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Master of Management
Faculty of Economics and Business
Universitas Gadjah Mada
©June 2016

Master Thesis Handbook

Master of Management Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada 
Master Thesis Handbook
ii Master of Management Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada

Thesis is a scientific paper as the results of independent research to meet some of the requirements to
obtain a Master Degree (S2) in Master of Management Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas
Gadjah Mada (MM FEB UGM). Students have the freedom to choose the type of thesis, namely: Case
Analysis, Business Plan and Theories Testing in accordance with their concentration.

Before student writing a thesis, the student must prepare a thesis proposal that contains a research
proposal. Thesis proposal is presented in the Thesis Workshop course. It could be also applied that
the proposals are presented in the Business Research Method course. Upon the approval of the thesis
proposal by the thesis supervisor, students can carry out the research and compile the results into a
complete thesis.

This handbook is a reference for students of MM FEB UGM who want to write a thesis proposal, thesis and
a summary of the thesis. This book outlines the procedures of writing a thesis proposal up to the thesis
summary so that it is expected there will be a uniformity of the thesis format in MM FEB UGM Program.
This handbook is a minimum standard that must be fulfilled by students in their thesis writing process.

Master of Management
Faculty of Economics and Business
Universitas Gadjah Mada

Master Thesis Handbook

Master of Management Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada i

Foreword i
Table of Content ii
List of Appendix iii

1.1. Thesis 1
1.2. Type of Thesis 1
1.3. Thesis Workshop 2


2.1. Introduction 5
2.2. Proposal’s Main Part 6
2.3. Proposal’s Closing Part 9


3.1. Introduction Part of the Case Analysis Thesis 10
3.2. Main Part of the Case Analysis Thesis 13
3.3. Closing Part of the Case Analysis Thesis 18


4.1. Introduction Part of the Business Plan Thesis 19
4.2. Main Part of the Business Plan Thesis 22
4.3. Closing Part of the Business Plan Thesis 27


5.1. Introduction Part of the Theories Testing Thesis 28
5.2. Main Section of the Theories Testing Thesis 31
5.3. Closing Part of the Theories Testing Thesis 36

Master Thesis Handbook

ii Master of Management Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada
6.1. Introduction Part of the Thesis Summary 31
6.2. Main Part of the Thesis Summary 38
6.3. Closing Part of the Thesis Summary 39
6.4. Other Conditions 39


7.1. Material and Paper Size 40
7.2. Typing Format 40
7.3. Language 42
7.4. Table 43
7.5. Figure 44
7.6. Numbers and Units 44
7.7. Equation 45
7.8. Citation 45
7.9. Foot notes 45
7.10. Bibliography Format 45


8.1. Registration 51
8.2. Execution 51

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Appendix 1: Example of Title Page of the Thesis Proposal

Appendix 2: Example of Title Page of the Thesis
Appendix 3: Example of Table and Figure Format
Appendix 4: Example of Quotation in the Thesis
Appendix 5: Example of Title Page of the Thesis Summary
Appendix 6: Example of Thesis Summary Validation Page
Appendix 7: Example of Thesis Examination Evaluation Form
Appendix 8: Example of Thesis Examination Minutes Page
Appendix 9: Example of Thesis Statement Page
Appendix 10: Thesis Examination Guidelines Page

Master Thesis Handbook

iv Master of Management Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada

1.1. Thesis
Thesis is a scientific paper written by postgraduate students at the end of their study at a university.
Thesis is one of the prerequisites for students of MM FEB UGM to obtain a Master Degree. Thesis aims
to train students in plan, observe, analyze, interpret and report on a current phenomenon or business
Thesis will be supervised by one supervisor which is assigned by MM FEB UGM Program in accordance
with the competence of each field of study. The Supervisor is in charge of guiding the students from the
selection of topics, the use of theory, the determination of variables and objects of research, collection
and reporting of data up to the systematic writing.
Students are strongly advised to choose a research theme which is accordance with their respective field
of concentration and apply the knowledge gained in the classroom into a scientific paper in the form
of a thesis. In their thesis, students are expected to bring new knowledge to the reader of the scientific

1.2. Type of Thesis

MM FEB UGM provides three options for students in determining the type of thesis:

1.2.1. Case Analysis

The type of case analysis thesis focuses on problem solving and it is expected that the research is able
to provide solutions to current business problems. This type of thesis can be performed by students from
all areas of concentration.

Master Thesis Handbook

Master of Management Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada 
1.2.2. Business Plan
The research thesis with the type of business plan aims to provide a solution for the preparation of a
business plan that is systematic and detailed. Only students with a concentration field of entrepreneurship
is allowed to write a thesis with this type of business plan.

1.2.3. Theories Testing

The research thesis with the type of testing a theory focuses on the problems (problem-oriented). The
purpose of this study is to test the hypothesis of the relationships between variables in a research model.
This type of thesis can be performed by students from all areas of concentration.

1.3. Thesis Workshop

Thesis Workshop (TW) is a course with a weight of 1 credits that are required for students in conjunction
with the process of writing a thesis. The course consists of 3 phases TW meetings aimed to monitor,
evaluate and accelerate the process of writing a thesis. TW courses taught by a lecturer Moderator who
control certain areas of concentration and appointed by MM FEB UGM’s Board of Directors.

1.3.1. Thesis Workshop I (TW1): Research Proposal

At this stage, each student will be asked to present a thesis proposal within 10 minutes. In the actual
thesis defense, students will be given only about 15 minutes to present their thesis. Therefore, at this
stage, students are introduced to the atmosphere of the real thesis defense. The Moderator gives oral
and written evaluation after the presentation of each student. The aspects that will be evaluated at this
stage are:
a. The novelty and originality of thesis topics
b. Correspondence between the thesis title with a formulation of the problem and the research
c. The accuracy of concepts/theories/approaches used to answer research questions or to make a
recommendation decision/business plan.
d. Compliance between the research methods with the research questions.
e. The understanding of students to the analysis tools which will be used.
f. The effectiveness of the presentation.
g. The readiness and the level of contributions in class discussion.

Master Thesis Handbook

 Master of Management Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada
1.3.2. Thesis Workshop 2 (TW 2): Research Data
TW 2 is scheduled approximately 2.5 months after TW 1. In this session, students will be asked to present
the progress of the writing of their thesis respectively within 10 minutes with a focus on data collection.
Students are expected to already collected the necessary data. The aspects that will be evaluated at this
stage are:
a. Correspondence of the data between the data collection methods and data analysis methods.
b. Completeness of the data obtained and have been presented professionally.
c. Identification of the constraints and plan for the next thesis writing.
d. The effectiveness of the presentation.
e. The readiness and the level of contributions in class discussion.

1.3.3. Thesis Workshop 3 (TW 3): Research Analysis

TW 3 will be held about 1.5 months after TW 2 is implemented. At this stage, students are expected to
have completed all the data analysis process so that Chapters IV and V was ready to be presented. The
aspects that will be evaluated at this stage are:
a. The results of the analysis, evaluation, and research findings.
b. Correspondence between the results of the analysis by the research question or recommendation /
proposed business plan.
c. Suitability research conclusions and recommendations with the research findings.
d. The effectiveness of the presentation.
e. The readiness and the level of contributions in class discussion.

Through the three TW stages, it is hoped that the thesis constraints which is faced by the students in the
process of coaching or writing a thesis can be immediately identified and thus finding the appropriate
solution. By following all these stages, students are expected to finish their thesis writing in a timely
manner with a better quality result.
Below are the general provisions of TW:
a. Students can not be scheduled for the thesis defense before receiving the TW’s grades.
b. Students who are not present at TW 1 would be failing to take TW courses in the particular semester
and are obliged to repeat courses, unless the student has an approved thesis proposal (ACC) by the
supervisor before the TW 1 schedule.

Master Thesis Handbook

Master of Management Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada 
c. Students whose thesis has been approved (ACC) to be defensed prior to the implementation of
the TW 1, students were not required to follow the TW 1 to TW 3 and automatically get an A for the
course. This provision also applies to students whose theses have been approved (ACC) to be tested
prior to implementation of TW 2 or 3, then the student is not required to follow the TW 2 or 3, and
automatically get an A for the TW stages.
d. Students who are not present on stage of TW 2 and 3, then the grade for those TW stage is D.
e. The evaluation weightage for each of the stages are:
TW 1: 40%
TW 2: 30%
TW 3: 30%
f. At each stage, The Moderator mark the grade in the form of letters (A, B, C, D) so that at the end of
TW 3, the grade obtained by the students is as follows (unless otherwise regulated in the general
provisions of the TW above):
A: 85-100 Has fulfilled with all aspects of the stages of TW very well
B: 75-84 Has fulfilled some aspects of the stages of TW well
C: 60-74 Has not fulfilled some aspects of the stages of TW
D: 0-59 Not meet all aspects of the stages of TW
g. Students are entitled to know the results of the evaluation or comment on some aspects of which
were assessed at each stage of the TW by the Moderator. The evaluation results or comments from
the Moderator is what should be considered in consultation with the Thesis Supervisor.
h. If there are different approaches, issues or anything else between Moderator with Supervisor Thesis,
then the final decision on the advice of revision and all improvements to the thesis remains on
Supervisor Thesis. Thesis Supervisor has full authority to decide whether a thesis under him/her
eligible to be tested or not.

Master Thesis Handbook

 Master of Management Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada

Thesis proposal is an academic document that contains a brief research plan. Students prepare a thesis
proposal and consult it to the supervisor. Thesis proposal consists of three main parts which are not
presented in the chapter by chapter format. Thesis proposal consists of The Introduction, Main, and
Closing Part.

2.1. Introduction
The introduction part of the thesis proposal is the title page, which contains the title, the purpose of
research proposal, UGM logo, student’s name and ID number, academic institution, and the time of
submission (year).

2.1.1. Title
The title should be written clearly and concisely so that no opportunities for various interpretations and
stated the exact research topic which will be studied. The title should be no more than 15 words, and
written in capital letters using Times New Roman 16ft, bold.

2.1.2. Proposal
Write the word “Thesis Proposal” under the proposal’s title using Times New Roman 14ft, bold.

2.1.3. Objective
Write the word “To Develop Master Thesis in Master of Management” using Times New Roman 14ft, not

2.1.4. University Logo

Show the Universitas Gadjah Mada’s official logo in perforated black and white format (not gold or yellow
and white) and round shape (instead of a pentagon) with a diameter of 5.5 cm.

Master Thesis Handbook

Master of Management Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada 
2.1.5. Student Name
Write “Submitted by” on the first line and the second line write the student’s full name as stated on the
birth certificate, without any degree or salutation and without any abbreviation of the name using Times
New Roman 14ft, bold.

2.1.6. Student ID Number

Under the name of the student, write a complete student registration number using Times New Roman
14ft, not bold.

2.1.7. Academic Institution

MADA (third row) using Times New Roman 14ft, bold.

