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Ambedkar was a prolific student earning doctorates in economics from both Columbia University and

the London School of Economicsand gained a reputation as a scholar for his research in law,
economics, and political science. In his early career, he was an economist, professor, and lawyer.
His later life was marked by his political activities; he became involved in campaigning and
negotiations for India's independence, publishing journals, advocating political rights and social
freedom for Dalits, and contributing significantly to the establishment of the state of India. In 1956,
he converted to Buddhism initiating mass conversions of Dalits.The Cholas built 1000s of Temples
through out their Empire. The Bragadeeswarar Big Temple in Thanjavur, Chidambaram
Natarajar Temple, Tiruvarur Temple were built by Cholas. (A side note: At present it is not
known who built the Temples in Elephanta Caves. The Elephanta Caves have big sculpture of
Lord Murugan. Lord Murugan is considered as a Tamil God. So the Elephanta Caves may be
built by a Malla / Tamil King)

During 13th Century AD, Chola Empire began to decline. Because of the humiliation done to
Pandian King by Cholan Kulothungan earlier, Pandian King SundaraPandian destroyed most part
of Cholan Empire, burnt Tanjavur leaving only the Temples and the Convention Center (16 leg
Mandapam) Built by Cholan Karikaalan.

The Pandian Empire was rich with GOLD, Pearl and Spices. The City Gates of Madurai (Capital
of Pandian King at that time) was ornamented with Gold and Pearls.

During 14th Century Pandian empire began to decline because of frequent attacks my Muslim
Kings. Muslim Kings raided cities, killed hundreds of thousands of citizens and took huge
amount (tonnes and tonnes) of gold and Jewellery to Delhi. (It is to be noted there were about
20,000 Muslim soldiers in the Pandian army. But these soldiers betrayed the Pandian Kings and
joined the Muslim army when Muslim army attacked Pandian Kingdom. A part of the modern
Kallan community was Muslims at that time. As evidence the Kallan community follow certain
Muslim customs like Sunnath -removing the foreskin of Pennies, having horse tail’s hair in the
Mangalsudram -Taali or Wedding chain of the bride - wife)

During the end of 14th Century Vijayanagar army chiefs came to Madurai and defeated the
Muslim rulers with the help of Pandian Chiefs and the Vijayanagar army chief established his
rule in Madurai. Gradually Vijayanagar army and citizens moved to Chola and Pandian Kingdom
and removed the privileges of the Tamil elite – Removal of land ownership from Tamils (Mallar
– Devendrakulathar, Original Vellala) and forcebly transfered ownership of Land and Title to
Telugu Nayaks, Telugu Brahmins and others who supported the Nayak rule. New rules were
passed to stop contact with Pandian and their relatives by general citizens. Rule were passed to
prevent contact and intermarriage between the 18 worker communities that supported the Tamil
society and Tamil Kings, Nayaks encouraged Pallu literature and changed Name of the
successors of Tamil Kings and their relatives from Malla to Pallan. Due to censure, low status
and avoidance of contact with supporters of Tamil Kings many of the Mallars migrated to Kerala
(Mannradiar), Ceylon and Malayasia. The Nayaks allowed other Tribes to Plunder the Mallas,
motivated other communities to challange the Mallas and to claim their title, elevated the status
and privilege of supporters of Telugu rule, Telugu Brahmins and encouraged Sanskrit.

After the Mallas-humiliated as Pallas, went through several distress, oppression and quarantine,
many of them converted to Christianity, Islam but many still remain as Hindus. It should be
noted and emphasized again that the Mallas were the originators, guardians, Gods, Goddess,
devotees and builders of the Saivite and Vishnavite religion which is the basis of current but
transformed Hinduism. But the descendants of Mallas were made low in the society that enjoys
and cherishes the culture and civiliz

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