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A Response To:

My plea to be
unbanned from Kiwi
Farms – First

By Colonel J (The Sheriff)

Author's Note:

I would like to thank all my fans and

supporters who want me back on Kiwi
Farms. I appreciate you all. For obvious
reasons, I cannot reply to any of my
detractors personally like I normally would
to clear up their false statements so I have
chosen to, instead, provide to you all a
Word Document commentating and
debunking many incorrect posts on the thread.
If you're going to post that link I ask you do me a courtesy and put a link to my rebuke of that post alongside it please.

This false and sort of proof the person doesn't know what they're talking about. People who like Ralph hate Zoom and people who like
Zoom hate Ralph. I'm objective and like both, but I wouldn't say I “suck them off.” In Zoom's thread I relayed information
and liked to verify claims. Same goes for Ralph's thread. I simply care for the truth. Sometimes the truth destroys our headcanons.
We shouldn't be upset at the person who restores order, or at least tries to, to our minds.

I still very much like Papa JF and I'm still listening to The Public Space almost every day. It's a great show and I
recommend everyone watch it. I was meaning to post some funny clips from JF's birthday stream, but I cannot for obvious reasons.

I am always super formal. I'm probably one of the nicest people on KF.
This is false. I never “whiteknighted” Q#. On Ralph's forum I simply asked for proof that Q# would trash Ralph or Metokur
since this is the allegation everyone was running with. I always ask for proof of people's actions before believing the accusations. It's
smart thing to do. Anyways, the clip I would always be spammed as “proof” was Q# making fun of Ralph/Metokur who would
harass them during their gaming stream. I also felt the Q# and Metokur argument over who should start their showdown stream very
dumb. Was Metokur so afraid of offensive superchats shutting down their channel, offensive superchats they've had no problem reading
in the past by the way, that they were somehow incapable of manually removing them themself? I think not. I felt both looked bad from
the situation because it didn't matter in the end who made the stream and the end result would have been the same. Metokur making
Q# look bad.

I've never given Zoom money.

ZyklonDan should know, more than anyone on KF, that I am truly neutral in my observations as I did criticize some of the
things Ralph was saying on Ralph's forums. In fact, I criticized Ralph so much people there felt I was a Q#/Sargon
whiteknight. I criticized Ralph so much they banned me (I was eventually unbanned) from their forums for showing them how dumb
their new rule was and their reasons for implementing it.
Anyways, their Edit lacks a lots of context. I'll try and summarize my thoughts on that consent briefly:
Yes, children can consent to sex. It's just illegal, I like that it's illegal, and do not wish to see it become legal because I wouldn't
want my daughters getting freaky with some pedophile creep.

This is false. I never said Nick was wrong to associate with KF. I just feel that their damage control, in trying to say KF
isn't a doxxing website, very dumb. Be like Ty Beard, put your dick on the table, and say that you don't care. I will include the
image below for posterity.
This is false. I did not drag IF crap into Weeb Wars as the only reason I ever bothered posting there regarding
Zoom/Nick is because some weeb tagged me to bring up something I said weeks ago when I posted something in Zoom's thread
from /cow/. That person who tagged me is the individual who brought IF crap to WW.

This is false. KF is the only forum I am banned from currently and in the past I was temporarily banned from Ralph's forum.

This person has 0 idea what they're talking about... Null was not the one who shut down Ralph's forum and back when I was
archiving Dispatch's doxxing website and posted it in the thread it wasn't due to anything I had against Ralph at the time. It was
for documentation purposes. At the time I didn't even know it was Dispatch who was running it. I was exposed to the link in the
server of another KF member. You, sir, get a Dumb rating from me.

Thank you all for reading and another thank you to all my fans and supporters. If any of you wish to contact me please add me on
discord (@Colonel J (The Sheriff)#5601) or email (

The End.

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