2.1.8. Year
Write the year of which the thesis proposal is written using Times New Roman 14ft, bold.

2.2. Proposal’s Main Part

The main part is the core in the overall thesis proposal which consists of approximately 10-20 pages. The
main part is written using Times New Roman 12ft, not bold, whereas for the title of each section is using
Times New Roman 12ft, bold, and all texts in the thesis proposal presented in two-line spacing.
The main part of the proposal consists of some sections and does not consist of chapters. The writing
format is emphasized to a plan so that the word “shall/will” will be used frequently.

2.2.1. Background
The author suggests the reason “why” a specific research topic is worth to be studied using a conceptual
basis, in the form of relevant theory and contextual foundation including business issue or phenomenon.
Observation of the current business phenomena that is interesting and/or suitable/not in accordance
with the already existing concepts or theories can also be a research background.

Master Thesis Handbook

 Master of Management Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada
2.2.2. Problem Statement
The problem statement is the explanation that reveals what are the issues in a study to be solved. Based
on the research background in the previous section, the author identify loopholes or research gaps based
on a review of previous studies or business issues that are occur.
In writing problem statement, the student must be at least explaining clearly: “What is the problem?” And
“why the problem becomes interesting to study?” The problems are not expressed with interrogative
sentence, but it is a problem statement (statement of the problem).
There are three criteria for assessing the quality of the problem statement formulation which are the actual
(the business issues that are being faced lately and real), can be solved (there are various alternative
solutions or decisions which can be offered), and interesting (a concern or solution is needed by the
business community).

2.2.3. Research Questions

The research questions must be stated in question form in a clear, concise, and unambiguous. The
question form depends on the type of thesis. For Case Analysis and Business Plan types, research
questions can be answered by applying a concept in order to generate alternative decisions or solutions.
For a theory testing type, the questions should be able to be tested empirically.
For research with the deductive approach. Testing the hypothesis quantitatively, it is common to use
the word “what/is” while for research with the inductive or case study that investigates the process, it is
common to use the word “why” or “how”.
The author should have thought the availability of the data, data sources, and how to obtain the data
so they can have the confident that the research questions could be answered and the thesis can be

2.2.4. Research Objectives

The research objective refers to the results to be obtained or derived from the research. The research
objectives should be in accordance with the problem statement and the research questions. The research
objectives are made by using the statement sentences. For exploratory research, it is common to use the
word “identifying”, “designing”, “arranging”, “formulating”, “evaluating”, while for explanatory research, it
is common to use the word “testing”. Try to avoid using “to know”.

Master Thesis Handbook

Master of Management Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada 
2.2.5. Research Contributions
On the research benefits, the author presents his/her research contributions both for academics (from
the theoretical side) as well as practitioners (from the practical side). The statement of the benefits of
research should be clear, concise, and relevant to the research objectives that have been set. Try to avoid
stating that the benefit of the research is a matter that will not be generated from the research.

2.2.6. Research Scope

The author presents the context of the research to be done i.e. aspect of the research sites or location,
the main theories which will be the focus, and the research methods to be used.
Within the scope of the study also includes the assumptions used and is a confirmation of the specific
problems which will be solved, so that it will not extend to things that are less relevant.

2.2.7. Literature Review/Theoretical Framework

Literature Review/Theoretical Framework contains a description of the referred and to be applied theories,
and the results of the previous related studies.
For the Case Analysis and Business Plan types, there are no formulation of a hypothesis. Thesis with
Theory Testing types presents formulation of a hypothesis. Based on the related theory, the hypothesis is
written clearly and concisely that shows the relationship between variables. Each hypothesis must have
specifically formulated based on theories and the results of previous research.
At the end of the Literature Review/Theoretical Framework, for Case Analysis and Business Plan type
should present a research framework, while for Theory Testing type, it will conclude with a research

2.2.8. Research Method

The research method contains a description of the required data along with data sources, data collection
methods, the research instrument (e.g. questionnaire), the operational definition of research variables
and data analysis methods (models, formulas, techniques, algorithms, etc.). Try to explain specifically how
the method of the research which is used be able to be used to answer research questions.

Master Thesis Handbook

 Master of Management Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada
2.3. Proposal’s Closing Part
The closing part of the thesis proposal consists of two parts: a bibliography and appendix.

2.3.1. Bibliography
Bibliography contains the referred literatures used in the thesis proposal and presented alphabetically.
For further information on the bibliography format, please refer to Section 7.10.

2.3.2. Appendix (if any)

The appendix presents some additional explanations with more detailed information or data and
considered necessary for the thesis proposal, but is not included in the main part of the thesis proposal.
Examples of appendices to be attached to the thesis proposal are among: the initial data, the design of
the interview guide, questionnaire design, pre-test results (pilot test), and others. The numbering format
in the appendices written in Roman numerals. The writing format for the appendix is placed in the top
center and followed by the title of the attachment. In writing the appendices and titles are using capital
letters, Times New Roman 12ft, bold.

Master Thesis Handbook

Master of Management Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada 

The format and systematics of writing for a thesis is determined by MM FEB UGM with the reference to the
Research Proposal and Thesis Writing Guidelines published by the Graduate School of Universitas Gadjah
Mada and workshop results held by MM FEB UGM.
Students of MM FEB UGM are required to write a thesis as a form of applying the knowledge obtained
based on their concentration field. The thesis consists of three parts, namely the introduction, main, and

3.1. Introduction Part of the Case Analysis Thesis

The introduction part of the thesis provides an introduction to the reader about the content and structure
of the thesis consists of the following sections.

3.1.1. Cover Page

Comprised of some information that are written sequentially as follows.
a. Title
The title should be written clearly and concisely, no ambiguity, and stated the exact research topic to be
studied. The title should be no more than 15 words, and written in capital letters, using Times New Roman
16ft, bold.
b. Thesis
Write the word “Thesis” under the title using Times New Roman 14ft, bold.
c. Thesis Objective
Write the word “To Fulfill the Requirement to Obtain a Master Degree” using Times New Roman 14ft, not
d. Program
Write the word “Master of Management” using Times New Roman 14ft, not bold.

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e. University Logo
Show the Universitas Gadjah Mada’s official logo in perforated black and white format (not gold or yellow
and white) and round shape (instead of a pentagon) with a diameter of 5.5 cm.
f. Student Name
Write “Submitted by” on the first line and the second line write the student’s full name as stated on the
birth certificate, without any degree or salutation and without any abbreviation of the name using Times
New Roman 14ft, bold.
g. Student ID Number
Under the name of the student, write a complete student registration number using Times New Roman
14ft, not bold.
h. Academic Institution
MADA (third row) using Times New Roman 14ft, bold.
i. Year
Write the year of which the thesis is written using Times New Roman 14ft, bold.

3.1.2. Title Page

The title page consists of one sheet paper and has the exactly same information as the cover page and
applied to the white paper.

3.1.3. Authorization Page

This page contains the signature of the supervisor and the examiners, along with the date of the exam.
This page has been provided by the Academic Unit.

3.1.4. Statement of Authenticity of Written Thesis Page

This page contains a statement of which the contents do not constitute a copy, nor the work of others
and the student is willing to be revoked from his/her title if later discovered the violation. The example of
statement page can be found in the appendix.

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3.1.5. Preface Page
Preface page contains an expression of gratitude from the author upon completion of the thesis research,
the gratitude is addressed to those who contributed in the writing process and also the hopes of the
author for the benefits of his/her thesis result.

3.1.6. Table of Content

Authors are required to show a table of contents to provide systematic information about the contents
of the thesis. Table of content page is arranged in sequence, starting from the very beginning, the main
part, and the closing part of the thesis. The table of contents will be written with the order starting from
chapter’s title, section, and sub-section titles followed by page number.

3.1.7. List of Tables

The author must present sequentially the list of tables including tables numbers, titles, and page

3.1.8. List of Figures

The author must present sequentially the list of figures including figures numbers, title, and page

3.1.9. List of Appendix

The author must present sequentially the list of appendices including the appendix’s number, title, and
page number.

3.1.10. List of Symbols and Abbreviations (if any)

If the thesis is using a lot symbols and abbreviations, it would require a special list for the symbolic meaning
and the abbreviations. List of symbols and abbreviations contains a list of symbols and abbreviations
used in the thesis along with their meaning and units.

3.1.11. Abstract and Keywords

Abstract / essence of the thesis is written in two languages, Indonesian and English. This section is a brief
description that contains as much as 100-300 words about the purpose of research, research methods,
and research results. The word “Abstrak or Abstract” is written in the top center of the page with capital

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letters. The text in the abstract is written with a single space and it is required to include the keywords
that are placed under the abstract.

3.2. Main Part of the Case Analysis Thesis

The main part as the core of the thesis consists of 5 chapters and ranges between 40-60 pages. In
contrast to the proposal, in the thesis manuscript the author reported the research that has been done
so it has to avoid the use of the word “shall/will”.
In the case of Case Analysis type, the main part or body part consists of 5 chapters: (1) introduction, (2)
literature review/theoretical framework, (3) research methods, (4) results and discussion, (5) conclusions.
In addition of each chapter, there are several sub-chapters that explain some of the issues related to the
direction and purpose of the research that has been done. The systematics of each chapter in accordance
with the type of Case Analysis thesis is defined as follows.


1.1. Background
Observation of the current business phenomena that is interesting and/or suitable/not in accordance
with the already existing concepts or theories can also be a research background. Afterwards, the author
can link it with contextual and conceptual basis associated with the business phenomenon which had
been studied.

1.2. Problem Statement

Based on the research background in the previous section, the author describes the research gap either
empirically, theoretically and methodologically based on both previous research studies and issues that
are going on. In writing the problem statement, the student must be at least explained clearly: “What is
the problem?” And “why the problem becomes interesting to be studied?” The problems are not stated
with interrogative sentences, but it is a statement of the problem.

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1.3. Research Questions
The research questions must be stated in interrogative sentences, written in a clear, concise and
unambiguous way. For Case Analysis type, research questions must be answered by applying a concept
in order to generate alternative decisions or solutions. For the inductive research or case study which
investigates the process, it is common to use the question “why” or “how”.

1.4. Research Objectives

The research objectives should be in accordance with the problem statements and the research questions.
The research objectives are made by using the statement sentences. The author is obliged to use the
word “identifying”, “designing”, “arranging”, “formulating”, “evaluating”, and avoid using the words “to
know” or “to test” for this type of thesis.

1.5. Research Contributions

On the research benefits, the author presents his/her research contributions both for academics (from
the theoretical side) as well as practitioners (from the practical side). The statement of the benefits of
research should be clear, concise, and relevant to the research objectives that have been set. Try to avoid
stating that the benefit of the research is a matter that will not be generated from the research.

1.6. Research Scope

The author presents the context of his/her research which has been done such as the aspect of the
research sites/location, the main focus of theory and research methods used. Within the scope of the
study also includes the assumptions used and is a confirmation of the specific problems which will be
solved, so that it will not extend to things that are less relevant.

