Home Assignment Global Interaction Identity, Causality Sustainability

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Name: Subject: I&S MYP Year: 3

Unit title: Economic Powers Home Assignment

Key concept: Related Global context: Globalization and
Global Interaction concept(s): Powers, Sustainability
Identity, Causality
Statement of Inquiry: Globalization may cause change in power relations which affect
identities of nations.
ATL: Transfer: Apply skills and knowledge in unfamiliar situations
Critical thinking skills: Formulate factual, topical, conceptual and debatable questions
Time set for assignment: Time Taken: Date: Sept 06, 2018
40 min.

Source 1:
Source 2:

Statement by Kabongo, chief of the Kikuyu people in what is today Kenya, as told to Richard St.
Barbe Baker in the 1950s:

“Something has taken away the meaning of our lives; it has taken the full days, the good work in
the sunshine, the dancing and the song; it has taken away laughter and the joy of living; the kinship
and the love within a family; above all, it has taken from us the wise way of our living in which our
lives from birth to death were dedicated to Ngai, supreme of all, and which, with our system of
age groups and our Councils, insured for all our people a life of responsibility and goodness.
Something has taken away our belief in our Ngai and in the goodness of men. And there is not
enough land on which to feed.

These good things of the days when we were happy and strong have been taken, and now we
have many laws and many clothes, and men dispute among themselves and have no love. There is
discontent and argument and violence and hate, and a vying with each other for power. And men
seem to care more for disputes about ideas than for the fullness of life where all work and live for
The young men are learning new ways, the children make marks which they call writing, but they
forget their own language and customs, they know not the laws of their people, and they do not
pray to Ngai. They ride fast in motorcars, they work fire-sticks that kill, they make music from a
box. But they have no land and no food and they have lost laughter.”

Source: Richard St. Barbe Baker, Kabongo: The Story of a Kikuyu Chief (Wheatley, UK: George
Ronald, 1955), 126.

Read the sources carefully and answer the following Question:

1. Explain meanings of the following terms in your own words. (Criterion A)

White Man’s burden
Cultural imperialism

2. Using sources 1 and 2 examine the impact of imperialism on life of people of the
colonies. (Criterion A and D)
3. ‘A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree
without roots.’
With reference to the statement of Inquiry, you have been asked to interview young men
of Kenya who are getting influenced by Western culture. Formulate one clear and
focused research question that you will ask these men. Your research question should help
guide your investigation into the impact of western culture on Kenya. Justify the relevance
of your research question to the statement of inquiry.

Note: a “clear and focused research question” should include a named time, place or
space that is relevant to the concept or context identified in the statement of inquiry.
(Criterion B)
Question Justification

4. Evaluate source 2 on the basis of its origin, purpose, value and limitation. (Criterion D)

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