norma Milanovich, “Celestial Voices,” Athena Publishing,
Scottsdale, Arizona, 2000, Vol. 10, No 4, p. 1.
26. See reference no. 2, p. 157.

Chapter 10
1. Holy Bible, New Open Bible, New King James Version,
Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, Matthew 6:10, p.
2. Judith Moore & Barbara Lamb, Crop Circles Revealed, Light
Technology Publishing, Flagstaff, Arizona, 2001, pp. 85,
3. Ken Carey, Return of the Bird Tribes, HarperCollins, New
York, 1991, p. 215.
4. J.J. Hurtak, The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch,
The Academy for Future Science, Los Gatos, California,
1997, p xiv.
5. St. Germain through Azena, Earth’s Birth Changes, Triad
Publishers Pty. Ltd., Australia, 1993, p. 83.
6. José Arguelles, The Mayan Factor, Bear & Company, Santa
Fe, New Mexico, 1987, pp. 148, 170.
7. Ibid., pp. 45, 164.
8. Ibid., pp. 19, 69.
9. Ibid., pp. 50, 73.

10. Barbara Hand Clow, The Pleiadian Agenda, Bear & Company,
Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1995, pp. 32, 38, 47.
11. Ibid., pp. 42, 105.
12. Lee Carroll, Kryon, Book Three, The Kryon Writings, Inc.,
Del Mar, California, 1995, p. 55.
13. Lee Carroll, Kryon, Book Seven, The Kryon Writings, Inc
Del Mar, California, 1999, p. 143.
14. Erik Myrmo, The Joy of Knowing We Are One, Pendulum
Plus Press, Atlanta, Georgia, 1996, p. 23.
15. Lee Carroll, Kryon, Book One, The Kryon Writings, Del Mar
California, 1992, p. 123.
16. See reference no. 2, p. 135.
17. Ibid., pp. 141-43.
18. Lee Carroll, Kryon, Book Ten, The Kryon Writings, Inc.,
Del Mar, California, 2004, p. 307.
19. See reference no. 2, pp. 134, 140.
20. Ibid., p. 153
21. Ibid., pp. 154.
22. Ibid., pp. 160, 243.
23. See reference no. 18, p. 311.
24. See reference no. 2, pp. 121-2.
25. See reference no. 4, pp. 238, 242, 301.
26. Dr. Norma Milanovich & Dr, Shirley McCune, The Light
Shall Set You Free, Athena Publishing, Albuquerque, New
Mexico, 1996, pp. 114-7, 353.
27. Ibid.
28. Ibid., pp. 101-2.
29. See reference no. 10, p. 35.
30. Barbara Marciniak, Earth: Pleiadian Keys to the Living
Library, Bear & Company, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1995,

pp. 4, 12, 36-7.
31. Ibid., pp. 14, 17-9, 32.
32. Ibid., pp. 14, 26.
33. See reference no. 2, pp. 147-48.
34. See reference no. 4, p. 47.
35. See reference no. 26, p. 135.
36. Gregg Braden, Awakening to Zero Point, Radio Bookstore
Press, Bellevue, Washington, 1993, pp. 69, 76.
37. Ibid., p. 68.
38. Lyssa Royal & Keith Priest, Preparing For Contact, Royal
Priest Research Press, Phoenix, Arizona, 1993, p. 177.
39. Lyssa Royal & Keith Priest, Visitors From Within, Royal
Priest Research Press, Scottsdale, Arizona, 1991, p. 94.
40. See reference no. 5, p. 62
41. See reference no. 18, p. 198.
42. See reference no. 4, p. 157.
43. See reference no. 26, pp. 106-7.
44. See reference no. 30, p. 114.
45. See reference no. 36, p. 89.
46. Dr. Norma Milanovich, “Celestial Voices,” Athena
Publishing, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1997, Vol. 7, No. 4,
pp. 2, 3.
47. Dr. Norma Milanovich, “Celestial Voices,” Athena
Publishing, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1997, Vol. 7, No. 1,
pp. 2, 3.
48. Dr. Norma Milanovich, “Message from Master Kuthumi
to the Attendees of the United Nations Parapsychology
Society Meeting,” Trinity Foundation, Albuquerque, New
Mexico, 1991.
49. Dr. Norma Milanovich, “Celestial Voices,” Athena

Publishing, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1999, Vol. 9, No. 1,
p. 1.
50. See reference no. 13, p. 153.
51. See reference no. 12, p. 38.
52. See reference no. 14, p. 103.
53. Ibid., p. 244.


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