1.7. Systematic of Writing

The author presents briefly the important parts/information of each chapter.

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2.1. Literature Review/Theoretical Framework

The Literature Review/Theoretical Framework is a systematic description of some theories related to the
conducted case analysis. This Literature Review/Theoretical Framework should be able to describe the
facts related to the research directly from the source/primary literature sources. Secondary literature
sources can be used as a support of the primary literature sources. The sources used must include the
names and the published year in accordance with the sources listed in the bibliography. In addition,
it should present the results of several studies compiled by the author in chronological order. In order
to provide a powerful explanation in this theoretical study, in-depth study/elaboration of the theory
associated with the research should be added. This Literature Review/Theoretical Framework is expected
to be a reference/frameworks to understand better of the problems and solve them.
The Literature Review/Theoretical Framework of a research required two criteria, namely the recent
and relevance principles. Recent principle is related to the knowledge used should be the most current
theories. This is because the science is growing rapidly. Therefore, the author is expected to argue based on
theories that are deemed most representative at the time of the study. The relevance principle meant that
the author includes a theoretical study that is closely related to the existing problems in the research.

2.2. Previous Studies

Authors should present the results of empirical studies that have been previously carried out in
chronological order. The studies referred must be relevant to the topic of the research and clarifying the
understanding of the research context for the case study analysis.

2.3. Research Framework

Authors must present a research framework that describes the relationship between the concepts of the
referred theories and or will be developed in his/her case analysis thesis.

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3.1. Research Design

The author describes the research design as a reference for a research strategy that includes a brief
explanation of how to answer the research questions. In the Case Analysis type, there are two research
design types that are commonly used which are explorative and descriptive. Exploratory design focuses
on the investigation of the phenomenon which has not caught clearly in previous research and aims to
establish a concept or theory or identifying new findings based on research data. While descriptive design
focuses on the description or depiction of research objects in a clear, coherent, complete, and systematic
way to gain picture or portrait comprehensively research.

3.2. Data Collection Method

The author presents the types of data collected, data sources, data collection measures, timing of data
collection and sampling methods.

3.3. Research Instruments

The research instrument contains operational definitions, procedures for instrument development,
measurement methods and methods to validate the instrument. This is necessary in order to avoid
differences in understanding or misunderstanding of the meaning, so it needs confirmation of the terms
used in the study. The required terms are terms that related to key concepts in the research.

3.4. Data Analysis Method

The author presents the data analysis methods used in order to answer the problem statements and
research questions and the reasons why this type of data analysis is used. Selection of the data analysis
methods depends on the research needs and should be in line with the research objectives.

3.5. Case Profile

The author describes in detail the object of the research in his/her case study including organization
profiles, the dynamics of the main issues in the case, and other aspects involved in the study.

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4.1. Descriptions of the Data

It contains the description of the data which has gathered. The data can be presented in descriptive
statistics, frequency distribution accompanied with graphs or histograms, mean values, excerpts of
interviews, observation, and so forth. Author must explain the interesting findings from the case study

4.2. Discussions
The discussion outlines several things such as the answer to the problem statements that has been
presented in Chapter I or discussion about the achievement of research objectives, and the link between
research results with a discussion of the theories associated with the study. Explanation of the results
should be accompanied by a comparison with the results of previous relevant studies.


5.1. Conclusion
The conclusion of the research is described briefly, precisely, and directly related to the problem statements
and research objectives. The conclusion is the summary of the relevant discussions and can enrich the
research findings.

5.2. Implications
The implications of the research findings include two things: the theoretical and practical implications. The
theoretical implications associated with its contributions to the development of theories on the existing
knowledge and the practical implications related to its contributions to the strengthening of managerial
implementation in the context of the research and other similar organizational context.

5.3. Limitations
This section describes the limitations faced by the author in conducting the research.

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5.4. Suggestions/Recommendations
The suggestions/recommendations given should be associated with the research topic and based on
the research findings, discussion/analysis and conclusions. Suggestions/recommendations should be
presented in a detailed and operational language so that other parties associated with research who want
to implement these suggestions can easily implement them.

3.3. Closing Part of the Case Analysis Thesis

The final section of the Case Analysis Thesis consists of two parts: a bibliography and appendix.

3.3.1. Bibliography
This section contains references or reading materials used by the author in his/her case analysis thesis.
The bibliography is arranged in alphabetical order and follow the guidelines from MM FEB UGM, using
Times New Roman 12ft, not bold, and single spacing. All references in the text (body text) should be listed
in the bibliography, and vice versa. For further information on the bibliography format, please refer to
Section 7.10.

3.3.2. Appendix
The appendix presents some additional explanations with more detailed information or data and
considered necessary for the thesis, but is not included in the main part of the thesis. Examples of
appendices to be attached to the thesis are among: complete data, interview transcript, observation
document, data analysis, etc. The numbering format in the appendices written in Roman numerals. The
writing format for the appendix is placed in the top center and followed by the title of the attachment. In
writing the appendices and titles are using capital letters, Times New Roman 12ft, bold.

18 M aster Thesis Handbook

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The Business Plan Thesis can only be written by students taking concentration of entrepreneurship. The
detailed explanation of each section is meant to be a basic reference in the thesis.

4.1. Introduction Part of the Business Plan Thesis

The introduction part provides an introduction to the reader about the content and structure of the thesis,
which consists of the following sections.

4.1.1. Cover Page

Comprised of some information that are written sequentially as follows.

a. Title
The title should be written clearly and concisely, no ambiguity, and stated the exact research topic to be
studied. The title should be no more than 15 words, and written in capital letters, using Times New Roman
16ft, bold.

b. Thesis
Write the word “Thesis” under the title using Times New Roman 14ft, bold.

c. Thesis Objective
Write the word “To Fulfill the Requirement to Obtain a Master Degree” using Times New Roman 14ft, not

d. Program
Write the word “Master of Management” using Times New Roman 14ft, not bold.

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e. University Logo
Show the Universitas Gadjah Mada’s official logo in perforated black and white format (not gold or yellow
and white) and round shape (instead of a pentagon) with a diameter of 5.5 cm.

f. Student Name
Write “Submitted by” on the first line and the second line write the student’s full name as stated on the
birth certificate, without any degree or salutation and without any abbreviation of the name using Times
New Roman 14ft, bold.

g. Student ID Number
Under the name of the student, write a complete student registration number using Times New Roman
14ft, not bold.

h. Academic Institution
MADA (third row) using Times New Roman 14ft, bold.

i. Year
Write the year of which the thesis is written using Times New Roman 14ft, bold.

4.1.2. Title Page

The title page consists of one sheet paper and has the exactly same information as the cover page and
applied to the white paper.

4.1.3. Authorization Page

This page contains the signature of the supervisor and the examiners, along with the date of the exam.
This page has been provided by the Academic Unit.

4.1.4. Statement of Authenticity of Written Thesis Page

This page contains a statement of which the contents do not constitute a copy, nor the work of others
and the student is willing to be revoked from his/her title if later discovered the violation. The example of
statement page can be found in the appendix.

20 M aster Thesis Handbook

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4.1.5. Preface Page
Preface page contains an expression of gratitude from the author upon completion of the thesis research,
the gratitude is addressed to those who contributed in the writing process and also the hopes of the
author for the benefits of his/her thesis result.

4.1.6. Table of Content

Authors are required to show a table of contents to provide systematic information about the contents
of the thesis. Table of content page is arranged in sequence, starting from the very beginning, the main
part, and the closing part of the thesis. The table of contents will be written with the order starting from
chapter’s title, section, and sub-section titles followed by page number.

4.1.7. List of Tables

The author must present sequentially the list of tables including tables numbers, titles, and page

4.1.8. List of Figures

The author must present sequentially the list of figures including figures numbers, title, and page

4.1.9. List of Appendix

The author must present sequentially the list of appendices including the appendix’s number, title, and
page number.

4.1.10. List of Symbols and Abbreviations (if any)

If the thesis is using a lot symbols and abbreviations, it would require a special list for the symbolic meaning
and the abbreviations. List of symbols and abbreviations contains a list of symbols and abbreviations
used in the thesis along with their meaning and units.

4.1.11. Abstract and Keywords

Abstract / essence of the thesis is written in two languages, Indonesian and English. This section is a brief
description that contains as much as 100-300 words about the purpose of research, research methods,
and research results. The word “Abstrak or Abstract” is written in the top center of the page with capital

Master Thesis Handbook

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letters. The text in the abstract is written with a single space and it is required to include the keywords
that are placed under the abstract.

4.2. Main Part of the Business Plan Thesis

The main part as the core of the thesis consists of 5 chapters and ranges between 40-60 pages. In
contrast to the proposal, in the thesis manuscript the author reported the research that has been done
so it has to avoid the use of the word “shall/will”. The systematics of each chapter in accordance with the
type of Business Case thesis is defined as follows.


1.1. Company’s External Environment

This sub-section provides an overview of related industries, including trends, major players in the industry,
and the estimated value of total sales in the industry also includes a summary of the company’s position
in the industry (especially for business development topics which already existed).
In addition, the author needs to explain the specific description of the primary target market for the
company’s offer, including geographical location, demographic characteristics, the needs of the target
market, and how to meet those needs. Investigation regarding direct competitors and indirect competitors
are also presented in this section by stating the evaluation of the competitive advantages of each competitor
and the analysis of how companies can overcome the challenges to enter the selected industry.

1.2. Company’s Internal Environment

Internal environment contains the status of ownership of the company, its legal status, the history of the
company (for business that has been established), or plan to establish a company (for businesses that
did not exist yet). In this section must also describe the location of the company and the various facilities
of which can be used to support the business.

1.3. Problem Statement

This section describes the research gap or problems which become the focus of the research that is
expected to be solved by this study. The problem can be the need of conducting studies or evaluation
of existing business for existing companies, to develop/design new ideas as a new business unit and

22 M aster Thesis Handbook

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develop new products or new business concepts. The core of the problem statement is to reveal whether
the problems faced by the company (if the company has been established) or conditions or problems
underlying the establishment of a company (if the business did not yet exist) as a response to external
and internal environmental conditions.

1.4. Research Questions

The research questions must be stated in interrogative statements in a clear, concise and unambiguous
way. For Business Plan type, research questions must be answered by applying a concept to get a

1.5. Research Objectives

The research objectives contain the explanation of the specific target of the research. The research
objectives are made by using the statement sentences. The author is obliged to use the word “identifying”,
“designing”, “arranging”, “formulating”, “evaluating”, and avoid using the words “to know” or “to test” for
this type of thesis.

1.6. Research Contributions

This section elaborates the advantages and benefits which can be given to all relevant stakeholders
including business/company owner, employees, customers, or society.

1.7. Systematic of Writing

The author presents briefly the important parts/information of each chapter.


