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AS2 User Interface

Name _________________________________ Form Class __________

Teacher _________________________________ DT Class __________

Peer assessed by _____________________________________________________

Part Topic Mark
Describe the main features of different types of user interface:
2,4,1 windows, icons, menu, pointer (WIMP), command line and forms / _72_
1 Jan 2010 /4
2 Jan 2010 A2W11 /12
3 Jan 2013 /8
4 Jan 2014 /2
5 June 2010 /8
6 June 2011 /8
7 May 2012 /10
8 June 2013 /6
9 June 2014 /8
10 June 2015 /6
TOTAL / __



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Assessment Marking Scheme
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sp Spelling error
Be attentive to this, learn from
g Grammatical error it, and be prepared to check
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˄ Omission
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Too vague: Your answer misses the specific
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 D ≥ 50%
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A-Level Digital Technology > Assessment Booklet Page 3 of 12
Uses windows to represent applications/tasks
… pull down menus to provide options
… buttons to provide functionality
… scroll bars to assist navigation through screens
… icons to represent objects, such as programs
… wizards to assist
… a mouse to control a pointer
Characterised by WYSIWIG

Jan 2010 Question 3

Jan 2010 A2W11 – question 2

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a) a gui uses visual elements such as icons to represent applications such as
folders. Options are shown and chosen from drop down menus using a pointer
controlled by a mouse.
b) command line interface, uses text based commands are keyed in at a prompt.
There is a set of commands that are valid commands may have parameters.
Prompt dialogue, the layout of the interface screens matches the physical forms
used in the applications with instructions or text boxes in the same position

A gui is not text baseds

it uses windows pull down menus

i t u s e s w i n d o w s p u l l d o w n m e n u s

Scroll bars
i t u s e s w i n d o w s p u l l d o w n m e n u s

Jan 2013
There is a specific list of commands

Each command has a short cut such as print

Each command has a correct syntax

Each command is typed at a prompt

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To accept input from the user, to provide output for the user

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June 2010

A prompt is a message/hint/place marker indicates the point of purpose input is

produced by the computer
In this case C:\> /the current directory or path

A parameter refers to additional/qualifying information required for a command

In this case: WORDPRO.EXE \is the name of the program to be executed

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June 2011

There’s a finite list of command words

Each with correct syntax
The user inputs the command at a prompt
Some commands require parameters or switches

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The screen layouts reflect existing paper forms
… with input boxes in the same positions
… and the same text instructions
The user may be able to tick boxes or use radio buttons
The order in which the user completes the form may be controlled
Validation/verification will be carried out
The user may navigate using back/next buttons

There’s a finite list of command words

Each with correct syntax
The user inputs the command at a prompt
Some commands require parameters or switches

Single word commands

are entered at a prompt

Short list of commands is available

Switches/parameters may be required

May 2012

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It uses windows
Each window represents a different application
These can be opened/closed by the user

It uses icons
An icon is an image which suggests an application
The user clicks on the icon to start the application/perform a task

It uses a pointer
Which the user moves using a mouse
To select an icon/menu option

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June 2014

There’s a prescribed list of command words

Each command has its own syntax
Including a short word, e.g… COPY
The user inputs specific commands at a prompt
Some commands require parameters or switches

The interface could include shortcuts

A combination of two or more keys pressed at the same time
Such as CTRL + S for save

The interface could include function keys/hotkeys

Special keys programmed to carry out specific tasks
Such as F5 for find and replace

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June 2015

It requires minimal resources (e.g. low screen resolution)

The commands can be processed faster without the
overheads of a menu/form
Experienced users can key in a command more quickly than
selecting from a hierarchy of menus

The screen layouts reflect existing data

entry forms,
data input boxes are in the same position,
screen displaying the same text.
The user may be able to tick boxes.
The order in which the user completes the
form may be pre-set

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