Standard 6 New

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Standard 6

Professional Responsibility
Component 6.b: Engage in continued professional growth and
collaboration in schools and/or professional organizations.

Artifact: EDU 256 Host Teacher Evaluation

Date: Fall 2018
The Host Teacher Evaluation attached connects to component 6.b because it shows
my professionalism within a school setting. My host teacher filled out this evaluation form
providing me with feedback during the week I was observing in the middle school. She
evaluated me on my professionalism, my lesson delivery, and assistance with host teacher
throughout the experience.
As a future teacher, it is essential for me to demonstrate professionalism to my
students, parents and other faculty members both inside and outside of school. Teachers are
one of the biggest role models in a student’s life and it is essential to demonstrate respect,
patience and compassion to everyone I interact with. Similarly, teachers must be able to
collaborate with other teachers and school administrators in a respectful and professional
manner. The evaluation attached discusses my strengths and weaknesses in 3 categories-
professionalism, lesson delivery and assisting my host teacher. My host teacher said I did a
great job demonstrating professionalism. I was early to school every day, helped my host
teacher set up, dressed professional and helped assist teaching any way that I could. The only
weakness she talked about was how I could have interacted more with other teachers and
faculty in order to make connections. For the lesson delivery category, my host teacher said I
gave detailed and clear instruction, but just needed to use a louder voice. I helped my host
teacher out as best as I could throughout the experience by helping her set up equipment,
taking attendance and providing demonstrations. Having the opportunity to get evaluated
based on my teaching and professionalism was very beneficial and has since helped me grow
as a teacher. My host teacher provided me with tips and ways to improve my weaknesses,
and how to continue developing my strengths. Reflecting back on our teaching is an excellent
way to continue improving and growing as a teacher.
My host teacher evaluation connects with component 6.b because it shows my
professional growth and collaboration in a school setting. While doing my field experience, I
was expected to demonstrate professionalism throughout, both inside and outside of the
school. I showed professionalism by showing up early, assisting my host teacher and
interacting with students and faculty in a respectful manner. This evaluation shows my ability
to be professional, respectful and competent as a teacher and a professional.

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