2.1. Literature Review/Theoretical Framework

The Literature Review/Theoretical Framework is a systematic description of some theories related to the
conducted case analysis. This Literature Review/Theoretical Framework should be able to describe the
facts related to the research directly from the source/primary literature sources. Secondary literature
sources can be used as a support of the primary literature sources. The sources used must include the
names and the published year in accordance with the sources listed in the bibliography. In addition,
it should present the results of several studies compiled by the author in chronological order. In order

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to provide a powerful explanation in this theoretical study, in-depth study/elaboration of the theory
associated with the research should be added. This Literature Review/Theoretical Framework is expected
to be a reference/frameworks to understand better of the problems and solve them.
In the Business Plan type, it is required to have a relevant literature review/theoretical framework which
will support the business plan starting from the business plan steps, data analysis and detailed action
plans. The author must consider two main criteria, namely the recent and relevance principles. Recent
principle is related to the knowledge used should be the most current theories. This is because the
science is growing rapidly. Therefore, the author is expected to argue based on theories that are deemed
most representative at the time of the study. The relevance principle meant that the author includes a
theoretical study that is closely related to the existing problems in the research.

2.2. Research Framework

Authors must present a research framework that describes the relationship between the concepts and
theories referenced in his/her the Business Plan Thesis.


3.1. Research Design

The author describes the research design as a reference for a research strategy that includes a brief
explanation of how to answer the research questions. In the Business Plan type, there are two research
design types that are commonly used which are explorative and descriptive. Exploratory design focuses
on the investigation of the phenomenon which has not caught clearly in previous research and aims to
establish a concept or theory or identifying new findings based on research data. While descriptive design
focuses on the description or depiction of research objects in a clear, coherent, complete, and systematic
way to gain picture or portrait comprehensively research.
Author should also describe the level of analysis of the Business Plan, either it is based on the individual,
group, region, business unit, company or organization.

24 M aster Thesis Handbook

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3.3. Data Collection Method
The author presents the types of data collected, data sources, data collection measures, timing of data
collection and sampling methods.
This section also describes how the data is obtained, whether the data obtained directly by the author for
the purpose of research (primary data) or the data collected and used by other authors for the benefit of
previous research (secondary data) or a combination of both. The author can collect data from documents
searching, interviews, observations, surveys, focus group discussion, and other relevant methods.

3.4. Research Instruments

The research instrument contains operational definitions, procedures for instrument development,
measurement methods and methods to validate the instrument.

3.5. Data Analysis Method

The author presents the data analysis methods used in order to answer the problem statements and
research questions and the reasons why this type of data analysis is used. Selection of the data analysis
methods depends on the research needs and should be in line with the research objectives.


4.1. Description of the Data

It contains the description of the data obtained. Description of the data can be presented in descriptive
statistics, frequency distribution accompanied with graphs or histograms, mean value, excerpts of
interviews, observation, etc.

4.2. Discussions
Upon the approval of the Thesis Supervisor, the student can choose to use one of three types of strategies
and business plans as presented in Table 1 below.

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Table 1 Strategy of Business Plan

Strategy of Business Plan

(1) Functional (2) Non-functional (3) Nine Building Blocks

Mission, Vision and Mission, Vision and Mission, Vision and

Objectives Objectives Objectives
Marketing Plan Arena Customer Segments
Operations Plan Vehicle Value Propositions
Human Resources Plan Differentiation Channels
Financial Plan Staging Customer Relationships
Sensitivity Analysis Economic Logics Key Partnerships
Feasibility Analysis Feasibility Analysis Key Resources
Exit Strategy Key Activities
Revenue Streams
Cost Structures
Feasibility Analysis


5.1. Activity Matrix

The author describes the stages of activities to execute the business plan drafted in the activity matrix.
This is to help managing the implementation of the strategy through the activities in detail, the inclusion
of the person in charge and the duration of the activity along with the targeted time (deadline).

5.2. Performance Measures

Each activity structured had to be explained with its performance measures. This is to project, monitor
and control the progress of each stage in the execution of the business plan.

26 M aster Thesis Handbook

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4.3. Closing Part of the Business Plan Thesis
The closing part of the Business Plan Thesis consists of two parts: a bibliography and appendix.

4.3.1. Bibliography
This section contains references or reading materials used by the author in his/her case analysis thesis.
The bibliography is arranged in alphabetical order and follow the guidelines from MM FEB UGM, using
Times New Roman 12ft, not bold, and single spacing. All references in the text (body text) should be listed
in the bibliography, and vice versa. For further information on the bibliography format, please refer to
Section 7.10.

4.3.2. Appendix
The appendix presents some additional explanations with more detailed information or data and
considered necessary for the thesis, but is not included in the main part of the thesis. Examples of
appendices to be attached to the thesis are among: complete data, interview transcript, observation
document, data analysis, etc. The numbering format in the appendices written in Roman numerals. The
writing format for the appendix is placed in the top center and followed by the title of the attachment. In
writing the appendices and titles are using capital letters, Times New Roman 12ft, bold.

Master Thesis Handbook

Master of Management Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada 27

Students of MM FEB UGM are required to write a thesis as a form of application of the knowledge obtained
based on their field of concentration. The thesis consists of three parts, namely the introduction, main
and closing.

5.1. Introduction Part of the Theories Testing Thesis

The introduction provides an introduction to the reader about the content and structure of the thesis,
which consists of the following sections.

5.1.1. Cover Page

Comprised of some information that are written sequentially as follows.

a. Title
The title should be written clearly and concisely, no ambiguity, and stated the exact research topic to be
studied. The title should be no more than 15 words, and written in capital letters, using Times New Roman
16ft, bold.

b. Thesis
Write the word “Thesis” under the title using Times New Roman 14ft, bold.

c. Thesis Objective
Write the word “To Fulfill the Requirement to Obtain a Master Degree” using Times New Roman 14ft, not

d. Program
Write the word “Master of Management” using Times New Roman 14ft, not bold.

28 M aster Thesis Handbook

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e. University Logo
Show the Universitas Gadjah Mada’s official logo in perforated black and white format (not gold or yellow
and white) and round shape (instead of a pentagon) with a diameter of 5.5 cm.

f. Student Name
Write “Submitted by” on the first line and the second line write the student’s full name as stated on the
birth certificate, without any degree or salutation and without any abbreviation of the name using Times
New Roman 14ft, bold.

g. Student ID Number
Under the name of the student, write a complete student registration number using Times New Roman
14ft, not bold.

h. Academic Institution
MADA (third row) using Times New Roman 14ft, bold.

i. Year
Write the year of which the thesis is written using Times New Roman 14ft, bold.

5.1.2. Title Page

The title page consists of one sheet paper and has the exactly same information as the cover page and
applied to the white paper.

5.1.3. Authorization Page

This page contains the signature of the supervisor and the examiners, along with the date of the exam.
This page has been provided by the Academic Unit.

5.1.4. Statement of Authenticity of Written Thesis Page

This page contains a statement of which the contents do not constitute a copy, nor the work of others
and the student is willing to be revoked from his/her title if later discovered the violation. The example of
statement page can be found in the appendix.

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5.1.5. Preface Page
Preface page contains an expression of gratitude from the author upon completion of the thesis research,
the gratitude is addressed to those who contributed in the writing process and also the hopes of the
author for the benefits of his/her thesis result.

4.1.6. Table of Content

Authors are required to show a table of contents to provide systematic information about the contents
of the thesis. Table of content page is arranged in sequence, starting from the very beginning, the main
part, and the closing part of the thesis. The table of contents will be written with the order starting from
chapter’s title, section, and sub-section titles followed by page number.

5.1.7. List of Tables

The author must present sequentially the list of tables including tables numbers, titles, and page numbers.

5.1.8. List of Figures

The author must present sequentially the list of figures including figures numbers, title, and page number.

5.1.9. List of Appendix

The author must present sequentially the list of appendices including the appendix’s number, title, and
page number.

5.1.10. List of Symbols and Abbreviations (if any)

If the thesis is using a lot symbols and abbreviations, it would require a special list for the symbolic meaning
and the abbreviations. List of symbols and abbreviations contains a list of symbols and abbreviations
used in the thesis along with their meaning and units.

5.1.11. Abstract and Keywords

Abstract/essence of the thesis is written in two languages, Indonesian and English. This section is a brief
description that contains as much as 100-300 words about the purpose of research, research methods,
and research results. The word “Abstrak or Abstract” is written in the top center of the page with capital
letters. The text in the abstract is written with a single space and it is required to include the keywords
that are placed under the abstract.

30 M aster Thesis Handbook

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5.2. Main Section of the Theories Testing Thesis
In the theories testing type, the student presents the provisional presumption of the relationship between
the variables in the formulation of a hypothesis. The main part as the core of the thesis consists of 5
chapters and ranges between 40-60 pages. In contrast to the proposal, in the thesis manuscript the
author reported the research that has been done so it has to avoid the use of the word “shall/will”. The
systematics of each chapter in accordance with the type of Theories Testing thesis is defined as follows.


1.1. Background
The author suggests the reason “why” a specific research topic is worth to be studied using a conceptual
basis, in the form of relevant theory and contextual foundation including a business issue or phenomenon.
Observation of the current business phenomena that is interesting and /or suitable/not in accordance
with the already existing concepts or theories can also be a research background.
Background can also be taken from the shortcomings/limitations and suggestions of previous studies
that have topics related to the selected research topic. Using the strong explanation of why certain issues
are important, interesting, and need to be investigated, the author has a stronger basis on doing his/her

1.2. Problem Statement

Based on the research background in the previous section, the author describes the research gap either
empirically, theoretically and methodologically based on both previous research studies and issues that
are going on. In writing the problem statement, the student must be at least explained clearly: “What is
the problem?” And “why the problem becomes interesting to be studied?” The problems are not stated
with interrogative sentences, but it is a statement of the problem.

1.3. Research Questions

The research questions must be stated in interrogative sentences, written in a clear, concise and
unambiguous way. For Theories Testing type, research questions must be answered empirically. For the
quantitative hypothesis deductive approach, it is common to use the question “what/is”.

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The author should have thought the availability of the data, data sources, and how to obtain the data
so they can have the confident that the research questions could be answered and the thesis can be

1.4. Research Objectives

The research objectives should be in accordance with the problem statements and the research questions.
The research objectives are made by using the statement sentences. The author is obliged to use the
word “to test” for this type of thesis.

1.5. Research Contributions

On the research benefits, the author presents his/her research contributions both for academics (from
the theoretical side) as well as practitioners (from the practical side). The statement of the benefits of
research should be clear, concise, and relevant to the research objectives that have been set. Try to avoid
stating that the benefit of the research is a matter that will not be generated from the research.

1.6. Research Scope

The author presents the context of his/her research which has been done such as the aspect of the
research sites/location, the main focus of theory and research methods used. Within the scope of the
study also includes the assumptions used and is a confirmation of the specific problems which will be
solved, so that it will not extend to things that are less relevant.

1.7. Systematic of Writing

The author presents briefly the important parts/information of each chapter.


