8.3 Working Fluid Selection: TH C PH E 2 3 1 4

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8  Binary Cycle Power Plants 159

Since the net power of the cycle is the difference between the thermal power input and
the thermal power rejected, this formula may be rewritten as
Q_ c h2 2 h3
ηth 5 1 2 5 12 ð8:18Þ
Q_ PH=E h1 2 h4
The heat rejection ratio was derived as eq. (5.27) in Sect. 5.4.6 and is repeated here:
Q_ c 1
5 21 ð8:19Þ
W net η th

These formulas apply to the cycle, not the plant. If the net cycle power is used to
supply plant auxiliary power needs such as well pumps, cooling tower fans, station
lighting, etc., then all these parasitic loads must be subtracted from the net cycle
power to obtain the net plant power. Since binary cycles tend to have thermal efficien-
cies in the 1013% range, any further reduction in net power can have a serious
impact on plant performance.
Another measure of cycle and plant performance can be obtained using the Second
Law in the form of the utilization efficiency, ηu, which is defined as the ratio of the
actual net plant power to the maximum theoretical power obtainable from the geofluid
in the reservoir state:
_ net
W W _ net
ηu  5 ð8:20Þ
Eres _ b ½ðhres 2 h0 Þ 2 T0 ðsres 2 s0 Þ
where T0 is the dead-state temperature (e.g., the local wet-bulb temperature if a water
cooling tower is used), and h0 and s0 are the enthalpy and entropy values for the
geofluid evaluated at the dead-state pressure and temperature (usually approximated
as the saturated liquid values at T0). The subjects of utilization efficiency and Second
Law analysis are covered in depth in Chap. 10.

8.3 Working fluid selection

Before we move on to study more complex binary cycles, let us here consider the
important matter of the selection of the working fluid. This design decision has great
implications for the performance of a binary plant. While there are many choices
available for working fluids, there are also many constraints on that selection that
relate to the thermodynamic properties of the fluids as well as considerations of health,
safety, and environmental impact.
8.3.1 Thermodynamic properties
Table 8.2 lists some candidate fluids and their relevant thermodynamic properties;
pure water is included for comparison [9]. Clearly all of the candidate fluids have criti-
cal temperatures and pressures far lower than water. Furthermore, since the critical
pressures are reasonably low, it is feasible to consider supercritical cycles for the
hydrocarbons. As we will see shortly, this allows a better match between the brine
cooling curve and the working fluid heating-boiling line, reducing the thermodynamic
losses in the heat exchangers.

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