2.1. Literature Review/Theoretical Framework

The Literature Review/Theoretical Framework is a systematic description of some theories related to the
conducted case analysis. This Literature Review/Theoretical Framework should be able to describe the
facts related to the research directly from the source/primary literature sources. Secondary literature
sources can be used as a support of the primary literature sources. The sources used must include the
names and the published year in accordance with the sources listed in the bibliography. In addition,
it should present the results of several studies compiled by the author in chronological order. In order

32 M aster Thesis Handbook

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to provide a powerful explanation in this theoretical study, in-depth study/elaboration of the theory
associated with the research should be added. This Literature Review/Theoretical Framework is expected
to be a reference/frameworks to understand better of the problems and solve them.
The Literature Review/Theoretical Framework of a research required two criteria, namely the recent
and relevance principles. Recent principle is related to the knowledge used should be the most current
theories. This is because the science is growing rapidly. Therefore, the author is expected to argue based on
theories that are deemed most representative at the time of the study. The relevance principle meant that
the author includes a theoretical study that is closely related to the existing problems in the research.

2.2. Previous Empirical Studies

Authors should present the results of empirical studies that have been previously carried out in
chronological order. The studies referred must be relevant to the topic of the research and strengthening
the hypothesis formulation.

2.3. Hypothesis Formulation

The hypothesis is a brief statement derived from the theories and acts as a temporary answer to the
given problem and still required to be validated. Provisional presumptions are defined by using scientific
knowledge/relevant theory and used as the basis of argumentation in studying the research problems.
Hypothesis is formulated in the form of relationship among variables and should be expressed in a clear,
precise, and logical sentence which then can be tested.

2.4. Research Model

To summarize the formulation of a hypothesis that has been presented in the narrative way in the previous
section, the author should present images/figure of the research model.


3.1. Research Design

The research design is used as a reference for the research strategy so that author can obtain data and
valid research tool in accordance with the characteristics and purposes of the research. This because it
will be used as the direction to connect between research questions with research methods. This section
also includes a brief explanation on how to answer the research questions.

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In this type, the author commonly uses explanatory design that focuses on testing the theory which already
established in the context of different research.

3.2. Data Collection Method

The author presents the type/types of data collected, data sources, data collection measures, timing of
data collection and sampling method whether it is using a probabilistic sampling or a non-probabilistic
The population is a group of people or objects that has the same characteristic in one or more aspects,
while the sample is part of a miniature (microcosm) of the population. The accurate description of the
characteristics of the population is important so that the selection and the sample size can be determined
precisely, accurately, and representatively.

3.3. Research Instruments

This section contains operational definitions, procedures for instrument development, measurement
methods and requirements of reliability test and validity test. This is necessary in order to avoid differences
in understanding or misunderstanding of the meaning, so it needs confirmation terms used in the study.
The terms which required affirmation are terms that related to key concepts in the research.

3.5. Data Analysis Method

The author presents a method to test reliability, validity, hypothesis testing, and other tests that are
relevant in order to answer the problem statements and research questions. Exposure of the data analysis
methods used in the study and the reason why this type of data analysis is used will be described in this
section. Selection of the type of data analysis depends on the research needs and should be in line with
the purpose of the research.


4.1. Description of the Data

It contains the description of the data which has gathered. The data can be presented in descriptive
statistics, frequency distribution accompanied with graphs or histograms, mean values, and so forth.
Author must explain the interesting findings from the data obtained.

34 M aster Thesis Handbook

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4.2. Instruments Accuracy Test
Author must present the instruments accuracy testing which includes the reliability and validity tests.
Author must inform the types of validity test (content, construct, criterion, nomological), the methods
used, the cut off figures for deciding the validity and authenticity of the results table and discussion.
Second, the author must describe the type of reliability tests (internal consistency, inter-rater, intra-rater/
test-retest, parallel), the method for testing the reliability, the cut off figure for deciding the reliability, and
reliability test results table followed by its elaboration.

4.3. Hypothesis Testing

Explanation of the result of hypothesis testing is presented in a short and concise manner in this section.
The author presents the results of hypothesis testing that begins with the formulation of Ho and Ha,
determining of significance level, and the results of hypothesis testing in the form of tables as a resume of
the statistic results (the complete print out is presented in the Appendix), accompanied by an explanation
whether the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is supported or not. The explanation is limited to the interpretation
of the statistical data results and its meaning only.

4.4. Discussions
The author presents answer to the research problems that have been described in Chapter I, the discussion
about the results of hypothesis testing, the link between research results with the results of previous
research, and linkages with relevant theories. Explanation of the results should be logically explained and
relate it with theories and phenomena along with strong evidence.


5.1. Conclusion
The conclusion of the research is described briefly, precisely, and directly related to the problem statements
and research objectives. The conclusion is the summary of the relevant discussions and can enrich the
research findings.

5.2. Implications
The implications of the research findings include two things: the theoretical and practical implications. The
theoretical implications associated with its contributions to the development of theories on the existing

Master Thesis Handbook

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knowledge and the practical implications related to its contributions to the strengthening of managerial
implementation in the context of the research and other similar organizational context.

5.3. Limitations
This section describes the limitations faced by the author in conducting the research.

5.4. Suggestion/Recommendation
The suggestions/recommendations given should be associated with the research topic and based on
the research findings, discussion/analysis and conclusions. Suggestions/recommendations should be
presented in a detailed and operational language so that other parties associated with research who want
to implement these suggestions can easily implement these suggestions.

5.3. Closing Part of the Theories Testing Thesis

The closing part of the Theories Testing Thesis consists of two parts: a bibliography and appendix.

5.3.1. Bibliography
This section contains references or reading materials used by the author in his/her theories testing thesis.
The bibliography is arranged in alphabetical order and follow the guidelines from MM FEB UGM, using
Times New Roman 12ft, not bold, and single spacing. All references in the text (body text) should be listed
in the bibliography, and vice versa. For further information on the bibliography format, please refer to
Section 7.10.

5.3.2. Appendix
The appendix presents some additional explanations with more detailed information or data and
considered necessary for the thesis, but is not included in the main part of the thesis. Examples of
appendices to be attached to the thesis are among: complete data, reliability tests result, validity tests
result, data descriptions, hypothesis testing results, data analysis, etc. The numbering format in the
appendices written in Roman numerals. The writing format for the appendix is placed in the top center
and followed by the title of the attachment. In writing the appendices and titles are using capital letters,
Times New Roman 12ft, bold.

36 M aster Thesis Handbook

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SK Rector of UGM No. 788/P/S/SK/HT/2010 dated December 27, 2010 requires that students provide
a Thesis Summary in Indonesian and English as one of the graduation requirement. The thesis summary
must be consulted with and approved by the thesis supervisor.
Thesis summary is the resume or the essence of the thesis which presented in accordance with the
provisions of a maximum length of 10 pages on A4 paper, Times New Roman 12ft, 1,5 spacing. Thesis
summary is written not in the form of chapter by chapter.
Thesis summary consists of three parts: the first part (cover, approval from thesis’ supervisor and table
of contents), the main part, and the closing section (bibliography). There is no need of any attachment for
the thesis summary. In general, the composition of the thesis summary is as follows.
1. Cover
2. Approval from Thesis’ Supervisor
3. Table of Contents
4. Abstract
5. Introduction
6. Literature Review/Theoretical Framework
7. Research Methods
8. Result and Discussion
9. Conclusion and Suggestion
10. References

6.1. Introduction Part of the Thesis Summary

The introduction part of the thesis summary consists of a cover page which include the title, author’s
name along with the student ID number, and academic institution. The cover page is not included in the
page number.

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In addition, the author shall include the approval from the thesis’ supervisor. In this part, the author also
provides the table of contents. The format of the cover page and the approval from the thesis’ supervisor
can be found in the appendix.

6.2. Main Part of the Thesis Summary

6.2.1. Abstract and Keywords

An abstract of 100-300 words, should be presented on a separate page before the manuscript text.
Abstracts should be relatively non-mathematical and provides details about the objectives, methods,
and results of the research and their contributions. The title of the thesis should be included, but not for
the author’s name or its affiliates. Author must include the keywords under the abstract so that it will be
easier for the reader to find it in the index.

6.2.2. Introduction
The author presents “why” the topic research is important and interesting from the theoretical, practical
and methodological side. The research gap must be clearly identified in this section, followed by the
objectives and research contributions.

6.2.3. Literature Review/Theoretical Framework

Author should present the theory to which he/she refers in the research, in-depth study of the referred
research variables or concepts, the study of the relationship among the variables which is based on the
results of previous studies.
For the Theories Testing type, it will be presented in the formulation of a hypothesis. The hypothesis
is written clearly and concisely that shows the relationship between the variables. Each hypothesis is
formulated to be based specifically on the theory and the results of previous research. In the final part of
the theoretical basis, should the author presents a model research.
For the Case Analysis and Business Plan types, it will be presented the research framework instead of
hypothesis formulation.

38 M aster Thesis Handbook

Master of Management Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada
6.2.4. Research Methods
The author presents the research design that has been used, the method of data collection as well as
response rate, variable measurement methods, research instruments, and statistical or non-statistical
methods used by the author in analyzing the data.

6.2.5. Result and Discussion

The author discusses the results of the data which had been collected, analysis of the data and their
interpretation. Followed by in-depth analysis and discussion of those results. Author should avoid the
statistical exercise and statistical interpretation only in this content, but more than that the author should
present a comprehensive and objective discussion.

6.2.6. Conclusion and Suggestion

The author presents the conclusions of the research in accordance with the formulation and research
purposes, then the theoretical and practical implications of this conclusion should be clearly informed.
Limitations of the study should also be presented along with suggestions for future research.

6.3. Closing Part of the Thesis Summary

The closing part consists of bibliography which compiled according to the rules and sorted alphabetically.
Bibliography used must be included in the main text. For the writing format of bibliography, please refer
to section 7.10.

6.4. Other Conditions

Upon the approval from the Thesis Supervisor, the thesis summary is scanned in PDF form and placed
together in a folder with the thesis manuscript’s PDF file to be used as a condition of graduation

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Master of Management Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada 39

For the document of the research proposal, thesis and thesis summary must fulfill the procedures of the
writing format as defined by MM FEB UGM as follows.

7.1. Material and Paper Size

The manuscript is printed one sided at 80-gram HVS paper sized A4 (297 x 210 mm). The final manuscript
draft which will be examined is submitted to the MM FEB UGM’s Academic Unit before it could be finalized

7.2. Typing Format

7.2.1. Font Type

The manuscript is typed using Times New Roman 12ft, except for tables and figures are using 10ft, as
well as its title is using 14ft.

7.2.2. Line Spacing

Manuscript should be written with double spacing. Single spacing is only used on the title page, table,
long direct quotes, and bibliography. Especially for the thesis summary, the manuscript is written with 1.5

7.2.3. Paragraph
For the beginning of each paragraph, the first word started on the 6 beats from the left edge of the left
margins. The manuscript is written by justified margins.

7.2.4. Margins
The manuscript is presented to the defined margins as follows.
Top margins: 4cm
Left margins: 4cm

40 M aster Thesis Handbook

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Bottom margins: 3 cm
Right margins: 3 cm
Especially for thesis summary, the limit of each margins are 1 inch.

7.2.5. Number of Words

The research proposal is written in between 10-20 pages (excluding bibliography and appendix).
Thesis is written in between 40-60 pages of the main part or ± 30,000 words (excluding the introduction
part, bibliography and appendix).
Thesis summary is written in a total of 10 pages.

7.2.6. Space
Manuscript must be served efficiently, therefore the pages should be fully written at the maximum capacity
which means that the typing should be started from the left edge to the right edge without any wasted
space except for starting a new paragraph, the list of equations, figures, tables, and sub chapter/title or
other matters.

7.2.7. Chapter’s Title, Section and Sub-section

The rules for writing the chapter’s title, section, and the sub-section are as follows.
a. Chapter’s titles should be written in bold with full capital letters, center, with a distance of 4 cm from
the top edge without full stop (.).
b. Sub-chapter’s titles should be written in bold, left alignment and capitalized each word except
conjunctions and prepositions, without full stop (.).
c. Sub-section’s titles should be written normally (not bold), left alignment and capitalized each word
except conjunctions and prepositions, without full stop (.).
d. The sequence of the numbering is done in stages, for example 1 digit for the chapter, 2 digits to
section (e.g. 2.1, 2.2) and 3 digits for sub-section (e.g., 2.1.1, 2.1.2).

7.2.8. Details
In the case of details that should be elaborated further, use the serial number with number or letter
corresponding to its sequence. The author is not allowed to use bullets or a “-” for the details.

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7.2.9. Page Number
a. All page numbers in the bottom right corner with a distance of 1 cm from the bottom.
b. The page number is written using Times New Roman 10ft.
c. The cover page is not included in the page number, while the early parts of the thesis manuscript are
using Roman numerals (i, ii, iii, and so on).
d. The main and closing part of the manuscript, ranging from the Introduction (Chapter I) up to the last
page (appendix) are using numerals (1, 2, 3, and so on).

7.3. Language

7.3.1. Language Used

The manuscripts are written in a formal Indonesian language, according to Enhanced Spelling Guidelines
(EYD). For international class, the manuscript is written in English with a British style.

7.3.2. Tenses
a. One paragraph consists of one main sentence and some supporting details. Author should not
use only one sentence for one paragraph. Sentences should be written formally, clearly and have
SPOK structure (subject-predicate-object-description), so it is clear, easy to understand, and
b. Author should not use first person pronouns (I), second-person pronoun (you) and the third person
pronouns (he/she, we, they).
c. In sentences in the manuscript, author should use the word “this research” or “this study” as the
personal pronoun.
d. In the Foreword page which contains the author’s gratitude, the word “I” is replaced by “Author” or

7.3.3 Terms
a. For Indonesia’s thesis, the terms used in the manuscript must be Indonesian or foreign language term
that has been absorbed into Indonesia. The author could refer to KBBI (Dictionary of Indonesian).
b. If any foreign language terms are used it should be written in italic.

42 M aster Thesis Handbook

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7.3.4 Preposition and prefix
a. Author should use proper punctuation, for example a comma (,) in the middle of a sentence or a
decimal number, while the dot (.) is used at the end of a sentence.
b. Prepositions, such as “on” may not be placed in front of the subject of the sentence.
c. The word “where” only used to indicate the place, and should not be used for or extending conjunctions
between sentences.
d. Conjunctions such as “so”, “then”, “while” not be used at the beginning of the sentence.
e. The use of “in” and “to” has to be precise, separated with the word that follows when referring to the

7.4. Table
a. Table is written using Times New Roman 10ft and single spacing.
b. Table is placed symmetrically in the center of the page and entitled according to the relevant chapter
and written sequentially. For example, the first table in chapter 2 will be entitled Table 2.1, the
second one would be Table 2.2. and so on.
c. Table’s number followed by the its title is placed above the table, without full stop (.).
d. Table’s title is written briefly and clearly using Times New Roman 10ft, bold, and capitalized each
words except prepositions and prefixes. For example, Table 2.1 Economic Growth in Indonesia.
e. The author is not advised to cut the table off to the next page. If the table includes more than one
page, the author must indicate that the table is a continuation from the previous page. On the next
page, write down the number and the word “continued” with no longer include the title of the table.
For example, Table 3.2 Continued.
f. Under the table, the author should inform the source of the data in the table. Example Sources:
World Bank 2011.
g. If the table is larger than the paper size or longer than the page, it should be placed in the
h. Table is presented with a single line without color (shading) and each column is named.

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7.5. Figure
a. Figure includes photo, graphic, illustration, schematics diagram and map.
b. Figure is placed symmetrically in the center of the page and entitled according to the relevant chapter
and written sequentially. For example, the first figure in chapter 3 will be entitled Figure 3.1, the
second one would be Figure 3.2. and so on and written using Times New Roman 10ft, single space.
c. Figure’s number followed by the its title is placed under the figure, without full stop (.).
d. Figure’s title is written briefly and clearly using Times New Roman 10ft, bold, and capitalized each
words except prepositions and prefixes. For example, Figure 1.1 Total Income of Middle Class
e. Figure’s number, title, image and source or explanation should be presented in one page, and the
author is not recommended to cut the figure/image in a separate page.
f. Under the figure’s number and title, the author should inform the source of the figure. Examples
Sources: World Bank 2011.
g. Figures are presented in good quality and proportional scale to the page.
h. If the figure is more than one page, the figure will be continued on the next page and indicated that
it is a continuation from the previous page. Example: Figure 1.1 Continued. If the figure contains a
quotation, sources should be written under the title.

7.6. Numbers and Units

a. Numbers are written with actual numbers e.g. growth of 5%, except at the beginning of the sentence,
it should be written in the form of words, for example Five professors.
b. Numbers in the form of a decimal are written with a dot (.) instead of the comma (,) for example
c. If a number is followed by its unit, the unit expressed in its official term without a dot, except at the
end of a sentence, for example the length of the road is 88.7 km between Yogyakarta and Solo.
d. Presentation for non-technical word will use “percent” in the text and for technical purposes will use
the symbol %.

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7.7. Equation
The equation in the form of a mathematical formula or other formulas is written with a normal number
and given the equation number in parentheses sequentially and set as align right.

7.8. Citation
The quotes which are more than 3 lines should be written in its original language and presented originally,
using Times New Roman 12ft, single space, and indented from the left edge. If these quotes are from a
foreign language it is written in italic.

7.9. Foot notes

The use of foot notes is very not advisable, except in the manuscript for publication which indicating the
corresponding author, and typed using single space with Arabic numerals superscript. Foot notes cannot
be used as a reference.

7.10. Bibliography Format

7.10.1. Inside the Text

a. For referred scientific papers which originated from a book, it should be written the author’s last
name, year of publication and specifically the page of the book behind the year by using (:) and a
space. For example: (Connely, 2004: 125). As for the reference source that comes from an article
which published in the journal, simply write the author’s name and year. For example: (Mankiw,
b. In the manuscript, the source of reference is written using the last name or surname (family name)
as well as the published year with a closing bracket. For example: (Connely, 2004).

b.1. The author’s name at the beginning of the sentence.

According to Connelly (2004), healthy behavior is a series of activities designed to influence the
consumption of goods and services, primarily for the purpose of health improvement or disease

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Master of Management Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada 45
b.2. The author’s name at the middle of the sentence.
In the core competencies concept of Hamel and Prahalad (1990) it is explained that besides
developing its business portfolio by dividing the technical competence and operation, the company
should also develop a structure and process for improving core competencies.
b.3. The author’s name at the end of the sentence.
Comprehensive analysis of the industry that aimed to be entered needs to be done so that the
diversification strategy can be directed to the efforts of creating value for its shareholders (Porter,
c. If the referred scientific papers are written by 2 authors, hence both of the authors’ names must be
Qualitative studies incorporate an array of interpretive techniques which sought to explain and
interpret certain phenomena that arise in social environment (Cooper and Schindler, 2006: 170).
Thompson and Strickland (2001) revealed the fact that as long as a company is able to increase the
capitalization value of their profit growth in the industry, the diversification policy is not the important
d. If the referred scientific papers are written by more than 2 authors, hence only the first authors’
names will be stated followed by the words “et al.,”
The resource-based view in a company described as a strategic asset that has the characteristics of
rare, valuable, imperfectly imitable and non-substitutable (Halawi et al., 2005).
e. If the referred scientific papers are written by more than 2 authors and all of the thoughts included
in the description, hence all of the sources should be mentioned and sorted from the earliest year.
Research of Awad et al., (2004), Olsen et al., (2004) as well as Pavlova et al., (2004), shows that the
increase in health care will affect the value of the individual’s willingness to pay health care.
f. If the referred scientific papers are from more than two sources, but the author is same, it should be
stated sequentially by the earliest year, for example (Mankiw, 1996; 2002; 2012).
g. If the referred scientific papers are from more than two sources, but the author is same and published
in the same year it will be written in sequence using a, b, c and so on behind the year, for example
(Mankiw, 1996a; 1996b; 1996c).

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h. If the referred scientific papers are many and we want to give some examples of articles that discuss
the topic, it is written with “e.g.”.
Besides being able to create added value for its shareholders, corporate strategy should also be able
to improve the performance of the company (e.g. Porter, 1987; Thompson and Strickland, 2001).
i. Quoting from a second source should mention the original author’s name and the name of the
author of the book or magazine referred and use the word “in”. Thesis’ author should strive wherever
possible to read the original source.
The same result is indicated also by Smith (1759 in Mankiw, 2001).
j. If the authors of scientific papers have been mentioned in the text referred to it does not need to be
mentioned in the reference. Example,
Mankiw (2001) says ...
k. If the referred scientific papers derived from the work of an institution as much as possible to use the
acronyms or abbreviations.
Increasing cooperation between countries is really needed as the imposed economic community of
Southeast Asian nations will be implemented soon (ASEAN Studies Center, 2011).

7.10.2. Bibliography
a. Bibliography arranged alphabetically by name based on the author’s last/family name of the referred
sources. Use initials of the first name of the author.
b. If an author has more than one referred scientific papers, then sort by year of publication, listed from
the earliest.
c. If an author has more than one referred scientific papers and published in the same year, state a, b,
c, etc., behind the year.
d. For references that originated from books or monographs, the format would be: state the author’s
last/family name followed by initials of the author’s first name, followed by the year of publication
with brackets, and the book’s title in italic, ended with the edition/issue, publisher’s identity and
location of the publication.

Dessler, H. (2005). Human Resource Management. Pearson Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
Kreitner, R. and Kinicki, A. (2010). Organizational Behavior, 9th edition. McGraw Hill, New York.

Master Thesis Handbook

Master of Management Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada 47
Anderson, D.R., Sweeney, D.J., and Williams, T.A. (1996). Statistics for Business and Economics, 6th
edition. West Publishing Company, Los Angeles.
e. For references that originated from an article of a periodic journal, the same format for book is
applied but the title of the article is in normal format and the name of a journal is in italic, followed
by volume, journal’s number and page number.
Gogineni, A., Alsup, R., and Gillespi, D.F. (1995). Mediation and Moderation in Social Work Research.
Social Work Research, 19 (1), 57-63.
Sharma, M. K. and Jain, S. (2013). Leadership Management: Principles, Models and Theories. Global
Journal of Management and Business Studies, 3 (1), 309-318.
f. For references that originated from book chapter or an article in a collective work, write as follows.
Intriligator, M.D. (1981). Major Policy Issues in The Economics of Health Care in The United State,
in J Van der Gaag and Perlman (Eds.). Health, Economics and Health Economics. North Holland
Publishing, Amsterdam.
Arvey, R.D., and Jones, A.P. (1985). The Use of Discipline in Organizational Settings: A Framework
for Future Research, in LL Cummings and BM Staw (Eds.). Research in Organizational Behavior,
7(1),179-180. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
g. For references that originated from an article published by a magazine, state the year, month, and
date of publication. Edition and page number is written at the end.
Raloff, J. (2001, May 12). Lead Therapy won’t help most kids. Science News, 15, pg. 292.
h. For references that originated from articles published in the newspaper, state the author’s name
followed by the date of publication, title, name of the newspaper and pages.
Diedrichs, E. (2014, February 9). Merangsang Inovasi. Bisnis Indonesia Weekend, pg. 9.
Lohr, S. (2004, December 3). Healthcare Technology Is A Promise Unfinenaced. The New York Times,
pg. C5.
i. For references that originated from a book review or other media which published periodically, state
the review’s title, followed by the word “review of the book” and the title of the book in upright
Gleick, E. (2000, December 14). The Burdens of Genius [review of the book The Last Samurai]. Time,
156, 171.

48 M aster Thesis Handbook

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j. For references that originated from the translation of a document, state the translation of the title,
followed by the name of the translator and abbreviations “Trans” (meaning translators) in parentheses.
Add the publication year of the original document in brackets at the end.
Steinberg, M. D. (2003). Voices of Revolution, 1917. (M. Schwart, Trans). New Haven, CT: Yale
University Press. (Original work published in 2001).
Brigham, E.F., and Houston, J.F. (2001). Buku II Manajemen Keuangan edisi kedelapan (Herman
Wibowo, Trans). Jakarta, Erlangga. (Original work published in 1998).
k. For references that originated from an online document (from internet) and has a printable version,
then state “electronic version” and the URL link is not necessary.
Liboshi, H. (2012). Measuring the Effects of Monetary Policy: A DSGE-DFM Approach (electronic
version). Economic and Social Research Institute, 292.
Whitmeyer, J.M. (2000). Power through appointment (electronic version). Social Science Research,
29(4), 535-555.
l. For references that originated from an online document (from internet) which does not have a printed
version, it is stated with the accessed date.
Asche, D.D., and McCutcheon, L.E. (2001). Shyness, loniliness, and attitude toward celebrities.
Current Research in Social Psycology, 6(9). Available at
crisp6.9html, accessed on 3 July 2001.
m. For references in the form of articles that are accessed through the library database, state the
accessed date, database name, and document number.
Holiday, R.E., and Hayes, B.K. (2001). Dissociating Automatic and Intentional Processes in Children’s
eyewitness memory. Journal of Experimental Child Psycology, 75(1), 1-5. Available at Expanded
Academic ASAP database (A59317972), accessed on 21 February 2001.
n. For references that originated from web documents, state the author’s name, date of publication,
and the title of the chapter or specific web pages (section). Then state ‘in’ and write down the title of
the document, followed by the information in parentheses. Include also the accessed date and the
URL of the web page.
Chain, P. (1997). Same or Different?: A Comparison of the Beliefs Australian and Chinese University
Students Hold about Learning’s in Proceedings of AARE conference Swisburne University. Available
at, accessed on 27 May 2000.

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Master of Management Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada 49
Heuer, R.J.,Jr. (1999). Keeping an open mind in Psychology of Intelligence Analysis (Chapter 6).
Available at http://www/, accessed on 7 July 2001.
o. For references that originated from the web page but without the author’s name, state the name of
the organization or company.
The Star. (2013). More Accountants Needed: Says MIA Chief. Available at http://www.thestar.
accessed on 21 August 2014.
p. For references quoted from the television program, state the name of the producer and the date of
the program aired. After the title, write ‘television broadcast’, TV stations and the city.
Pratt, C. (2001, December 2). Face the nation (television broadcast). DC: CBS News, Washington.
Suryopratomo. (2013, December 9). Economic Challenges: Mengukur Kinerja Industri (television
broadcast). Metro TV, Jakarta.
q. For references that originated from the paper, thesis, or dissertation abstract are written as follows.
Novizantara, A. (2011). Pendekatan DCF dan Relative Valuation untuk Mengestimasi Nilai Wajar
Saham PT. Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Dalam Rangka IPO. Thesis Abstract. Postgraduate Program
Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta.
Yoshida, Y. (2004). Essay in Urban Transportation. Dissertation Abstract International. Boston
College, Massachusetts.
r. For references that originated from unpublished work in the form of seminar papers, thesis, or
dissertation are written as follows.
Angeline, I. (2007). Analisis Pengaruh Likuiditas Saham, Tingkat Leverage dan Risiko Sistematik
terhadap Return Saham (non-published thesis). Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta.
Sukarman, W. (2003). Liberalisasi: Ekonomi-Politik Perbankan Masa Orde Baru (non-published
dissertation). Postgraduate Program Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta.

50 M aster Thesis Handbook

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8.1. Registration
After getting the thesis approved by the Supervisor to be examined, students are encouraged to register
the thesis examination as soon as possible with the following process.
8.1.1. Declared to be free from the theory (no pending lectures or exams) with a minimum of grade point
average (GPA) 3.00 without a D, and a maximum of two values C, or C +.
8.1.2. Fill the thesis examination registration form at the Academic Unit by attaching.
a. Print-out academic transcripts.
b. Triplicate copies of the thesis approved (complete thesis).
c. Thesis guidance control card which has been filled out and signed by the Supervisor.
8.1.3. Completing all the administration fees and financial requirements to the Department of Admissions
and Financial Section.
8.1.4. Submit the completed form to Academic Unit.
8.1.5. Schedule of the thesis examination will be informed via phone and email to the number/email
stated on the form.
8.1.6. In general, thesis examination will be scheduled on the 10th until the 20th of the following
month after the registration. But the schedule will depend on the availability of the Examiners

8.2. Execution
After the thesis exam’s schedule is announced, students will take the thesis exam in the following order.

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8.2.1. Coming 30 minutes before the exam started.
a) Attend the briefing by academic staff.
b) Prepare a presentation file on a computer that has been provided.
c) Delay/lateness can lead to failing of the thesis exam.

8.2.2. Entering the exam room.

a) Sign the minutes of the thesis examination.
b) Presentation of the thesis by student in the presence of three examiners.
At the time of the thesis exam, students were asked to present his/her thesis using Power
Point (10-15 slides) with a maximum of 15 minutes. Systematics PowerPoint presentation
include the title, the formulation of the problem, objectives, benefits/contributions, relevant
theories, research model/framework, methods, analysis, findings, and conclusions.

8.2.3. Evaluation Rating by Testing Team

After the examiner team held discussions on the assessment, the announcement of the thesis examination
will be notified individually, or in accordance with the policy of the Examiners Team Leader.
In the thesis exam, the student will be assessed on the following aspects.
a. Substance (Analytical and Method)
The substance aspect is including the analysis capabilities, especially in terms of detail issues/problems,
the adequacy of the theoretical basis, the quality of the analysis, and also the fitness between the
conclusions and recommendations. Another aspect is the research method such as quality of the research,
suitability of research approach, the accuracy of the data collection process until the data processing.
b. Written Communication
Three aspects of the written communication are the writing organization, argumentation ability and
professional writing style. Writing organization includes writing clarity, continuity between paragraphs
to the conciseness of the writing. While the ability to argue assessed on the ability to provide logical
arguments as well as the ability to provide strong evidences. Professional writing styles is seen from the
student’s ability to meet the professional writing style format, persuasive, and also provide insight into
his/her writing.

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c. Oral Communication
Aspects of verbal communication consists of four components, namely the presentation skills, use of
media presentation, the ability to deliver a good presentation, and the ability to answer the questions
addressed by the Examiners Team.

8.2.4. Thesis Examination Result

The results of the thesis exam can be categorized as follows.
a) Pass Without Revision
Students who are stated as Passed Without Revision, the grade is directly given by the Examiners Team.
Afterwards, students can ask Certificate of Graduation in Alumni section.
b) Pass with Revision
When students are stated as Pass with Revision, the new grade will be given after the revision is approved.
Deadline for the thesis revision is maximum of 1 (one) month, or as may be informed by the Chairman of
Examiners Team.
c) Not Passed
Students who are stated as Not Passed, must re-register for another thesis examination.
Students who are Passed will be given thesis title page and authorization page to be used as a one of the
graduation requirements.

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Thesis Proposal
To Develop Master Thesis
in Master Management

Submitted by
Pikri Ilham Kurniansyah
ukuran kertas A4


56 M aster Thesis Handbook

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Master Thesis Handbook

Master of Management Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada 57

As a partial fulfillment to achieve a Master Degree

Study Program in Master of Management

Submitted by
Pikri Ilham Kurniansyah
ukuran kertas A4


58 M aster Thesis Handbook

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Master of Management Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada 59
Table 1.1 Indonesia Economic Growth

Indonesia Economic Growth (%) 2011 2012

Society Consumption 2,7 2,9
Government Consumption 0,3 0,6
Investment (PMTB) 1,9 2,8
Exports 7,1 5,1
Imports -5,3 -4,7
Sumber: Laporan BPS 2012

Figure 1.1 Non Degree Program Data 2012-2015

Source: Annual Report MM FEB UGM

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Master of Management Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada 61
“We have some facilities including 18 classrooms and 12 discussion rooms, 5 operational vehicles, 40
computers in the computer laboratory, and also a library, student lounge and equipment that is already
available” (Head of Facility MM FEB UGM Jakarta).

“A lecturer or practitioner has also become an important intangible asset. Because we choose the qualified
human capital, which is why the majority of the lecturers are Doctorate graduates or having doctoral
degree/PhD. Even if they still hold Master, we choose an experienced Master graduates“ (Director of MM
FEB UGM Jakarta).

“The efficiency can be achieved due to the hard work of the team on the ground, they are entitled to enjoy
the fruits of his hard work. The Company distributed bonus from company savings.“ (Informant 1).

62 M aster Thesis Handbook

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Master Thesis Handbook

Master of Management Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada 63

Submitted by:
Pikri Ilham Kurniansyah
ukuran kertas A4



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Submitted by:
Pikri Ilham Kurniansyah

Approved by:
ukuran kertas A4

B.M. Purwanto, M.B.A., Ph.D.

66 M aster Thesis Handbook

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Master Thesis Handbook

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Master of Management LG: Communication
Faculty of Economics and Business LO: Written Professional Reports
Universitas Gadjah Mada

Formulir Penilaian Ujian Tesis

(Thesis Examination Evaluation Form)
TANGGAL (DATE): July 28, 2015
JAM (TIME): 07:30 - Complete


A. Substansi (Analytical and Method)
3 2 1
3: Exceeds standards; 2: Meets standards; 1: Fails standards
1. Kemampuan Analitis 1. Kerincian isu/masalah
(Analytical Skills) Details of issue/problems
2. Kecukupan tinjauan literatur
Adequacy level of literature review
3. Kualitas analisis dan diskusi penelitian
Quality of analysis and discussions of research
4. Kesesuaian antara simpulan dan rekomendasi
Alignment between conclusion and recommendation
2. Metode Penelitian 5. Kualitas pertanyaan penelitian (dinyatakan dengan jelas atau dapat menun-
(Research Method) jukkan faktor/variabel/indikator yang diteliti dan relevan dengan isu terkini)
Quality of research questions (clearly stated or showing factors/variables/
indicators under investigation and, relevant to current issues)
6. Kesesuaian pendekatan penelitian (landasan teori/konsep, metode analisis &
alat analisis) terhadap pertanyaan penelitian
Appropriateness of the approach (theoretical/conceptual background, analysis
method & tools) to research questions
7. Akurasi proses pengumpulan data
Accuracy of the data collection process
8. Akurasi pengolahan data
Accuracy of the data processing
Sub Total Analitis dan Metode (Analytical and Method) =

Penguji (Examiner) I,

Bayu Sutikno, Ph.D.

Evaluation Component A Page 1 from 3

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NAMA M AHASISWA (NAME OF STUDENT): Pikri Ilham Kurniansyah
TANGGAL (DATE): July 28, 2015
JAM (TIME): 07:30 - Complete

B. Komunikasi Tertulis (Written Communication)

3 2 1
3: Exceeds standards; 2: Meets standards; 1: Fails standards
3. Pengorganisasian Tulisan 1. Kejelasan penulisan (jelas dan dapat dipahami)
(Organization) Clarity of writing (clear and understandable)
2. Kesinambungan paragraf-paragraf dalam mendukung
topik penelitian dengan kuat
Coherence of writing
3. Keringkasan tulisan (singkat dan jelas)
Conciseness of writing (short and clear)
4. Kemampuan Berargumentasi 4. Kemampuan memberikan argumen yang logis
(Argumentation) Ability to provide logic arguments
5. Kemampuan memberikan bukti yang kuat
Ability to provide strong evidence
5. Gaya Penulisan Profesional 6. Kemampuan memenuhi format gaya penulisan profesional
(Professional Writing Style) Ability to comply with format of professional writing style
7. Gaya penulisan yang persuasif
Persuasive writing
8. Kemampuan untuk memberikan tilikan dalam penulisan
Ability to provide insight in writing
Sub Total Komunikasi Tertulis (Written Communication) =

Penguji (Examiner) I,

Bayu Sutikno, Ph.D.

Komponen Penilaian B Halaman 2 dari 3

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TANGGAL (DATE): July 28, 2015
JAM (TIME): 07:30 - Complete

C. Komunikasi Lisan (Oral Communication)

3: Exceeds standards; 2: Meets standards; 1: Fails standards 3 2 1

1. Kemampuan Presentasi 1. Kejelasan (jelas dan dapat dipahami) dan keringkasan presentasi
(Structure of Presentation) Clarity (clear and understandable) and concisness of presentation
2. Koherensi presentasi
Coherence of presentation
2. Penggunaan Media 3. Kemampuan menggunakan media presentasi secara efektif
Presentasi Ability to use media of presentation effectively
(Use of Media) 4. Kemampuan menyampaikan presentasi yang menarik
Ability to show presentation attractively
3. Kemampuan Melakukan 5. Kemampuan bersikap dan menggunakan bahasa tubuh
Presentasi dengan Baik secara tepat
(Professional Mannerisms) Ability to use gesture and body language appropriately
6. Kemampuan memilih kata dan intonasi yang tepat
Ability to choose words and tone accurately
4. Kemampuan Menjawab 7. Kemampuan memberikan pendapat logis
Pertanyaan (Reasoning) Ability to provide logic arguments
8. Kemampuan memberikan bukti yang kuat
Ability to provide strong evidence

Sub Total Komunikasi Lisan (Oral Communication) =

Direkomendasikan untuk dipublikasikan □ Ya (Yes) □ Tidak (No)

Penguji (Examiner) I,

Bayu Sutikno, Ph.D.

Komponen Penilaian C Halaman 3 dari 3

70 M aster Thesis Handbook

Master of Management Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada
Master of Management LG: Communication
Faculty of Economics and Business LO: Written Professional Reports
Universitas Gadjah Mada

Formulir Penilaian Ujian Tesis

(Thesis Examination Evaluation Form)


TANGGAL (DATE): July 28, 2015
JAM (TIME): 07:30 - Complete

Komunikasi Komunikasi
Tertulis Lisan
(Analytical (Written (Oral
and Method) Communication) Communication)
1 Bayu Sutikno, S.E., M.S.M., Ph.D.
2 Shellyana Junaedi, Dr., M.Si.
3 Yulia Arisnani Widyaningsih, M.B.A.,
Ph.D. (Thesis Advisor)
Ketentuan Nilai Akhir
Batas Lulus Nilai Tesis TESIS LULUS (PASSED)/
(Thesis Passing Grade) TESIS TIDAK LULUS Nilai Akhir di berikan
(A+B) >= 96 (FAILED)* jika (A+B) >= 96 dengan
jumlah skor A+B+C sbb:
(Thesis Grade will be
issued if (A+B) >= 96
with total score A+B+C
as follows)
NILAI AKHIR 72 - 143: F#
(FINAL GRADE) Nilai dalam Abjad (Grade in Letter) 144 - 172: B
173 - 183: B+
184 - 193: A-
194 - 216: A
F#=Tidak Lulus (Failed)

*) If the thesis grade (A+B) < 96 students are required to totally revise their thesis and re-examined. Choose whichever applicable.

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Master Thesis Handbook

Master of Management Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada 73
Master of Management
Faculty of Economics and Business
Universitas Gadjah Mada


On Tuesday, July 28th, 2015 in room R. Tesis2 at the Master of Management Study Program Building,
Universitas Gadjah Mada, a Thesis Examination was conducted.

Type of examination: Oral

Time of examination: 07:30- Complete
Student examined: Pikri Ilham Kurniansyah
Examiners 1: Bayu Sutikno, S.E., M.S.M., Ph.D.
Examiners 2: Nurul Indarti, Siviløkonom., Cand. Merc., Ph.D.
Examiners 3/ Advisor : B.M. Purwanto, M.B.A., Ph.D.
Grade: A, A-, B+, B,Failed *
RESULT: Passed / Failed
With revision / No revision


This statement is made in good faith.

Examiner I Examiner II

Bayu Sutikno, Ph.D. Nurul Indarti, Siviløkonom., Cand. Merc., Ph.D.

Examiner III/Advisor

B.M. Purwanto, M.B.A., Ph.D.

* circle as appropriate

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Master of Management Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada 75
Master of Management
Faculty of Economics and Business
Universitas Gadjah Mada


I, the undersigned, state that this written thesis entitled:

and presented for examination on July 28, 2015, is my own work.

I hereby solemnly state that this thesis does not contain, in whole or in part, the work of any other person, in the form of plagiarized
or copied phrases or symbols showing the ideas or thoughts of another writer presented as if they were my own; nor does it contain,
in part or in whole, writing that I have copied, plagiarized or taken from the writing of another person without recognizing the original

In the event that, knowingly or otherwise, I have undertaken the above, I shall withdraw the thesis I have presented as my own work.
If, henceforth, it is proven that I copied or plagiarized the work of another person presenting it as if it were my own, the degree and
diploma awarded by the university shall be revoked.
Yogyakarta, July 28, 2015

Pikri Ilham Kurniansyah
1st Witness, the thesis advisor and member of the thesis examination team:

B.M. Purwanto, M.B.A., Ph.D.
2nd Witness, the member of the thesis examination team :

Nurul Indarti, Siviløkonom., Cand. Merc., Ph.D.

3rd Witness, the member of the thesis examination team :

Bayu Sutikno, Ph.D.

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Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Ujian Tesis
(Thesis Examination Guidelines)

1. Jika penguji menemukan adanya kesalahan konsep dan metoda yang fundamental, maka tim penguji
dapat menyatakan tesis mahasiswa tersebut belum layak untuk diuji.
(Provided that examiners found fundamental flaws of concepts and methods in the student’s thesis,
examiners may declare that the thesis is not eligible to be examined)
2. Mahasiswa wajib menyampaikan materi presentasi dalam bentuk power point atau sejenisnya. File tersebut
harus disimpan dan siap ditayangkan pada komputer dan layar proyektor yang disediakan di ruang ujian.
(Student must make presentation material in the form of powerpoint file or alike. The file must be saved in
the computer and ready to be displayed on monitor projector provided in the examination room)
3. Mahasiswa melakukan presentasi maksimal 15 menit dan tidak boleh diinterupsi.
(The presentation must not exceed 15 minutes and it shall not be interupted)
4. Total durasi ujian (termasuk presentasi mahasiswa) maksimal 60 menit.
(Total duration of the exam (including student presentation) is 60 minutes max)
5. Penilaian tesis dan presentasi adalah sebagai berikut:
(Thesis and presentation evaluation is following:)
• Batas lulus nilai tesis (komponen A+B) adalah 96.
[Thesis passing grade (total score of component A+B) is >= 96].
• Jika nilai tesis (A+B) < 96 maka mahasiswa wajib merevisi total tesisnya dan akan diuji ulang.
[If the thesis score (A+B) < 96, then the student is obliged to revise (major revision) his/her thesis
and will be scheduled for re-examination].
• Jika tesis dinyatakan lulus, maka nilai akhir (dalam huruf) ditentukan berdasarkan penjumlahan nilai
pada komponen A+B+C dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut:
[Provided that the thesis is declared as passed, the final grade (stated in letter) is determined by the
total score of components A+B+C as follow:]

78 M aster Thesis Handbook

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=< 143 : F/Tidak Lulus (Fails to meet standards)
144 - 172 : B (meets standards)
173 - 183 : B+ (meets standards)
184 - 193 : A- (exceeds standards)
194 - 216 : A (exceeds standards)

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